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[ TBa Bal'1'l8ll
MnlCAL JoualU.L IIS7
ately, and what he once acquired he retained. With such
OBITUARY. gifts, of course he won prius and class distinctions; he
passed his examinations for the degrees of M.B., B.S. at
the earliest moments, and oarried off three university
EDWARD MARKHAM SKERRITr, M.D., F.R.C.P.LoND., gold medals-for Physiology, Medicine and Obstetric
Medicine. In 1874 he graduated M.D.
COLLEGE, BRISTOL : AND SRNIOR PHYSICIAN, At the hospital he served as Sir John Eriohsen'S House-
~BRISTOL GENERAL HOSPlTAL. Surgeon and Sir William Jeuner's House-Physician, and
WB had the sorrowlul duty last week of auuoullQing the those who knew them both oan well appreciate how much
premat1U'e death, ·from heart fdilure afte!' pneumonia, of the genius of the great physician and clinical teacher
Dr. Markham Skerritt of Bristol. formerly Tteasurer.of the impresse!i itself upon his young assistant. 8kerrit.t won
British Medical Association. We are aWe by the kind- the Atkinson-Morley Surgical Scholarship, which was the
ness of friends to give some acooun~ oIhiB strenuous highest surgical prize open to him. As a ; mark of his
(l8l'eer. distinction as a student he was elected a Fellow of
Edward Markham Bkerritt wa,e bom at Chelsea on University College. Skerritt was a very reserved
Deoember30th, 1848, his parents being Mr. James B~erritt man, courteous to all, and easy to become acquaintei
aad Mary Delia his wife. He 19" given the name of with, but difficult to ~owl He was, however, liked by
Edward after his father's brother, lind he was called all his fellow ttudents i the), admired his ability, they
lrlarJrham to associate were attracted byh1s
him with bis 'ather's simplestmightforward-
propert)', OD part of ness, and, with the
whieh DOW stands quick perception of
Markham 8quare. His youth, they saw that
parents .WMe Dis- beneath his l7eserve of
senters, and came of a manner he hid a warm
Puritan stock, and and generoaaheart. .,
some will think that Earlv in 1875 thue
they CaD. traoe in was a vacano:y for a
Mar~Sken:i.I;' the physician at. the Gene-
in1llMD08 of this in- ralHospilal, BliSto1,
herif;auee of a ragged and Bkerritt deter-
righteoun8118. He was miDed to compete lor
eent -for a short time it; he. had to make a
to Mill Hill School, but personal oanvass 01 the
in 1863 his parents Governors,· who very
moved from Chelsea to wisely elected him. aDd
Wokillibam, and it was he -bas served them
more convenient to with unsurpassed 10),-
eend him. to .A.meraham alty for thir~y - two
Han School, which had year••
recently moved from
Amenbam to Caver- The 6:lllowing Be-
sham. To 'bis sehool, ceuDt of Markham
whlDh 19&8 conducted BkerDtt.'slife in Bristol
by Mr. E. West, many is from the pen .of an
prominent Dissenters old .friend and - col-
lent their sons, and league:
among young Bkerritt's It would be diffi.eult
schoolfellows were Mr. to euggerate the deep
Birrell, Dr. W. S. feelings of sorrow and
Greenfield, Mr. J. W. regret that spread over
Lord, Mr. Buckston medical circles in
Browne, and man)' Bristol when it became
others who have since known that Dr. Mark-
gained distinction in ham Surritt was dead.
various walks of Iile; His illness was of such
the present Master of shon duration that
the Rolls had just left many of his friends
the school when had not heard of it, so
Bkerritt entered. His that his death was a
early education was great shock and sur-
in an atmosphere of prise to them. His
robust and vigorous s.o mewhat spare bat
Liberaliam, combined _lithe .and wiry figure
with a good deal of self-repression. On leaving school was so familiar -as he drove or bicycled through the
he matriA!u1ated at the University of London. (1866), streets of our cit)' on the almo3t ceaseless round of
and thea -continued his arts course at Uni"er8ity Oollege, his very busy life, that it is hard to realize that
and graduated B.A-Lond. in 1868. In the following year we shall see him no more. But his work remains as
he . passed his Prelim. Sci. M.B. Examinatlon, and in an uample. :which all might worthily follow. The
October, 1869, entered University College as a medical' writer of. :these notes desires to speak onl), 01 his
student. That school was just then in a very prosper&1is . pe.r8ODBlcharacteristice as the), appeared to a friend
and vigor011l state, its claBSell were full and attracted a and colleague of more than thirtyyear&, and to give a brief
large proportion of the ablest students of medioine in' Sllmmary of his professional life in Bristol; but even this,
London. It would be . invldi011l to mention names, but if adequately recorded, would be loog to tell, as it would
the (lurious in Buch matters can easily discover that many involve a recital of the medical history of Bristol since
of Skerritt's fellow students have come to the very fore- 1875, Dr. Skerritt having been 8S11)ciated with, and
front of their profession and are to be found not only on generally taking a leadiog part in, all movements tending
the staff of his Alma Mater but also on the ata1l'sof other to promote the progress of medicine and the welfare
hospitals in London and in the provinces. Pitted against of the various institutions and societies with which he
such competitors Skerritt easily held his own and from was connected. When Dr. Skerritt first came to Bristol
the first was recognized as one of the ablest men of his a youog andunknowliL man, to staIt in praollile as a
period. With ability he combined unflagging ind1lStry physiciaD,the outlook was not very encouraging, as the
and a singularly methodical and orderly habit of mind. field seem~ : fully occupied, but he was hopeful, aDd
He aequired knowledge readlly, but he also learnt accur- became somelears before his death ODe of tbe mos

successful and best· known physicians in the We~t of to nearly the close of his life as Lecturer or Professor of
England; there are few men in- this locality who will be Medicine, only retiring less than two years ago, when a
more widely missed or who were more universally great sorrow came upon him by the death of his daughter
respected and esteemed than Markham Skerritt. As far and only child, the Oouncil of University College confer-
as can be seen, he owed his success entirely to himself, ring upon him the distinction of electing him Emeritus'
his genuine merit, his great industry and perseverance, Professor. As a lecturer Dr. Skerritt was clear and precise,
his strict probity, and sound common seme. His great giving the students just what they required, and they
success was not due to any adventitious causes; though listened to him with attention, appreciation, and profit.
pleasant in address, he was not of commanding presence; Dr. Skerritt was for a great many years Secretary to the
he was by nature rather reservE'd in manner to strangers; old Bristol Medical School, and when it was incorporated
he cultivated no so-called bedside manner, but was to his with University College he became the first Dean of the
patients, a9 he was to all who knew him, plain, straight- Medical Faculty. These offices were no sinecure,and gave
forward, and natural, and, his patients and those who him an enormous amount of· work, as. the negotiations for
sought his advice in conSUltation always felt that he was incorporation extended over some years, and it is not too
giving them of his best; nor did he cultivate to any great much to say that to him more than to any other indi-
extent those social amenities which some men find so vidual it is due that the medical school is now an integral
serviceable, though to his :medical friends he was a kind part of Bristol University College. As Dean, Dr. Skerritt
and genial host at the not infrequent dinners he USEd to was e:1: "jJiciQ a member of the Council of the College, and
give before the Branch on all matters medical
and other medical was the authority, but
meetings, and many of his knowledge of busi-
us have pleasantrecol- ness, his sound judge-
lections of bis generous ment, and shrewd com-
and refined hospitality. mon sense made him
Dr. Skerritt had no a valuable member of
eccentricities, and the Council in all that
nothing in outward related to the welfare
demeanour to dis- of the College. So far
tinguish him from the as his public appoint-
most ordinary of men; ments were concerned,
he was modest and no doubt the great
unassertive,but those work of his life was in
who knew him were connexion with the
aware that he had defi . hospital and medical
nite opinions on most school, in bGthof which
subjects, and that when institutions be will be
he - had once formed long and freshly re·
them he held to them membered. He held
-with persistency -and every office which the
quiet determination. local profession had to
His perfect integrity offer. He was Presi-
-and steadfastness of dent of the Bath and
purpose in all that he Bristol Branch of the
undertook were among British Medical Asso-
his leading character· ciation, President of
istics. He was a most the Bristol Medico-
loyal colleague' and Chirurgical Society,
trustworthy friend; and for many years
,his' Bound and impar- Honorary Phy sician to
tial jndgement, coupled the Clergy Daughters'
with his large experi- School; he was on the
ence of men and affairs, Executive Committee
caused' him -to' be- fre- of the Wins ley Sana-
·quently appealed to by torium, which brought
his medical' brethren much arduous and
when ,they were in respoDsible . work, but
doubt or difficulty as' he did not mind this,
. to Bome line of con- as he . was an ardent
duct; probably few advocate for open air~
men - ever gained a and in his own person
larger share of all- carried this to an ex-
round con fi den c e tent that to most of us
among his peers than would mean discom-
did Markham Skerritt. fort. He was one of the
Dr. Skerritt was appointed Physician to the Bristol Committee of the Bristol NurSES' Institute and Nursing
General Hospital in 1875, and was Senior Physician at the Home, and up to the time of his death a member of the
time of his death. During this period of thirty· two years Bristol Medical Reading Society-a very old society ; be was-
he was a' person of great influence and power in that, insti- present only three weeks ago at a dinner given in celebra-
tution; he saw many. and great changes ill,the:_eJli~on tion of its centenary, and the writer spent a very pleasant-
of the hospital and· in thereconstitutioa 01 the: staff, evening, sitting next him, discoursing of many subjects.
taking a large share in the work these chaoges..involved, but especially,of the changes we had both seen and of the
particularly in the establishment of special departments, uncertainty of things in general, and I remember that we
the necessity for which was not so fully recognized then remaJlllied that one thing at least was certain-namely.
as now. t~.n-oae.of .. U8 would be there a hundred years hence;
As a clinical teacher he early acquired a considerable but we little thought he would be the first of that merry
reputation, and soon had a following of every available party to pass away-but so it was.
student.; there must be many generations of old Bristol . Markham Skerritt lived a most strenuous life, never
students who have a grateful recollection of the benefits of sparing himself or taking that rest and quiet whieh most
his instruction, and the earnestness and thoroughness men in hiaaasy-circumstances would have taken long ago.
with which he imparted it. His influence for good with He had probably the largest consulting practice in the
the students in all ways could not well'be over-estimated. West of England, enjoying to a remarkable degree the
Dr.- Skerritt was for more than a quarter of a· century confidence and esteem of the public and In a still more
actively connected with the Bristol Medical School, first as remarkable degree that of his professional brethren.
Lecturer on Pathology for a short period, and afterwards He was buried on May 2nd at Redland Grefn, amidst

every manifestation of sadness and regret. The first part The interests of two such widely-differing constituencies
of the service was held at St. Pdul'S Church, Clifton, which might seem to be too incongruous, but it speaks much for
was filled by those anxious to pay a last tribute of respect the combined Council of Bath and Bristol that in the long
to one from whom many of them had received so muoo. years of partnership dating from 184q there has never been
Among those present w€re the. Dean of Bristol, any serious dissgreement, but both have worked, har-
many members of the Medical Faculty of University moniously together. This success, in recent years, was
CollegA, Bristol, and of the .profession in the city the result, in no small measure, of the influence of Dr.
and neighbourhood, and the Chairman and Vice- Skerritt on the Council.
Chairman and members of the resident 'staff of the Bristol Whether as member of the local Council, or as Secretary,
General Hospital. The British Medical Association was or asRepresentati~e on the General Council, or as Presi-
represented by Dr. Radcliffe Crocker, Treasurer, and dent of the Branch (1896), or as ,TreasurEr of the Associa-
Mr. Guy Elliston, General Secretary; the Clergy Daughters' tion, his whole heart was in. the W9rk.. His energy and
School by Canon Wallace; and University. College, Bristol, force of character were aided by:a head so ('lel!-r ,and level
by the Principal and several professors. The Vicar; in a that the impress which he has left on the Branch, as well
short address, said that no :nan was more loved than a as on the Asssciation as a Whole, is marked by the sound-
physician who did his duty faithfully and tenderly, and he ness of his judgement and by the wisdom of his business
who was mourned that day was renowned for his science capacity.
and skill and honoured and loved for the beauty of his In the loeal council his opinion carried much weight, in
character. Dr. Skerritt,·he said, "wore the white flower , consequence of his judicial method of exprfssing himself.
ofa blameless life;" Another line from the same poem Never a voluminous speaker, he always seemed able to
from which the quotation is taken may appropriately be state his views in few words. His speech rell:\inded one of
used here, as all who knew Dr. Skerritt knew him to be the summing-up of a judge; both sides. of the qUfstion
Modest; kindly, aU-aooompIished, wise. were duly and f!lirly dealt with, whilst the final impression
left on the mind of the hearer made it quite clear what
It may, perhaps, be permitted to one who knew Markham was the view of the speaker.
Skerritt very much less well tban tho~e who have written He had high ideals of medical ethics, and the strictest
what appears above, but one who knew him in more than integrity; his advice was always in consonance with the
ona capacity for" many, years, to say that the portrait beet, perhaps the old-fashioned, traditions of the <luties of
which his friends have drawn with loving hands seems a members of the profession to the public and to one
little to Diiss one' characteristic. He had, as has been another.
said, a somewhat reserved, even dry manner, but one had The Association has lost, a member who 'was the soul of
not to be long in his company to perceive that he' honour, the Branch a friend who was ever faithful and
possessed to an 'eminent degree the saving grace of true, the Bath and Bristol Council a colleague who was
humour. His quickness to see the amusing side of some always generous and loyal. His, place in our council
incident in debate was only equalled by the shrewd judge- chamber is empty,. and with sorrowful hearts·· we say
ment with which he found a way out of the difficulty. farewell to one who has left us before his time.
And this appreciation of humour seemed to unlock his
heart to those who' perceived it, telling them that under Dr. J. MICHELL CLARKE, who succeeded Dr. SkErritt as
the reserved outside there beat a very human heart, alive Honorary Secretary of the Bristol section of the Bath .and
to the hopes, and not unsympathetic with the weaknesses, Bristol Branch, adds the following words to Mr. Beaumont's
of human nature.. appreciation: Dr. Markham Bkerritt was a most able and
energetic Secretary, and under his fostering care ,thA
Dr. Skerritt's chief recreation was hunting; for many Branch increased in numbers and In prosperity. He had
years he not only hunted regularly during the its best interests always at heart, and a profound knowledge
winter months with the Duke of Beaufort's hounds and of the laws of the British Medical Aesociation, so that in a
others near home, but went every summer to Exmoor to short time the Council learned to rely on Dr. Skerdtt's
enjoy stag hunting. He was an excellent judge of horses knowledge and judgement in all matters concerl}.ing the
and an admirable horseman, riding with courage tempered Association. His excellent judgement and sound sense
with discretion ; while throwing himself into a run with was particularly valuable in any ethical questions that
the utmost zest, he never failed in the courtesies of a true arose. Dr. Skerritt was always careful to see j\lstice done,
sportsman. and to weigh all the evidence before arriving at a cQBclu-
sion; but when he had once made up his mind as ,to the
Mr. W. M. BEAUMONT (Bath), one of the Honorary Secre- right course, he showed no hesitancy or indecision. On
taries of the Bath 'and Bristol Branch, writes: To those of resigning the Honorary Secretaryship in 1894, Dr. Skerritt
us who have work~d with Dr. Skerritt for the last sixteen was elected President, and filled the chair, with much
years the intimation of his death comes with a shock so distinction; his Presidential address was an e~ceedingly
suddenly paralysing that we realize at once how great is interesting one, dealing with the work of the Association.
our loss.· He on whose counsel we have been accustomed He represented the Branch on the Council of the Associa-
to rely, he' whose advice was always sound and kindly, tion for a number of yean. Dr. Skerritt read many papers
and he whose judgement ever leaned to mercy's Side, has at the Branch meetin~s, which were marked by the quali-
gone for ever from the Council of our Branch. ties of wide clinical knowledge and ripe experience; he
It was. in 1875 that Dr. Markham Skerritt joined the was an excellent debater, and took a prominent part in
Bath and Bristol Branch of the British Medical Associa- any discussion that arose. He was a very regular atten-
tion, and during .the following year he read papers on dant at the meetings of the Branch, and always gained
emphysema treated by Lister's method, rheumatic hyper- the attention of his audience.
pyrexia, rupture of the spleen, and he joined in a dis-
cussion on antiseptic surgery. In the follOwing y~ar he Dr. Skerritt first became a member of theCmtral
opened a discussion on the treatment of acute rheumatism, Council of the British Medical Association in 1884, when
and ever eince Dr, Skerritt has been to the front with able he was elected one of the representatives of the Ba1h and
and interesting papers. When a ,vacancy for an honorary Bristol Branch. He' was re,elected year by year unlil in
secretary of the Brancb occurred in 1880 Dr. Skerritt was the 1902 his eminent services commended him to the'Associa-
member clearly marked out for the position, and he received tion for election to the honourable and onfrOUS office
the unanimous support ()f his colleagues. His co· secretary of Treasurer. III 1904, naving h£>ld that pOflition for
was the late Mr. Fowler of Bath. and afterwards Mr. the usualpEiriod of three years, he was elected Vice·
R. ,J. H. Scott, in co-operation with both of whom the President of the Association, and continued to be,
work of the Branch was carried on most successfully and as Past Treasurer, a member of the Central Council,
harmoniously. Mr. Scott resigned the secretaryship of 'the meetings of which he did not fail to attend with his
the Bath Distric,t in 1891, and when the writer of these accustomed regularity. He was not a frequent speakEr,
reminiscences came into office he found a. thriving and but' his intervention was always effective, owing to the
energet,ic Branch, or rather two Branches, linked together .clearness and conciseness of his utterances and the
by bonds of mutual respect: the one, Bristol, largely obvious impartiality of his arguments. He served on
represented by the keen and active teachers in. its flourish- many committees, and was present at the last meetings
ing medical· school; the other, Bath, represented by the of the Journal and Finance Committee and of the Council.
practitioners. in an up-to date hydrotherapeutical spa. Dr. Markham - Skerritt was always a-true friend, of the
I I 60 'Tn Ba
Ilmmw, Io~.u.) . EDWARD M ~KH.!.M: SKERRITT. fMAY 11, 1907.

Association, in the objects and future of which he patients in the wardp, but the best of his skill was
thoroughly believed. He was honorary local secretary always gladly and ungrudgingly given to any member of
of the successful annual meeting in Bristol in 1894, and the nursing stall who needed medical attention, while in
Vice-President of the Section of Medicine. He was again other directions he often gave most valuable help-as, for
Vice-President of the Sftme Section at the annual meeting instance, by the care and judgement he brought to bear
in London in 1895, and had previously been secretary of upon the revising and consolidation a few years ago of
the Section at the annual meeting at Cardiff in 1885. the rules of the hospihl, he being at that time a member
Dr. Skerritt became M.R.C.P.Lond. in 1876, and was of the subcommittee to which the matter was entrusted.
elected a Fellow in 1885; at the time of his dt>ath he was Of the extent of the loss which in common with so many
'8 member of the Council of the College. In 1897 he gave others this hospital has sustained by his, it may almost
the Bradshaw Lecture on Prognosis in Heart Disease.* be said, sudden death it is diffic!11t to speak, particularly
He was not a voluminous writer. compiled no textbook, at the present time, when his sound judgement, good
and wrote no monograph; of the few articles he published, sense, and courteous manner would have been found so
most had to do with diseases of the heart and lungs, and useful. The Committee rejoice to think that the
for some years he contributed an annual summary of the memories which they one and all will retain of Edward
progress of knowledge of these .diseases to Cassell's Year Markham Sken'itt are those of respect, gratitude, and
Book of Treatment. ' esteem.
In June, 1875, Dr. Markham Skerritt married the eldest
daughter of Mr. John Heelas of Wokingham. He had one Professor SAUNDBY, Birmingham (formerly President of
daughter born in 1880, to whom he was most devotedly the Central Council of the Association), writes: I
attached. In September, 1905, she died after only a few knew Dr. Markham Skerritt as a colleague on the Council
hours' illness, and only those who knew Skerritt most of the Association during many years, and was closely
intimately could realize how intensely he sullered from associated with him in its work. I have heard of his
this sorrow and how profoundly it altered the tenour of death with great regret and feel that the Association has
his life. His widow compels the respect and admira- lost a faithful supporter, and the members of Council a
tion, as well as sympathy, of all who know her by the wise, patient, and experienced colleague. He had the
courage whh which she bears the sorrows tbat have supreme merit of calmness, so t~t he viewed all matters
befallen her. that came before him in the work of the Association dis-
passionately, and, being able to give ready and clear
Mr. ANDREW CLARK, who was Chairman of the Central expression to his views, he would have made one of the
Douncil during the three years for which Dr. Skerritt best presidents of the Council had he happened to have
served as Treasurer of the Association, writes: In response been chosen; but if in the position of Treasurer he was
to the Editor's request, I am pleased to add my testimony of not so much at home, he in no respect failed adequately
Dr. Skerritt's worth, especially from the administrative to fulfil its impOl'~t duties. I look back upon our con-
point of view of the Association. A most pleasant col-' nexion for many years without being able to recall a single
league to work with, we were associated as chief officers occasion on which we differed in other than the most
of the Association during three eventful years, those friendly manner, and I believe he was from first to last
immediately following the reconstitution. He was always liked and respected by all who worked with him on the
ready with his -support and advice whenever dillicult Council.
questions arose or precedents had to be made, and wil-
lingly undertook as many journeys to London as were Dr. J. FARRANT FRY (St. Leonards-on-Sea), ex-President
necessary in the interests of the Association. His special of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Branch, writes:
department was the treasury, and I can testify to ,his Markham Skerritt must have had a host of medical friends
zealousness in guarding the finances and scrutinizing who will deeply regret his death, especially in the West. For
every demand for payment that was made to him ; with a many )'ears I had frequent opportunities of appreciating
revenue of over £50,000 in each year, thill is no small his worth as a consultant, who always cheered his patient,
matter. His quarterly statements of cash received and increased the patient's confidence in tb.e medical
expended were clear and co~cise, and did not elicit many attendant, and had the happiest way of suggesting a line
comments from either the J oumal and Finance Committee of treatment which his vast experience and acumen
or the Council. He was an active worker on the' Premises dictated. More than once has he turned up for a con-
Committee, and many of the improvements which will be sultation in his light overcoat, which" I dare not take off,"
found in the new premises were his suggestion, for he because he had come straight from the hunting field.
always had an eye to efficiency with economy. Since the, Greig Smith will always live in my meJD()ry as one of the
termination of his period of office he has been a regular most delightful surgeons it has been my lot to meet, and
attendant at the Council and several Committees, and is Markham Skenitt was his, equal as a physician. It will
one the Association can ill spare at the present time. be difficult for Bristol to replace two such able and
distinguished members of our profession. '
We have received the following from the Chairman
of the Committee of the Bristol General Hospital: In Dr. JAMES STEWART, B.A., F.R.C.P.Ed., writes: Thrown
consequence of the absence from England of the Presi- elosely as I was into contact with Markham Skerritt
dent of the hospital, Mr. William Proctor Baker, it is during my thirty years' residence near Bristol, I had
only partially practicable to represent the services unique opportunities of estimating his character and
rendered to the institution by the late Dr. Markham capabilities. He was Consulting Physician to my Home
Skerritt, as he is the only member of the Committee for Inebriates during all those years as well as my intimate
whose active connexion with the hospital has been wholly personal friend, and he also attended the members of my
concurrent. This dated from 1875, when Dr. Skerritt was family when his services were required. Like every other
first elected one of its Honorary Physicians, a post to medical brother who had occasion to seek his aid, I
which he was three times re-elected, and which he was always found him both ready and willing to give his pro·
still holding at the time of his lamented death. During fessional services promptly, carefully, and generously.
the greater part of this long tenure of office, namely, since Soon after Skerrittls arrival in ,Clifton he was marked
1884, be was Senior Physician, and consequently from out by the members of the Bath and Bristol Branch
that date took the leading part in all professional and as one singularly fitted for the position of Honorary
other matters connected with the administration of the Secretary. His punctuality, his courtesy, and his
medical side, as well as in other matters, during the times thoroughness earned our warmest gratitude. To the
when he was periodically a member of the Committee services he rendered at head quarters and to the whole-
of Management as one of the representatives of the hearted energy he threw into his work as member of the
honorary staff. It is more for his colleagues on the Central Council and as Treasurer, testimony will doubtless
honorary staff than for the Committee to speak of his be borne by others. For myself, I may say that, during
skill and judgement as a physician; but the latter can the forty years I have been in the profession, I have
speak with the warmest appreciation of him as a never known any physician more universally respected or
valued colleague and helper in many matters connected esteemed, nor one' in whom more implicit trust was
with the hospital, and as one who ever had its best , placed by ais medical brethren. I!'requently have,l heard
interests at heart. His care was not limited to his general practitioners say, "Skerritt's opinion is a sound one
.. BRITISH MBDICAL JOURNAL, November 7th, 1897, p. 1327. in a difficult or serious case, and moreover you need have
MAy II, 1907.] UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. [.,;:-.. .-=:.... I 16 I

no fear that he will not act as an honourable consultant

always should." 01 his prIvate character and of his
qualities of head and heart no one could speak too highly.
For so accomplished a physician, his modesty was re- UNIVERSITY OF CAM..BRIDGE.
markable. He was a most devoted husband and father. Examinations.
Personally, I never had a kinder, a more loyal, or more THE following candidates have now been approved in all three
subjects of the examination indicated:
esteemed friend. SkerrItt was indeed a Christian gen· THIRD M.B. (Part II).-F. O. Arnold, B.A., Trin. ; P. H. Bahr, B.A.,
tleman of the highest type. Tlie sympathies of all of us Trin.; G. B. Bartlett, B.A.• Sid. Suss.; H. Beckton, M.A .. CIa;
will go out in a peculiarly warm manner to his afflicted R. Burgess, B.A., Ca.1.; S. P. Chan, B.A.. Cal.; S. Churchill,
B.A., Trin.; A. I. Cooke, B.A., CaL; A. T. Densham, B.A., Jail.;
widow in her irreparable loss and sad bereavement. A. N. Diokson, Down.; H. Dimock, B. A, Sid. Suss.; C. W.
Greene, B A., Emm.; G. F. Greenwood, B A. Sid. Suss.;
C. L. M. Jones l B.A., KlnQ's; A. R. 'Jordan, B.A., Ola. ; B. T.
THE following lines have been sent to us by one who Lang, B.A., Trin.; R. B. Lloyd, II A., Emm.; L. H.• L.
describes himself as "a G.P. unknown to fame, whose Mackenzie, B.A., Trln.; R. G. MarTtham, B A., Cal.; H. F.
name ill of no importance, who had a great regard for the Marris, M.A., Cal. ; J. H. B. Martin, B.A., Emm.; L. Nicholls;
B.A, Down. ; C. W. Ponder, M.A., Emm.; J. H. Pratt, B.A.,
late Dr. Skerritt." Trin ; O. L. Scarborough. M.A .• Joh.; A. L. Singer, B.A"
IN MEMORIAM. King's: E. F. Skinner, M.A., Corp.; A. C. H. Suhr. B.A., Cal.;
WP, doctors, in this city of the west, C. B. Ticehurst, B.A., Joh.; C. Tylor, B.A., Cal. : J. A. Vennililg.
B.A., Trln.; B. WahbYt non-call.; R. R. Walker, B.A., Joh.;
Who held him dear, who knew him kindly, wise, A. B. Wilson, B.A., Pemo.; R. F. Young, B.A., Chrlsts.
Loyal and true-we mourn the man who lieB, Professor Nuttall wtlJ deliver his inaugural lecture in the
Fltruck down by blund'ring death. He was our besi, Anatomical Theatre on Wednesday, May 22nd, at 4.30 p m.
The man we turned to most, did his behest Owing to the inorease in the work of the Chemical Depart-
Most often. in our warfare against woe ment, the Syndicate recommend an extension of the Chemical
Of mortalllesh ; and now he lieth low, Laboratory at the estimated oost of £13,500
Whom many an anguished wife and mother blest. Professor Newton has deputed Mr. BatesoD, of St. John's
Did he, we wonder, know. did he surmise, College. to leoture for him during th~ ensuing academio year.
With his shrewd smile wrinkling his lips and eyes,
And his clear oauMon weighing every side,
How strong we felt when he was there to guide? UNIVERSIl'Y OJ!' LONDON.
Alas! he cannot know, unless above COJ.\lVOCATION.
He hears our mourning and can tell our love. A GENERAL meeting of Convocation was held at the University
Bristol, April 30th. on May 7th; Sir E. H. BUSK, Chairman, presided.
Sir E. H. Busk and Mr. H. E. Allen were respectively
re-elected Chairman and Clerk of Convocation.
JON ATHAN F. C. H. MACREADY, F.R.C.S., Report of the Standing Oommittte.-Dr. T. L. MEARS pre-
CONSULTING SURGEON TO THill GRIlIAT NORTHERN CENTRAL sented the report, and moved its reception, and the resolution
HOSPITAL. waqadopted.
THB death of Mr. Macready, which took place on April Lord Lister. - Dr. AMAND ROUTH proposed the ifollowing
29th as the result of a cerebral haemorrhage three days resolution reoommended by the Standing Uommittee:
previously, has deprived several public institutions of a ·That a vote of congratulation be conveyed to Lord Lister, a graduate
valued adviser and a wide circle of old colleagues and of this University. on his attaining his eightieth birthday. .
frIends ol'one who commanded both respect and affection. carriedMr. G. EAfiTES, M.R., seoonded the proposal, whioh was
unanimously. .
Born in 1850, the youngest son ot the great actor, by his Appointments to Governing Bodies;-Mr. L. F. WINTLE
first wife, Jonathan Macready was educated under the eye proposed :
of his father, who had retired from the stage in 1851. The That the Senate be respectfully requested to con,ider the desira-
paternal discipline was strIct, and inculcated a high sense bilityof graduates of the UniverSity appointed to represent the
of duty upon a somewhat shy and retiring disposition. University on other bodies being members of Convocation.
On entering the profession as a student at St. This was duly carried.
Bartholomew's Hospital, young Macready was soon· business BU8iness Adjourned from January 18th, 1907.-Certain
whioh oould not be considered at the previous meet-
recognized as a man of more than ordinary promise. The ing of Convocation was reported by the Annual Committee.
infiuence of Sir James Paget and Sir William Savory was Dr. MlCARS who presented the report and moved its adoption
strongly impressed upon him, and from them he acquired stated that the paragraphs referring to the incorporatIOn ot
not only surgical wisdom, but no small share of the grace· University College, University College' Hospital, and Uni-
ful eloquence with which they clothed their thoughts in versity College Boys' School, the opening of the UniversUy
library, and the election of a member of the Senate by the
lectures and addresses. In this he was aided by the careful graduates in Divinity, which were all now acoomplished, had
training in elocution derIved from his distinguished father. consequently lost some of their interest. The Union Society
He was appointed Surgeon to the Great Northern of the University had started on its career of usefulnesp, and
Hospital in 1878, and, being closely associated with Mr. he hoped it might eventually rival the corresponding Union
William Adams, he acquired a special interest in ortho- SocietIes of Oxford and Cambridge. In one rt>spect it differed
paedic surgery, and was particularly successful in from each of the older SOCieties-namely, that ladies were
dealing with contractions of the palmar fascia. He admitted to its membership.
University Oolours.-The Committee appointed to con-
became Surgeon to the Truss Society, and made a close sider this quef'tion recommended that red, white, and blue
study of hernia, and ·his large work on the subject is should be the University oolours, red being given the prlnoipal
well known. As Surgeon to the Convalescent Homes of . plaoe. They also submitted a sample of the blazer and
tlie Merchant Taylors' Company his sound judgement was ribbon for hatband to the meeting, and recommendE'd their
greatly appreciated, and at the Victoria Park Ohest adoption, and that the colours for the tie should be in the same
Hospital and the Cheyne Hospital for Children his proportions as those in the ribbon, but arranged diagonally.
Dr. MEARS moved that the blazer and hatband be approved,
services were always av~ilable when sought for. He whioh was dulv carried.
contrIbuted in no small degree to the rise of the Great Mode of Election of Members of the Senate-Dr. R.
Northern Hospital, to which he was Senior Surgeon for MAGUIRE moved:
fifteen years 'and an actlve member of the Committee of That the standing order rel&tinll to this matter be referred to the
Management for twenty· three years. Possessing the Standing Committee for consideration and report.
valuable qualities of reticence when silence was most· This resolution was adopted.
eloquent and of eloquence when occasion demanded it, it was desirable AthleUo Sports.-Mr. WHITEHEAD mentioned that
to have challenge cups for pre~entation.to the
his opinion and counsel proved of the greatest service winners of c.ertain sports. Last year Lady Busk hl¥i given
when, in 1888, the hospital was transplanted into a new such aoup. This year a lady had promised one {f other
district and, like all new institutions, had to prove its ladies oourd be found to offer five other cups; and he hoped to
claim to be respected. reoeive shortly the names of ladles willing to assist in this
The many physicians and surgeons who have held office manner.
upon its staff and have passed to those of the teaching elected Eleotion to the Senate.-Sir T. Barlow, Bart., MD., was
by the graduat8" in medioine and in surgery. Dr. O. W.
schools, in common with all his present colleagues, both Kimmins, Dr. S.. R. Wells, and Mr. J. Wade, D.So., were
medical and lay, will cherIsh their recollection of the eleoted by the graduates In science.
~entle, courteous, and dignified surgeon whose sound The Standing Oemmittu.-The following graduates,. Dr. R.
judgpment was ever at hand to solve the various diffi- Maguire, Dr. H. J. Soharlieb, and·Dr. W. H. Willoox, 'were
cultiesthat are apt to arise in a young and rising re-eleoted members of the Committee in the Faoulty of
community. The kindly acts and unostentatiol1s aid Medioine. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. .
that he rendered to so many in a humbler sphere, . The Meroers' Company lectures were commenoed on ]lay
alt.hough unrecorded, will not be forgotten. 10'h by Dr. E. H. Starling, F.R.S., the subject being the

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