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SPNEGO/Kerberos authentication with Tomcat

Version 2.0

Author: Bo Friis, Partner, IT Practice A/S

Keywords: Kerberos, PAC, SPNEGO, J2EE, Security


This article describes how to install and configure the IT Practice

SPNEGO/Kerberos security plugins for the Tomcat application server.

Tomcat SPNEGO authenticator Valve and Realm

Tomcat, like other application servers, has a pluggable security interface. It's
possible for a developer to replace and add new authentication mechanisms.
The security interface is roughly split into two plugin types: Authenticators and

The authenticator handles the authentication using some mechanism or protocol.

The Realm takes care of looking up user credentials in some database.

We provide an authenticator valve: SPNEGOAuthenticator and a realm:

SPNEGOJNDIRealm which is based on the JNDIRealm from the Tomcat project.

The SPNEGOAuthenticator plugin handles authentication of the user, using the

Kerberos ticket provided in the SPNEGO token. If Active Directory is used as the
user account database and Kerberos server, the Kerberos authentication ticket
contains the Privilege Access Certificate (PAC). The PAC contains information
about the user e.g. the authenticated users group membership.

The SPNEGOAuthenticator uses the PAC’s user-group membership information to

resolve the j2ee security roles which Tomcat uses to do its authorization. This is
done through a PAC (objectSid) to j2ee role mapping file [3].

#PAC objectSid to j2ee security role mapping

#SPNEGO/Kerberos, (c) 2005, IT Practice A/S
objectSid.S-15-72FBE2E6-814C1995-C64F68B9-200=Domain Admins@TEST.NET
objectSid.S-15-72FBE2E6-814C1995-C64F68B9-201=Domain Users@TEST.NET
objectSid.S-15-72FBE2E6-814C1995-C64F68B9-202=Domain Guests@TEST.NET

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 1

The mapping file contains a list of PAC objectSid’s which are unique security
object identifiers in Active Directory.

The PAC contains group membership definitions in two ways: one containing
RID’s (relative identifiers to the authenticated domain) and one containing the

The RID’s will only be populated if the authenticated user has relation to the
logon domain only. If a user is member of groups defined in other domains as the
logon domain, the PAC objectSid’s will contain the list of groups.

The RID’s are only unique from within the domain. When multiple domains are
setup in a trust relation, the PAC specifies which domain a group belongs to.

The mapping file contains domain information, which is used when the PAC only
contains RID’s. The group objectSid’s is then constructed from the domain
objectSid and the group RID’s.

The SPNEGOAuthenticator decodes the PAC and computes the group membership
objectSid’s which are then mapped to a logical j2ee security role. The j2ee
security role can be anything but must match the security roles defined in the
Tomcat web application deployment descriptor.

Installing sample web application and configuring security in


The sample application has one protected URL defined in the deployment

Restricted Area


The URL /spnegoauthplugin is protected by a j2ee security role called

spnegousers@TEST.NET. Using the objectSid’s mapping in the previous example
we see that the user must be member of the Active Directory group defined by
the SID: S-15-72FBE2E6-814C1995-C64F68B9-45D (or RID: 45D):


This is a group in example Active Directory called “spnegousers” defined in the

domain TEST.NET. Note that the object SID’s will be different in other

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 2

Now that we have configured the web application to be protected by the j2ee
security manager in Tomcat, we must configure the Tomcat to handle j2ee
security. This is done bu adding a Valve and optionally a Realm to the Tomcat
server.xml configuration file.

<Engine …>
<Host …>

<Valve className="dk.itp.tomcat.SPNEGOAuthenticator"

This adds the SPNEGOAuthenticator to the spnegosample web application. The

“basicAuth” property defines that BASIC authentication will be used if SPNEGO
should fail, which is typically caused by configuration errors.

If “fallback” to BASIC authentication is configured, a LDAP based realm is needed

to lookup the user in Active Directory. This is handled by the SPNEGOJNDIRealm.

The SPNEGOJNDIRealm is based on the Apache.org version, and uses the exact
same configuration parameters.
An example:

<Engine …>
<Realm className="dk.itp.tomcat.SPNEGOJNDIRealm"
userSubtree="true" />

Note that the connectionURL, connectionName, connectionPassword, userBase,

roleBase must be changed according to specific domain and Active Directory

Setting up the pac-j2ee mapping (objectSid to j2ee security


The sample web application contains a URL that shows the PAC and Kerberos
content of the SPNEGO encoded Kerberos ticket.

The URL /spnegosample/spnegopacservletfilter will produce the following output:

General User Info

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 3

getAuthType SPNEGO/Kerberos
getUserPrincipal() dk.itp.servletfilter.SpnegoPrincipal[te
getUserPrincipal() instanceof

814c1995-c64f68b9-45d, S-15-
((SpnegoPrincipal)req.getUserPrincipal()).g 72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-200,
etPacLogonInfo() S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-
c64f68b9-202, S-15-72fbe2e6-
814c1995-c64f68b9-201, S-15-
fullName=test testesen

c64f68b9-45d, S-15-72fbe2e6-
814c1995-c64f68b9-200, S-15-
j2ee roles 72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-202,
201, S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-
getRemoteUser test@TEST.NET
isUserInRole('spnegousers') false
isUserInRole('spnegousers@TEST') false

User PAC info

objectSid.S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-45d=RID.45d@TEST # REDEFINE
objectSid.S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-200=Domain Admins@TEST
objectSid.S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-202=Domain Guests@TEST
objectSid.S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-201=Domain Users@TEST
objectSid.S-15-72fbe2e6-814c1995-c64f68b9-461=RID.461@TEST # REDEFINE

The last section, the User PAC info, shows the objectSid’s including the predefined
RID’s. This section can be cut-pasted into the pac-j2ee.properties file.

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 4

The above User PAC info includes two groups that is not predefined by Microsoft.
These are groups that are created using the user administration and manually
assigned to the authenticated user.

The pac-j2ee.properties can be corrected to map the real group name in Active

The URL /spnegopacservletfilter can be run for each multiple users and the output
can be merged into the pac-j2ee.properties mapping file.

It is recommended that the auto generated RID codes in pac-j2ee.properties file

are mapped to logical names. Non standard Object SID’s and RID’s will be
regenerated every time a new domain controller is deployed. Nor will groups with
the same name in different domains have the same RID.

Active Directory can be accessed using an LDAP browser. Microsoft has one
included in their resource kit called LDP. This can be downloaded free-of-charge.

Below there is an example of the user defined spnegousers group:

Expanding base 'CN=spnegousers,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET'...

Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:
>> Dn: CN=spnegousers,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET
5> member: CN=webserver,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET;
CN=userxx,OU=ou11,OU=ou1,DC=TEST,DC=NET; CN=test5,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET;
CN=Bo Friis,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET; CN=test,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET;
1> cn: spnegousers;
1> groupType: -2147483646;
1> instanceType: 4;
1> distinguishedName: CN=spnegousers,CN=Users,DC=TEST,DC=NET;
1> objectCategory:
2> objectClass: top; group;
1> objectGUID: 712c3320-dc87-472b-9d80-4d2d16637675;
1> objectSid: S-15-72FBE2E6-814C1995-C64F68B9-45D;
1> name: spnegousers;
1> sAMAccountName: spnegousers;
1> sAMAccountType: 268435456;
1> uSNChanged: 28627;
1> uSNCreated: 5704;
1> whenChanged: 3/20/2005 22:58:53 Romance Standard Time Romance
Daylight Time;
1> whenCreated: 6/23/2004 22:25:16 Romance Standard Time Romance
Daylight Time;

Looking at the attribute objectSid we see that the highlighted RID 45D is mapped
to the spnegousers group. This information can be used to replace the
RID.45d@TEST entry in the pac-j2ee.properties with the entry
spnegousers@TEST value.


The URL /spnegosample/spnegoauthplugin activates the HelloWorldServlet which

is protected by the Tomcat Authenticator plugin. If everything is setup correctly,
it will produce something similar to the following output:

General User Info

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 5

getAuthType SPNEGO/Kerberos
getUserPrincipal() instanceof
getRemoteUser test
isUserInRole('spnegousers') false
isUserInRole('spnegousers@TEST') true

Note that the user is member of the spnegousers@TEST group. This is only
possible when using the SPNEGOAuthenticator plugin.

When using the Servlet Filter, the method isUserInRole() will always return false,
since the user never logins in to the Tomcat security manager.


Kerberos and SPNEGO enables desktop single sign-on on web applications

deployed on the Tomcat server. It is based on Active Directory and the Tomcat
running on top of SUN JDK 1.4+.

We have shown how to deploy and configure an SPNEGO/Kerberos Tomcat

authenticator and SPNEGO/Kerberos servlet filter.


[1] Tomcat documentation pages, http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.0-


[2] SPNEGO/Kerberos authentication using JGSS, 2004, Friis,


[3] PAC (Privilege Access Certificate) in a Java Web Server World, 2005, Friis,

About the author

Bo Friis is working as a security consultant for IT Practice in Denmark. He has

specialized in security protocols and implementations. He is working on security
solutions for various customers. He is the co. architect and developer of the
PortalProtect product and the architect and developer of SPNEGO/Kerberos

He has designed and developed the initial version of OpenSign and OpenLogon, a
set of applets that supports digital signature using X.509 certificates over the
XMLDSIG standard. The result was donated to the open source OpenOCES

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 6

Bo Friis holds a Masters degree in Cryptography from the University of Aarhus in
Denmark. He also holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from
the Technical University of Denmark.
He can be reached at email: jbf_AT_practice.dk

(c) 2005 IT Practice and Bo Friis, appliedcrypto.com

Copyright Notice and Legal Stuff

All software parts of the SPNEGO/Kerberos product are copyright IT Practice A/S
or their respective parties.

When using the SPNEGOJNDIRealm for Tomcat, the following message must be
noted, according to license terms: This product includes software developed by
the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)". Copyright (c) 1999-
2002 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.

(c) 2005 IT Practice A/S 7

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