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Answer Key

Chapter 32, Form B

Part 4: Extended Response


(10 points each)

Part 1: Main Ideas

(4 points each)
1. c
2. i
3. n
4. f
5. d

6. o
7. a
8. b
9. j
10. m

Part 2: Map Skills

(items 1115, 2 points each; items 1617,
5 points each)
11. b
12. b
13. c
14. d
15. a
16. If Ford had won Ohios 25 electoral
votes and Rhode Islands 4 electoral
votes, he would have become president with 269 electoral votes to
Carters 268.
17. The electoral vote chart reflects percentages only for Carter and Ford
because all electoral votes of a state
go to the candidate with the highest
number of popular votes and no
minor party candidate had the most
votes in any state.

Part 3: Interpreting Charts

(items 1822, 2 points each; items 2324,
5 points each)
18. b
19. c
20. d
21. b
22. b
23. In all four categories shown in the
chart, state and local government
grew more than federal government.
24. New Federalism was Nixons plan to
shift power and responsibility from
federal government to state and local
government. The chart shows that
state and local government grew
more rapidly than federal government
in the period surrounding his presidency.

25. Complete answers should include the

following points: Carter failed to offer
an effective plan to deal with the
nations energy crisis. Inflation
increased at a double-digit rate and
the nations standard of living
dropped from first to fifth place in
the world. Carters commitment to
human rights in foreign policy led to
a breakdown in relations with the
Soviet Union. This reversed the policy of dtente that Nixon and Ford
had pursued. Carter agreed to give up
the Panama Canal, which was an
unpopular decision. He also failed to
obtain the immediate release of
American hostages in Iran, which
made the United States look weak in
the eyes of the world.
26. Complete answers should include the
following points: At the time Nixon
took office, the executive branch was
very powerful, and Nixon tried to
extend its powers even further.
During Watergate, the free press was
able to investigate crimes committed
by powerful political figures and publish their findings. Members of
Congress were in the process of gathering articles of impeachment against
President Nixon when he resigned.
The courts demanded that Nixon turn
over his tapes of White House conversations. Watergate ultimately
proved the strength of the American
system of government. It proved that
no one, not even the president, is
above the law. The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to investigate their leaders actions and to
remove leaders who break the law.
When a president is removed from
office, the Constitution outlines a
clear procedure for transferring
power to a new president.

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