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M i c k ey s a n d h er f a t h e r r e c o n c i l i a t i o n t o m a i n t a i n t h e i r
f a mi l y t i e s b y R o b e r t L o r e n z f i l m , i n Tro u b l e w i t h t h e


Name : Dian Hutari
Nim : 110350735





: 110350735


: S1 of English Department

1. Sponsor Committee

Mayor Sponsor

Co Sponsor

(Siti Isminarni,Ss., M. Pd)

(Drs.Tsardos Slapito)

2. Agreement
Director of Pertiwi School
Foreign Languages

Head of English Department

(Didi Mulyadi S., M.M)

(Wulansari, S.Pd.,M.Hum)



: Siti Isminarni.,S.S.,M.Pd

First Examiner

: Drs. Tsardos Slapito


: ..




It is with some premature relief that I am handing over this thesis, although I
have yet to realize how I manage to complete it before the deadline. One thing is
for sure after the months of blood, sweat and tears, it has yet to sink in with me
that my thesis is finished and that I am soon to be a graduate from English
Education Department of Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Pertiwi. I would, however,
not be able to fully enjoy this event before acknowledging the help I received
throughout this year.

Biggest thanks to Allah SWT to the almighty for giving me strength, chance
and blessing me with joy and mirth in my life and to his beloved prophet
Muhammad Peace Be upon Him.
Warm thanks were also directed to my sponsors who became a driving force
behind my thesis:
First sponsor Siti Isminarni,Ss, M. Pd., who gave me assistance,
encouragement and support in the forms of useful comments on my thesis drafts
from the initial to the final stage so that I could develop my understanding of the
Second Sponsor Drs.Tsardos Slapito who gave me big support, responsive
feedback and patience so I could hand over this thesis in time through nearly in
very last minutes. Without his support and encouragements during the writing
process of my thesis, I would not be where I am now.
Special thanks also directed to all my lectures Siti Isminarni,Ss, M. Pd., Drs
Tsardos Slapito, Wulansari,S.Pd.,M.Hum, Didi Mulyadi,S.S, M.M.,Drs.Horas
Purba,MBA, Dra. Deni Wrestiningsih, Dra. Revida Engelbertha M.Hum,Susi
Haryanti S.S , administration staff , thanks for your guidance and enlightenment.
My Deepest gratitude is also directed toward my beloved parents, brother,
sister, Uncle, Aunt and my lovely friends Yuni Lestari, Rosalina, Agnes trenesya,
Lasniarti, Aris, Ibnu Rasyid, Riyan Adiputra, Mentari Fajariani, Adistya Rahman,
Rahajeng, Fadli Abdika, Fajrin Gita Pertiwi, Lisman, Grace,and special friend
Fahmy Fazrin, they are personality who always support me during my study in
collage until finish.

I would also like to express my thanks to the readers of my thesis. They

deserve gratitude for their dedication in reading and therefore giving me a chance
to graduate this year.
Last but not least, bunch of thanks to all my friends for keeping fighting
with me throughout the academic years.

Writer, April 2015

Dian Hutari

: The Reconciliation of Mickey and her father to maintain their

familys tie in Robert Lorenzs Film Trouble with the curve
Jakarta : Pertiwi School of Foreign Languages, 2015

The writer choose film Trouble with the Curve her thesis because inspires
figure as father toward his daughter. This film also teach to us to could build
better relationship between parents among their children and how they are educate
their children.

The aims of writing the thesis is, first to analyze the personality of Gus
Lobel as fathers figure who left his daughter of his career as scout baseball. Gus
has reason why he left Mickey because Gus has a bad memorize of his daughter.
So Gus gives Mickey to her uncle and aunt to protect his daughter. Mickeys
mother was died, when she was child. It makes Gus afraid to protect his daughter
alone. When mickey adult she try to choose his career as a lawyer based on her
ego, but Mickey has soul of Scout baseball and it is comes from her father.
Mickey begin to maintain her relationship with her father to be better. They try to
make good communication. Because of distance was happened when mickey was
6 years old they got bad communication until Mickey be adult child. They get lost
figure of each other.
The writer uses psychological of humanity and Psychological of Parenting
to analyze how parents educate their children and their ways to maintain their
relationship to be better relationship for their future.
After watching and comprehending Trouble with the curve, the writer
gives conclusion and suggestion to readers that analyzing film is very fun because
besides watching the actors act and seeing the beauty of the cinematography the
writer can also understand the nature of each character. The writer can learn that
from working hard and dong best effort someone will get the best result of his or
her expectations.

Dian Hutari

: The Reconciliation of Mickey and her father to maintain their

familys tie in Robert Lorenzs Film Trouble with the curve
Jakarta : Pertiwi School of Foreign Languages, 2015.

Penulis memilih film Trouble with The Curve sebagai bahan skripsinya
karena film ini menginspirasi kepada sosok figure ayah terhadap anak perempuan
nya. Film ini juga mengajarkan kita untuk bisa berhubungan baik antara anak
kepada orang tua nya dan dari orang tua mendidik anak nya.

Tujuan dari penulisan ini pertama adalah untuk menganalisa kepribadian

Gus Lobel adalah sosok ayah yang meninggalkan anak nya demi karir nya. pada
hal lain Gus Lobel juga meninggalkan anak perempuan nya karena Gus
mempunyai masa lalu yang buruk terhadap anak perempuan nya itu , maka dari
hal ini Gus menitipkan anak nya kepada om dan tante nya agar bisa tumbuh
dengan pengawasan yang baik. Gus adalah sosok orang tua tunggal bagi putri
nya,karena ibu dari Mickey sudah meninggal, maka Gus takut jika dia
membesarkan anak nya seorang diri. Ketika Mickey dewasa mickey mencoba
menjadi pengacara sesuai dengan ego nya, akan tetapi jiwa seorang pengamat
baseball turun kepada Mickey dari ayah nya. ketika mereka mulai menjalin
hubungan lebih sering, ada saja yang membuat mereka berbeda pendapat. Mereka
berdua mempunyai komunikasi yang buruk terhadap satu sama lain. Ini
dikarenakan jarak yang cukup lama ketika Mickey berumur 6 tahun mereka tidak
berkomunikasi yang baik. Mereka satu sama lain kehilangan figur masing-masing.
Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kejiwaan dari kemanusiaan dan
kejiwaan terhadap sikap orang tua dalam mendidik anak untuk menganalisa cara
mereka memperbaiki hubungan menjadi lebih baik demi masa depan mereka.
Setelah menonton dan memahami film Trouble with the curve penulis
memberikan kesimpulan dan saran kepada para pembaca bahwa dalam
menganalisa film sangat menyenangkan karena selain bisa menonton acting para
pemeran nya dan melihat keindahan sinematografinya, penulis juga dapat
menyelami masing-masing karakter kepada setiap pemeran nya. penulis dapat
belajar dari kerja keras dan berusaha sebaik-baiknya seseorang akan mendapatkan
yang terbaik daricita-citanya.

Cover Page................................................................................................................i
Approval Page..........................................................................................................ii
Admission Page......................................................................................................iii

Table of Contents..................................................................................................viii

A. Background of Study ..................................................................
B. Problem Formulation ..................................................................
C. Objectives of Study .....................................................................
D. Definition of terms ......................................................................
E. Urgency of Study ........................................................................
F. Theoretical Grounds ...................................................................
G. Methods of Study ......................................................................
H. Systematization .........................................................................


A. Psychological Theory Of Humanity .........................................
1. Rationale ..............................................................................
2. Morality ................................................................................
3. Humanity ..............................................................................
B. Psychological Theory Of Parenting ..........................................
1. Definition of Attachment ......................................................
2. Adult Attachment .................................................................
a. Secure Attachment .......................................................
b. Dismissing Attachment ................................................
c. Preoccupied Attachment ..............................................
d. Fearful Attachment ......................................................
e. Attachment against Dad ...............................................



A. Impairment Communication....................................................
1. Gus Behavior while driving his car ......................................
2. Gus and Mickey has a bad communication ..........................


3. Mickeys unrespect to her father ..........................................

B. Development Of Their Relationship .........................................
1. Mickeys instinct ..................................................................
2. Gus has bad memorized of a bad guy when mickey
was child ..........................................................................
3. Mickey is very human towards her father ............................



A. Fathers Figure ..........................................................................

1. Gus Protects his daughter......................................................34
2. Gus was Angry when Guy disturbed Mickey........................36
3. Gus uses his feeling to know Mickeys feeling.....................37
B. Relationship In Adulthood........................................................
1. Secure Attachment................................................................

Dismissing Attachment........................................................40
Preoccupied attachment. .....................................................41

C. Closeness Of Their Relationship ..............................................



A. Conclusions...........................................................................
B. Suggestion.............................................................................

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................
1. Sequence of Trouble with the Curve..........................................50
2. The summary of Trouble with The Curve..................................52
3. The Picture of the scene in Trouble with The Curve.................54
4. Biography of Robert Lorenz......................................................60
5. The Work of Robert Lorenz.......................................................61
6. The Awards of Robert Lorenz....................................................62
BIOGRAPHY OF THE WRITER..........................................................................63
Cover Page


Approval Page
Admission Page
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .................................................................
I. Background



J. Problem


K. Objectives



L. Definition



M. Urgency



N. Theoretical
O. Methods



P. Systematization







4. Rationale
5. Morality
6. Humanity


3. Definition


4. Adult


























4. Gus








5. Gus and Mickey has a bad communication

6. Mickeys


4. Mickeys






5. Gus has bad memorized of a bad guy when

6. Mickey is very human towards her father







4. Gus Protects his daughter.

5. Gus was Angry when Guy disturbed Mickey.
6. Gus uses his feeling to know Mickeys feeling.



4. Secure Attachment.

Dismissing Attachment.
Preoccupied attachment.





7. Sequence of Trouble with the Curve
8. The summary of Trouble with The Curve
9. The Picture of the scene in Trouble with The Curve
10. Biography of Robert Lorenz
11. The Work of Robert Lorenz
12. The Awards of Robert Lorenz.


A. Background of Study

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Many

people in the world have known the terms of literature. According to Wwellek and
Wwarren A.a (1977:94), literature represents life and life is a social reality,
even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the
individual have also been objects of literary imitations.. Through literature,
authors try to express their ideas, feeling, and experiences about what they
ever have experienced in their life, their community and their environment. It
uses a different language from the language that we use in our everyday lives
in that it uses beautiful, creative and imaginative language that could
represent a person expressing feeling of his heart when he is happy, sad, and
disappointed, etc.
There are many types of literature such as drama, poem, music, and film.
Drama is a literary work which is presented by acting. It usually presents a true
story in life in order to invite the audience to enjoy and feel the meaning of life.
Meanwhile, poem is one of literary work created by writing some beautiful
sentences. Sometimes the poet uses the same words. For most readers it is
very difficult to understand but the poet must have the reason why he uses
the same words over and over. Music is literary work usinges tones that are
assembled with a rhythm.
In this thesis the writer uses film as the object of her study. Film which
is also called movie is a literary work played by an actor or actress directed
by a film director to give directions how the actors or actreess should act. It is

produced by recording photographic images with camera, or by creating

images using animation techniques or visual effects.

Film is easier to understand than poem or song. That is why the writer
chooses film as the object of analysis in this thesis. People can see the acting
and expression of the character, so the message conveyed by the film can be
easily understood by the audience. Film also can also excercise our brain. For
example when the viewers are watcing a suspence movie, they always guess
something to happen, interpret and analyse the scenes and situation and
predict things.
Trouble with the Ccurve is a film about the story of a biography written,
produced, and directed by Robert Lorenz. The film stars Clint Eastwood as
top baseball scout for decades, but age caught up with him. This film interest
of entertaining tale filled with heart, humor and fantastic acting by Pete
Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine. This film has was written by Randy Brown,
and has been nominated in ion including Oglethorpe Award for Excellence in
Georgia Cinema.
In this film tries to convey his admiration Randy scouts as the main
characters depicted in this film, thought that in baseball for the second. This
case can be made using the technology, using research by vision and accuracy
and other factors is included which is much better, although this can be done
someone enthusiastic about their concern, as a baseball scout is an element
that cannot be replaced.
Those Wwho watch saw this film in hopes of entertainmenting and will feel
that at least some of what they see watch in the film is accurate with a baseball
scout, in a sense that it is scout baseball that is in fact not a glamorous job but a

hard workone. This is done for hours observing, Randy tries trying to convey a
true scout as is main character in this film.
Talking on about thehis main character, Clint Eastwood has a daughter with
strong character in the story. Director Robert Lorenz said that this is more angled
to the movies for a father and his daughter. But his admiration for the work of
baseball scout is more likely convey a message to her father-son relationship.

Trouble with The Curve is like an exercise in conquering the

unfilmable. Nobody plays a grizzled-but-secretly-lovable coot like Clint
Eastwood. And critics say he and co-star Amy Adams are in fine form in Trouble
with the Curve, even if the movie's plot is as well-worn as an old catcher's mitt.
Gus Lobel (Eastwood) is an aging scout for the Atlanta Braves who's losing both
his sight and his preternatural gift for judging talent. When the team hopes to
secure a hotshot prospect in the draft, Gus' daughter Mickey (Adams) joins him on
a trip to scout the player, mending their frayed relationship in the process. The
pundits say Trouble With the Curve it's a solid single: it's warm, well-acted, and
really predictable.
Thinking about the movie the day after the writer saw it, she found myself
herself putting aside those frustrations, along with the plodding screenplay
and increasingly strained thematic connections. (The film at one point
explicitly makes the argument that neither baseball nor life is played on
paper. Which is undeniably true. Good point, there.) The film is full of small
pleasures, whether it's Eastwood and Adams whispering baseball facts to

each other, or Timberlake and Adams clog-dancing, or Eastwood in the film's

best scene attacking a guy in a bar who dared touch his daughter on the
thigh. I don't feel proud recommending Trouble with the Curve. It does so
much wrong, and it is so proud of itself for it. But it's too much fun watching
these actors have such fun. Eastwood hasn't acted and it fits him; it loosens him
up, gets him out of his comfort zone, challenges him in a great one film.

B. Problems Formulation
Based on the background of study, the writer formulates some problems
1. Why does Gus Lobel does have a bad relationship with his
2. How do the way Gus Lobel and his daughter build their better
C. Objectives of Sstudy
The first aims of this theis is to find out wWhy Gus Lobel and hiser
daughter suffered a bad relationship.

is in because of the sparse

communication relationships, and life not understanding each other between

father and son. Gus Lobel haswas a career as a baseball scout who saves his or
her ability in the eyes of his vision. Iin his old age, he cannot evasive right
again that someone with age gets older, the function of the organs, especially
his instinct of visually certainly has not functioning optimally. In addition, his
daughter of his life falls apart from his father. Here begians the conflict was
againstbetween them where they experienced long-distance communication, is
of little boy is growing up with a father, is in because the mother who had

died. The father who thinks that life in the world of baseball games and
worked as a researcher is something so very important. Father who feels his
life i's fine without his er daughter is also biased against the child to continue
his father's career. Conflicts ranging from the child's unwillingness to
continue the career as a baseball scout.
The second aims is to find out , the way of father and his daughter to
maintain their bad relationship. is first, a First, after Mickey feelsings about
her dad, Mickey showsing up to help, even if it is unexpected, and it would do
good. thing. But Gus just cannot see it that way. His daughter always wants
the approval of their father. So naturally Mmickey wants Guss attention
about: she wants him to be proud of her, but he, like many dads, has a hard
time conveying that. Over time, shes built up a wall and things between them
that they have become contentious, to say the least. Second, Gus is an old guy
who believes in the tried and true way of doing things. He works from his gut,
trusts his instincts, and doesnt see any point in changing. Unlike Gus,
Mickeys career is on the rise : shes an associate competing for coveted slot
as a partner at her law firm. Mickey and Gus have a lot in common. They are two
people who focus on they work to keep from having to focus on anything else.
Mickey takes it upon herself to look out for Gus, joining him on his latest scouting
trip, hoping to be his eyes on field. However, Gus is actually also afraid shell
catch on to whats really wrong with him.

D. Definition of Terms
The writer entitled her thesis Mickeys and her Ffather Rreconciliation to
Mmaintain Ttheir Ffamily Tties. The film is more of a tale about a father and a
daughter attempting to mend broken bonds, as opposed to a road trip
dreamed about two people attempting to overcome the generation gap.

The first terseems is Reconciliation, according to Oxford Advance

Learners Dictionary, Reconciliation is a parallel process that redesigns the
relationship between us. This is an immense challenge, and no one should think
that it is quick or easy. But the effort carries a great reward: effective
Reconciliation is the best guarantee that the violence of the past will not
return. If we can build a new relationship between us that is built on respect
and a real understanding of each others needs, fears and aspirations, the
habits and patterns of cooperation that we then develop are the best
safeguard against a return to violent division. And so we reach our basic
definition of reconciliation: it is a process through which a society moves
from a divided past to a shared future.

The second terseems is mMaintain., according According to Oxford

Advance Learners Dictionary, mMaintain means to are seek to remain
unchanged from its original state.

The third seems is Family Ties., According to oxford Advance Learners

Dictionary, , fFamily is a group consisting of one or two parents and their children
with their relationship, whether good or bad. It is usually means that close
members of an individual's family are stable members of a community. "Close
members" usually means a spouse or child, and the nuclear family of origin
(mom, dad, siblings). Those ties that bind to family can sometimes be a blessing,
or they can be the difficult situations that can drag down emotionally, physically,
mentally, and financially. Even though some of those ties are difficult, they are no
less important.

E. Urgency of Study
The mMessages in interpersonal communication between father and
son is not always charged positive or negative. The interesting thing is the
authorfor the writer is that , in which this film the father and his daughter were
are both trying to improve relations. The father has two roles, those are at as a
father and as a mother, because the mother who had died and no one are able
to carry out their duties as a mother should have her child. In this
filmThrough the analysis of this film, the writerauthor would like to explain
that the relationship between the child and the father will have an effect on

their development in the future, where if someone who is old will definitely
require the role of a child. I The writer will attempt to explain to the reader
that maintaining good relations in the family will be very influential in the
future for relations within the family itself.
For institution, the writer wishes that his thesis may bring some benefits.
Ocontain some information one of them is that it can help to build a good
relationship as well asis to build a good communication as well. Related to
this family relationship, it will air give an effect on the future as well. When a
relationship is at a considerable distance, then the effect will be received
badly too, either physical effect or o and mental effect. on someone. This thesis
is expected to contribute to all members of this institution in order to build and
maintain goor relationship to its special lecturers to always remember to be able to
relate well to anyone, especially to the members of their respective families. In
accordance hope the author also is able to learn from an experience made in
a study.
For the readers, the writing of this thesis is expected to give benefits to both
the reader and the writer itself. By reading this thesis , the readers are expected to
know the advantages of the reaserch. The readers can find out blessed happy to be
envied, and spiritually prosperous with life joy and satisfication, regardless of
their out ward conditions areor of the poor in spirit the humble,that they who rate
themselves in significancet for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
For the writer herself, individual, the reason why the authorsshe examines
the story in this film is that she is very interested in the core of the story which
explains that a girl that greatwho grew up without being accompanied by a father,


and when big she is grown up she would still care for her father, that an old man
like a father who experienced experiences a change on his vision is as human, but
on the one hand the father refused refuses to be in aid of her daughter., here Here
the author, touched as a child that is supposed to be concerned with the needs of
the father or her own parents, learns from here that as human beings family should
care for each other. Learning from the point of view of the father who actually
takes the figure of a child in his side can still arrange for a better future and rule
out the selfish nature of his, every person must have a human side that does not
need to be in the cover that it will benefit all took a lot of the same other. When
experiencing a relationship that is not good in a relationship, then with his own
everyone will feel in a little or even a lot ofsome trouble. Therefore, Its all good
mean should be interconnected either in any case during along his life b. Because,
everything that we have did done will certainly it is certain get back to ourselves.
F. Theoretical Grounds
A literature is a mirror of society life. A literature is a device for the author
to explain the problems in society. Wellek and Warren (1976) in Theory of
Literature explain a relation between society and literature:
Literature is social institution, using as its medium
language, a social creation. They are conventions and norm which
could have arisen only in society. But, furthermore, literature
represent life ; and life is, in large measure a social reality, even
though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the
individual have also been objects of literary imitation.. (1976:94).
To analyze this film, the writter used psychological approach as theory in
her thesis because it relates to the story of the film. Psychological approach is an
approach which is developed by the psychologists on the basic of the psyche.


Psychological approach is a teory created by psycologist. This theory is

applied to different aspects of psychology. The approach basically provides an
explanation of a specific topic from a certain point of view. Bernard J. Paris in his
book Iimagined Hhuman Bbeings states that,
Psychoanalysis deals with human being in conflict with themselves and
each other and literarture protrays, and is wriiten and read by people
(1997 : 3).
In this definition, Paris tels abouthiglights the relationship between
psychology and literature. Psychology is a scientific study about mental attitudes.
Human can have a problem with themselves or other people. While literature is
photographing , writing and narrating the problems experienceds by human beings
so it could be enjoyed by readers.
The writer has a part of psychology of humanity; one of the problem issues
in their environment is Humanity. Humanity is the human race or the quality that
makes us human. When writer talks about humanity, she is talking about human
beings, human kind, or people as a whole.
According to Thomas Hobbes, human beings are essentially selfish. The
writer is summarizing the goal of Hobbes' philosophy as simply "survival". It
follows that they are not essentially ethical or "good" people. For Hobbes, ethics
is only something that comes from selfishness and the desire for self-preservation.


The writer uses Psychological approach of attachment parenting because the

problems the writer analyzes are related to the psychology one of the character.
According to Ainworth, Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that
connects one person to another across time and space (1973:211)tahun???).
Attachment does not have to be reciprocal. One person may have an attachment
with an individual which is not shared. This is in line with waht Bowly explains
that,According to bowlby, Attachment is characterized by specific behaviors in
children, such as seeking proximity with the attachment figure when upset or
threatened (1969:129)tahun???). Attachment behavior in adults towards the child
includes responding sensitively and appropriately to the childs needs.


behavior appears universal across cultures. Attachment theory provides an

explanation of how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences
subsequent development.

Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person
to another across time and space (Ainsworth, 1973). Attachment does not have to
be reciprocal. One person may have an attachment with an individual which is
not shared. Attachment is characterized by specific behaviors in children,
such as seeking proximity with the attachment figure when upset or
threatened (Bowlby, 1969). Attachment behavior in adults towards the child
includes responding sensitively and appropriately to the childs needs.


behavior appears universal across cultures. Attachment theory provides an


explanation of how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences

subsequent development.
The writer also wants to collaborate on a story in this film with the
interpersonal relationship between the father and his daughter. It is associated will
be how to build bad relationship to be better in a relationship in communicating.
As the theory according to Guerero, Andersen, and Afifi (, 2009 :18tahun???),
In interpersonal communication, process of maintain good relations,
covering attempt and to maintain a relationship with to make improvements,
namely to prevent the problem and fix the problems that have taken place..

The writer would like to elaborate her thesis related with the theories of
psychological of parenting as the break up analysis in the chapter.

G. Methods of Sstudy
As the primary data in gathering some information to analyze her thesisthe
film, in this thesis the writer applies is a descriptive reasearch. The writer got the
primary data from the experience itself. By watching the film and tried to
understand the problems in the film so that she could determine what approach
she could use to analyze the problems.
Besides, the analysis describing the writer also uses approaches in the
analysis of the first film writer uses psychological approach is about Behavioral
psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the
idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Advocated by famous


psychologists such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, behavioral theories

dominated psychology during the early half of the twentieth century. Today,
behavioral techniques are still widely used in therapeutic settings to help clients
learn new skills and behaviors and she used theories of development provide a
framework for thinking about human growth, development, and learning. If you
have ever wondered about what motivates human thought and behavior,
understanding these theories can provide useful insight into individuals and
The writer also analysis Humanistic psychology., Humanistic psychology
theories began to grow in popularity during the 1950s. While earlier theories often
focused on abnormal behavior and psychological problems, humanist theories
instead emphasized the basic goodness of human beings. Some of the major
humanist theorists include Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.
The secondary data the writer gotwere collected by reading, collecting
books, and browsing data related to psychologal theories such as personality
sickness on the internet and book store. She tries to get some theories relating to
the problems. In describing and explainin the chalenges faced by Clint Eastwood
in the film, the writer used psychological of parenting and humanity approach.
T,these approach that describes the state of Clint Eastwood. He also analyze
H. Systematization
The writer devided this thesis into five chapters. The first chapter is consists
of explanation about the background of study, problems formulation, objectives of


study, definition of terms, urgency of study, thoretical grounds, method of study,

and systematization.
The second chapter describes the theories used by the writer in solving the
problems inherent in her thesis. She uses psychological theories by taking
personality theory from some theoriests of psychology.
The third chapter anlyzes the factors stimulating Clint Easwood and his
daughter have to maintain their relationship. This chapter tells about some factors
which Clint Eastwood get spirit.
The fourth chapter discuses about Clint Eastwoods way to get his goal of
his life in baseball as scout baseball more deeply. It tells about the way Clint
Eastwood transfer his wishes. This chapter also tells about the effects of Eastwood
spirit for his personality life and other peoples especially for daughter and family.
The fifth chapter is Cconclusions and Ssuggestions. The writer makes the
conclusions about the thesis to make it easier for the readers to understand it. The
suggestion is made in order that the readers have wilingness to study literature.




A. Psychological Theory ofabout Humanity

Humanity according to Maslow 1970:24, Humanity is the human race or the
quality that makes us human. When you talk about humanity, you're talking about
human beings, human kind, or people as a whole.
According to Thomas Hobbes, human beings are essentially selfish. The
writer is summarizing the goal of Hobbes' philosophy as simply "survival.". It
follows that are not essentially ethical or "good" people. For Hobbes, ethics is
only something that comes from selfishness and the desire for self-preservation.
According to Kants theory of Human Nature, definitely Human nature is
a set of common characteristics shared by all normal members of the human
species in different times and places. (2010:21).
Insofar as Kant subscribes to a context independent concept of Human
Nature he is also at odds with the relativist bent that is in some sense implicit in
the eld as such. In it one comes to know not the state of human beings but
rather the nature of humanity, for the local properties of human beings always
change, but the nature of humanity. Anthropology is not a description of human
beings, but of human nature (Friedlander 25: 471).

1. Man as an animal rationale



According Kants theory in his book Human Nature 2010, Kant

comparing compares humans to other animals., Kant sees the following basic
1. Rationality. Humans, he believes are the only rational terrestrial beings. But
two points about his ascription of rationality to humans are worth noting. First,
he puts a slight twist on the traditional denition of man as an animal rationale.
The human being, on Kants view, is an animal endowed with the capacity of
reason (animal rationale), and thus can make out of himself a rational animal
(animal rationale) (Anth 7: 321).
Kant adds yet another tentative note to his account of human nature.
Because humans can freely choose their own ends rather than simply pursue
the goals that they instinctively desire. In emphasizing human beings capacity
to pursue ends of their own choosing (substantive rationality).

3. Morality.
4. Human beings interrelated capacities to determine their own ends and to
make free choices among equally compelling alternatives in turn
contribute to several additional dierences between humans and other
6. Morality is an essentially social phenomenon. According to this
conception, morality is a group oriented phenomenon born out of mutual


dependence that is exclusively other regarding. In addition to this

exclusively other-regarding focus, a second core assumption in the moral
conceptions of those who attribute morality to nonhuman animals is that:
Morality is primarily concerned with instincts and emotions rather than
rationality and principles. Morality is a direct outgrowth of the social
instincts that we share with other animals is neither unique to us nor a
conscious decision taken at a specic point in time: it is the product of
social evolution.




According to Kants theory of humanity, humanity described in Religion is

identical to the pragmatic predisposition discussed in the Anthropology; others
hold that it encompasses both the pragmatic and technical predispositions. The
writer own view is that the Religion and Anthropology accounts of the human
species predispositions stand in an ambiguous relationship with one another.
In Religion Kant describes the predisposition to humanity as a capacity that the
human being has as a living and at the same time rational being (6: 26), and
the key reference to rational suggests that what he primarily has in mind here

9. The human beings ability to deliberate and to freely choose, own ends.
In describing the predisposition to personality in Religion he says that it is
a quality the human being has a rational and at the same time responsible
being (6: 26).


The writer can summarize the main points in the above discussion by
noting that Kants theory of human nature is provisional in both its conception and
presentation; that his commitment to the possibility of rational life on other
planets means that he is not a defender of human exception that he believes there
is a uniform human nature but that its core feature of free choice means that
humanitys nature is marked by radical indeterminacy; that his conception of
human nature, while neither historicist nor relativist, also emphasizes historical
development and cultural variation; and that he believes a systematic and
comparative biological examination of human and other terrestrial animal species
reveals both continuities and profound differences.

B. Psychological of ParentingCorrelates of Attachment

1. Definition of Attachment
The term attachment was first proposed by a Psychologist from England in
1958 named John Bowlby. According to Bowlby him (in Santrock, 2002:
129halaman), :
Attachment is the existence of the relationship between certain social
figures with a particular phenomenon which is thought to reflect the
unique characteristics of the relationship. Attachment will last long


enough in the human life span that begins with the attachment to the
mother or the child's other surrogate mother figure..
In addition to this definition, According to Arthur Becker-Weidman
(2010:halaman?129) highlights that,
Attachment behavior is any type of behavior that causes a person to attain
or to retain proximity to preferred individual and that result in an increased
sense of safety and security..
The definitions attachment can be concluded that attachment isas an
emotional connection or relationship that is affective between one individual with
another individual that has a special meaning, in this case the relationship is
usually aimed at mothers or guardians. Fostered relationships are reciprocal,
survive long enough and give a sense of security though not visible in the attached
figure the child's view.
The process of attachment is an important development central to every life
phase starting with initial attachment, which is formed with the caregiver, then
with peers, followed by close adult relationships. He viewed attachment
relationships as a significant factor influencing an adults emotional life.
In order to provide a context for understanding the broader theoretical
framework on which the present study is based, various theories and models
relevant to the constructs of attachment and adult attachment will be discussed.
The overall aim of this chapter is to develop a clear understanding of the
constructs of attachment across the lifespan. A key focus of the present study is
upon the influence of attachment relationships developed in infancy on the
internal working model formulated by Bowlby (1969:halaman129). These internal


working models (schema) acts as the filter through which are subjective
interpretation of close relationships in adulthood are viewed.
Finally, this chapter focuses upon the paternal relationship or the inner
working model of the inner / personal father attachment.
Individuals vary in the way they develop and maintain relationships. For the
study of interpersonal adult relationships, attachment theory offers a
comprehensive and well-researched framework. As such, attachment theory
provides a foundation for the understanding of the functions and the
developmental pathways of human affection bonds, including close relationships
between adults (Hazen & Shaver, 1994:9halaman).
Attachment in relationships is part of a lifelong experience that shapes
human behavior from the cradle to the grave (Bowlby, 1979:, p. 129).
Attachment theory postulates that the development of emotional attachment to
other individuals is primarily developed during infancy and early childhood.
Attachment can be defined as the emotional tone between children and their
caregivers (Sadock & Sadock, 2003:halaman8)). An attachment is an enduring
affective bond characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain proximity to a
specific figure (Ainsworth, 1978:8 :halaman; Bowlby, 1969:9halaman). It should
be noted that attachment is described as the emotional bond, not as the behavior.
These bonds develop as an evolutionary demand for infants to maintain close
proximity to their caregivers during times of threat. Anything that threatens to
inhibit proximity evokes anxiety. This causes the infant to engage in whatever
behavior is necessary to re-establish the desired closeness (Hazen and Shaver,
1994:halaman8)). These behaviors become the basis for future attachment


Attachment patterns shift over the lifespan from the childhood goal of
maintaining physical proximity to the adult goal of maintaining emotional
proximity in the form of felt security. As this change occurs and peers begin to
fulfill the needs once satisfied by parental figures, attachments are transferred one
by one (Hazen & Shaver, 1994:halaman8)). Eventually, parental figures become
secondary in ones hierarchy of attachment figures, although their importance is
never completely relinquished in this process. This process, described by Hazen &









perceptions/interpretations rather than actual events when assessing adult

attachment. Adults have already developed a schema of the world, which inhibits
them from making complete objective evaluations about the occurrence of actual
events. They assess events based on messages received in the past and their
individual interpretative processes.
2. Adult Attachment
Attachment behaviors and the affective bonds to which they lead are present
and active throughout the lifespan. For an adult to be attached to a spouse, lover,
friend or parent is ordinary, normal and healthy (Colin,1996:halaman11)).
Recent research on adult attachment has shown that the attachment patterns
that are formed in infancy and childhood seem to have equivalent counterparts in
adulthood. Hazen and Shaver (1987:halaman12)) showed that the distribution of
the three main attachment styles (secure, avoidant and anxious-ambivalent) in
adulthood were relatively equal to the distribution of attachment styles in
childhood. Subsequently, Hazen and Shaver (1987:halaman13)) have contributed
greatly to increasing understanding of the changing nature of attachment over the


life-course. They have specified a few basic differences between childhood and
adult attachment bonds. One difference specified is that in childhood, attachments
are asymmetrical. This means that one figure gives protection and care while the
other figure is the recipient. Between adults, attachments are often reciprocal in
which two partners provide mutual care and protection. Although the shift from
the asymmetrical attachment of childhood to the reciprocal attachments of
adulthood is not well understood, Colin (1996:14)halaman) believes that the shift
probably begins in adolescence. In adult relationships, both attachment behavior
and serving as an attachment figure, 15 should be observable in individuals and
the two roles may shift rapidly between partners (Crowell & Treboux,
1995:15)halaman). Other differences are that attachment relationships between
adults often serve a wide variety of other functions, including sexual bonding,
companionship, sense of competence and shared purpose or experience
(Ainsworth, 1985; Weiss, 1974:173halaman:). Ainsworth (1991:15)halaman),
focusing on attachment behavior in adult life, suggests that a secure attachment
relationship will facilitate functioning and competence outside of the relationship.
She observes that there is:
Seeking to obtain an experience of security and comfort in the
relationship with the partner. If and when such security and comfort
are available, the individual is able to move from the secure base
provided by the partner, with the confidence to engage in other
activities (Ainsworth, 1991:, p. 38).
According to Weiss (1982:173) the attachment figures in adult life need not
be the protective figures but they can rather be seen as fostering the attached
individuals own capacity for mastering challenge (p.173). It is imperative to


highlight that attachment relationships in adults are distinguished as those which

provide feelings of security and peace, without which there is loneliness and
restlessness, as opposed to relationships which 16 provide guidance or
companionship, opportunities to feel needed or to share common interests or
experiences, feelings of competence, alliance and assistance (Ainsworth,
1985:halaman; :173 ; Weiss, 1974:173)halaman).
a. Secure Attachment
Adults with a secure attachment style are likely to have experienced
consistently responsive early caregiving, which fosters a positive view of self
and others (Ainsworth, 1991:79)halaman). In addition, they are comfortable
depending on others as well as being readily comforted by others. Karen (1998:,
p. 401) also adds another dimension to secure adult attachment styles:
The key qualities of the secure-autonomous adults are not that they had
secure attachments with their parents. Rather they were all distinguished
by an open and coherent way of reflecting on their attachments. To the
extent that they felt wounded by their parent, they managed to work it
through, so that they were no longer either rigidly cut off from their true
feelings about that relationship or still embroiled with hurt, rage, and
blame. Somehow they ... let the past rest and move on with their lives.
b. Dismissing Attachment
Adults with dismissing attachment styles are believed to have experienced
early caregiving that was consistently unresponsive and as a result, they tend to
develop strategies in which they become compulsively self-reliant (Bowlby,
Although they are uncomfortable of being close to or trusting others due
to their negative view of others, they nevertheless have a positive view of


themselves based, to a large degree, on their self-reliance. Dismissing adults,

successful in blocking emotional responses, tend to be susceptible to attachment
arousal when interpersonal conflict focuses them on negative thoughts (Fraley,
Davies and Shaver, 1998:20)halaman).
These adults often report feeling rejected, although they are highly
independent and comfortable with emotional distance (Feeney and Noller,
2000:20)halaman). Their peer relationship is marked by reluctance to selfdisclosure (Mikulincer and Nachshon, 1991:20)halaman).
c. Preoccupied Attachment
Adults with a preoccupied attachment style are likely to have
experienced caregiving that was inconsistently responsive (Bartholomew,







relationships and tend to be emotionally dependent on others approval due

to their positive view of others. Their emotional dependency often manifests
in clingy behavior. They generally have poor self-esteem, more subjective
distress and a significant focus on negative affect (negative view of self)
(Bartholomew, 1993:20)halaman). To disguise their own fragile self-concept,
preoccupied adults continually strive for acceptance and admiration of others.
Therefore, they tend to exaggerate emotions when discussing relationships
(Bartholomew and Horowitz, 1991:20)halaman). Furthermore, they are overly
consumed by their own attachment needs and are constantly seeking close
relationships to fulfill these needs (Bartholomew, 1997:20)halaman).
d. Fearful Attachment


Adults with a fearful attachment style share many of the characteristics of

preoccupied individuals in that they desire social contact but this desire is
ultimately inhibited by fear of rejection. These individuals are believed to have
had overly rejecting or harsh caregiving. Thus, they have developed a negative
view of themselves and others. Furthermore, as adults, they are more likely to
demonstrate interpersonal patterns in which they flee after achieving a certain
level of closeness, generally displaying an inhibition of intimacy. These
individuals exhibit approach-avoidance behavior stemming from their fear of
intimacy. Moreover, similar to individuals with preoccupied attachment, they have









Attachment against Dad

According to Bowlby (in Santrock 2002:24)halaman),
Aattachment is the presence of the relationship between certain social
figures with a particular phenomenon which is thought to reflect the
unique characteristics of the relationship. Attachment will survive long
enough in the human life span that begins with attachment to the
child's mother or another figure surrogate mother (father).
The father helps the child establish an internal structure and psychological

identity, thus lacking a father is equated to lacking a backbone (Corneau,

1991:25)halaman). Paternal absence results in children experiencing confusion













Children who have healthy relationships with their fathers develop a
better understanding of appropriate social behaviors and are more selfconfident in social relationships. These are critical transferable skills
required in the development of relationships with peers and friends (Coleman
and Ganong, 2002:26)halaman).
Dad is the backbone of the family, breadwinner and head. He of should be
responsible and can be a role model as a private figure for , against wife, children,
family and societyal.

In this chapter, the writer explains about the first problem in her research. It
is about the factors of Gus and Mickey impairment communication and the
development of their relationship.
A. Impairment Communication
According to Oxford dictionary define of Impairment Communication is
communication is related to the ability of someone to convey meaning to others or
to understand communication from someone to others.


Gus Lobel, as the main character of the movie Trouble with Curve, who has
a relationship with his daughter named Mickey. Gus is a baseball scout who
always focuses on his job. He gets communication problem with his daughter. He
also does not have good attention from his daughter. It is cause of someone who
never wants to protect each other. There is an old father who needs attention from
his daughter actually. The other thing is that in her adulthood Mickey doesnt
know what her father needs in his old age now. In humanity approach, according
to Abraham H. Maslow (1970:24) in his book Motivation and Personality,
Humanity is the human race or the quality that make us human This quotation
cant explain how this relationship can develop each other between father and
daughter should be. When talking about Humanity, it is certain to talking about
Human Beings.
Based on the quotation above, the writer provides some proofs
relating to how two people make better relationship as human as it should
be. They have some points that proved Gus and Mickeys Reconciliation.
They have made Human Nature, Morality and Human Personality. These
points can build how they have impairment communication.
1. Gus Behaviour while Driving His Car
According to Thomas Hobbes, Human Beings are essentially selfish.
For Hobbes, Ethics is only something that selfishness and desire for selfpreservation. Based on text above a man cannot receive the bad impact of
what they already have had.


For the first points the writer gives some scene that Gus Lobel
cannot receive badly effect of the development if he is an old man. In this
scene Gus is in his garage and wants to drive his car to outside.
: [Revving] [Crashing]
Bunch of goddamn midgets designs this garage?
[Gus Groans] [Bragging and Clanging]
(Scene 03/16, Seq. 0:07:49)
The human side that looks selfish in this scene proved that Gus did
not receive the ugliness that happened that he received at his age that grew
dusk. This is seen on the side of its sensitivity instinct in driving a car,
visible when Gus driving with a collision on the right and left side of the
car body parts which seemed too narrow to get out of his garage that. Gus
impatience shows that he does not accept the flaws that have occurred in
the elderly. Vision deficiencies, and concentration when driving the car
that caused her to issue hurry this is his selfishness in self-acceptance in
his old age.
According to Kant about selfishness of human, the writer also gives
the next scene there is show that Gus lobel doesnt accept that he cant see
clearly again when his eyes got the problem to see anything in front of
him. There is a dialogue when Gus doesnt accept his got bad
visualization. This scene in the side of the field baseball game of Bo

: There, they are.

: Here is comes. Hey Gus.
: His .. [Gus Upstairs slowly]
: Hey Mickey.
: Look at you
[Sounds of Dropped]


: Hay dad! Dad dad dad, are you allright?
: Yeah, am alright.
: Here,come on.
: You okay?
:yeah, Leave me alone! I got it ! Whats the matter, you
never seen anybody trip before? Hoa Jesus Christ!!! .
(Scene 8/16 Seq.1:13:52)
In this second proof that as Human cannot accept the deficiency of
something that should be he accepts as when is old man. Someone who
has be the old man of course they have to what they have got. But it is
Humanity of us as human. Sometime as the human they have bad instinct,
bad visualization or something like that. It is Human who has variation of
humanistic. Even it is get bad or good condition they always got the
variation of their thought effect.
2. Gus and Mickey has a Bad Communication
For the second proof, the writer include scene when Gus and
Mickey. Gus met with Mickey in a bar and inquires about his spouse or
close friend Mickey. Gus here shows his selfishness side when Mickey
replied that he had a friend who can be called as his partner. Gus
suppresses it if he approached the man who was to marry her immediately.
: what about the partnership?
: We are close. There is just some competition from another
attorney, but hes harmless
: you got a boyfriend?
: Im seeing somebody, sort of.
: and has he got a job?
: Hes an attorney
[Gus Grumbles]
: well, marry him. Hell probably be a great provider.
: I can provide for myself just fine
(Gus still watching and focus baseball game on television
in the bar)



: Hudson, he is really painting the corners tonight. Guys true

: Im gonna go
: What?
: Im going to go
: You havent finished your dinner yet.
: oh, Ive had enough
: Suit yourself
(Scene 03/16. Seq. 0:05:31)
This proof explains that the human attitude is essentially selfish like in
Maslow said, but overall was not selfish. As in the scene show that yes Gus took
the writer in the dialog above, are as true his father Gus figure that takes into
account care for her daughter asked about spouses, he said he keeps his concern
for children who are already old enough to get married. In this scene Gus still
shows his selfishness while focusing on Television that shows his baseball game.
But in other respects, Gus still shows that soon was married with a spouse who
was chosen child. Because Gus feel has responsibility as a father would soon be
resolved if his daughter had married. Gus's just too selfish to decide something to
The second proof, the writer wants to explain that Gus has bad
communication with his daughter. In this scene the writer can see that Gus
actually wants his daughter to be always with him. He talks with his wife that has
died about his daughter that always busy with his job as law firm in his wifes

: Im sorry about not being around here lately, but I been

working a lot and.. Your little girl.. Youd really be proud of
Shes gonna be made a partner in the firm. How about that? I
dont know where she got the brains. Its got to be from you.


It wasnt from my part of the family, that for sure. Anyway, I

need you around to talk to her. You were always good at that.
I have a hard time with that, you know? You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are grey.
Youll never know dear. How much I love you. Please dont
take your sunshine away then Gus Cries..
(Scene 05/16 Seq. 0.22.02)
3. Mickeys Unrespect to Her Father.
According Kants theory in his book Human Nature 2010, Kant comparing
humans to other animals, Kant sees the following basic differences: Rationality.
Humans, he believes are the only rational terrestrial beings. But two points about
his ascription of rationality to humans are worth noting. First, he puts a slight
twist on the traditional denition of man as an animal rationale. The human being,
on Kants view, is an animal endowed with the capacity of reason (animal
rationale), and thus can make out of himself a rational animal (animal rationale)
(Anth 7: 321).
In the kants opinion said that Humans can freely choose their own
ends rather than simply pursue the goals that they instinctively desire. In
Kants opinion above it is correlated with the scene that the writer shows.
In this dialogue the writer explains that the human nature has something
that they want to reach they purpose. There is Pete (Guss friend) want to
mickey join or help her father in his last career before the contract already

: Have you noticed anything lately? Has he been acting

any differently?
: no, he is as unpleasant as usual
: he been sick at all?
: I dont think so



: Mick, if something goes wrong up in Carolina with this

kid gentry. Hes gonna be out of the job
: well, lets hope that doesnt happen that would be the end
of one the all-time great love stories
: he wouldnt do well without his work
: what do you want me to do about it?
: Carolinas beautiful this time of year
: [Crackles] No way. He has his life, I have my life that is
the way its always been. Thats way he wants it
: Just for a couple of days to make sure everything goes
okay. Itd be nice for you two to spend some time
: Nice for who?
: If you want do it for him, do it for me. He is my friend
for 30 years. I care about him
: Dont try to manipulate me. Im an attorney. That is my
job. Im sorry, I just really busy right.
: I appreciate your time, Mickey now I just thought you
should know. (Scene 05/16 Seq. 0:18:22)

This is a proof that writer shows scene that is Mickey dont want to
help her father. She only want to do everything that she want to realize that
she way. There is ego of Mickey that same with Kants opinion that
someone can freely choose their own ends.
These all scenes have to shows about how the relationship
impairment has bad relationship between father and daughter. The writer
include that all scene because she want to explain that human has
communicate each other as man and with their human nature.
B. Development of Their Relationship
In this film Gus and Mickey try to be mutually sensitive to the needs
of each other. Mickey the requested bananas to pay attention to the
condition of his father, thinking back that he would pay attention to the
father. Mickey tries to communicate with his father back. The


development of the father who looks down makes Mickey decides

something that would be good for her father's condition began to decline.
Mickeys decision will help her father in his work, particularly on the
impact of good that will improve their relationship, and will help Guss
career. For the sake of improving relations to his father Mickey tried to
hold emotions and try to understand the needs of the father. Mickey
businesses who are trying to improve relations to his father in the mean are
Human Morality.
1. Mickeys instinct.
According to Kant's theory in his book entitled Human Nature that is
Morality is primarily concerned with instincts and emotions rather than
rationality and principles.
The writer in this scene wants to show how his daughter actually
worries about her fathers condition. She drives her car when she wants to
go back home, then she calls a doctor who has checked her fathers
condition. This proof shows that actually Mickey has instinct that her
father was not okay. It includes morality that include with the Kants
theory above.
Mickey : Cut the crap, Lloyd. Im his daughter.
: Then he can tell you.
Mickey : Please?
: His eyes are going. He needs to see a specialist right away
(Scene 10/16 Seq. 0:21:58)
That scene above explains that human has morality, according to
Kants theory about Human Morality is human has instinct to each other.
In this scene Mickey shows that she has instinct toward her father. Mickey
really wants to show that she is worried about Gus. Gus has bad


visualization of his eyes. His eyes to him are points of ways to do best his
career as scout baseball.
2. Gus has bad memorized of a bad guy when Mickey was child.
The second proof Mickey wants shows to her father is that she wants to care
with his father. The writer includes this scene that Mickey actually has a good
carrying to his father, she want to make better relationship but Gus doesnt want
his daughter to take care over towards himself.

To set the record straight, I am 33 years old. Ive
been taking care of myself for a long time. I can handle a
guy in a bar.
He was bothering me.
All of these years, after everything you could be
bothered about, its that.
Look, I dont need your help. I dont know why
youre here. I dont know why you dont go home
Because, in spite of you, I feel this dysfunctional
sense of responsibilityto make sure that youre okay.
I know Im as blind as a slab of concentrate, but
Im not helpless. Ill put a bullet in my head when that
That comforting. As always, its been really great
talking to you.
Ive got half a beer back at the bar that wont argue
with me.
(Scene 08/16 Seq. 0:39:43)

In this scene Mickey wants to protect her father. The writer to show based
on this dialogue Mickey look like care actually with her father. But Gus always
wants to shows that he is okay. He is in good condition. Gus lobel really cares his
daughter. In this scene Gus want to shows to his daughter, a guy who want to
annoyed his daughter in bar make Gus remember that some years ago a naughty
guy wants to sex abuse toward his daughter. When Mickey was still a child, from


that bad story it is make Gus thought that some guy who near his daughter is a bad
3. Mickey is very human towards her father
The writer in this scene gives a scene about humanity as human. According
to Kants theory of humanity, humanity described in Religion is identical to the
pragmatic predisposition discussed in the Anthropology; others hold that it
encompasses both the pragmatic and technical predispositions. The writer own
view is that the Religion and Anthropology accounts of the human species
predispositions stand in an ambiguous relationship with one another. In Religion
Kant describes the predisposition to humanity as a capacity that the human being
has as a living and at the same time rational being, and the key reference to
rational suggests that what he primarily has in mind is. Kant says, The human
beings ability to deliberate and to freely choose, own ends. In describing the
predisposition to personality in Religion he says that it is a quality the human
being has a rational and at the same time responsible being (26).
In this proof Mickey shows to her father that she wants to change his
eyes to scout the curve of the Baseball games in the field. It is included in
the Humanity approach based on Kants theory that says Humanity as the
capacity the human. And she also thought she has responsibility toward
her father who has been the old men.


Ill be right back

Where you going?
Third base side
What for?
Because I would like to get back to Atlanta.



Oh good, as long youre here, you might as well be
helpful watch his hips.
Yeah, I know
Make sure they carry hi, through the ball,
Yeah, I know
Okay and his swing is it a two piece deal or is it
nice and fluid? And then go around the other side and see
how he goes the opposite way.
[Mickey Smiling]
Now dont just stand here, get going
(Scene 08/16 Seq. 1:13:50)
The writer includes this dialogue because in this scene, there is humanity
against Mickey to her father, she want to replace her fathers eyes to scout the
baseball game in the field. Father got the problem of his eyes. It is makes Mickey
feel who care to her father. She felt has responsibility to the old men that doesnt
has instinct again about his visual eyes, because his eyes is important things to
help his career, it mean the last contract of his career that determine he can to
finish his best project ever, even though as we know he is the old men who should
be pension in his job actually. This is causing of him a best Scout baseball in
Atlanta, California.
The writer has second proof that mickey has humanity of caring about her
father. In this scene or this dialogue, Daughter show to her father that mickey
really want to help her father about his last contract in his career as scout baseball.
: Hmm, well I guess now I go into a life of retirement for
all the good service Ive given them always use another

: I should have seen it earlier.

: No, it wasnt your fault Philip Sundersonseit that guy up
here to make sure I didnt screw it all up.
: well, things are definitely screwed up. So what do we do




: Go home. Me to career ending, and you to career thats

just starting as a partner
: I dont think so
: It was more important that I be here. Its i..
: No, Ill deal with it.
: No. god, I worked my ass of so you could have more, and
you. Youre gonna throw it away on coming to a garbage can
like this? Thats no life for a
: For a girl..
: thats no life for a kid of mine living out of suitcases and
visiting every shit- baseball town in the area thats not what I
wanted for my kid.
: Well, I guess what I wanted didnt matter.
You dont even like baseball.
: I love baseball. You know I love it I never wanted to be
that you would approve of me and then maybe youd keep me
: I did what I felt was right I just didnt want you to have
life in the cheap seats.
: They werent the cheap seats spending every waking
moment with my day watching baseball.. eating food that was
no good for me playing pool, staying up too late, those were
the best seats in the house until you sent me away.
Well I was just doing the best I know how.
: only a coward leaves their kid
(Scene: 14/16 Seq.1:28:23)

Based on the humanity approach Mickey has instinct about her

responsibility to her father. Gus feels that he really needs his daughter to continue
his career but actually Gus is really happy when Mickey as his adult child when
he listens his daughter wants she still stay to protect his father. And for Gus,
Mickey leaves his career for a while as lawyer.



In this chapter, the writer explains about the second problem in her research.
It is about Gus and Mickey ways to build their better relationship.

A. Fathers Figure
Based on the writer theory used, Fathers Figure is an older man who often
make one in a position of power or influence, who elicits the emotions usually
reserved for a father. Father Figure is usually an older man, who arouses emotions
usually felt for a person's father, and with whom a person identifies.
According to Bowlby (in Santrock 2002) attachment is the presence
of the relationship between certain social figures with a particular
phenomenon which is thought to reflect the unique characteristics of the
relationship. Attachment will survive long enough in the human life span
that begins with attachment to the child's mother or another figure
surrogate mother (father)

The writer gives some proofs in this chapter, it gives theory based on the
story that explains about relationship between fathers among daughter. Father
figure includes the influence of their better relationship.
1. Gus Protects his daughter
In this scene below the writer gives proof when Gus protected his daughter,
Gus was angry when Mickey came to where Gus always talked with his friends
and spent his time in bar. In this proof when Gus tries to show that he didnt like if
his daughter came to the place.

Guss Friends

[Shake hands to Gus friends] Hi Guys
Hey, its been a long time since weve seen your
little girl, Gus.




Been a long time since she was a little girl.
[Gus walking toward Mickey] The hell are you doing
Im taking a temporary break from anything
Judicial. I just need a big drink and a game of pool
you shouldnt be in a place like this
You used to sneak me into places worse
than this
you should be back in Atlanta, where you
Yeah. Well, I agree with you
hey, Johnny!
why do they call him The Flame?
well, Flanagan, he. He could pitch a wonderedmile an hour fast ball, thats why
so what happened?
He blew his arm out. They tried to bring
him along too fast. Pretty soon he was gone. Done for. I
tried like mad to block that trade. How long you gonna
be here anyway?
Ill probably close the place down
[Gus Grumbles]
(Scene 08/16. Seq. 0:36:40)

That is the situation when Mickey comes to bar she is. Looking for
something that makes her has fun while she can know the condition of her father.
But, in this scene, father doesnt like if his daughter come to the bad place for his
because Gus thought about his last experience that makes him traumatic because
there are bad guys who want to abuse his daughter. So it makes Gus doesnt want
Mickey comes to the bar which always fulls with Guys who often drink or be a
drunkards. But in this situation Gus still keeps protecting his daughter from


2. Gus was Angry when Guy disturbed Mickey.

In this proof the writer gives the scene about Gus cares of his daughter
when a Guy wants to disturb his daughter. This scene in bar where Mickey wants
to enjoy playing billiard. But it reminds Gus of his bad experience to the bad guys
who want to abuse his daughter when she was child.


Thanks for a game
Hey, you wanna dance?
not really.
Come on, one dance.
I dont think so, dick.
Hey, its rick
Come on, one dance. It wouldnt hurt
anything. And I mean, after the beating I just took, you
owe me
[Gus Comes]
Get Off!
[Break a bottle of beer in corner of the wall]
You ever touch her again, Im gonna rip
you fucking face off!
Whoa, Gus
Dad, take it easy
Just look at this kid. I saw you touching
her. Get out before I have a heart attack trying to kill
(Scene 18/16 Seq. 0:38:05)

In this proof Gus shows his figure as father. In spite of Gus decided to
protect his daughter from distant. This is the way of Gus to educate his daughter,
but actually he used his instinct as father to protect his daughter. Although he
often uses his emotion to control some conditions as he wants.
After his wife was died, Gus tried to take over mothers role take care
mickey, but he thought he cannot protect his child to grow up with him. So he


brings Mickey to a boarding school until she grows up as teenager and until
Mickey becomes a lawyer. That is why Gus tries to take the situation which bring
them to live together. Gus tries to make Mickey feels safe when she is near her
father. Figure of father has shown Gus to Mickey.
3. Gus uses his feeling to know Mickeys feeling.
The writer gives this scene as the third proof that shows when Gus know
about his daughter feeling. The tells us when Gus and Mickey scene watch and
scout baseball game together.

why dont you show me what you got?
(Mickey hold the wood for hit the baseball in the field)
Come on, you stubborn mule. Give me
Im a little old for this
Im not
Remember : See the ball..
See the ball. Hit the ball, I know
[Sounds of hit the ball]
[Mickey Laughs]
what the hell are you doing?
Im enjoying my home run troll. Whooo!!
[Gus Smiling]
(Scene 9/16 Seq. 0:47:10)

Mickey unsatisfied with her career and her relationship with Todd who
wants to marry her earlier. Mickey feels has not been ready yet. When Mickey sits
alone after she accompanies her father, Gus thinks that his daughter is okay. In
that scene above Gus shows to the reader that he has attention to his daughter, Gus
has ways to take care his daughter even in his eager to keep building his career as
has main point in the life.


The writer has the fourth proof that Gus shows his instinct as father. This
scene shows when they enjoy after playing baseball in field together. Gus efforts
to makes Mickey feels so safe and makes her feel that Gus could change a mother
nature toward his child.
: You snake. Ill kick your ass. Give me the keys. Come on. You
are busy. Give me the keys. Give me the keys.
(Mickey keeps busy with her hand phone)
(Gus looks like difficult to see the street in front of his car)
(Gus blur of his sight) (Mickey busy with his hand phone)
[Cell phone beeps]
[Horn Honks]
(Then Gus got Accident when another car come crashing his car)
: Hey!! Are you alright?
(Scene 9/16 Seq. 0:51:49)
In that scene explains that Gus doesnt want to disturb his daughter even he
gets trouble with his eyes to see street in front of his car from distance. This is
shape of fathers caring to his daughter. The writer has a conclusion that Gus has
ways to make their relationship becomes better with his daughter. Because of Gus
Stubbornness they got an accident.
B . Relationship in Adulthood
According to Karen (1998, p. 401) also adds another dimension to secure
adult attachment styles:
The key qualities of the secure-autonomous adults are not that they had
secure attachments with their parents. Rather they were all distinguished
by an open and coherent way of reflecting on their attachments. To the
extent that they felt wounded by their parent, they managed to work it
through, so that they were no longer either rigidly cut off from their true
feelings about that relationship or still embroiled with hurt, rage, and
blame. Somehow they ... let the past rest and move on with their lives
Based on the theory above about secure relationship says that: Somehow
they let the past rest and move on with their lives and forget about the past. The


writer gives proof to support this theory. That is when Gus doesnt want if Mickey
comes again to bar and thats why Gus gets out from the bar.
1. Secure Attachment.
Adults with a secure attachment style are likely to have experienced
consistently responsive early caregiving, which fosters a positive view of
self and others (Ainsworth, 1991). In addition, they are comfortable
depending on others as well as being readily comforted by others. Karen
(1998, p. 401)
The first proof when Mickey comes to bar alone just to have fun or taking
refresh of her problem in the office. Gus begins to allow Mickey to get off to that
place with a Guy was named Johnny and he think before and makes sure that the
guy can protect his daughter. Another reason, Gus wants to make Mickey feel

You could buy me a drink if you want you have got
to lighten up. Seriously.
I dont feel so light right now
Get out!
Go! Why you two go out, meet some people? Have
some fun. You dont want to hang around here
Thank you. I meet plenty of people
Well, youre still single, arent you?
yes, Im still single, very single
Maybe youre emotionally unavailable
Emotionally unavailable?
who are you Dr. Phil?
hey, that is quality television
by the way, if I am emotionally unavailable,
which I am not, thank you very much, it would be because
of you
Just go, will you?
Jesus Christ
We gotta get a camera crew to follow you
guys around. I mean the Kardashia have nothing on the
two of you. Wow, that for Bruce



Come on. Will you please? Just the two of
you get off
(Scene 10/16 Seq. 1:01:11)

That is first proof the writer gives the secure of Adulthood relationship
between Father and daughter. They begin to build their better relationship. Gus
also begins to allow his daughter to choose some guys who can protect his
daughter. Secure attachment is how parents make their children with their patterns
to educate or to make children grew up safe with their some ways.
2. Dismissing Attachment
In this part the writer gives proof to make her thesis appropriate.
Adults with dismissing attachment styles are believed to have experienced
early caregiving that was consistently unresponsive and as a result, they
tend to develop strategies in which they become compulsively self-reliant
(Bowlby, 1977).
Dismissing attachment is a part of patterns of attachment about how parents
growing up their children. Which it will make the children can grow and can be
living autonomous by themselves.
we came here to watch baseball. We didnt
come here to
talk. I know. Everything is okay as long as we
dont talk. But there is no Tv and there is no game. On, so
its just you and me
I need a check here
and then you did it again. I had you ii was
13, until you set me away to boarding school and then
nothing, you were gone. Middle school, High school,
collage, Nothing. For a long time I thought I had done
something wrong and thats why you left.
This is not the time or place to talk about
are you kidding? There is never a time or
what are you doing, anyway? Why did you
start all this?
You are amazing!!!
(Scene 11/16 Seq. 1:06:10)


Dismissing attachment from Gus in that dialogue above makes Mickey lives
becoming autonomous person without her father. She can grow up by herself and
succeeds be a lawyer. That is Guss ways for his daughter grow up by herself,
even it makes Mickey was bad feeling to her father. But actually Gus doesnt want
it happens.
3. Preoccupied attachment.
Preoccupied attachment is an emotion that tends tend to feel their needs,
selfishness for sacking of their own desire and more exaggerate emotion
(Bowlby, 1977)
This dialogue as a proof of Gus which Gus who tries to keep her daughter
from physical abuse in the past. That is conditions which make Gus send Mickey
to her uncle and aunt when she is 6 years old.
you remember years ago, down in mobile,
Alabama, they had the horse running around the field
they used to keep that horse in trailer down outside
the bullpen gate, anyway, I was talking to this kid I had
signed telling him theres no place for him in the big
leagues, and all of a sudden I realized you were gone and I
couldnt find you. I was panicking. I saw this shack
there. I went over and looked in and there you with this
guy. He had his hand down the back of your shirt
I dont remember that
Yeah how could you? You were only 6 years old. I
sent you out, and then I started beating the shit out of this
guy I smashed his head agaist the wall and I started
hitting him with everything I had. I strangled his ass
finally, he passed out
O my gosh, dad.
I kept waiting for the police to come and arrest me,
but they never did. Thats when I sent you to your aunt and
uncle. I thought Id failed you. Your mother had died a
year before and I was a mess you have to understand that
(Scene 14/16 Seq. 1:31:54)


The writer gives that proof to describe Gus efforts to protect his daughter
from a bad guy.
The level of attachment security that a father had with his parents when he
was a child may influence his own childs attachment security in the sense that his
child may end up having a similar level of attachment security. However, this
effect is most likely to occur when the father has sole custody of his child. The
fathers level of attachment security in his adult relationships may also have an
indirect impact on the child-father attachment. This is because fathers who have a
secure attachment style in adult relationships tend to have lower levels of
parenting stress, lower levels of abuse potential, and a greater amount of
knowledge about child development. Lower levels of parenting stress particularly
have been found to be correlated with higher levels of attachment security in the
father-child attachment relationship.
C. Closeness of their Relationship.
In a study of African-American adolescent and young adult women, Hanson
(2007) found that increased perceived closeness with fathers was associated with
higher grades while Cooper (2009) reported that father/daughter relationship
quality was significantly related to girls academic engagement. Furthermore,
fathers appear to have substantial influence over the career choice and career
success of their daughters.

According to Arthur Becker-Weidman 2010:

Attachment behavior is any type of behavior that causes a person to
attain or to retain proximity to preferred individual and that results in an
increased sense of safety and security.


The definitions attachment can be concluded that attachment is an

emotional connection or relationship that is affective between one individual with
another individual that has a special meaning, in this case the relationship is
usually aimed at mothers or guardians. Fostered relationships are reciprocal,
survive long enough and give a sense of security though not visible in the attached
figure the child's view.
In this part the writer gives some proofs that support the closeness of their
relationship. Mickey who has found a boy with his skill to makes best curve in
baseball game. Mickey can scout a player to help Bo Gentry comeback, it means
she can help her father when his last contract of his job. But beside that Gus has to
change the bad pitch into best pitch with the boy who has been found by Mickey.
So Mickey tells to Pete by phone that she has found the new player to help her
fathers job.

Mickey, I just cant do it this isnt open
Ive seen him, I swear to you he is the real
there is no paperwork on the kid, I just cant parade
him out on the field and let him pitch
Im here because of you, pete, okay. So I
dont care what you have to do. You gotta make this
happen, okay? You owe me
(Scene 14/16 Seq. 1:36:50)

This proof shows that mickey has ways to build her fathers career again.
Mickey tries to make Bo Gentry comes back to Atlanta, California.
The writer also has proof about their closeness relationship. Mickey tries to
show to them that she has scouted a boy in another field who has skill how to
make the best curve it is for keeping her fathers contact job.
Come on, you got this




What the hells going on?

I heard it
The pure sound, I heard it
Come on, what is this? We dont have all



gentlemen this is Rigoberto Sanchez
Peanut boy?
Son of Bitch
is this a joke? Youll gonna waste my time
on him?
thats it. Ive seen all I need to see
all right. This is gonna be ugly
Start with the fast ball.!
(come to rigo) you all right?
Yes maam
No. it is just a game
youre right rigo, it is just a game
[Thud] [Thud]
he looks like sandy Koufax
yep, combines with Steve Carlton and
Randy Johnson and thats not even his best pitch. Show
him a curve.!
[Cameras shutters chicking]
nobody saw this? Gentry got potential but
using our number one pick? Jesus Christ .. Gentry know
its coming he still cannot hit it
What do you say now Jackass? Thats
known as Trouble with The Curve
(Scene 15/16 Seq.1:41:44)

The proof above is to support that both of the father and his daughter have
ways to build their better relationship. Mickey helps the last contract to her
fathers career until Gus knows who has made his last career as scout baseball


The writer also gives the proof how Mickey can make her fathers career
successful again as baseball scout and actually Mickey also has blood as Guss
blood as Scouting baseball.


well theres no doubt that Rigo Sanchez should be
offered a contract.
you think? Heh
And hes gonna need an agent
hes got one. Mickey shes a damn good lawyer
and Im sure she can whip up some papers and make that
young man some money.
or she could have your job. Because youre sure as
hell dont know anything about the game, if Id have been
any help, shed be managing her own club now. Because
she knows more about baseball than anyone in this room
Its okay, dad
no, its in my blood. And its in your blood
I want you to be
happy, thats all
(Scene 15/16 Seq.1:42:40)

That is some proofs in closeness of their relationship. Father and daughter

can make some problems, that is real relationship of their used to, as a daughter
Mickey knows what she to do to her father.
One interpretation is that girls learn to create secure attachments with their
dads, which allow them to have more positive relationships with their boyfriends
(more trust and better communication). It is also possible that father contributes to
be a model of good communication skills and trust, which affect girls, will interact
with their boyfriend. However, it is also possible that this reflects an individual
characteristic of the girls themselves and is not necessarily a reflection of the
quality of the father-daughter bond. That is, it is possible that girls who have good
communication with their fathers simply have a specific temperament or


communication styles/skills that facilitate the development of good fatherdaughter communication, and this is individual characteristic that also leads to
better communication with their boyfriends. But more than likely a combination
of individual characteristics and child-parent relationships is driving this effect,
which would be in line with previous research on the effects of adolescent-parent
relationships in later romantic relationships (Donnellan, M., Larsen-Rife, D., &
Conger, R., 2005:132)


A. Conclusions
The writer has analyzed Trouble with the curve. Trouble with the curve film
analysis use Psychological of Humanity approach and Psychological of Parenting
approach. The theories are related with the story, the film story is about
relationship in two characters between father and daughter. Trouble with the curve
shows how the two of characters build their better relationship. The writer uses
humanity approach to correlated the human of the two of character to build their
better relationship itself and parenting approach correlated with father to added
how their make it better.


Further, the writer identifies that story the film with humanity approach and
attachment approach as a father parenting to his daughter. Based on the
Psychological theory the story that created by the director Robert Lorenz, has has
addition, modification, that make the story little bit interesting to be watched. The
message of the film can be caught by the viewers easily and still they can enjoy
the story. Clint Eastwood as main character has appearance with psychology of
humanity and parenting. Clint figure in Trouble with the curve film is describe as
father who has a job as scout baseball and he has one daughter and they are living
from distance. It makes they got bad relationship.
Finally, the important thing about this thesis is the meaning of how father
with their children should be makes better relationship and know how to build
their better relationship each other.

B. Suggestion

The writer has done this thesis by using Humanity and attachment approach.
It is not easy to do the thesis by using it approaches. One of the difficulties is the
writer must know to find the humanity theory. The writer must find the already
thesis in college and find some book to getting theory and correlates with the
story. The writer also doesnt know about baseball games and she really doesnt
know about scout baseball as job. The writer has too much read about scout
baseball itself. There were some steps in the technique for developing this thesis.


The writer used sources as references of graduating paper. That is used

study document in library. The writer also must understand the meaning of Scout
baseball and should know about between father and daughters relationship from
parentings book.
The film is the interesting object to be analyzed. According to its story, film
can be analyzed by many approaches such as social, psychology approach. So, the
writer hopes by reading this thesis, the reader will get an inspiration to use the
Trouble with the curve film as their thesiss object.

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Appendix I

Sequence of Trouble with the Curve

1. Gus Lobel cannot receive badly effect of the development if he is an old
man. (0:07:49)
2. Gus lobel doesnt accept that he cant see clearly again when his eyes got
the problem to see anything in front of him. (1:13:52)


3. Gus met with Mickey in a bar and inquires about his spouse or close friend
Mickey. Gus here shows his selfishness side when Mickey replied that he
had a friend who can be called as his partner. (0:05:31)
4. Gus actually wants his daughter to be always with him. He talks with his
wife that has died about his daughter that always busy with his job as law
firm in his wifes grave. (0:22:02)
5. Pete (Guss friend) want to mickey join or help her father in his last career
before the contract already done.(0:18:22)
6. Mickey drives her car when she wants to go back home, then she calls a
doctor who has checked her fathers condition. (0:21:58)
7. Mickey actually has a good carrying to his father, she want to make better
relationship but Gus doesnt want his daughter to take care over towards
himself. (0:39:43)
8. Mickey also thought she has responsibility toward her father who has been
the old men. (1:13:50)
9. Gus feels that he really needs his daughter to continue his career but
actually Gus is really happy when Mickey as his adult child when he
listens his daughter wants she still stay to protect his father. (1:28:23)
10. Gus tries to show that he didnt like if his daughter came to the place.
11. Gus of his bad experience to the bad guys who want to abuse his
daughter when she was child. (0:38:05)
12. Gus know about his daughter feeling. The tells us when Gus and Mickey
scene watch and scout baseball game together. (0:47:10)
13. Gus efforts to makes Mickey feels so safe and makes her feel that Gus
could change a mother nature toward his child. (0:51:49)


14. Gus begins to allow Mickey to get off to that place with a Guy was named
Johnny and he think before and makes sure that the guy can protect his
daughter. (1:01:11)
15. Guss ways for his daughter grow up by herself, even it makes Mickey was
bad feeling to her father. (1:06:10)
16. Gus efforts to protect his daughter from a bad guy. (1:31:54)
17. Mickey who has found a boy with his skill to makes best curve in baseball
game. (1:36:50)
18. Mickey helps the last contract to her fathers career until Gus knows who
has made his last career as scout baseball successfully. (1:41:44)
19. Mickey can make her fathers career successful again as baseball scout and
actually Mickey also has blood as Guss blood as Scouting baseball.

Appendix II

The summary of Trouble with The Curve

Gus is a baseball scout. The team he works for thinks he should retire. He
asks them to let him do one more scouting job to prove him. His friend, Pete, asks
Gus's estranged daughter, Mickey, if she could go with him to make sure he's OK
as his eyes are failing. The doctor tells Gus he should get his eyes treated but he
insists on doing his scouting assignment, which takes him to North Carolina.
Mickey decides to put her work on hold to go with him and she wants him to


explain why he pushed her away. Whilst there he runs into Johnny, a scout from
another team who was a promising player Gus once scouted. Johnny and Mickey
take an interest in each other.
In Atlanta, the aging Brave's baseball scout Gus Lobel is near the end of his
contract and the manager Vince questions whether it is not the time for his
retirement. Meanwhile the stubborn and grumpy Gus learns that he has problems
with his eyes and need to go to a specialist but he hides the medical
recommendation from everybody. Gus's boss and friend Pete Klein knows that
baseball is the pride and joy of Gus and a retirement would kill him and asks him
to travel to North Caroline to scout the promising player Bo Gentry. Pete also
protects Gus from the ambitious colleague Phillip Sanderson (Matthew Lillard)
that wants his position and to get Gus fired. Pete visits Gus's estranged daughter
Mickey, who is an efficient lawyer that is disputing a partnership in the office
where she works with her colleague Todd, and asks her to travel with Gus to
North Caroline. Mickey is a great fan of baseball and has a great knowledge of the
sport since she used to travel with her father when she was young, but she has a
childhood trauma since Gus abandoned her with an uncle when she was a child. In
North Caroline, Gus meets the former pitcher Johnny, who had an early retirement
due to an injured shoulder and now is scouting for the Red Socks but aiming to be
a broadcaster. When he meets Mickey, there is a mutual attraction between them.
Along the days, Gus discovers that Gentry has problems with balls pitched in
curve and he does not recommend the player to the Brave. He also tells Johnny


about Gentry's problem. But when Phillip advises Vince to hire Gentry, Vince's
decision affects the lives of Gus, Mickey and Johnny.

Appendix III

The Picture of the scene in Trouble with The Curve

1. Gus emotion when drive his car. (0:07:49)


2. Gus got problem of his eyes. (1:13:52)

3. Gus and Mickey talk about Mickeys boyfriend (0:05:31)

4. Gus was sad in wifes grave (0:22:02)


5. Pete want Mickey help her fathers career (0:18:22)

6. Mickey care to her father (0:21:58)

7. Mickey angry with her father (0:39:43)


8. Mickey try to scouting baseball game (1:13:50)

9. Mickey wants to know why her father leave her alone (1:28:23)

CH 4
10. Gus was angry when Mickey come to bar (0:36:40)


11. Guy disturb Mickey in bar (0:38:05)

12. Mickey playing baseball with her father (0:47:10)

13. Gus and Mickey got accident (0:51:49)


14. Gus dislike if mickey comes again to the bar. (1:01:11)

15. Mickey try to continue to ask Gus (1:06:10)

16. Gus tells to Mickey what happened (1:31:54)


17. Mickey say thanks to Pete (1:36:50)

18. Mickey got new player to Bo-Gentry (1:41:44)

19. Mickey Successfully help her father (1:42:40)


20. Cover Film Trouble with the Curve.

Appendix IV

Biography of Robert Lorenz


Lorenz was born in Chicago and has lived in Los Angeles since 1989. As a
producer he has been nominated three times for Best Picture: Mystic River in
2003, Letters From Iwo Jima in 2006 and American Sniper in 2014. In 2012 he
made his directorial debut with Trouble with the Curve. He has been a member of
the Directors Guild of America since 1993 and the Producers Guild of America
since 2005.
Lorenz met his wife, Melissa, while working together on The Bridges of
Madison County. They live in the Los Angeles area with their two children.

Appendix V


The Work of Robert Lorenz

2002 Blood Work
2003 Mystic River
2004 Million Dollar Baby
2006 Flags of Our Father
2006 Letters of Iwo Jima
2007 Rails & Ties
2008 Changeling
2009 Invictus
2009 Gran Torino
2010 Hereafter
2012 Trouble with The Curve
2014 Jersey Boys
2015 American Sniper

Appendix VI

The Awards of Robert Lorenz

Academy Awards, USA - Nominated

2015 Best Motion Picture of the Year

American Sniper, 2007 Best Motion Picture of the Year
Letters from Iwo Jima, 2004 Best Picture Mystic River.
AFI Awards, USA- Won

2015 Movie of the Year American Sniper , 2012 Movie of the

J. Edgar , 2009 Movie of the Year Gran Torino, 2007 Movie
of the Year Letters from Iwo Jima
Australian Film Institute Nominated

2004 Best Foreign Film Mystic River

Awards Circuit Community Awards Nominated


2003 Best Motion Picture Mystic River

Directors Guild of America, USA Won

2005 Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures

Million Dollar Baby, 2015 Outstanding Directorial
Achievement in Dramatic Specials The Late Shift
Georgia Film Critics Association (GFCA) Nominated

2013 Oglethorpe Award for Excellence in Georgia Cinema;

Trouble with The Curve
PGA Awards- Nominated

2015 Outstanding Producer of Theatrical Motion Pictures

American Sniper, 2010 Outstanding Producer of
Theatrical Motion Pictures

Appendix VI

Biography of the Writer

Dian Hutari
Jl. Raya Jati Makmur,
GriyaAsri Housing Block C1 No.1
Pondok gede Bekasi 17414
0812 9733 4868 (Mobile)

Personal Details
Full Name
Home addres
E-mail Addres s

: Dian Hutari
: Jl.Raya Jati Makmur,Griya Asri Housing Block C1 no.1
Pondok Gede Bekasi, Bekasi 17421
: dianhutari@gmail.com


Place,Date of Birth
Marital Status

: Jakarta, August 17 1992

: Female
: Single
: Indonesian

Education Background
Elementary school
Junior High school
Vocational High school

SDN 08 Jakarta
SMPN 135 Jakarta
SMKN 48 Jakarta

Skills in System &SoftwereComputer

Familiar with Ms. Office 2003 - 2007 , Adobe Photoshop, Familiar with
Programming language Visual Basic 6.0 with database Ms.Access,
Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, etc.

Communication Skills in English (Oral& Written)

Admin Staff at CV. Dira Utama Mandiri (Period February-September,
Admin Staff at BBC-ETS Pertiwi Group (Period February 2013
February 2015)
Part timer Teacher , Teach Pre Elementary students at Course BBC-ETS
PT. Pertiwi Resources (Present)

Dian Hutari.SS


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