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Lynton, Michael
Monday, November 16, 2009 12:02:35 PM
Elzer, Steve
Schlessel, Peter; Steinberg, David; Bunge, Shelly; Weil, Leah; Venger, Leonard; Blake, Jeff; Pascal, Amy; Kennedy, Jim
Re: The Sun: Online Pulse Check/Confidential

very good result, congrats everyone.

Michael Lynton
Chairman & CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment
Ph: 310 -244-9100
Fax: 310-244-1097
Email: Michael_Lynton@spe.sony.com

On Nov 16, 2009, at 8:55 AM, Elzer, Steve wrote:

Dwight's group has been tracking virality of the Sun story since it broke yesterday and so far, it looks like the story has minimal/limited impact. Here are the preliminary
results from their online search efforts:
Limited pick up of Sun story. From UK office:
Please find the sites running the story below: The Sun Digital Spy Contact Music Johnny Ikon Excite Khabar Express
Out of the above, the only one that featured any user comments was The Sun. We have also searched the forums on numerous other sites (including UK Michael Jackson
fan sites) but didnt find anything else on the subject. See below for examples from The Sun (which are mostly defensive of Michael): So what? I don't care what the media
print about MJ I will always be a fan. Leave him alone. If you have actually seen the film, songs such as Human Nature and I Just Cant Stop Loving you are LIVE and his
voice sounds amazing! Whatever was done in the editing room is nothing to do with MJ, so he can't be blamed!Another thing to remember is that MJ was marking through
most of his dance routines and vocals due to it being merely a rehearsal. He wasn't singing and dancing to his full ability as these were just run throughs. The more intense
performances would come during the dress rehearsals but the best save until the live shows. This is the norm! To suggest MJ had lost his magic due to footage of those
rehearsals is silly. If MJ had realised THAT would be the last footage of him ever it would have been the best performance of his life!! ... and people only just realised? LOL
The films been out 3 weeks! A lot of the vocals were taken from 1 rehearsal... and the footage from 3 or 4 was mixed together to make that song in the film! Some of the
show would have been mimed... BUT unlike other acts MJ had a reason to mime.. he was 50 years old and had to do kick ass dance routines! The film has now taken over
$200 Million... SHAMONEEEE!!
From NMS:
So far the article has gotten limited traction and mostly on smaller blogs. The coverage and links we found are listed below. As of this morning, we werent able to find any
buzz in message boards so it doesnt look like this story is picking up steam at the moment. http://www.digitalspy.com/movies/news/a187032/this-is-it-uses-old-livevocals.htmlhttp://rockhall.msg.com/article/09n1brjcQ17zg?q=Michael+Jacksonhttp://www.newkerala.com/nkfullnews-1151369.htmlhttp://content.usatoday.com/topics/article/People/Celebrities/Musicians,+Composers,+Singers,+Rappers,+Groups/Michael+Jackson/09gMbwv6GO5Q9/1 (links
to The Sun article)http://trak.in/news/this-is-it-tracks-re-mastered-with-old-recordings/23950/http://thegossiper.typepad.com/celebrity-news/2009/11/shocker-michaeljackson-tricked-us.htmlhttp://www.andhranews.net/Entertainment/2009/November/16-This-tracks-39620.asphttp://blog.taragana.com/e/2009/11/16/this-is-it-tracks-remastered-with-old-recordings-60948/http://www.healthcarendiet.com/2009/11/16/this-is-it-tracks-re-mastered-with-old-recordings/
Other links from the rest of the group:
Taragana/Entertainment Daily (no comments)http://blog.taragana.com/e/2009/11/16/this-is-it-tracks-re-mastered-with-old-recordings-60948/
Health/Ent blog (no comments)
The Gossiper (no comments)
Reposts of the Sun article
http://wherewereyouwhenjacksondied.blogspot.com/2009/11/jacko-this-isn-it-sun_16.html (a repost of the "Little About" blogsite) http://www.bestrecording.com/6567-jackothis-isnt-it-the-sun
Very limited references on Twitter. Only found 4-5 posts.

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