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Emigrant = One who leaves his country to settle abroad

Emollient=Soothing to living tissue.

Empericism=Belief based on experience or observation.

Emphasize=To lay special stress on

Encomuim=Formal expression of high praise = eulogy.

Endemic=A disease which becomes prevalent in a particular area on account of

its surroundings conditions.

Enduring=Long lasting.

Enjoin=Direct or order someone to do something.

Enthologist=One who studies the science of the variatees of human race.

Entomology = The scientific study of insects

Ephemeral=Transitory = short lived = lasting a very short time.

Epicure = One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking

Epicure=A person who is very fond of sensous enjoyments.

Epicurean = One whose attitude is to eat, drink and merry

Epidemic=A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area

Epilogue = Concluding part of a literary work

Epilogue=A poem of speech at the end of the play.

Epiphangi=An appearance or manifestation.

Epistle = A verse letter

Epitaph=Words written on the tomb of a person

Equanimity=Evenness of mind or temper.

Equestrian=Person who rides on horse=back

Equigravisphere=A point in space where the gravity is constant.

Equilibrium=A state of perfect balance

Equine=Of horses = horselike = a horse.

Equinophobia = Fear of horses

Equinox=When days and nights are equal (March21 = September).

Eradicate=To root out an evil, disease

Ergonomics = The study of the efficiency of people in their working environment

ERR = Make a mistake, do wrong

Esoteric=Known only a few = Reconcile.

Estivate=Spend a hot or dry period in a prolonged state of torpor or dormancy.

Estuary = The wide mouth of a river

Estuary=A broad channel formed by joining of the sea and river water.

Ethnology = Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another

Ethnology=A study of races

Etiology=Study of causation. The study of the cause of disease.

Etymology=A study of derivation of words

Eulogy=Speech or writing that praises = High praise = Encomium.

Euphimism=Soften expression.

Euphony=Melodious Music

Euthanasia = Thing that bring gentle and painless death from incurable death

Euthanasia=Mercy killing painless death to relieve suffering.

Euthenics=Science of improving the environment.

Evasive = One who does not take definite stand

Evolution = Gradual development from simple life forms to complex ones

Exaggerate=Describe a thing beyond limits of truth.

Exasphere=This is a outer most zone of the atmosphere and beings at about 40

miles above earth.


Exbiology=Science dealing with life or possibilities of life existing beyond the


Excise = Tax on goods produced and used in a country

Excursion = Short journey made by a group of persons together

Exegesis=Critical explanation or interpretation.

Exemplary=Fit to be

Exercism=Slogan to derive or get out of the dragon.

Exertion = Making an effort; trying very hard to do something

Exodus = Large scale departure of people

Exonerate=To free somebody from all blame

Explicit=Fully and clearly expressed.

Extempore = A speech made without any previous thought or preparation

Extempore=A speech delivered without any previous preparation

Exterminate = To put an end to something by killing

Extinguish=To put an end to.

Extrovert = A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others

Exuberant = Lively, high=spirited

Eymologist=One who studies the science and origin of words.

Fable = An animal story with a moral

Facsimile=An exact copy

Fallacy = A false idea or belief

Familicide = Murdering of a family

Fanatic=A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion

Farce = A light=hearted humorous play with silly action

Fastidious=A person difficult to please

Fatal=Anything that leads to death

Fatalism=Religion that which believes that god is everything.

Fatalist = One who believes in fate

Fathom=Understand fully = unit of length equal to six feet.

Fathometer=Instrument used for measuring the depth of the ocean.

Favouritism = The practice of giving favoured treatment to certain people

Fealthy=Sworn allegance to a lord.

Febrile = Of or caused by fever

Feduciary=Of the relationship between a trustee and his principal.

Felicitate = Congratulate somebody in formal manner

Feminist = A supporter of the cause of women

Feminist(Philogynist) = One who works for the welfare of women

Fetish=Amulet object believed to have magic power.

Fiance = A girl to whom a man is engaged to be married

Filly=A young female horse.

Fission = Splitting of the nucleus of an atom

Flock=Animals such as birds, sheep and goats keeping together in large number.

Flogging = Severe beating with a whip

Flotsom=The thing which comes out from sea (Cannot stay in water).

Fluctuating=Moving to & fro.

Fluvial = Of, found in, or produced by rivers

Flux=Continuous change = instability = fusion.

Foolscap = A size of paper, also called legal format

Footedpad=Robber, who goes on foot.

Foregone=Something that has been determined beforehand


Foreman = A skilled worker in charge of other workmen

Forgery = Dealing of counterfeit things

Formidable=That which is heard tobe resisted.

Fortissimo=Very loud.

Fourth Estate = Influential newspapers and journalists

Fragile=That which can be easily broken.

Francophile = An admirer of the French people, language, manners or way of


Francophobe = One who dislikes the French and France

Fratricide = The murder of ones brother

Freight = Goods carried by train, ship etc

Fuddy=Duddy = An elderly person who does not understand or approve of

modern ideas

Fugitive = One who runs from Justice

Funambulist=A rope dancer = who walks on thread.

Fussion=Uniting by metting together.

Galvanize=Startle into sudden activity = to coat with zinc.

Galvanometer=A glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions

between glasses.

Gambrel=Type of roof.

Gamophobia = Fear of marriage

Garage = A building in which motorcars are parked

Garrulous = One who talks too much about uninteresting things

Gastronomy = The art and science of cooking and eating good food

Gastronomy=Relating to taste (Food taste).

Gender=Male goose

Genealogist=One who traces the history of the descent of families.

Geneology=Heredity, Hereditary

Genocide = Elimination or killing of a whole race

Genophobia = Fear of sex

Geologist = One who studies the formation of the earth

Germanophile = An admirer of the German people, language, manners or way of


Germanophobe = One who dislikes the Germans and Germany

Glut = A larger supply than necessary

Glutton=One who eats too much

Gnosticism=A type of yoga (Gymnastics).

Government=Connoisseur of choice food.

Graffiti = Rough drawing or writing on public walls

Graminivore = An animal that eats grain

Graminuiorous=Animals that feed on grass.Animals that feed on grass.

Granary = A place for grains

Gratis = Without payment, free of cost

Gratis=Without payment

Gregarious=Of animals living in flocks

Gubernatorial = Of a governor

Gullible=One who is easily deceived

Gust = Sudden rush of winds

Gynaecologist=One who treates femal diseases

Gynecologist = One who treats female problems


Gynophobia = Fear of women

Haemorrhage=Escape of blood to the ruptures of blood vessels inside the body.
Hagiology=Relating to kings Hagiographic.
Hallucination = Seeing something which is not actually present
Harangue = Loud talk or speech
Harem = Place where women dwelled (Ancient time)
Harpaxophobia = Fear of being robbed
Haven = A place of calm and safety
Hedonist = One who lives for pleasure
Heliophobia = Fear of the sun
Hemophobia = Fear of blood
Henpecked = A husband ruled by his wife
Hermaphrodite = Creature having both male and female organs
Hiatus=Gap = Missing part = Break in continuity = lacuna.
Hibernate=To spend the winter in a dormant state.
Hieroglyphic=Pictographic script.
Hippy = Person who is against ordinary society especially dressing
Histrionics = Overreacting in a theatrical manner

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