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%% To avoid confusion between some language elements and meta-syntax

%% (e.g., parentheses and brackets are part of BNF and also of the language
%% being described), we enclose some symbols in single quotes to make it
%% clear that they are part of the language syntax, not of the grammar.
%% However, in Flora-2 these symbols can be used with or without the quotes.
Statement := (Rule | Query | Directive) .
Rule := (Annotation)? Head (:- Body)?
Query := ?- Body
Directive := :- ExportDirective | OperatorDirective | SetSemanticsDirective
| IgnoreDependencyCheckDirective | ImportModuleDirective
| PrefixDirective | CompilerDirective | IndexDirective
Annotation := @{ Label (HeadLiteral| Term = Term)* }
Head := HeadLiteral
Head := Head (, | and) Head
HeadLiteral := BinaryRelationship | ObjectSpecification | Term
Body := BodyLiteral
Body := BodyConjunct | BodyDisjunct | BodyNegative | ControlFlowStatement
Body := Body @ ModuleName
Body := BodyConstraint
ModuleName := atom | atom() | atom ( atom ) | thisModuleName
BodyConjunct := Body (, | \and) Body
BodyDisjunct := Body (; | \or) Body
BodyNegative := ((\naf | \neg | \+) Body) | false{ Body }
BodyConstraint := { CLPR-style constraint }
ControlFlowStatement := IfThenElse | UnlessDo
| WhileDo | WhileLoop
| DoUntil | LoopUntil
IfThenElse := \if Body \then Body (\else Body)? | Body <- Body
UnlessDo := \unless Body \do Body
WhileDo := \while Body \do Body
WhileLoop := \while Body \loop Body
DoUntil := \do Body \until Body
LoopUntil := \loop Body \until Body
BodyLiteral := BinaryRelationship | ObjectSpecification | Term
| DBUpdate | RuleUpdate | Refresh
| NewoidOp | Builtin | Loading
| CatchExpr | ThrowExpr | TruthTest
Builtin := ArithmeticComparison, Unification, MetaUnification, etc.
Loading := [ LoadingCommand (, LoadingCommand)* ]
LoadingCommand := filename (>> atom)
BinaryRelationship := PathExpression : PathExpression
BinaryRelationship := PathExpression :: PathExpression
ObjectSpecification := PathExpression [ SpecBody ]
SpecBody := (\naf)? MethodSpecification
SpecBody := \neg ExplicitlyNegatableMethodSpecification
SpecBody := SpecBody , SpecBody
SpecBody := SpecBody ; SpecBody
MethodSpecification := (%)? Term
MethodSpecification := PathExpression
(ValueReferenceConnective | SigReferenceConnective)
ValueReferenceConnective := -> | +>> | ->->
SigReferenceConnective := ( (integer|variable) : (integer|variable) )? (=> )
ExplicitlyNegatableMethodSpecification := (*)? Term
ExplicitlyNegatableMethodSpecification :=
PathExpression ExplicitlyNegatableReferenceConnective PathExpression
ExplicitlyNegatableReferenceConnective := -> | SigReferenceConnective
PathExpression := atom | number | string | variable | specialOidToken
PathExpression := Term | List | ReifiedFormula
PathExpression := PathExpression PathExpressionConnective PathExpression

PathExpression := BinaryRelationship
PathExpression := ObjectSpecification
PathExpression := Aggregate
PathExpressionConnective := . | !
specialOidToken := anonymousOid | numberedOid | thisModuleName
ReifiedFormula := ${ (Body | ( Rule )) }
%% No quotes are allowed in the following quasi-constants!
%% No space allowed between \# and integer
%% anonymousOid & numberedOid can occur only in rule head
%% or in reified formulas
anonymousOid := \#
%% No space between \# and integer
numberedOid := \#integer
thisModuleName := \@
List := [ PathExpression (, PathExpression)* (| PathExpression)? ]
Term := Functor ( Arguments )
Term := % Functor ( Arguments )
Functor := PathExpression
Arguments := PathExpression (, PathExpression)*
Aggregate := AggregateOperator { TargetVariable (GroupingVariables)? | Body }
AggregateOperator := max | min | avg | sum | setof | bagof
%% Note: only one TargetVariable is permitted.
%% It must be a variable, not a term. If you need to aggregate over terms,
%% as for example, in setof/bagof, use the following idiom:
%% S = setof{ V | ... , V=Term }
TargetVariable := variable
GroupingVariables := [ variable, (, variable)* ]
variable := ? ([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)?
DBUpdate := DBOp { UpdateList (| Body)? }
DBOp := insert | insertall | delete | deleteall | erase | eraseall
UpdateList := HeadLiteral (@ atom)?
UpdateList := UpdateList (, | and) UpdateList
Refresh := refresh{ UpdateList }
RuleUpdate := RuleOp { RuleList }
RuleOp := insertrule | insertrule_a | insertrule_z |
deleterule | deleterule_a | deleterule_z
RuleList := Rule | ( Rule ) ( (, | and) ( Rule ) )*
NewoidOp := newoid{ Variable }
CatchExpr := catch{ Body, Term, Body }
ThrowExpr := throw{ Term }
TruthTest := true{ Body } | undefined{ Body } | false{ Body }

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