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Living Our Deepest

June 18 - 21, 2015

This retreat will focus on helping us

touch and live our deepest aspiration
through the example and practice of the
bodhisattvas (awakened beings).
In Buddhism, the bodhisattvas live each
moment with the great aspiration to help
all beings. They are known individually
for capacities that they developed to a
high degree, such as wisdom, compassion
and right action. They know that the joy
of others is their own joy. That is the
wisdom of inter-being, of interconnection. Happiness is not an
individual matter.
Many of us embark on the spiritual path
in order to help and serve others. On this
retreat we will explore the wisdom of the
Bodhisattvas, who have vowed to save all

The Salt Marsh Sangha invites you to a
mindfulness retreat in the tradition of Thich Nhat
Hanh. The retreat is residential with silent sitting
meditation, indoor and outdoor walking
meditation and daily Dharma talks by our
teacher, Dharma discussions, and Sutra services.
The retreat is suitable for both beginning and
experienced meditation practitioners.

Retreat Logistics


Date and Time: Please arrive between 5 and 6pm Please complete, cut on the fold, and return this form.
on Thursday, June 18th. The retreat ends between
Name ______________________________________
2-3 pm Sunday, June 21st.
Registration: Registration opens April 15th, 2015
and closes June 12th. Space is limited so please
register early. Registering early greatly supports
retreat planning efforts.
Setting: Our retreat will be on a historic property
and former plantation on the Eastern Shore of
Virginia, a few miles northwest of Eastville. After
you have registered, you will receive detailed
driving instructions.

Our teacher Michael Ciborski lived at

Plum Village monastery in France for
nine years, training in the meditative arts
as monk. He lived and worked intimately
with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and
the monastic community to organize,
support, and offer meditation retreats
around the world. He is an ordained
dharma teacher.
In 2003 Michael departed Plum Village
and married Fern Dorresteyn. Now they
have a son, Laurian, and two daughters,
Seriena and Fiana. Together Michael
and Fern have started a residential lay
practice center in New Hampshire,
where they enjoy practicing the art of
permaculture, living lightly on the land,
and raising their children.

Lodging: A variety of accommodations are

available. You may bring a tent or camper. Indoor
accommodations include beds or a mattress or pad
on the floor. Please bring your own bedding and
Retreat Costs: This year we are experimenting
with offering a sliding scale. Please pay at the
highest level you can comfortably afford. Early
registration (before May 22nd) costs $75-100.
After May 22nd, the cost is $95-120. This covers
food, accommodation rentals, and transportation
for our teacher. Campers receive a $20 discount.
No one is turned away due to inability to pay.
Scholarships: Scholarships and payment plans are
available from the Salt Marsh Sangha. Contact the
Retreat Director, Rudi Whitmore 330-883-6307;

Mailing Address ______________________________

City/State/Zip _______________________________
Cell Phone __________________________________
Home/Work Phone ___________________________
Email _______________________________________
Emergency Contact Name _______________________
Emergency Contact Number _____________________
____ Id prefer to camp (Subtract $20.00)
____ Indoors, I can sleep on a mattress or pad on floor
____ Indoors, Id like to sleep on a bed
____ Indoors, I can share a bed with _______________
All meals are vegetarian. Please list any dietary
restrictions, although we may not be able to meet them:
The retreat organizers have found it helpful to have a few
people come early and/or stay late. Would you consider
coming early or staying late?
___ I can come early on Thursday and help with retreat
setup and preparation.
___ I can stay after 3:00 pm on Sunday to help clean up.
Im enclosing $ ______ for my registration.
Please return form and payment to
Salt Marsh Sangha C/O AJ Johnston
PO Box 473
Eastville, VA 23347

Dana Donations: The teachings of the Buddha are

considered priceless. Traditionally Dharma
Checks are payable to: Salt Marsh Sangha
teachers do not charge for their teachings. At the
retreat there will be an opportunity to make a
Id like to receive confirmation via
donation to Michael to support him and his family.
____email (preferred) ; or _____ US Postal Service
For normally employed people, $75-$100 is
suggested, but not required.

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