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1) How to create a Table.
Create New Table in Microsoft Access.
Click on Create Tab.
Click on Table Design Button.

You will see the table designation windows appear.

Enter fields name and its data type as below:

Set field stdid to Primary Key (Now allow duplicate data for stdid) by Right Click
on that field and choose Primary Key.

Click <Ctrl-S> to Save the Table.

2) How to create a Query.

1) Create tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
2) Then click on the Query Design button under the Other group.

3) Next, highlight the tables that you wish to use in the query. In this example,
we've selected the Employees table and clicked on the Add button.
4) When you are done selecting the tables, click on the Close button.

5) Add the fields to the query. You can do this by double-clicking on the field
name. In this example, we've added the LastName, FirstName, and
Address fields.
6) Then click on the Save button at the top left of the window (this is the button
with the picture of the disk).

7) The Save As window should appear. Enter the name that you'd like to assign
to the query and click on the OK button. In this example, we've saved the
query as Query1.

3) How to create a Form

To create a form :


Open the Navigation pane.

Click the table or query on which you want to base your form.
Activate the create tab.
Click Form in the Forms group. Access create a form.

You can use the Navigation bars to move through the records on a form.


To save a form:

Go to First Record
Go to Previous Record
The Current Record
Go to Next Record
Go to Last Record
Create a New (Blank) Record

1. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar. Access saves the form
unless you are saving for the first time. If you are saving for the first time, the
Save As dialog box appears.
2. Type the name you want to give the form.
3. Click OK. Access saves the form. You can now access the form by using the
Navigation pane.
You can also save by right-clicking a forms tab and then selecting Save from the
menu that appears. Access saves the form unless you are saving for the first time. If
you are saving for the first time, the Save As dialog box appears. Type the name you
want to give the form and then click OK. Access saves the form. You can now access
the form by using the Navigation pane.

4) How to create a Reports.

To create a report:
Reports give you the ability to present components of your database in an easy-toread, printable format. Access lets you create reports from both tables and queries.
1. Open the table or query you would like to use in your report. We want to print
a list of cookies we've sold, so we'll open the Cookies Sold query.

2. Select the Create tab on the Ribbon. Locate the Reports group, then click the
Report command.

3. Access will create a new report based on your object.

4. It's likely that some of your data will be located on the other side of the page
break. To fix this, resize your fields. Simply select a field, then click and drag
its edge until the field is the desired size. Repeat with additional fields until all
of your fields fit.


To save your report, click the Save command on the Quick Access
toolbar. When prompted, type a name for your report, then click OK.

Just like tables and queries, reports can be sorted and filtered. Simply right-click
the field you wish to sort or filter, then select the desired option from the menu.

5) How to create a Relationships.

Step 1 How to create a relationship
To create a relationship in Access, start by clicking on the database tools tab
and then click on the relationship button. In this example we will create
relationship between all our tables and also set the referential integrity
between them.

Step 2 Adding tables

Click on the show tables button; select each table and add it. Show tables
button shows all the available tables created by the user in the database.
From the list, you can choose the tables amongst which you want to create a

Step 3 Creating the first relationship

Now drag the worker id field from the sales people table and drop it onto
the sales field in the customers table. An edit relationship window will
appear showing you the source field and destination field. Check the enforce
referential integrity check box and then check the other two boxes as well.

Step 4 Selecting the join type

Click on the join type button and select the second option. Click on create
button and you will see that a relationship has been established between the
sales people table and the customers table.
We select the second join type because we want to see reports on sales
employees even if they didnt have any assigned customer.
Once you click ok, you will notice that a one-to-many relationship will be
established. This means that one employee can have several customers.

Step 5 Avoiding cascade delete option

Now for the last relationship, drag the SKU field from the product table and
drop it onto the product field in the order table. In the edit relationship
window, checkmark the first two boxes and then click on the create button.
Once a relationship in Access is established, you will see a black line running
from the source table to the destination table. You will notice a 1 and an
infinity sign telling you the type of relationship.
In the last relationship, we selected only the cascade update related fields
option because we dont want the SKU to be deleted even if the products are
deleted from the product line.

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