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In order to become conscious on all levels of being, we have to go through a period of unconsciousness. To him
who is in samadhi, nothing happens, and if it does, he does not care. The Chasm of Fire by Irina Tweedle
Where Uranus was the insomnia planet, the awakener, Neptune is the sleeping pill planet, the dream inducer.
Uranus is an iconoclast. Neptune worships idols. Uranus is cosmic consciousness, Neptune is unityconsciousness and Pluto is God consciousness or realization.
From the time of its discovery on September 23,
1846, (the same year that ether was first used as
an anesthetic), much has happened that implies
veiled strength from behind the scenes, often in
vicarious or substitute ways. It may be
subversive or loving, but the main characteristic
is its formless, boundless, non-material nature.
Neptune rules gases, anesthetics, drugs,
evaporation, leaks, fog in essence, those
things which dissolve and blur the boundaries of
the material world. It is the intangible; you cannot
get hold of it. It is even difficult to talk about or to
put into words. As one guru put it, At the door of
the infinite, thought stops, words cease, silence
is all pervading. The mystics use the term That
of which naught can be said to describe the
experience of divine union which is Neptunes
highest and proper function.
Like Pisces, Neptune urges us to let go, to
surrender in the faith and confidence that we will
survive in one form or another. We surrender to
chaos each night when we fall asleep, secure in
the belief that we will awaken on the following
Neptunes intuition comes from the feeling,
emotional level, as in visions and dreams. It is
not logical like Uranian intuition. Neptune is fuzzy
Alison Chester-Lambert Astrology Reading Cards Your Personal Journey in the
and open to poetic interpretation. And while its
intuitive visions may be true in a literal sense,
more often than not, they are true symbolically,
allegorically. It is not unusual to find people gifted in higher mathematical ability to have Neptune or Pisces
emphasized in their charts. They are attuned to cosmic rhythms which can be expressed in formulas as well as in
music and art.
When people take the prophesies of mediums and channels such as Gordon Michael Scallion literally, and
become convinced that earth changes, quakes, floods and other cataclysms are future reality, they are allowing
themselves to be victims of a Neptunian collective delusion the glamour of disaster.
More likely, the truth is that the earth changes are the inner catastrophes of experiencing the ground of our deep
cultural beliefs shifting and crumbling, while tidal waves of collective emotion flood into the personal psyche. And,

it is an exciting way to avoid looking at ones close-at-hand personal and relationship difficulties. California is going
to fall into the ocean (into Neptune), so lets move to Arizona and pretend our marriage is not falling apart. He is
out of a job and in a career crisis, her mother just committed suicide and the kids want to go live with their real
dad. Times are changing and we will still get all shook up and swept away, no matter where we are!
With Neptune, the ego disappears into the collective and a person does not know ego
boundaries anymore. He can be taken over and used by any kind of energy or entity
coming through the collective unconscious. This is what a medium does. The difference
between a Neptunian medium and a Uranian channel is that Neptunes message comes
up through the unconscious mind, while Uranian impulses are received in the rational,
cognitive centers of the brain/mind. Distortion is very likely with Neptunes messages
coming through a medium, as very few have clear, pure, unmudled subconscious minds;
the messages get biased and garbled by the mediums personal filter.
The non-verbal languages of Neptune are music, art, dance, and poetry, as well as
higher mathematics. They convey an impression, give a feeling, an emotion. Sometimes the only way to tell a
lover just how you feel about him/her is to play a passage of music that evokes similar feelings to the emotions
experienced when you are together.
Neptune symbolizes subjective reality, the alternate reality of the shaman, the prophet, the oracle, or the
schizophrenic. Sometimes, its expression is very delusive, as in propaganda, brain washing, and advertising.
Ghosts and vampires (usually in living flesh bodies), intrude into the psyche and drain energy from us by first
getting us to feel sorry for them.
The highest, purest expression of Neptune energy is in the transcendental, spiritual realm. It is called nirvana,
samadi, the void, the peace that passes understanding. Proper practices that utilize Neptune energy are
karma yoga, hatha yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation techniques.
In karma yoga, we give ourselves to an activity or a work without ego gratification, with no thought or expectation
of reward or recognition of any sort. Through hatha yoga and Tai Chi, we use our bodies postures and motion to
direct Neptune energy and ground ourselves at the same time. Meditation techniques and practices teach us how
to go into the subconscious and unconscious consciously, while integrating higher, transcendental energy into our
being gradually, in a systematic, controlled way.
The house in which we find Neptune in our chart shows where and how we most naturally experience selfless
giving, loosening of ego boundaries, transcendental bliss, or, negatively, delusion and disillusion, disappointment,
humiliation, energy drain or leak in the aura. It is where we can deceive and be deceived.
Since Neptune is associated with sleep and dreams, it is the area where we are unconscious and do not know
what we are doing or even that we are doing it. And it usually takes the feedback of several trusted people over a
period of time to help us wake up to that area of ourselves. Even if we are not completely unconscious in the area
of Neptune, we always are highly idealistic, see through rose colored glasses and tend to have unreasonably high
Neptune in conjunction or hard aspect to personal planets indicates unrealistic attitudes toward certain areas of
daily existence. With the Sun, Neptune gives a tendency to expect too much of oneself, to inflate and glamorize
oneself. With the Moon, the emotions are idolized and sentimentalized; there may be somatic over-sensitivity.
With Venus, relationships are charged with completely irrational expectations and repeated patterns of
disappointment. Any planet with Neptune tends to be glamorized and projected.
An astrologer can be of great help in waking up the client and clarifying things Neptunian when that person has an
angular or highly aspected Neptune.
About the author:
Eleanor Buckwalter has studied, practiced and taught astrology in Los Altos, CA for more than twenty-five years,
including three years with the late Richard Idemon, a psychological astrologer. Her primary astrological focus of

interest is parent-child relationships and family dynamics.

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