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World of Tourism

By sally
/ Bc
Dear listeners , welcome to a new edition of World of Tourism in which we
present you the ultimate adventure and intimate knowledge of the country
in addition to visiting one of Egypt s remarkable places
Dear listeners
In celebrating World Museum Day let s have a quick lookon some Egypt s
remarakable museums
The Coptic Museum
Christian art, specific to the Coptics of Egypt, began to emerge around 300
AD. Though Christianity marked the end of the Pharaonic period in Egypt,
and even though many traditions from that more ancient religion were
carried over to become a part of not only the Christian faith in Egypt, but
later even the Islamic faith, the art in form, style and content was very
.different from those earlier times
The most striking stylistic feature of Coptic figurative representation are the
exaggerated rounded or oval eyes, under relatively thick eyebrows, and the
contrapposto position (the weight of the body thrown onto one leg).
Garments are often depicted with details of pleats and folds. The figures
range from tall and slim to the short and thickset. Facial expressions usually
.span a narrow divide between non-committal to somber
The largest collection of Coptic Christian artifacts in the world, with some
16,000 pieces, belongs to the Coptic Museum in Cairo. Indeed, this museum
represents more than simply a collection of ancient Christian art.. It is an
eye-opener for many, as it documents this not altogether gradual but very
.significant moment in time

Ahmed shawki Museum

Traditionally, a museum is known to be a place where objects of antique and
historical nature are displayed. However, the modern concept of a museum
has been developed so as to reflect, as well, all aspects of modern and
contemporary life.
In the light of this concept, a museum is now envisaged as a centre of
comprehersive and extensive cultural dissemination that aims at cultivating
man's feelings and stimulating creativity in all fields. A museum can,
therefore, be a melting pot, providing a tasteful and pleasant cultural mix,
that reflects the unity and integrity of arts.
Poet - Laureate Ahmed Shawki's Museum, originally named by the poet "
Karmat Ibn Hani'e / Karmat Ibn Hani'e was not merely the Poet - Laureate's
house but also the hub of men of letters, poets, playwrights, musicians,
singers as well as a meeting place for statesmen, pressmen and other

The Alexandria National Museum

The Alexandria National Museum is now considered one of Egypt's finest
museums. It was inaugurated on 31st, 2003, and is one more addition to the
reasons one should visit this grand old city. The national museum is located
in a restored palace and contains about 1,800 artifacts that narrate the
history of Alexandria throughout the ages, including the Pharaonic, Roman,
Coptic and Islamic eras.
There are even some more modern pieces, including 19th century glassware,
silverware, chinaware and precious jewels, which provide a sense of the
richness of the court of Mohammed Ali and his descendants. Mummies are
shown in a special underground chamber (basement). Also, some of the
items found during the archaeological underwater excavations in Alexandria
are now on the same floor as the Greco-Roman artifacts.

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