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M A L I K B A S H A R A T , D M E

C O - E D I T O R S

J A W W A D A H M E D , D M E
S Y E D M A T H E R A L I , D C E


T A L H A A F T A B , D C E
S O H A I B A F Z A L , D E E
E S A A M J A M I L , D M E


S H U J A Z A I D I , D E E
S H O A I B R I Y A S A T , D M E
S O H A I B , D M E
Z O H A I B A H M E D , D M E


M U H A M M A D U M A R B I L A L ,






From CampBuzz
The naughties is over and the world heads on towards a new decade. The last decade
marked several important events and happenings which changed each and every one of us
and had an impact on the way we live. We got to keep our fingers crossed on what the
New Year, and the new decade has to offer us! Back to business, Campbuzz this time
around is filled with a lot of chilling and cool stuff keeping in view the weather we‟re ex-
periencing these days. We‟ve got a comprehensive coverage report on CEME‟s arguably
the most famous and fun-to-be-part-of sports event FUTSAL, as the second edition of this
event kicked off under cold weather to warm things up for all football fanatic Emenents.
Cricket doesn‟t lag behind and the eventful Super Six‟s tournament also gets a place in
this month‟s edition of Campbuzz. In addition to that, this time we took a seat with Assis-
tant Professor Mr. Tausif, a faculty member of DEE in the focus, and for art lovers we‟ve
got some serious poetic stuff this time by shedding some spot light on the mushaira held
at EME along with the NUDC. Keeping in view the exams season approaching, an inter-
esting survey was taken and students were asked to give their opinions on whether to
have a sessional based examination system or mid-term based. To find out what the ma-
jority opted for, check out the inner pages. In the end, a happy new decade for all the
readers of Campbuzz, may you all get what you‟re aiming for this time around. 2010, here
we come!

(Syed Ather Ali, 28 CE)

Inside This Issue:






NUDC 2010 9




What exactly should be the mode of examination? Should Midterm Exams be taken or the legacy of Ses-
sional Exams be continued? What we wanted to know was the extent of polarization in the opinion ,that is,
Midterms or Sessionals . So we surveyed a bunch of random individuals on what they think . Here are the
As the semester is small, ap- I always go for the sessional
I think sessionals are preferable proximately four months, so exams because its weightage
to midterms because of lesser midterms are preferable. You is low and above all you al-
course. You have lesser pres- don't have to worry for the ex- ways have a second chance
sure and divide work and you ams all the time. to make up for something.
can be more regular in studies.
NS M.Haider Iqbal NS Faisal Mehmood
NS Haris Ikram 30 ME 30 MTS
29 EE
Midterm Exam gives
There should be mids instead us the time to learn
of sessional exams because the subject and
you can fully go through the practice it rather
syllabus. One week of se- than preparing for
sional exams is saved if we the exams all the
conduct midterm exams and time. I am with the
this time can be utilized for midterms.
more study and semester
projects. NS Danish Haider
29 EE
NS Mohib Khan
30 ME
Does not matter
I like sessionals as there is to me!
lesser burden on me and
there is always a chance of NS Awais Qadir
improvement. 29 CE

NS Abdullah Sharif
29 ME
I prefer the midterms because Sessionals carry a decreased
Sorry ,I got no views… in this system a student gets weightage. Hence giving students
ample time to concentrate not more academic flexibility,if God
NS Makhdoom Bakir only on studies but in other forbid they do not perform well
30 CE extra co-curricular activities in any one instance of exams
too and may be EME can do
better if it follows the system NS Hafiz Haleem Ibraheem
Tension is less in other universities in Pakistan 30 MTS
Mids… do.
NS Ahmed NS Ovais Anzar
28 MTS 29 MTS

Make A Difference
A Newly Emerged Social Reformation Society of the College of E&ME
For the first time in College of needy‟ in our youth. Whenever ready been sponsored by a
E&ME, foundation of a social wel- our country will call us to step group of ten students under
fare organization has been laid. It forward we will join hands and let our supervision.
can bring together all those who the world know we are strong
share the vision of living for others and stand united. Come forward… lets all
and living life with a difference. stands together to make these
This society will not only conduct Our first and foremost project is children come out of the vi-
the regular fund raising activities entitled as „Sponsor a Child for cious circle of despair they are
but our main focus would be on Better Education‟. We are affili- trapped in. Let‟s put a smile on
large scale projects in the future ated with SOS Children‟s Village. these beautiful faces God has
to make a mark in this regard. SOS is well renowned for its created.
reputation, strong background
There was a turning point a year and transparent procedures and Looking forward for joining
back which motivated a few stu- your helping hand with us, and
dents to formalize this forum. In for any detailed information:
the past, teams of our college NS Wafa Iqbal (28 EE)
students carried out two large NS Tazeen Fatima (28 CE)
scale successful fund raising cam- NS Anum Nasir (28 CE)
paigns to provide relief to firstly NS Ahmed Jawad Asghar (29
the Baluchistan earthquake vic- CE)
tims of 2008 and IDPs of Swat in
2009. It was a wholehearted ef- (By Wafa Iqbal 28 EE)
fort by young and dedicated stu-
dents of our college and is well
remembered. The overwhelming
response during those fund rais-
ing efforts served as a motivation these are the foremost reasons
for us to carry it forward. of our recently established bond
with them. In order for a newly
Make a Difference is a platform created society to survive it‟s
which can serve as a basis for so- always necessary to have strong
cial development: It aims to create relationships with well oriented
awareness amongst the young gen- organizations to establish its own
eration to „step in to bring a authenticity.
change‟ - a change in thoughts, There are a lot of children out
practices and most importantly there with no shelter, no educa-
attitude towards the weaknesses tion and no families. Its not hard
of our society. We want to pro- for you, as well established engi-
mote goodwill and want to instill a neers of tomorrow, to change a
wave of passion „to help the child‟s life, is it? A child has al-


Emenents Shine At LUMUN’09

The sixth annual LUMS Model UN The team members who repre-
Conference 2009 (LUMUN „09) sented EME College in LUMUN‟09
was held from December 30, 2009 were Oneeb Munawer 28 ME (Head
– January 3, 2010. The theme of Delegate), Raheel Ansar 28 ME, Saad
LUMUN is “Let Us Not Fight”. Akhtar 28 EE, M. Saad Khan 29 ME,
The ambition behind the LUMUN Sadaf Shahid 29 CE, Ferzia Firdousi
is “A world with only dialogues as 30 EE, Zain Alam 30 MTS, Umer
weapons” and the purpose of the Usman 31 EE, Ghulam Umar 31 CE
LUMUN is to create a spirit of and Awais Bhatti 31 MTS.
peace and harmony. cycling, grand prix, scavenger hunt,
Our EME College team were the
dramas, New Year concert, and
delegates of Denmark
and they represented
Denmark in five com- EME College team won two “Best
mittees. They also Delegates Awards” and
participated in social “Honourable Mentions”. The dele-
events such as social gates in LUMUN‟09 truly experi-
responsibility and less enced a world of grueling diplo-
privileged children. macy, tranquility and fun and
Sideshows included learned the most valuable lesson:
marathon race, Fighting is never the Solution.

(By NS Esaam Jamil, 30 ME)

EME Wins Inter NUST Tennis Tournament

Ahmed Asad (29,MTS), Zahak (29 The match came to a do
MTS and Ali Liaqat (30 CE) were or die doubles match in
the representatives of EME Col- which Ahmed and Zahak
lege in Inter NUST Tennis Tour- came for the recue of
nament. It was held on 16 Janu- EME College.
ary,2010 in MCS Courts. It was
based on best of three, consisting Finally, EME College
of two singles and one doubles. defeated CAE by 8-3 in
final match and brought
First semifinal match was played
between EME and MCS. Zahak and a big golden trophy to
Ahmed won the match by 8-2 and EME College.
8-4 respectively. Second semifinal
match was played between CAE (By NS Esaam Jamil, 30
and AMC in which CAE took the ME)
lead. The final was tough. In first
singles Zahak won by 8-2 while in
second singles Ali Liaqat lost the

CEME Represents NUST At CLC With Pride

Selected students of CEME represent NUST at Creative Leaders Conference (CLC) 2009 alongside faculty!
Great news! Five students, NS Building. This Future Creative Hamza, Faheem and Uzair were
Fatma Faruq [DE(29)CE], GC Leader's will discover and demon- elected from within the partici-
Faheem Iftikhar [DE(28)EE], NS strate Critical Leadership Skills such pants to form the 7 member dec-
Danish Asdaque [DE(28)ME], NS as Discipline, Goal Setting, Effective laration committee. It was a great
Hamza Zaidi [DE(28)EE] and NS Communication, Teamwork, Deci- matter of honour for NUST that
Amna Jamal [DE(29)CE] represented sion-Making and Influence. in the final elections,Hamza Zaidi
NUST alongside faculty members and Faheem Iftikhar presented
comprising of Brig Akhtar Nawaz the declaration in front of all
Malik [DEAN], Col Ashfaq [SO the participants as Uzair altru-
Nust Affairs], Col Farrukh [BC istically gave up an opportunity
Cadet Wing] and Uzair Sukhera due to time constraints.
[Research Engineer] at the 2nd The nustian representation
CLC 2009 held in Islamabad from and subsequent feedback left
November 13-15 this year. such a positive impact on the
Patron Dr. H. U. Khan that he
By bringing together over 300 offered the participating stu-
youth fellows from across Paki- dents an opportunity to guide
stan, the Creative Leader's Con- and direct the procession of
ference 2009 (CLC-2009) presented Towards the close, a committee was the 3rd CLC 2010 to be held from
the participants with a number of formed, who drafted the Youth Fo- 23rd to 25th April 2010.
new perspectives on the theme of rum Declaration, which is an effective
the Conference "Justuju jo karay wo means to convey the youth‟s message Congratulations Guys! We wish
chuay Asmaan” alongside the privi- to the Eminent Scientists, Renowned you all the best in your future
lege of benefitting from the valuable Educationists, Politicians, Famous endeavors.
comments Sports Person-
and re- alities, Successful (By Hamza Zaidi)
marks de- Businessmen
livered by and Showbiz
renowned Celebrities. The
personali- idea was con-
t i e s . ceived by Uzair
throughout Sukhera who
the 3 days. was also the
event coordina-
Participants tor assigned by
deliberated on issues like: Profes- NUST for its students along with stu-
sional Leadership, Developing Com- dent representative Hamza. Due to
munities, Promoting Global Citizen- outstanding participation and effective
ship, Good Governance and Nation representation of youth all three


NUDC 2010
NUST Universities Debating Cham- publically debate and present our- derfully fulfilled learning experi-
pionship, NUDC, 2010, was the first selves to the critics. We do not know ence for all. All major universities
ever National Parliamentary style how to handle ourselves against hos- from around the country partici-
Debating Competition held at tility and criticism. We are not taught pated in four very competitive
NUST, EME campus. In this Compe- to handle ourselves in front of mil- rounds of debating. After the pre-
tition 36 teams from all around the lions of eyes on an international fo- liminary rounds the top for teams
country participated. rum. qualified for the Finals of the

To resolve this issue NUST, College

of EME felt a compelling need for the
youth of Pakistan to actively express
their views on matters of National
Interest. Hence, NUST Universities
Debating Championship, NUDC was
formed. The idea and foundation of
this Event was laid by Syed Hassan
Abbas, the President of NUDC 2010.

Hassan and his team coordinated

with all the major universities in the
region and came up with NUDC, a
national platform with a single pur- Championship. The Final was won
Before we consider the actual event, pose, to further polish the radical By University College Lahore,
one should question the need and minds of the youth and encourage UCL, followed closely by Fatimah
significance of such a tournament. dialogue among them. Moreover, Jinnah Dental College, FJDC Kara-
What are the main problems faced they organized two social events, a chi and Rawalpindi Medical Col-
by Pakistan Today? Why are we Tambola Night and High Tea. These lege, RMC.
(Pakistanis) not able to express our social events gave the participants a
selves freely and fairly to the rest of chance to establish a nationwide net- We hope that such constructive
the world? Why a communication work with each other, the future events will be continued by junior
gap always exists when we present leaders. degrees in the future .
our ideas to the rest of the World?
It is because we are not groomed to In the end NUDC 2010 was a won- (By GC Shuja Zaidi)

Declamation Contest
On Friday, January 8, 2010, BURRAQ tion, it was tough decisions for judges
organized a declamation contest which to make. At the end certificates were
was held in EME College Auditorium distributed to the top three positions
and started at 1700hrs. Brig Akhtar of each category. Muzammil Aleem
Nawaz, the dean of College of E&ME and Fatima Badar got first position in
was the Chief Guest. The participants Urdu and English Article Reading com-
were fully enthusiastic and presented petition respectively while Haider
their speech quite confidently and elo- Abbas and Ahmad Riaz got first posi-
quently which the audience appreciated. tion in Urdu and English speech com-
The topics were primarily related to petition respectively.
current affairs. Due to close competi- Student Appointment SPC
(By NS Zohaib Ahmed , 30 ME) M. Nadeem Azam

The Fourth Dimension

Time flies…Time flies and people We keep on rolling like a snow- we left have no remedy on this
change, priorities alter, dreams de- ball; gathering momentum and God‟s earth but our few steps
part… Time flies and WE change. swallowing everything coming in backwards and a few moments of
We learn to hide our emotions our way, stopping for nothing. We affection can heal them right
behind the facades of broken smiles become heftier and happier. But away. Even if we know, we don‟t
and hollow laughter; we learn to sometimes in trying to make our care to pause. We are afraid of
limit our limits. Time flies and some new lives impeccable we forget losing our present. And it looks
of us learn to replace our erstwhile the very soul of our living exis- so stupid to even remotely risk
belongings with new-fangled ones; tence; things that made us “US”, the things we have achieved just
substituting emotions by some things which were close to our for few moments of living in our
money in the bank, memories by hearts and used to make us feel past. For what is past? Just a few
some suits in the closet, philia by alive. And while gathering our fe- vague memories and some diffi-
some cars in the garage and shy and licity we leave unbearably painful dent smiles and cautious laughs!
cautious laughter by hollow and and never healing scars on the The very thing for which we
broken ones. Time flies and the hearts of people we once cher- could give up our life without any
scenario changes, some people ished as our own and loved more second thoughts starts to seem
walk away leaving nothing behind t h a n o u r s e l v e s … so unreal… So very useless!
save the ashes of a few vague
memories and some diffident But time keeps running in our We don‟t give the slightest of
smiles. Time goes on and there is world and life goes on for us. And thoughts to the idea that maybe;
no barring to it as we start getting in this roller-coaster ride of suc- just MAYBE someone still cher-
ceased more and more in the fens cess we never stop, never take a ishes the echoes of those cau-
of an utterly different world; a moment out of our cozy lives to tious laughter as the most valu-
world where we move faster than take a few steps back to comfort able asset of his whole damn
the time itself. Our pace doesn‟t the memories which are dying by life…
allow us to sit back for a moment every passing moment. We as-
to analyze the events leading to the sume that they will mind them- (By GC Sohaib)
road we are streaming on today. selves. Forgetting that the scars

Commandant’s Address To De-30 (ME And MTS)

On December 1st 2009 Comman- tion. He elucidated on the new up-
dant of EME College Major General coming ventures of EME College
Muhammad Shahid SI(M) made like construction of sports
an informative address to the complex, online bank, refresh-
Mechanical and Mechatronics ment shop, etc. Above all he
Departments (DE 30). emphasized on the grooming
of students.
It provided a chance to the stu-
dents to make a face to face At the end, in Question and
interaction with the administra- Answer session, a sound re-
tion. sponse was given by the au-
thorities to the concerned
In his address, Commandant problems of the students.
shed light on the new prospects for
the students in the age of globaliza- (By NS Esaam Jamil, 30 ME)

Lecturer Bilal Qureshi’s Farewell Party

Lec Bilal Qureshi is a distinguished Lec Fareed and Asst Prof Rehan.
faculty member of Mechanical Tea and snacks were served.
Engineering Department who
Parody of Lec Bilal by stu-
remained on the roll of Depart-
ment from November 2005 to dents amused the partici-
January 2010. During his tenure pants. Addressing the stu-
he mostly taught thermody- dents, Lec Bilal told that he
namics. He left EME College for was an average student but
PhD from KFUPM, Saudi Ara- hard work and devotion to
bia. studies made him possible to
On Saturday, January 9, 2010, reach this position. At the
Degree 30 Mechanical arranged end group photos were taken
a farewell party for Lec Bilal and Lec Bilal humbly shook
Qureshi in Students‟ Mess Hall. hand with each student. EME
The farewell started at 1200 College will always remember him.
hrs with the arrival of Lec Bilal along
(By Waleed Ahmed Mirza. 30 ME)

Mehfil-e-Mushaira By Nawa-e-Sarosh
Winter sunset, frosty winds and and shaairas” and the Ahl-e-Zauq ranging from the sweet first at-
dark clouds ; even the great roman- of our College. The ghazals, nazams tempts to outstanding seasoned
tic masters of the old could not have and prose of the participants were poetry. And in the midst of this
imagined such a perfect background truly food for the senses and the Orchestra we had a wonder sitting
for an evening that was going to be with us, GC Uzair Bangesh (30
filled with poetry, dim oil lights, rose ME) who had just got his poetic
petals, imagery, ghazals, nazams ,the work published with the title
sadness and joys of being a mortal, “Karwat Key Baad”.
the Manna-the heavenly food, for
human mind and soul. NS Irtiza (29 ME) and NS Sundus
(29 Mts) dressed in the theme col-
November 26, 2009 was the day ors of Black and White conducted
when Nawa-e-Sarosh, the poetry the whole mushaira with a sensual
club of SPAL arranged Mehfil-e- grace and finesse. Dean Brig Ak-
Mushaira for students of EME Col- htar Nawaz, SO NUST Col Ishfaq,
lege. The students were allowed to and Adjutant Capt Luqman graced
recite their own works of art or to the colourful evening.
recite something selected from the soul, the selections varied from the
collection of any other poet. masterpieces of Ghalib to the phi- Full marks to Nawa-e-Sarosh, the
losophically optimistic poetry of poetry club for holding such a
The venue, ASG Lecture Hall was Iqbal, we could see the nationalist thoughtful function which was
fully decorated, rose petals and Faiz and the romantic Amjad Islam really enjoyed by the everybody
floating candles providing an almost Amjad along with the rebels like present there.
ethereal feel to the orchestra pro- Faraz and Qateel. The self creations
vided by all the amateur “shaairs of the EME poets were likewise (By GC Shoiab Qureshi)

Football is a favorite sport each day, continuing well into the
of many at this college, and keeping night. It must be mentioned that
that in view,SAS has been organiz- the SAS organizers worked really
ing football related events in the hard to ensure that everything
past years, with the annual FUTSAL went smoothly.
tournament featuring as the most
prominent one. This time the for- The tournament consisted
mat dictated that a maximum of 8 of several interesting stages with a
players be on each team with 5 group stages and knockout rounds
amongst them featuring in the both providing entertaining foot-
starting line-up and the rest playing ball. The final was played out be-
as substitutes. There was frenzy as tween “Veterans” and “Law”. Held
I think it would be fair to say
everyone rushed to make their at night, it was an exciting affair, as
own team, trying to coax the more the floodlights created a magnifi- that all the twenty odd teams who
talented players to be with them. cent ambience, and the crowd participated immensely enjoyed the
There was no restriction on degree cheered exuberantly from the experience, and will eagerly await
or department, but friends stuck sidelines. Veterans won by a nar- the next installment of this fun com-
close, realizing it was more about row margin in the end, and de- petition.
participating and having fun than servedly so one would feel, keep-
anything else. The matches were ing in view their performances in (By NS Talha Aftab, 30 CE)
held from 4 pm in the afternoon the tournament as a whole.

“SUPER SIXES”, the first major much wanted
sporting event of the semester was respite from the
organized by the SAS and held from rigours of study.
17th December 2009.The exciting That doesn‟t of
format consisted of teams with six course goes to
players each, slogging it out for six say that there
overs. Students from all depart- was any lack of
ments and degrees participated passion.
with enthusiasm, nearly 30 teams
registering. Many exciting matches In the end the
were put on display, as players final was played
tried to exhibit their talents in the
out between
short time they were allotted in
each innings. It is interesting to “Champs 29” and
note that teams consisting of staff “Joji‟s 6”.
also participated, with one team Champs 29 de-
even progressing to the very last fended its title
stages of the tournament. All and emerged as victorious capping their first game in which they
matches were held in a festive and off a fine string of performances were defeated by “Ali Six”.
fun mood, the event providing a
throughout the tournament except
(By NS Talha Aftab, 30 CE)


Nishter Company Wins Handball

Tradition Continues...
NISHTER COY, being the CHAM- Jauharites in the very next match The enthusiasm and zeal of cadets
PION of handball game, continues with the same score. The whole were high and they were anxiously
its crushing victory over the Jau- battalion was looking forward for waiting for the match, with the
harites, keeping the grace of prayers for the players.
six year history.
The series was level
Both the Company Sports when both the teams
Sergeants were told to select
stepped into the battle
the teams for Inter Company
Handball event, and the prac- field where the war
tice session began. The play- was to be fought with
ers of both the teams were the ball, not with bul-
putting up their best and mo- lets. It was a noisy en-
rale was high. Not only the vironment. The Specta-
players were excited but the tors were cheering
whole battalion was looking
around, raised slogans,
forward for it as it is consid-
ered to be the battle be- and the players showed
tween the two companies. aggression which was
marvelously tackled by
It was the best of three series. Each the last match which became the the referee. Final was expected to
half of the game consists of 25 min- final and the decisive one be- be tough but it proved to be a
utes. A time out of a minute can be tween the two companies. piece of cake for Nishter Com-
taken if required.
The series had been the hot gos- pany. They easily got the victory
The first two were the nail biting sip throughout and even after the and the series ended up in the fa-
matches for both the companies. series. The spectators played an vour of Nishter Company.
The first match was won by the important role bucking up re-
Nishter Company by goal difference spective teams at every moment
of 4-3, followed by the victory of of the game.
(By GC Shuja Hasan Zaidi)

SAS Indoor Sports Photos


Ameer Sultan
Mr Ameer Sultan started his career in focused on his education. He completed
this institution as Laboratory Assistant his MA English (Linguistics & Literature)
in 1996. He worked with Brig Akhtar from NUML in 2006 securing second
Nawaz Malik during the formative position in his session. He has com-
phase of Mechatronics Engineering De- pleted his course work of M Phil
partment. He is well-mannered and (English) from IIU, Islamabad. He under-
cooperative person who is always eager took research work l titled “English for
to help people in his capacity. His dedi- Engineering Students in Pakistan: Needs
cated services to the department are Analysis” for his M Phil Dissertation.
spread over fourteen years. Besides Presently he is working in DBS&H.
performing his official duties he also

Assistant Professor Taosif Iqbal
Department of Electrical Engineering

Engineer Taosif Iqbal is the Assis- is for 11 years. Mr Tausif com- were published in US Research
tant Professor of the Department pleted his MS from the same Journals while the third one got
o f E l e c t r i c a l University in 2003. He has spe- published in UK.
Engineering. The Editor Camp- cialized in Control Systems. He
buzz NS Malik Basharat inter- is also proficient in Russian Lan- Mr. Tausif believes very firmly
viewed the learned figure in guages. the talent we have in Pakistan is
which he responded as follows: much more refined than Rus-
Mr Tausif joined NUST in 2004, sians do have. He opined the
Assistant Professor Tausif Iqbal initially in Technology Incubation exposure and the resources
who hails from Multan was born Centre. He remained there for 2 available to Russians, if made
in Karachi in 1976 . He got his years. He carried out number of available to our students, they
early education from Multan. He projects there, including Energy will create wonders. Mr Tausif
did his matriculation in 1992 from savers based on LEDS .His other is not satisfied with the Re-
Muslim High School Multan. In major project was development search and Development work
1994 he did his FSc from Govern- of Micro Wind Turbine. being carried out in Pakistan.
ment College of Science Multan. He sees them quite limited and
Throughout his educational ca- Mr Tausif moved to EME Col- the procedures to get the fund-
reer, Mathematics has been of lege as a Lecturer in 2006. In ings are quite lengthy.
special interest for Assistant Pro- May, 2009 he was elevated as
fessor Tausif. Assistant Professor. He is asso- Mr Tausif got married in 2007.
ciated with the Department of He is blessed with two years
On the recommendation of his Electrical Engineering and has old son Muhammad Shaheer
friend and repute of Russia for lectured many subjects related
Mathematical Skills , Mr Tausif to Electrical Engineering. In addi- In his message, he wants us to
decided to go to Russia to pursue tion to that, placement office is love our beloved homeland,
Electrical Engineering. He landed also looked after by him. He has Pakistan. He said the sort of
in Russia in 1995. In his first year been instrumental in arranging freedom we have in Pakistan is
in Russia he had to learn Russian internships for the students of beyond imagination abroad. He
Language. .He got enrolled in BE entire College. also advised people who go to
in Electrical Engineering in different countries during the
Ivanovo State University . The BE Mr. Tausif has three Interna- summer break should also visit
Program continued for five tional Publications to his credit. Russia as the sceneries there
years as in Russian school system Two of his research papers will definitely fascinate them.

Dr. Afzaal Malik And Extensive Research

Dr. Afzaal Malik, Associate Dean mal request from Mr. RanjithPo- induce the ambition into the stu-
(Mechanical and Mechatronics) pro- ladi of Indian Institute of Technol- dents to make our college, stand
duced as many as Thirty (30) re- ogy Guwhati (IITG), one of the amongst the best institutions of
search papers in the calendar year top engineering institutions of the world.
2009. Thirteen of these papers are India to carry out research under
International Journal papers and Ten Dr Afzaal Malik during the sum-
are International Conference papers mer because of the extensive
with the remaining seven papers be- research work undertaken by Dr.
ing National Conference papers. Afzaal Malik.
This sheer amount of research work
during that time can be compared Campbuzz congratulates Dr
with any Professor of any University Afzaal Malik on behalf of the
including USA. In addition to this, whole college as the presence of
Dr Afzaal Malik as also received for- inspiring figures like himself

HOD Mechanical Welcomes Degree-31 Mechanical

Honorable Professor Dr Mah- themselves during the lectures, ex-
mood Anwar Khan addressed the ams and leisure time. He urged the
new comers and welcomed them students to make optimum use of
to their new home College of the facilities being provided to them
Electrical and Mechanical Engineer- at EME College so that they get
ing. groomed and are educated elite of
the Nation.
He introduced Department of Me-
chanical Engineering to them and It is a very good precedent set by
highlighted the salient features of HOD Mechanical and other depart-
the department. His talk also cov-
ments should also follow this as it
ered how students should conduct
has proved quite fruitful.

Honour For Department of Computer Engineering

Adding to the prestigious list of Omni-directional Antenna at BS” sonal excellence but also reflects the
achievements and awards, DCE authored by Head of Department, research environment present in the
CEME proved once again why it is DCE, Col. Dr. Khalid Iqbal won department leading to awards like
the highest rated Computer Engi- the BEST PAPER AWARD at the these.
neering Department in all of Paki- ICET 2009, held at the National
stan by PEC rankings when the re- University of Computer and
search paper titled “Exploitation of Emerging Sciences (FAST, NU)
Multiuser Diversity in Spatial and Islamabad. Congratulations to
Time Domain by Opportunistic HOD DCE on the achievement
Communication System using an which not only reflects his per-


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