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Protocolos de consumo

He traducido cada protocolo de la pgina en ingls de Jim Humble: (50%

- Jose Miguel Mulet, profesor en biotecnologa por la UPV: "Lo que hace
el veneno, es la dosis equivocada de cualquier cosa". -

Protocolos generales:
*Cuando se habla de 3 gotas, son (3 de clorito + 3 de ctrico)
- Protocolo 1000: Tomar 3 gotas de MMS(Dioxido de cloro) Desintoxicacin, & General
- Protocolo 2000: Comenzar una gota cada hora, incrementando hasta lo mximo que puedas, sin
sentir mal, 10 horas al da 3 semanas o hasta que est bien. (Especfico para cncer o enfermedades
que amenzan la vida)
- Protocolo 3000:
- Protocolo 4000:
- Protocolo Spray: Aadir 10 gotas en un bote pequeo de spray de onza de agua (33ml)
- Protocolo de bolsa:
- Protocolo de ducha:
- Protocolo de inhalacin:
- Si tiene alguna enfermedad, leer 1 esto: http://genesis2church.org/mmsprotocol-read-this-first.html (ingls, podis traducirlo con el traductor de
google que tiene en la columna derecha)
- Tambin aconsejo 1) Leer el libro, 2) Consultar con expertos del producto en
foros, por ejemplo: http://www.mmspr.net/ 3) Contrastar muy bien la
informacin, 4) Preguntar a expertos si es compatible con algn medicamento
que estis tomando, 5) Considerar la opinin del mdico.
- El nombre de las enfermedades, est ordenado alfabticamente en ingls,
por lo que el orden de la traduccin, no corresponde con el orden espaol, por
tanto, las enfermedades que tienen un artersco (*) no estn en su orden

alfabtico, si no encuentras alguna, pulsa las teclas |cltrl|+|F| a la vez y

escribe la palabra clave de esa enfermedad u otra similar :)

Enfermedad de reflujo cido



TDAH (deficit de Atencin e


Mal de Altura o mal de montaa

Andropausia o menopausia
Anorexia Nerviosa
Sndrome de Asperger


Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, Protocolo 3000
aplicacin al rea afectada una
vez al da, solucin de spray (10
gotas por onza/30ml) aplicar
cada hora durante 8-9 horas,
protocolo de la bolsa para tratar
reas que no sean la cara
Protocolo 1000. Dependiendo del
tipo de alergia, un bao diario,
protocolo de la bolsa, protocolo
de spray (10 gotas por
onza/30ml) y/o terapia de
inhalacin (no usar ms de 2
gotas activadas y respirar muy
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000 in advance of
exposure to high altitude is best,
but at sudden onset administer 6
and 6 protocolo and then go to
protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000 and then 2000 if
no progress in 2 weeks
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolos 1000 and 3000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000 and inhalation
therapy (caution: use no more
than 2 activated drops MMS and
breathe lightly)
Go to mmsautism.org for MMS
protocolos for autism by Kerri
Rivera and to ask questions and
read answers about autism and

*Dolor de espalda
*Cancer de vejiga

*Cancer de hueso

*Mal aliento (Halitosis)

*Trastorno Bipolar

*Cancer de cerebro

*Lesin cerebral

*Tumor cerebral

*Cancer de pecho



Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000

applied once only to affected
area, enema protocolo
Protocolos 2000 and 3000
Protocolos 2000 and 3000, bath
protocolo, bag protocolo, enema
protocolo, inhalation therapy (use
no more than 2 activated drops
MMS and breathe gently)
Protocol 1000, tooth and tongue
brushing with 10 activated drops
MMS per ounce water solution
Spray mixture (10 activated
drops per ounce) on scalp once
per hour for 10 hours per day,
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolos 2000 and 3000, bath
protocolo, bag protocolo, enema
protocolo, inhalation therapy (use
no more than 2 activated drops
MMS and breathe gently)
Protocolo 1000
Protocolos 2000 and 3000, bath
protocolo, bag protocolo, enema
protocolo, inhalation therapy (use
no more than 2 activated drops
MMS and breathe gently)
Protocolos 2000 and 3000,
douche with 25 activated drops in
one liter water every other day
(this has been successful for
women because it gets the MMS
to the breast via the cervix), bath
protocolo, bag protocolo, enema
protocolo, inhalation protocolo
(use no more than 2 activated
drops MMS and breathe gently)
Protocolo 1000, inhalation
therapy (use no more than 2
drops activated MMS and breathe
gently), protocolo 3000 one time
only per day to chest
Directly apply unactivated MMS
to burn only 3-5 minutes, then
rinse it off. If you do not
understand any part of "rinse it
off", then do not do this!


Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000

only 1-3 times per day to
affected areas, bath protocolo


*Afta bucal/oral y *herpes bucal

Sndrome del tunel Carpiano

Enfermedad Celiaca

Cancer Cervical

Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva
Crnica (EPOC)

Cncer de Colon

Insuficiencia Cardaca Congestiva

Costra lctea o dermatitis
Enfermedad de Crohn
Cndida o levadura


Protocolos 2000 and 3000, bath

protocolo, bag protocolo, enema
protocolo, inhalation protocolo
(use no more than 2 drops of
activated MMS and breathe
Protocolo 1000, spray bottle
protocolo (10 activated drops per
Protocolo 1000, Protocolo 3000
application to affected area 1-3
times per day
Protocolo 1000, enema protocolo
Protocolos 2000 and 3000,
douche protocolo, enema
protocolo, bath protocolo, bag
protocolo, inhalation protocolo
(use no more than 2 activated
drops MMS and breathe gently)
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, inhalation
therapy (use no more than 2
activated drops MMS and breathe
Protocolo 2000 and 3000, enema
protocolo, bath protocolo, bag
protocolo, inhalation therapy (use
no more than 2 activated drops
MMS and breathe gently)
Protocolo 1000
Spray scalp with spray bottle
solution (10 drops MMS per
ounce water)
Protocolo 1000, enema protocolo
Protocolo 1000, enema
protocolo, bag protocolo, douche
protocolo for females, bath
Prepare a solution of 4 activated
drops MMS in 1/2 cup water and
drop 2-3 drops in each eye every
hour until well; protocol 1000


*Trombosis venosa profunda


Dermatitis del paal

Sindrome de Down
Abuso de Drogas
Sangrado Uterino Disfunctional
Fiebre de Dengue

Spray scalp with spray bottle

solution (10 activated drops MMS
per 1 ounce water)several times
per day. Causes bleaching over
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, if no results in 2
weeks, then 2000 for as long as
it takes
Spray affected area with spray
bottle solution (10 activated
drops per ounce water)
6 and 6 then protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, douche protocolo
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000

*Infection de odo

*Trastorno de alimentacin
*Agrandamiento de prostata
Epilepsia (Seizure)
Disfunctin Erectil

*Problemas de ojos


Activated 4 drops MMS and add

1/2 cup water. Drop several
drops into affected ear and allow
to penetrate deeply lying on your
Protocolo 1000
Spray bottle protocolo (10
activated drops MMS per ounce
water), protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, douche protocolo
Protocolo 1000, enema protocolo
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Activate 4 drops MMS and add
1/2 cup water. Use a dropper to
put several drops in each eye
every hour for 10 hours,
protocolo 1000

Protocolo 1000, then 2000 if no


*Enfermedad de la vescula biliar
*Clculos biliares
Trastorno de ansiedad
Herpes Genital
Verrugas Genitales
Glomerulonefritis (Nefritis)

*Enfermedad en encas

results in 2 weeks
Protocolos 1000 and 3000
Protocolo 1000
6 and 6 protocolo, then protocolo
1000, inhalation therapy (use no
more than 2 activated drops
MMS and breathe gently)

Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, spray bottle
Protocolo 1000, spray bottle
protocolo, douche protocolo
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, douche protocolo
for females
Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000
to affected joints
Apply solution of 4 activated
drops MMS with 1/2 cup water
with toothbrush 3 times per day
after meals. Brush gums,
gumline and tongue well. In
serious cases, may also apply
DMSO with toothbrush once per
day for deeper penetration.

*Dolor de cabeza
*Enfermedad del corazn
Hiperglucemia, (Azucar alto)

Protocolo 1000, spray bottle

6 and 6 protocolo, then protocolo
Protocol 1000
Spray bottle protocolo, enema
protocolo, protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
bath protocolo, bag protocolo
Protocolo 1000, spray bottle
protocolo, bath protocolo, bag
Protocolo 1000, after 2 weeks

Hipertensin (presion arterial alta)


may switch to protocolo 2000 if

Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, 50-100mg de
Yodo supplement daily

Dependiente de Insulina, diabetes
*Deficiencia de Hierro, Anemia
Intestino Irritable
*Comezn o picazn

6 and 6 protocolo, protocolo

Protocolo 1000, may switch to
protocolo 2000 after 2 weeks if
Protocolo 1000, may also need
vitamin B12 and/or iron
Protocolo 1000, enema protocolo
Spray bottle protocolo

*Dolor en articulaciones
Diabetes Juvenil
Artritis reumatoide Juvenil

*Enfermedades del rin
*Piedras en los riones

Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000

application once per day to joints
Protocolo 1000, may switch to
protocolo 2000 after 2 weeks if
Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000
once per day

Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000 with lots of water


*Cancer de hgado

*Cancer de pulmn

Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,

bath protocolo, bag protocolo
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
enema protocolo, bag protocolo,
bath protocolo, inhalation
protocolo (use no more than 2
activated drops and breathe
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
inhalation therapy (use no more
than 2 activated drops and

Enfermedad de Lyme

Enfermedad de las vacas locas


Esclerosis Mltiple (MS)

breathe gently), bag protocolo,

bath protocolo, enema protocolo
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
bag protocolo, bath protocolo

Protocolo 1000
Give 15 drop dose, then wait 1-4
hours and give another 15 drop
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
inhalation therapy (use no more
than 2 drops and breathe
gently), bath protocolo, bag
6 & 6 protocolo, then protocolo
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 2000


Cancer de Ovario

Quiste de Ovario

Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000

Protocolo 1000, bag protocolo
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
bag protocolo, bath protocolo,
douche protocolo, enema
protocolo, inhalation protocolo
(use no more than 2 activated
drops and breathe gently)
Protocolo 1000, douche protocolo

Enfermedad de Parkinson
lceras Ppticas
* Ojo rosado, conjuntivitis

Protocolo 1000, may switch to

protocolo 2000 after 2 weeks if
Protocolo 1000
Prepare a solution of 4 activated
drops MMS in 1/2 cup water and
drop 2-3 drops in each eye every
hour until well; protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000


Cncer de Prstata


Protocolo 1000, inhalation

therapy (use no more than 2
activated drops and breathe
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
bath protocolo, bag protocolo,
enema protocolo, inhalation
protocolo (use no more than 2
activated drops and breathe
Protocolo 1000, bag protocolo,
bath protocolo, spray bottle

*Sindrome de piernas inquietas
Artritis Reumatoide
Fiebre Reumtica

*Tia o dermatofitosis


Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, protocolo 3000
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, gas protocolo
(Activate 6 drops MMS in a clear
glass and place the mouth of the
glass over the boil right-side-up
in such a way that no liquid
touches the skin. Leave in place
for 5 minutes and NO MORE.
Cover with vaseline and a
bandage and wait at least 4
hours before doint it again.)
Protocolo 1000, spray bottle

Sindrome respiratorio agudo
Severo (SRAS)

Infectiones en los Senos, pechos

6 and 6 Protocolo, then protocolo

1000, inhalation therapy (use no
more than 2 activated drops and
breathe gently)
Protocolo 1000, also mix 4
activated drops MMS with 1/2
cup water and drop at least
several drops into each nostril
while lying down on your back on
a bed and hanging your head
over the edge, allowing the
solution to penetrate deeply

*Cancer de piel

*Erupcin de piel

*Infeccion por estafilococos

*Cncer de estmago

*Inflamacin de la garganta

Quemadura Solar

Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000

(apply solution directly to
lesions), bag protocolo, bath
Protocolo 1000, spray bottle
protocolo, bath protocolo, bag
Protocolo 1000
Protocolo 1000, gas protocolo
(Activate 6 drops MMS in a clear
glass and place the mouth of the
glass over the boil right-side-up
in such a way that no liquid
touches the skin. Leave in place
for 5 minutes and NO MORE.
Cover with vaseline and a
bandage and wait at least 4
hours before doint it again.)
Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,
enema protocolo, bolsa
protocolo, bath protocolo
Protocolo 1000, brush teeth and
tongue and gargle with a solution
of 10 activated drops MMS per
ounce water
Spray bottle protocolo once per
Protocolo 1000, douche protocolo
for females, spray bottle

Cancer Testicular


Tuberculosis (TB)

Protocolo 2000, protocolo 3000,

bath protocolo, bag protocolo
Brush teeth, gum line and tongue
with 10 activated drops MMS per
ounce water solution; activate 3
drops in a small glass or plastic
container and place your mouth
over the opening in such a way
that none of the solution enters
your mouth while you breathe
through your nose. DO NOT
INHALE FUMES. Just let the
fumes into your mouth for 5
minutes and NO MORE.
Protocolo 1000, inhalation
protocolo (use no more than 2

activated drops MMS and breathe



Protocolo 1000, spray bottle

protocolo for skin ulcers; gas
protocolo for skin ulcers (Activate
6 drops MMS in a clear glass and
place the mouth of the glass over
the boil right-side-up in such a
way that no liquid touches the
skin. Leave in place for 5 minutes
and NO MORE. Cover with
vaseline and a bandage and wait
at least 4 hours before doint it

Infectin del tracto Urinario (UTI)

Protocolo 1000


Protocolo 1000, mix 4 activated

drops MMS in 1/2 cup water and
drop 3-4 drops into ears every
hour while laying on your side for
5 minutes (cover and keep the
solution to use throughout the


*Infeccin por levadura (Cndida)

Protocolo 1000, douche protocolo

for females, spray bottle

Datos industriales sobre la seguridad del manejo del Dioxido de Cloro,

protocolos de seguridad, informacin tcnica, acciones frente a intoxicacin,
explosiones, incendios, y demas caractersticas a nivel industrial:

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