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of Applied Banana Research, Vol 1, No 1 (2015)

Case study of banana

therapy treatment of a
monkey with a sweet tooth

Sophy M. Laughing, Ph.D., MBA

Department of Banana Ology, California Banana Center, U.S.A.


Received 6 May 2015; accepted 7 May 2015

A primate with an appetence for soluble carbohydrates (SC) presented to our department for banana
therapy. The treatment plan was a banana a day helps a monkey feel happier in a really yummy
way. All bananas were just ripe. The response to Banana Therapy Treatment (BTT) was evaluated by
observing the size of the smiles the primate visibly expressed. J Pretreatment dose assessment
included calculations with a Berry Treatment Planning System, MUSA data analysis, and JOY
estimations by measuring the angle of the zygomaticus major muscle, which raises the corners of the
mouth when the primate smiles. J During the first primate treatment, bananas were placed on tables
in an otherwise empty, white-walled room. No additional fruit was present. BTT was considered by
the team to be a great idea. Bananas for all, was the teams motto. Banana dosage increased
cumulatively, up to three (3) bananas over a 24-hour period. Additional banana increases were
suggested, but Dr. Laughing remarked that giving primates more than three bananas over a 24-hour
period would raise their high sugar high fat (HSHF) levels, which is unhealthy. The primate in this
study exhibited no adverse response to being limited to three bananas daily. Our results are based on
one fictitious case study and further applause is encouraged for the author.

JI. Introduction

A 5-year old male primate presented to our department with an appetence for soluble carbohydrates
(SC) requiring banana therapy treatment. In other words he had a sweet tooth. The sweet tooth
was discovered during a prior experimental time travel study to which the primate was subject.
Traveling back to 1968 said primate was directed to attend a concert performed by the American
pop/rock band, The Monkees. According to study notes the lead scientist spearheading the study
considered sending a monkey back in time to attend a Monkees concert ironic, and thus funny.
Additional study notes included by his colleagues indicated that they did not share his sense of
humor. Ironically the primate returned with an appetence for bananas and pop art, but with no
knowledge of the following songs: Im a Believer, Day Dream Believer, or (the theme song from) The
Monkees. The resulting sweet tooth was discovered when the primate broke into the scientists mini-
frig, absconding only with bananas, leaving behind yoghurt, coconut milk, and 5 large strawberries.
The primate underwent initial treatments in which said scientists offered him other pastries and
treats, but he refused. Since the primate only wanted bananas, and since the primates mood
improved after eating bananas, and since the primate stopped smoking after eating bananas (a nasty
habit the primate picked up from a nicotine addiction study), the scientists eventually questioned
whether or not the increased consumption of bananas was aiding the primate with mood regulation
as well as assisting the primate in mitigating the effects of nicotine withdrawal. They thus sent the
primate to Dr. Laughing for further evaluation at the Department of Banana Ology at the California
Banana Center.


Journal of Applied Banana Research, Vol 1, No 1 (2015)

JII. Materials and Methods

A. Banana Peeling Assist Device

A Chefn Banana TM Banana Slicer from Bed, Bath & Beyond was chosen to produce uniform banana
slices in no time. A quick squeeze of the BananzaTM was all that was needed to cut bananas into slices
for cereal, desserts, and smoosthies. Dull stainless steel blades make the banana peeling assist device
safe for primate operators. The banana slicer is also dishwasher safe. Bananas were placed into the
circular opening. The handles were then squeezed together, slicing the portion of the banana that
protruded beyond the opening. The motion was repeated until the entire banana was in slices.

B. Potential harmful effects utilizing the banana peeling assist


To our knowledge there exists no data regarding the harmful effects of utilizing a banana peeling
assist (BPA) device. If anything, our department contends, utilization of the banana slicer minimizes
risk of penetration with an edged instrument, such as a knife. Knife injuries near food consumption
are common. A falling knife has no handle, goes the old kitchen-safety saying. Knives are considered
the most dangerous object in the preparation of food for good reason. Burns can be painful, but it is
usually knife injuries that most often lead to the ER. Knife accidents at home led to hospital visits
almost 330,000 times in 2011, according to The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a
survey maintained by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. It is estimated that this number
rises during major holidays, football playoffs, and/or the consumption of alcohol.

Our department reviewed the effects of utilizing the banana peeling assist device and was content
with its results. Reported only were multiple requests for complimentary banana peeling assist
devices to take home for personal use. Laughings team also reported an increase in good hair days,
clearer more natural looking skin, the ability to fit into last years jeans, more energy, and increased
clarity. It is assumed that the improvement to the teams cardiovascular, digestive, immune,
muscular, and nervous systems function is related to the substantial increase in vitamin B6 from
having consumed more bananas during the course of this study.

C. Happiness testing of bananas in the white room


In order to determine whether the primates observed increase in happiness was due to the
consumption of bananas or due to his aesthetic preference for minimalism, the entire white room was
redecorated with bright yellow shag carpet, an eight foot round relax sack beanbag chair, and
numerous pieces of Bansky monkey wall art. Laughings team considered the minimalist space a
factor in the primates general happiness and uber-hipness (said primate meditated and was at ease
in social situations) and thus wished minimize additional happiness factors to avoid influencing the
results of the study and thus the program outcomes. The department acknowledged that while it was
possible the primate was happier in an uber-hip empty, white-walled room, the study was focused on
the primates reaction to bananas and the impact the resulting happiness had on his behavior and
well being.


Journal of Applied Banana Research, Vol 1, No 1 (2015)

Fig. 1. This is Andy Warhols cover art for the album The Velvet Underground & Nico by the artist The Velvet

D. Primate setup and treatment plan

The primate was allowed to chill out in a neon green eight foot round relax sack beanbag chair. The
song Sunday Mornings by The Velvet Underground 60s pop/rock band calmed the primate. Bananas
were placed on the table to the right of the beanbag and within arms reach. The BPA device was
placed on the table next to the banana. The prescription was three ungassed (not treated with
ethylene) guineos verdes bananas daily. The primate initially indicated signs of psychological distress
(boredom), which was responded to by introducing the Super Mario Kart video game on the
Nintendo 64. In the game a Banana Peel causes a vehicle to spinout if the vehicle touches the slippery
item. Bananas can be used as offensive or defensive items. A player can throw a Banana out in front
of their kart to cause the racer ahead of them to spin out of control and crash. Bananas can also be
deployed behind the kart, so that the driver behind the player will spin out. After playing a round of
Super Mario Kart, the primates psychological state was brought back into normal range. Once the
primate relaxed he then eagerly reached for more bananas. On numerous occasions the primate
wanted to eat a banana prior to playing Super Mario Kart. Notated was the primates preference for
consuming a banana prior to playing a video game, indicating a healthier physiological response to
consuming bananas over playing video games even video games with bananas.

JIII. Results

The BTT results over the entire banana therapy treatment course are displayed in Fig. 2. The more
bananas the primate received during a 24-hour period, the larger was the primates smile. The
primates smile muscles were measured electromyographically. Further testing should include
magnetic resonance imaging to measure cerebral blood flow to measure happiness.

Number of Bananas Primate
Size of Primate Smile

(Not to scale)




Fig. 2. Relative size difference (RSD) of the primates response to banana dosage increases.


Journal of Applied Banana Research, Vol 1, No 1 (2015)

JIV. Conclusions

Primates with an appetence for sweets who are not otherwise psychologically distressed (bored),
who enjoy playing Super Mario Kart, who respond favorably to chilling out in oversized beanbags,
who dont mind yellow shag carpet, who respond favorably to kooky 60s music, and who can
operate a banana peeling assist (BPA) device, smile bigger when allowed to eat up to three bananas
during a 24-hour period. Bananas, which are high in tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin
the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter are suspected to improve primate moods and stimulate
positive behavior patterns such as laughing, hugging, and bouncing off the walls, though it is possible
that the bouncing off the walls effect was due, at least in part, to the primate having gotten ahold of
Dr. Laughings Red Bull. It was thus notated that primate should be tested for an appetence to energy
drinks prior to drawing conclusions. Our results are based on one fictitious case study and further
applause is encouraged for the author.



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* This paper was presented for entertainment purposes. The author makes no claims and is not responsible for
reader interpretation or subsequent thoughts or actions taken on account of reading said fictitious case study.


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