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Vikas The Concept School

Revision of Mysql

30 M

Create database command For creating database.

Use command For opening database.

Show data bases( ) command To list the databases under mysql.

Select database( ) command To check under which database we are working.

Show tables command To list the tables in the database.

Create table command For creating a table.

insert command To insert values into the table.

desc command To describe table and to see the constraints of a table.

select command To retrieve data from the table.

Clauses of select:- Where, distinct, and, or between, in, like, order by asc/desc. < > -not, is
null, is not null.

Update command To update values in the table. Where clause of update.

Alter command:-

To change the structure of a table.

Clauses of alter:- add clause, drop clause, modify clause, change clause. Enable / disable
For adding primary key constraint Alter command with add clause.
For adding Not Null constraint Alter command with modify clause.
For dropping primary key constraint Alter command with drop clause.
For dropping Not Null constraint Alter command with modify clause.

Enabling / disabling constraints.

delete command:- To delete rows from the table. Where clause of delete.

drop command:- To drop the table.

Mysql single row functions:i) Mathematical functions pow (x, y), sqrt(x), Truncate (x, d), round(x), round(x,y).
ii) String functions:- length( ), concat( ), left( ), right( ), upper( ) (or) Ucase( ), lower( ) (or)
Lcase( ), Ltrim( ), Rtrim( ), trim( ), instr( ), substring ( ), (or) Mid( ) (or) substr ( ), Ascii( )
iii) Date and Time functions:- Curdate( ), sysdate( ), now( ), date( ), month( ), year( ),
Dayname( ), Dayofmonth ( ), Dayofweek( ), Dayofyear( ).

Mysql Aggregate functions:- Min( ), Max( ), Sum( ), Avg( ), Count( ), Distinct clause in
count ( ), count (*) & count (column name) difference.

Group by clause, Having clause.

Vikas The Concept School

Vikas The Concept School


Joins-cartesian product, Equi Join

Constraints-primary key & Not Null.

Union & Union all


Primary key, alternate key, candidate key, foreign key, Database, DBMS, Relational
Database, RDBMS, degree, cardinality, Transaction, Commit, rollback, savepoint, referential


Primary key Vs foreign key. Primary key Vs alternate key, primary key Vs candidate key,
where & having, alter & update, delete & drop, group by Vs order by, commit Vs Rollback.
Sysdate( ) & now( ), Curdate( ) & date( ).

Alias names for columns, tables.

finding errors in is null / is not null, finding errors in order by clause.

finding degree and cardinality for a single table, finding degree and cardinality for Cartesian

Writing outputs for the queries. (including added row/not)

Creating table with the given constraints.

Identifying primary key / foreign key.

Writing outputs for the equijoin query.

Categories of sql.

Vikas The Concept School

Vikas The Concept School

Revision of GUI (25 Marks)


JDE, windows of NetBeans IDE like palette, Inspector window, properties window, code
editor window, properties window.

Controls / components parent controls, child controls

Properties of controls icon, editable, enabled, visible, selected, model, echochar, linewrap,
wrapstyleword, rows, columns, toolTipText, ButtonGroup, selection Mode.

Methods of controls isEditable( ), isEnabled( ), isselected( ), setvisible( ), setEnabled( ),

setEditable( ), setselected( ), setText( ), getText( ), getpassword( ).

Differences-TextField & TextArea, TextField & passwordField. setText( ) & getText( )

RadioButton & checkbox, ListBox & ComboBox, is selected ( ) & setselected( ).

Listing methods of ListBox and comboBox.

How to make components editable /Not editable

Enabled/disabled/visible/invisible/selected/Not selected on a frame.

Working with /n & /t in textareas.

Working with length( )method when to concat and when to add.

Choosing appropriate controls for the given requirements.

Choosing appropriate selection statements out of if and switch.

Conversion methods parseInt( ), parseDouble( ), parseFloat( ), parseByte( ), parseLong( ),

toString( ), valueOf( ).

Writing java source code for single formulas like area of a square, finding cube of a given
value, area of a circle, simple interest, compound interest, converting from Celsius t
Fahrenheit etc.,

Converting from one type of statement to another else-if to switch, switch to else if.

Converting from one loop to another loop for to while /do-while, while to for / do while, do
while to for / while.

Finding output of the programs.

Finding errors in the given source code like , , ;, setText ( ) etc..

How many times the given loop is executed.

What will be the values of m & n after executing the following code:

Definitions:- Class, object, Data Members, Member functions, Access specifies and visibility
modes, polymorphism operator overloading, Method overload difference between method
overloading & method overriding. Inheritance, Abstract class, Interface.

Math class methods, string class methods.

GUI Java programs based on radiobuttons, checkboxes, lists, comboboxes.

Vikas The Concept School

Vikas The Concept School


Definitions:- Front End, BackEnd, Database connectivity, JDBC, steps for creating JDBC
applications, Adding Mysql Jdbc driver library, Driver manager class, connection class,
statement class, executeupdate( ) & executeQuery ( ) netxt( ), removeRow( ).

URL syntax, parts of HTML, HTTP, difference between container elements and empty
elements, body tag and its attributes, <p>, <hr>tag and its attributes, <br>tag, Formatting
elements - <hn>, <b>, <i>, <u>, <img>tag and attributes, <font>tag and its attributes, Lists <ol>, <ul>, <dl> tags and attributes, <table>tab and attributes, <tr>, <td>, <form>tag
attributes, <input> tag attributes. XML, XML Features, difference between HTML and XML.

Vikas The Concept School

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