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ReIM, RFI, EBS,ODI systems are up & running.

Suppliers created in EBS and flown to RMS.
Insurance Agent(Partner) created in RMS.
Organization hierarchy & Merchandise hierarchy created in RMS
Process Steps for Reversal of Invoice
PO Creation in RMS
Step 1: Log in into RMS.
Step 2: Go to Ordering and Click on it.
Step 3: Select New from drop drown and Click on 'OK' button.
Step 4: Specify Supplier & Supplier Site.
Step 5: Specify location.
Step 6: Click on Calculate Dates.
Step 7: Click on Item to add items.
Step 8: Add items & Quantity.
Step 9:Click on OK.
Step 10: Submit & Approve the PO.
Shipping in RMS
Step 1: Navigate to Inventory>Shipping>Order Shipment. PO Shipment Window Opens
Step 2: Enter Order Number.
Step 3: Enter Ship date & ASN number.
Step 4: Enter Location.
Step 5: Specify Item Quantity to be shipped.
Step 6: Click on Select all & Click on 'OK'.
Receiving in RMS
Step 1:Navigate to Inventory>Receiving>Item Receiving. Item receiving window opens
Step 2: In the Shipment field, enter a shipment number, or click the LOV button and select
the shipment.
Step 3: In the Receive Date field, enter a date, or click the calendar button and select the
Step 4: Click Select Items for Receipt. The list box populates with items that match the
Step 5: In the Receipt Qty field, enter the quantity.
Step 6: In the Unit of Receipt field, select the units, or click the LOV button and select the
Step 7: Click Apply Item. The changes are saved to the shipment.
Step 8: Click OK to save the information and close the window.

Obligation(Entering Wrong Expense) in RTM

Step 1: Go to Obligation maintenance
Step 2: In Action Field Select New.
Step 3: Select Obligation Level as ASN Shipment.
Step 4: Select Partner and Enter Partner ID.
Step 5: Enter invoice number,invoice date.
Step 6: Click Add Details.
Step 7: In the component field, enter the code for the cost component, or click the LOV button and
select the component.
Step 8: Select Amount in Allocation Field and specify Amount(Enter Wrong amount) in appropriate
Step 9: Approve the obligation.
Finalizing Obligation
Step 1: Go to ALC Order Finalize Screen
Step 2: Search for above obligation.
Step 3: Select Method of Finalization and click on OK.
Step 4:Run batches & upload non merchandise invoice to ReIM
ReIM Invoice Creation
Step 1: Select Merchandise invoice from Document Maintenance screen.
Step 2: Enter Order number,Invoice date, due date,Invoice Quantity,Total cost.
Step 3:Click on details and enter item number & quantity.
Step 4: Click on OK.
Match the Invoice with & receipt
Step 1: Click on Summary Match
Step 2: Enter Order number and click on OK.
Step 3: Click on Online match.
Posting data to ReIM & EBS staging tables
Step 1:Run ReIM batches and post data to ReIM staging tables
Step 2:Run ODI interfaces.
Step 3: check the data in EBS staging tables
Processing of above Invoices in EBS

Reversal of non merchandise invoice.(Wrong Amount posted to financial)

Step 1:Select Non merchandise invoice and click on OK.

Step 2:Enter Invoice no & date.
Step 3:Select Supplier type as Agent and provide Agent id.
Step 4:Click on total non merchandise cost and enter Negative amount(Amount is previous wrong
amount posted till financial) for previous cost component used.
Step 5: Click on OK button.
WAC Update
Step 1: Get the Previous WAC from report
Step 2: Go to Average cost adjustment screen
Step 3: Enter item number & location.
Step 4:Enter average cost in New Average Cost field.
Step 5: Click on OK button.
Re Create the Obligation from RTM with Correct Expense Amount.
Step 1: Go to Obligation maintenance
Step 2: In Action Field Select New.
Step 3: Select Obligation Level as ASN Shipment.
Step 4: Select Partner and Enter Partner ID.
Step 5: Enter invoice number,invoice date.
Step 6: Click Add Details.
Step 7: In the component field, enter the code for the cost component, or click the LOV button and
select the component.
Step 8: Select Amount in Allocation Field and specify Amount(Enter Correct amount) in appropriate
Step 9: Approve the obligation.
Finalizing Obligation
Step 1: Go to ALC Order Finalize Screen
Step 2: Search for above obligation.
Step 3: Select Method of Finalization and click on OK.
Step 4:Run batches & upload non merchandise invoice to ReIM
Posting data to ReIM & EBS staging tables
Step 1:Run ReIM batches and post data to ReIM staging tables
Step 2:Run ODI interfaces.
Step 3: check the data in EBS staging tables
Processing of above Invoices in EBS

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