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Retaining Structures and Special Foundations at the Platinum Tower, in Maputo


Solutions de Soutnement et des Fondations Spciales la Tour Platinum, Maputo

A. Pinto*1, R. Tomsio2, R. Coelho3 and R. Nicolas4

JETsj Geotecnia Lda., Lisbon, Portugal, apinto@jetsj.com

JETsj Geotecnia Lda., Lisbon, Portugal, rtomasio@jetsj.com
3 JETsj Geotecnia Lda., Lisbon, Portugal, rcoelho@jetsj.com
ROSOND, Mozambique, ricardo.nicolas@rosond.co.mz
Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT - Regarding the ongoing urban reconversion of the Maputo city, some high rise buildings are being built with
several underground floors, demanding the execution of peripheral retaining walls and deep foundation solutions, to face local
conditions, such as geological, geotechnical and vicinity. The aim of this paper is to present the main adopted design and
execution criteria regarding the retaining walls and deep foundation works for the Platinum Tower, with 3 underground and 26
above ground floors, located in Maputo city center, Mozambique.
RSUM - En ce qui concerne la reconversion urbaine en cours de la ville de Maputo, quelques btiments de grande hauteur
sont construits avec plusieurs sous-sols qui dterminent l'excution des parois de soutnement et des solutions de fondations
profondes, pour faire face aux conditions locales comme les conditions gologiques et les conditions de voisinage. Le but de
cet article est de prsenter les principaux critres de conception et d'excution adoptes pour la solution d'excavation et parois
de soutnement, bien aussi comme des fondations profondes pour la Tour Platinum, avec 3 sous-sols et 26 tages au-dessus du
sol, en construction dans le centre de la ville de Maputo, au Mozambique.
The excavation works were carried out through a partial top-down method. The peripheral retaining wall solution was
conditioned by the complex vicinity constraints. The adopted solution included the execution of concrete bored piles, braced
with part of the level -1 slab, avoiding more flexible and more invasive solutions, such as temporary ground anchors (Pinto &
Pita, 2011). The special foundations solution was conditioned by the high loads, as well as by the complex geotechnical and
geological conditions. Therefore, it was adopted a solution with combined piled raft foundations - CPRF (Duc Long, 2011),
associated with pile toe injections. This methodology was initially used on bridges (Manai, 2011) to increase bearing capacity
of the piles. For long and large diameter piles this method is being proved as economic and time efficient.
2.1 Vicinity constraints
This building is located in a central area in Maputo City mainly surrounded by small structures and important roads, like Av.
Julius Nyerere. One of the most important objectives for proposed solution is deformations limitation for surrounding
structures and infrastructures (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Site location and main vicinity conditions.

Retaining Structures and Special Foundations at the Platinum Tower, in Maputo


2.2 Geological and Geotechnical Constraints

The site is located in central/east zone of the Maputo City. The local ground is characterized by fine silty sand, intercalated
with moderately compact to compact sand. This information was validated during the initial site investigation, allowing the
definition of three geotechnical zones. The main geotechnical parameters, as well as the geotechnical profile, used in design are
presented in Figure 2. The ground water table was not detected at the drilled depths (39m below the surface).

Figure 2. Geological and geotechnical parameters and geotechnical profile.

3.1 Peripheral Retaining Walls
Taking into account the above constrains, the adopted solution for the peripheral retaining walls was a reinforced concrete
bored piles curtain. The bored piles 600mm, were executed with kelly bar and temporary head casing, and were spaced 1m
between axes. Above the final excavation level, the peripheral retaining wall bored piles were lined with reinforced shotcrete
(Figure 3).

Figure 3. Plan of the peripheral retaining walls, including the horizontal bracing system, and cross section 1-1.

Although the overall depth of the excavation, about 10m, the retaining wall was braced only at one level, by a slice of the
level -1 final reinforced concrete slab (cast directly over the ground), as well as with a steel/concrete truss (at the inclined
access ramps), allowing an easily process of disassembly. This bracing solution was used instead of the traditional temporary
ground anchors both with economic advantages (permanent elements used to brace de retaining walls during the excavation
works) and technical (bigger stiffness and deformations control) advantages (Pinto & Pita, 2011).

Retaining Structures and Special Foundations at the Platinum Tower, in Maputo


The horizontal bracing slab had a variable width between 6.8m and 7.8m, working as beam for the horizontal loads due to
the horizontal earth pressures. At the internal side it was supported by micropiles, sealed inside the foundation bored piles. At
the outside side, the slab was supported by the peripheral retaining wall bored piles (Figure 4).

Figure 4. View of the excavation works, including the execution of the bracing slab.

3.2 Foundations
Considering the type and high level of loads transmitted to the ground, as well as the geotechnical and geological conditions, it
was adopted a combined piled raft foundations - CPRF solution (Duc Long, 2011), with bored concrete piles, 1000, 1200 and
1500mm diameter. The toe of the 1200 and 1500mm diameter bored piles was injected in order to eliminate the ground
perturbation due the piles drilling and consequently to increase its bearing capacity. As main design criteria it was considered
the minimization of the overall number of piles. When possible just two piles below each column were considered (Figure 5).
This methodology was applied initially in bridges (Manai, 2011) to increase the bearing capacity of large diameter piles,
with both economic and schedule advantages. All piles were executed with kelly bar and temporary head casing, from the
platform at level -1, with an approximate length of drilling without concrete of 7m (Figure 5). The raft foundation was
executed with 0,35m thickness in general and 0,55m near the pile caps zones. This variation was created to ensure a smooth
transition of stiffness and consequently of shear and bending stresses.

Figure 5. Plan of the foundations solution and view of the foundations works, with working platform at the slab -1 level.

As already stated, the bored piles were executed with kelly bar technology. The piles were designed to transmit loads
mobilizing both shaft and base resistance, compatible with a proper functionality of the building, by limiting the foundations
Combined piled raft solution allowed a uniform distribution of displacements and forces between the raft foundation and the
bored piles. Some stresses are transmitted to the shallow ground (ZG2) relieving the loads transfer to the piles. In order to
transmit the service stresses defined in project of 8MPa or 9MPa to the ground, the piles were embedded, at least 3 diameters
in ZG1, characterized by very compacted sands, densified with the grout injection at the toe. For maximize the design shaft
resistance (between 110kPa to 135kPa in sands), all piles had a minimum length of 20m.

Retaining Structures and Special Foundations at the Platinum Tower, in Maputo


4.1 Peripheral Retaining Walls
The behavior of peripheral retaining wall, for all the construction phases, was modeled on an interactive basis, using the Plaxis
2D (geotechnical) and the SAP2000 (structural) software. The construction phases and the geotechnical behavior, considering
the Hardening Soil constitutive model, was modeled using Plaxis 2D. On the other hand, the structural behavior of the
bracing slab and the bracing truss was modeled in SAP2000, based on bracing slab reactions, initially obtained from the
geotechnical model. On a second stage, using the structural software, the reinforced concrete bracing slab was modeled through
shell thick elements and the bracing truss was modeled with frame elements (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Horizontal displacements and plastic points at the peripheral retaining wall model, using Plaxis 2D.

4.2 Foundations
The behavior of the combined large diameter piled raft foundations was modeled through the SAP2000 software. Three
dimensional elements were used considering elastic springs, to simulate soil-structure interaction under the slab and along piles
shaft (Figure 7). The piles vertical deformability was previously calibrated using the Plaxis 2D software.

Figure 7. 3D model of CPRF solution and vertical estimated displacements - SAP2000.

Retaining Structures and Special Foundations at the Platinum Tower, in Maputo



Considering the importance and dimension of the performed works, several procedures for quality control and quality
assurance where adopted, mainly:
Pile integrity tests performed at the foundation bored piles, as well as at the retaining wall bored piles. Sonic tests
were carried out in all bored piles and crosshole tests were performed only in some 1500mm bored piles, in order to
validate the piles integrity.
Monitoring and observation plan with inclinometers and topographic targets, allowing the assessment on real time of
the peripheral retaining wall behavior, with the settlement of alert and alarm criteria, based on the numerical values
obtained at the design stage. As a risk management tool, the site monitoring would allow the adoption, on time, of
measures to reinforce the structure and to avoid damages on nearby structures and infrastructures (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Plan of the instrumentation devices and view of the inclinometer readings.

It should be pointed out that for the last stage of the excavation works the estimated maximum horizontal displacement
obtained using Plaxis 2D software at the retaining wall was about 20mm, while the real maximum horizontal displacement on
the same section was only 12mm, confirming the overall excellent behavior of the peripheral retaining wall solution (Figures 9
and 10).

Figure 9. Horizontal displacements of I2 inclinometer estimated and measured values for the last construction phase.

Retaining Structures and Special Foundations at the Platinum Tower, in Maputo


Figure 10. View of the final excavation works.

The presented case study allows to pointing out the potential and level of demand of integrated geotechnical solutions, mainly
using special foundations and retaining walls for high rise buildings. In general the following main issues in this kind of works
should be underlined:
Difficulty to perform and control the ground anchors behavior for different reasons, as legal framework or technical
issues. The last ones are related with the time dependent behavior of some tropical soils, mainly due to changes on its
water content, as well as the decrease of horizontal confinement during the excavation works, leading to the loss of
resistance and, consequently, the overall increase of the solution deformability.
The replacement of the traditional ground anchor bracing solution for slices of the final underground slabs, allows a
more effective deformations control of the retaining wall. On the other hand, the majority of the bracing slabs can be
integrated at the basement structural solution.
Importance of the quality control and quality assurance procedures, mainly the monitoring and observation plan, pile
integrity tests and, whenever possible, load tests at the foundation piles.
The large diameter piles toe injection has a positive influence on the piles bearing capacity and, consequently,
economic advantages, leading to the reduction of the overall execution schedule, mainly for long piles.
The advantages of the adoption of large diameter pile raft foundation (CPRF), mainly as high rise buildings
foundation solution, combined with the large diameter piles toe injection.

The authors thank to the Owner the authorization for the writing and submission of this paper. The main geotechnical works
were well performed by the company Dura - Soletanche Bachy. The authors also point out the important intervention of the
supervision company, Afaplan Planeamento e Gesto de Projectos, as well as the important contribution of the company
responsible for the remaining engineering projects, Betar - Estudos e Projectos.
Duc Long, P. (2010) Piled Raft A Cost-Effective Foundation Method for High. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS &
AGSSEA, Vol. 41, No.3.
Manai, R. (2010) Enhancement of Pile Capacity by Shaft Grouting Technique in Rupsa Bridge Project, Geotechnical Engineering Journal
of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol. 41, No.3.
Pinto, A. & Pita, X. (2011) Deep Excavations in Luanda City Centre, 15th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering, Maputo, Mozambique. Session 5 Retaining Structures, pp. 269274.

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