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May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter

Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic

This week we continue our discussion of the book: The
Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, written by Matthew
The third sign is Generosity. The definition of Generosity
is the quality of being generous; willingness to give or
share; unselfishness. Are you a generous person?
God proposes that generosity is the path to happiness.
When you give your time or talent to help another person
or help the church, does that make you happy? Yes? That
is generosity.
The world around us proposes that selfishness is the path
to happiness. Do you know of someone who has everything but is still not happy?
Fulton Sheen stated never measure your generosity by
what you give, but by what you have left. Generosity is a
trademark of a Dynamic Catholic. They make the connection between everything they do and their Faith life.


New Library
We will be starting a Spiritual Book Library and would
like people to donate any books they have at home that
they no longer care to keep. There will be a box in the
back of the church with Spiritual Books written on it for
book donations. The library will be located in the Sunday Sacristy.

First Communion & Adoration

Next Saturday, May 9th, we will celebrate the sacrament of First Holy Communion at a special 10:00 am
Mass. Please keep these children and their families in
your prayers as they prepare for this sacrament.
With First Communion on the second Saturday of the
month, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held
the following Saturday, May 16th in the Daily Chapel.

Bishop Flores Memorial Fund

Monday, May 4, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, May 6, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Bishop Cirilo Flores stated that Evangelizing children and

their families is one of the most vital ministries of our Church.
Please consider a donation to help St. Columba School and all
Catholic schools in our Diocese. Giving online is recommended.
www.sandiegoknightsofcolumbus.com/bfs. You can also write
a check payable to Diocese of San Diego, write Knights BFS in
the memo line and place in the Sunday collection basket. Each
and every gift, of ANY amount will be appreciated and acknowledged. Thank you for your support.
Ed Ancmon, Grand Knight Council #1349

Mothers Day Novena

Mass Intentions for the Week

If you want to learn more about how to be inspired to be

more generous, make plans to attend one of the discussion groups either Monday at 9:30 AM or Wednesday at
6:30 PM. Both sessions will be held in the hall. For more
information, please contact Bob Horn (619)-843-8891.

A special Novena of Masses to honor all mothers, living

and deceased, will begin next Sunday on Mothers Day. If
you would like someone remembered during these
Masses, you will find special Mass cards in the vestibule
of the church.

7:00 amMM Mary Que

Please use the larger envelope and card for LIVING

mothers and the smaller envelope for DECEASED mothers. The envelopes will be placed upon the altar during
the nine consecutive Masses.

7:00 amEC Donors Intention

Parish Council Item

At their last meeting, the Parish Council discussed the
topic of etiquette and reverence at our Masses. To minimize distractions, we encourage folks to exit from the
side doors as an alternate route to the restrooms rather
than going through the Blessed Sacrament chapel. Young
children should always be accompanied by an adult.
Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the sanctity of the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament chapel.
The minutes from the previous months Council meeting
will now be posted on the bulletin boards at the back of
the church and in the hall.

7:00 amMM Vincent Cahill

7:00 amMM Geleleo Berdonado
7:00 amMM Jame & Martin Quinn
8:15 amMM Gloria Steinert
8:00 amMM Donors Intention
5:30 pmMM People of the Parish
7:30 amMM Novena of Mass ~ Mothers
9:30 amMM Pauline Dixon
5:30 pmEC Bonifacio & Sevilla Tamares
ECFr. Ed Corcoran, MMFr. Mel Monreal


MAY 3, 2015

Life in the Spirit Seminar

Tacos & Beer

The Life in the Spirit Seminar is ongoing in the Ministry

Center on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to
experience the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Join us Saturday, May 16th, in the Parish Hall for a

night of all-you-can-eat and drink street tacos and beer
or wine. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available.

Readings for the Week

Pre-orders only. No door sales. See the order form in

todays bulletin. There will also be a 50/50 raffle, games,
and dart competition.


Acts 14:5-18/Ps 115:1-4,15-16/Jn 14:21-26

Acts 14:19-28/Ps 145:10-13,21/Jn 14:27-31
Acts 15:1-6/Ps 122:1-5/Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21/Ps 96:1-3,10/Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31/Ps 57:8-10,12/Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1-3,5/Jn 15:18-21
Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48/Ps 98:1-4/1 Jn 4:7-10/
Jn 15:9-17

All proceeds will go towards the Turf Campaign.

Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors installed free for those 62 and over.
Contact Gary at 619-933-3377 or gpme3@san.rr.com.

Padres vs. Dodgers

New Email!

The Youth Group invites everyone to St. Columba Family Night at Petco Park on Friday, June 12, to watch the
Padres vs. the Dodgers at 7:10 p.m.

We have a new email address, effective now:

Tickets priced at a great discount:

Right field upper reserved: $15.00
Right field lower reserved: $25.00

Donate Online!

Get your tickets after Mass today (in front of the Hall) or
contact Robin at 619-922-7941.

Like us on Facebook!
Search for our blue logo.
PLEASE PRAY for the following who are ill,
their families and those who care for them:
Elina Arbesu, Walt Becker, Morgan Belnap, Ramona
Casillas Cameron, Rodelia Clark, Robert & Louise
Dennin, Maria Dinh, Danilo Ebuenga, Mary Goldkamp,
Emmy Hanna, Helene Hansen, Betty Herron, Belinda
Johnson, Lien Le, Randa Matyas, Joe McDougall, Kathi
Nichols, Deb Oberg, Doris Oliver, Pat Oliver, Bertha
Peniche, Cecelia Polston, Mary Alice Quinn, Helen Ramirez, Art Rubio, Maria Seeto, Jim Sperdeck, Marilyn
Theile, Sam & Jean Zanin

Recycle tally for the year: $1,014.35. That amounts to
763 lbs. saved from the dump!
Please bring in only aluminum cans and plastic water
bottles to the recycle container. NO other containers or
Thanks for your continued support.


Scan this code with your mobile device to

donate online, or visit our website:
www.stcolumbasandiego.com and click Donate Online.

You are the eyes and ears of our parish! If you know of a
parishioner, neighbor or friend who is sick, homebound
or hospitalized and in need of Communion, prayers, or
anointing, please notify the parish office.

Human Trafficking
A public forum to bring awareness to the disturbing reality of human trafficking in San Diego will be held at Our
Mother of Confidence Catholic Church, 3131 Governor
Drive on Monday, May 11 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Human trafficking is a $32 billion-a-year global industry,
while San Diego ranks nine nationwide in top destination areas. The Diocesan Office for Social Ministry will
serve as moderators for the panel which includes Chief
Deputy District Attorney Summer Stephan, Presiding
Juvenile Court Judge Carolyn Caietti, Department of
Homeland Security Special Agent Juan Jacobo, Public
Defender Marian Gaston, Marisa Ugarte from the Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition and Grace Williams representing Children of the Immaculate Heart. Light refreshments will be served before and after the event,
there is no fee. Everyone is invited to come listen, learn,
discuss solutions and get involved. For further information contact Linda Arreola at (858) 490-8327 or larreola@diocese-sdiego.org.

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