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Tip 1

If you have to find the square of numbers ending with '5'.

e.g 25 * 25. Find the square of the units digit (which is 5) = 25. Write this down.
Then take the tenths digit (2 in this case) and increment it by 1 (therefore, 2 becomes 3). Now multiply
2 with 3 = 6.
Write '6' before 25 and you get the answer = 625.

For instance, if you have to find the square of 45. 45 * 45.

The square of the units digit =- 25
Increment 4 by 1. It will give you '5'. Now multiply 4 * 5 = 20. Write 20 before 25. The answer is

In the case of numbers like 125. The rule applies without an iota of difference.
The square of the units digit = 25.
Increment 12 by 1. It will give you 13. Now multiply 12*13 = 156. Write 156 before 25. The answer is

Try out the above technique with the following numbers.


1. 225 * 225
2. 75 * 75
3. 145 * 145
4. 35 * 35
5. 375 * 375.

Answers and Explanations

1. 225 * 225. Square of units digits is 25. Increment 22 by 1 to get 23. The product of 22 and 23 is
506. Therefore, the answer is 50625.
2. 75 * 75. Square of the units digits is 25. Increment 7 by 1 to get 8. The product of 7*8 = 56.
Therefore, the answer is 5625.
3. 145 * 145. Square of the units digits is 25. Increment 14 by 1 to get 15. The product of 14*15 =
210. Therefore, the answer is 21025.
4. 35 * 35. Square of the units digits is 25. Increment 3 by 1 to get 4. The product of 3*4=12.
Therefore, the answer is 1225.
5. 375 * 375. Square of the units digits is 25. Increment 37 by 1 to get 38. The product of
37*38=1406. Therefore, the answer is 140625.
Multiplication of Two-digit Numbers By 11

Case One : If the sum of the digits is less than ten

Example one : 34 * 11 = 374

The first digit of the product is also the first digit of the factor to be

Multiplied by 11.

The third digit of the product is the second digit of the factor to be

Multiplied by 11.

The middle digit of the product is the sum of the digits of the factor to

Be multiplied by 11.

Example two : 36 * 11 = 396

Example three : 42 * 11 = 462

Example four : 63 * 11 = 693

Example five : 45 * 11 = 495

Case Two : If the sum of the digits is greater than ten

Example One : 78 * 11 = 858

The first digit of the product is the first digit of the factor to be

Multiplied by 11 increased by one.

The third digit of the product is the second digit of the factor to be

Multiplied by 11.

The middle digit of the product is the second digit number of the sum

Of the digits of the factor to be multiplied by 11.

Example two : 39 * 11 = 429

Example three : 59 * 11 = 649

Example Four : 79 * 11 = 869

Example Five : 85 * 11 = 935


In order to find x percent of any number the general way of doing that is to multiply the number by the
percentage. Since percentage means hundredths of any number, percentages are written with the
decimal point moved two places toward the left-hand side. With whole numbers the decimal point does
not show, and since moving the decimal point over one place would indicate tenths, examples of how
percentages should be written before multiplying are: .05 (five percent) or .20 (20 percent). An
example is find 40% of 80: Multiply 80 (since its a whole number you don't see the decimal point) by
0.40 (which is how percentages can be written, although the 0 before the decimal point isn't really
necessary). The answer is 32.

Multiplying any number by any percentage (and remembering to include the decimal points in the
answer) will give the percentage.

Quick tricks for finding percentages can be used. For example, if one wants to find 30% of a number
s/he can start with the original number, mentally move the decimal point over one place (in order to
find 10% really quickly) and then mulitply that 10% by 3 (because 10 x 3 =30). Any time the
percentage involved is divisible by 10 this trick can be used.

Another quick trick for finding 5 percent is to move the decimal point over one place (again, to find 10
percent easily) and divide that result in half (because half of 10 is 5).

Finding percentages that are multiples of 5 (for example, 25) can be done in three steps: Move the
decimal point over one place to get 10%, divide that figure in half to get 5%, and then mulitply that
figure by 5 (because 5 x 5 = 25).

Also, knowing that 10% equals 1/10th of any number means that finding 10% can also be done by
dividing by 10.

Most people are familiar with the fact that a quarter (25 cents) is 1/4th of 100 and that 50 cents is 1/2 of
100. Keeping those basics in mind, one can easy remember that finding 25% of any number means
dividing it by 4 and that finding 50% of any number means dividing it by 2.

In the case of something like 75% figuring that out could be done either by using the above divisible-
by-5 method or, if its easier, finding 25% and multiplying that by 3 (because 3 x 25 = 75).

A trick for finding 40% might be moving the decimal point over one to get 10% and either
remembering that figure or writing it down. Then divide the number for which you're trying to find
40% of by 2. Once you have half of the number subtract that 10% you first figured out - and you've got
your 40%.
The finding-10% trick/aid can also be turned into a finding=1% trick/aid. If you move the decimal
point over two places you have found 1% of any number. You can easily multiply that 1% to get any
other percentage simply by asking "how many 1's are in this percentage?". For example, to find 20
percent you can first find 1% and then multiply that 1% by the 20 (because there are 20 1's in 20). This
will also let you find, for example, the 20%.

Finally, there is the issue of figuring out a tip in a restaurant. Again, the quick way (for 15%) is to
move the decimal over one place to get the 10%, divide the 10% to figure out what 5% is, and then add
together the 10% and 5%. A 20% tip is easier - just get the 10% and multiply it by 2.

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