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Vedic Mathematics: Rapid Mental Calculation

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Rapid Mental Calculation
Galactic Mathematics Rediscovered

Find out how to accomplish complex and rapid calculations... in

your head.

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Jain will give you an understanding of the 16 basic Sutras or 'Word

Formula' which can solve all known mathematical problems by using an
ancient yet simple system of MENTAL, ONE LINE ARITHMETIC,
used extensively by the Hindus more than 2,500 years ago.
His pioneering dvd "Vedic Mathematics For The New Millennium"
on this subject is the first dvd in the world that comprehensively
describes these vedic sutras and is a tribute to Bharati Krshna Tirthaji.
The knowledge goes even further back. Jain calls this modality,
Galactic Mathematics which is base 12.

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During this day you will learn how to multiply 3 digit numbers in your
head with no calculator, pen or paper.
How could the Aryan civilisation, near the Hunza Valley, 3,000 years
ago, mentally compute mathematical operations that today only a
calculator could achieve?
Jain wrote an article: VEDIC MATHEMATICS REDISCOVERED for the
Nexus Magazine, Oct/Nov issue 2003. He shows how an understanding
of the 16 basic Sutras or Word Formula solves all known mathematical
problems by using an advanced and highly intelligent system of
MENTAL, ONE LINE ARITHMETIC used by the Hindus more than
2,000 years.
From response all over the world, this article has awakened many
people to start questioning all the missing gaps and insufficiencies in
the current mathematics curriculum.
If you or your children can't understand the fragmented and confusing
mathematical data taught today? Would you be interested in another
method that boosts confidence,increases memory skills... and is
presented in a fun and exciting manner?
After this program, you will never multiply, divide or add in the same
manner again. And no more Times Tables!
In this workshop you will know how to accomplish rapid calculations,
mentally. No more Calculators which make the brain lazy. The
brain is a mental muscle and needs to be exercised.
Jain predicts that "if we continue to teach children with an overemphasis of using calculators in the class-room, over a 20 year
period, then no doubt, the Global Brain will deteriorate". We


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pride ourselves that we are a highly intelligent species, but really, are
we getting dumber.
Most young people are visual and the ability to tap into 'Pattern
Recognition' is the key to rapid mental calculation.
"Jain he is an absolute wizard at displaying the real ability of your mind
as he empowers students to perform mental calculations, in many
cases... quicker than a calculator. Yes you did hear right! Jain reveals
to you simple methods to mentally calculate all the complex math you
can think of. At the same time he shows you how the world as we
know it is more than we think it is. Vanya Markiewicz QLD Australia.


(It is NOW available on my website)
here is the link:
also: for the best and most thorough dvd on this topic, actually
the first dvd in the world on Vedic Mathematics, runs for 2
hours and 15 mins:

Dvds - Vedic Mathematics For The New Millennium

by JAIN 108 2003

here is the link:

(Taken from
Chapter 137)

Aug 2003:
(This was first published in my book THE MAGIC OF NINE)

Some questions to ponder upon:

How could the Aryan civilization, near the Hunza Valley,

3,000 years
ago, mentally compute mathematical operations that
today only a
calculator could achieve?

And if the mathematics could not be done mentally, how

could they
do everything we know today, IN ONE-LINE?
eg: converting the
fraction 1/19 into a decimal is an
18 digit answer that requires 35
lines of exhausting long division, how could they do it in
a one simple
line solution?

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line solution?
Why is NASA secretly using this MENTAL, ONE-LINE
SYSTEM OF ARITHMETIC in the field of Advanced
Artificial Intelligence? and not incorporating it into our
current mathematics curriculum?
Why are many of Bill Gate's Mathematicians Indians?

Is the decimal form of Pi (3.141592) a sonic

code for dedications to Krishna?

What does the Bhagavad Gita have to say about this lost
science of Clairvoyant Calculation that the ancient Temple
Builders employed?
How can you become a Human Bio-Calculator?

Is the current Western Mathematics Curriculum keeping our

Children in a state of limited intelligence?

Fig 137a

Bharati Krsna Tirthaji

The answers to all these questions are found

understanding the ancient system of Vedic
as rediscovered by Bharati Krsna Tirthaji
of Puri Govardhan Math, dux of India in
and a Sanskrit Philosopher who wrote and
spoke perfect
English, he reached the position of a
Shankacharya (the
spiritual head of India 100 years ago, like a
Dalai Lama
or Vatican Pope), renunciated several high
positions in society to retreat into a forest for
7 years
as a yogi, between 1911 and 1918 in which

time he
collected all the lost mathematical knowledge (Ganita
Sutras), improved and reconstructed them to 16 basic
Sutras or word formulae that solve every known
mathematical problem. These 16 Volumes relating to
the 16 Sutras was our legacy from the ancient past.

This highly intelligent and sophisticated

system of Mental, One-Line Arithmetic was
taught by The Master to his main student,
who today is the leading
exponent in the world: Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, the long white-haired and bearded yogi
that many of the 60s generation know of as
the Beatles guru. He is considered as the
greatest human bio-calculator on
the planet today, holding the vision of raising
the collective consciousness of all nations by
Fig 137b
re-introducing the lost Vedic Mathematics
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Sutras early in a childs spiritual and
educational development. Imagine a maths class in India today, like in
times of old when knowledge was passed on as an
oral tradition, and the teacher quickly calls or drills

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oral tradition, and the teacher quickly calls or drills

out certain numbers to multiply or divide and the children instantly
reply with the correct intuitive answers! Today, in schools where
Maharishis Transcendental Meditation technique are used students
perform remarkably well academically, viewing Mathematics as a
Universal Language and therefore often winning the highest
competitive prizes in mathematics.
Maharishi organized the scattered Vedic Literature into a complete
science of consciousness for both its theoretical and practical value,
describing the 16 Sutras as fundamental impulses of intelligence that
structure all the Laws of Nature and those that govern the Universe.
Maharishi, the Founder of TM, once said:
"Vedic Mathematics is that one field of knowledge which fulfils
the purpose of education by developing the total creative genius
of the individual, giving him/her the ability to be always
spontaneously right and automatically precise so that his/her
action, supported by Natural Law, is always effortlessly
Unfortunately, all of Bharati Krsna's 16
Volumes for the
16 Sutras were confirmed lost in 1958 after
Krsna Tirthaji returned from the USA tour,
sponsored by
the Self-Realization Foundation: the
successors of
Paramahansa Yogananda (who died in 1952,
and who
introduced Yoga to the West). Disciples
observed that
people in the streets of India were imitating
Fig 137c
lectures and dazzling audiences with
mis-used psychic powers, and begged the Master to
write a book just before his death in 1960. This single
volume, called VEDIC MATHEMATICS, has become the
bible on this subject and spawned a thousand
web-sites worldwide. Maharishi schools disseminated
the teachings to England where certain schools have
adopted the Vedic curriculum but the irony is that today
India is struggling to release the British curriculum and
NASA have adopted it fully in the realms of advanced robotics.
Calculations that can be solved as quick as lightning are a great tool to
adopt, but you wouldnt want to teach it worldwide in the fear that you
may churn out a generation of child geniuses that may threaten the
intellectual status quo.
The gift that the Hindus gave to world, thousands of years ago, and
that which is currently responsible for global silicon chip technology,
was none other than the invention of ZERO and the use of the decimal
point. We call our common numbers "Arabic Numerals" but really they
extend back to the Hindu concept of creation and void known as
"Bindu" or The Zero Point. In Maths, it makes the magic work eg: if you
wish to multiply 98 x 98 we need to understand Zero and Unity. All
Vedic Maths is based on the understanding of Unity Consciousness
which means they utilize processes or Number Bases that correspond





10000 etc all of which add to 1.

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10000 etc all of which add to 1.

Let us look at some practical examples, in light of the fact that the
Vedas, literally "the illimitable storehouse of All Knowledge" came under
4 headings or categories like Ayurveda (Healing), and Vedas for Music
and Astronomy etc and one relevant sub-Veda that related to Temple
Building and Engineering and therefore Mathematics called
SthapathyaVeda. Thus a Vedic Mathematician was also an astronomer,
healer and poet. It was a total system. As a temple builder, there was
no pen and paper, you simply calculated in your head. You are out in
the field and you need to tile a square floor that is, say 108 units
square. How do you do it with mental ease?
I think only of the excess "8", saying how much is 108 more than my
Base of 100. It is "8". So I will merely add this "8" to the number in
question "108" and tag on the squaring of this excess:
108 Squared

= 108 + 8 / 8x8
= 116 / 64
= 11,664
Its very simple.
Here is another Mental, One-Line Calculation:

Sutra: By The Excess

The Multiplication of Numbers Over a Base
108 x 109 can be computed in one second by understanding this
Pattern Recogition:
I add the excess of "8" to the other number "109" and then tag on the
multiplicatin of those two excesses: "8" and "9".
108 x 109 = 109 + 8 / 8 x 9
= 117 / 72
= 11,772

Sutra: By The Deficiency

The Squaring of Numbers Under a Base
To solve 98 Squared (98 x 98) we must first determine what Base we
are in. It is close to 100, therefore we say Base 100. We must now
choose one of the 16 Sutras to effectively solve the problem. It is
called: "By The Deficiency":
"By whatever the deficiency, lessen it further by that much and
set up the square thereof"
says one of the 16 Sutras. Sounds cryptic and meaningless yet it
quickly solves the problem.
We get our answer by merely knowing how much is 100 less 98.
Knowing that the deficiency is 2, we merely lessen 98 by 2 and then we
tag on the squaring of that 2. As a one-line answer, the setting out
would appear as thus:
98 Squared

= 98 - 2 / 2x2. Simplifying it:

= 96 / _ 4
We almost have our answer. What we need to know is that since our
Base is 100, it has 2 zeroes, therefore this fact governs the need for 2
spaces or 2 digits after the "forward slash" symbol ( / ). By inserting or
inventing The Zero as a "Place Marker", the answer is achieved:
98 Squared
= 96 / 04
= 9,604.
(Perhaps the greatest invention of all time, the Hindu creation of the
Zero was to change the world unimaginably as time passed on leading
to the ability to send Vimana U.F.O craft and rockets into space, to

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to the ability to send Vimana U.F.O craft and rockets into space, to
supercomputers and thus the ancient and continuing battle between
Michael and Lucifer:
Archangel Michael's Internal Light Vehicle Merkabah Time/Space Travel
and Natural Spiritual Powers Versus Lucifer's daring invention of the
External Merkabah or Artificial Technological Metal Spacecraft).
Observe similar examples:
= 97 - 3 / 3x3
= 94 / 09

= 96 - 4 / 4x4
= 92 / 16.

What if we enlarged our numbers to 998 Squared?

It is close to 1,000 so we say Base 1,000 and know to have 3 zeroes on
the right hand side of the ( / ).
= 998 - 2 / 2x2
= 996 / _ _ 4
= 996 / 004.
= 996,004
Understanding this, you can be calculating digits in the millions:
= 9998 - 2 / 2x2
= 9996 / _ _ _ 4
(Since we are in Base 10,000 the 4 Zeroes determine the need for 4
digits after the ( / ).
= 9996 / 0004
= 99,960,004.
There is a world-wide debate currently raging about the efficacy of
Vedic Mathematics versus the crumbling foundations of Western
Generally speaking, the theorems we all learned at school are not
wrong but clumsy. Some of the Western geometrical formulae are
certainly wrong or inadequate: for example, the formulae for sphere
packing in the higher dimensions increase up to the 6th Dimension then
suddenly decrease for higher dimensions, which is simply absurd.
Unfortunately, some die-hard senior mathematicians in an attempt to
protect the crumbling foundations that they now stand on feel
threatened by the lightning quick mental calculations of the Vedic
seers, and go to great lengths to deride Vedic maths as a "bag of
tricks". And of course, many insecure teachers worldwide are afraid to
rewrite all their course material.
Here is another example illustrating its utter simplicity:
"The Path of Least Resistance", or "The Law of Economy".
Sutra: By One More:

The Squaring of Numbers Ending in 5

If we wanted to square the number 25, i.e. 25 x 25, we would
conventionally take 3 lines of working out. Vedic Mathematics merely
looks at the Question, applies one of the 16 Sutras, and solves it
Mentally in One-Line. In this case, the Sutra at work is "By One More
Than The Previous Digit". Observing that 25 is a 2 digit number, 5 is
the last digit, but we are mainly interested in "the Previous Digit" which
is 2. We say, mentally, "What is One more than Two?" It is 3. The word
"By" in the Sutra really means "to multiply". The setting out for the first
half of the answer is thus:
252 = 2 "By" 3 / ........
= 2 x 3 / ........

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= 2 x 3 / ........
To this we tag on the last digit "5" squared:
= 6 / 25
Thus the answer is 625.
Similarly, all other numbers that end
152 = 1 x 2 / 5 x 5
= 2 / 25
352 = 3 x 4 / 5 x 5
= 12 / 25
452 = 4 x 5 / 5 x 5
= 20 / 25
952 = 9 x 10 / 5 x 5
= 90 / 25

in 5, when squared, can be done

= 225
= 1,225
= 2,025
= 9, 025

Sutra: Vertically and Crosswise:

Fig 137d
Sutra: Vertically and Crosswise
Feminine-Natured Mathematics
in contrast to the logical Male
Left Brain style of moths you
learnt at school).

Here is another simple

the one that Bharati
Tirthaji refers to as
most widely
used, called
"Vertically and
Crosswise" and
solves all
multiplication by
application of a
pattern (which is
registered by
the Right Brain as

eg: To find 26 Multiplied by 31 in One-Line, we need to look at a

viz: This Sutra, known as: "Vertically and Crosswise" shows we will
a 3-Digit Answer represented by the 3 short horizontal lines.
Here is how we traditionally write the setting out for "26 x 31":
Notice there are 4 digits involved ( 2, 6, and 3, 1) and let them be
represented by a small circle or dot and that explains the format seen
in Fig 137e. This will help you to understand "CROSS ADDITION" which
is shown as the middle part:
[ (2 x 1) + (6 x 3) ] and uses both multiplication and addition in the
form of the letter "X" and corresponds to the "cross-over of the optical
nerve in the brain" shown in Fig 137e below. (Here, the symbol "x" =


(2 x 1) + (6 x 3)

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(2 x 1) + (6 x 3)


2 0
carried over to the left hand side).

(nb: the "2" of the 20 is

= 806
(This shows only the mental workings. The Multiplication of
26 by 31 can be solved mentally!)
There are 16 JawDropping Sutras or
simple Sanskrit Word
Formulae which solve all
known mathematical
problems in the
branches of Arithmetic,
Algebra, Geometry and
Calculus are easy to
understand, easy to
apply and easy to
This Vedic One-Line
Mental Arithmetic is
very helpful in
stimulating Modern
Mathematicians to adopt
its simplicity and
quickness. Once
initiated to these Vedic
rules, students of all
ages will appreciate and
enjoy the enhanced

Fig 137e
Cross-Over of the Optical Nerve

The aim of Vedic Mathematics is to bring this long-hidden treasure

trove of intelligent mathematical knowledge within easy reach of
everyone who wishes to obtain it and benefit by it.

Sutra: Digital


Sums: For Multiplication By

When scientists have a problem, say with electronic data, and they
need to send it efficiently, the solution is invariably Compression.
Digital Compression is a powerful Sutra that solves multiplication by 11
very quickly.
If we wanted to multiply 25 x 11 we merely add the two digits of the 25
and say "2 + 5" which is 7 and insert it between the two digits. Thus
the answer is 275. Another way of showing this is to separate the two
digits and insert their digital sum:
25 x 11
39 x 11
the left)



(2+5) 5

(3+9) 9
9 (nb, the "1" of the "12" gets carried over to

= 429
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2 Hour Lecture by JAIN
Eg: What is 108 x 109 in 5 seconds?
Solution. In Base 100, both numbers exceed the Base by 8 and 9 respectively.
Add the 8 to the 109, giving 117 / _ _
which gives us half the answer.
Then tag on the multiplication of those two excesses,
which is 8 x 9 = 72.
Thus the mental answer is 117 / 72 or 11,772
Its brilliant and simple.
What is Vedic Mathematics? It is a Mental, One-Line system of Arithmetic
developed in India over 2,000 years ago, that gets children off the calculator and
enabling them to do large multiplications in their head within seconds. There are
16 Universal Sutras or Formulae to learn, and in this Lecture, you will be
familiarized with about 6 of them.
It improves Memory Skills and Confidence. Teenage children welcome, as they
will benefit from this demonstration. People all over the world are currently
getting excited about this ancient lost Knowledge, and over 20 schools in the
world have now adopted this technique.

Check out my website under Products, DVDS. My first dvd, created in

2002 is called:
I have since created another one in 2005
known as: VEDIC MATHEMATICS part 2 of 5 in the series: THE LIVING
here is the link: http://www.jainmathemagics.com/product/55/default.asp


April 2008
The 9 questions which I want to ask you are as following :1) How has your experience been in Hongkong as a Senior Director of
Mathemagics Asia.? Which institutions or universities have you lectured in
while in Hongkong.? How did you feel while touring in Hongkong?
I have only just been appointed a director, and have not yet flown to Singapore to
share my curriculum with them.
I have done extensive work and teaching here in Australia, so at the moment, I
am more of a consultant. I created the first dvd in the world on Vedic Maths, , after
being inspired by the Pope Bharati Krsna Tirthaji who died in 1960. Thus, it is
only early days, I am waiting for classes to build. Then I come and teach.
(My English colleague Kenneth Williams, is the other director for the same
company, he wrote the first major books on Vedic Maths for the western world,
which inspired me to create the dvd.)
I also wrote the first major article in the world on vedic maths, for a Nexus
Magazine feature article in November 2002, and it went out to 1 million people in
6 languages of the world. I guess this is what put me on the world map.
(I am guest speaker for Nexus Magazine's next international conference in
Australia in July 2010, and will reveal the connection to Vedic Mathematics and
the secret number 108)!
2) How has the response of students been to your lecture in Hongkong. How
do they react to the Vedic Mathematics which you teach them.? How many

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do they react to the Vedic Mathematics which you teach them.? How many
students are there in your Hongkong centre?
I taught twice in India to the thousands of students there that I met. I had the
privilege of learning and teaching with these students. I believe that Indian
students are much faster and more intelligent than the western student in terms of
doing their times table mentally like performing calculation in their head like 14x16
they know it instantly, yet western students are doing it on a calculator which is a
shock. To my amusement, the Indian students found it strange yet uplifting that a
westerner like myself (even though I am Arabic from birth, but born and living in
Australia) was teaching them their own system, that had been lost.
I taught them Magic Fingers (see my Youtube clip:
So me coming to India and teaching or reviving Vedic Maths is a bit like GoenkaJi,
a family man from Burma, who revived Vipassana after Buddha's techniques had
been lost.
One of the ironies is that my colleagues in India who are distinguished and natural
Vedic Mathematicians, like Gaurav Tekriwal of Kolkutta, are shocked that the
response to Indian high school students is somewhat apathetic, meaning that a lot
of Indian students are so lost in the glamour of becoming like American citizens,
that they still want to learn the old English way of doing maths, and don't realize
how amazing their own Vedic Maths system is. There is a lot of unlearning and
undoing to do, to help Indian students realize the magnificence of their culture,
and not to be too enamoured by the western artificial standards.
3) As a Senior director of Mathemagics Asia, What are your future plans in
Hongkong? Are you launching new Math courses here?
My basic curriculum, is very unique in the world. Vedic Mathematics, is only like
one of ten slices of the pie.
I teach also Sacred Geometry and the the Mathematics of Nature. My main theme
is the Translation of Number Into Art, making maths visual, and using what I call:
Digital Compression which reduces bigger numbers to simpler single digits, (like
108 = 1+0+8 = 9). There is a grand secret knowledge hidden in this concept of
Digital Reduction, and I call it The 17th Sutra, an extension of Bharati Krsna
Thirthaji's 16 Sutras.
I hope to visit Hong Kong soon, and share this knowledge. I always give a
blessing to our master Bharati Krsna Thirthaji
and am keen to merge Indian Knowledge with the western stream of
4) Please share with us your views on the popularity of Vedic Mathematics
worldwide as you have been travelling? What do you think has been your
main contribution to the world as an expert in the field? And which country
is your next series of talks going to take place.?
Vedic Maths is 90% correct, being a system based on Rapid mental Calculation, it
fails in Long Division. I give credit to Vedic Maths that large complex calculations
can be done in one swift single line of calculation, and when it comes to Long
Division, like 12345 divided by 22, I still use the western system that I learnt at
school, and so I do not teach long division in any of my classes, but do show how
it can be done, as it is a brilliant system, but not efficient and quick to use
The places where I have been recieved and applauded for my teachings are
mainly in India, America, Amsterdam and of course Australia.
5) How has been the financials of your company? What has been the
turnover like in the last five years? Do you have Equity Investors in your
company.? ( We would also like to feature you on our "Upcoming
Businesses" section which feature new companies and ideas-May be some
rich investor will spot you and invest in you)
I am currently organizing a special contract to onsell my workbooks on vedic
maths and other subjects to the www.mathemagicsasia.com so we are still at an
early stage, and are not a fully fledged business yet. Best if you can contact the
head and visionary of our team Mr Rajdeep Ghai.

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head and visionary of our team Mr Rajdeep Ghai.

Currently in Australia, I am working towards getting investors from overseas to get
involved in starting up an International School here in my city, near Gold Coast or
Brisbane, but in the area called Byron Bay which has suddenly boomed as a
destination for people looking for an alternative style of life, and in regards to
education, the teaching of Indian Maths here would do very well. I am therefore
looking for sponsors right now who would like to get involved with my local
Waldorf-Steiner School that is seeking international students: to see pictures of
the school,click on
Are you interested in sending students from your countries to Australia. I am
currently developing an International School here in Byron Bay, a beautiful and
famous beach area in far north of NSW Australia, where students can study with
me, and enjoy the surroundings of beach and rainforest.
I have contacts with the Shearwater Steiner School in Mullumbimby, have a
browse on their website, and this is part of the location where I will be teaching
international students coming to Australia. I live 4 kms from this school, in a
rainforest setting.
6) You seem to be a Very Spiritual Person also. How do you relate Math with
spirituality? What is the Earth-Heart meditation? Can it be taught to
students? What are its benefits? How does one do it.?
As mentioned before, I live in a rainforest, near a running creek of pure water, so I
am very connected to watching the rhythms of Mother Earth, and it is this depth of
feeling of mystery, that mathematics can help to explain. For 30 years I have been
an avid meditator and yoga student. In my early twenties, I had some accidents
that allowed me to have out-of-body experiences when I was young and travelling
in my homeland in Lebanon and this led to having visions of creating new schools.
That is why I am so passionate, in the sense that I know clearly what I am here to
do. In 1984, a Vietnam thug plunged a knife through my chest or Heart Chakra,
just missing my heart, but penetrating my whole body. I survived to live to tell the
story, then was a hermit in a remote area of NSW for 4 years to rebuild my life.
Part of my healing was about The Heart organ, so I developed the Earthheart
Meditation which is a single breath into the Heart, and expanding that energy out
again, but based on the based on the Pine Cone Mathematics or Living
Mathematics of Nature, specifically known as the Fibonacci Sequence: 0-1-1-23-5-8-13-21-34 etc eg a pine cone has two counter-rotating or opposing
spirals, but they are not equal in their numbers of spirals, if you look closely, there
are 8 spirals going one way, and 13 going the other way. A sunflower has 21:34
spirals. This is known as the Divine Proportion. Ultimately we want our students
to embed this ancient knowledge into their Heart. Its called Astral Hygiene and is
as important spiritually to meditate as it is for the body to perform daily yoga. I
always teach Meditation to students before we even start learning Mathematics.
Because mathematics can be so mental, I also get the students to dance to Sufi
music but in the fashion of the Whirling Dervishes of Persia or Turkey. This helps
connect the brain circuitry to the body.
7) Who are your work partners in the world?
I mainly work alone, but have had some teacher training courses here in Australia,
where some close friends who have studied with me personally and attended my
seminars are out there teaching these concepts to students in schools.
One of my gifts is that I have had the grace or opportunity to teach all around the
world and also teach in all types of classrooms, like teaching in very Christian
and Islamic schools, or Steiner schools or Independent schools or Montessori
schools, which means I can pluck the best gems from all these differing systems
and create a more wholistic approach to learning.
8) You have a very interesting story behind your name. Whats Jain 108?
What's your real surname? Why do you choose a number as your surname?
My real name is Collin Saad, born in Sydney in 1957. I became Jain in 1984 after
living with native Aboriginal elders (who did not speak English) in the Torres
Straits near New Guinea for two years, where I learnt their version of Ayurveda,

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Straits near New Guinea for two years, where I learnt their version of Ayurveda,
and the healing powers of herbs and roots etc. I learnt more about mathematics
living away from westerners during this time, being in the deep Amazonian like
rainforests, that I had an awakening about the Living Mathematics of Nature.
When in India around 2001 I taught this knowledge about the hidden code in the
Fibonacci Sequence 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34 that when you compress this
sequence to single digits and search for what is repeatable, you will find that this
Infinite additive sequence of Nature's special numbers, have a distinct 24
repeatable pattern, and when you add up these 24 single digits that repeat
forever, they add up to this mystical number 108. So when I returned to Australia
after teaching this 108 Code, learned pundit and mathematicians in Hyderabad
who attended my seminars started writing my name on letters as "Mr Jain 108" so
this epithet or title has remained ever since. Its interesting that the Indian flag has
24 spokes, and Jain religion has 24 Great Teachers, so I suspect that this 108
Code by Jain of Oz is ancient Indian or Atlantean knowledge, and got lost. I was
able to find this pattern, because I had studied Vedic maths and western maths, I
was able to make the invisibile pattern visible, if you know what I mean. I will be
returning next year to India to reveal the beauty of this Phi Code 108 ("Phi" is a
Greek symbol and is another name for this pine cone mathematics of proportions
like 13:8 and or 34:21 which simplifies to 1:1.618033... and is really the
mathematics of where the elbow bends etc...I will discuss this Divine Phi
Proportion when I reveal this magic on 108. I find it as an honour that I can come
back to the Indian world and disseminate ancient knowledge, especially since
there are lets say a billion Indian people who mindlessly worship this thing called
108, yet they do not really know where it came from. So I can say quite
confidently that I can offer the Indian community a mathematical derivation of
where 108 came from, only because I understand the Universal Language of
Pattern Recognition. This means that for your students to become better Vedic
mathematicians, (which is Left Brain, logical, rational, linear), they really need to
learn the feminine brain mathematics of all this is visual, and geometrical, to
embrace what I call Whole Brain learning, then you will understand "Sri 108".
9) Any message for your fans and students in India?
Keep drawing Mandalas, as this is the key to Higher Mathematics. The ancient
Indian seers hid all their secret mathematical wisdom in these mandalas. eg: Most
Indians revere or love or adore the Sri Yantra of 9 interlacing triangles. But this is
only a linear, flat pattern. The true mandala is like a sphere, where each triangle is
like a pyramid (or tetrahedron) so Sri Yantra is a 3-Dimensional form, and its
shadow is what you draw as a yantra or Power Art. Now, in the world of science, it
has just been revealed that every single length of Sri Yantra, when viewed as a 3dimensional entity, is a function or harmonic of this sacred divine proportion that I
just mentioned 1:1.618033... and that the spectral emission of the hydrogen atom,
is identical to this Sri Yantra pattern, and that the orbits of the electrons around
the Hydrogen nucleus relate to the Divine Proportion which is really the Essence
of sri 108. So we are seeing here that by teaching students how to draw mandalas
like the Sri Yantra (Sri Chakra) they are accessing this ancient knowledge, that
they are seeing mathematics as a beautiful thing. So my message to all Indian
student, yes please learn your vedic maths, but be open to learning visual maths
like Joining The Dots of Magic Squares, drawing with reverence Mandalas
and do research on Sacred Geometry. I look forward to returning to India for my
3rd visit, and sharing with you all that I know, as ultimately, all knowledge is to be
shared. Its time for all this secret knowledge of the Brahmas to be revealed. This
is what I live for: as Shakuntala Devi said in the title of her classic book: THE JOY

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