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Baduk Notes

1. Fundamentals
a. Whole Board Thinking
b. Direction of Play
2. Opening
a. Fuseki
i. (Chinese Opening)
ii. (Sanrensei)
b. Joseki
3. Middle Game
a. (Tesuji)
b. (Life and Death)
c. (Attack and Defense)
i. (Forcing Moves)
ii. Inducing Moves
4. Endgame
5. Techniques
a. Good Shape
c. (Ko)
d. (Moyo)
e. (Aji)
f. Sabaki
g. Probing Moves
h. (Kiai)
6. Handicap Games

2a. Fuseki Notes


Corner Enclosures are meant for side extensions

Be flexible with the star-point
Choose the right pincer
Have a counterplan to deal with invasions
a. Dont be too greedy
b. Try to extend high (to the 4th Line) if possible
5. 5-4 Point () is for outside influence

6. 4th Line is for development, 3rd line is for completion

7. Build box like moyos for development
8. Dont hurt yourself family feud is bad
a. Its okay to sacrifice a few stones if it avoids having two weak groups
b. Dont make moves that will end up strengthening opponents moves
9. Dont allow hane!
10.Dont push from behind, unless you are forced to
a. Try to get ahead with a 1 space jump or knights move
b. Get the opponent to push you from behind
11.Empty triangle is bad
12.Ponnuki is very good
13.Dont Atari immediately
a. Sometimes just extending is good
b. Playing Atari can cause you to lose sente once in a while
14.Attack by hitting opponents base
15.Dont attach against opponents weak stones
a. Attack strong stones to build framework that will hurt the weaker
b. Attaching diagonally when there are supporting stones is generally a
good move
i. See if there are supporting stones for the opponent as well
16.Kill two birds with 1 stone
a. Example Pincer that is also an extension
b. Good move for the opponents are typically good moves for me
17.Use Thickness to attack
18.Keep away from areas where the opponent is strong
19.Reduce opponents thickness with light moves
a. Shoulder Hits/Capping Moves
b. Dont Shoulder Hit when there is a potential for invasion Cap instead
20.Dont cling to stones that served its purpose

3c. Attack and Defense

2. Balance of Territory When attacking keep an eye on balance of territory and
play in a way that will help you obtain and preserve higher amounts of
3. Balance of Power If one has power (thickness, and stability) one can
a. Attack, Invade, Cut & Fight
4. Attacking Strategies
a. Attack to gain territory
b. Attack to gain power





i. Running Battles a battle between two weak groups aim for

power and influence
1. Struggle for Power = Struggle for Eyespace so you dont
always have to run to center aim the critical points that
gets eyes
ii. Indirect/Leaning Battles Dont attack a group directly but toy
around, and force opponent to defend/concede territory
iii. Divide and Conquer Hit two groups at once!
1. If two groups are too far away to be split, then move them
closer to each other THEN split
Attacking Moves
a. Make Non-contact moves
b. Seek Severe Moves
i. Eye-Stealing Tesuji
ii. Angle Tesuji
iii. Knights Move Used to Chase Enemy
iv. Capping Move Used to stop opponents dead on
v. Peeps Spoil Enemy Eye Shapes
a. Attack when your groups are strong and fortified
b. Contact moves are ideal for defense
c. Know when to sacrifice useless stones to survive
Forcing Moves
a. Order is very important
b. May be scattered all over the board
Inducing Moves
a. If we have a move we have to make anyways, try to drag maximum
efficiency out of the move as possible
b. Force before defending
Attacking Frameworks
a. Consider relationship with adjacent areas
b. Strike Weaknesses
c. Play Flexibly
d. Hit Junction Points

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