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Aunque en principio este repertorio iba a tratar exclusivamente el tema de la

sexualidad, pronto nos dimos cuenta de que es muy difcil deslindar sta del erotismo, y
ms en la Antigedad, una poca en la que Afrodita y Eros permean practicamente todas las
manifestaciones sociales, culturales y cultuales. La bibliografa sobre erotismo y sexualidad
es amplsima (este repertorio recoge actualmente 3.297 referencias *), y se ha visto
incrementada notablemente en los ltimos treinta aos, durante los cuales estos temas se
han, digamos, liberalizado, ayudados especialmente por el auge en los estudios sobre mujer
y gnero. Por ello, era poco menos que imposible prescindir de un apartado, necesariamente
amplio, sobre los women and gender studies. Hemos tratado de ser lo ms exhaustivos
posible, aunque sabemos que mucho se nos escapar: por eso pedimos la colaboracin del
lector (que puede contactar con nosotros en la siguiente direccin: jfmartos@uma.es) para
cualquier tipo de observaciones o sugerencias, especialmente para corregir errores,
completar referencias a las que les falte algn dato (que hemos dejado en negrita) e incluir
nuevas referencias. Aunque nos limitamos a los trabajos publicados desde 1960, hemos
incluido algunos ttulos anteriores por parecernos importantes o que mantienen an su
vigencia. El mtodo de trabajo ha sido el siguiente: partiendo de la bibliografa que
tenamos recogida desde que nos empezamos a dedicar a estos temas, tanto en la
investigacin como en la docencia de doctorado, empezamos a leerla detenidamente y a
extraer de ella todas las referencias bibliogrficas que encontrbamos. A la vez, fuimos
rastreando las bases de datos de que disponemos, tanto las especficas de nuestra materias
(DCB, AnPhilNet, Gnomon, TOCS-IN, Diotima, DRANT, BAHR, etc.) como otras
generales sobre humanidades (Francis, MLA, PCI, etc.). Hemos procurado leerlo todo,
aunque evidentemente no nos ha sido posible en muchos casos; lo que s hemos hecho ha
sido valernos de LAnne Philologique para comprobar el tema o temas sobre el que
versaba cada artculo o libro al que no hemos podido acceder as como todos los datos de
las referencias bibliogrficas, aunque se trate de aqullas que no hemos podido manejar,
valindonos tambin de las citadas bases de datos y de las grandes bibliotecas a las que
podemos acceder a travs de la red (British Library, Bibliothque Nationale de France,
Library of Congress, etc.). Cuando se puede acceder al artculo o libro a travs de Internet,
ponemos a continuacin de la referencia bibliogrfica la correspondiente direccin o URL
entre parntesis angulares. Las abreviaturas de los ttulos de revistas son las de LAnne
Philologique, salvo las que no vienen recogidas en este repertorio, en cuyo caso ponemos el
nombre completo o en todo caso una abreviatura que no dificulte la identificacin;
igualmente, abreviamos los ttulos de las siguientes obras de referencia:

KlP = Der kleine Pauly, Stuttgart, 1964-1975.

LAW = Lexikon der alten Welt, Zrich-Mnich, 1965.
LIMC = Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae, Zrich, 1981-1997.
NP = Der neue Pauly, Stuttgart, 1996 y ss.
OCD = Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3 ed., Oxford-Nueva York, 1996.
RE = Paulys Realencyclopdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Stuttgart, 1896 y ss.
RLAC = Reallexikon fr Antike und Christentum, Stuttgart, 1950 y ss.

Repetimos que slo hemos tenido en cuenta las obras publicadas entre 1960 y 2000,
aunque hemos incluido algunas anteriores que nos parecan importantes (p. ej. las de
Forberg o Licht), as como algunas (pocas) referencias posteriores incluidas en la ltima
actualizacin de estas pginas (octubre 2003). Todo este material se ha clasificado por
temas, aunque tambin incluimos una clasificacin alfabtica por nombres de autores
modernos que creemos puede ser til. Respecto a la clasificacin temtica, hemos
procurado que sea lo ms amplia y detallada posible, aunque eso nos llevara a repetir
muchos ttulos en diversos apartados (en esos casos, la referencia slo consta del nombre
del autor o autores y el ao de publicacin entre parntesis; la referencia completa se podr
ver sin mucho esfuerzo acudiendo al ndice alfabtico). En el apartado de autores y obras
antiguos (8.3), no se abren subapartados para las obras transmitidas como Pseudo, sino
que se incluyen bajo el nombre con el que se transmiten: p. ej., Pseudo-Luciano, Amores,
est bajo Luciano; Ambrosiaster est bajo Ambrosio; Apolodoro, Contra Neera, est bajo
Demstenes; etc. Hemos de reconocer que los apartados sobre women studies y los
correspondientes a la antigedad tarda pueden verse menos exhaustivos, porque el uno ha
recibido un acmulo de publicaciones desorbitado en las ltimas dcadas y el otro no es
campo en el que nos movamos con soltura; aun as, creamos que era impensable un trabajo
de estas caractersticas que no recogiera al menos una muestra representativa de ese tema y
de esa poca. Hemos de reconocer tambin, como sealbamos al inicio, que hemos estado
ms atentos a recoger aspectos sexuales que erticos, en concreto del tratamiento literario
del amor, especialmente en la elega latina, porque pretender ser exhaustivo habindoselas
con la inmensa bibliografa sobre Ovidio, Tibulo o Propercio, por ejemplo, es obra de
titanes lejos de nuestra fuerzas. En fin, y no obstante todo ello, creemos que el trabajo
cumple bien su objetivo, que no es otro que dar unas indicaciones bibliogrficas amplias
sobre todos los aspectos relacionados con la sexualidad y el erotismo, tanto desde el punto
de vista de los realia como desde el puramente literario. Slo nos queda, en fin, agradecer
al profesor Guillermo Galn Vioque, de la Universidad de Huelva, la idea inicial de este
trabajo y el apoyo bibliogrfico prestado, y a la bibliotecaria Mara Gracia Navas, de la
Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Mlaga, su incansable ayuda con el prstamo
interbibliotecario, y esperar que este trabajo de aos sirva a todos aquellos que pretenden
iniciarse en estas navegaciones o que estn ya navegando por tan clidas aguas.

A-D / E-K / L-R / S-Z

1. 1. Generalia.
2. 2. Situacin de la mujer y roles sexuales (women and gender studies).
3. 3. Relaciones y prcticas sexuales.
4. 4. Lxico ertico-sexual.
5. 5. Sexo y derecho: normas y leyes reguladoras de las prcticas sexuales.
6. 6. Amor y sexo en la religin y el mito.
7. 7. Arte ertica.
8. 8. Erotismo, sexualidad y literatura.

2. 1. Generalia.
1.1. Estudios de conjunto, conceptuales y metodolgicos.
1.2. Grecia.
1.3. Roma.
1.4. Cristianismo primitivo y Antigedad tarda.
1.1. 1.1. Estudios de conjunto, conceptuales y metodolgicos.
ARIS-BJIN (1983) = Ph. Aris A. Bjin (eds.), I comportamenti sessuali. Dallantica Roma a oggi,
Turn, 1983 (ed. original franc., Sexualits occidentales, Pars, 1982; trad. esp., Barcelona, 1987).
ATKINS (1973) = J. Atkins, Sex in Literature. Vol. 2: The Classical Experience of the Sexual Impulse,
Londres, 1973.
BALDWIN (1968) = B. Baldwin, Eros in Graeco-Roman Literature and Society, Mosaic, 1 (1968) 27-42.
BINDER-EFFE (1993) = G. Binder B. Effe (eds.), Liebe und Leidenschaft. Historische Aspekte von Erotik
und Sexualitt, Trier, 1993.
BLERSCH (1937) = K. Blersch, Wesen und Entstehung des Sexus im antiken Denken, Stuttgart-Berln, 1937.
BOSWELL (1990) = J. Boswell, Concepts, Experience, and Sexuality, en KONSTAN-NUSSBAUM
(1990), pp. 67-87.

BRUSENDORFF-HENNINGSTEN (1965) = O. Brusendorff P. Henningsten, A History of Eroticism:

Antiquity, Nueva York, 1965.
CIAVOLELLA (1976) = M. Ciavolella, La malattia damore dallAntichit al Medioevo, Roma, 1976.
COHEN-SALLER (1994) = D. Cohen & R. Saller, Foucault on Sexuality in Greco-Roman Antiquity, en J.
Goldstein (ed.), Foucault and the Writing of History, Oxford-Cambridge, Mass., 1994, pp. 35-59.
DELLING (1978) = G. Delling, Geschlechter; Geschlechtstrieb; Geschlechtsverkehr, RLAC, 10 (1978)
DEN BOER (1979) = W. Den Boer, Private Morality in Greece and Rome. Some Historical Aspects, Leiden,
DIERICHS (1998) = A. Dierichs, Erotik, NP, 4 (1998) 92-103.
DUBOIS (1984) = P. Dubois, Sexual Difference: Ancient and Modern, Pacific Coast Philology, 19.1-2
(1984) 43-49.
DUBY (1986) = G. Duby (ed.), Lamore e la sessualit, Roma-Bari, 1986.
FISCHER (A-1973) = E. Fischer, Amor und Eros. Eine Untersuchung des Wortfeldes Liebe im Lateinischen
und Griechischen, Hildesheim, 1973.
FORBERG (1824) = F. K. Forberg, Antonii Panormitae Hermaphroditus, Coburgo, 1824 (trad. [slo del
apndice titulado Apophoreta] franc., Manuel drotologie classique, 1882; trad ingl., Manual of
Classical Erotology, 2 vols., Manchester, 1884 [reimpr. Nueva York, 1966]; trad. alemana
[completa], Leipzig, 1908; trad. ital., Manuale di erotologia classica, Catania, 1928).
FOUCAULT (1976) = M. Foucault, Histoire de la sexualit. 2. Lusage des plaisirs, Pars, 1976 (trad. esp.,
Madrid 1987).
FOUCAULT (1984) = Id., Histoire de la sexualit. 3. Le souci de soi, Pars, 1984 (trad. esp., Madrid 1987).
FRISCHAUER (1969) = P. Frischauer, Larchologie de la sexualit, Pars, 1969 (reimpr. con el ttulo La
sexualit dans lantiquit, Verviers, 1974; ed. original alemana, Knaurs Sittengeschichte der Welt,
Zrich, 1968).
GARRISON (2000) = Id., Sexual Culture in Ancient Greece, Oklahoma, 2000.
GLENN (1977) = J. Glenn, Pandora and Eve, sex as the root of all evil, CW, 71 (1977-78) 179-185.
GOUREVITCH (1999) = D. Gourevitch, La sexualit de lAntiquit. Essai propos de publications
recents, AC, 68 (1999) 331-334.
HALPERIN (1993) = David M. Halperin, Is there a history of sexuality?, en H. Abelove M. A. Barale
D. M. Halperin (eds.), The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, Nueva York-Londres, 1993, pp. 416431.
HALPERIN (1998) = Id., Forgetting Foucault: Acts, Identities, and the History of Sexuality,
Representations, 63 (1998) 91-120.
HARIG-HARIG (1978) = J. Harig-Kollesch & G. Harig, Sexualitt in der griechisch-rmischen Antike, en
Peter G. Hesse (ed.), Sexuologie, vol. III, Leipzig, 1978, pp. 90-113.
HARTMANN (2001b) = E. Hartmann, Sexualitt, NP, 11 (2001), 495-498.
HERTER (1978) = H. Herter, Genitalien, RLAC, 10 (1978) 1-52.
HOPFNER (1938) = T. Hopfner, Das Sexualleben der Griechen und Rmer, Praga, 1938. [reimpr. Nueva
York, 1975; trad. ital. parcial, Limpotenza e i suoi remedi, en CALAME (1988), pp. 267-273]
KAMMLER-PLUMPE (1987) = C. Kammler & G. Plumpe, Antikes Ethos und postmoderne Lebenskunst.
Michel Foucaults Studien zur Geschichte der Sexualitt, PhRdschau, 34 (1987) 186-194.

KARRAS (2000) = Ruth M. Karras, Active/Passive, Acts/Passions: Greek and Roman Sexualities, AHR,
105.4 (2000). <http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/105.4/ah001250.html>
KING (A-1994) = H. King, Sowing the field: Greek and Roman sexology, en R. Porter M. Teich (eds.),
Sexual knowledge, sexual science: the history of attitudes to sexuality, Cambridge-Nueva York, 1994,
pp. 29-46.
KONSTAN-NUSSBAUM (1990) = D. Konstan M. Nussbaum (eds.), Sexuality in Greek and Roman Society
(nmero especial de la revista Differences, 2.1, 1990).
KRENKEL (1978b) = Werner A. Krenkel, Der Sexualtrieb: Seine Bewertung in Griechenland und Rom,
WZRostock, 27.3 (1978) 165-180.
LARMOUR-PLATTER (1998) = P. M. Larmour C. Platter (eds.), Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and
Classical Antiquity, Princeton, 1998.
LICHT (1924) = H. Licht (pseud. de Paul Brandt), Beitrge zur antiken Erotik, Dresde, 1924.
LUDWIG (2002) = Id., Eros and Polis: Desire and Community in Greek Political Theory, Cambridge, 2002.
MCCLURE (2002) = Laura K. McClure (ed.), Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World, Oxford, 2002.
NARDUCCI (1985) = E. Narducci, Larcheologia del desiderio. Michel Foucault sulla sessualit degli
antichi, QS, 22 (1985) 185-214.
NUSSBAUM-SIHVOLA (2002) = M. Nussbaum J. Sihvola (eds.), The Sleep of Reason: Erotic Experience and
Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome, Chicago, 2002.
PADGUG (1979) = R. Padgug, Sexual Matters: On Conceptualizing Sexuality in History, Radical History
Review, 20 (1979) 3-23.
PARKER (A-2001) = Id., The myth of the heterosexual: anthropology and sexuality for classicists,
Arethusa, 34 (2001) 313-362.
PIRART (1986) = M. Pirart, Michel Foucault et la morale sexuelle des anciens, FZPhTh, 33 (1986) 2343.
RECKFORD (1996) = Kenneth J. Reckford, Shameless Interests: The Decent Scholarship of Indecency,
RICHLIN (1992) = A. Richlin (ed.), Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome, Nueva YorkOxford, 1992.
RICHLIN (1996) = Id., Sexuality, OCD, 1399.
RICHLIN (1997b) = Id., Towards a History of Body History, en M. Golden & P. Toohey (eds.), Inventing
Ancient Culture: Historicism, Periodization, and the Ancient World, Londres-Nueva York, 1997, pp.
ROUSSELLE (1983) = A. Rousselle, Porneia. De la matrise du corps la privation sensorielle, Pars, 1983
(trad. esp, Barcelona, 1989).
RUDD (1981) = N. Rudd, Romantic Love in Classical Times?, Ramus, 10 (1981) 140-155.
SCHLICHTEGROLL (1909) = C. F. Schlichtegroll, Das Liebesleben im klassischen Altertum, Leipzig, 1909.
SCHUHMANN (B-1975) = H. J. Schuhmann, Sexualkunde und Sexualmedizin in der klassischen Antike,
Mnich, 1975.
SIEMS (1988) = Andreas K. Siems (ed.), Sexualitt und Erotik in der Antike, Darmstadt, 1988.
STEWART (B-1976) = D. J. Stewart, Pornography, obscenity, and capitalism, AntR, 35 (1976-77) 389-398.

TAYLOR (B-1997) = T. Taylor, Sexualitt der Vorzeit. Zur Evolution von Geschlecht und Kultur, Viena,
THORNTON (1991b) = Bruce S. Thornton, Idolon theatri: Foucault and the Classicists, CML, 12 (1991)
VANGAARD (1971) = T. Vangaard, Phallos: Symbol und Kult in Europa, Mnich, 1971 (trad. ingl., LondresNueva York, 1972).
VORBERG (1925) = G. Vorberg, ber das Geschlechtsleben im Altertum, Stuttgart, 1925.
WERNER (1989) = J. Werner, Keine individuelle Geschlechtsliebe in der Antike?, Klio, 71 (1989) 528538.
WHITEHORNE (1979) = J. E. G. Whitehorne, Sex and society in Greco-Roman Egypt, en J. Bingen G.
Nachtergael, Actes XVe Congr. Papyr., vol. IV, Bruselas, 1979, pp. 240-246.
WILKINSON (1979) = L. P. Wilkinson, Classical attitudes to modern issues. Population and family
planning, womens liberation, nudism in deed and word, homosexuality, Londres, 1979.
ZINN (1965) = E. Zinn, Erotik, LAW, 867-873.

1.2. 1.2. Grecia.

ARKINS (1994) = Id., Sexuality in fifth-century





ARTHUR (B-1989) = M. Arthur-Katz, Sexuality and the body in ancient Greece, Mtis, 4 (1989) 155-179.
BENAVENTE (2000b) = Id., El auge del erotismo griego a partir de finales del siglo IV a. C., en M. Ledesma
Pedraz (ed.), Erotismo y Literatura, Jan, 2000, pp. 19-31.
BLZQUEZ (A-1989) = J. M. Blzquez, La vida amorosa en el arte y la literatura, en J. M. Blzquez R.
Lpez Melero J. J. Sayas, Historia de Grecia antigua, Madrid, 1989, pp. 1055-1059.
BUJARD (1998) = S. Bujard, Couvrez ce gland que je ne saurais voir..., Chronozones, 4 (1998) 4-11.
CALAME (1984) = C. Calame, Sexual love in ancient Greece. Social schemes (en gr., con resumen en
ingl.), Archaiologia, 10 (1984) 10-15.
CALAME (1988) = Id. (cur.), Lamore in Grecia, Roma-Bari, 1988.
CALAME (1988b) = Id., Eros inventore e organizzatore della societ greca antica, en CALAME (1988),
pp. IX-XL.
CALAME (1992) = Id., I Greci e leros. Simboli, pratiche e luoghi, Roma-Bari, 1992 (ed. revisada y trad.
franc., Lros dans la Grce antique, Pars, 1996; trad. ingl., The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece,
Princeton, 1999; trad. esp., Eros en la Antigua Grecia, Madrid, 2002).
CELDRN (2001) = P. Celdrn Gomariz, El amor y la vida material en la Grecia clsica, Madrid, 2001.
COHEN (C-1984b) = D. Cohen, Work in progress. The enforcement of morals. An historical perspective,
RJ, 3 (1984) 114-129.
COHEN (C-1992) = Id., Sex, gender and sexuality in ancient Greece, CPh, 87 (1992) 145-160.
DALBY (1993) = A. Dalby, Food and Sexuality in Classical Athens: The Written Sources, en G. Mars V.
Mars (eds.), Food, Culture and History, vol. I, Londres, 1993, pp. 165-190.
DOVER (1973) = Kenneth J. Dover, Classical Greek attitudes to sexual behavior, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 59-74.
[reeditado en SIEMS (1988), pp. 264-281; trad. ital. en CALAME (1983), pp. 5-20]

DOVER (1974) = Id., Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle, Berkeley, 1974.
ESLAVA (1997) = J. Eslava Galn, Amor y sexo en la antigua Grecia, Madrid, 1997.
FLACELIRE (1960) = R. Flacelire, Lamour en Grce, Pars, 1960. [trad. ital. parcial (pp. 103-126:
Amore e matrimonio) en CALAME (1988), pp. 41-59]
FOLEY (1975) = Helene P. Foley, Sex and State in Ancient Greece, Diacritics, 5 (1975) 31-36.
GALIANO-LASSO-ADRADOS (1959) = M. Fernndez Galiano J. S. Lasso de la Vega F. R. Adrados, El
descubrimiento del amor en Grecia, Madrid, 1959 (reimpr. Madrid, 1985).
HALPERIN (1986) = David M. Halperin, Sexual ethics and technologies of the self in Classical Greece,
AJPh, 107 (1986) 274-286.
HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN (1990) = M. Halperin J. J. Winkler F. I. Zeitlin (eds.), Before
Sexuality. The Construction of Erotic Experience in Ancient Greek World, Princeton, 1990.
HENDERSON (1988) = J. Henderson, Greek Attitudes toward Sex, en M. Grant R. Kitzinger (eds.),
Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean. Greece and Rome, Londres, 1988, vol. 2, pp. 1249-1263.
HUA (1998) = S. Hua, Sexualitt und Patriarchat: eine kulturvergleichende Darstellung zum Verhltnis der
Geschlechter im antiken Griechenland und alten China, Bochum, 1998.
KATZ (1989) = Marilyn A. Katz, Sexuality and the body in ancient Greece, Mtis, 4 (1989) 97-125.
[reimpr. en Trends in History, 4 (1990) 97-125]
KEULS (1985) = Eva. C. Keuls, The Reign of the Phallus, Nueva York, 1985 (trad. it, Il regno della
fallocrazia, Miln, 1988; 2 ed. ampliada, Berkeley-Los ngeles-Londres, 1993).
KONSTAN (1993d) = D. Konstan, Friends and lovers in ancient Greece, SyllClass, 4 (1993) 1-12.
LENTAKIS (1984) = A. Lentakis, Sexual life in ancient Greece (en gr., con resumen en ingl), Archaiologia,
10 (1984) 31-41.
LESKY (1976) = A. Lesky, Vom Eros der Hellenen, Gotinga-Zrich, 1976. [trad. ital. parcial (pp. 106-113:
Le etere) en Calame (1988), pp. 61-71]
LICHT (1925) = H. Licht (pseud. de Paul Brandt), Sittengeschichte Griechenlands, 3 vols., Zrich-Dresde,
1925-1928 (trad. ingl. incompleta y sin grabados, Londres, 1932, reimpr. 1994; de esta trad. ingl.
existe una versin espaola, Madrid, 1976, plagada de errores y confusiones; la edicin original
incluye ms de 600 ilustraciones).
LORAUX (1984) = N. Loraux, Le fantme de la sexualit, Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse, 29 (1984) 1131.
MARTNEZ (B-1992) = M. Martnez Hernndez, Temas actuales de Cultura Clsica: la literatura ertica
(Erotica Graeca I), en A. Guzmn F. J. Gmez Espelosn J. Gmez Pantoja (eds.), Aspectos
modernos de la Antigedad y su aprovechamiento didctico, Madrid, 1992, pgs. 97-117.
MASON (B-1984) = P. Mason, The city of men. Ideology, sexual politics and the social formation, Gotinga,
MAZEL (1984) = J. Mazel, Les mtamorphoses dros. Lamour dans la Grce antique, Pars, 1984.
MONTSERRAT (1996) = D. Montserrat, Sex and society in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Londres, 1996.
PIZZOCARO (1994) = M. Pizzocaro, Il triangolo amoroso. La nozione di gelosia nella cultura e nella lingua
greca arcaica, Bari, 1994.
RODRGUEZ (A-1995b) = F. Rodrguez Adrados, Sociedad, amor y poesa en la Grecia antigua, Madrid,
SCANLON (2002) = Id., Eros & Greek Athletics, Oxford, 2002.

SCHIAVONE (1965) = M. Schiavone, Il problema dellamore nel mondo greco, Miln, 1965.
SOULI (1997) = Sofa A. Souli, La vita erotica degli antichi greci, Atenas, 1997.
THORNTON (1991) = Bruce S. Thornton, Constructionism and Ancient Greek Sex, Helios, 18 (1991) 181193.
THORNTON (1997) = Id., Eros: the myth of ancient greek sexuality, Oxford, 1997.
VRISSIMTZIS (1997) = N. A. Vrissimtzis, Amor, sexo y matrimonio en la antigua Grecia, trad. -mala- esp.,
Agia Paraskev, 1997.
WICK (1975) = T. Wick, The Importance of the Family as a Determiner of Sexual Mores in Classical
Athens, Societas, 5 (1975) 133-145.
WINKLER (A-1990) = John J. Winkler, The constraints of desire. The anthropology of sex and gender in
ancient Greece, Nueva York-Londres, 1990 (trad. esp., Buenos Aires, 1994; trad. alem., Mnich,
XIROUCHAKIS (1984) = S. Xirouchakis, Moral crimes in classical Athens (en gr., con resumen en ingl.),
Archaiologia, 10 (1984) 16-21.
ZEITLIN (1996) = Froma I. Zeitlin, Eros, en S. Settis (ed.), Noi e i Greci, Turn, 1996, pp. 369-439.
ZEITLIN (1999) = Id., Reflections on erotic desire in Archaic and Classical Greece, en PORTER (A-1999),
pp. 50-76.

1.3. 1.3. Roma.

BARDON (1965) = H. Bardon, Rome et limpudeur, Latomus, 24 (1965) 495-518.
CANCIK-CANCIK (1982) = H. Cancik-Lindemaier & H. Cancik, Gesselschaftliche Bedingungen der
rmischen Erotik, en L. Hieber R. W. Mller (eds.), Gegenwart der Antike. Zur Kritik
brgerlicher Auffasungen von Natur und Gesselschaft, Frankfurt-Nueva York, 1982, pp. 29-54.
CANTARELLA (1998) = E. Cantarella, Pompei: i volti dellamore, Miln, 1998 (trad. alem., Pompeji. Liebe
und Erotik in einer rmischen Stadt, Darmstadt, 1999).
CITRONI (1992) = M. Citroni, La vita sessuale, en S. Settis (cur.), Civilt dei Romani. Il rito e la vita
privata, Miln, 1992, pp. 219-232.
CUATRECASAS (1993) = A. Cuatrecasas, Eros en Roma (a travs de sus clsicos), Madrid, 1993.
DUPONT-LOI (2001) = F. Dupont Th. loi, Lrotisme masculin dans la Rome antique, Pars, 2001.
EDWARDS (A-1993) = C. Edwards, The Politics of Inmorality in Ancient Rome, Cambridge, 1993.
ESLAVA (1996) = J. Eslava Galn, La vida amorosa en Roma, Madrid, 1996.
GIRARDI (1986) = E. Girardi, Lamore in Roma, Zetesis, 6.2-3 (1986) 25-37.
GLADIGOW (1976) = B. Gladigow, Rmische Erotik im Rahmen sakraler und sozialer Institutionen, WJA,
2 (1976) 105-118.
GRIMAL (1963) = P. Grimal, Lamour Rome, Pars, 1963 (trad. esp., Barcelona, 2000).
HALLET (1988) = Judith P. Hallet, Roman Attitudes toward Sex, en M. Grant R. Kitzinger (eds.),
Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean, vol. II, Nueva York, 1988, pp. 1265-1278.
HALLET-SKINNER (1997) = J. P. Hallet M. B. Skinner, (eds.), Roman Sexualities, Princeton, 1997.
JOCELYN (1985b) = H. D. Jocelyn, Concerning an American view of Latin sexual humour, EMC, 4 (1985)

KIEFER (1933) = O. Kiefer, Kulturgeschichte Roms unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der rmischen Sitten,
Berln, 1933 (trad. ingl., Londres, 1934; reimpr. Nueva York, 1975).
KROLL (1930) = W. Kroll, Rmische Erotik, ZfS, 17.3 (1930-31) 145-178. [reeditado en SIEMS (1988),
pp. 70-117]
LEWANDOWSKI (1972) = H. Lewandowski, Las costumbres y el amor en la antigua Roma, Madrid, 1972.
MEYER (A-1995) = E. Meyer-Zwiffelhoffer, Im Zeichen des Phallus. Die Ordnung des Geschlechtslebens im
antiken Rom, Frankfurt-Nueva York, 1995.
MICHEL (2000) = A. Michel, La rhtorique de lamour, REL, 78 (2000) 236-254.
PACION (1971) = Stanley J. Pacion, The life of Nero: sex and the fall of the Roman Empire, Medical
Aspects of Human Sexuality, 5 (marzo 1971) 171-185.
PARKER (A-1997) = Holt N. Parker, The Teratogenic Grid, en HALLET-SKINNER (1997), pp. 47-65.
QUIGNARD (1996) = P. Quignard, Le sexe et leffroi, Pars, 1996.
RENAITOUR (1978) = J. M. Renaitour, Lamour chez les Romains, Pars, 1978.
RICHLIN (1983) = A. Richlin, The Garden of Priapus. Sexuality and Agression in Roman Humor, New
Haven-Londres, 1983 (ed. revisada, Nueva York-Oxford, 1992).
RICOTTI (1992) = Eugenia S. P. Ricotti, Amori e amanti a Roma tra Repubblica e Impero, Roma, 1992.
ROBERT (A-1997) = Id., Eros Romain. Sexe et morale dans lancienne Rome, Pars, 1997 (trad. esp., Madrid,
ROUSSELLE (1992) = Id., Estatus personal y costumbres sexuales en el Imperio Romano, en M. Feher
(ed.), Fragmentos para una historia del cuerpo humano, vol. I, Madrid, 1992, pp. 301-332.
ROYSTON (1965) = E. Royston Pike, Love in ancient Rome, Londres, 1965.
SUDER (1992) = W. Suder, Old age and eros in the early Roman Empire. Some opinions, en C. Deroux
(ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, vol. 6, Bruselas, 1992, pp. 228-236.
VEYNE (1978) = P. Veyne, La famille et lamour sous le Haut-Empire Romain, Annales(ESC), 33.1 (1978)
35-63 (trad. esp. en P. Veyne, La sociedad romana, Madrid, 1991, pp. 169-211).
WEEBER (1995d) = Id., Sexualitt, en Alltag im Alten Rom. Ein Lexikon, Zrich, 1995, pp. 319-323.
WEEBER (1997) = Id., Flirten wie die alten Rmer, Dsseldorf-Zrich, 1997.

1.4. 1.4. Cristianismo primitivo y Antigedad tarda.

BLZQUEZ (A-1995) = J. M. Blzquez, La moral sexual cristiana, en J. ALvar J. M. Blzquez et al.,
Cristianismo primitivo y religiones mistricas, Madrid, 1995, pp. 381-389.
BROWN (C-1988) = P. Brown, The Body and Society. Men, Women, and sexual Renuntiation in Early
Christianity, Nueva York, 1988 (trad. esp., Barcelona, 1993).
BROWN (C-1990) = Id., Bodies and Minds: Sexuality and Renuntiation in Early Christianity, en
HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN (1990), pp. 479-493.
CANCIK (A-1976) = H. Cancik, Zur Entstehung der christlichen Sexualmoral, en B. Gladigow (ed.),
Religion und Moral, Dsseldorf, 1976, pp. 48-68.
CANTALAMESSA (1976) = R. Cantalamessa (ed.), Etica sessuale e matrimonio nel cristianesimo delle
origini, Miln, 1976.

CANTALAMESSA (1976b) = Id., Etica sessuale e matrimonio nel cristianesimo delle origini. Bilancio di
una ricerca, en CANTALAMESSA (1976), pp. 423-460.
CLARK (B-1988) = Elizabeth A. Clark, Foucault, the Fathers, and Sex, Journal of the American Academy
of Religion, 56 (1988) 619-641.
CLARK (B-1991) = Id., Sex, Shame, and Rhetoric: En-gendering Early Christian Ethics, Journal of the
American Academy of Religion, 59 (1991) 221-245.
DESCHNER (1974) = K. Deschner, Das Kreuz mit der Kirche. Eine Sexualgeschichte des Christentums,
Dsseldorf-Viena, 1974 (trad. esp., Zaragoza, 1993).
ENGLISH (1913b) = P. English, Erotik in der altchristlichen Literatur, Anthropophyteia, 10 (1913) 283286.
FOUCAULT (1983) = M. Foucault, La lotta della castit, en ARIS-BJIN (1983), pp. 21-36.
GACA (1996b) = Kathy L. Gaca, The early Christian adaptation of ancient Greek philosophical and biblical
principles of human sexual conduct, tesis, Univ. of Toronto, 1996.
GARCA (A-1986) = F. Garca Bazn, La concepcin griega y cristiana del amor, Homoiosios, 1 (1986)
KUEFLER (2001) = M. Kuefler, The Manly Eunuch. Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Theology
in Late Antiquity, Chicago, 2001.
LE GOFF (19) = J. Le Goff, Il rifiuto del piacere, en DUBY (1986), pp. 141-156.
LUTTERBACH (1998) = H. Lutterbach, Gleichgeschlechtliches sexuelles Verhalten: ein Tabu zwischen
Sptantike und Frher Neuzeit?, HZ, 267 (1998) 281-311.
MCNAMARA (1976) = Jo A. McNamara, Sexual equality and the cult of virginity in early Christian
thought, Feminist Studies, 3 (1976) 145-158.
NYGREN (1944) = A. Nygren, Eros et Agape. La notion chrtienne de lamour et ses transformations, 2
vols., Pars, 1944-1952.
PAGELS (1988) = E. Pagels, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent, Nueva York, 1988 (trad. esp., Barcelona, 1990).
PRICOCO (1998) = S. Pricoco (ed.), Leros difficile: amore e sessualit nellantico cristianesimo, Soveria
Mannelli, 1998.

3. Situacin de la mujer y roles sexuales (women and gender studies).

2.1. Estudios generales y repertorios bibliogrficos.
2.2. Sociologa del sexo y del gnero.
2.2.1. Identidades y preferencias: heterosexualidad/bisexualidad.
2.2.2. Ambigedad sexual, transvestismo.
2.3. Fisiologa del sexo y del gnero.
2.3.1. Aspectos mdicos generales: ginecologa, androloga.
2.3.2. Androginia y hermafroditismo.
2.3.3. Embarazo y parto, aborto y contracepcin.
2.4. Presencia del sexo en la vida en sociedad de la mujer.

2.4.1. Status de la mujer: mozas, esposas, concubinas y viudas.

2.4.2. La mujer frente al (otro) sexo: virginidad, castidad, promiscuidad.
2.4.3. La mujer en sociedad: educacin y participacin en fiestas, rituales
y otros actos sociales con frecuente componente sexual.
2.5. Mujer y arte: sexo y gnero en las representaciones artsticas femeninas.
2.6. Mujer y literatura. Tratamiento de la mujer en los distintos autores y

2.1.Estudios generales y repertorios bibliogrficos.

ALBRECHT (1998) = R. Albrecht, Frau. Christentum, NP, 4 (1998) 640-641.

ARJAVA (1998) = A. Arjava, Women and Law in Late Antiquity, Oxford, 1998.
ARRIGONI (1985) = G. Arrigoni (cur.), Le donne in Grecia, Roma-Bari, 1985.
ARTHUR (A-1973) = Marilyn B. Arthur, Origins of the Western Attitude Toward Woman, Arethusa, 6
(1973) 7-58.
ASPEGREN (1990) = K. Aspegren, The Male Woman: A Feminine Ideal in the Early Church, Upsala, 1990.
BARNARD (1977) = S. Barnard, Hellenistic Women Poets, CJ, 73 (1977-78) 204-213.
BERGREEN-MARINATOS (1995) = B. Bergreen N. Marinatos (eds.), Greece & Gender, Bergen, 1995.
BLOK-MASON (1987) = J. Blok P. Mason (eds.), Sexual Asymmetry. Studies in ancient society,
Amsterdam, 1987.
BLUNDELL (1995) = S. Blundell, Women in ancient Greece, Londres, 1995.
BLUNDELL (1998) = Id., Women in Classical Athens, Londres, 1998.
BORRAGN (2000) = N. Borragn, La mujer en la sociedad romana del Alto Imperio (siglo II D. C.),
Madrid, 2000.
BURCK (1969) = E. Burck, Die Frau in der griechisch-rmischen Antike, Mnich, 1969.
CALDWELL (1973) = Richard S. Caldwell, The Misogyny of Eteocles, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 197-231.
CALERO (1999) = Id., Consejeras, confidentes, cmplices: La servidumbre femenina en la literatura griega
antigua, Madrid, 1999.
CAMERON-KUHRT (1983) = A. Cameron A. Kuhrt (eds.), Images of Women in Antiquity, Londres, 1983.
CANTARELLA (1981) = E. Cantarella, Lambiguo malanno. Condizione e immagine della donna
nellantichit greca e romana, Roma, 1981 (trad. esp., Madrid 1991).
CANTARELLA (1986) = Id., Womens position in classical Athens (en gr., con resumen en ingl.),
Archaiologia, 21 (1986) 14-18.
CANTARELLA (1998b) = Id., Passato prossimo. Donne romane da Tacita a Sulpicia, Miln, 1998.
CAPRIGLIONE (1990) = Jolanda C. Capriglione, La passione amorosa nella citt senza donne, Npoles,
CAVALLINI (1999) = E. Cavallini, Le sgualdrine impenitenti. Femminilit irregolare in Grecia e a Roma,
Miln, 1999.
CHARPIN (2001) = F. Charpin, Le Fminin exclu, Pars, 2001.

CLARK (A-1994) = Edith G. Clark, Women in late antiquity. Pagan and Christian Lifestyles, Oxford, 1994.
COLE (1991) = Susan G. Cole, Gynaixi ou themis: Male and Female in the Greek Leges Sacrae, Helios, 17
(1991) .
CULHAM (1986) = Ph. Culham, Ten Years after Pomeroy: Studies in the Image and Reality of Women in
Antiquity, Helios, 13.2 (1986) 9-30.
DAVINO (1964) = M. DAvino, La donna a Pompei, Novara, 1968.
DE MARTINO (1991) = F. De Martino, Appunti sulla scritura al femminile nel mondo antico, en F. De
Martino (ed.), Rose di Pieria, Bari, 1991, pp. 17-75.
DETTENHOFER (1993) = Maria H. Dettenhofer, Die Frauen von Sparta: Gesellschaftliche Position und
Politische Relevanz, Klio, 75 (1993) 61-75.
DILLON (A-1995) = J. Dillon, The equality of the sexes. Variations on a rhetorical theme in the fourth
century AD, Hermathena, 158 (1995) 27-37.
DOWDEN (1997) = K. Dowden, The Amazons: Development and Functions, RhM, 140 (1997) 97-128.
DUBOIS (1988) = P. Dubois, Sowing the Body. Psychoanalysis and Ancient Representations of Women,
Chicago, 1988.
DUBOIS (1992) = Id., Eros and the Woman, Ramus, 21 (1992) 97-116.
DUBY-PERROT (1991) = G. Duby M. Perrot (eds.), Historia de las mujeres. Vol. I: La antigedad, Madrid,
EYBEN (1980) = E. Eyben, Mann und Frau im frhen Christentum, en J. Martin R. Zpffel (eds.),
Aufgaben, Rollen und Rume von Frau und Mann, Friburgo, 1989, pp. 565-605.
FANTHAM (1986b) = E. Fantham, Women in Antiquity: A Selective (and Subjective) Survey 1979-1984,
EMC, 30 (1986) 1-24.
FANTHAM-FOLEY (1994) = E. Fantham H. P. Foley N. B. Kampen S. B. Pomeroy H. A. Shapiro
(eds.), Women in the Classical World. Image and Text, Londres-Nueva York, 1994.
FAU (1978) = G. Fau, Lmancipation fminine dans la Rome antique, Pars, 1978.
FEICHTINGER-WHRLE (2002) = B. Feichtinger G. Whrle (eds.), Gender Studies in den
Altertumswissenschaften: Mglichkeiten und Grenzen, Trier, 2002.
FERRANDINI (1998) = F. Ferrandini Troisi, Donne e vita publica in Grecia, InvLuc, 20 (1998) 103-118.
FERRARI (2002) = Id., Figures of Speech: Men and Maidens in Ancient Greece, Chicago, 2002.
FOLEY (1981) = Helene P. Foley (ed.), Reflections of women in Antiquity, Nueva York, 1981.
FOLEY (1988) = Id., Women in Greece, en M. Grant R. Kitzinger (eds.), Civilization of the Ancient
Mediterranean: Greece and Rome, Nueva York, 1988, pp. 1301-1318.
FOXHALL (1998) = L. Foxhall, Natural Sex: The Attribution of Sex and Gender to Plants in Ancient
Greece, en FOXHALL-SALMON (1998), pp. 57-70.
FOXHALL-SALMON (1998) = L. Foxhall J. Salmon (eds.), Thinking Men. Masculinity and its SelfRepresentation in the Classical Tradition, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.
FOXHALL-SALMON (B-1998) = L. Foxhall J. Salmon (eds.), When Men were Men. Masculinity, Power
and Identity in Classical Antiquity, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.
GALLO (B-1984) = L. Gallo, La donna greca e la marginalit, QUCC, 18 (1984) 7-51.
GARDNER (1986) = Jane F. Gardner, Women in Roman Law and Society, Bloomington, 1986.

GARDNER (1998) = Id., Sexing a Roman: Imperfect Men in Roman Law, en FOXHALL-SALMON (B1998), pp. 136-152.
GARRIDO (A-1986) = E. Garrido Gonzlez (ed.), La mujer en el mundo antiguo, Madrid, 1986.
GARRIDO (A-1986b) = Id., Problemtica del estudio de la mujer en el mundo antiguo. Aportacin
bibliogrfica, en GARRIDO (A-1986), pp. 29-65.
GARRIDO (B-1999) = M. Garrido-Hory, Femmes, femmes-esclaves et processus de fminisation dans les
oeuvres de Martial et Juvnal, en F. Reduzzi Merola A. Storchi Marino (eds.), Femmes esclaves.
Modles dinterpretation anthropologique, conomique, juridique, Npoles, 1999, pp. 303-313.
GEDDES (1975) = A. Geddes, The Philosophic Notion of Women in Antiquity, Antichthon, 9 (1975) 35-40.
GIALLONGO (1981) = A. Giallongo, Limmagine della donna nella cultura greca, Rmini, 1981.
GILLELAND (1980) = M. E. Gilleland, Female speech in Greek and Latin, AJPh, 101 (1980) 180-183.
GLEASON (1990) = Maud W. Gleason, The Semiotics of Gender: Physiognomy and Self-Fashioning in the
Second Century C. E., en HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN (1990), pp. 389-415.
GOULD (1980) = J. Gould, Law, Custom and Myth: Aspects of the Social Position of Women in Classical
Athens, JHS, 100 (1980) 38-59.
GUIDUCCI (1989) = A. Guiducci, Perdute nella storia. Storia delle donne dal I al VI secolo d. C., Roma,
HAWLEY-LEVICK (1995) = R. Hawley B. Levick (eds.), Women in Antiquity: new assessments, Londres,
HERMANN (1998) = E. Hermann-Otto, Herrschaft und Geschlecht in der griechisch-rmischen Antike,
Journal for the Promotion of Classical Studies, 6 (1998) 143-187.
IRIARTE (1994) = A. Iriarte, Contra una historia asexuada de la antigua Grecia, en M J. Rodrguez
Mampaso E. Hidalgo Blanco Carlos G. Wagner (eds.), Roles sexuales. La mujer en la historia y
la cultura, Madrid, 1994, pp. 3-13.
JOSHEL-MURNAGAN (1998) = Sandra R. Joshel & Sheila Murnagan (eds.), Women and Slaves in GrecoRoman Culture: Differential Equations, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.
JUST (1975) = R. Just, Conceptions of Women in Classical Athens, Journal of the Anthropological Society
of Oxford, 6.3 (1975) 153-170.
JUST (1989) = Id., Women in Athenian law and life, Londres-Nueva York, 1989.
KAMPEN (2000) = Id., Gender Studies, en A. H. Borbein T. Hlscher P. Zanker (eds.), Klassische
Archologie. Eine Einfhrung, Berln, 2000, pp. 189-204.
KARYDAS (1998) = Helen P. Karydas, Eurykleia and Her Succesors: Female Figures of Authority in Greek
Poetics, Lanham, 1998.
KATZ (1995) = Marilyn A. Katz, Ideology and the status of women in ancient Greece, en HAWLEYLEVICK (1995), pp. 21-43.
KEULS (1983) = Eva. C. Keuls, The Hetaera and the Housewife: the Splitting of the Female Psyche in
Greek Art, MNIR, 44-45 (1983) 23-40.
KLEINER-MATHESON (1996) = Diane E. Kleiner Susan B. Matheson (eds.), I Claudia: Women in ancient
Rome, New Haven, 1996.
KRAEMER (1983) = Ross S. Kraemer, Women in the religions of the Graeco-Roman world, RSR, 9 (1983)
KUEFLER (2001) = M. Kuefler, The Manly Eunuch. Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Theology
in Late Antiquity, Chicago, 2001.

KUNSTLER (1983) = B. L. Kunstler, Women and the development of the Spartan polis. A study of sex roles
in classical antiquity, tesis, Boston Univ. Graduate School, 1983.
KUNSTLER (1986) = Id., Family dynamics and female power in ancient Sparta, Helios, 13.2 (1986) 31-48.
LARDINOIS-MCCLURE (2001) = A. Lardinois L. McClure (eds.), Making Silence Speak: Womens Voices in
Greek Literature and Society, Princeton, 2001.
LARSSON-STRMBERG (1998) = Lena L. Larsson A. Strmberg (eds.), Aspects of women in Antiquity,
Jonsered, 1998
LEFKOWITZ (1986) = Id., Women in Greek Myth, Londres, 1986.
LEFKOWITZ-FANT (1982) = Mary R. Lefkowitz M. B. Fant, Womens Life in Ancient Greece and Rome.
A Source Book in Translation, Londres-Baltimore, 1982.
LEWELLYN (2002) = Ll. Lewellyn-Jones (ed.), Womens Dress in the Ancient Greek World, Londres, 2002.
LEWIS (C-2002) = S. Lewis, The Athenian Woman. An iconographic handbook, Londres-Nueva York, 2002.
LPEZ-MARTNEZ-POCIA (1990) = A. Lpez C. Martnez A. Pocia (eds.), La mujer en el mundo
mediterrneo antiguo, Granada, 1990.
LORAUX (1981) = N. Loraux, Les enfants dAthna: ides athniennes sur la citoyennet et la division des
sexes, Pars, 1981 (trad. ingl., Princeton, 1993).
LORAUX (1989) = Id., Les expriences de Tirsias. Le fminin et lhomme grec, Pars, 1989 (trad. ital., Bari,
1991; trad. ingl., Princeton, 1995).
LORAUX (1990) = Id., Herakles: The Super-Male and the Feminine, en HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN
(1990), pp. 21-52.
LORAUX (1993) = Id. (cur.), Grecia al femminile, Roma-Bari, 1993.
MADRID (1999) = M. Madrid, La misoginia en Grecia, Madrid, 1999.
MASON (B-1987) = P. Mason, Third Person/Second Sex: Patterns of sexual asymmetry in the Theogony of
Hesiodos, en BLOK-MASON (1987), pp. 147-189.
MCAUSLAN-WALCOT (1996) = Y. McAuslan P. Walcot (eds.), Women in Antiquity, Nueva York, 1996.
MCCLURE (2002) = Laura K. McClure (ed.), Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World, Oxford, 2002.
MCMANUS (1997) = B. F. McManus, Classics and Feminism: Gendering the Classics, Nueva York, 1997.
MONTSERRAT (2000) = D. Montserrat, Gender in the Roman World. Reading and Studying Roman
Gender (2 nov. 2000) <http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/Classics/sandgessay.html>.
MOREAU (A-1985) = A. Moreau, Les Danades de Mlanipids: La femme virile, Pallas, 32 (1985) 61-90.
[= CGITA, 8 (1994-95) 119-151]
MOSS (1983) = C. Moss, La femme dans la Grce antique, Pars, 1983 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1990).
NEVETT (1995) = L. C. Nevet, Gender relations in the classical Greek household: the archaeological
evidence, BSA, 90 (1995) 363-381.
PERADOTTO-SULLIVAN (1984) = J. Peradotto J. P. Sullivan (eds.), Women in the ancient World, Nueva
York, 1984.
PREZ-ANDREOTTI (1996) = A. Prez Jimnez G. Cruz Andreotti (eds.), Hijas de Afrodita: La
sexualidad femenina en los pueblos mediterrneos, Madrid, 1996.
POMEROY (B-1975) = Sarah B. Pomeroy, Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves: Women in Classical
Antiquity, Nueva York, 1975 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1987).

POMEROY (B-1984) = Id., Selected Bibliography on Women in Classical Antiquity, en PERADOTTOSULLIVAN (1984), pgs. 315-377.
POMEROY (B-1984b) = Id., Women in hellenistic Egypt. From Alexander to Cleopatra, Nueva York, 1984.
POMEROY (B-2002) = Id., Spartan Women, Oxford, 2002.
PORTER (A-1999) = James I. Porter, Constructions of the Classical Body, Ann Arbor, 1999.
RABINOWITZ-RICHLIN (1993) = Nancy S. Rabinowitz A. Richlin (eds.), Feminist Theory and the
Classics, Nueva York, 1993.
RAFFAELLI (1995) = R. Raffaelli (ed.), Vicende e figure femminili in Grecia e a Roma, Ancona, 1995.
REDFIELD (B- 1977) = R. Redfield, The Women of Sparta, CJ, 73 (1977) 141-161.
RICHLIN (1991) = Id., Zeus and Metis: Foucault, Feminism, Classics, Helios, 18 (1991) 160-180.
RODRGUEZ-HIDALGO-WAGNER (1994) = M. J. Rodrguez Mampaso E. Hidalgo Blanco C. G.
Wagner (eds.), Roles sexuales. La mujer en la historia y la cultura, Madrid, 1994.
ROLLINGER-ULF (1999) = R. Rollinger Chr. Ulf (eds.), Geschlechterrollen und Frauenbild in der
Perspektive antiker Autoren, Innsbruck-Viena-Mnich, 1999.
ROWLANDSON (1998) = J. Rowlandson (ed.), Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt: A
Sourcebook, Cambridge, 1998.
SAVALLI (1983) = I. Savalli, La donna nella societ della Grecia antica, Bolonia, 1983.
SCHEER (2000) = T. Scheer, Forschungen ber die Frau in der Antike. Ziele, Methoden, Perspektiven,
Gymnasium, 107 (2000) 143-172.
SCHMITT (B-1991) = P. Schmitt Pantel (ed.), Historia de las mujeres. Tomo 1: La Antigedad, Madrid,
SKINNER (1986) = Marilyn B. Skinner, Classical Studies vs. Women Studies: Duo moi ta nommata,
Helios, 12.2 (1986) 3-16.
SKINNER (1986b) = Id., Rescuing Creusa: New Methodological Approaches to Women in Antiquity,
Helios, 13.2 (1986) 1-8.
SKINNER (1996) = Id., Zeus and Leda: The Sexuality Wars in Contemporary Classical Scholarship,
Thamyris, 3 (1996) 103-123. <http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/Classics/skinzeus.html>
SNYDER (1989) = J. M. Snyder, The Woman and the Lyre. Women Writers in Classical Greece and Rome,
Bristol, 1989.
SPTH (1994) = Th. Spth, Mnnlichkeit und Weiblichkeit bei Tacitus. Zur Konstruktion der Geschlechter in
der rmischen Kaiserzeit, Frankfurt-Nueva York, 1994.
SPTH-WAGNER (2000) = Th. Spth B. Wagner-Hasel (eds.), Frauenwelten in der Antike.
Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Lebenspraxis, Stuttgart-Weimar, 2000.
STAHLMANN (1998) = Id., Geschlechterrollen. Rom, NP, 4 (1998) 1011-1012.
THOMMEN (1999) = L. Thommen, Spartanische Frauen, MH, 56 (1999) 129-149.
THRAEDE (1972) = K. Thraede, Frau, RLAC, 8 (1972) 197-269.
UGLIONE (1987) = R. Uglione (cur.), Atti del Convegno nazionale di studi su La donna nel mondo antico
(Torino 21-23 aprile 1986), Turn, 1987.
VAN SERTIMA (1986) = I. Van Sertima, Black Women in Antiquity, New Brunswick, 1986.
VAN WEES (1998) = H. Van Wees, A brief history of tears: gender differentiation in Archaic Greece, en
FOXHALL-SALMON (B-1998), pp. 10-53.

VRILHAC (1985) = A. M. Vrilhac (dir.), La femme dans le monde mditerranen. I: Antiquit, Lyon-Pars,
VRILHAC-VIAL (1990) = M. Vrilhac C. Vial, La femme dans lAntiquit classique: Bibliographie,
Lyon, 1990.
VIDN (1993) = G. Vidn, Women in Roman Literature, Goteburgo, 1993.
VOGT (1960) = J. Vogt, Von der Gleichwertigkeit der Geschlechter in der brgerlichen Gesellschaft der
Griechen, AAWM, 2 (1960) 213-255. [reeditado en SIEMS (1988), pp. 118-166]
WAGNER (1998) = B. Wagner-Hasel, Frau. Griechenland und Rom, NP, 4 (1998) 634-637.
WAGNER (1998b) = Id., Geschlechterrollen. Griechenland, NP, 4 (1998) 1008-1011.
WALTERS (1997b) = J. Walters, Invading the Roman body: manliness and impenetrability in Roman
thought, en HALLET-SKINNER (1997), pp. 29-43.
WARREN (1973) = L. B. Warren, The Women in Etruria, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 91-101.
WHITBECK (1984) = C. Whitbeck, , Hypathia, 2 (1984) 33-60.
WILLING (1994) = M. Willing, Zwischen Oikos und Komos. Frauen im antiken Sparta, Altertum, 39
(1994) 251-268.
WYKE (1998) = M. Wyke (ed.), Gender and the Body in the Mediterranean Antiquity, Oxford, 1998.
ZEITLIN (1996b) = Froma I. Zeitlin, Playing the Other. Essays on Gender and Society in Classical Greek
Literature, Chicago, 1996.


2.2.Sociologa del sexo y del gnero.

2.2.1. 2.2.1.


BAUMANN (1955) = H. Baumann, Das doppelte Geschlecht: Studien zur Bisexualitt in Ritus und Mythos,
Berln, 1955.
BRISSON (1973) = L. Brisson, Bisexualit et mdiation en Grce ancienne, Nouvelle Revue de
Psychanalyse, 7 (1973) 27-48.
BRISSON (1978) = Id., Aspects politiques de la bisexualit. Lhistoire de Polycrite (Phlgon, De mirab. ch.
2; Proclus, In Remp. II 115.7-15), en M. B. De Boer T. A. Edridge (eds.), Hommages Maarten J.
Vermaseren, Leiden, 1978, vol. I, pp. 80-122.
BRISSON (1986) = Id., Neutrum utrumque. La bisexualit dans lAntiquit grco-romaine, en A. Faivre
F. Tristan (eds.), LAndrogyne, Pars, 1986, pp. 31-61 (trad. ital.: Androgino, Gnova, 1991, pp. 3378).
CANTARELLA (1988) = Id., Secondo natura. La bisessualit nel mondo antico, Roma, 1988 (trad. esp.,
Madrid, 1991).
CARP (1983) = T. Carp, Venus utraque. A typology of seerhood, CW, 76 (1983) 275-285.
HALPERIN (1992) = David M. Halperin, Historicizing the Sexual Body: Sexual Preferences and Erotic
Identities in the Pseudo-Lucianic Ertes, en Domna C. Stanton (ed.), Discourses of Sexuality. From
Aristotle to AIDS, Ann Arbor, 1992, pp. 236-261.

HRITIER (1993) = F. Hritier-Aug, La costruzione dellessere sessuato, la costruzione sociale del genere
e le ambiguit dellidentit sessuale, en M. Bettini (ed.), Maschile e Femminile. Genere e ruoli nelle
culture antiche, Roma-Bari, 1993, pp. 113-139.
KLABUNDE (1998) = M. Klabunde, Symmetry Braking: The Discussion of the Advantages and
Disadvantages of Boys vs. Women as Sex Partners in the Second Century C.E., tesis, University of
Cincinnati, 1998.
LEDUC (1992) = C. Leduc, Bisexualits, DHA, 18 (1992) 357-363.
LEITAO (1996) = D. Leitao, Orpheus and the Third Sex: Some Thoughts on Sexual Diversity in Ancient
Greece, Humanities Magazine, 14 (1996) 47-69.
PARKER (A-1996) = Holt N. Parker, Heterosexuality, OCD, 702-703.
VETTA (1982) = M. Vetta, Ambivalenza sessuale e condizione femminile nel mondo antico, QUCC, 66
(1991) 151-158.

2.2.2. 2.2.2. Ambigedad sexual, transvestismo.

ANSON (1974) = J. Anson, The female transvestite in early monasticism: the origen and development of a
motif, Viator, 5 (1974) 1-32.
BLEISCH (1997) = Pamela R. Bleisch, Crossing the Ancient Stage. Plautine Travesties of Gender and
Genre: Transvestim and Tragicomedy in Amphitruo,
Didaskalia, 4.1 (1997).
BONNET (1996) = C. Bonnet, Hracls travesti, en C. Jourdain-Annequin C. Bonnet (eds.), Hracls, les
femmes et le fminin: actes du colloque de Grenoble, 22-23 octobre 1992, Bruselas, 1996, pp. 120131.
CYRINO (1998) = M. S. Cyrino, Heroes in d(u)ress: transvestism and power in the myths of Herakles and
Achilles, Arethusa, 31 (1998) 207-241.
DELAVAUD (1995) = M.-H. Delavaud-Roux, Lnigme des danseurs barbus au parasol et les vases des
Lnennes, RA (1995) 227-263.
DELCOURT (1988) = M. Delcourt, La pratica rituale del travestimento, en CALAME (1988), pp. 87-101.
[= DELCOURT (1958), pp. 5-27]
GALLINI (1963) = C. Gallini, Il travestismo rituale di Penteo, SMSR, 34 (1963) 211-228.
KRENKEL (1990) = Werner A. Krenkel, Transvestismus in der Antike, WZRostock, 39, (1990) 144-157.
LEITAO (1995) = D. Leitao, The perils of Leukippos: initiatory transvestism and male ideology in the
Ekdusia, ClAnt, 14 (1995) 130-163.
LONGO (1993) = O. Longo, La damigella di Epidauro. Anatomie di travestiti, en R. Pretagostini (ed.),
Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all et ellenistica. Scritti in onore di B.
Gentili, Roma, 1993, vol. 3, pp. 1047-1055.
ROSSI (B-1997) = E. Rossi, Ruoli e scambi di ruoli nelle Metamorfosi ovidiane, ASNP, 2.2 (1997) 453480.
SAD (1987) = S. Sad, Travestis et travestissements dans les comdies dAristophane, CGITA, 3 (1987)
TRACY (1976) = V. A. Tracy, Roman Dandies and Transvestites, EMC, 20 (1976) 60-63.
ZEITLIN (1981) = Froma I. Zeitlin, Travesties of Gender and Genre in Aristophanes Thesmophoriazousae,
Critical Inquiry, 8.2 (1981) 301-327. [reimpr. en E. Abel (ed.), Writing and Sexual Difference,
Brighton, 1982, pp. 131-157]


2.3.Fisiologa del sexo y del gnero.

2.3.1. 2.3.1. Aspectos mdicos generales: ginecologa, androloga.

AMUNDSEN-DIERS (1969) = D. W. Amundsen & C. J. Diers, The Age of Menarche in Classical Greece
and Rome, Human Biology, 41 (1969) 125-132.
AMUNDSEN-DIERS (1970) = Iid., The Age of Menopause in Classical Greece and Rome, Human
Biology, 42 (1970) 79-86.
BALLABRIGA (1986) = A. Ballabriga, Les eunuques scythes et leurs femmes. Strilit des femmes et
impuissance des hommes en Scythie selon le trait hippocratique Des airs, Mtis, 1 (1986) 121-139.
BYL (1990) = S. Byl, Ltiologie de la strilit fminine dans le Corpus Hippocraticum, en P. Potter G.
Maloney J. Desautels (eds.), La maladie et les maladies dans la Collection hippocratique. Actes du
VI Colloque international hippocratique, Quebec, 1990, pp. 303-322.
CARSON (1999) = Id., Dirt and desire: the phenomenology of female pollution in Antiquity, en PORTER
(A-1999), pp. 77-100.
CORVISIER (2001) = J.-N. Corvisier, Strilits, impuissances et maladies masculines dans le monde antique,
en J.-N. Corvisier et al. (eds.), Thrapies, Mdecine et Dmographie Antiques, Arras Cedex, 2001,
pp. 237-256.
DEAN (1991) = Lesley A. Dean-Jones, The Cultural Construct of the Female Body in Classical Greek
Science, en Sarah B. Pomeroy (ed.), Womens History and Ancient History, Chapel Hill-Londres,
1991, pp. 111-137.
DEAN (1991b) = Lesley A. Dean-Jones, Andrology in the Greek Medical Writers, Helios, 17 (1991) .
DEAN (1994) = Id., Womens bodies in classical Greek science, Oxford, 1994.
GIRARD (1983) = M. C. Girard, La femme dans le Corpus Hippocraticum, CEA, 15 (1983) 69-80.
GOUREVITCH (1984) = D. Gourevitch, Le mal dtre femme. La femme et la mdecine dans la Rome
antique, Pars, 1984.
GOUREVITCH (1995) = Id., Women who suffer from a mans disease: the example of satyriasis and the
debate on affections specific to the sexes, en HAWLEY-LEVICK (1995), pp. 149-165.
HANSON (1990) = Ann E. Hanson, The Medical Writers Woman, en HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN
(1990), pp. 309-338.
HERRERO (2002) = M C. Herrero Ingelmo, Sobre el nuevo sentido de en Herfilo y su fortuna
posterior, Emerita, 70 (2002) 121-137.
KEULS (1995) = Eva C. Keuls, The Greek medical texts and the sexual ethos of ancient Athens, en Ph. J.
van der Eijk H. F. J. Horstmanshoff P. H. Schrijvers (eds.), Ancient Medicine in its Socio-cultural
Context, Amsterdam-Atlanta, 1995, vol. I, pp. 261-273.
KING (A-1995) = H. King, Self-help, self-knowledge: in search of the patient in Hippocratic gynaecology,
en HAWLEY-LEVICK (1995), pp. 135-148.
KING (A-1996d) = Id., Hippocrates, Galen, and the Origins of the Disease of Virgins, IJCT, 2 (1996)
KING (A-1998) = Id., Hippocrates Woman. Reading the Female Body in Ancient Greece, Londres-Nueva
York, 1998.
KING (A-1998b) = Id., Geschlecht (medizinisch), NP, 4 (1998) 1005-1008.

KING (A-1998c) = Id., Geschlechterrollen.Medizin, NP, 4 (1998) 1012-1014.

LAQUEUR (1990) = T. Laqueur, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, Cambridge,
Mass., 1990 (trad. it., Bari, 1992; trad. esp., Madrid, 1994).
LLOYD (A-1983) = G. E. R. Lloyd, The female sex: medical treatment and biological theories in the fifth
and fourth centuries BC, en G.E.R. Lloyd (ed.), Science, Folklore and Ideology: Studies in the life
sciences in ancient Greece, Cambridge, 1983, pp. 86-94.
MANULI (1980) = P. Manuli, Fisiologia e patologia del femminile negli scritti ippocratici dellantica
ginecologia greca, en M. D. Grmek (ed.), Hippocratica. Actes du Colloque Hippocratique de Paris
(4-9 septembre 1978), Pars, 1980, pp. 393-408.
MANULI (1983) = Id., Donne masculine, femmine sterili, vergini perpetue. La ginecologia greca tra
Ippocrate e Sorano, en S. Campese P. Manuli G. Sissa, Madre Materia. Sociologia e biologia
della donna greca, Turn, 1983, pgs. 147-204.
MONTERO (2001) = Id., Omne animal post coitum triste: De Aristteles a S. Freud, RELat, 1 (2001) 107119.
MORSINK (1979) = J. Morsink, Was Aristotles biology sexist?, JHB, 12 (1979) 83-112.
NATHAN (1993) = G. Nathan, Medicine and sexual practices in late Antiquity, Epoche, 18 (1993) 20-32.
NUTTON (1998) = V. Nutton, Geschlechtskrankheiten, NP, 4 (1998) 1014-1015.
PARKER (B-1984) = R. Parker, Sex, women, and ambiguous animals, Phronesis, 29 (1984) 174-187.
PINAULT (1992) = J. Pinault, The medical case for virginity in the early second century C.E.: Soranus of
Ephesus Gynecology 1.32, Helios, 19 (1992) 123-139.
RICHLIN (1997) = A. Richlin, Plinys Brassiere, en HALLET-SKINNER (1997), pp. 197-220.
ROSENBAUM (1904) = J. Rosenbaum, Geschichte der Lustseuche im Altertum, Berln, 19047 (1 ed., Halle,
1839; reimpr. Leipzig, 1971).
ROUSSELLE (1980) = A. Rousselle, Observation fminine et idologie masculine: le corps de la femme d
aprs les mdecins grecs, Annales(ESC), 35 (1980) 1089-1115.
SAD (1983) = S. Sad, Fminin, femme et femelle dans les grands traits biologiques dAristote, en E.
Levy (ed.), La femme dans les socits antiques, Estrasburgo, 1983, pp. 93-123.
SCHUBERT-HUTTNER (1999) = C. Schubert U. Huttner (eds.), Frauenmedizin in der Antike, DsseldorfZrich, 1999.
TRIANTAPHYLLOPOULOS (1988) = Id., Virginit et dfloration masculines, en Proceedings of the XVIII
International Congress of Papyrology, Atenas, 1988, pp. 327-333.

2.3.2. 2.3.2. Androginia y hermafroditismo.

AJOOTIAN (1990) = A. Ajootian, Natus biformis: Hermaphrodites in Greek and Roman Art, tesis, Bryn
Mawr College, 1990.
AJOOTIAN (1995) = Id., Monstrum or daimon. Hermaphrodites in ancient art and culture, en
BERGREEN-MARINATOS (1995), pp. 93-108.
AJOOTIAN (1997) = Id., The only happy couple: hermaphrodites and gender, en KOLOSKI-LYONS
(1997), pp. 220-242.
BRISSON (1997) = Id., Le sexe incertain. Androgynie et hermaphroditisme dans lAntiquit grco-romaine,
Pars, 1997 (trad. ingl., Berkeley, 2002).

CAMERON (1980) = A. Cameron Neither Male Nor Female, G&R, 27 (1980) 60-68. [reeditado en
MCAUSLAN-WALCOT (96), pp. 26-35]
CRIF (1999) = G. Crif, Prodigium e diritto: il caso dellermafrodita, Index, 27 (1999) 113-120.
HALLEY (1938) = J. Halley des Fontaines, La notion dandrogynie dans quelques mythes et quelques rites,
Pars, 1938.
MEEKS (1974) = W. M. Meeks, The Image of the Androgyne: some uses of a symbol in earliest
Christianity, HR, 13 (1974) 165-208.
PAGLIA (1974) = C. A. Paglia, Sexual personae. The androgyne in literature and art, tesis, Yale Univ., New
Haven, CT, 1974.

2.3.3. 2.3.3. Embarazo y parto, aborto y contracepcin.

ADAM (1983) = S. Adam, La femme enceinte dans les papyrus, Anagennesis, 3 (1983) 9-19.
ADAM (1984) = Id., Lavortement dans lantiquit grecque, en A. Biscardi J. Mlze-Modrzejewski H.
J. Wulff P. D. Dimakis (eds.), , vol. I, Atenas, 1984, pp. 141-153.
AND (1995) = V. And, Modelli culturali e fisiologia della maternit nella medicina ippocratica, en G.
Fiume (cur.), Madri. Storia di un ruolo sociale, Venecia, 1995, pp. 33-44.
BERGMANN (1996) = B. Bergmann, The Pregnant Moment: Tragic Wives in the Roman Interior, en
KAMPEN (96), pp. 199-218.
BERNIER (1990) = R. Bernier, Embryognse et avortement chez les auteurs hippocratiques, en P. Porter
G. Maloney J. Desautels (eds.), La maladie et les maladies dans la collection hippocratique,
Quebec, 1990, pp. 364-380.
BESTOR (1991) = J. F. Bestor, Ideas about procreation and their influence in ancient and medieval views of
kinship, en David I. Kertzer Richard P. Saller (eds.), The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the
Present, New Haven-Londres, 1991, pp. 150-167.
BLAYNEY (1986) = J. Blayney, Theories of Conception in the Ancient World, en B. Rawson (ed.), The
Family in Ancient Rome: New Perspectives, Ithaca (NY), 1986, pp. 230-239.
BLZQUEZ (A-2000) = Id., Los anticonceptivos en la Antigedad clsica, en C. Alfaro Giner M- Tirado
Pascual (eds.), Actas del Segundo Seminario de Estudios sobre la Mujer en la Antigedad, Valencia,
2000, pp. 135-146.
BONFANTE (1997) = L. Bonfante, Nursing Mothers in Classical Art, en KOLOSKI-LYONS (97), pp. 174196.
BRADLEY (1980) = Keith R. Bradley, Sexual Regulations in Wet-Nursing Contracts from Roman Egypt,
Klio, 62 (1980) 321-325.
CARRICK (1985) = P. J. Carrick, Medical ethics in antiquity. Philosophical perspectives on abortion and
euthanasia, Dordrecht, 1985.
CLARK (A-1996) = Edith G. Clark, Childbirth, OCD, 321.
COLES (1995) = A. Coles, Biomedical models of reproduction in the fifth century BC and Aristotles
Generation of animals, Phronesis, 40 (1995) 48-88.
CRAHAY (1941) = R. Crahay, Les moralistes anciens et lavortement, AC, 10 (1941) 9-23.
DASEN (1998) = V. Dasen, Les naissances multiples dans les textes mdicaux antiques, Gesnerus, 55.3-4
(1998) 183-204. [versin ampliada de Multiple Births in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, OJA, 16 (1997)

DEMAND (1994) = N. Demand, Birth, death and motherhood in classical Greece, Londres, 1994.
DICKISON (1973) = S. K. Dickison, Abortion in Antiquity, Arethusa, 6 (1973) 159-166.
ENGELS (1980) = D. Engels, The Problem of Female Infanticide in the Greco-Roman World, CPh, 75
(1980) 112-120.
EYBEN (1977) = E. Eyben, Geboortenbeperking in de grieks-romeinse oudheid, Kleio, 7 (1977) 97-127.
EYBEN (1980) = Id., Family Planning in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, AncSoc, 11-12 (1980-81) 5-82.
FISHER (B-1996) = N. Fisher, Laser-quest: unnoticed allusions to contraception in a poet and a princeps?,
ClIre, 3 (1996) 73-97. <http://www.ucd.ie/~classics/96/Fisher96.html>
FONTANILLE (1977) = M.-T. Fontanille, Avortement et contraception dans la mdecine grco-romaine,
Pars, 1977.
FREUND (1983) = R. Freund, The Ethics of Abortion in Hellenistic Judaism, Helios, 10.2 (1983) 125-137.
FRIER (1994) = B. W. Frier, Natural Fertility and Family Limitation in Roman Marriage, CPh, 89 (1994)
GAMEL (1989) = M. K. Gamel, Non sine caede: Abortion Politics and Poetics in Ovids Amores, Helios,
16 (1989) 183-206.
GERLACH (1938) = W. Gerlach, Das Problem des weiblichen Samen in der antiken und mittelalterlichen
Medizin, AGM, 30 (1938) 177-193.
GOUREVITCH (1987) = D. Gourevitch, Se mettre trois pour faire un bel enfant, ou limprgnation par le
regard, Lvolution psychiatrique, 52 (1987) 559-563.
GRADVOHL (2002) = E. Gradvohl, Dog-like women: the origin of the rhythm method, AAHung, 42 (2002)
HANSON (1992) = Ann E. Hanson, Conception, Gestation, and the Origin of Female Nature in the Corpus
Hippocraticum, Helios, 19 (1992) 31-71.
HANSON (1995) = Id., Paidopoiia: metaphors for conception, abortion, and gestation in the Hippocratic
corpus, en Ph. J. van der Eijk H. F. J. Horstmannshoff P. H. Schrijvers (eds.), Ancient Medicine
in Its Socio-Cultural Context, Amsterdam-Atlanta, 1995, pp. 291-307.
HENDRIKS (1978) = I. H. M. Hendriks, Anticonceptie en abortus provocatus in de grieks-romeinse
oudheid, Onafhankelijk Gronings hist. tijdschr., 60 (1978) 2-11.
HOPKINS (1965) = K. Hopkins, Contraception in the Roman Empire, CSSH, 8 (1965-66) 124-151.
[reimpreso en SIEMS (1988), pp. 168-205]
KAPPARIS (2002) = Id., Abortion in the Ancient World, Londres, 2002.
KING (A-1996b) = H. King, Contraception, OCD, 385.
KIPP (2000) = G. Kipp, Lebensschutz und Sexualpessimismus. Faktoren des Entstehens der Frhchristlichen
Abtreibungsethik, en Ideologie-Sport-Auenseiter. Aktuelle Aspekte einer Beschftigung mit der
antiken Gesellschaft, Innsbruck, 2000, pp. 65-110.
KRENKEL (1971) = Werner A. Krenkel, Erotica I. Der Abortus in der Antike, WZRostock, 20 (1971) 429434.
KRENKEL (1978c) = Id., Familienplanung und Familienpolitik in der Antike, WJA, 4 (1978) 197-203.
KRENKEL (1988c) = Id., Officium procreandi: die erste Brgerpflicht, WZRostock, 37.4 (1988) 31-51.
LAALE (1992) = H. W. Laale, Abortion in Greek antiquity: Solon to Aristotle, CML, 13 (1992-93) 157-166
y 191-202.
LEARY (1991) = T. J. Leary, Contraception, Sex and the Art of Love, CB, 67 (1991) 25-28.

LPEZ (B-1982) = J. A. Lpez Frez, Ideas embriolgicas de Demcrito, Asclepio, 34 (1982) 317-326.
MCCARTNEY (1922) = E. S. McCartney, Sex determination and sex control in Antiquity, AJPh, 43 (1922)
MOSIDES (1921) = M. Mosides, Contribution ltude de lavortement dans lantiquit grecque, Janus,
25 (1921) 59-85 y 129-145.
MURRAY (1991) = J. S. Murray, The alleged prohibition of abortion in the Hippocratic Oath, EMC, 35
(1991) 293-311.
NAPOLITANO (1985) = M. Napolitano, Donne spartane e , AION (Archeol), 7 (1985) 19-50.
NARDI (1971) = E. Nardi, Procurato aborto nel mondo greco romano, Miln, 1971.
NARDI (1976) = Id., Aborto e denaro in antichi dati, RAIB, 65 (1976-77) 29-33.
NARDI (1981) = Id., La donna antica nel dramma del voluto aborto, en Misoginia e maschilismo in Grecia
e a Roma, Gnova, 1981, pp. 9-26.
PATTERSON (1990) = C. B. Patterson, Those Athenian bastards, ClAnt, 9 (1990) 40-73.
PREUS (1977) = A. Preus, Galens criticism of Aristotles conception theory, JHB, 10 (1977) 65-85.
RAEPSAET (1971) = G. Raepsaet, Les motivations de la natalit Athnes aux Ve et Ive sicles avant notre
re, AC, 40 (1971) 80-110.
RIDDLE (1991) = John M. Riddle, Oral Contraceptives and Early-Term Abortifacients During Classical
Antiquity and the Middle Ages, P&P, 132 (1991) 3-32.
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ROBERGE (1977) = R. M. Roberge, Lavortement dans la pense chrtienne des premiers sicles, CEA, 7
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ROBERTSON (B-1983) = N. Robertson, Greek ritual begging in aid of womens fertility and child birth,
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ROUSSELLE (1991) = Id., La poltica de los cuerpos: entre procreacin y continencia en Roma, en DUBYPERROT (1991), pp. 317-369.
SCHMIDT (A-1979) = J. Schmidt, La contraception Rome, LHistoire, 8 (1979) 64-65.
SPYRIDAKIS (1979) = Stylianos V. Spyridakis, Aristote on Cretan polyteknia, Historia, 28 (1979) 380384.
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WATTS (1973) = W. J. Watts, Ovid, the Law and Roman Society on Abortion, AClass, 16 (1973) 89-101.


2.4.Presencia del sexo en la vida en sociedad de la mujer.

2.4.1. 2.4.1. Status de la mujer: mozas, esposas, concubinas y viudas.

ADAMS (B-1972) = J. N. Adams, Latin words for Woman and Wife, Glotta, 50 (1972) 234-255.
AND (1996) = V. And, Nymphe: la sposa e le Ninfe, QUCC, 81 (1996) 47-79.

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2.4.2. 2.4.2. La mujer frente al (otro) sexo: virginidad, castidad,

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2.4.3. 2.4.3. La mujer en sociedad: educacin y participacin en

fiestas, rituales y otros actos sociales con frecuente componente
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2.5.Mujer y arte: sexo y gnero en las representaciones artsticas


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2.6.Mujer y literatura. Tratamiento de la mujer en los distintos autores y


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CAPPELLETTI (1980) = A. J. Cappelletti, Sobre el feminismo de Platn, RVF, 12 (1980) 87-95.
CARR (1982) = J. E. Carr, The view of women in Juvenal and Apuleius, CB, 58 (1982) 61-64.
CASE (1985) = S.-E. Case, Classic Drag: The Greek Creation of Female Parts, Theatre Journal, 37 (1985)
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CECCHIN (1989) = S. A. Cecchin, Letteratura e realit. La donna in Giovenale (analisi della VI Satira), en
Atti del II convegno nazionale di studi sulla donna nel mondo antico, Turn, 1989, pp. 141-161.
CLARK (C-1982) = Stephen R. L. Clark, Aristotles Woman, HPTh, 3 (1982) 177-191.
COCCIA (1987) = M. Coccia, Multa in muliebrem levitatem coepit iactare: Le figure femminile del
Satyricon di Petronio, en UGLIONE (1987), pp. 121-140.
DMAROLLE (1970) = J. M. Dmarolle, Les femmes chrtiennes vues par Porphyre, JbAC, 13 (1970) 4247.
DES BOUVRIE (1998) = S. des Bouvrie, Euripides, Bakkhai and Maenadism, en LARSSONSTRMBERG (1998), pp. 58-68.
DUNAND (1989) = Id., Images du fminin dans le roman grec, en Mlanges P. Levque, II: Anthropologie
et Socit, Pars, 1989, pp. 173- 182.
ERBSE (1966) = H. Erbse, Sokrates und die Frauen, Gymnasium, 73 (1966) 201-220.
FANTHAM (1975) = E. Fantham, Sex, status and survival in hellenistic Athens: a study of women in New
Comedy, Phoenix, 29 (1975) 44-74.
FAVEZ (1938) = C. Favez, Les opinions de Snque sur la femme, REL, 16 (1938) 335-345.
FEDELI (1987) = P. Fedeli, Donna e amore nella poesia di Catullo, en UGLIONE (1987), pp. 125-156.
FEICHTINGER (1993) = B. Feichtinger, Casta matrona Puella fallax. Zum literarischen Frauenbild der
rmischen Elegie, SO, 68 (1993) 40-68.
FLASCHENRIEM (1998) = Barbara L. Flaschenriem, Speaking of Women: Female Voice in Propertius,
Helios, 25 (1998) 49-64.
FOLEY (1978) = Helene P. Foley, Reverse Similes and the Sex Roles in the Odyssey, Arethusa, 11
(1978) 7-26.

FOLEY (1982) = Id., The Female Intruder reconsidered: Women in Aristophanes Lysistrata and
Ecclesiazusae, CPh, 77 (1982) 1-21.
FONTAINE (1969) = J. Fontaine, La femme dans la posie de Prudence, REL, 47 bis (1969) 55-83 (=
Mlanges M. Durry).
FRANCIA (1995) = R. Francia Somalo, Sneca y la posicin estoica sobre la mujer, en M D. Verdejo
(coord.), Comportamientos antagnicos de las mujeres en el mundo antiguo, Mlaga, 1995, pp. 5368.
GARCA (F-1999) = M. Garca Snchez, Las mujeres de Homero, Valencia, 1999.
GIRARD (1983)
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Fortunatae, 4 (1992) 53-59.
GONZLEZ (A-1998) = Id., La mujer en Calmaco, en J. F. Gonzlez Castro (ed.), Actas del IX Congreso
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GRIFFITHS (1979) = Id., Home before lunch: The emancipated woman in Theocritus, en FOLEY (1981), pp.
HALLET (1973) = Judith P. Hallet, The role of women in Roman Elegy: counter-cultural feminism,
Arethusa, 6 (1973) 103-124.
HENDERSON (1987) = J. Henderson, Older Women in Attic Old Comedy, TAPhA, 117 (1987) 105-129.
HENRY (1986) = Madeleine M. Henry, Ethos, mythos, praxis. Women in Menanders comedy, Helios, 13.2
(1986) 141-150.
HOROWITZ (1976) = Maryanne C. Horowitz, Aristotle and Woman, JHB, 9 (1976) 183-213.
JENKINS (B-1993) = R. Jenkins, Virgils Women, Omnibus, 25 (1993) 1-4.
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(1987) 29-38.
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(1990), pp. 169-191.
LORETTO (1977) = F. Loretto, Das Bild der Frau in Senecas philosophischen Schriften, ZAnt, 27 (1977)
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Roman Poetry, Austin, 1974, pp. 15-31.
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GARRIDO (A-1986), pp. 315-322.

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MARSHALL (A-1971) = Anthony J. Marshall, Ladies in waiting: The role of women in Tacitus Histories,
AncSoc, 15-17 (1984-86) 167-184.
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de poca helenstica, Revista de Filologa, 19 (2001) 219-227.
MASON (B-1987)
MONTAS (2000) = R. Montas Gmez, Las mujeres y la mujer en los ttulos y fragmentos de la
comedia griega, en E. Crespo M Jos Barrios (eds.), Actas del X Congreso Espaol de Estudios
Clsicos, vol. I, Madrid, 2000, pp. 551-556.
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OOST (1977) = S. I. Oost, Xenophons attitude toward women, CW, 71 (1977) 225-236.
PREZ (C-1994) = E. Prez Sedeo, Masculino y femenino en la cosmologa de Ptolomeo, en E. Prez
Sedeo (coord.), Conceptualizacin de lo femenino en la filosofa antigua, Madrid, 1994, pp. 91-106.
PESTANO (1985) = R. Pestano, La mujer en Catulo, Tabona, 6 (1985-87) 331-351.
POWELL (1990) = A. Powell (ed.), Euripides, women and sexuality, Londres-Nueva York, 1990.
RAMOS (1999) = E. Ramos Jurado, Eros demnico y mujer demnica. Diotima de Mantinea, Habis, 30
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RICHLIN (1984) = A. Richlin, Invective against Women in Roman Satire, Arethusa, 17 (1984) 67-80.
ROMEUF (1983) = J. Romeuf, Sexe fort et sexe faible dans lnide, ALMArv, 10 (1983) 7-22.
RUDHARDT (1986b) = J. Rudhardt, Pandora: Hsiode et les femmes, MH, 43 (1986) 231-246.
SCHOULER (1985) = B. Schouler, Hommages de Libanios aus femmes de son temps, Pallas, 32 (1985)
SCHUHMANN (A-1978) = E. Schuhmann, Zur sozialen Stellung der Frau in den Komdien des Plautus,
Altertum, 24 (1978) 97-105.
SCHUHMANN (A-1984) = Id., Zur unterschiedlichen Charakteristik von uxores und meretrices in den
Komdien des Plautus, en J. Harmatta (ed.), Actes du VIIe Congrs de la FIEC, vol. I., Budapest,
1984, pp. 453-456.
SHAW (B-1975) = M. Shaw, The Female Intruder: Women in Fifth-Century Drama, CPh, 70 (1975) 255266.
SISSA (1991) = Id., Filosofas del gnero: Platn, Aristteles y la diferencia sexual, en SCHMITT (1991),
pp. 73-111.
SMITH (B-1983) = Nicholas D. Smith, Plato and Aristotle on the Nature of Women, JHPh, 21 (1983) 467478.
SOMMERSTEIN (1980) = Alan H. Sommerstein, The Naming of Women in Greek and Roman Comedy,
QS, 11 (1980) 393-418.
SOMMERSTEIN (1995) = Id., The language of Athenian women, en F. De Martino A. H. Sommerstein
(eds.), Lo spettacolo delle voci, Bari, 1995, parte seconda, pp. 61-85.
STEINTHAL (1991) = H. Steinthal, Frauen um Odysseus. Studien in Poetik, Erotik und Ethik, Gymnasium,
98 (1991) 497-516.
SUSSMAN (B-1978) = Linda S. Sussman, Workers and Drones: Labor, Idleness and Gender Definition in
Hesiods Beehive, Arethusa, 11 (1978) 27-41.
TIBILETTI (A-1981) = C. Tibiletti, La donna in Tertulliano, Gnova, 1981.

VERDEJO (1995) = M D. Verdejo Snchez, La mujer en Marcial, en M D. Verdejo (coord.),

Comportamientos antagnicos de las mujeres en el mundo antiguo, Mlaga, 1995, pp. 109-126.
VERDENIUS (1968) = W. J. Verdenius, Semonides ber die Frauen. Ein Kommentar zu fr. 7, Mnemosyne,
22 (1968) 132-158.
VRILHAC (1985b) = Id., Limage de la femme dans les pigrammes funraires grecques, en VRILHAC
(1985), pp. 85-112.
VIAL (1985) = C. Vial, La femme athnienne vue par les orateurs, en VRILHAC (1985), pp. 47-60.
VONS (2000) = J. Vons, Limage de la femme dans luvre de Pline lAncien, Coll. Latomus, vol. 256,
Bruselas, 2000.
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WEAVER (1981) = F. E. Weaver, Augustine and women. Relationships and teachings, AugStud, 12 (1981)
WILSON (B-1996) = L. H. Wilson, Sapphos Sweetbytter Songs. Configurations of Female and Male in
Ancient Greek Lyric, Londres, 1996.
WILSON (C-1995) = Paul F. Wilson, A Complete Catalogue of Sexist Slurs: Juvenals Sixth Satire and
Bob Dylans Just Like A Woman, LCM, 20 (1995) 4-9.
WINNINGTON (1982) = R. P. Winnington-Ingram, Sophocles and Women, en J. de Romilly (ed.),
Sophocle. Sept exposs suivis de discussions (Entretiens sur lAntiquit Classique, XXIX),
Vanduvres-Ginebra, 1982, pp. 171-197.
WOHL (1993) = Victoria J. Wohl, Standing by the Stathms: The Creation of Sexual Ideology in the
Odyssey, Arethusa 26 (1993) 19-50.
ZEITLIN (1978) = Froma I. Zeitlin, The Dynamics of Misogyny: Myth and Mythmaking in the Orestia,
Arethusa, 11 (1978) 149-184.
ZEITLIN (1985b) = Id., Playing the Other: Theater, Theatricality, and the Feminine in Greek Drama,
Representations, 11 (1985) 63-94.

4. Relaciones y prcticas sexuales. (vid. tambin 2.2.1. Identidades y preferencias:

3.1. Homosexualidad.
3.1.1. Homosexualidad masculina y pederastia.
3.1.2. Homosexualidad femenina.
3.2. Desnudez, belleza corporal y zonas ergenas.
3.3. Prostitucin (vid. tambin 6.4. Prostitucin sagrada).
3.4. Relaciones sexuales con esclavos, sirvientes y prisioneros.
3.5. Juergas y antros de perdicin: komoi, potoi, simposia, baos y burdeles.
3.6. Seduccin, adulterio, rapto, violacin, incesto.
3.7. Besos.
3.8. Figurae Veneris y sexo en grupo.
3.9. Masturbacin, sexo oral.


Sueos erticos.


Magia ertica, afrodisacos.


Exhibicionismo, voyeurismo, pigmalionismo, necrofilia.


Infibulacin, circuncisin, castracin.

3.1 3.1 Homosexualidad.



Homosexualidad masculina y pederastia.

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3.3 3.3 Prostitucin (vid. tambin 6.4. Prostitucin sagrada).

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FERNANDES (2000) = E. Fernandes, Prostitution, en G. Speake (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greece and the
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Prostitution in the Roman Empire, JRS, 89 (1999) 38-61.
FORD (B-1993) = J. M. Ford, Prostitution in the Ancient Mediterranean World: BTB Readers Guide,
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from the french with a foreword, introductory essays and notes by A. F. N., Nueva York, 1934.
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Espaol de Estudios Clsicos, vol. III, Madrid, 1989, pp. 117-123.
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108 (1980) 142-165.
GRAHAM (1998) = Alexander J. Graham, The Woman at the Window : Observations on the Stele from the
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Greece, New Haven, 2003.

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HARTMANN (2001) = Id., Prostitution. II. Klassische Antike, NP, 10 (2001), 452-454.
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HENRY (1985) = Madeleine M. Henry, Menanders Courtesans and the Greek Comic Tradition, Frankfurt,
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HERTER (1960) = H. Herter, Die Soziologie der antiken Prostitution im Lichte des heidnischen und
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MCGINN (1986) = Thomas A. J. McGinn, Prostitution and Julio-Claudian Legislation: The Formation of
Social Policy in Early Imperial Rome, Ann Arbor, 1986.
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pp. 27-34.
NAFISSI (1998)
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OGDEN (1999) = D. Ogden, Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties, Londres, 1999.
OLMOS (1991) = R. Olmos, Puellae gaditanae: heteras de Astart?, AEA, 64 (1991) 99-109.
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entre Orient i Occident, en X. Roig (ed.), Sexualitat, Histria i Antropologia, Lrida, 1996, pp. 1333.
PESCHEL (1987) = I. Peschel, Die Hetre bei Symposion und Komos in der Attisch-rotfigurigen
Vasenmalerei des 6.-4. Jahrh. v. Chr., Frankfurt, 1987.
QUERZOLI (1993) = S. Querzoli, La prostituzione della schiava nella societ e nel diritto fra Augusto e gli
Antonini, Ostraka, 2 (1993) 399-404.
RIGGSBY (1995) = A. M. Riggsby, Lenocinium: scope and consequence, ZRG, 125 (1995) 423-427.
RIVIRE (1997) = Y. Rivire, Les quadruplatores: la rpression du jeu, de l'usure et de quelques autres
dlits sous la Rpublique romain, MEFRA, 109 (1997) 577-631.
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ROSIVACH (1995) = V. J. Rosivach, Solons Brothels, LCM, 20 (1995) 2-3.
ROSNER (1998) = Brian R. Rosner, Temple prostitution in 1 Corinthians 6, 12-20, NT, 40 (1998) 336.351.
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comicas fabulas pertinentibus, RFIC, 29 (1951) 217-245.
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SOKALA (1993) = Id., Cuscus amat valeat, pereat qui noscit amare. Aus der Forschung ber das Phnomen
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SOUTO (2002) = F. Souto Delibes, El rol de la prostituta en la comedia: De Fercrates a Menandro,
CFC(egi), 12 (2002) 171-191.
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VANOYEKE (1990) = V. Vanoyeke, La prostitution en Grce et Rome, Pars, 1990 (trad. esp., Madrid,

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WHELTON (1998) = J. Whelton, Literary representations of prostitution in the late first century A.D., tesis,
Loyola University, Chicago, 1998.

3.4 3.4 Relaciones sexuales con esclavos, sirvientes y prisioneros.

ALONI (1982) = A. Aloni, Osservazioni sul rapporto tra schiavit, commercio e prostituzione sacra nel
mondo arcaico, Index, 11 (1982) 257-263.
ANKUM (1985) = H. Ankum, La captiva adultera. Problmes concernant laccusatio adulterii en droit
romain classique, RIDA, 32 (1985) 153-205.
DARMS (1991) = John H. DArms, Slaves at Roman Convivia, en William J. Slater (B-ed.), Dining in a
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EVANS (B-1993) = J. Evans-Grubbs, Marriage more shameful than adultery: slave-mistress relationships,
mixed marriages, and late Roman law, Phoenix, 47 (1993) 125-154.
GARRIDO (B-1981) = M. Garrido-Hory, La vision du dpendant chez Martial travers les relations
sexuelles, Index, 10 (1981) 298-315.
GLANCY (1998) = Jennifer A. Glancy, Obstacles to slaves participation in the Corinthian church, JBL,
117 (1998) 481-501.
GONFROY (1978)
KOLENDO (1981) = J. Kolendo, Lesclavage et la vie sexuelle des hommes libres Rome, Index, 10
(1981) 288-297.
LEDUC (1981) = C. Leduc, Le discours dAristophane et de Mnandre sur la sexualit des matres et des
esclaves, Index, 10 (1981) 271-287.
MARTIN (B-1978) = R. Martin, La vie sexuelle des esclaves, daprs les Dialogues rustiques de Varron, en
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Ktema, 5 (1980) 161-175.
MCGINN (1990)
MORABITO (1986) = M. Morabito, Droit romain et ralits sociales de la sexualit servile, DHA, 12
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NETTIS (2000) = Anita V. Nettis, Padroni, sesso e schiavi, Index, 28 (2000) 155-172.
PARADISO (1999) = A. Paradiso, Schiavit femminile e violenza carnale: stupro e coscienza dello stupro
sulle schiave in Grecia, en F. Reduzzi Merola A. Storchi Marino (eds.), Femmes esclaves.
Modles dinterpretation anthropologique, conomique, juridique, Npoles, 1999, pp. 145-162.
SICARI (1991)

SORACI (1985) = R. Soraci, Voluntas domini e caput servile, contubernia e collusiones nel I sec. d. C.,
QC, 7 (1985) 311-353.
TREGGIARI (1979) = Susan M. Treggiari, Questions on women domestics in the Roman West, en
Schiavit, manomissione e classi dipendenti nel mondo antico, Roma, 1979, pp. 185-201.

3.5 3.5 Juergas y antros de perdicin: komoi, potoi, simposia, baos y burdeles.
BOOTH (A-1981)
BRUUN (1997) = Ch. Bruun, Water for Roman Brothels: Cicero Cael. 34, Phoenix, 51 (1997) 364-373.
CAMPAGNER (2002) = Id., Il gioco del cottabo nelle commedie di Aristofane, QUCC, 101 (2002) 111-127.
CORBEILL (1997) = A. Corbeill, Dining Deviants in Roman Political Invective, en HALLET-SKINNER
(1997), pp. 99-128.
DAVIDSON (1993) = J. Davidson, Fish, sex and revolution, CQ, 43 (1993) 53-66.
DUNBABIN (1989) = Katherine M. D. Dunbabin, Baiarum Grata Voluptas: Pleasures and Dangers of the
Baths, BSR, 57 (1989) 6-49.
FAGAN (1999) = G. G. Fagan, Bathing in Public in the Roman World, Ann Arbor, 1999.
FRONTISI-LISSARRAGUE (1983) = F. Frontisi-Ducroux & F. Lissarrague, De lambigut
lambivalence. Un parcours dionysiaque, AION(archeol), 5 (1983) 11-32. [= From Ambiguity to
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KLEBERG (1957) = T. Kleberg, Htels, restaurants et cabarets dans lantiquit romaine, Upsala, 1957.
KRENKEL (1975) = Werner A. Krenkel, Hyperthermia in ancient Rome, Arethusa, 8 (1975) 381-386.
LIND (1988)
MCGINN (1998b) = Thomas A. J. McGinn, Caligulas Brothel on the Palatine, EMC, 17 (1998) 95-107.
OLMOS (1991)
RIVIRE (1997)
ROBERT (A-1983) = J.-N. Robert, Les plaisirs Rome, Pars, 1983 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1992).
ROLLER (B-2003)
SALGADO (1995) = Ofelia N. Salgado, Hispanismo y moralidad en Marcial, AFC, 13 (1995) 171-177.
SALLES (1984) = C. Salles, Les bas-fonds de lantiquit, Pars, 1982 (trad. esp., Buenos Aires, 1984).
SCARANO (2000) = V. Scarano Ussani, Il lenocinium del balneator, Ostraka, 9 (2000) 255-263.
STAHLMANN (1997b) = I. Stahlmann, Bordelle, NP, 2 (1997) 747-748.
TOMEI (1995) = M. A. Tomei, Domus oppure lupanar? I materiali dagli scavi Boni della Casa
Repubblicana a Ovest dellarco di Tito, MEFRA, 107 (1995) 549-619.

WEEBER (1995) = K.-W. Weeber, Bordell, en Alltag im Alten Rom. Ein Lexikon, Zrich, 1995, pp. 59-62.

3.6 3.6 Seduccin, adulterio, rapto, violacin, incesto.

ANKUM (1985)
BEARD (1999)
BROWN (D-1991) = P. G. McC. Brown, Athenian Attitudes to Rape and Seduction: The Evidence of
Menander, Dyskolos 289-93, CQ, 41 (1991) 533-534.
CANTARELLA (1972) = E. Cantarella, Adulterio, omicidio legitimo e causa donore in diritto romano, en
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COLETTI (1992)
DEACY-PEIRCE (1997) = S. Deacy Karen F. Peirce (eds.), Rape in antiquity: sexual violence in the Greek
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DELLING (1959) = G. Delling, Ehebruch, RLAC, 4 (1959) 666-677.
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MCGINN (1991)
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ROBB (1997)
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ROY (1997)
RUDHARDT (1982) = J. Rudhardt, De linceste dans la mythologie grecque, Revue Franaise de
Psychoanalyse, 46 (1982) 731-763.
SCAFURO (1990) = A. Scafuro, Discourse of Sexual Violation in Mythic Accounts and Dramatic Versions
of The Girls Tragedy, en KONSTAN-NUSSBAUM (1990), pp. 126-159.
SCHEIDEL (1995) = W. Scheidel, Incest Revisited: Three Notes on the Demography of Sibling Marriage in
Roman Egypt, BASP, 32 (1995) 143-155.
SCHMITZ (B-1997) = W. Schmitz, Der nomos moicheias. Das athenische Gesetz ber den Ehebruch, ZRG,
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tardive, Annales HSS, 53.2 (1998) 231-253.
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TANNER (B-1979) = T. Tanner, Adultery and the novel: contract and transgression, Baltimore-Londres,
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3.7 3.7 Besos.

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CONTINI (1984) = A. M. V. Contini, Ius osculi, en Studi Noniani, vol. IX, Gnova, 1984, pp. 87-96.
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3.8 3.8 Figurae Veneris y sexo en grupo.

KRENKEL (1985) = Werner A. Krenkel, Figurae Veneris I, WZRostock, 34, 4 (1985) 50-57.
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Gmez Canseco P. L. Zambrano L. P. Alonso (eds.), El sexo en la literatura, Huelva, 1997, pp.
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Apuleius, GCN, 2 (1989) 63-73.

3.9 3.9 Masturbacin, sexo oral.

BOEHRER (1998) = Bruce Th. Boehrer, Renaissance Classicism and Roman Sexuality: Ben Jonsons
Marginalia and the Trope of os impurum, IJCT, 4 (1998) 364-380.
CAMERON (1973) = A. Cameron, Sex in the swimming pool, BICS, 20 (1973) 149-150.
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Ancient Western World, Journal of Homosexuality, 14.3-4 (1987) 1-19.
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GREENWOOD (1998) = Mark A. Greenwood, Talking Flamingos and the Sins of the Tongue: The
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KRENKEL (1979) = Werner A. Krenkel, Masturbation in der Antike, WZRostock, 28.3 (1979) 159-178.
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TIBILETTI (B-1969) = M. G. Tibiletti Bruno, Un confronto greco-anatolico, Athenaeum, 47 (1969) 303312.



Sueos erticos.

BRAKKE (1995) = D. Brakke, The problematization of nocturnal emissions in early Christian Syria, Egypt,
and Gaul, JECS, 3 (1995) 419-460.
GIL (1985) = L. Gil, Procul recedant somnia. Los ensueos erticos en la Antigedad pagana y cristiana, en
J. L. Melena (ed.), Symbolae L. Mitxelena septuagenario oblatae, Vitoria, 1985, pp. 193-219.
GOUREVITCH (1982) = D. Gourevitch, Quelques fantasmes rotiques et perversions dobjects dans la
littrature grco-romaine, MEFRA, 94 (1982) 823-842.
ISETTA (1977) = S. Isetta, Sul De aquae frigidae usu di Calvo, SRIL, 1 (1977) 107-112.
LICHT (1912b) = H. Licht (pseud. de Paul Brandt), Erotische Trume und ihre Symbolik, Anthropophyteia,
9 (1912) 316-328.
PIGEAUD (1982) = J. Pigeaud, Le rve rotique dans lAntiquit romaine, Literature, mdicine, societ, 3
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PLASTIRA (1999) = M. Plastira-Valkanou, Love-dreams in the Anthology, AC, 68 (1999) 275-282.



Magia ertica, afrodisacos.

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DETIENNE (1972) = M. Detienne, Les Jardins dAdonis, Pars, 1972 (trad. esp., Madrid, 1983).
DICKIE (2000) = Matthew W. Dickie, Who practised love-magic in Classical Antiquity and in the late
Roman World?, CQ, 50 (2000) 563-583.
FARAONE (1988) = Christopher A. Faraone, Hermes without the marrow: another look at a puzzling
magical spell, ZPE, 72 (1988) 281-282.
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84 (1989) 294-300.
FARAONE (1990) = Christopher A. Faraone, Aphrodites Kestos and Apples for Atalanta: Aphrodisiacs in
Early Greek Myth and Ritual, Phoenix, 44 (1990) 219-243.
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Vernazza (eds.), The Ancient Novel. Classical Paradigms and Modern Perspectives, Hanover, 1990,
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FARAONE (1992) = Id., Sex and power: Male-targeting aphrodisiacs in the Greek magical tradition,
Helios, 19 (1992) 92-103.
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Incantation?, CQ, 42 (1992) 320-327.
FARAONE (1993) = Id., The Wheel, the Whip, and Other Implements of Torture: Erotic Magic in Pindar
Pythian 4.213-19, CJ, 89 (1993) 1-20.

FARAONE (1994) = Id., Deianiras Mistake and the Demise of Heracles: Erotic Magic in Sophocles
Trachiniae, Helios, 21.2 (1994) 115-135.
FARAONE (1996) = Id., Taking the Nestors Cup Inscription seriously: erotic magic and conditional curses
in the earliest inscribed hexameters, ClAnt, 15 (1996) 77-112.
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H. Montgomery E. Thomasson (eds.), The World of Ancient Magic. Papers from the First Internat.
S. Eitrem Seminar at the Norwegian Inst. at Athens, Bergen, 1999, pp. 279-282.
FARAONE (2002) = Id., Agents and Victims: Constructions of Gender and Desire in Ancient Greek Love
Magic, en NUSSBAUM-SIHVOLA (2002), pp. 400-426.
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in der augusteischen Dichtung, Maia, 32 (1980) 265-282.
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GORISSEN (1980) = P. Gorissen, Once more the love-spell of Hermes and the marrow, ZPE, 37 (1980)
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HOPFNER (1941) = Id., Philtron, RE, 20, 1 (1941) 203-208.
JORDAN (1988) = David R. Jordan, A love charm with verses, ZPE, 72 (1988) 245-259.
JORDAN (1988b) = Id., A new reading of a papyrus love charm in the Louvre, ZPE, 74 (1988) 231-243.
KROLL (1950) = Id., Aphrodisiacum, RLAC, 1 (1950) 496-501.
LAUDIZI (1986) = G. Laudizi, Laberius 134/6 R3, en Scritti in onore di G. Codaci-Pisanelli, vol. I., Miln,
1986, pp. 255-260.
LIDONNICI (1998) = L. LiDonnici, Burning for It: Erotic Spells for Fever and Compulsion in the Ancient
Mediterranean World, GRBS, 39 (1998) 63-98.
LPEZ (C-2000) = A. Lpez Jimeno, Maldiciones erticas y otros encantamientos amorosos. La maldicin
del amor, en M.-A. Marcos Casquero (ed.), Creencias y supersticiones en el mundo clsico y
medieval, Len, 2000, pp. 111-130.
MARCO (A-1986) = F. Marco Simn, Topografa cualitativa en la magia romana. Izquierda y derecha como
elementos de determinacin simblica, MHA, 7 (1986) 81-90.
MARTNEZ (A-1985) = David G. Martnez, P. Mich. 6925. A new magical love charm, tesis, Univ. of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1985.
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MCMAHON (1996) = John M. McMahon, Cultivating Passion: Vegetables, Belief, and Sexuality,
Newsletter of the Classical Association of the Empire State, 31.2 (1996)
MEYER (B-1985) = Marvin W. Meyer, The love spell of PGM IV, 94-153. Introduction and structure, en
Acts of the 2nd Internat. Congr. of Coptic Studies, Roma, 1985, pp. 193-201.
MOKE, (1975) = D. F. Moke, Eroticism in the Greek Magical Papyri, tesis, Univ. of Minnesota, 1975.
MURGATROYD (1983) = Id., Magic imagery applied to love, EMC, 27 (1983) 68-77.

PETROPOULOS (1984) = J. C. B. Petropoulos, The Erotic Magical Papyri, en Atti del XVII Congresso
internazionale di Papirologia (Napoli, 19-26 maggio 1983), Npoles, 1984, pp. 193-201.
(clasificado; comprobar referencia)
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Congress of Papyrology, vol. II, Atenas, 1988, pp. 215-222.
PETROPOULOS (1997) = Id., Love symptoms in the erotic magical papyri (en gr., con resumen en ingl.),
, Atenas, 1997, pp. 104-119.
RTSCH (1995) = C. Rtsch, Pflanzen der Liebe. Aphrodisiaka in Mythos, Geschichte und Gegenwart,
Aarau, 1995.
SIJPESTEIJN (1977) = P. J. Sijpesteijn, Liebeszauber, ZPE, 24 (1977) 89-90.
TAVENNER (1933) = E. Tavenner, Iynx and Rhombus, TAPhA, 64 (1933) 109-127.
TAVENNER (1942) = Id., The use of fire in Greek and Roman love magic, en Studies in honor of F. W.
Shipley, by his colleagues, San Luis, 1942 (reimpr. Freeport, N.Y., 1968), pp. 17-37.
TUPET (1976) = A. M. Tupet, Ovide et la magie, en N. Barbu E. Dobroiu M. Nasta (eds.), Ovidianum.
Acta conventus omnium gentium ovidianis studiis fovendis, Bucarest, 1976, pp. 575-584.
VOUTIRAS (1998) = E. Voutiras, : Marital Life and Magic in Fourth Century Pella,
Amsterdam, 1998.
WEBER (1985) = E. Weber, Das Bleitfelchen mit einem Liebeszauber aus Mautern an der Donau, en
Bericht ber den sechzehnten sterreichischen Historikertag im Krems/Donau veranstaltet
vomVerband sterreichischer Geschichtsvereine in der Zeit vom 3. bis 7. September 1984, Viena,
1985, pp. 62-65.
WINKLER (A-1991) = Id., The constrains of Eros, en Ch. A. Faraone D. Obbink (eds.), Magika Hiera:
Ancient Greek Magic and Religion, Nueva York, 1991, pp. 214-243. [se trata de una versin
ampliada de su ensayo The constrains of desire: erotic magical spells, en WINKLER (A-1990), pp.



Exhibicionismo, voyeurismo, pigmalionismo, necrofilia.

FEHLING (1974) = D. Fehling, Phallische Demonstration, en su libro Ethologische berlegungen auf dem
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GOUREVITCH-GOUREVITCH (1981) = D. Gourevitch & M. Gourevitch, Chronique anachronique, IV:
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KOURETAS (1958) = D. Kouretas, Trois cas de ncrophilie dans lAntiquit, en Comptes Rendues du
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Ovide, MEFRA, 104 (1992) 373-438.



Infibulacin, circuncisin, castracin.

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BALDWIN (1981c) = Id., /, Glotta, 59 (1981) 117-118.
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FIRPO (1987) = G. Firpo, Considerazioni sullevoluzione della normativa relativa alla circoncisione tra
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GUYOT (1980) = P. Guyot, Eunuchen als Sklaven und Freigelassene in der griechisch-rmischen Antike,
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MAASS (1925) = E. Maass, Eunuchos und Verwandtes, RhM, 74 (1925) 432-476.
MARCUS (1989) = J. Marcus, The Circumcision and the Uncircumcision in Rome, NTS, 35 (1989) 67-81.
MONTSERRAT (1991) = D. Montserrat, Mallocouria and Therapeuteria: Rituals of Transition in a Mixed
Society?, BASP, 28 (1991) 43-49.
NOCK (1925) = A. D. Nock, Eunuchs in ancient Religion, ARW, 23 (1925) 25-33. [reeditado en SIEMS
(1988), pp. 58-69]
RABELLO (1982) = A. M. Rabello, Il problema della circumcisio in diritto romano fino ad Antonio Pio, en
Studi in onore di A. Biscardi, vol. II, Miln, 1982, pp. 187-214.
SCHOLZ (1997) = Piotr O. Scholz, Der entmannte Eros: eine Kulturgeschichte, Dsseldorf-Zrich, 1997.
SCHUBART (1934) = W. Schubart, Galli und spadones im Gnomon des Idios Logos, Aegyptus, 14 (1934)
STEVENSON (1995) = Id., The Rise of Eunuchs in Greco-Roman Antiquity, JHSex, 5 (1994-95) 495-511.
TOSATO (1982) = A. Tosato, Sulle origini del termine (prepuzio, incirconcisione), B&O, 24
(1982) 43-49.
WIEDEMANN (1986) = T. Wiedemann, An early Irish eunuch?, LCM, 11 (1986) 139-140.

5. Lxico ertico-sexual.

4.1. Estudios de conjunto y por gneros.

4.2. Estudios particulares de trminos griegos.
4.3. Estudios particulares de trminos latinos.
4.4. Eufemismo, simbolismo y metforas ertico-sexuales.

4.1.Estudios de conjunto y por gneros.

ADAMS (B-1982) = Id., The Latin sexual vocabulary, Baltimore, 1982 (trad. it., Lecce 1996).
BAEZA (1998) = Id., Motivos y lxico amatorios en los Tristia de Ovidio, en J. L. Vidal A. Alvar
Ezquerra (eds.), Actas IX Congr. Espaol de Estudios Clsicos. Vol. V: Literatura Latina, Madrid,
1998, pp. 31-36.
BAIN (1999) = Id., The Avoidance of Euphemism: Basic Language in Greek Medical Texts, en DE
MARTINO-SOMMERSTEIN (1999), pp. 259-281.
BENAVENTE (1973) = M. Benavente y Barreda, Ambigedades cmico-obscenas en la literatura griega,
tesis, Granada, 1973 (resumen en Tesis doctorales de la Universidad de Granada, n 43, Granada,
BLONDEAU (1885) = N. Blondeau, Dictionnaire rotique latin-franais, Pars, 1885.
BLUMFIELD (1997) = A. Blumfield, Aischrologia: gonimopoies lexeis (en gr., con resumen en ingl.), en
, Atenas, 1997, pp.
CASSANELLO (1993) = M. T. Cassanello, Lessico erotico della tragedia greca, Roma, 1993.
CATONN (1993) = J.-Ph. Catonn, tude du vocabulaire sexuel hippocratique, BAGB, 6 (1993) 332-349.
CIANI (1979) = M. G. Ciani, Proposta metodologica per un lessico speciale, QUCC, 30 (1979) 161-171.
CIANI (1980) = Id., Lessicologia e biologia molecolare, en I. Lana N. Marinone (eds.), Atti del Convegno
sulla lessicografia politica e giuridica nel campo delle scienze dellantichit, Turn, 1980, p. 123.
DE MARTINO-SOMMERSTEIN (1999) = F. De Martino Alan H. Sommerstein (eds.), Studi sugli
eufemismi, Bari, 1999.
GOLDBERGER (1930) = W. Goldberger, Kraftausdrcke im Vulgrlatein, Glotta, 18 (1930) 8-65, y 20
(1932) 101-150.
HENDERSON (1975) = Id., The Maculate Muse. Obscene Language in Attic Comedy, Londres, 1975 (2 ed.
HERRERO-MONTERO (1988) = M. C. Herrero Ingelmo & E. Montero Cartelle, Sermo iocosus: la
anfibologa ertica en la comedia grecolatina, en G. Morocho (ed.), Estudios de drama y retrica en
Grecia y Roma, Len, 1988, pp. 89-98.
HINOJO (1999) = G. Hinojo Andrs, Lxico ertico y lxico poltico en latn, en A. M Aldama et al. (eds.),
La Filologa Latina hoy. Actualizacin y perspectivas, Madrid, 1999, vol. I, pp. 401-411.
KOMORNICKA (1981) = Id., Sur le langage rotique de lancienne comdie attique, QUCC, 9 (1981) 5583.
KRENKEL (1982) = Id., Libido im Griechischen und Lateinischen, WZRostock, 31.5 (1982) 39-44.
LENAIOS (1935) = E. Lenaios (pseud. de Chariton Charitonidis), , Tesalnica, 1935.
MODRZEJEWSKI (1998) = Joseph M. Modrzejewski, Paroles nefastes et vers obscnes. propos de
linjure verbale en droit grec et hellnistique, Dike, 1 (1998) 151-169.

MONTERO (1975) = E. Montero Cartelle, De las nugae a los graffiti o del priapismo verbal, Durius, 3
(1975) 371-383.
MONTERO (1991) = Id., El latn ertico. Aspectos lxicos y literarios, Sevilla, 1991.
OPELT (1965) = I. Opelt, Die lateinischen Schimpfwrter und verwandte sprachliche Erscheinungen,
Heidelberg, 1965.
PIERRUGUES (1826) = P. Pierrugues, Glossarium eroticum linguae latinae, sive Theogoniae, legum et
morum nuptialium apud Romanos explanatio nova ex interpretatione propria et impropria et
differentiis in significato fere duorum millium sermonum. Ad intelligentiam Poetarum et
Ethologorum tam antiquae quam integrae infimaeque Latinitatis, Pars, 1826 (2 ed., Berln, 1908).
REITZENSTEIN (1912) = R. Reitzenstein, Zur Sprache der lateinischen Erotik, SHAW, 12 (1912) 1-36.
RICHLIN (1978) = A. Richlin, Sexual Terms and Themes in Roman Satire and Related Genres, tesis, Yale
University, 1978 (impr. Ann Arbor, 1982).
RSLER (1995) = W. Rsler, Escrologia e intertestualit, en Intertestualit: il dialogo fra testi nelle
letterature classiche, Amsterdam, 1995 [= Lexis, 13 (1995)], pp. 117-128.
SEMI (1985) = F. Semi, Amore, en M. Renard P. Laurens (eds.), Hommages H. Bardon, Bruselas, 1985
(= Coll. Latomus, 187), pp. 332-343.
SIEMS (1974) = Andreas K. Siems, Aischrologia. Das Sexuell-Hliche im antiken Epigramm, tesis,
Gotinga, 1974.
SKODA (1988) = F. Skoda, Les appareils genitaux y Les affections de lappareil genital, en su libro
Mdecine ancienne et mtaphore. Le vocabulaire de lanatomie et de la pathologie en grec ancien ,
Pars, 1988, pp. 156-184 y 295-300.
SOMMERSTEIN (1995) = Id., The language of Athenian women, en F. De Martino A. H. Sommerstein
(eds.), Lo spettacolo delle voci, Bari, 1995, parte seconda, pp. 61-85 (esp. 78-80).
SPEYER (1969) = W. Speyer, Fluch, RLAC, 7 (1969) 1160-1288.
VORBERG (1932) = Id., Glossarium eroticum, Stuttgart, 1932 (reimpr. Roma y Hanau, 1965).


4.2.Estudios particulares de trminos griegos.

ADKINS (1963) = A. W. H. Adkins, Friendship and self-sufficiency in Homer and Aristotle, CQ, 13
(1963) 33-45.
AMADO RODRGUEZ (1995) = M Teresa Amado Rodrguez, Verbos denominativos derivados de
gentilicios y topnimos, Myrtia, 10 (1995) 67-103.
ARENA (1968) = R. Arena, , RFIC, 96 (1968) 257-268.
BAIN (1978) = D. Bain, Another occurrence of ?, ZPE, 30 (1978) 36.
BAIN (1981) = Id., Two further observations on , LCM, 6 (1981) 43-44.
BAIN (1983b) = Id., , , *, ZPE, 52 (1983) 56.
BAIN (1990) = Id., Greek verbs for animal intercourse used of human beings, Sileno, 16 (1990) 253-261.
BAIN (1991) = Id., Six Greek verbs of sexual congress (, , , , , ), CQ, 41
(1991) 51-76.
BAIN (1991b) = Id., ! in Aristophanes Frogs (v. 48), Eikasmos, 2 (1991) 159-161.
BAIN (1992) = Id., = membrum virile: Aristophanes Clouds 989 and 1019 and two apotropaic
amulets, Eikasmos, 3 (1992) 149-152.

BAIN (1994) = Id., ?: An abusive graffito from Thorikos, ZPE, 104 (1994) 33-35.
BAIN (1997) = Id., Two submerged items of Greek sexual vocabulary from Aphrodisias, ZPE, 117 (1997)
BAIN (1999b) = Id., Some Addenda and Corrigenda to the Revised Supplement to Liddell and Scott, Glotta,
75 (1999) 121-133.
BALDWIN (1980d) = Id., Carzimasium: a Greek word?, Glotta, 58 (1980) 266.
BALDWIN (1981) = Id., The use of , AJPh, 102 (1981) 79-80.
BALDWIN (1981c)
BENAVENTE (2000) = Id., Una reiterada ambigedad en la Alcestis de Eurpides, FlorIl, 11 (2000) 11-19.
BOGNER (1941) = H. Bogner, Was heit ?, Hermes, 76 (1941) 318-320.
BORTHWICK (1981) = Id., . An addendum, AJPh, 102 (1981) 1-2.
BORTHWICK (1993) = Id., and in Demosthenes and Aristophanes, LCM, 18 (1993)
BROWN-TYRREL (1985) = F. S. Brown & W. B. Tyrrel, , a reading of Herodotus Amazons,
CJ, 80 (1985) 297-302.
CALDER (1970) = William M. Calder, An unnoticed obscenity in Aristophanes, CPh, 65 (1970) 257.
CANNAT (B-1978) = M. Cannat Fera, Unaccezione erotica di , en Scritti in onore di S.
Pugliatti, vol. V, Miln, 1978, pp. 159-162.
CASANOVA (B-1983) = G. Casanova, Le parole dellamore nei papiri: osservazioni su e corradicali,
Anagennesis, 2 (1983) 213-225.
CASSIO (1983) = A. C. Cassio, Post classical , CQ, 33 (1983) 296-297.
CERESA (1951) = A. Ceresa-Gastaldo, nei documenti anteriori al Nuuvo Testamento, Aegyptus, 31
(1951) 269-305.
COHEN-WALLFIELD (1985) = Gerald L. Cohen & J. Wallfield, Etymology of Greek agape love, IF, 90
(1985) 99-103.
COLLARD (1979) = C. Collard, and Aristophanes, Lysistrata 934, LCM, 4 (1979) 213-214.
DALFONSO (1997) = F. DAlfonso, Nota a Ibyc. S 257 PMG, Frr. 26 (a) e 30, RCCM, 39 (1997) 257260.
DANIEL (1985) = R. W. Daniel, Laughing stones. Literary parallels for in the new acclamations from
APhrodisias, ZPE, 61 (1985) 130.
DEGANI (1962) = Id., Laecasin = , RCCM, 4 (1962) 362-365.
DE LAMBERTERIE (1991) = C. de Lamberterie, Le verb et le nom de la femme, RPh, 65 (1991)
DEZ (2000) = F. Dez Platas, Los eptetos del amor y el deseo en la pica griega arcaica, en E. Crespo-M
Jos Barrios (eds.), Actas del X Congreso Espaol de Estudios Clasicos, vol. I, Madrid, 2000, pp.
DI MARCO (1987) = M. Di Marco, , paronimia e lusus osceno in Aristofane Nub. 192 sg.,
QUCC, 55 (1987) 55-58.

DORS (1984) = A. DOrs, Algunas observaciones sobre eros y agape en Athlon. Satura grammatica in
honorem Francisci R. Adrados, vol. I, Madrid, 1984, pp. 365-373.
EDWARDS (B-1987) = G. Patrick Edwards, Meaning and aspect in the verb , Minos, 20-22 (1987)
ELGVIN (1997) = T. Elgvin, To master his own vessel: 1 Thess 4.4 in light of new Qumran evidence,
NTS, 43 (1997) 604-619.
FISK (1996) = B. N. Fisk, Porneuein as body violation: the unique nature of sexual sin in 1 Corinthians
6.18, NTS, 42 (1996) 540-558.
FRAENKEL (1955) = E. Fraenkel, Neues Griechisch in Graffiti (I) Katapygaina, Glotta, 34 (1955) 42-45.
GOLDEN (1985) = Id., PAIS, child and slave, AC, 54 (1985) 91-104.
GRIFFITH (A-1970) = J. G. Griffith, : A Postcript, HSPh, 74 (1970) 43-44.
HENDERSON (1972) = J. Henderson, The lekythos and Frogs 1200-1248, HSPh, 76 (1972) 133-143.
HENDERSON (1974) = Id., : A Reply, Mnemosyne, 27 (1974) 293-295.
HENDERSON (1980) = Id., Further Thoughts on , LCM, 5 (1980) 243.
HENDRY (1997) = M. Hendry, An abysmal pun: Marcus Argentarius VI G-P (A.P. 5, 104), Mnemosyne, 50
(1997) 325-328.
HENDRY (1997b) = Id. A coarse pun in Homer? (Il. 15.467, 16.120), Mnemosyne, 50 (1997) 477-479.
HERAEUS (1915) = W. Heraeus, , RhM, 70 (1915) 1-41.
HERRERO (2002) = M C. Herrero Ingelmo, Sobre el nuevo sentido de en Herfilo y su fortuna
posterior, Emerita, 70 (2002) 121-137.
HERTER (1938c) = Id., Phallos, RE, 19, 2 (1938) 1681-1748.
HOOKER (1970) = J. T. Hooker, , RhM113 (1970) 162-164.
HOUSER (1998) = Joseph S. Houser, Eros and aphrodisia in the works of Dio Chrysostom, ClAnt, 17 (1998)
235-258. [reimpr. en NUSSBAUM-SIHVOLA (2002), pp. 327-353]
JENSEN (1978) = J. Jensen, Does mean fornication? A critique of Bruce Malina, NT, 20 (1978)
JOCELYN (1980) = Id., Attic and English f, LCM, 5 (1980) 65-67.
JOCELYN (1980d) = Id., A Greek indecency and its students: LAIKAZEIN, PCPhS, 206 (1980) 12-66.
[reproducido en Dynes-Donaldson (1992), pp. 208-262]
JOCELYN (1981) = Id., yet again, LCM, 6 (1981) 45-46.
JOHNSTON (A-1990) = A. Johnston, Katpygos, PP, 45 (1990) 41.
JOLY (1968) = R. Joly, Le vocabulaire chtien de lamour est-il original? Philein et agapan dans le grec
antique, Bruselas, 1968.
JORDAN (1996)
KONIARIS (1980) = George L. Koniaris, An obscene word in Aeschylus, AJPh, 101 (1980) 42-44.
KOUMANOUDIS (1983) = S. N. Koumanoudis, ;, Horos, 1 (1983) 35-38.
KRITZAS (1986) = C. Kritzas, -, Horos, 4 (1986) 162-165.
LGASSE (1976) = S. Lgasse, Jsus et les prostitues, RThL, 7 (1976) 137-154.

LGASSE (1997) = Id., Vas suum possidere (1 Th 4, 4), FNT, 10 (1997) 105-115.
LEVIN (B-1983)
LUPPE (1993) = Id., = ? Zu einer vermeintlichen crux in der Archilochos-Inschrift des
Mnesiepes, Glotta, 71 (1993) 143-145.
MAASS (1925)
MANGANARO (1996) = G. Manganaro, Fallocrazia nella Sicilia greca e romana, ZPE, 111 (1996) 135139.
MARCOVICH (1971) = M. Marcovich, is not Mutuniatus, CPh, 66 (1971) 262.
MARINCIC (1986) = N. Marincic, Nota a , da Archiloco ad Aristofane, QFC, 5 (1986) 75-83.
MARTN (D-1999) = D. Martn Martn, Los verbos de amar en un lxico bizantino indito, en M. Martnez
Hernndez et al. (eds.), Congreso Internacional de Semntica (Universidad de La Laguna, 1997),
Madrid, 1999, pp. 1105-1114.
MARTINAZZOLI (1960) = F. Martinazzoli, Un epiteto esiodeo della donna, PP, 15 (1960) 203-221.
MARTNEZ (A-1990) = Id., T. Kln inv. 2.25 and erotic , ZPE, 83 (1990) 235-236.
MCLEISH (1977) = K. McLeish, : A bawdy joke in Aristophanes?, CQ, 27 (1977) 76-79.
MIGLIORINI (1981) = Id., et sinus nella lingua medica, Prometheus, 7 (1981) 254-262.
MILNE-BOTHMER (1953) = M. J. Milne & D. von Bothmer, , , Hesperia, 22 (1953)
MINER (2003) = J. Miner, Courtesan, Concubine, Whore: Apollodorus Deliberate Use of Terms for
Prostitutes, AJPh, 124 (2003) 19-37.
MLLER (A-1951) = S. Mller, Eran, philein, agapan in extrabiblical and biblical sources, en Misc.
A. Miller, Roma, 1951, pp. 404-423.
MUTH (1954) = R. Muth, Hymenaios und Epithalamion, WS, 67 (1954) 5-45.
NAWRATIL (1959) = K. Nawratil, , WS, 72 (1959) 165-168.
NELSON (B-2000) = M. Nelson, A Note on the [, Glotta, 76 (2000) 75-82.
OIKONOMIDES (1986) = Id., ,[[,, Horos, 4 (1986) 168-178.
PASCUCCI (1959) = G. Pascucci, (Men. Dysc. 462), A&R, 4 (1959) 102-105.
PAVESE (1994) = Carlo O. Pavese, e , Glotta, 72 (1994) 75-81.
PENELLA (1973) = R. J. Penella, in Aristophanes Frogs, Mnemosyne, 26 (1973) 337-341.
PENELLA (1974) = Id., : A Comment, Mnemosyne, 27 (1974) 295-297.
PETERSEN (1986) = William L. Petersen, Can ARSENOKOITAI Be Translated by Homosexuals?,
VChr, 40 (1986) 187-91.
PERUSINO (2002) = F. Perusino, Lnkyklon, un mantello femminile nelle commedie di Aristofane, QUCC,
101 (2002) 129-133.
PHLMANN-TICHY (1982) = E. Phlmann & E. Tichy, Zur Herkunft und Bedeutung von , en J.
Tischler (ed.), Serta Indogermanica. Festschrift fr G. Neumann zum 60. Geburtstag, Innsbruck,
1982, pp. 287-315.
PRETAGOSTINI (1991) = Id., La duplice valenza metaforica di in Sotade fr. 1 Powell, QUCC, 68
(1991) 111-114.

PUHVEL (1978) = J. Puhvel, A Greek-Hittite etymological match aiskhuno- : ikuna- make ugly, IF, 83
(1978) 138-143.
RADERMACHER (1940) = L. Radermacher, Mdchen?, RhM, 89 (1940) 236-238.
ROSENMEYER (B-1999) = Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, Tracing medulla as a locus eroticus, Arethusa, 32
(1999) 19-47.
RUPPERSBERG (1911) = A. Ruppersberg, Eispnlas, Philologus, 70 (1911) 151-154.
SHIPP (1977) = G. P. Shipp, Linguistic Notes (,,, and , rex), Antichthon, 11
(1977) 1-9.
SOMMERSTEIN (1980b) = Id., BINEIN, LCM, 5 (1980) 47.
SPICQ (1953) = C. Spicq, Le verbe agapan et ses derivs dans le grec classique, RBi, 60 (1953) 372-397.
SPICQ (1955) = Id., Le lexique de lamour dans les papyrus et dans quelques inscriptions de lpoque
hellnistique, Mnemosyne, 8 (1955) 25-33.
STONE (1978) = L. M. Stone, The Obscene Use of in Aristophanes, AJPh, 99 (1978) 427-432.
TOSATO (1982)
TYRRELL (1980) = William B. Tyrrel, An obscene word in Aeschylus, AJPh, 101 (1980) 44-46.
VERDENIUS (1961) = W. J. Verdenius, , Hermeneus, 33 (1962) 225.
VOX (1980) = O. Vox, . Una donna-uccello?, Glotta, 58 (1980) 172-177.
WARFIELD (1918) = B. Warfield, The terminology of love in the New Testament, Princeton Theological
Review, 16 (1918) 1-45 y 153-203.
WATKINS (1975) = Id., La famille indo-europenne de grec [: linguistique, potique et mythologie,
BSL, 70 (1975) 11-25.
WATKINS (1978) = Id., ], en trennes de septantaine. Travaux de linguistique et
de grammaire compare offerts M. Lejeune, Pars, 1978, pp. 231-235.
WATKINS (1982) = Id., A Greco-Hittite Etymology, en J. Tischler (ed.), Serta Indogermanica. Festschrift
fr G. Neumann zum 60. Geburtstag, Innsbruck, 1982, pp. 455-457.
WEISS (1998) = M. Weiss, Erotica: On the Prehistory of Greek Desire, HSPh, 98 (1998) 31-61.
WEITENBERG (1975) = J. J. S. Weitenberg, Hethitisch kua-, IF, 80 (1975) 66-70.
WEITENBERG (1976) = Id., Griechische [, und hethitisch ikt- Bein, Mnemosyne, 29
(1976) 225-232.
WHITMAN (1969) = C. H. Whitman, , HSPh, 73 (1969) 109.
WHITTON (1982) = J. Whitton, A Neglected Meaning for SKEUOS in 1 Thessalonians 4.4, NTS, 28
(1982) 142-143.
WINDEKENS (1982) = A. J. van Windekens, Grec femme enceinte, ZVS, 96 (1982-83) 93-94.
WILSON (A-1974) = A. M. Wilson, A slang sense of to be inferred from Aristophanes?,
Mnemosyne, 27 (1974) 297-298.
WISCHMEYER (1978) = O. Wischmeyer, Vorkommen und Bedeutung von agape in der ausserchristlichen
Antike, ZNTW, 69 (1978) 212-238.
WRIGHT (1984) = David F. Wright, Homosexuals or Prostitutes? The Meaning of (I Cor., 6, 9;
I Tim., 1, 10), VChr, 38 (1984) 125-153.

WRIGHT (1987) = Id., Translating (I Cor. 6, 9; I Tim. 1, 10), VChr, 41 (1987) 396-398.


4.3.Estudios particulares de trminos latinos.

ADAMS (A-1985) = D. Q. Adams, Latin mas and masturbari, Glotta, 63 (1985) 241-247.
ADAMS (A-1985b) = Id., Sanskrit pman, Latin pubes, and related words, Sprache, 31 (1985) 1-16.
ADAMS (B-1981b) = Id., Culus, clunes and their synonyms in Latin, Glotta, 59 (1981) 231-264.
ADAMS (B-1982b) = Id., Anatomical terms used pars pro toto in Latin, PACA, 16 (1982) 37-45.
ADAMS (B-1982c) = Id., Four notes on the Latin sexual language: CIL IV 8898; Persius 4, 36; Martial 11,
104, 17; Petronius 21, 2, LCM, 7 (1982) 86-88.
ADAMS (B-1982d) = Id., Anatomical terms transferred from animals to humans in Latin, IF, 87 (1982) 90109.
ADAMS (B-1983) = Id., Words for prostitute in Latin, RhM, 126 (1983) 321-358.
ANDR (1979)
ANDR (1991) = Id., Lappareil gnital, en su libro Le vocabulaire latin de lanatomie, Pars, 1991, pp.
ARKINS (1979) = B. Arkins, Glubit in Catullus 58.5, LCM, 5 (1979) 85-86.
BICKEL (1953) = E. Bickel, Salaputium: mentula salax, RhM, 96 (1953) 94-95.
BOOTH (A-1980) = Alan D. Booth, Sur les sens obscnes de sedere dans Martial 11.99, Glotta, 58 (1980)
BOUGHNER (1983) = E. Boughner, Mentula in Catullus C. 105, CB, 59 (1983) 29-32.
CAPDEVILLE (1976) = G. Capdeville, Taurus et bos mas, en LItalie prromaine et la Rome rpublicaien.
Mlanges offerts J. Heurgon, Pars, 1976, pp. 115-123.
CIPRIANI-MILANO (1996) = G. Cipriani & N. Milano, Atti osceni nella Roma antica: i termini della
legge, Aufidus, 30 (1996) 105-124.
DE WAAL (1998) = J. De Waal Dryden, The sense of in 1 John 3:9 in light of lexical evidence, FN,
11 (1998) 85-99.
FLOBERT (1976) = P. Flobert, Camille et Ganymde, en LItalie prromaine et la Rome rpublicaien.
Mlanges offerts J. Heurgon, Pars, 1976, pp. 303-308.
FRAENKEL (1920) = E. Fraenkel, Cevere im Plautustext, Sokrates, 8 (1920) 14-19.
GARRIDO (B-1997) = Id., Puer et minister chez Martial et Juvnal, en M. Moggi G. Cordiano (eds.),
Schiavi e dipendenti nellambito delloikos e della familia: Atti del XXII Colloquio GIREA,
Pontignano (Siena), 19-20 novembre 1995, Pisa, 1997, pp. 307-327.
HALLET (1976)
HALLET (1978) = Id., Morigerari: Suetonius, Tiberius 44, AC, 47 (1978) 196-200.
HAMMARSTRM (1925) = M. Hammarstrm, De uocibus scorti, scrattae, strittabillae, Eranos, 23 (1925)
HERESCU (1960) = N. J. Herescu, Sur le sens rotique de sedere, Glotta, 38 (1960) 125-134.
HORVTH (1961) = I. K. Horvth, Amor und amicitia bei Catull, AantHung, 9 (1961) 71-97.

HOUSMAN (1930) = A. E. Housman, Draucus and Martial XI 8.1, CQ, 44 (1930) 114-116.
JOCELYN (1980b) = Id., Eupla laxa landicosa (CIL IV 10004), LCM, 5 (1980) 153-154.
JOCELYN (1984) = Id., Cicero, Philippic 13.24 and the uses of gremium in classical Latin, LCM, 9 (1984)
KERNYI (1932) = K. Kernyi, Zu lat. mentula, Glotta, 20 (1932) 186-187.
KOUTROUBAS (1973) = D. E. Koutrubas, Ursprung und Bedeutung der lateinischen Namen Gallia und
Gallus, EEAth, 24 (1973-74) 799-807.
KRETSCHMER (1923) = P. Kretschmer, Die Nymphe Minthe und lateinisch mentula, Glotta, 12 (1923)
KRETSCHMER (1923b) = Id., Zu lat. mentula, Glotta, 12 (1923) 283-284.
KROLL (1926) = Id., Blattfllsel: exoletus, Glotta, 17 (1926) 160.
LA BARRE (1984)
LAVAGNINI (1942) = B. Lavagnini, Sul latino veretrum, SIFC, 19 (1942) 43-46.
LEBEK (1982) = W. D. Lebek, Festinare (Suet. Gramm. 23, 6; CIL IV, 4758; Hor. Epist. 1, 1, 85), ZPE, 45
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LGASSE (1997)
LEVIN (B-1983)
LINDERSKI (1997) = J. Linderski, Fatalis: A Missing Meretrix, RhM, 140 (1997) 162-167.
LFSTEDT (1963) = B. Lfstedt, Bemerkungen zum Problem Genus-Sexus im Lateinischen, SO, 38
(1963) 47-68.
LPEZ (D-1980) = A. Lpez Lpez, Lxico y gnero literario: basium, osculum, savium, Sodalitas, 1
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LPEZ (E-1998) = R. Lpez Gregoris, La expresin de las relaciones ertico-sexuales en latn y en espaol,
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MARSILIO (1998) = Maria S. Marsilio, Two ships in the Menaechmi, CW, 92 (1998) 131-139.
MESSING (1956) = G. M. Messing, The Etymology of Latin mentula, CPh, 51 (1956) 247-249.
MIGLIORINI (1980) = P. Migliorini, Lascivus nella terminologia critico-letteraria latina, Anazetesis, 2-3
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MONTERO (1994) = Id., Lengua mdica y lxico sexual: La constitucin de la lengua tcnica, en M. E.
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MONTERO (2002) = Id., C. Celso y el vulgarismo lxico en la literatura tcnica latina, en A. M Aldama et
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MOREAU (C-1978)

MLLER (C-1931) = W. Mller-Graupa, Primitiae 5: scortum, Glotta, 19 (1931) 64-69.

MUSSEHL (1919) = J. Mussehl, Bedeutung und Geschichte des Verbums cevere (mit zwei Exkursen ber
Verwandtes), Hermes, 54 (1919) 387-408.
NEGRI (1978) = M. Negri, Paedicare o pedicare, RIL, 112 (1978) 220-224.
NEUMANN (A-1980) = G. Neumann, Lupatria in Petron. c. 37, 6 und das Problem der hybriden
Bildungen, WJA, 6 (1980) 173-180.
ORTMAYR (1906) = P. Ortmayr, Ad Petronii saturarum caput XXXVII, II. Lupatria = meretrix, WS, 28
(1906) 168-169.
PARRA (1999) = L. Parra Garca, De fututione en el De figuris Veneris de F. K. Forberg, en A. M Aldama et
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PELLICER (1966) = A. Pellicer, Natura. tude smantique et historique du mot latin, Pars, 1966.
PENELLA (1976) = Id., A Note on (de)glubere, Hermes, 104 (1976) 118-120.
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PETRUEVSKI (1951) = M. D. Petruevski, Obscenus, ZAnt, 1 (1951) 294-301.
RAMREZ (1997b) = Id., Erotic Language in Pliny, Ep. VII 5, Glotta, 74 (1997-98) 114-116.
RANDALL (1980) = J. G. Randall, Glubit in Catullus 58; retractatio, LCM, 5 (1980) 21-22.
RICHLIN (1981b) = Id., The Meaning of irrumare in Catullus and Martial, CPh, 76 (1981) 40-46.
ROBLES (1985) = J. M. Robles Gmez, Un testimonio excepcional de la relajacin de -d- en una
inscripcin hispnica del s. III d. C., ECls, 89 (1985) 241-243.
RUIZ (B-2001) = Jos M. Ruiz Vila, Nuevas metforas erticas en la Aloisiae Sigeae Satyra Sotadica de
arcanis Amoris et Veneris (ca. 1660). A propsito del trmino cunnus, en Actas del X Congreso
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Arctos, 18 (1984) 105-111.
SPITZER (1939) = L. Spitzer, Lat. mentula, BSL, 118 (1939) 46-47.
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Jacoby Oblata, Leyden, 1956, pp. 98-106.
VALDHER-SUDER (1999) = M. Valdher & W. Suder, Destillatio me tenet: propos de la vie sexuelle
Pompei, EMC, 18 (1999) 211-217.
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WATKINS (1973) = C. Watkins, Latin suppus, JIES, 1 (1973) 394-399.
WATSON (B-1983) = P. Watson, Puella and Virgo, Glotta, 61 (1983) 119-143.
WEDECK (1943) = H. E. Wedeck,, Synonims for meretrix, Classical Weekly, 37 (1943-44) 116-117.
WELTER (1911) = H. Welter, Supplementum et Index lexicorum eroticorum linguae latinae, Pars, 1911
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WOLL (1986) = D. Woll, Frz. flatter, fltrir und Verwandtes. Etymologie und Wortgeschichte,
RomForsch, 98 (1986) 1-16.


4.4.Eufemismo, simbolismo y metforas ertico-sexuales.

ADAMS (B-1981c) = Id., A type of sexual euphemism in Latin, Phoenix, 35 (1981) 120-128.
BAIRD (1981) = L. Y. Baird, Priapus gallinaceus: The Role of the Cock in Fertility and Eroticism in
Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Studies in Iconography, 7-8 (1981-82) 81-111.
BRAZDA (1977) = M. K. Brazda, Zur Bedeutung des Apfels in der antiken Kultur, tesis, Bonn, 1977.
BUCHHEIT (1960) = V. Buchheit, Feigensymbolik im antiken Epigramm, RhM, 103 (1960) 200-229.
BURKERT (1987) = Id., Die betretene Wiese: Interpretationsprobleme im Bereich der Sexualsymbolik, en
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Amores, TAPhA, 118 (1988) 293-307.
DE MARTINO (1999) = Id., Sigle ed eufemismi alfabetici, en DE MARTINO-SOMMERSTEIN (1999),
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DI GIGLIO (1999) = A. Di Giglio, Eufemismi e metafore musicali, en DE MARTINO-SOMMERSTEIN
(1999), pp. 85-98.
FOSTER (1899) = B. O. Foster, Notes on the symbolism of the apple in classical Antiquity, HSPh, 10
(1899) 39-55.
FRUHSTORFER (1986) = M. Fruhstorfer, Catull c. 2: passer und malum als Zeichen der Liebe, RhM, 129
(1986) 36-53.
GARCA (E-1995) = F. Garca Romero, #: les mtaphores rotico-sportives dans les comdies
dAristophanes, Nikephoros, 8 (1995) 57-76.
GENOVESE (1974) = N. Genovese, Symbolism in the Passer Poems, Maia, 26 (1974) 121-125.
GLENN (1998) = Id., A Roman poet at play: bridge simbolism in Catullus 17, The McNeese Review Lake
Charles (La.), 36 (1998) 1-7.
HEY (1900) = O. Hey, Euphemismus und Verwandtes im Lateinischen, ALL, 11 (1900) 515-536.
HOFFMANN (B-1974) = H. Hoffmann, Hahnenkampf in Athen, RA (1974) 195-220.
KAKRIDIS (1972) = F. I. Kakridis, , Hellenika, 25 (1972) 189-192.
LITTLEWOOD (1967) = A. R. Littlewood, The symbolism of the apple in Greek and Roman literature,
HSPh, 72 (1967) 147-181.
MARTOS (1991) = J. F. Martos Montiel, El valor simblico de /malum en la literatura grecolatina y la
tradicin cristiana de la manzana de Adn, en L. Ferreres (ed.), Actes del IX Simposi de la Secci
Catalana de la SEEC, Barcelona, 1991, vol. II, pp. 665-671.
MCCARTNEY (1925) = Id., How the Apple became the Token of Love, TAPhA, 56 (1925) 70-81.
MESSINA (1998) = G. Messina, : le corna come simbolo delladulterio, en R. Gendre (ed.),
. Ricordando Ennio S. Burioni, Alessandria, 1998, pp. 233-245.
MURGATROYD (1984) = Id., Amatory hunting, fishing and fowling, Latomus, 43 (1984) 362-368.
MURGATROYD (1995) = Id., The Sea of Love, CQ, 45 (1995) 9-25.
PRETAGOSTINI (1990) = Id., Le metafore di Eros che gioca: da Anacreonte ad Apollonio Rodio e ai poeti
dellAntologia Palatina, AION (filol), 12 (1990) 225-238.

QUINCEY (1949) = J. H. Quincey, The Metaphorical Sense of and ampulla, CQ, 43 (1949) 32-44.
A. Ruiz de Elvira, La concha de Venus y la manzana de la Discordia, Jano, 48 (13-X-72) 65-68 [=CFC(L),
n extraordinario, 2001, pp. 237-244].
SCARPI (1978) = P. Scarpi, Il picchio, le api, il miele e lartigiano. Ant. Lib. Met. 11, AFLPad, 3 (1978)
SCHNAPP (1997) = Id., Le chasseur et la cit. Chasse et rotique en Grece ancienne, Pars, 1997.
SCHROER (1986) = S. Schroer, Der Geist, die Weisheit und die Taube, FZPhTh, 33 (1986) 197-225.
SOMMERSTEIN (1999) = Id., The Anatomy of Euphemism in Aristophanic Comedy, en DE MARTINOSOMMERSTEIN (1999), pp. 181-217.
TRUMPF (1969) = J. Trumpf, Kydonische pfel, Hermes, 88 (1960) 14-22.
VERDIRE (1958) = R. Verdire, Leuphmisme amoureux dans les sobriquets fminins Rome, GIF, 11
(1958) 160-166.

5. Sexo y derecho: normas y leyes reguladoras de las prcticas sexuales.

ABELLN (1982)
ANDREV (1957) = M. Andrev, Divorce et adultre dans le droit romain classique, RD, 35 (1957) 1-32.
ANKUM (1985)
ARENDS (1999)
BANNERT (1977) = H. Bannert, . Der Rettich fr den Ehebrecher, Mnemosyne, 30 (1977)
BAUMAN (1968) = R. A. Bauman, Some remarks on the structure and survival of the quaestio de
adulteriis, Antichthon, 2 (1968) 68-93.
BEARD (1980) = M. Beard, The Sexual Status of Vestal Virgins, JRS, 70 (1980) 12-27.
BERNAY (1974)
BIONDI (1938) = B. Biondi, La poena adulterii da Augusto a Giustiniano, en Scritti di Diritto e di
Economia in onore di F. Mancaleoni, Sassari, pp. 63-96.
BRADLEY (1980) = Id., Ideals of marriage in Suetonius Caesares, RSA, 15 (1985) 77-95.
BUCCI (1976)
BUIS (2003) = Emiliano J. Buis, Matrimonios en crisis y respuestas legales: el divorcio unilateral o de comn
acuerdo en el derecho ateniense, Faventia, 25 (2003) 9-29.
BURNS (2000) = J. P. Burns, The Status of Concubinage in Imperial and Ecclesial Law, en Marriage,
CACITTI (1976) = R. Cacitti, Letica sessuale nella canonistica del cristianesimo primitivo. Aspetti
dellistituzionalizzazione ecclesiastica nel III secolo, en CANTALAMESSA (1976), pp. 69-157.

CAREY (1993)
CAREY (1995) = Id., Rape and adultery in Athenian law, CQ, 45 (1995) 407-417.
CASAVOLA (1982) = F. Casavola, Sessualit e matrimonio nelle Novelle giustiniane, en Mondo classico e
cristianesimo, Roma, 1982, pp. 183-190.
COHEN (C-1984)
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COHEN (C-1987)
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COLE (1984)
CONTINI (1984)
CORSANEGO (1936) = C. Corsanego, La repressione romana delladulterio, Roma, 1936.
DALLA (1978) = D. Dalla, Lincapacit sessuale in diritto romano, Miln, 1978.
DALLA (1987)
DAUBE (1972) = D. Daube, The Lex Julia concerning adultery, The Irish Jurist, 7 (1972) 373-380.
DIMAKIS (1988) = P. Dimakis (ed.), ros et droite en Grce classique, Pars, 1988.
DIMAKIS (1993)
DIXON (1984)
ELEFANTE (1996) = M. Elefante, Donne fedelissime, eccezionali (Velleio Paterculo e la lex Iulia de
adulteriis et de pudicitia), en G. Germano (cur.), Classicit, Medioevo e Umanesimo. Scritti in
onore di Salvatore Monti, Npoles, 1996, pp. 135-151.
FANTHAM (1991)
FIRPO (1987)
FORMIGONI (1990) = W. Formigoni Candini, Ne lenones sint in ullo loco reipublicae Romanae, AUFE, 4
(1990) 97-127.
FORMIGONI (1990) = Id., Quod meretrici datur repeti non potest. Ancora su D., AUFE, 5 (1991)
FRECKELTON (1983) = I. Freckelton, Women in Roman law, Classicum, 9 (1983) 16-20.
GALGANO (1996) = F. Galgano, Vendita della schiava e prostituzione coatta, Index, 24 (1996) 333-340.
GARNSEY (1967) = P. Garnsey, Adultery trials and the survival of the quaestiones in the Severan age,
JRS, 57 (1967) 56-60.
GIUFFR (1980) = V. Giuffr, Un senatoconsulto ritrovato. Il sc. De matronarum lenocinio coercendo,
AAN, 91 (1980) 7-40.
GRELLE (1980) = F. Grelle, La correctio morum nella legislazione flavia, ANRW, II.13 (1980) 340-365.

GUARINO (1943)
HANARD (1986)
HARRIS (1990)
HERMAN (1993) = G. Herman, Tribal and civic codes of behavior in Lysias I, CQ, 43 (1993) 406-419.
KOPTEV (1985)
LANATA (1992) = Id., Figure dellaltro nella legislazione giustinianea, Materiali Stor. Giur., 22 (1992) 326.
LA REGINA (1997) = A. La Regina, Legge del popolo marrucino per listituzione della prostituzione sacra
nel santuario di Giove padre nellarce Tarincra (Rapino), en A. Campanelli A. Faustoferri (cur.), I
luoghi degli di. Sacro e natura nellAbruzzo italico, Chieti, 1997, pp. 62-63.
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LOVISI (1998) = C. Lovisi lorigine de la loi Scantinia?, en M. Humbert Y. Thomas (eds.), Mlanges
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MASI (1993)
MCGINN (1990)
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MEMMER (1991) = M. Memmer, Ad servitutem aut ad lupanar Ein Beitrag zur Rechtsstellung von
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Syriacae, ZSS (RA), 108 (1991 21-93.
MNAGER (1977) = L. R. Mnager, Sesso e repressione: quando, perch? Una risposta della storia
giuridica, QM, 4 (1977) 44-68.
MOREAU (C-2002) = Id., Incestus et Prohibitae nuptiae. Conception romaine de linceste et histoire des
prohibitions matrimoniales pour cause de parent dans la Rome antique, Pars, 2002.
OMITOWOJU (2002) = Id., Rape and the Politics of Consent in Classical Athens, Cambridge, 2002.
PAOLI (1950) = Id., Il reato di adulterio () in diritto attico, SDHI, 16 (1950) 123-182.
PAOLI (1955) = Id., La legislazione sulladulterio nel diritto di Gortina, en A. Signorelli (ed.), Studi in
onore di G. Funaioli, Roma, 1955, pp. 306-316.
PENTA (1981) = Id., Lincapacit sessuale in diritto romano, Labeo, 27 (1981) 388-406.
PLESCIA (1987) = J. Plescia, The development of the doctrine of boni mores in Roman law, RIDA, 34
(1987) 265-310.

RABELLO (1982)
RADITSA (1980)
RAINER (1986)
RICHLIN (1981)
RIZZELI (1987)
RIZZELI (1990)
RIZZELI (1997) = Id., Lex Iulia de adulteriis. Studi sulla disciplina di adulterium, lenocinium, stuprum,
Lecce, 1997.
RIZZELI (2000) = Id., Le donne nellesperienza giuridica di Roma antica. Il controllo dei comportamenti
sessuali. Una raccolta di testi, Leche, 2000.
ROY (1991)
SEALEY (1984)
SICARI (1991)
SOKALA (1993) = A. Sokala, The effectiveness of the ne prostituatur clauses in Roman law, Eos, 81
(1993) 97-100.
STOOP (1995) = B. Stoop, The sins of their fathers: si pater filium ter venum duit, RIDA, 42 (1995) 331392.
STURM (1986) = F. Sturm, Quod meretrici datur repeti non potest, en H. P. Benoehr (ed.), Iuris professio.
Festgabe fr M. Kaser zum 80. Geburtstag, Viena, 1986, pp. 281-288.
THOMAS (A-1961) = J. A. C. Thomas, Accusatio adulterii, Iura, 12 (1961) 65-80.
TORTI (1982) = G. Torti, Vicende di un testo dellAmbrosiaster, CCC, 3 (1982) 235-246.
>; , EHHD, 23 (1976) 143-156.
TRIANTAPHYLLOPOULOS (1985) = J. Triantaphyllopoulos, Le lgalisme d ros, RIDA, 32 (1985) 141149.
TROIANOS (1984) = S. Troianos, The erotic life of the Byzantines as evidenced by their penal law (en gr.,
con resumen en ingl.), Archaiologia, 10 (1984) 43-48.
VOLTERRA (1930) = E. Volterra, In tema di accusatio adulterii, en Studi in onore di P. Bonfante, vol. II,
Miln, 1930, pp. 109-126.
WACKE (1989) = A. Wacke, Vom Hermaphroditen zum Transsexuellen. Zur Stellung von Zwittern in der
Rechtsgeschichte, en Festschrift F. K. Rebmann zum 65. Geburtstag, Mnich, 1989, pp. 861- 903.
WALLACE (B-1997) = Robert W. Wallace, On not legislating sexual conduct in fourth-century Athens, en
G. Thr J. Vlissaropoulos-Karakostas (eds.), Symposion 1990. Vortrge zur griechischen und
hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte, Colonia-Viena, 1991, pp. 151-166.

WALLACE (B-1997) = Id., Unconvicted or potential atimoi in ancient Athens, Dike, 1 (1998) 63-78.

6. Amor y sexo en la religin y el mito.

6.1. Estudios generales.
6.2. Principales divinidades relacionadas con el amor y el sexo.
6.2.1. Afrodita, Venus.
6.2.2. Eros, Amor, Cupido.
6.2.3. Zeus, Jpiter.
6.2.4. Dioniso, Baco.
6.2.5. Stiros y silenos, mnades y ninfas.
6.2.6. Prapo, Fales.
6.2.7. Hermes, Hermafrodito.
6.2.8. Baubo.
6.2.9. Adonis, Bona Dea, Cibeles, Atis.
6.3. Erotismo y sexualidad en el mito y el rito.
6.4. Prostitucin sagrada.
6.5. Sacerdotes, sacerdotisas y eunucos.

6.1.Estudios generales.

ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994) = J. Alvar C. Blnquez C. G. Wagner (eds.), Sexo, muerte y

religin en el mundo clsico, Madrid, 1994.
CALAME (1996) = Id., Amours de dieux et amours de hros dans la posie pique grecque: relations de
rciprocit, en O. Cavalier (ed.), Silence et fureur: la femme et le mariage en Grce, Avignon, 1996,
pp. 215-228.
CONSTANTE (1992) = S. Constante, Polvo de dioses. Mitologa y erotismo, Madrid, 1992.
DILLON (B-2002) = M. Dillon, Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion, Londres-Nueva York, 2002.
GUERRA (1994) = M. Guerra Gmez, La condicin sagrada (tab) de la vida y de su fuente: la sexualidad
en las religiones y en las ideologas helensticas, en ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994), pp.
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KAEMPF (1979) = S. Kaempf-Dimitriadou, Die Liebe der Gtter in der attischen Kunst des 5. Jhr. v. Chr.,
Berna, 1979 (= Antike Kunst, supl. 11).
PEREA (1999) = S. Perea, El sexo divino. Dioses hermafroditas, bisexuales y travestidos en la antigedad
clsica, Madrid, 1999.

POPLAWSKI (1926) = M. S. Poplawski, La vie sexuelle dans les religions antiques, Eos, 29 (1926) 101134.
PRALON (1988) = D. Pralon, Les puissances du dsir dans la religion grecque antique, en M. Bernos (ed.),
Sexualit et religions, Pars, 1988, pp. 73-94.


6.2.Principales divinidades relacionadas con el amor y el sexo.

6.2.1. 6.2.1. Afrodita, Venus.

BLOCH (1984) = R. Bloch, Turan, LIMC, II.1 (1984) 169-176.
BONNER (A-1949) = C. Bonner, and the Saltire of Aphrodite, AJPh, 70 (1949) 1-6.
BRTZLER (1928) = F. Brtzler, Venus Calva, RhM, 77 (1928) 188-198.
BOYANC-SCHILLING (1959) = P. Boyanc & R. Schilling, Les origines de la Vnus romaine, REA, 61
(1959) 170-198.
BREITENBERGER (1999) = B. Breitenberger, Aphrodite & Eros: The Development of Erotic Mythology in
Early Greek Poetry and Cult, tesis, Oxford, 1999.
BRENK (1977) = Frederick E. Brenk, Aphrodites girdle: no way to treat a lady (Iliad 14.214-223), CB, 54
(1977) 17-20.
BULARD (1906) = M. Bulard, Aphrodite, Pan et Eros, BCH, 30 (1906) 610-631.
BURKERT (1988) = Id., Afrodite e il fondamento della sessualit, en CALAME (1988), pp. 135-140. [trad.
ital. parcial (pp. 238-243) de su libro Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche,
Stuttgart, 1977]
CHRIST (1985) = Carol P. Christ, Rituals with Aphrodite, Anima, 12 (1985) 25-33.
DELIVORRIAS (1984) = A. Delivorrias, Aphrodite, LIMC, II.1 (1984) 2-151.
DEVEREUX (1970b) = Id., La naissance dAphrodite, en J. Pouillon P. Maranda (eds.), changes et
communications. Mlanges offerts C. Lvi-Strauss loccasion de son 60 e anniversaire, Pars,
1970, vol. II, pp. 1229-1252.
DORNSEIFF (1929) = F. Dornseiff, Die himmlische Liebe, Hermes, 64 (1929) 271.
FARAONE (1990)
FAUTH (1985) = Id., Aphrodites Pantoffel und die Sandale der Hekate, GB, 12-13 (1985) 193-211.
FELLETI (1951) = B. M. Felleti Maj, Afrodite Pudica, ArchClass, 3 (1951) 33-65.
FRIEDRICH (1978) = P. Friedrich, The meaning of Aphrodite, Chicago-Londres, 1978.
GARCA (C-1995) = C. Garca Gual, Eros y Afrodita, en F. Javier Gmez Espelosn (ed.), Lecciones de
Cultura Clsica, Alcal de Henares, 1995, pp. 105-112.
GRIGSON (1976) = G. Grigson, The goddess of love. The birth, triumph, death and return of Aphrodite,
Londres, 1976.
GUALERZI (2001) = S. Gualerzi, Afrodite: la natura ambigua dell amore, RSA, 31 (2001) 221-259.
JENTEL (1984) = M.-O. Jentel, Aphrodite (in peripheria orientali), LIMC, II.1 (1984) 154-166.
KRUSE (1953) = B. Kruse, Porne, RE, 22, 1 (1953) 264-265.
LEVIN (B-1978) = Id., The perfumed goddess, BR, 24 (1978) 49-59.

MACLACHLAN (1992) = B. MacLachlan, Sacred Prostitution and Aphrodite, SR, 21 (1992) 145-162.
MAIER (1975) = F. G. Maier, The temple of Aphrodite at Old Paphos, RDAC, 1975, 69-90.
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PAGNOTTA (1978) = Maria A. Pagnotta, Il culto di Fortuna Virile e Venere Verticordia nei riti delle calende
di aprile a Roma, AFLPer, 16-17 (1978-1980) 143-156.
PIRENNE (1988) ) V. Pirenne-Delforge, pithtes cultuelles et interprtation philosophique. propos
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dAphrodite, en D. Van Berchem (ed.), Chypre des origines au moyen ge, Ginebra, 1975, pp. 109154.
RUDHARDT (1986) = Id., Le rle dros et dAphrodite dans les cosmologies grecques, Pars, 1986.
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SFLUND (1963) = G. Sflund, Aphrodite Kallipygos, Estocolmo, 1963.
SIMON (1957) = E. Simon, Die Geburt der Aphrodite, Mnich, 1957.
SOURVINOU (1978) = C. Sourvinou-Inwood, Persephone and Aphrodite at Locri. A model for personality
definitions in Greek religion, JHS, 98 (1978) 101-121.
WILLIAMS (A-1986) = Charles K. Williams, Corinth and the cult of Aphrodite, en M. A. del Chiaro W.
R. Biers (eds.), Corinthiaca. Studies in honor of D. A. Amyx, Columbia, 1986, pp. 12-24.

6.2.2. 6.2.2. Eros, Amor, Cupido.

AUG-LINANT (1986b) = Iid., Eros (in peripheria orientali), LIMC, III.1 (1986) 942-952.
BLANC-GURY (1986) = N. Blanc & F. Gury, Amor, Cupido, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 952-1049.
BONNAF (1985) = A. Bonnaf, Eros et Eris, Lyon, 1985.
BULARD (1906)
CARSON (1985) = A. Carson, Eros the Bittersweet. An Essay, Princeton, 1985.
CASTIGLIONI (1954) = L. Castiglioni, Eros ankate mchan, en Convivium. Beitrge zur
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siebzigsten Geburtstag, Stuttgart, 1954, pp. 1-13.
DIANO (1953) = C. Diano, LEros greco, Ulisse, 18 (1953) 698-708.
EDWARDS (C-1991) = M. J. Edwards, Gnostic Eros and Orphic Themes, ZPE, 88 (1991) 25-40.
FASCE (1977) = S. Fasce, Eros: la figura e il culto, Gnova, 1977.
FLIEDNER (1974) = H. Fliedner, Amor und Cupido. Untersuchungen ber den rmischen Liebesgott,
Meisenheim am Glan, 1974.
FURTWNGLER (1874) = A. Furtwngler, Eros in der Vasenmalerei, Mnich, 1874.
GARCA (C-1995)

GREIFENHAGEN (1957) = A. Greifenhagen, Griechische Eroten, Berln, 1957.

HERMARY-CASSIMATIS-VOLLKOMMER (1986) = A. Hermary H. Cassimatis R. Vollkommer,
Eros, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 850-942.
KRAUSKOPF (1988) = I. Krauskopf, Eros (in Etruria), LIMC, IV.1 (1988) 1-12.
LASSERRE (1946) = Id., La figure dros dans la posie grecque, Lausana, 1946.
MARTNEZ (B-1998b) = Id., Los himnos a Eros en la literatura griega, en L. Gil M. Martnez Pastor R.
M Aguilar (eds.), Corolla Complutensis in memoriam Josephi S. Lasso de la Vega contexta, Madrid,
1998, pp. 187-197.
ROSENMEYER (A-1951) = T. G. Rosenmeyer, Eros, Erotes, Phoenix, 5 (1951) 11-22.
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Grce antique, Lausanne, 1984, pp. 67-84.
SCHUBART (1966) = Id., Religion und Eros, Mnich, 1966.
SELTMAN (1923) = Charles T. Seltman, Eros in Early Attic Legend and Cult, ABSA, 26 (1923-25) 88-105.
STRUBEL (1952) = W. Strubel, Eros. Versuch einer Geschichte seiner Bildschen, 1952.
VERNANT (1990) = Id., One Two Three: Eros, en HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN (1990), pp.
WASER (1907) = O. Waser, Eros, RE, 6, 1 (1907) 484-542.
WOODFORD (1989) = S. Woodford, Herakles attributes and their appropiation by Eros, JHS, 109 (1989)
WLOSOK (1975) = A. Wlosok, Amor and Cupido, HSPh, 79 (1975) 165-179.

6.2.3. 6.2.3. Zeus, Jpiter.

AMYX (1979) = D. A. Amyx, The many loves of Zeus (and their consequences), ArchN, 8 (1979) 97-115.
BAUCHHENS (1997) = G. Bauchhens, Iuppiter (in peripheria occidentali), LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 479-486.
BERMEJO (1989) = Jos C. Bermejo Barrera, Zeus, Hera y el matrimonio sagrado, QS, 30 (1989) 133-156.
CAMPOREALE (1997) = G. Camporeale, Tinia, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 400-421.
CANCIANI-CONSTANTINI (1997) = F. Canciani & A. Constantini, Iuppiter, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 421470.
CROIZANT (1974) = O. de Croizant, La reprsentation des amours de Jupiter sur une mosaque dItalica,
ABPO, 81 (1974) 285-299.
DASZEWSKI (1997) = Wiktor A. Daszewski et al., Zeus (in peripheria orientali), LIMC, VIII.1 (1997)
ELDERKIN (1937) = G. W. Elderkin, The marriage of Zeus and Hera and its symbols, AJA, 41 (1937) 424435.
KEUREN (1998) = F. van Keuren (ed.), Myth, Sexuality and Power. Images of Jupiter in Western Art,
Lovaina, 1998.
RAMNOUX (1987) = C. Ramnoux, Les femmes de Zeus: Hsiode, Thogonie, vers 885 955, en M.
Dtienne N. Loraux C. Moss P. Vidal-Naquet (eds.), Poikilia. tudes offerts Jean Pierre
Vernant, Pars, 1987, pp. 155-164.

TIVERIOS (1997) = M. Tiverios et al., Zeus, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 310-374.

6.2.4. 6.2.4. Dioniso, Baco.

AUG-LINANT (1986) = Ch. Aug & P. Linant de Bellefonds, Dionysos (in peripheria orientali), LIMC,
III.1 (1986) 514-531.
BRARD (1992) = C. Brard, Phantasmatique rotique dans lorgiasme dionysiaque, Kernos, 5 (1992) 1326.
BROWN (B-1982) = Christopher G. Brown, Dionysos and the Women of Elis, GRBS, 23 (1982) 305-314.
CAPE (1985) = R. W. Cape, Some evidence for dionysiac activity at Kourion. The terracotta hand-held
phalloi, RDAC, (1985) 312-319.
CASSIDY (1991) = William J. Cassidy, Dionysos, ecstasy and the forbidden, Historical Reflections, 17
(1991) 23-44.
COLE (1993) = Id., Procession and celebration at the Dionysia, en R. Scodel (ed.), Theatre and Society in
the Classical World, Ann Arbor, 1993, pp. 25-38.
CRISTOFANI (1986) = M. Cristofani, Fufluns, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 531-540.
CSAPO (1997) = E. Csapo, Riding the Phallus for Dionysus: Iconology, Ritual, and Gender-Role
De/construction, Phoenix, 51 (1997) 253-295.
EVANS (A-1988) = A. Evans, The god of ecstasy. Sex-roles and the madness of Dionysos, Nueva York, 1988.
GASPARRI (1986) = C. Gasparri, Dionysos, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 414-514.
GASPARRI (1986b) = Id., Bacchus, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 540-566.
HAMDORF (1986) = F. Hamdorf, Dionysos-Bacchus, Mnich, 1986.
HOFFMANN (C-1989) = Id., Ritual Licence and the Cult of Dionysus, Athenaeum, 77 (1989) 91-115.
JAMESON (1993) = M. Jameson, The Asexuality of Dionysus, en C. A. Faraone & T. H. Carpenter (eds.),
The Masks of Dionysus, Londres, 1993, pp. 44-64.
JEANMAIRE (1978) = H. Jeanmaire, Dionysos. Histoire du culte de Bacchus, Pars, 1978.
KEULS (1984)
LENGAUER (1995) = W. Lengauer, Dionysos cornes (en pol., con resumen en fr.), en A. Bursche M.
Mielczarek W. Nowakowski (eds.), Nunc de Suebis dicendum est: studia archaeologica et
historica G. Kolendo ab amicis et discipulis dicata, Varsovia, 1995, pp. 157-160.
REDFIELD (A-1990) = Id., From Sex to Politics: The Rites of Artemis Triklaria and Dionysos Aisymnetes
at Patras, en HALPERIN-WINKLER-ZEITLIN (1990), pp. 115-134.

6.2.5. 6.2.5. Stiros y silenos, mnades y ninfas.

BAANT (1984) = Id., On satyrs, maenads, Athenians and vases, Eirene, 21 (1984) 41-47.
BRARD-BRON (1984) = C. Brard & C. Bron, Le jeu du satyre, en C. Brard (ed.), La cit des images.
Religion et socit en Grce antique, Lausanne, 1984, pp. 127-146.
EDWARDS (D-1960) = M. W. Edwards, Representation of maenads on Archaic red-figure vases, JHS, 80
(1960) 78-87.
HALM-SIEBERT (1997) = M. Halm-Tisserant & G. Siebert, Nymphai, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 891-902.

HEDREEN (1992) = G. M. Hedreen, Silens in Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Ann Arbor, 1992.
HEDREEN (1994) = Id., Silens, Nymphs, and Maenads, JHS, 114 (1994) 47-69.
KRAUSKOPF-SIMON (1997) = I. Krauskopf & E. Simon, Mainades, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 780-803.
LISSARRAGUE (1987) = F. Lissarrague, De la sexualit des Satyrs, Mtis, 2 (1987) 63-90.
MAASKANT (1987) = M. Maaskant-Kleibrink, M., Nymphomania, en BLOK-MASON (1987), pp. 275296.
MCNALLY (1978) = Sh. McNally, The Maenad in Early Greek Art, Arethusa, 11 (1978) 101-135.
SIMON (1997b) = Id., Silenoi, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 1108-1133.
VOELKE (2001) = P. Voelke, Satyres et sexualit, en su libro Un thtre de la marge. Aspects figuratifs et
configurationnels du drame satyrique dans lAthnes classique, Bari, 2001, pp. 211-259.

6.2.6. 6.2.6. Prapo, Fales.

HEINZE (2001) = Th. Heinze, Priapos, NP, X (2001), 308-309.
HERTER (1926) = H. Herter, De dis atticis Priapi similibus, Bonn, 1926.
HERTER (1932) = Id., De Priapo, Giessen, 1932.
HERTER (1938) = Id., Phales, RE, 19, 2 (1938) 1666-1668.
HERTER (1954) = Id., Priapos, RE, 22, 1 (1954) 1914-1942.
KNIGHT (1967) = Richard P. Knight, A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus and its Connection with the
Mystic Theology of the Ancients, Covina, CA, 1967 (1 ed., 1786; trad. esp., Madrid, 1980; trad. ital.,
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MEGOW (1997) = W.-R. Megow, Priapos, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 1028-1044.
OCONNOR (B-1989) = Id., Symbolum Salacitatis: A Study of the God Priapus as a Literary Character,
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Plaisir et Pens, Pars, 1983, pp. 141-164.
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TURCAN (1960) = M. R. Turcan, Priapea, MEFRA, 72 (1960) 167-189.
VLAHOV (1987) = K. Vlahov, Dechiffrierung vom Gottesnamen , Euphrosyne, 15 (1987) 235-238.

6.2.7. 6.2.7. Hermes, Hermafrodito.

AJOOTIAN (1988) = A. Ajootian, Ex utroque sexu: the sleeping hermafrodite and the myth of Agdistis,
AJA, 92 (1988) 275-276.
AJOOTIAN (1990b) = Id., Hermafroditos, LIMC, V (1990) 268-285.
BAUMANN (1955)
BRISSON (1990) = Id., Hermaphrodite chez Ovide, en F. Monneyron (ed.), LAndrogyne dans la literature,
Pars, 1990, pp. 24-37.

DELCOURT (1958) = M. Delcourt, Hermaphrodite. Mythes et rites de la bisexualit dans lAntiquit

classique, Pars, 1958; 2 ed. revisada, 1992 (trad. ingl., Londres 1961; trad. esp., Barcelona 1970).
DELCOURT (1966) = Id., Hermaphroditea. Recherches sur ltre double promoteur de fertilit dans le
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DELCOURT-HOHEISEL (1988) = M. Delcourt & K. Hoheisel, Hermaphrodit, RLAC, 14 (1988) 649-682.
JESSEN (1912) = J. Jessen, Hermaphroditos, RE, 8.1 (1912) 714-721.
LAMBERT (A-1993)
NUGENT (1990) = G. Nugent, This sex which is not one: De-constructing Ovids Hermaphrodite, en
KONSTAN-NUSSBAUM (1990), pp. 160-185.
SIEBERT (1990) = Id., Hermes, LIMC, V.1 (1990) 285-387.

6.2.8. 6.2.8. Baubo.

ATHANASSAKIS (1976) = A. N. Athanassakis, Music and ritual in primitive Eleusis, Platon, 28 (1976)
BROC (1985) = M. Broc-Lapeyre, Pourquoi Baub a-t-elle fait rire Dmter?, en Pratiques de langage
dans lAntiquit, Grenoble, 1985, pp. 59-76.
CHARLES (1927) = G. Charles-Picard, Lpisode de Baub et les mystres dEleusis, RHR, 95 (1927) 220255.
DEVEREUX (1983) = Id., Baub. La Vulve Mythique, Pars, 1983 (trad. esp., Barcelona 1984).
DUNAND (1984) = F. Dunand, Une pseudo-Baub du muse de Besanon, en H. Walter (ed.), Hommages
L. Lerat, Pars, 1984, pp. 263-270.
FRANZ (1987) = M. Franz, Der Mythos von Baubo, en Hans P. Duerr (ed.), Die wilde Seele: Zur
Ethnopsychoanalyse von G. Devereux, Frankfurt, 1987, pp. 64-84.
GRAF (1997) = F. Graf, Baubo, NP, 2 (1997) 499.
KARAGHIORGA (1986) = T. Karaghiorga-Stathacopoulou, Baubo, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 87-90.
LUBELL (1995)
MARCOVICH (1986) = Id., Demeter, Baubo, Iacchus, and a redactor, VChr, 40 (1986) 294-301.
MOREAU (B-1951)
OLENDER (1985) = Id., Aspects de Baub: textes et contextes antiques, RHR, 202 (1985) 3-55. [trad. ingl.,
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PICARD (1927) = C. Picard, Lpisode de Baubo dans les Mystres dleusis, RHR, 95 (1927) 220-255.

6.2.9. 6.2.9. Adonis, Bona Dea, Cibeles, Atis.

ALVAR (B-1994) = J. Alvar, Muerte de amor divino. Atis, en ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994), pp.
BERGER (1984) = P. Berger, La Cyble bisexue des Bolards (Nuits-Saint-George, Cte-dOr), RAE, 35
(1984) 277-285.
BROUWER (1989) = H. H. J. Brouwer, Bona Dea. The sources and a description of the cult, Leiden, 1989.

GONZLEZ (C-1995) = P. Gonzlez Serrano, La gnesis de los dioses frigios: Cibeles y Attis, Ilu, 0
(1995) 105-115.
JABLONSKA (1994) = U. Jablonska, Augustynska krytyka kultu Kybele w De civitate Dei, RoczHum, 42,
3 (1994) 91-97.
NSSTRM (1998) = B.-M. Nsstrm, Cybele and Aphrodite: two aspects of the Great Goddess, en
LARSSON-STRMBERG (1998), pp. 29-43.
PARRA-SETTIS (1986) = Maria C. Parra & S. Settis, Bona Dea, LIMC, III.1 (1986) 120-123.
PICCALUGA (1964) = G. Piccaluga, Bona Dea. Due contributi allinterpretazione del suo culto, SSR, 35
(1964) 195-237.
REED (1995) = J. D. Reed, The sexuality of Adonis, ClAnt, 14 (1995) 317-347.
SERVAIS (1981) = B. Servais-Soyez, Adonis, LIMC, I.1 (1981) 222-229.
SIMON (1997) = E. Simon, Kybele, LIMC, VIII.1 (1997) 744-766.
STAPLES (1998) = A. Staples, From Good Goddess to Vestal virgins: sex and category in Roman Religion,
Londres-Nueva York, 1998.
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Female Sexuality, Helios, 16 (1989) 143-164.
VERMASEREN (1977) = M. J. Vermaseren, Cybele and Attis. The myth and the cult, Londres, 1977.
VERSNEL (1996) = Id., The Festival for Bona Dea and the Thesmophoria, en MCAUSLAN-WALCOT
(1996), pp. 91-102.


6.3.Erotismo y sexualidad en el mito y el rito.

BAUDY (1989) = D. Baudy, Das Keuschlamm-Wunder des Hermes (Hom. h. Merc. 409-413). Ein
mglicher Schlssel zum Verstndnis kultischer Fesselung?, GB, 16 (1989) 1-28.
BAUMAN (1990) = Id., The suppression of the Bacchanals: five questions, Historia, 39 (1990) 334-348.
BRISSON (1976) = Id., Le mythe de Tirsias: essai danalyse structural, Leiden, 1976.
BURKERT (1960) = W. Burkert, Das Lied von Ares und Aphrodites, RhM, 103 (1960) 130-144.
CALDWELL (1978) = Id., Hephaestus. A psychological study, Helios, 7 (1978) 43-59.
CORNELL (1981) = T. Cornell, Some observations on the crimen incesti, en Le dlit religieux dans la cit
antique, Pars, 1981, pp. 27-37.
CREMER (1982) = M. Cremer, Hieros gamos im Orient und in Griechenland, ZPE, 48 (1982) 283-290.
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1987, pp. 145-154.
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DEACY (1997) = S. Deacy, The vulnerability of Athena: parthenoi and rape in Greek myth, en DEACYPEIRCE (1997), pp. 43-63.

DELCOURT (1953) = M. Delcourt, La lgende de Kaineus, RHR, 144 (1953) 129-150.

DEVEREUX (1953) = G. Devereux, Why Oedipus killed Laius, International Journal of Psychoanalysis,
34 (1953) 132-141.
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GALLINI (1963)
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HALLEY (1938)
HANI (1978)
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JESI (1962) = F. Jesi, Il tentato adulterio mitico in Grecia e in Egitto, Aegyptus, 42 (1962) 276-296.
KAUFFMANN (1990) = A. Kauffmann-Samaras, Le lit dHra dans lHraion dArgos, Ktema, 15 (1990)
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KRAPPE (1928) = A. H. Krappe, Teiresias and the snakes, AJPh, 49 (1928) 267-275.
LAMBERT (A-1993)
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Platon, 47-48 (1995-96) 148-151.
LAUZEL (1982) = J. P. Lauzel, Notes sur la fonction des mythes, en Mythes. Colloque de Deauville, 24-25
october 1981, Pars, 1982 (= Revue franaise de psychanalyse, 46), pp. 839-846.

LEZZI (1988) = A. Lezzi-Hafter, Anthesterien und Hieros Gamos, en J. Christiansen T. Melander (eds.),
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Copenhague, 1988, pp.
LINCOLN (1979) = B. Lincoln, The rape of Persephone. A Greek scenario of womens initiation, HThR, 72
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MILLER (D-1986)
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ROBSON (1997) = J. E. Robson, Bestiality and bestial rape in Greek myth, en DEACY-PEIRCE (1997),
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RUBIN-SALE (1983) = N. F. Rubin & W. M. Sale, Meleager and Odysseus. A structural and cultural study
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6.4.Prostitucin sagrada.

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BEARD-HENDERSON (1997) = M. Beard & J. Henderson, With this body I thee worship: sacred
prostitution in Antiquity, en WYKE (1998), pp. 56-79.
BROWN (B-1991) = Id., The Prayers of the Corinthian Women (Simonides, Ep. 14 Page, FGE), GRBS, 32
(1991) 5-14.
CONZELMANN (1967) = H. Conzelmann, Korinth und die Mdchen der Aphrodite. Zur
Religionsgeschichte der Stadt Korinth, NAWG, 8 (1967) 245-261.
FAUTH (1988) = W. Fauth, Sakrale Prostitution im vorderen Orient und im Mittelmeerraum, JAC, 31
(1988) 73-82.
FAUTH-STRITZKY (1991) = W. Fauth & M.-B. von Stritzky, Hierodulie, RLAC, 15 (1991), 73-82.
GARCA (G-1989)
GLINISTER (2000) = F. Glinister, The Rapino Bronze, the Touta Marouca and the phenomenon of sacred
prostitution in early Italy, en A. Cooley (ed.), The Epigraphic Landscape of Roman Italy, Londres,
2000, pp. 19-38.
GROTANELLI (1983) = C. Grottanelli, Le donne di Biblo e le figlie di Agrippa I. Un rito regale siriano e le
Adonie gublite, RSO, 57 (1983) 53-60.
JIMNEZ (2001) = Ana M Jimnez Flores, Cultos fenicio-pnicos de Gadir: prostitucin sagrada y puellae
gaditanae, Habis, 32 (2001) 11-29.
KLEIN (1981) = T. M. Klein, Ariadne, the qadeshah, the hagne, une femme de bonne volont, Helios, 8.1
(1981) 55-62.
LA REGINA (1997)
MARI (1997) = M. Mari, Tributo a Ilio e prostituzione sacra: storia e riflessi di due riti femminili locresi,
RCCM, 39 (1997) 131-177.

OLMOS (1991)
PEMBROKE (1996) = Simon G. Pembroke, Prostitution, sacred, OCD, 1263-1264.
PERUZZI (1976) = E. Peruzzi, Sulla prostituzione sacra nellItalia antica, en Scritti in onore di Giuliano
Bonfante, vol. I, Brescia, 1976, pp. 673-686.
RUBIO (1999) = G. Rubio, Vrgenes o meretrices? La prostitucin sagrada en el Oriente antiguo, Gerin,
17 (1999) 129-148.
SAFFREY (1985) = H. D. Saffrey, Aphrodite Corinthe. Rflexions sur une ide reue, RBi, 92 (1985)
SANTI (1984) = L. Santi Amantini, Ancora sulla prostituzione sacra a Locri Epizefirii, MGR, 9 (1984) 3962.
TURANO (1952) = C. Turano, La prostituzione sacra a Locri Epizefiri, ArchClass, 4 (1952) 248-252.
YAMAUCHI (1973) = E. M. Yamauchi, Cultic prostitution, en Harry A. Hoffner (ed.), Orient and
Occident. Essays presented to Cyrus H. Gordon on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Oxford,
1973, pp. 213-222.


6.5.Sacerdotes, sacerdotisas y eunucos.

BEARD (1980)
BEARD (1995)
CANCIK (B-1996) = H. Cancik-Lindemaier, Priestly and female roles in Roman religion. The virgines
Vestae, Hiperboreus, 2, 2 (1996) 138-150.
DESANTI (1990) = L. Desanti, Vestali e vergini cristiane, en Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana. Atti
del VIII convegno internazionale, Perugia, 1990, pp. 473-488.
DIAKONOFF (1977) = I. M. Diakonoff, On Cybele and Attis in Phrygia and Lydia, AAntHung, 25 (1977)
DREW (1984) = T. Drew-Bear, Un eunuque armnien en Cappadoce, EA, 4 (1984) 139-150.
DUNAND (1978)) = F. Dunand, Le statut des hiereiai en gypt romaine, en M. B. De Boer T. A. Edridge
(eds.), Hommages Maarten J. Vermaseren, Leiden, 1978, vol. I, pp. 352-374.
ESPEJO (1997) = Id., La transgresin al poder! (El emperador Heliogbalo), en X. M. Buxn (ed.),
Conciencia de un singular deseo. Estudios lesbianos y gays en el Estado espaol, Madrid, 1997, pp.
FISCHER (C-1985) = K. D. Fischer, Ein weiteres sptantikes Zeugnis fr die Zahnzahl der Eunuchen,
MHJ, 20 (1985) 261-262.
GASC (1994) = F. Gasc, Castidad y don proftico. Las profetisas montanistas, en ALVAR-BLNQUEZWAGNER (1994), pp. 213-221.
GUERRA (1987) = M. Guerra Gmez, El sacerdocio femenino en las religiones greco-romanas y en el
cristianismo de los primeros siglos, Toledo, 1987.
GUERRA (1998) = Id., El sacerdocio femenino y su castidad en la antigedad greco-romana, en J. F.
Gonzlez Castro (ed.), Actas del IX Congreso Espaol de Estudios Clsicos (Madrid, 27-30
septiembre 1995). Vol. VI: Historia y Arqueologa, Madrid, 1998, pp. 113-119.

GUYOT (1998)
LOHFINK (1980) = G. Lohfink, Weibliche Diakone im Neuen Testament, Diakonia, 11 (1980) 385-400.
MARTN (C-1994) = A. Martn-Artajo, En torno a la incubatio, en ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER
(1994), pp. 135-142.
MARTINI (A-1997) = M. C. Martini, Carattere e struttura del sacerdozio delle Vestali: un approccio storicoreligioso, Latomus, 56 (1997) 245-263 y 477-503.
NOCK (1925)
PORTE (1984) =D. Porte, Les enterrements expiatoires Rome, RPh, 58 (1984) 233-243.
RICHARDS (1966) = L. Richards, Juvenal et les galles de Cybles, RHR, 169 (1966) 51-67.
ROLLER (A-1997) = Lynn E. Roller, The ideology of the eunuch priest, en WYKE (1998), pp. 118-135.
SANDERS (1972) = G. M. Sanders, Gallus, RLAC, 8 (1972) 984-1034.
SANDERS (1978) = Id., Les galles et le gallat devant lopinion chrtienne, en M. B. De Boer T. A.
Edridge (eds.), Hommages Maarten J. Vermaseren, Leiden, 1978, vol. III, pp. 1062-1091.
SAQUETE (2000) = Jos C. Saquete, Las vrgenes vestales. Un sacerdocio femenino en la religin pblica
romana, Madrid, 2000.
SCHOLTEN (1995) = H. Scholten, Der Eunuch in Kaiserzeit. Zur politischen und sozialen Bedeutung des
praepositus sacri cubiculi im 4. und 5. Jh. n. Chr., Frankfurt, 1995.
SINCLAIR (1985) = E. Sinclair Holderman, Le sacerdotesse. Requisiti, funzioni, poteri, en ARRIGONI
(1985), pp. 299-330.
SKOV (1975) = G. E. Skov, The priestess of Demeter and Kore and her role in the initiation of women at the
festival of the Haloa at Eleusis, Temenos, 11 (1975) 78-87.
TOUGHER (1999) = Sh. Tougher, Ammianus and the eunuchs, en Jan W. Drijvers D. Hunt (eds.), The
Late Roman World and Its Historian. Interpreting Ammianus Marcellinus, Londres-Nueva York,
1999, pp. 64-73.
TOUGHER (2002) = Id. (ed.), Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond, Londres, 2002.
URAS (1994) = R. Uras Martnez, Transgresin sexual y transgresin religiosa en Heliogbalo, en
ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994), pp. 205-212

8. Arte ertica.
7.1. Estudios generales y recopilaciones de imgenes.
7.2. Estudios de piezas individuales o por temas y/o perodos concretos.
7.3. Erotica Pompeyana.
7.4. Spintriae.

7.1.Estudios generales y recopilaciones de imgenes.

BLZQUEZ (A-1989)
BLZQUEZ-GARCA (1987) = J. M. Blzquez & M. P. Garca, Arte y erotismo en la Grecia antigua,
Revista de Arqueologa, 77 (1987) 47-58.
BLZQUEZ-GARCA (1988) = Iid., Arte y erotismo en la Roma antigua, Revista de Arqueologa, 83
(1988) 40-53.
BOARDMAN-LA ROCCA (1975) = J. Boardman E. La Rocca, Eros in Grecia, Miln, 1975 (trad. esp.,
Barcelona 1975).
BONFANTE (1996) = Id., Etruscan Sexuality and Funerary Art, en KAMPEN (96), pp. 155-169.
BONNET (2000) = Id., Linmortalit appartienne au sage: Franz Cummont et lart rotique, DHA, 26
(2000) 77-97.
BRENDEL (1970) = O. J. Brendel, The scope and temperament of erotic art in the Greco-Roman world, en
T. Bowie C. V. Christenson (eds.), Studies in Erotic Art, Nueva York, 1970, pp. 3-108. [trad. ital. en
CALAME (1988), pp. 211-245]
CARABELLI (1996) = G. Carabelli, In the image of Priapus, Londres, 1996.
CLARKE (A-1996) = Id., Just like us: Cultural constructions of sexuality and race in Roman art, ABull,
78 (1996) 599-603.
CLARKE (A-1998) = Id., Looking at lovemaking. Constructions of sexuality in Roman art (100 BC-AD 250),
Berkeley, 1998.
CONRON (1998) = R. Conron, Roman Erotic Art, tesis, Columbia University, 1998.
DIERICHS (1993) = A. Dierichs, Erotik in der Kunst Griechenlands, Mainz, 1993.
DIERICHS (1997) = Id., Erotik in der Rmischen Kunst, Mainz, 1997.
HANCARVILLE (1780) = Seor de/Sieur d Hancarville (Pedro Francisco Hugo de Hancarville), Monuments
de la vie prive des douze Csars, Capri, 1780 (trad. esp., Las delicias de los Csares, Madrid,
HANCARVILLE (1784) = Id., Monuments du culte secret des dames Romaines, Capri, 1784 (trad. esp., El
culto secreto de las matronas romanas, Madrid, 1923).
JOHNS (1982) = C. Johns, Sex or Symbol. Erotic Images of Greece and Rome, Austin, 1982 (4 ed., Londres,
1999;trad. ital., Roma, 1992).
KAMPEN (1996) = Natalie B. Kampen (ed.), Sexuality in ancient art, Cambridge, 1996.
KILMER (1993) = Id., Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases, Londres, 1993.
KOLOSKI-LYONS (1997) = Ann O. Koloski-Ostrow Claire L. Lyons (eds.), Naked Truths. Women,
Sexuality, and Gender in Classical Art and Archaeology, Londres-Nueva York, 1997.
LEACH (1999) = Eleanor W. Leach, Reconstructing Discourse: Readings of Gender, Identity, and Ideology
in Ancient Art, CPh, 94 (1999) 89-98.
MARCAD (1961) = J. Marcad, Roma Amor. Essay on Erotic Elements in Etruscan and Roman Art,
Ginebra, 1961.
MARCAD (1962) = Id., Eros Kalos. Essay on Erotic Elements in Greek Art, Ginebra, 1962.
MISDRACHI (1989) = R. Misdrachi-Capon, Eros Grec. Amour des dieux et des hommes, Pars, 1989
(catlogo de la exposicin ofrecida en el Louvre del 6-11-89 al 5-2-90).
MOUNTFIELD (1982) = D. Mountfield, Greek and Roman Erotica, Nueva York, 1982 (trad. franc., Lart
rotique dans lAntiquit, Ginebra, 1996).

MULAS (1978) = A. Mulas, Eros in Antiquity, Nueva York, 1978.

POMEROY (B-1988) = Id., Eros e arte ellenistica, en CALAME (1988), pp. 257-264.
SOULI (1997)
STEWART (A-1997) = Id., Art, Desire and the Body in Ancient Greece, Cambridge, 1997.
VORBERG (1926) = Id, Ars erotica veterum. Ein Beitrag zum Geschlechtsleben des Altertums, MnichStuttgart, 1926.
VORBERG (1966) = Id., Luxu et Voluptate, editado por R. Wunderer, Schiden, 1966 (rene tres de sus obras
ms significativas: Museum eroticum Neapolitanum, 1910; Antiquitates eroticae, 1911 reimpr.
Mnich, 1991; y Die Erotik der Antike in Kleinkunst und Keramik, Mnich, 1921).


7.2.Estudios de piezas individuales o por temas y/o perodos concretos.

ALBERTI (1997) = Benjamin M. M. Alberti, Archaeology and Masculinity in Late Bronze Age Knossos, tesis,
Univ. of Southampton, 1997.
ARAFAT (1997) = K. W. Arafat, State of the Art - Art of the State. Sexual violence and politics in late
Archaic and early Classical vase-painting, en DEACY-PIERCE (1997), pp. 97-121.
DAMBRA (1996)
DAMBRA (2000)
BAGGIO (2000) = M. Baggio, Su alcuni vasi magnogreci con gesti di seduzione, Ostraka, 9 (2000) 95-116.
BAIRD (1981)
BAANT (1983)
BEARD (1998)
BERGER (1984)
BLANCK (1979) = H. Blanck, Il maripara: eine Priapstatue in Formello, MDAI (R), 86 (1979) 339-350.
BOARDMAN (1988) = J. Boardman, Sex differentiation in grave vases, AION (archeol), 10 (1988) 171180.
BOARDMAN (1991) = Id., The Naked Truth, OJA, 10 (1991) 119-121.
BOARDMAN (1992) = Id., The Phallos-Bird in Archaic and Classical Greek Art, RA, (1992) 227-242.
BHM (1990)
BOTHMER (1981) = D. von Bothmer, A cup in Bern, HASB, 7 (1981) 37-43.

CALDERA (1986) = M del Pilar Caldera Castro, Un balsamario de vidrio camafeo procedente de Ostippo
(Estepa, Sevilla), AEA, 59 (1986) 211-218.
CASSIMATIS (1987) = H. Cassimatis, Amours legitimes? Rves damour? Dans la cramique grecque,
BABesch, 62 (1987) 75-84.
CLARKE (A-1991)
CLARKE (A-1993)
CLARKE (A-1996)
COHEN (A-1996)
COHEN (B-1997)
CORSO (1997) = A. Corso, Love as suffering: the Eros of Thespiae of Praxiteles, BICS, 42 (1997-98) 6391.
CUMONT (1940) = F. Cumont, Une pierre tombale rotique de Rome, AC, 9 (1940) 5-11.
DAVIES (B-1987)
DAVIS (1996) = W. Davis, Winckelmanns homosexual teleologies, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 262-276.
DEL HOYO (1996) = J. Del Hoyo, Dos amuletos flicos inditos de Uxama y Duratn, Veleia, 13 (1996)
DEL HOYO-VZQUEZ (1994) = J. Del Hoyo & Ana M Vzquez Hoys, Ensayo de sistematizacin
tipolgica de amuletos flicos en Hispania, en ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994), pp. 235259.
DE TERVARENT (1965) = G. De Tervarent, Eros and Anteros or Reciprocal Love in Ancient and
Renaissance Art, JWI, 28 (1965) 205-208.
DE VRIES (1997) = K. De Vries, The Frigid Eromenoi and their Wooers revisited. A closer look at
greek homosexuality in vase paintings, en M. Duberman (ed.), Queer Representation, Nueva
York, 1997, pp. ?
DIERICHS (1998b) = Id., Auf des Spuren den Venus. Bilder der Liebesgttin aus Pompeji, AW, 29 (1998)
281-296 y 385-398.
DIERICHS (2000) = Id., Erotik in der bildenden Kunst der Rmischen Welt, en Th. Spth B. Wagner-Hasel
(eds.), Frauenwelten in der Antike. Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Lebenspraxis, Stuttgart,
2000, pp. 391-411..
DEZ (1998) = F. Dez Platas, Las representaciones de las ninfas en la cermica griega arcaica y algunas
consideraciones iconogrficas, Gallaecia, 17 (1998) 303-343.
DUBOIS (1996) = Id., Archaic Bodies-in-pieces, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 55-64.
ELSNER (1996) = J. Elsner, Naturalism and the Erotics of the Gaze: Intimations of Narcissus, en
KAMPEN (1996), pp. 247-261.
FERRARI (1984) = G. Ferrari Pinney, For the heroes are at hand, JHS, 104 (1984) 181-183.
FREDRICK (1995) = D. Fredrick, D., Beyond the Atrium to Ariadne: Erotic Painting and Visual Pleasure in
the Roman House, ClAnt, 14 (1995) 266-287.
FREL (1963) = J. Frel, Griechischer Eros, LF, 11 (1963) 60-64.
FRONTISI (1996) = F. Frontisi-Ducroux, Eros, desire, and the gaze, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 81-100.

FUHRMANN (1940) = H. Fuhrmann, Gesprche ber Liebe und Ehe auf Bildern des Altertums, MDAI(R),
55 (1940) 78-91.
GREIFENHAGEN (1976) = Id., Fragmente eines rotfiguren Pinax, en C. Lord L. Bonfante H. von
Heintze (eds.), In memoriam Otto. J. Brendel. Essays in archaeology and the humanities, Mainz,
1976, pp. 43-48.
GNTNER (1995) = W. Gntner, Ein attisch schwarzfiguriger Skyphos mit erotischen Werbeszenen, AA,
1995 (3), 487-495.
GUIRAUD (1992) = Id., Dionysos et la jeune hetaire, propos de deux vases du muse Saint-Raymond de
Toulouse, Pallas, 38 (1992) 15-31.
HEDREEN (1992)
HEIDENREICH (1985) = R. Heidenreich, Spaziergnger mit Fuchshund, AA, (1985) 581-586.
HOFFMANN (B-1977) = Id., Sexual and Asexual Pursuit: A Structuralist Approach to Greek Vase Painting
(Occasional Paper n 34, Royal Anthropological Institute), Londres, 1977.
JOHNS-VINER (1985) = C. Johns & D. Viner, A Roman bronze head from Cirencester, AntJ, 65 (1985)
KAEMPF (1979)
KAMPEN (1996b) = Id., Omphale and the Instability of Gender, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 233-246.
KAMPEN (1997) = Id., Epilogue: Gender and Desire, en KOLOSKI-LYONS (1997), pp. 267-277.
KELLUM (1996) = B. Kellum, The Phallus as Signifier: The Forum of Augustus and Rituals of
Masculinity, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 170-183.
KEMPTER (1980)
KEULS (1984)
KEUREN (1998)
KILMER (1994) = Id., The Amasis Painter: Erotica, Scatologica and Inscriptions, ElectronAnt, 2.1 (1994).
KILMER (1997)
KILMER (1997b)
KOCH (1989) = Id., Erotische Symbole. Lotosblte und gemeinsamer Mantel auf antiken Vasen, Berln, 1989.
KOCH (1991) = Id., Das Mantelmotiv bei homosexuellen Paaren: Zu einer unverffentlichen Schale in
Athener Privatbesitz, Hephaistos, 10 (1991) 61-63.
KOEHL (1986)

KURKE (1997)
MARCONI (1923) = P. Marconi, Gruppi erotici dellellenismo nei musei di Roma, BullCom, 51 (1923)
MARTINI (C-1986) = W. Martini, Zwei erotische Vasenbilder, en E. Bhr W. Martini (eds.), Studien zur
Mythologie und Vasenmalerei: Festchrift fr K. Schauenburg zum 65. Geburtstag, Mainz, 1986, pp.
MARTOS (2001b)
MARTOS (2002)
MAYO (1997)
MCNALLY (1978)
MCNIVEN (1995)
MILLER (B-1999)
MORALEJO (1981) = S. Moralejo lvarez, Marcolfo, el Espinario, Prapo. Un testimonio iconogrfico
gallego, en Primera reunin gallega de Estudios Clsicos, Santiago de Compostela, 1981, pp. 331355.
NEUTSCH (1949) = B. Neutsch, Spielt mit dem Astragal, en R. Herbig (ed.), Ganymed, Heidelberg, 1949,
pp. 18-28.
OLIVA (1995)
OLMOS (1986) = R. Olmos, Archedike und Hapalina: Hetren auf einer Wippe. Zur Interpretation einer
rotfiguren Hydria in Madrid, en E. Bhr W. Martini (eds.), Studien zur Mythologie und
Vasenmalerei: Festchrift fr K. Schauenburg zum 65. Geburtstag, Mainz, 1986, pp. 107-113.
OSBORNE (1996) = R. Osborne, Desiring Women on Athenian Pottery, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 65-80.
OSBORNE (1997)
PASCHINGER (1983) = E. Paschinger, Die Giebelfresken in der Tomba dei Tori/Tarquinia, AW, 14.2
(1983) 33-39.
PESCHEL (1987)
PICN (1995) = Carlos A. Picn, Fragment of a Dish with Erotic Scenes, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bulletin, 53.2 (1995) 14.
POLLINI (1999)
POLLINI (1999b) = Id., A Portrait of a Sex-Slave Stud in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York,
AJA, 103 (1999) 293.
RICHTER (1932) = G. M. A. Richter, An Aryballos by Nearchos, AJA, 36 (1932) 272-275.
ROBERT (B-1997)
SCHAUENBURG (1976) = Id., Erotenspiele, AW, 7.3 (1976) 39-52, y 7.7 (1976) 28-35.

SCHNAPP (1985) = Id., Comment dclarer sa flamme ou les archologues au spectacle, GH, 13 (1985)
SHAPIRO (1981)
SIEBERT (1984) = G. Siebert, Un bol reliefs inscrit reprsentations rotiques, AK, 27 (1984) 14-20.
SIEBERT (1991) = Id., Une image dans limage: le pilier hermaque dans la peinture de vases grecque, en
F. Dunand J.-M. Spieser J. Wirth (eds.), Limage et la production du sacr, Pars, 1991, pp. 65100.
SLANE-DICKIE (1993) = K. W. Slane & M. W. Dickie, A Knidian Phallic Vase from Corinth, Hesperia,
62 (1993) 483-505.
SMITH (E-2002) = Tyler Jo Smith, Transvestim or travesty? Dance, dress and gender in Greek vasepainting, en LEWELLYN (2002), pp. 33-54.
SOMMER (1995) = M. Sommer, Die erotische Fischerszene auf einem Lffel aus Folklingen, JbAC, 38
(1995) 133-139.
SOURVINOU (1987) = Id., A Series of Erotic Pursuits: Images and Meanings, JHS 107 (1987) 131-153.
STADLER (1981) = M. Stadler, Eine Schale des Hieron in Bern, HASB, 7 (1981) 29-35.
STHLI (1999) = A. Sthli, Die Verweigerung der Lste. Erotische Gruppen in der antiken Plastik, Berln,
STHLI (2001) = Id., Der Krper, das Begehren, die Bilder. Visuelle Strategien der Konstruktion einer
homosexuallen Mnlichkeit, en R. von den Hofft St. Schmidt (eds.), Konstruktionen von
Wirklichkeit. Bilder im Griechenland des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Stuttgart, 2001, pp. 197-209.
STEVENSON (1975) = Walter E. Stevenson, The Pathological Grotesque Representations in Greek and
Roman Art, tesis, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1975.
STEWART (A-1996) = A. Stewart, Reflections, en KAMPEN (1996), pp. 136-154.
STRUBEL (1952)
SUTTON (1981)
SUTTON (1992) = Id., Pornography and Persuasion on Attic Pottery, en RICHLIN (1992), pp. 3-35.
SUTTON (1997)
TAPLIN (1988) = O. Taplin, Phallology, Phlyakes, Iconography and Aristophanes, PCPhS, 34 (1988) 92104.
THEODOSSIEV (1994) = N. Theodossiev, The Thracian ithyphallic altar from Polianthos and the sacred
marriage of the gods, OJA, 13 (1994) 313-323.
THRY (1998) = Id., Ein phallischer Mrserstssel aus Carnuntum, Carnuntum Jahrbuch, 1997, pp. 99106 (Viena, 1998).
TRUEMPLER (1982) = C. Truempler-Ris, Patrize fr ein pergamenisches Reliefgefss, HASB, 8 (1982)
TURNBULL (1978) = P. Turnbull, The Phallus in the Art of Roman Britain, BIAL, 15 (1978) 199-206.
VERMEULE (1967) = E. Vermeule, A Love Scene by the Panaitios Painter, AJA, 71 (1967) 311-314.
VERMEULE (1969) = Id., Some erotica in Boston, AK, 12 (1969) 9-15.
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ZEVI (1937) = E. Zevi, Scene di gineceo e scene di idillio nei vasi greci della seconda met del secolo
quinto, MAL, 6 (1937) 291-369.


7.3.Erotica Pompeyana.

BASTET (1974) = F. L. Bastet, Fabularum dispositas explicationes, BABesch, 49 (1974) 206-240.

CANTILENA (1992) = R. Cantilena, Vizi privati e pubbliche virt. Il Gabinetto degli oggetti
riservati del Museo di Napoli, en LAmore. DallOlimpo allalcova, catlogo de la exposicin,
Miln, 1992, pp. 51-60.
CLARKE (A-1997) = Id., Pornografia pompeiana, F. De Martino (ed.), Kleos. Estemporaneo di studi e testi
sulla fortuna dellantico, vol. 2, Bari, 1997, pp. 265-270.
DAVINO (1993) = M. DAvino, Pompei proibita. Erotismo sacro, augurale e di costume nellantica citt
sepolta, Npoles, 1993.
DE CARO (2000) = St. De Caro (cur.), Il gabinetto segreto del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli,
Npoles, 2000.
DELLA CORTE (B-1958) = M. Della Corte, Amori e amanti in Pompei antica. Antologia erotica pompeiana,
Cava dei Tirreni, 1958 (trad. ingl., Npoles, 1960).
DELLA VALLE (1937) = M. Della Valle, Lamore a Pompei e nel poema di Lucrezio, A&R, 5 (1937) 139175.
DOR (1975) = E. DOr, Pompei vietata, Pompeya, s. d. (1982).
FAMIN (1921) = C. Famin, Museo de Npoles. Gabinete Secreto. Pinturas, bronces y estatuas erticas con
su explicacin. Sola reproduccin autntica y completa del libro celebrrimo de Csar Famin. Texto
reformado y ampliado y purgado de errores con numerosos datos nuevos y originales por Joaqun
Lpez Barbadillo, que lo imprime a su costa, y por Miguel Romero Martnez, biblifilo hispalense,
Madrid, 1921.
FIORELLI (1866) = G. Fiorelli, Catalogo del Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Raccolta pornografica, Npoles,
GARCA-JACOBELLI (2001) = L. Garca y Garca L. Jacobelli, Louis Barr, Museo Segreto. With a facsimile
edition of Herculanum et Pompi. Recueil gnral des peintures, bronzes, mosaques... (1877),
Pompeya, 2001.
GRANT (1974) = M. Grant, Eros a Pompei. Il gabinetto segreto del Museo di Napoli, Miln, 1974 (trad.
ingl., Erotic Art in Pompeii. The Secret Collection of the National Museum of Naples, Londres, 1975,
reeditada en Nueva York, 1982, con un ttulo algo diferente: Eros in Pompeii: The Secret Rooms of
the National Museum of Naples; trad. esp., Madrid, 1976).
JACOBELLI (1995) = L. Jacobelli, Le pitture erotiche delle Terme Suburbane di Pompei, Roma, 1995.
KEPKE (1994) = M. Kepke, Sexual Satire: The Suburban Baths at Pompeii, tesis, University of Texas at
Austin, 1994.
KOLOSKI (1997) = Ann O. Koloski-Ostrow, Violent Stages in two Pompeian Houses: Imperial Taste,
Aristocratic Response, and Messages of Male Control, en KOLOSKI-LYONS (1997), pp. 243-266.
MARINI (1971) = G. L. Marini, Il Gabinetto Segreto del Museo Nazionale di Napoli, Turn, 1971.
MATINO (s. a.) = L. Matino, Pompei. I segreti erotici, Miln, s. a. (c. 1980).

MAULUCCI (1995) = Francesco P. Maulucci Vivolo, Pompei. I graffiti damore, Foggia, 1995.
SAN (1915) = A. San de Velilla, Museo secreto del arte ertico de Pompeya y Herculano, Barcelona, 1915
(reimpr. con nueva introduccin de F. Arias de la Canal, Mxico, 1995; es traduccin del libro de M.
L. Barr, Herculaneum et Pompi. Recueil gnral des peintures, bronzes, mosaques, etc.,
dcouverts jusqu' ce jour et reproduits d'aprs Le antichit di Ercolano, Il Museo Borbonico et
tous les ouvrages analogues. Vol. VIII: Muse Secret, Pars, 1877).
SAVY (1996) = B. M. Savy, I Gabinetti osceni del Real Museo Borbonico. Problemi di collezionismo e
museologia, tesis, Npoles, 1996.
SCARANO (2000)
VARONE (1993) = A. Varone, Erotica Pompeiana. Inscrizioni damore sui muri di Pompei, Roma, 1993.
VARONE (2000) = Id., Lerotismo a Pompei, Roma, 2000.



BATESON (1991) = J. D. Bateson, Roman Spintriae in the Hunter Coin Cabinet, en M. Rodolfo V.
Novella (eds.), Ermanno A. Arslan studia dicata, Miln, 1991, pp. 385-394.
BUTTREY (1973) = T. V. Buttrey, The Spintriae as a Historical Source, NC, 13 (1973) 52-63.
JACOBELLI (1997) = Id., Tessere numerali bronzee romane nelle civiche raccolte numismatiche del Comune
di Milano (tessere con ritratti Imperiali, spintriae, tessere con raffigurazione diverse). Parte II:
Considerazioni storico-artistiche Serie iconografiche, Miln, 1997 (= Annotazioni Numismatiche,
Suppl. X).
MARTINI (B-1997) = R. Martini, Tessere numerali bronzee romane nelle civiche raccolte numismatiche del
Comune di Milano (tessere con ritratti imperiali, spintriae, tessere con raffigurazione diverse). Parte
I: Considerazioni numismatiche Catalogo, Miln, 1997 (= Annotazioni Numismatiche, Suppl. IX).
MURISON (1987) = C. L. Murison, Tiberius, Vitellius and the Spintriae, AHB, 1.4 (1987) 97-99.
REGLING (1929) = K. Regling, Spintria, RE, III A 2 (1929) 1814.
RIVA-SIMONETTA (1984) = R. Riva & B. Simonetta, Nuovo contributo alle nostre conoscenze sulle
spintriae, GNS, 34 (1984) 88-92.
SIMONETTA (1980) = B. Simonetta, Quando e perch i Romani coniarono le spintriae, Memorie
dellAccademia Italiana di Studi Filatelici e Numismatici, 1.3 (1980) 53-57.
SIMONETTA-RIVA (1981) = B. Simonetta R. Riva, Le tessere erotiche romane (Spintriae): quando ed a
che scopo sono state coniate, Lugano, 1981.
VITALE (1941) = E. Vitale, Lasciva numismata, Numismatica, 7.3-4 (1941) 81-83.

9. Erotismo, sexualidad y literatura.

8.1. Estudios generales y antologas.
8.2. Erotismo y sexualidad en la literatura clsica: clasificacin por gneros.
8.2.1. Poesa pica.

8.2.2. Poesa lrica.

8.2.3. Tragedia.
8.2.4. Comedia y drama satrico.
8.2.5. Oratoria.
8.2.6. Prosa filosfica.
8.2.7. Fbula y cuento.
8.2.8. Stira.
8.2.9. Biografa.
8.2.10. Literatura mdica.
8.2.11. Novela.
8.2.12. Epistolografa.
8.3. Erotismo y sexualidad en la literatura clsica: clasificacin por autores y

8.1.Estudios generales y antologas.

ALVAR (1993) = A. Alvar Ezquerra, Poesa de amor en Roma, Madrid, 1993.

BING-COHEN (1991) = P. Bing R. Cohen, Games of Venus: An anthology of Greek and Roman erotic
verse from Sappho to Ovid, Nueva York-Londres, 1991.
BLZQUEZ (A-1989)
BRAUND-MAYER (1999) = S. M. Braund R. Mayer (eds.), AMOR:ROMA. Love & Latin Literature.
Eleven essays (and one poem) by former research students presented to E. J. Kenney on his seventyfifth birthday, Cambridge, 1999.
BRIOSO (1991) = M. Brioso Snchez, Antologa de la poesa ertica de la Grecia antigua, Sevilla, 1991.
BRIOSO-VILLARRUBIA (2000) = M. Brioso Snchez A. Villarrubia Medina (eds.), Consideraciones en
torno al amor en la literatura de la Grecia antigua, Sevilla, 2000.
CANALI (2000) = L. Canali, Amore e sessualit negli autori latini, Miln, 2000.
DE MARTINO (1996) = Id., Per una storia del genere pornografico, en O. Pecere A. Stramaglia (cur.),
La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino, Bari, 1996, pp. 293-341.
ENGLISH (1913) = P. English, Geschichte der erotischen Literatur Griechenlands und Roms,
Anthropophyteia, 10 (1913) 209-239.
ENGLISH (1913b)
ENGLISH (1976) = Id., Leros nella letteratura, trad. ital., Miln, 1976 (= Geschichte der erotischen
Literatur, Berln, 1927), especialmente pp. 45-86 (Storia della letteratura erotica greca) y 87-122
(Storia della letteratura erotica latina).

GREEN (1983) = P. Green, Sex and Classical Literature, in A. Bold (ed.), The sexual dimension in
Literature, Londres, 1983, pp. 19-48 (reimpreso en Classical Bearings: Interpreting Ancient History
and Culture, Nueva York, 1989, pp. 130-151).
GRUNEWALD-RUDBERG (1996) = G. Grunewald S. Rudberg (tr./comm.), Grekiska krleksdikter
(Anthologia Palatina): epigrammata erotica, Jonsered, 1996.
HUNTER (B-1998) = R. Hunter, Erotik, in der Literatur, NP, 4 (1998) 92-96.
IERACI (1984) = A. M. Ieraci Bio, Per la fortuna degli erotici greci nella letteratura medica tardoantica,
Koinonia, 8 (1984) 101-105.
KING (A-1996c) = Id., Pornography, OCD, 1226.
KRENKEL (1979d) = Id., Pornographie, KlP, 4 (1979) 1060-1062.
KRENKEL (1990b) = Id., Erotica antiqua, Leipzig, 1990.
LASSERRE (1944) = F. Lasserre, , MH, 1 (1944) 169-178.
LUQUE (2000) = A. Luque Ortiz, Los dados de Eros. Antologa de poesa ertica griega, Madrid, 2000.
MRQUEZ (1997) = M. A. Mrquez Guerrero, Sexo, erotismo y pornografa en la literatura griega, en L.
Gmez Canseco P. L. Zambrano L. P. Alonso (eds.), El sexo en la literatura, Huelva, 1997, pp.
MARTNEZ (B-1992)
MARTNEZ (B-1998) = Id., Apuntes para una historia de la literatura ertica griega, en F. R. Adrados A.
Martnez Dez (eds.), Actas del IX Congr. Espaol de Estudios Clsicos, vol. IV, Madrid, 1998, pp.
MARTNEZ (B-2000) = Id., Los gneros erticos de la literatura griega, en E. Crespo M Jos Barrios
(eds.), Actas del X Congreso Espaol de Estudios Clsicos, vol. I, Madrid, 2000, pp. 497-504.
MONTERO (2000) = Id., Tipologa de la literatura ertica latina, en M. Ledesma Pedraz (ed.), Erotismo y
Literatura, Jan, 2000, pp. 33-49.
PADUANO (1989) = Id., Antologia Palatina, Epigrammi erotici: libro V e libro XII, Miln, 1989.
PARKER (A-1992) = Id., Loves Body Anatomized: The Ancient Erotic Handbooks and the Rhetoric of
Sexuality, en RICHLIN (1992), pp. 90-111.
PEPE (1958) = L. Pepe, Milesie e Sibaritiche al tempo di Ovidio, GIF, 11 (1958) 317-326.
PETROPOULOS (1989) = Id., Continuity of erotic motifs and imagery in ancient and modern Greek popular
poetry, tesis doctoral, Oxford, 1989.
RODRGUEZ (A-1993) = Id., El cuento ertico griego, latino e indio. Estudio y antologa, Madrid, 1993.
SCARCELLA (1985) = A. M. Scarcella, Appunti di erotologia greca, GIF 16 (1985) 127-134.
SEGURA (1989) = B. Segura Ramos, Antologa de la poesa ertica latina, Sevilla, 1989.
STRAMAGLIA (2000) = A. Stramaglia (cur.), #. Antiche trame greche damore, Bari, 2000.
WEDECK (1980) = Id., Roman morals: A survey of depravity, Lawrence, Kansas, 1980.


8.2.Erotismo y sexualidad en la literatura clsica: clasificacin por


8.2.1. 8.2.1. Poesa pica.

BROWN (A-1997) = A. S. Brown, Aphrodite and the Pandora Complex, CQ, 47 (1997) 26-47.
CALAME (1996)
FISCHETTI (1970) = G. Fischetti, Amore e parto nella poesia greca antica (a proposito dei Nuovi papiri
fiorentini), Maia, 22 (1970) 41-47.

LICHT (1912)
LICHT (1922)
8.2.2. 8.2.2. Poesa lrica.
ALFONSI (1945) = Id., Lamore-amicizia negli elegiaci latini, Aevum, 19 (1945) 372-378.
AVILS (1996) = J. Avils, Alguns tpics literaris de la poesia amorosa llatina, AFFB, XIX, D 7 (1996) 731.
BARBAUD (2002) = T. Barbaud, La Sententia amoureuse chez les lgiaques romains et notamment chez
Properce, BAGB, 2002, fasc. 1, pp. 94-118.
BONANNO (1973) = M. G. Bonanno, Osservazioni sul tema della giusta reciprocit amorosa da Saffo ai
comici, QUCC, 16 (1973) 110-123.
BUCHHOLZ (A-1954) = A. Buchholz, Zur Darstellung des Pathos der Liebe in der hellenistischen Dichtung,
tesis, Friburgo, 1954.
BUTRICA (1996) = James L. Butrica, Hellenistic erotic elegy: the evidence of the papyri, en F. Cairns M.
Heath (eds.), Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar. 9, 1996: Roman Poetry and Prose,
Greek Poetry, Etymology, Historiography, Leeds, 1996, pp. 297-322.
CALDERN (1997b) = E. Caldern Dorda, Los tpicos erticos en la elega helenstica, Emerita, 65
(1997) 1-15.
CATAUDELLA (1972) = Id., Canzoni della malmaridata nella Grecia classica, en Intorno ai lirici greci.
Contributi alla critica del testo e allinterpretazione, Roma, 1972, pp. 137-155.
CONNOLLY (2000) = J. Connolly, Asymptotes of Pleasure: Thoughts on the Nature of Roman Erotic
Elegy, Arethusa, 33 (2000) 71-98.
CONTIADES (1990) = E. Contiades-Tsitsoni, Hymenaios und Epithalamion. Das Hochzeitslied in der
frhgriechischen Lyrik, Stuttgart, 1990.
COPLEY (1947) = Frank O. Kopley, Servitium amoris in the Roman Elegists, TAPhA, 78 (1947) 285-300.
COPLEY (1956) = Id., Exclusus Amator: A Study in Latin Love Poetry, Baltimore, 1956.
CYRINO (1992) = M. S. Cyrino, In the pithos of Pandora. Images of disease and madness for erotic
experience in early Greek poetry, tesis, Yale University, 1992.
DANESI (1981) = G. Danesi Marioni, La potenza magica della poesia damore, A&R, 26 (1981) 26-35.
DANESI (1996) = G. Danesi Marioni, Oltre il genere: lOctavia e lelegia erotica augustea, Prometheus, 22
(1996) 145-156.
DELLA CORTE (A-1958) = F. Della Corte, Le Leges Iuliae e lelegia romana, ANRW, II 30.1 (1982) 539558.

FANTUZZI (2003) = Id., Pastoral love and elegiac love, from Greece to Rome, Leeds International
Classical Studies, 2.3 (2003) 1-11. <http://www.leeds.ac.uk/classics/lics/2003/200303.pdf >
FEAR (2000) = Id., The Poet as Pimp: Elegiac Seduction in the Time of Augustus, Arethusa, 33 (2000)
FEDELLI (1989) = Id., La poesia damore, en G. Cavallo P. Fedelli A. Giardina (eds.), Lo spazio
letterario della Roma antica, I: La produzione del testo, Roma, 1989, pp. 143-176.
FREDRICK (1997) = Id., Reading Broken Skin: Violence in Roman Elegy, en HALLET-SKINNER (1997),
pp. 172-193.
GARBARINO (1988) = G. Garbarino, Amore e matrimonio nella commedia e nellelegia romana, en M.
Vacchina (ed.), Attualit dellantico, Aosta, 1988, pp. 307-327.
GARRISON (1978) = D. H. Garrison, Mild Frenzy. A Reading of Hellenistic Love Epigram, Wiesbaden,
GARSON (1981) = R. W. Garson, The use of paradox in the amatory epigrams in the Greek Anthology,
AC, 24 (1981) 160-162.
GIANGRANDE (1974) = Id., Los tpicos helensticos en la elega latina, Emerita, 42 (1974) 1-36.
GIGANTE (1995) = V. Gigante Lanzara, Priapo epigrammatico, A&R, 40 (1995) 109-112.
GONZALES (1999) = A. Gonzales, Servitium amoris et meretrix regina. Esclavage mtaphorique de
lhomme libre: une situation dinversion, en F. Reduzzi Merola A. Storchi Marino (eds.),
Femmes-esclaves. Modles dinterprtation anthropologique, conomique, juridique, Npoles, 1999,
pp. 281-302.
GREENE (1999) = Id., The Erotics of Domination: Male Desire and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry,
Baltimore, 1999.
GRIFFIN (1976) = J. Griffin, Augustan Poetry and the Life of Luxury, JRS, 66 (1976)87-105 [reimpreso
con modificaciones en J. Griffin, Latin Poets and Roman Life, Chapel Hill, 1985, pp. 1-31]
GRIFFIN (1981) = Id., Genre and Real Life in Latin Poetry, JRS, 71 (1981) 39-49.
GUARINO (1979) = Id., Lidea fissa, Labeo, 25 (1979) 248-249.
GNTER (1998) = H. C. Gnter, Rmische Liebeselegie und hellenistische Dichtung, Hellenika, 48 (1998)
HABINEK (1997) = Thomas N. Habinek, The invention of sexuality in the world-city of Rome, en Th.
Habinek A. Schiesaro (eds.), The Roman Cultural Revolution, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 23-43.
HATTO (1965) = A. T. Hatto (ed.), Eos. An inquiry into the theme of lovers meetings and partnings at dawn
in poetry, La Haya, 1965.
KENNEDY (1993) = D. Kennedy, The Arts of Love, Cambridge, 1993.
HOLZBERG (2001) = Id., Die rmische Liebeselegie: Eine Einfhrung, Darmstadt, 2001.
KISTRUP (1963) = I. Kistrup, Der Liebe bei Plautus und den Elegikern, tesis, Kiel, 1963.
KOBUS (1990) = H. Kobus-Zalewska, De Venere et Amore eorumque comitatu in Anthologiae Palatinae
epigrammatis, Meander, 45 (1990) 159-175.
LAGUNA (1998) = G. Laguna Mariscal, La poesa epigramtica griega en su relacin con la literatura
romana: el tema amoroso, en M. Brioso F. J. Gonzlez Ponce (eds.), Actitudes literarias en la
Grecia romana, Sevilla, 1998, pp. 93-121.

LAIGNEAU (1999) = S. Laigneau, La femme et lamour chez Catulle et les lgiaques augusteens, Bruselas,
LA PENNA (1951) = A. La Penna, Note sul linguaggio erotico dellelegia latina, Maia, 4 (1951) 187-209.
LA PENNA (2000) = Id., Eros dai cento volti. Modelli etici ed estetici nellet dei Flavi, Roma, 2000.
LASSERRE (1974) = Id., Ornaments rotiques dans la posie lyrique archaque, en J. L. Heller J. K.
Newmann (eds.), Serta Turyniana: Studies in Greek Literature and Palaeography in Honor of A.
Turyn, Urbana (Illinois), 1974, pp. 5-33.
LICHT (1906)
LICHT (1908)
LIEBERG (1996) = G. Lieberg, I motivi principali dellelegia augustea, Prometheus, 22 (1996) 115-130.
LIER (1914) = B. Lier, Ad topica carminum amatoriorum symbolae, Stettin, 1914.
LLOYD (B-1991) = H. Lloyd-Jones, Phallic Poetry, en su libro Greek in a Cold Climate, Londres, 1991,
pp. 62-69.
LUCK (1993) = Id., La elega ertica latina, trad. esp., Sevilla, 1993.
LUDWIG (1968) = Id., Die Kunst der Variation im hellenistischen Liebesepigramm, en A. Dihle (ed.),
L'pigramme grecque, Ginebra, 1968 (Entretiens Hardt 14), pp. 297-348.
LYNE (1980) = Id., The Latin Love Poets from Catullus to Horace, Oxford, 1980.
MAEHLER (1990) = H. Maehler, Symptome der Liebe im Roman und in der griechischen Anthologie,
GCN, 3 (1990) 1-12.
MORELLI (1994) = A. M. Morelli, Sul papiro di Ossirinco LIV 3723. Considerazioni sui caratteri
dellelegia erotica ellenistica alla luce dei nuovi ritrovamenti papiracei, RFIC, 122 (1994) 385-421.
MLLER (B-1980) = H. M. Mller, Erotische Motive in der griechischen Dichtung bis auf Euripides,
Hamburgo, 1980.
MURGATROYD (1975) = P. Murgatroyd, Militia amoris and the Roman Elegists, Latomus, 34 (1975) 7779.
MYERS (1996) = K. S. Myers, The poet and the procuress: the lena in Latin love elegy, JRS, 86 (1996) 121.
PARSONS (1988) = Id., Eine neugefundene griechische Liebeselegie, MH, 45 (1988) 65-74.
PREZ (1995) = J. Prez Cabrera, Preferencias amorosas en el epigrama helenstico, Fortunatae, 7 (1995)
PICHON (1902) = R. Pichon, De sermone amatorio apud Latinos elegiarum scriptores, Pars, 1902.
POLONSKAJA (1985) = K. P. Polonskaja, Les pigrammes amoureuses des premiers potes notriques
(en ruso), en B. B. Piotrovskij (ed.), La civilization antique et la science moderne, Mosc, 1985, pp.
RODRGUEZ (A-1993b) = Id. , Las innovaciones de la poesa ertica griega, en R. Pretagostini (ed.),
Tradizione e innovazione nella letteratura greca. Scritti in onore di B. Gentili, Roma, 1993, pp. 253266.
RODRGUEZ (A-1995) = Id., Vejez y Eros en la poesa griega arcaica, en Studia Classica Io. Tarditi
oblata, a cura di L. Belloni G. Milanese A. Porro, Miln, 1995, pp. 321-327.

ROSIVACH (1986) = Id., Love and leisure in Roman comedy and the amatory poets, AC, 55 (1986) 175189.
SKIADAS (1975) = A. D. Skiadas, Periuria amantium. Zur Geschichte und Interpretation eines Motivs der
augusteischen Liebesdichtung, en E. Lefvre (ed.), Monumentum Chiloniense. Festschrift fr E.
Burck, Amsterdam, 1975, pp. 400-418.
STEMMLER (1992) = Th. Stemmler (ed.), Homoerotische Lyrik. Vortrge eines interdisziplinren
Kolloquiums, Mannheim-Tubinga, 1992.
SOUBIRAN (1971) = J. Soubiran, Dlie et Thtis: motifs rotiques dans la posie latine, Pallas, 18 (1971)
SPIES (1930) = A. Spies, Militat omnis amans. Ein Beitrag zur Bildersprache der antiken Erotik, Tubinga,
SZEPESSY (1972) = T. Szepessy, The story of the girl who died on her wedding night, AAntHung, 20
(1972) 341-357.
TARN (1985) = Sonya L. Tarn, Eisi Triches: An Erotic Motif in the Greek Anthology, JHS, 105 (1985)
90-107. [reproducido en DYNES-DONALDSON (1992), pp. 434-451]
TRACY (1976b) = V. A. Tracy, The Poet-Lover in Augustan Elegy, Latomus, 35 (1976) 575-581.
VEYNE (1983b) = Id., Llegie rotique romaine. Lamour, la posie et lOccident, Pars, 1983 (trad. esp.,
Mxico, D. F., 1991).
VILLARRUBIA (2000) = Id., El amor en la poesa lrica griega de la poca arcaica, en BRIOSOVILLARRUBIA (2000), pp. 11-78.
WHEELER (A-1910) = A. L. Wheeler, Erotic Teaching in Roman Elegy and the Greek Sources, CPh, 5
(1910) 440-450 y 6 (1911) 56-77.
WHRLE (2000) = G. Whrle, Essen und Sexualitt in der frhgriechischen, besonders iambischen
Dichtung, RhM, 143 (2000) 113-118.
YARDLEY (1978) = J. C. Yardley, The Elegiac Paraclausityron, Eranos, 76 (1978) 19-34.

8.2.3. 8.2.3. Tragedia.

CERBO (1993) = E. Cerbo, Gli inni ad Eros in tragedia: struttura e funzione, en R. Pretagostini (ed.),
Tradizione e innovazione nella letteratura greca. Scritti in onore di B. Gentili, Roma, 1993, vol. III,
pp. 645-657.
DURUP (1988) = Id., Lexpressione tragica del desiderio amoroso, en CALAME (1988), pp. 143-157.
LUCAS (C-1992) = J. M. Lucas de Dios, El motivo de Putifar en la tragedia griega, Epos, 8 (1992) 37-56.
MLLER (B-1980)
RODRGUEZ (A-1987) = Id., Semntica del sexo en el teatro griego, en su libro Nuevos estudios de
Lingstica General y Teora Literaria, Barcelona, 1987, pp. 267-274.

8.2.4. 8.2.4. Comedia y drama satrico.

ANDERSON (B-1984) = Id., Love Plots in Menander and his Roman Adaptors, Ramus, 13 (1984) 124-134.

BONANNO (1973)
BRIOSO (2000) = Id., El amor, de la Comedia Nueva a la novela, en BRIOSO-VILLARRUBIA (2000), pp.
BROWN (D-1993) = Id., Love and marriage in Greek New Comedy, CQ, 43 (1993) 184-205.
CAMERANESI (1987) = R. Cameranesi, Lattrazione sessuale nella commedia attica antica, QUCC, 26
(1987) 37-47.
FLURY (1968) = P. Flury, Liebe und Liebessprache bei Menander, Plautus und Terenz, Heidelberg, 1968.
GIL (1975) = L. Gil, Comedia tica y sociedad ateniense. III: Los profesionales del amor en la comedia
media y nueva, ECls, 74 (1975) 59-88.
HABINEK (1985) = Thomas N. Habinek, Aspects of intimacy in Greek and Roman comic poetry, en J.
Redmond (ed.), Drama, sex and politics, Cambridge, 1985, pp. 25-33.
HALL (1998) = E. Hall, Ithyphallic Males Behaving Badly; or, Satyr Drama as Gendered Tragic Ending, en
M. Wyke (ed.), Parchments of Gender. Deciphering the Body in Antiquity, Oxford, 1998, pp. 13-37.
LICHT (1910)
LPEZ (A-2000) = A. Lpez Eire, Reflexiones sobre la lengua del drama satrico, Humanitas, 52 (2000)
PRESTON (1916) = K. Preston, Studies in the Diction of the Sermo Amatorius in Roman Comedy, Chicago,
ROSIVACH (1998) = Id., When a Young Man Falls in Love: The Sexual Exploitation of Women in New
Comedy, Londres-Nueva York, 1998.
SALLER (1993) = R. P. Saller, The social dynamics of consent to marriage and sexual relations: the
evidence of Roman comedy, en LAIOU (1993), pp. 83-104.
SANCHS (1984) = J. L. Sanchs Llopis, Aspectos arcaicos de Eros en la comedia media griega, en
Quaderns de Filologia. Miscel.lnia Sanchis Guarner, Valencia, 1984, pp. 293-299.
SANCHS (1985) = Id., Eros alado en la comedia media, ECls, 89 (1985) 67-94.
SVELO (1980) = A. Svelo, Un capitolo nella storia del comico del sesso: atellane e mimi, Reggio di
Calabria, 1980.
WILES (1989) = D. Wiles, Marriage and prostitution in classical New Comedy, Themes in Drama, 11
(1989) 31-48.

8.2.5. 8.2.5. Oratoria.

CAREY (1999) = Id., Propriety in the Attic orators, en DE MARTINO-SOMMERSTEIN (1999), pp. 369391.
DIMAKIS (1988b) = Id., Orateurs et htaires dans lAthnes classique, en DIMAKIS (1988), pp. 43-54.
RITOR (2000) = J. Ritor Ponce, El amor en la oratoria griega, en BRIOSO-VILLARRUBIA (2000), pp.

8.2.6. 8.2.6. Prosa filosfica.

BABUT (1963) = D. Babut, Les Stociens et lamour, REG, 76 (1963) 55-63. [reproducido en DYNESDONALDSON (92), pp. 1-9]
CASERTANO (1983) = G. Casertano, Il piacere, lamore e la morte nella dottrina dei presocratici. I: Il
piacere e il desiderio, Npoles, 1983.
COSENZA-LAURENTI (1993) = P. Cosenza R. Laurenti, Il piacere nella filosofia greca, Npoles, 1993.
DAGRADI (2000) = Id., Ideale filosofico del bios, regime di vita e tematizzazione della sessualit nel
pensiero dei pitagorici, A&R, 45 (2000) 140-149.
FIASSE (1999) = G. Fiasse, La problmatique de lamour-ros dans le stocisme. Confrontation de
fragments, paradoxes et interpretations, RPhL, 97 (1999) 459-481.
FLACELIRE (1969) = Id., Les picuriens et lamour, REG, 70 (1969) 3-43.
FLLINGER (1996) = S. Fllinger, Differenz und Gleichheit. Das Geschlechterverhltnis in der Sicht
griechischer Philosophen des 4. bis 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Stuttgart, 1996.
GARCA (A-1995) = Id., Los gnsticos y el lenguaje de la sexualidad. 1, Epimeleia, 4, n 8 (1995) 183199.
GILABERT (1985) = P. Gilabert Barber, Eros estoico (Estoicismo antiguo), tesis, Universidad de Barcelona,
GILABERT (1985) = Id., Mujer, matrimonio e hijos en el estoicismo antiguo bajo el amparo de Eros?,
Emerita, 53 (1985) 315-345.
GOSLING-TAYLOR (1982) = J. C. B Gosling C. C. W. Taylor, The Greeks on Pleasure, Oxford, 1982.
KARAYANNI (1976) = G. S. Karayanni, Lamour pdagogique dans la Grce antique, Pars, 1976.
MARTOS (1998) = Id., El concepto de placer en la tica estoica, FlorIl, 9 (1998) 199-213.
MONTONERI (1994) = L. Montoneri (ed.), I filosofi greci e il piacere, Roma-Bari, 1994.
PRICE (A-1996) = Id., Love and Friendship, OCD, 885-886.
RAMOS (2000) = Id., El amor en la filosofa griega, en BRIOSO-VILLARRUBIA (2000), pp. 123-144.
ROSSETTI (1974) = L. Rossetti, Spuren einiger erotikoi logoi aus der Zeit Platons, Eranos, 72 (1974) 185192.
THOMSEN (2001) = Id., Socrates and love, C&M, 52 (2001) 117-178.

8.2.7. 8.2.7. Fbula y cuento.

CASCAJERO (1994) = J. Cascajero, Avidez sexual de la mujer en la fbula greco-latina, en ALVARBLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994), pp. 91-98.
LEFVRE (1997) = E. Lefvre, Studien zur Struktur der Milesischen Novelle bei Petron und Apuleius,
AAWM, 5 (1997) 4-100.
RODRGUEZ (A-1989) = Id., El cuento ertico. De los cnicos al final de la Edad Media, Argos, 13-14
(1989-90) 185-194.
SEGA (1986) = G. Sega, Due milesie: La matrona di Efeso e lefebo di Pergamo, MCSN, 4 (1986) 37-81.

8.2.8. 8.2.8. Stira.

COURTNEY (1962b) = Id., Parody and Literary Allusion in Menippean Satire, Philologus, 106 (1962) 86100.
MILLER (C-1998b) = Id., The Bodily Grotesque in Roman Satire: Images of Sterility, Arethusa, 31 (1998)
RICHLIN (1978)
RUDD (1986) = Id., Women and Sex, en su libro Themes in Roman Satire, Norman, 1986, pp. 193-225.

8.2.9. 8.2.9. Biografa.

KRENKEL (1980) = Id., Sex und politische Biographie, WZRostock, 29.5 (1980) 65-76.
SNCHEZ (A-1985) = J. A. Snchez Marn, Prodigios, elementos erticos y retrato fsico en las biografas
de poetas, Emerita, 53 (1985) 291-308.

8.2.10. 8.2.10. Literatura mdica.

KEULS (1995)
IERACI (1984)
PIGEAUD (1997) = Id., Les fondaments philosophiques de lthique mdicale: le cas de Rome, en H.
Flashar J. Jouanna (eds.), Mdecine et morale dans lantiquit: dix exposs suivis de discusions,
Vandoeuvres-Ginebra, 1997 (Entretiens sur lAntiquit classique, 43), pp. 254-296 (y discusin en
pp. 323-326).

8.2.11. 8.2.11. Novela.

BARTONKOV (1992) = D. Bartonkov, Die erotischen Motive in den jngeren griechischen
idealisierenden Romanen (en checo, con resumen en al.), SPFB, 37 (1992) 143-150.
BRIOSO (1999)
BRIOSO (2000)
DUNAND (1989)
EFFE (1987) = B. Effe, Der griechische Liebesroman und die Homoerotik. Ursprung und Entwicklung einer
epischen Gattungskonvention, Philologus, 131 (1987) 95-108.
EGGER (1994)
GARZN (1992) = J. Garzn Daz, El amor en la novela griega, MHA, 13-14 (1992-93) 43-76.
GIANGRANDE (2000b) = Id., La Stoa e lamore nel romanzo greco, Orpheus, 21 (2000) 54-59.
GOLDHILL (1995) = Id., Foucaults virginity. Ancient erotic fiction and the history of sexuality, Cambridge,
KONSTAN (1987) = Id., La rappresentazione dei rapporti erotici nel romanzo greco, MD, 19 (1987) 9-27.
KONSTAN (1990) = Id., Love in the Greek novel, en KONSTAN-NUSSBAUM (1990), pp. 186-205.
KONSTAN (1993b) = Id., Love in the Ancient Greek Novel, EpZimb, 27 (1993) 5-15.

KONSTAN (1994) = Id., Sexual Symmetry. Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres, Princeton, 1994.
KONSTAN (1997) = Id., Amor, matrimonio y amistad en la novela griega, Humanitas, 49 (1997) 117-133.
LTOUBLON (1993) = F. Ltoublon, Les lieux communs du roman. Strotypes grecs daventure et damour,
Pars, 1993.
MAEHLER (1990)
MIRALLES (1977) = C. Miralles, Eros as nosos in the Greek Novel, en B. P. Reardon (ed.), Erotica
Antiqua: Acta of the International Conference on the Ancient Novel, Bangor, 1977, pp. 20-21.
MONTAGUE (1992) = H. Montague, Sweet and Pleasant Passion: Female and Male Fantasy in Ancient
Romance Novels, en RICHLIN (1992), pp. 231-249.
MUCHOW (1988) = M. D. Muchow, Passionate love and respectable society in three Greek novels, Ann
Arbor, 1988.
PARSONS (1971) = P. J. Parsons, A Greek Satyricon?, BICS, 18 (1971) 53-68.
PAULSEN (1993) = Th. Paulsen, Wunschtrume und ngste. Kaiserzeitliche Gesellschaft und Erotik im
Spiegel des antiken Liebesromans, en BINDER-EFFE (1993), pp. 45-62.
SCARCELLA (1989) = Id., Affari di cuore: Achille Tazio e lerotologia greca dellet (alto) imperiale, en
Studi di Filologia Classica in onore di G. Monaco, Palermo, 1991, pp. 455-470.
TAILLEUR (1985) = S. Tailleur, Modles amoureux proposs par les romans grecs, Kentron, 1 (1985) 1116.
TANNER (B-1979)
TREMBLEY (1981) = J. T. Trembley, The beloved self. Erotic and religious themes in Apuleius
Metamorphoses and the Greek romance, tesis, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ, 1981.

8.2.12. 8.2.12. Epistolografa.

KYTZLER (1967) = B. Kytzler, Erotische Briefe der griechischen Antike, Mnich, 1967.
MARTNEZ (B-1995) = Id., Cultura Clsica y literatura ertica griega, en F. J. Gmez Espelosn (ed.),
Lecciones de Cultura Clsica, Alcal de Henares, 1995, pp. 113-134.
PAOLI (1923) = U. E. Paoli, Sulla corrispondenza amorosa degli antichi, SIFC, 3 (1923) 251-258.
WEEBER (1995b) = Id., Liebesbrief, en Alltag im Alten Rom. Ein Lexikon, Zrich, 1995, p. 240.


8.3.Erotismo y sexualidad en la literatura clsica: clasificacin por

autores y obras.
8.3.1. 8.3.1. Agatas.

IRMSCHER (1984) = J. Irmscher, Zur Interpretation sptantiker Epigramme, ACD, 20 (1984) 75-80.
LAVALLE (B-1989) = R. Lavalle, Nota a un epigrama (Ant. Pal. V 297), Argos, 13-14 (1989-90) 125-126.
VOLPE (1981) = P. Volpe Cacciatore, Rielaborazione tematica e ricerca stilistica negli epigrammi erotici di
Agazia, en I. Gallo (ed.), Studi salernitani in memoria di R. Cantarella, Salerno, 1981, pp. 461-473.

8.3.2. 8.3.2. Agustn de Hipona.

BLZQUEZ (B-1982)
BONNER (B-1962) = G. I. Bonner, Libido and Concupiscentia in St. Augustine, TU, 81 (1962) 303-314.
BROWN (C-1983) = P. Brown, Sexuality and Society in the Fifth Century A. D.: Augustine and Julian of
Eclanum, en E. Gabba (ed.), Tria corda. Scritti in onore di A. Momigliano, Como, 1983, pp. 49-70.
BURNS (2000b) = Id., Marriage and Society in the City of God, en Marriage, Family Life and
CANCIK (A-1976)
CLARK (B-1986) = Id., Adams only companion: Augustine and the early Christian debate on marriage,
Recherches augustiniennes, 21 (1986) 139-169.
CLARK (B-1996) = Id., St. Augustine on marriage and sexuality, Washington, 1996.
ESPRITO (2002) = A. do Esprito Santo, Imagens do amor em Santo Agostinho, Humanitas, 54 (2002) 101113.
MARKUS (1991) = Robert A. Markus, Augustines Confessions and the controversy with Julian of
Eclanum: manicheism revisited, Augustiniana, 41 (1991) 913-925.
MCLEESE (1998) = Constance E. McLeese, Augustine on Adams rib and Eves sin: an evaluation of
theological sexism in Augustines exegesis of Gen. 2:15-25, and Gen. 3, tesis, Universit de
Montral, 1998.
OCONNELL (1993) = Robert J. OConnell, Sexuality in Saint Augustine, en Richard J. Neuhaus (ed.),
Augustine Today, Grand Rapids (Mich.), 1993, pp. 60-87.
OMEARA (1969) = John J. OMeara, St. Augustines attitude to love in the context of his influence on
Christian ethics, Arethusa, 2 (1969) 46-60.
OTTEN (1998) = W. Otten, Augustine on Marriage, Monasticism, and the Community of the Church, ThS,
59 (1998) 385-405.
POWER (1991) = K. Power, To love more ardently: St. Augustine on virginity, Tjurunga, 41 (1991)
POWER (1992) = Id., Sed unam tamen: Augustine and his concubine, AugStud, 23 (1992) 49-76.
SAMEK (1976) = E. Samek Lodovici, Sessualit, matrimonio e concupiscenza in santAgostino, en
CANTALAMESSA (1976), pp. 212-272.
SAWYER (1995) = E. Sawyer, Celibate pleasures: Masculinity, Desire, and Asceticism in Augustine,
JHSex, 6.1 (1995-96) 1-29.
SFAMENI (1985) = Gasparro G. Sfameni, Il tema della concupiscentia in Agostino e la tradizione
dellenkrateia, Augustinianum, 25 (1985) 155-183.
TRELOAR (1976) = A. Treloar, St. Augustines views on marriage, Prudentia, 8 (1976) 41-50.
VAN BAVEL (1992) = Tarsicius J. Van Bavel, Augustinus houding tegenover seksualiteit, Kleio, 22, 4
(1992-93) 176-185.
YATES (A-2000) = Jonathan P. Yates, Concupiscentia in Pre-Agustinian North Africa: A Quest for
Continuity, en Marriage, Family Life and Sexuality (AAR Meeting, November 2000)
WEAVER (1981)

8.3.3. 8.3.3. Alceo.

DAVIES (A-1985) = Id., Conventional topics of invective in Alcaeus, Prometheus, 11 (1985) 31-39.
JOCELYN (1993) = Id., Hesiod, Works and Days 582-96 and Alcaeus, fr. 347 L.P., en H. D. Jocelyn (ed.),
Tria lustra. Essays and Notes presented to J. Pinsent, Liverpool, 1993. pp. 87-95.
VETTA (1982) = Id., Il P. Oxy 2506 fr. 77 e la poesia pederotica in Alceo, QUCC, 39 (1982) 7-20.

8.3.4. 8.3.4. Alcifrn.

CALERO (2001) = Id., Las Cartas de Alcifrn y los delitos relacionados con la conducta sexual,
Prometheus, 27 (2001) 153-169.

8.3.5. 8.3.5. Alcmn.

CLARCK (1996) = C. A. Clarck, The Gendering of the Body in Alcmans Partheneion I: Narrative, Sex, and
Social Order in Archaic Sparta, Helios, 23 (1996) 143-172.
DAVIES (A-1983) = Id., Alcman 59a P., Hermes, 111 (1983) 496-497.
DAVIES (A-1984b) = Id., and the verb in Alcmans second Partheneion, Maia, 36 (1984) 1516.
DAVIES (A-1986) = Id., Alcman and the lover as suppliant, ZPE, 64 (1986) 13-14.
EASTERLING (1974) = P. E. Easterling, Alcman 54 and Simonides 37, PCPhS, 20 (1974) 37-43.
FILIPPO (1977) = A. Filippo, Eros, di nuovo, dolce versando: Alcmane fr. 59 P., QUCC, 25 (1977) 1722.
GENTILI (1976)
GENTILI (1991) = Id., Addendum. A proposito del Partenio di Alcmane, QUCC, 68 (1991) 69-70.
JANNI (1964) = P. Janni, Agido e Agesicora, RFIC, 92 (1964) 59-65.
RODRGUEZ (A-1973) = Id., Alcmn, el partenio del Louvre. Estructura e interpretacin, Emerita, 41
(1973) 323-344.
SIRNA (1973) = Francesco G. Sirna, Alcmane ;, Aegyptus, 53 (1973) 28-70.
VETTA (1982b) = Id., Studi recenti sul primo partenio di Alcmane, QUCC, 39 (1982) 127-136.

8.3.6. 8.3.6. Ambrosio de Miln.

BURRUS (1996b) = Id., Equipped for victory: Ambrose and the gendering of orthodoxy, JECS, 4 (1996)
HUNTER (A-1989) = D. G. Hunter, On the sin of Adam and Eve: a little known defense of marriage and
childbearing by Ambrosiaster, HThR, 82 (1989) 283-299.
PIZZOLATO (1976) = L. F. Pizzolato, La coppia umana in santAmbrogio, en CANTALAMESSA (1976),
pp. 180-211.

8.3.7. 8.3.7. Amiano Marcelino.

SABBAH (1994) = G. Sabbah, Castum, incestum: elements dune thique sexuelle dans lHistoire
dAmmien Marcellin, Latomus, 53 (1994) 317.
TOUGHER (1999)

8.3.8. 8.3.8. Anacreonte.

BROWN (B-1984) = Id., Ruined by lust: Anacreon, Fr. 44 Gentili (432 PMG), CQ, 34 (1984) 37-42.
CAMPBELL (B-1973) = M. Campbell, Anacr. fr. 358 P, MCr, 8-9 (1973-74) 168-169.
CARBONE (1993) = G. Carbone, Le donne di Lesbo nel lessico svetoniano delle ingiurie (A proposito di
Anacr. fr. 13 Gent.), QUCC, 44 (1993) 71-76.
CAVALLINI (1990) = Id., Erotima e la madre (Anacr. fr. 1 P. = 60 Gent.), GIF, 40 (1990) 213-215.
CYRINO (1996) = M. Cyrino, Anacreon and Eros Damales, CW, 89 (1996) 371-382.
DAVIDSON (1987) = J. Davidson, Anacreon, Homer and the Young Woman from Lesbos, Mnemosyne, 40
(1987) 132-137.
DAVIES (A-1981) = M. Davies, Artemon transvestitus? A query, Mnemosyne, 34 (1981) 288-299.
GANS (1981) = E. Gans, The birth of the lyric self: from feminine to masculine, Helios, 8 (1981) 33-69.
GENTILI (1973) = Id., La ragazza di Lesbo, QUCC, 16 (1973) 124-128.
GIANGRANDE (1973) = G. Giangrande, Anacreon and the Lesbian girl, QUCC, 16 (1973) 129-133.
GIANGRANDE (1976) = Id., On Anacreons Poetry, QUCC, 22 (1976) 43-46 [con un Addendum de B.
GIANGRANDE (1981) = Id., Anacreon and the fellatrix from Lesbos, MPhL, 4 (1981) 15-18.
GIANGRANDE (1995) = Id., Anacreons pubic hair, Habis, 26 (1995) 9-12.
GOLDHILL (1987) = Id., The dance of the veils. Reading five fragments of Anacreon, Eranos, 85 (1987)
KOMORNICKA (1976) = A. M. Komornicka, la suite de la lecture La ragazza di Lesbo, QUCC, 22
(1976) 37-41.
KURKE (1997)
LASERRE (1993) = Id., Les erotika dAnacreon, en R. Pretagostini (cur.), Tradizione e innovazione nella
cultura greca da Omero all et ellenistica. Scritti in onore di B. Gentili, Roma, 1993, vol. 1, pp.
MARCOVICH (1983) = Id., Anacreon, 358 PMG, AJPh, 104 (1983) 372-383.
NAFISSI (1983) = M. Nafissi, Anacreonte, i Tonea e la corona di lygos, PP, 38 (1983) 417-439.
PACE (1997) = C. Pace, Anacreonte e la palla di Nausicaa (Anacr. Fr. 13 G. = 358 PMG, 1-4), Eikasmos, 7
(1996) 81-86.
PELLICIA (1991) = Hayden N. Pelliccia, Anacreon 13 (358 PMG), AJPh, 86 (1991) 30-36.
PELLICIA (1995) = Id., Ambiguity against ambiguity: Anacreon 13 again, ICS, 20 (1995) 23-34.

PFEIJFFER (2000) = Ilja L. Pfeijffer, Playing Ball with Homer: An Interpretation of Anacreon 358 PMG,
Mnemosyne, 53 (2000) 164-184.
RENEHAN (1984) = R. Renehan, Anacreons fragment 13 Page, CPh, 79 (1984) 28-32.
RENEHAN (1993) = Id., On the Interpretation of a Poem of Anacreon, ICS, 18 (1993) 39-47.
SERRAO (B-1968) = G. Serrao, Lode di Erotima: da timida fanciulla a donna publica (Anacr. Fr.346, 1 P =
60 Gent.), QUCC, 6 (1968) 36-51.
SILVEIRA (1995) = M. Silveira Cyrino, Anakreon and the Eros damals, CW, 89 (1995-96) 371-382.
SLATER (B-1978) = Id., Artemon and Anacreon. No text without context, Phoenix, 32 (1978) 185-194.
URIOS (1993) = E. Urios-Aparisi, Love and Poetry (on 358 PMG, 13 Gent.), QUCC 44, 2 (1993) 51-70.
WILLIAMSON (1998) = M. Williamson, Eros the Blacksmith: Performing Masculinity in Anakreons Love
Lyrics, en L. Foxhall J. Salmon (eds.), Thinking Men. Masculinity and its Self-Representation in
the Classical Tradition, Londres-Nueva York, 1998, pp. 71-82.
WOODBURY (1979) = Id., Gold Hair and Grey, Or the Game of Love: Anacreon Fr. 13: 358 PMG, TAPhA,
109 (1979) 277-287.

8.3.9. 8.3.9. Anaxgoras.

KEMBER (1973) = Id., Anaxagoras theory of sex differentiation and heredity, Phronesis, 18 (1973) 1-14.

8.3.10. 8.3.10. Anaxndrides.

SCHOLTZ (1996) = A. Scholtz, Perfum from Perons: the politics of pedicure in Anaxandrides fr. 41 K.-A.,
ICS, 21 (1996) 69-86.

8.3.11. 8.3.11. Antifonte.

BUSHALA (1969)

8.3.12. 8.3.12. Antpatro de Sidn.

HARVEY (A-1986) = Id., Two Ambiguous Epigrams in the Anthology, MPhL, 7 (1986) 91-94.
LIVREA (1979) = E. Livrea, Il piede di Eupalamo (Antip. A. P. XII, 97), GIF, 31 (1979) 325-329.
STEINBICHLER (1995) = W. Steinbichler, Meriones, der poimen Kreton, als Idomeneos therapon: zu AP
12, 97 (Antipatros von Sidon) und 12, 247 (Straton von Sardes), QUCC, 49 (1995) 81-90.

8.3.13. 8.3.13. Antpatro de Tesalnica.

WHITE (1997) = Id., Eight convivial and satirical epigrams, Minerva, 11 (1997) 67-71.

8.3.14. 8.3.14. Antstenes.

BRANCACCI (1993) = A. Brancacci, rotique et thorie du plaisir chez Antisthne, en M.-O. Goulet-Caze
R. Goulet (eds.), Le Cynisme ancien, Pars, 1993, pp. 35-55.

8.3.15. 8.3.15. Antologia latina.

HARRISON (1992) = Id., Apuleius eroticus: Anth. Lat. 712 Riese, Hermes, 120 (1992) 83-89.
LEBEK (1982b) = Id., Gemini und gemelli. Anthologia Latina2 (Riese) 457, 8 und Catull 57, 6, RhM, 125
(1982) 176-180.

8.3.16. 8.3.16. Antologa palatina (epigramas annimos).

BUFFIRE (1977) = F. Buffire, Sur quelques pigrammes du livre XII de lAnthologie, REG, 90 (1977)
GIANGRANDE (1979) = Id., A.P. 5, 142 (= Gow-Page, Hell. Epigr. 3746 f.), Eranos, 77 (1979) 171.

8.3.17. 8.3.17. Antonino Liberal.

SCARPI (1978)
DAVIDSON (1997b)

8.3.18. 8.3.18. Apolonio de Rodas.

ARDIZZONI (1982) = A. Ardizzoni, Vergine vedova o solo giovane veduva? Intorno ad una similitudine di
Apollonio Rodio, en Studi in onore di A. Colonna, Perugia, 1982, pp. 7-9.
BEYE (1969) = Charles R. Beye, Jason as love-hero in Apollonios Argonautika, GRBS, 10 (1969) 31-55.
DI MARCO (1995) = Id., Il proemio dellIla: Teocrito, Apollonio e leros paidikos, Eikasmos, 6 (1995)
GIANGRANDE (1993) = Id., La concepcin del amor en Apolonio Rodio, en J. A. Lpez Frez (ed.), La
pica griega y su influencia en la literatura griega, Madrid, 1993, pp. 213-233.
MCGREADY (1983) = F. McGready, Heracles love for Hylas, CL, 3 (1983) 79-80.
PINO (1999) = L. M. Pino Campos, Tres modelos diferentes de erotismo literario: Platn, Apolonio de
Rodas y Caritn de Afrodisias, Fortunatae, 11 (1999) 93-112.
ZANKER (1979) = G. Zanker, The Love Theme in Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica, WS, 13 (1979) 52-75.

8.3.19. 8.3.19. Apuleyo.

BECHTLE (1995) = G. Bechtle, The adultery-tales in the ninth book of Apuleius Metamorphoses, Hermes,
123 (1995) 106-116.
CIAFFI (1983)
COOPER (1980) = G. Cooper, Sexual and ethical reversal in Apuleius: the Metamorphoses as anti-epic, en
C. Deroux (ed.), Studies in Latin literature and Roman history, vol. II, Bruselas, 1980 (= Coll.
Latomus, 168), pp. 436-466.
HOUSMAN (1931) = Id., Praefanda, Hermes, 66 (1931) 402-412.

HUNINCK (1998) = V. Huninck, Two Erotic Poems in Apuleius Apology, Studies in Latin Literature and
Roman History IX, Bruselas, 1998 (= Coll. Latomus, 244), pp. 448-461.
LEFVRE (1997)
MIMBU (1994) = H. Mimbu Kilol, Structure et thmes initiatiques de lAne dOr dApule, AncSoc, 25
(1994) 303-330.
PARKER-MURGATROYD (2002) = S. Parker & P. Murgatroyd, Love poetry and Apuleius Cupid and Psyche,
CQ, 52 (2002) 400-404.
ROCCA (1976) = S. Rocca, Il motivo dellinnamoramento a prima vista nellapuleiana Amore e Psiche ed il
romanzo greco, MCSN, 1 (1976) 33-47.
RUIZ (A-2000) = Id., Los cuentos de adulterio del libro IX de las Metamorfosis de Apuleyo, Faventia, 22.2
(2000) 39-49.
SCHLAM (1978) = C. C. Schlam, Sex and the Sanctity: The Relationship of Male and Female in Apuleius
Metamorphoses, Groninga, 1978.
SCHMIDT (B-1989)
STRUB (1985) = C. Strub, Die Metamorphosen des Apuleius als Tiergeschichte (Sprache, Sexualitt, Essen
und Lucius Prozess der Zivilisation), WJA, 11 (1985) 169-188.
TAPPI (1986) = O. Tappi, Interdiscorsivit e intertestualit in una novella di Apuleio (Metamorfosi 10, 212). Fenomenologia del tab dellincesto, MCSN, 4 (1986) 179-197.

8.3.20. 8.3.20. Aquiles Tacio.

HIKICHI (1965) = M. Hikichi, Eros and Tyche in Achilles Tatius (en jap., con resumen in ingl.), JCS, 13
(1965) 116-126.
SCARCELLA (1989) = Id., Cronaca dellamore e degli amori nelle storie damore, en P. L. Furiani A. M.
Scarcella (eds.), Piccolo mondo antico. Le donne, gli amori, i costumi, il mondo reale nel romanzo
antico, Perugia, 1989, pp. 151-195.

8.3.21. 8.3.21. Aristneto.

ARNOTT (1982) = Id., Pastiche, pleasantry, prudish eroticism, YCS, 27 (1982) 291-320.
GALL (1994) = Rafael J. Gall Cejudo, Algunas consideraciones sobre la tradicin ertica griega en las
Cartas de Aristneto, en Actas del VIII Congr. Espaol de Estudios Clsicos, vol. II, Madrid, 1994,
pp. 181-186.
ROSENMEYER (B-1996) = Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, Love letters in Callimachus, Ovid and Aristaenetus or
the sad fate of a mailorder bride, MD, 36 (1996) 9-31.
ROTTER (1938) = H. Rotter, Erotika bei Aristainetos und seinen Vrgangern, Viena, 1938.
SUREZ (A-1991) = E. Surez de la Torre, Motivos y temas en las cartas de amor de Filstrato y
Aristneto, Fortunatae, 1 (1991) 113-132.
TIZIANA (1998) = A. Tiziana Drago, Il Lamento della donna abbandonata o lo stravolgimento parodico
della tradizione: Aristaenet. Ep. 2, 13, MD, 41 (1998) 207-223.

8.3.22. 8.3.22. Arstides de Mileto.

LUCAS (A-1907) = H. Lucas, Zu den Milesiaca des Aristides, Philologus, 66 (1907) 16-35.

8.3.23. 8.3.23. Aristfanes.

ALVONI (1995) = G. Alvoni, Ar. Geras, frr. 137 e 147; Amphiaraos, fr. 29 K.-A, Eikasmos, 6 (1995) 97107.
ALVONI (1997)
ANDERSON (A-1981) = G. Anderson, and , JHS, 101 (1981) 130-132.
ARROWSMITH (1973) = A. Arrowsmith, Aristophanes Birds: The Fantasy Politics of Eros, Arion, 1
(1973) 119-167.
BAIN (1982) = Id., (Aristophanes, Ekklesiazousai 724), LCM, 7 (1982)
BAIN (1985) = Id., : Some reservations, CQ, 35 (1985) 31-37.
BAIN (1991b)
BAIN (1992)
BALDWIN (1981)
BECK (1982) = W. Beck, (and Theocritus II 156), JHS, 102 (1982) 234.
BORTHWICK (1993) = Id., and in Demosthenes and Aristophanes, LCM, 18 (1993)
BORTHWICK (1997) = Id., Euripides Erotodidaskalos? A note on Aristophanes Frogs 957, CPh, 92 (1997)
BOWIE (1997) = Angus M. Bowie, Thinking with Drinking: Wine and the Symposium in Aristophanes,
JHS, 117 (1997) 1-21.
BOWRA (1958) = C. M. Bowra, A love-duet, AJPh, 79 (1958) 376-391.
BROWN (B-1983) = Id., Noses at Aristophanes, Clouds 344?, QUCC, 43 (1983) 87-90.
BROWN (B-1997) = Id., Politician, Pathic, Profligate: Three Targets (Aristophanes, Frogs 416-430),
Eikasms, 8 (1997) 59-67.
CALDER (1970)
CAMPAGNER (1998) = R. Campagner, Una Boule a luci rosse (Aristofane, Pax 894-904), QUCC, 87
(1998) 33-40.
CANNAT (A-1998) = F. Cannat, Aristofane, Nuvole 652-654: una proposta, QUCC, 87 (1998) 15-26.
CATENACCI (1998) = C. Catenacci, La cavalcata di Xantia a mezzogiorno (Aristofane, Vesp. 500-502),
QUCC, 87 (1998) 27-32.
CAVALLINI (1983) = Id., Echi della lirica arcaica nella Lisistrata di Aristofane, MCr, 18 (1983) 71-75.
COHEN (C-1985)
COLLARD (1979)
DEGANI (1960) = E. Degani, Arifrade lanassagoreo, Maia, 12 (1960) 190-217.
DEGANI (1987) = Id., Insulto ed escrologia in Aristofane, Dioniso, 57 (1987) 31-47.

DEGANI (1993) = Id., Aristofane e la tradizione dellinvettiva personale in Grecia, en J. M. Bremer E.

W. Handley (eds.), Aristophanes (Entretiens Hardt 38), Vandoeuvres-Ginebra, 1993, pp. 1-49.
DI MARCO (1987)
DORATI (1998) = M. Dorati, Lisistrata e la tessitura, QUCC, 87 (1998) 41-56.
FARAONE (1992b)
FOLEY (1982)
FOWLER (B-1996) = R. L. Fowler, How the Lysistrata works, EMC, 40 (1996) 245-249.
GARCA (E-1995)
GARDNER (1996) = Id., Aristophanes and Male Anxiety: The defence of the oikos, en MCAUSLANWALCOT (1996), pp. 146-157.
GARGIULO (1998) = T. Gargiulo, Aristofane, Eq. 1289, QUCC, 87 (1998) 11-13.
GER-JOHNSSON (2002) = Iid., A Comment on the Lekythion-scene in Aristophanes Frogs, Eranos, 100
(2002) 38-50.
GIACOMONI (1999) = A. Giacomoni, Rito e trasgressione erotica: Aristoph. Thesm. 466 ss., QUCC, 63
(1999) 91-95.
GILULA (1983) = Id., Four deadly sins? (Arist. Wasps 74-84), CQ, 33 (1983) 358-362.
HALLIWELL (2002) = St. Halliwell, Aristophanic sex: the erotics of shamelessness, en NUSSBAUM-SIHVOLA
(2002), pp. 120-142.
HAWTREY (1982) = R. S. W. Hawtrey, Aristophanes, Acharnians 77-79. Some light from Plato?, LCM, 7
(1982) 110.
HENDERSON (1974b) = Id., Sparring Partners. A Note on Aristophanes, Ecclesiazousae 964-965, AJPh,
95 (1974) 344-347.
HOOKER (1970)
JOCELYN (1980)
KILLEEN (1971) = J. F. Killeen, The comic costume controversy, CQ, 21 (1971) 51-54.
LEDUC (1981)
LORENZONI (1997) = A. Lorenzoni, La di Ar. Eccl. 1101, Eikasmos, 8 (1997) 71-81.
LUDWIG (1996) = Id., Politics and Eros in Aristophanes Speech: Symposium 191E-192C and the
Comedies, AJPh, 117 (1996) 537-562.
MACCARY (1979) = W. T. MacCary, Philokleon ithyphallos. Dance, costume and character in the Wasps,
TAPhA, 109 (1979) 137-147.
MARSTON (1973) = V. Marston, Aristophanes use of obscenity, tesis, Ohio State Univ., 1973.
MARZULLO (1983) = Id., Aristoph. Ach. 993-999, MCr, 18 (1983) 85-92.
MASTROMARCO (1986) = G. Mastromarco, Il naso delle nuvole (Aristofane, Nuvole 344), QUCC, 52
(1986) 121-123.
MCLEISH (1977)

NAPOLITANO (1994) = Id., : una riconsidezione (Ar. Eq. 1274-1289), QUCC, 48

(1994) 67-92.
NAPOLITANO (1995) = Id., Addendum. A proposito dei di Arifrade nei Cavalieri di
Aristofane, QUCC, 50 (1995) 67-70.
PERPILLOU (1984) = J. L. Perpillou, Signifis clandestins ou le pole et le tisonnier, RPh, 58 (1984) 5362.
PERUSINO (2002) = F. Perusino, Lnkyklon, un mantello femminile nelle commedie di Aristofane, QUCC,
101 (2002) 129-133.
QUINCEY (1949)
RESTANTI (1983) = D. Restanti, Aristoph. Ran. 1327 s.: una parodia di ambito musicale?, GFF, 6 (1983)
ROBERTSON (A-1982) = M. Robertson, and , JHS, 102 (1982) 234.
ROLLEY (1974) = C. Rolley, propos dun vase et de quelques injures (Assemble de Femmes, v. 11011111), AC, 43 (1974) 166-171.
RUCK (1975) = C. Ruck, Euripides Mother. Vegetables and the Phallus in Aristophanes, Arion, 2 (1975)
RUSTEN (1977) = J. S. Rusten, Wasps 1360-1369. Philokleons , HSPh, 81 (1977) 157-161.
SAD (1987)
SCHOLTZ (1997) = A. Scholtz, Erastes tou demou: erotic imagery in political contexts in Thucydides and
Aristophanes, tesis, Yale Univ., New Haven (Conn.), 1997.
SEAGER (1983) = R. Seager, Aristophanes Thesm.493-496 and the Comic Posibilities of Garlic,
Philologus, 127 (1983) 139-142.
SNELL (1979) = B. Snell, Lekythion, Hermes, 107 (1979) 129-133.
STONE (1978)
TAMMARO (1975) = V. Tammaro, Aristoph. Av. 159ss., MCr, 10-12 (1975-77) 145-146.
TAMMARO (1975b) = Id., Aristoph. Thesm. 813, MCr, 10-12 (1975-77) 147-150.
TAPLIN (1988)
THIELSCHER (1937) = P. Thielscher, Zu bei Aristophanes Nub. 989 und 1018, PhW, 57 (1937) 255256.
THIERCY (1997) = P. Thiercy, Lamour la cuisine, ou la sexualit quotidienne chez Aristophane, en A.
Lpez Eire (ed.), Sociedad, poltica y literatura: comedia griega antigua, Salamanca, 1997, pp. 219229.
TOTARO (1991) = P. Totaro, Il bianco Arignoto (Ar. Eq. 1279), Eikasmos, 2 (1991) 153-157.
WHITMAN (1969)
WILSON (A-1974)

WIT-TAK (1967) = Th. De Wit-Tak, Lysistrata: Vrede, Vrouw, en Obsceniteit bij Aristophanes, Groninga,
WIT-TAK (1968) = Id., The function of obscenity in Aristophanes Thesmophoriazusae and Ecclesiazusae,
Mnemosyne, 21 (1968) 357-365.
ZEITLIN (1981)
ZWEIG (1992) = B. Zweig, The Mute Nude Female Characters in Aristophanes Plays, en RICHLIN
(1992), pp. 73-89.

8.3.24. 8.3.24. Aristteles.

ADKINS (1963)
CAPRIGLIONE (1996) = Id., La sexualidad en Platn y Aristteles, en PREZ-ANDREOTTI (1996), pp.
COHEN (C-1984)
COLES (1995)
GRAVEL (1982) = P. Gravel, Aristote, sur le vin, le sexe, la folie, le gnie, tudes franaises, 18, 1 (1982)
MARTOS (1997b) = Id., El placer en las ticas de Aristteles, ExcPhilol, 7-8 (1997-98) 33-47.
MCGOWAN (1999) = D. McGowan Tress, Aristotle against the Hippocratics on sexual generation: a reply
to Coles, Phronesis, 44 (1999) 228-241.
MORSINK (1979)
PRICE (A-1989) = A. W. Price, Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle, Oxford, 1989.
SIHVOLA (2002) = J. Sihvola, Aristotle on sex and love, en NUSSBAUM-SIHVOLA (2002), pp. 200-221.
SISSA (1991)
YATES (B-1998) = V. Yates, A Sexual Model of Katharsis, Apeiron, 31 (1998) 35-57.
ZUCKER (1994) = A. Zucker, Raison fausse et fable vraie, sur le sexe ambigu de la hyne, Pallas, 41
(1994) 27-40.

8.3.25. 8.3.25. Arquloco.

ANDRISANO (1983) = A. Andrisano, Note ad Archiloco (P. Col. 7511), MCr, 18 (1983) 7-19.
BROCCIA (1974) = G. Broccia, Il linguaggio amoroso di Archiloco e la terminologia guerresca della
tradizione omerica, AFLM, 7 (1974) 312-321.
CALDER (1979) = Id., Archilocus, the Cologne erotic fragment. A note, CJ, 75 (1979) 42-43.
CASANOVA (A-1976) = A. Casanova, Uninterpretazione del nuovo Archiloco, Prometheus, 2 (1976) 1840.
DEGANI (1975) = Id., ;nel nuovo Archiloco di Colonia, QUCC, 26 (1975) 229.
DEGANI (1976b) = Id., Note archilochee, QUCC, 21 (1976) 23-25.

DURN (1999) = M. Durn, El escudo, la serpiente y la mujer en Arquloco 12 Adrados = 5 West, Emerita,
67 (1999) 87-103.
GENTILI (1976b) = Id., Nota ad Archiloco, P. Col. 7511; Fr. 2 Tard., 2 West, QUCC, 21 (1976) 17-21.
GERBER (1976) = Id., Archilocus, fr. 42 West, QUCC, 22 (1976) 7-14.
HENDERSON (1976) = Id., The Cologne Epode and the Conventions of Early Greek Erotic Poetry,
Arethusa, 9 (1976) 159-179.
JARKHO (1982) = V. N. Jarkho, The new epode of Archilochus (en ruso, con resumen en ingl.), VDI, 159
(1982) 64-80.
KAMERBEEK (1976) = J. C. Kamerbeek, Remarques sur le nouvel Archiloque, Mnemosyne, 29 (1976)
LASSERRE (1975) = Id., Archiloque et la fille aux cheveux blonds (P.Colon. inv. 7511, 1-35, AC, 44
(1975) 506-530.
LEFKOWITZ (1976) = Mary R. Lefkowitz, Fiction in literary biography. The new poem and the
Archilochus legend, Arethusa, 9 (1976) 181-189.
LUPPE (1993)
MEDAGLIA (1977) = S. M. Medaglia, Note Archilochee (fr. 42 e 188 West), BPEC, 25 (1977) 61-69.
MELERO-SUREZ (1977) = A. Melero Bellido & E. Surez de la Torre, Un reciente problema para la
filologa clsica. El nuevo fragmento atribuido a Arquloco, CFC, 13 (1977) 167-199.
PESSANHA (1993) = Nely M. Pessanha, O discurso amoroso de Arquloco, en Actas VII Reunio Anual
da SBEC, Araraquara, 1992 (= Classica, supl. 1), vol. 1, pp. 167-171.
RANKIN (1978) = Id., Archilocus Pap. Col. inv. 7511. The amorous encounter, LF, 101 (1978) 208-212.
RUBIN (1978) = N. F. Rubin, Some functions of the enclosed invective in Archilochus erotic fragment,
CJ, 74 (1978-79) 136-141.
SICKLE (1975) = J. van Sickle, The New Erotic Fragment of Archilochus, QUCC, 20 (1975) 125-156.
SICKLE (1976) = Id., Introduction, Arethusa, 9 (1976) 133-147.
SICKLE (1980) = Id., On the Cologne epodes end again, CJ, 75 (1980) 225-228.
STOESSL (1976) = F. Stoessl, Das Liebesgedicht des Archilochus (P. Colon. 7511), seine literarische Form
und sein Zeugnis ber Leben und Sitten im Paros des 7. Jh. a. C., RhM, 119 (1976) 242-266.
STOESSL (1979) = Id., Archilochus fragment 45 W = 36 T = 274 LB = 37 D 3 = 35 Bgk, QUCC, 31 (1979)
TREU (1976) = M. Treu, Archilochos und die Schwestern, RhM, 119 (1976) 97-125.
WEST-MERKELBACH (1974) = Ein Archilochos-Papyrus, ZPE, 14 (1974) 97-113.
ZANETTO (1985) = G. Zanetto, Archiloco, la e la , en Graeco-Latina Mediolanensia, Miln,
1985 (= Quad. di Acme, V), pp. 35-47.

8.3.26. 8.3.26. Artemidoro de Daldis.

MACALISTER (1992) = S. MacAlister, Gender as Sign and Symbolism in Artemidorus Oneirokritika:
Social Aspirations and Anxieties, Helios, 19 (1992) 140-60.
PRICE (B-1990) = S. R. F. Price, The future of dreams: from Freud to Artemidoros, en HALPERINWINKLER-ZEITLIN (1990), pp. 365-387.

WINKLER (A-1990b) = Id., Unnatural acts: erotic protocols in Artemidoros Dream Analysis, en
WINKLER (A-1990), pp. 17-44.

8.3.27. 8.3.27. Asclepades.

BORTHWICK (1967) = E. K. Borthwick, A Femme Fatale in Asclepiades, CR, 17 (1967) 250-254.
BUFFIRE (1977)
CAIRNS (B-1998) = Id., Asclepiades and the Hetairai, Eikasmos, 9 (1998) 165-193.
CAMERON (1981) = Id., Asclepiades Girl Friends, en FOLEY (1981), pp. 275-302.
DEFREYNE (1993) = L. Defreyne, Erotes and Eros in the epigrams of Asclepiades, Aevum(ant), 6 (1993)
DOVER (2002) = Id., Two Women of Samos, en NUSSBAUM-SIHVOLA (2002), pp. 222-228.
GIANGRANDE (2000) = Id., Asclepiades and prostitution, Myrtia, 15 (2000) 255-258.
SANDIN (2000) = P. Sandin, An erotic image in Asclepiades 5, Mnemosyne, 53 (2000) 345-346.
VILLARRUBIA (2003) = Id., Algunas notas sobre la poesa epigramtica amorosa de la poca helenstica:
Asclepades de Samos y Meleagro de Gdara, Habis, 34 (2003) 87-112.
WHITE (1997b) = Id., Two erotic epigrams by Asclepiades, Veleia, 14 (1997) 369-371.

8.3.28. 8.3.28. Ateneo.

HAWLEY (1993) = R. Hawley, Pretty, witty and wise: courtesans in Athenaeus Deipnosophistai book 13,
International Journal of Moral and Social Studies, 8.1 (1993) 73-91.
HENRY (1992)
HENRY (2000) = Id., Athenaeus the Ur-Pornographer, en D. Braund J. Wilkins (eds.), Athenaeus and his
world, Exeter, 2000, pp. 503-510.
MCCLURE (2003) = Id., Subversive laughter: the sayings of courtesans in book 13 of Athenaeus
Deipnosophistai, AJPh, 124 (2003) 259-294.
SANCHS (1994) = Id., Tradicin y erudicin en el libro XIII de Deipnosophistai de Ateneo de Nucratis,
Minerva, 8 (1994) 163-187.

8.3.29. 8.3.29. Aurelio Vctor.

BIRD (1982) = H. W. Bird, Aurelius Victor on Women and Sexual Morality, CJ, 78 (1982-83) 44-48.

8.3.30. 8.3.30. Ausonio.

ADAMS (B-1981) = J. N. Adams, Ausonius Cento nuptialis 101-131, SIFC, 53 (1981) 199-215.
ADAMS (B-1983c) = Id., An Epigram of Ausonius (87, p. 344 Peiper), Latomus, 42 (1983) 95-109.
BAIN (1984) = Id., Theta sectilis: Ausonius, Epigram 87.13, Latomus, 43 (1984) 598-599.

CARLETTI (1979) = P. Carletti Colafrancesco, Il rene di Galla. Note ad Auson. epigr. 34 P, InvLuc, 1
(1979) 49-75.
DRGER (2001) = P. Drger, Bissula Eliza Lolita: Priap als Sprachlehrer, Gttinger Forum fr
Altertumswissenschaft, 4 (2001) 187-219. <http://webdoc.gwdg.de/edoc/p/gfa/4-01/draeger.pdf>
HOTTENTOT (1984) = W. Hottentot, Whats in a name? (Ausonius Epigr. 92 Prete), Mnemosyne, 37
(1984) 148-151.
JOCELYN (1979) = H. D. Jocelyn, Catullus 58 and Ausonius Ep. 71, LCM, 4 (1979) 87-91.
LOSSAU (1973) = M. Lossau, Quod nobis superest ignobilis oti: Zur ; des Ausonius, en G.
Droege W. Frhwald F. Pauly (eds.), Verfhrung zur Geschichte. Festschrift zum 500. Jahrestag
der Erffnung einer Universitt in Trier. 1473-1973, Trier, 1973, pp. 20-44.
LOSSAU (1989) = Id., Ausonius and Litterae Graecae, Maia, 41 (1989) 125-142.
MONTERO (1978) = Id., Transformaciones semntico-literarias en el Cento nuptialis de Ausonio, en Actas
del V Congreso espaol de Estudios Clsicos, Madrid, 1978, pp. 599-602.
STRK (2001) = E. Strk, ber Nola und Nolaner (Cael. Or. frg. Quint. Inst. 8, 6, 53; Auson. Epigr. 75, 5
Green), Hermes, 129 (2001) 232-238.
SZELEST (1976) = H. Szelest, Die Spottepigramme des Ausonius, Eos, 64 (1976) 33-42.

8.3.31. 8.3.31. Automedonte.

MAXWELL (1974) = Id., Automedon, the mordant wit, ZAnt, 24 (1974) 73-88.

8.3.32. 8.3.32. Babrio.

SCHMIDT (B-1989)

8.3.33. 8.3.33. Basilio de Ancira.

SHAW (C?-1998)

8.3.34. 8.3.34. Bin (buclico).

MONTES (1994) = J. G. Montes Cala, Bin y la potica de Eros (a propsito del fr. 10 Gow), Habis, 25
(1994) 87-90.

8.3.35. 8.3.35. Boecio.

VOGEL (1981) = C. J. de Vogel, Boce, Consol. II m. 8 amour grec ou amour chrtien?, en L. Obertello
(cur.), Atti del Congr. Intern. di Studi Boeziani, Roma, 1981, pp. 193-200.

8.3.36. 8.3.36. Calmaco.

BARIGAZZI (1973) = A. Barigazzi, Amore e poetica in Callimaco, RFIC, 101 (1973) 186-194.

BINDER-HAMM (1998) = G. Binder & U. Hamm, Die Locke der Berenike und der Ursprung der
rmischen Liebeselegie, en A. E. Radke (ed.), Candide iudex: Beitrge zur augusteischen Dichtung,
Festschrift fr W. Wimmel zum 75. Geburtstag, Stuttgart, 1998, pp. 13-34.
BUFFIRE (1977)
GIANGRANDE (1969b) = Id., Callimachus, Poetry and Love, Eranos, 67 (1969) 33-42.
WHITE (2000) = Id., Further textual problems in Greek poetry, Orpheus, 21 (2000) 175-188.

8.3.37. 8.3.37. Caritn de Afrodisias.

ALVARES (1997) = J. Alvares, Charitons Erotic History, AJPh, 118 (1997) 613-629.
ELSOM (1992) = Helen E. Elsom, Callirhoe: Displaying the Phallic Woman, en RICHLIN (1992), pp. 212230.
HEISEMAN (1975) = A. Heiserman, Aphrodisian Chastity, Critical Inquiry, 2 (1975) 281-296.
PAGLIALUNGA (2000) = E. Paglialunga, Amor y celos en los personajes masculinos de Caritn de
Afrodisia, FlorIl, 11 (2000) 181-194.
PINO (1999)
TOOHEY (1999) = P. Toohey, Dangerous ways to fall in love: Chariton I 1, 5-10 and VI 9, 4, Maia, 51
(1999) 259-275.

8.3.38. 8.3.38. Catulo.

ALFONSI (1950) = Id., Lesbia, AJPh, 71 (1950) 59-66.
ALLEN (A-1982) = Id., Love Awry in Catullus, Maia, 34 (1982) 225-226.
ARCAZ (1995) = J. Arcaz Pozo, Passer mortuus est: Catulo (carm. 3), Ovidio (am. 3.7) y Maximiano (el.
5.87-104), CFC, 8 (1995) 79-88.
ARKINS (1979)
ARKINS (1982) = Id., Aspects of sexuality in Catullus, Hildesheim, 1982.
AVELINE (1994) = J. Aveline, Catullus 32.8: a Jovian Boast?, LCM, 19 (1994) 122-123.
BALDWIN (1982) = Id., Catullan Interpretations: Some Pointers, CL, 2 (1982) 9-13.
BIANCO (1967) = O. Bianco, Il personaggio del c. 25 di Catullo, GIF, 20 (1967) 39-48.
BICKEL (1950) = E. Bickel, Catulli in Caesarem carmina, RhM, 93 (1950) 1-23.
BICKEL (1953)
BLODGETT-NIELSEN (1986) = E. D. Blodgett & R. M. Nielsen, Mask and figure in Catullus, Carmen 11,
RBPh, 64 (1986) 22-31.
BOOTH (A-1981b) = Id., Camerius the catamite (Catullus 55 & 58), LCM, 6 (1981) 135-136.
BOOTH (A-1985) = Id., Une de capillatis Egnati, EMC, 29 (1985) 111-120.
BUCHHEIT (1961) = Id., Catull und Cato von Utica (c. 56), Hermes, 89 (1961) 345-356.

BUCHHEIT (1962) = Id., Ludicra Latina, Hermes, 90 (1962) 252-256.

BUCHHEIT (1976) = Id., Sal et lepos versiculorum (Catull c. 16), Hermes, 104 (1976) 331-347.
BUSHALA (1981) = Id., A Note on Catullus 106, HSPh, 85 (1981) 131-132.
CAIRNS (B-1973) = F. Cairns, Catullus Basia poems (5, 7, 48), Mnemosyne, 26 (1973) 15-22.
CAMERON (1976) = Id. Catullus 29, Hermes, 104 (1976) 155-163.
CARRATELLO (1992) = U. Carratello, Le Donne Veronesi di Catullo, GIF, 44.2 (1992) 183-201.
CARRILLO (1998) = F. J. Carrillo Boutureira, Catulo o el arte de ser obsceno, en J. L. Vidal A. Alvar
Ezquerra (eds.), Actas IX Congr. Espaol de Estudios Clsicos. Vol. V: Literatura Latina, Madrid,
1998, pp. 49-53.
CLAES (1996) = P. Claes, Catullus c. 94: the Penetrated Penis, Mnemosyne, 49 (1996) 66.
CURRAN (1966) = Leo C. Curran, Gellius and the Lovers Pallor: A Note on Catullus 80, Arion, 6 (1966)
DAMSCHEN (1999) = G. Damschen, Catullus c. 94: ipsa olera olla legit, Mnemosyne, 52 (1999) 169-176.
DERMOTT (1984) = W. C. Dermott, Catullus, Clodia and Ameana, Maia, 36 (1984) 3-11.
DEROUX (1969) = C. Deroux, Catulle et Ameana, Latomus, 28 (1969) 1060-1064.
DETTMER (1985) = H. Dettmer, A Note on Catullus 47, CW, 79 (1985) 577-579.
DEULING (1999) = Judy K. Deuling, Catullus and Mamurra, Mnemosyne, 52 (1999) 188-194.
DI BRAZZANO (1999) = S. Di Brazzano, Cacata charta. Nota a Catull. 36, 1 e a Priap. 69, 4, MD, 43
(1999) 179-189.
FEHLING (1969) = D. Fehling, Noch einmal der passer solitarius und der passer Catulls, Philologus, 113
(1969) 217-224.
FEHLING (1974b) = Id., De Catulli carmine sexto decimo, RhM, 117 (1974) 103-108.
FINK (1983) = R. O. Fink, Catullus, Carmen 32, CW, 76 (1983) 292-294.
FITZGERALD (1992) = Id., Catullus and the reader: the erotics of poetry, Arethusa, 25 (1992) 419-443.
FORSYTH (1977) = Phyllis Y. Forsyth, The Ameana Cycle of Catullus, CW, 70 (1977) 445-450.
FORSYTH (1983) = Id., Catullus 112, CW, 77 (1983) 65-68.
FORSYTH (1984) = Id., The lady and the poem: Catullus 35-42, CJ, 80 (1984) 24-26.
FORSYTH (1987) = Id., Muneraque et Musarum hinc petis et Veneris. Catullus 68A.10, CW, 80 (1987)
FORSYTH (1989) = Id., Catullus 6. Theme and context, en C. Deroux (ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and
Roman History V, Bruselas, 1989 (Collection Latomus, 206), pp. 94-97.
GALN (B-1997) = L. Galn, Versiones de la matrona (Catulo 66-68), Auster, ? (1997) 91-108.
GARCA (B-1976) = M. C. Garca Fuentes, Aspectos sociolingsticos en el lxico de Catulo y de
Propercio, Durius, 4 (1976) 203-210.
GIANGRANDE (1975) = Id., Catullus Lyrics on the Passer, MPhL, 1 (1975) 137-146.
GLENN (1980) = Id., Ariadnes daydream. Cat. 64, 158-63, CJ, 76 (1980-81) 110-116.

GLENN (1998)
GRATWICK (1991) = A. S. Gratwick, Catullus XXXII, CQ, 41 (1991) 547-551.
GUARINO (1981) = Id., Le forchette delle Muse, Labeo, 27 (1981) 292-293.
HALLET (1978c) = Id., Divine unction. Some further thoughts on Catullus 13, Latomus, 37 (1978) 747748.
HALLET (1996) = Id., Nec castrare velis meos libellos: sexual and poetic lusus in Catullus, Martial and the
Carmina Priapea, en C. Klodt (ed.), Satura lanx. Festschrift fr Werner A. Krenkel zum 70.
Geburstag, Hildesheim, 1996, pp. 321-344.
HARRISON (1996) = Stephen J. Harrison, Mythological incest: Catullus 88, CQ, 46 (1996) 581-582.
HARVEY (C-1979) = P. Harvey, Catullus 114-115: Mentula, bonus agricola, Historia, 28 (1979) 329-345.
HEATH (1986) = John R. Heath, The Supine Hero in Catullus 32, CJ, 82 (1986) 28-36.
HERESCU (1960) = Id., Autour de la salax taberna (Catull. 37), en Hommages L. Herrmann, Bruselas,
1960, pp. 431-435.
HICKSON (1998)
HILLIARD (1981) = T. W. Hilliard, In triclinio Coam, in cubiculo Nolam: Lesbia and the other Clodia,
LCM, 6 (1981) 149-154.
HOOPER (1985) = Richard W. Hooper, In defence of Catullus dirty sparrow, G&R, 32 (1985) 162-178.
HORVTH (1961)
HOUSMAN (1931)
INGEMANN (1981) = V. Ingeman, Albus an ater. A double entendre in Catullus 93?, C&M, 33 (1981-82)
JACHMANN (1964) = G. Jachmann, Sappho und Catull, RhM, 107 (1964) 1-33.
JOCELYN (1980c) = Id., On some unnecessarily indecent interpretations of Catullus 2 and 3, AJPh, 101
(1980) 421-441.
JOHNSTON (B-1993) = P. Johnston, Love and laserpicium in Catullus 7, CPh, 88 (1993) 328-329.
JONES (B-1998) = Julian W. Jones, Catullus passer as passer, G&R, 45 (1998) 188-194.
KHAN (1967) = H. Akbar Khan, Catullus 99 and the other kiss-poems, Latomus, 26 (1967) 609-618.
KHAN (1969) = H. A. Khan, Three Epigrams of Catullus (Carm., 114, 115, 112), en J. BiBauw (ed.),
Hommages M. Renard, Bruselas, 1969, vol. I, pp. 3-11.
KILPATRICK (1998) = Ross S. Kilpatrick, Nam unguentum dabo: Catullus 13 and Servius note on Phaon
(Aeneid 3. 279), CQ, 48 (1998) 303-305.
KINSEY (1966) = T. E. Kinsey, Catullus 16, Latomus, 25 (1966) 101-106.
KINZL (1976) = K. Kinzl, De Catulli carmine sexto decimo annotiuncula quaedam, RhM, 119 (1976) 95.
KLOSS (1998) = G. Kloss, Catulls Brckengedicht (C. 17), Hermes, 126 (1998) 58-79.
KONSTAN (1972) = D. Konstan, Two Kinds of Love in Catullus, CJ, 68 (1972-73) 102-106.
KONSTAN (1979) = Id., An Interpretation of Catullus 21, en C. Deroux (ed.), Studies in Latin Literature
and Roman History (I), Bruselas, 1979, pp. 214-216.
KONSTAN (2000b) = Id., Self, Sex, and Empire in Catullus: The Construction of a Decentered Identity
<http://www.stoa.org/diotima/essays/konstan4.pdf> [forthcoming in C. Fernndez Corte et al. (eds.),
La intertextualidad griega y latina, Madrid, 2002].

LATEINER (1977) = D. Lateiner, Obscenity in Catullus, Ramus, 6 (1977) 15-32.
LAURSEN (1989) = S. Laursen, The Apple of Catullus 65: A Love Pledge of Callimachus, C&M, 40
LEBEK (1982b)
LEVIN (A-1969) = Donald N. Levin, Propertius, Catullus, and three kinds of ambiguous expression,
TAPhA, 100 (1969) 221-235.
LEVINE (B-1985) = P. Levine, Catullus LXVII. The dark side of love and marriage, ClAnt, 4 (1985) 62-71.
LINDGREN (1984) = M. H. Lindgren, Non bona dicta. Obscenity in the Poetry of Catullus, Ann Arbor, 1984.
LITTMAN (1977) = Id., The Unguent of Venus: Catullus 13, Latomus, 37 (1977) 125-128.
LYNE (1998) = Id., Love and death: Laodamia and Protesilaus in Catullus, Propertius, and others, CQ, 48
(1998) 200-212.
MARSHALL (B-1971) = J. C. Douglas Marshall, Catullus 99, CW, 65 (1971) 57-58.
MILLER (C-1998) = Paul A. Miller, The suppresion of the negative moment in Foucaults History of
Sexuality, Arcadia, 33 (1998) 190-213.
MORGAN (B-1977) = M. G. Morgan, Nescio quid febriculosi scorti: A Note on Catullus 6, CQ, 27 (1977)
MORGAN (B-1979) = Id., Catullus 112: A Pathicus in Politics, AJPh, 100 (1979) 377-380.
MULROY (1977) = D. Mulroy, An interpretation of Catullus 11, CW, 71 (1977) 237-247.
NADEAU (1980) = Y. Nadeau, O passer nequam (Catullus 2-3), Latomus, 39 (1980) 879-880.
NADEAU (1984) = Id., Catullus Sparrow, Martial, Juvenal and Ovid, Latomus, 43 (1984) 861-868.
NAPPA (1999) = Id., Catullus 59: Rufa among the Graves, CPh, 94 (1999) 329-335.
NMETH (1984) = B. Nmeth, Communes exerceremus amores, Cat. 68, 69. Trois rflexions in memoriam
I. K. Horvth, ACD, 20 (1984) 43-47.
NIELSEN (1977) = R. M. Nielsen, Catullus 45 and Horace Odes 3.9. The glass house, Ramus, 6 (1977)
NIELSEN (1984) = Id., Catullus c. 6: on the significance of too much love, Latomus, 43 (1984) 104-110.
OHARA (1996) = J. J. OHara, Sostratus Suppl. Hell. 733: a lost, possibly Catullan-era elegy on the six sex
changes of Tiresias, TAPhA, 126 (1996) 173-219.
OLIVA (1995)
PENELLA (1976)
PESTANO (1985)
PITCHER (1982) = Roger A. Pitcher, Passer Catulli: The Evidence of Martial, Antichthon, 16 (1982) 97103.
POMEROY (A-2003) = Id., Heavy petting in Catullus, Arethusa, 36 (2003) 49-60.
POSCH (1979) = S. Posch, Albus an ater homo. Zu Catull. c. 93, en R. Muth G. Pfohl (eds.), Serta
Philologica Aenipontiana III, Innsbruck, 1979, pp. 319-336.
RAMREZ (1993) = Id., Una lectura de Catulo 68, ExcPhilol, 3 (1993) 373-380.
RANDALL (1980)

RANKIN (1970) = Id., A Note on Some Implications of Catullus, 16, 11-13, Latomus, 29 (1970) 119-121.
RANKIN (1976) = Id., Poem 16 of Catullus, SO, 51 (1976) 87-94.
RANKIN (1976b) = Id., Catullus and incest, Eranos, 74 (1976) 113-121.
RICHARDSON (A-1963) = L. Richardson, Furi et Aureli, comites Catulli, CPh, 58 (1963) 93-106.
RICHLIN (1981b)
RICHLIN (1981c) = Id., Gentlemans agreement: Catullus 103, CPh, 76 (1981) 39-46.
ROMANO (A-1981) = D. Romano, Catullo e Romolo, AAPal, 2 (1981-82) 395-403.
ROSKAM (2000) = G. Roskam, Mariage ou virginit? Le carmen 62 de Catulle et la lutte entre deux idaux
de vie, Latomus, 59 (2000) 41-56.
RUBINO (1975) = C. A. Rubino, The Erotic World of Catullus, CW, 68 (1975) 289-298.
SANDY (1971) = Gerald N. Sandy, Catullus 16, Phoenix, 25 (1971) 51-57.
SCHMIDT (B-1989)
SELDEN (1992) = D. Selden, Ceveat lector: Catullus and the Rhetoric of Performance, en R. Hexter D.
Selden (eds.), Innovations of Antiquity, Nueva York-Londres, 1992, pp. 461-512.
SIENKEWICZ (1981) = T. J. Sienkewicz, Catullus, another Attis?, CB, 67 (1981) 37-43.
SIMPSON (1994) = C. J. Simpson, Unnecessary Homosexuality. The Correspondents Request in Catullus
68A, Latomus, 53 (1994) 564-569.
SKINNER (1978) = Marilyn B. Skinner, Ameana, puella defututa, CJ, 74 (1978-79) 110-114.
SKINNER (1979) = Id., Parasites and strange bedfellows: a study in Catullus political imagery, Ramus, 8
(1979) 137-152.
SKINNER (1980) = Id., Pertundo tunicamque palliumque, CW, 73 (1980) 306-307.
SKINNER (1982) = Id., Supplementary Note on the Latin Sexual Language: Catullus 56, 5-6, LCM, 7
(1982) 140.
SKINNER (1982b) = Id., Pretty Lesbius, TAPhA, 112 (1982) 197-208.
SKINNER (1982c) = Id., Supplementary note on the Latin sexual language. Catullus 56.5-6, LCM, 7 (1982)
SKINNER (1983) = Id., Clodia Metelli, TAPhA, 113 (1983) 273-287.
SKINNER (1989) = Id., Ut decuit cinaediorem: Power, Gender, and Urbanity in Catullus 10, Helios, 16
(1989) 7-23.
SKINNER (1991b) = Id., The Dynamics of Catullan Obscenity: cc. 37, 58, 11, SyllClass, 3 (1991) 1-11.
SKINNER (1993) = Id., Ego Mulier: The Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus, Helios, 20 (1993)
107-130. [reeditado en HALLET-SKINNER (1997), pp. 129-150]
SKUTSCH (1980) = O. Skutsch, Catullus 58.4-5, LCM, 5 (1980) 21.
STIGERS (1977) = E. Stigers, Retreat from the male. Catullus 62 and Sapphos erotic flowers, Ramus, 6
(1977) 83-102.
STROH (1990) = Id., Lesbia und Juventius: ein erotisches Liederbuch im Corpus Catullianum, en P.
Neukam (ed.), Die Antike als Begleiterin, Mnich, 1990, pp. 134-158.
TANNER (A-1972) = R. G. Tanner, Catullus LVI, Hermes, 100 (1972) 506-508.

THOMAS (B-1993) = Richard F. Thomas, Sparrows, Hares, and Doves: A Catullan Metaphor and its
Tradition, Helios, 20 (1993) 131-142 (reimpr. en Reading Virgil and His Texts, Ann Arbor, 1999, pp.
THOMSEN (1992)
THOMSON (A-1987) = D. F. S. Thomson, Catullus 112, Phoenix, 41 (1987) 191-192.
TRNKLE (1981) = H. Trnkle, Catullprobleme, MH, 38 (1981) 245-258.
TROMARAS (1979) = L. Tromaras, Catullus c. LXI, satis diu lusisti nucibus vv. 125-126 (en gr., con
resumen en ingl.), EEThess, 18 (1979) 463-476.
TROMARAS (1987) = Id., Die Aurelius- und Furius-Gedichte Catulls als Zyklen (cc. 11, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24,
26), Eranos, 85 (1987) 41-47.
VERDIRE (1985) = Id., Ltrange aventure dun pupulus, RPh, 59 (1985) 189-193.
WALSH (1985) = P. G. Walsh, Catullus 17 and the priapean, en Studia in honorem I. Kajanto, Helsinki,
1985 (= Arctos, suppl. 2), pp. 315-322.
WATSON (B-1992) = Id., Erotion: Puella Delicata?, CQ, 42 (1992) 253-268.
WILLE (1964) = I. Wille, Catulls Gedicht 76 als Spiegelbild seines Liebeserlebnisses und seiner
Liebesdichtung, Altertum, 10.2 (1964) 89-95.
WINTER (1973) = Thomas N. Winter, Catullus Purified: A Brief History of Carmen 16, Arethusa, 6 (1973)
WIRSHBO (1980) = E. Wirshbo, Lesbia: A Mock Hypocorism?, CPh, 75 (1980) 70.
WIRTH (1986) = T. Wirth, Catull c. 2: passer und malum als Zeichen der Liebe, RhM, 129 (1986) 36-53.
WISEMAN (1976) = T. P. Wiseman, Catullus 16, LCM, 1 (1976) 14-17.
WITKE (1980) = C. Witke, Catullus 13, CPh, 75 (1980) 325-331.
WRAY (1996) = D. L. Wray, Catullus: Sexual Personae and invective Tradition, tesis, Harvard Univ., 1996.
ZAINA (1999) = E. Zaina, Nota a Catulo 68, 70-72, Latomus, 58 (1999) 780-784.

8.3.39. 8.3.39. Celio Aureliano.

PIGEAUD (1982)

8.3.40. 8.3.40. Crcidas.

VILLARRUBIA (2002) = Id., Notas sobre algunos poemas de las pocas helenstica e imperial, Habis, 33
(2002) 95-119.
WILLIAMS (D-1994) = Id., Cercidas, Caelius, and unsafe sex: Tundareoio gambros (Cerc. fr. 2.28 Livrea),
ZPE, 102 (1994) 76-80.

8.3.41. 8.3.41. Cicern.

BRUUN (1997)

BUTRICA (1999) = Id., Using water unchastely: Cicero Pro Caelio 34 again, Phoenix, 53 (1999) 136-139
(con un addendum en p. 336).
GONFROY (1978)
GRIFFITH (B-1996) = R. D. Griffith, The Eyes of Clodia Metelli, Latomus, 55 (1996) 381-383.
HICKSON (1998)
JOCELYN (1984)
MCDERMOTT (1972) = William C. MacDermott, M. Cicero and M. Tiro, Historia, 21 (1972) 259-286.
SERIO (1993) = A. Serio, Cicerone e la concezione erotica epicurea (Tusc. Disp. IV 68-76), AFLPer(class),
17 (1993-95) 133-170.
SKINNER (1982d)
SKINNER (1983)
SUERBAUM (1993) = W. Suerbaum, Sex and Crime im Alten Rom: von der humanistischen Zensur zu Cato
dem Censor. Das Verbrechen des L. Flaminius als Spektakel und Exempel bei Cato, Valerius Antias,
Livius, Cicero, Seneca pater, Valerius Maximus, Plutarch and Petrarca, WJA, 19 (1993) 85-109.
SUSSMAN (A-1998) = Lewis A. Sussman, Antony the meretrix audax: Ciceros novel invective in Philippic
2.44-46, Eranos, 96 (1998) 114-128.

8.3.42. 8.3.42. Cipriano de Cartago.

YATES (A-2000) = Jonathan P. Yates, Concupiscentia in Pre-Agustinian North Africa: A Quest for
Continuity, en Marriage, Family Life and Sexuality (AAR Meeting, November 2000)

8.3.43. 8.3.43. Clemente de Alejandra.

BUELL (1997) = Denise K. Buell, Producing descent/dissent: Clement of Alexandrias use of filial
metaphors as intra-Christian polemic, HThR, 90 (1997) 89-104.
TIBILETTI (A-1984) = C. Tibiletti, Un passo di Clemente Alessandrino su verginit e matrimonio,
Orpheus, 5 (1984) 437-443.

8.3.44. 8.3.44. Conn.

MIGNOGNA (1998) = E. Mignogna, Semiramide e lincesto: intorno a Conone narr. 9 (Phot. Bibl. 186 =
FgrHist 26), Maia, 50 (1998) 71-76.
RESSEL (1998) = M. Ressel, Il tema dellaischrologia in Conone, Lexis, 16 (1998) 239-252.

8.3.45. 8.3.45. Corina.

BURZACCHINI (1991) = Id., Corinniana, Eikasmos, 2 (1991) 39-90.
BURZACCHINI (1995) = Id., Un esametro di Corinna (fr. 4 [PMG 657] P.), en L. Belloni G. Milanese
A. Porro (cur.), Studia Classica Io. Tarditi oblata, Miln, 1995, pp. 375-386.
RAYOR (1993) = Id., Korinna: Gender and the Narrative Tradition, Arethusa, 26 (1993) 219-231.

8.3.46. 8.3.46. Corpus Hippocraticum.

CATONN (1993)
DEAN (1992) = Id., The politics of pleasure: female sexual appetite in the Hipocratic Corpus, Helios, 19
(1992) 72-91.
HANSON (1992)
MATHIEU (1987) = J. M. Mathieu, Ejaculation fminine? Autour dHippocrate Gen. IV, Kentron, 3 (1987)
MICALELLA (1977) = D. Micalella, Vino e amore: Ippocrate, Antica medicina 20, QUCC, 24 (1977) 151155.
PIGEAUD (1982)
STADEN (1991) = H von Staden, Matire et signification. Ritual, sexe et pharmacologie dans le Corpus
Hippocraticus, AC, 69 (1991) 42-61.
STADEN (1992) = Id., Women and dirt, Helios, 19 (1992) 7-30.
VILLARD (1997)

8.3.47. 8.3.47. Corpus Priapeorum.

BALDWIN (1973) = Id., Ira Priapi, CPh, 68 (1973) 294-296.
BUCHHEIT (1962b) = Id., Studien zum Corpus Priapeorum, Mnich, 1962.
CANO-VELZQUEZ (2000) = Pedro L. Cano J. Velzquez, Carmina Priapea: A Prapo, dios del falo,
Bellaterra, 2000.
CASACELI (1980) = F. Casaceli, Contributo allinterpretazione di Priap. III, Orpheus, 1 (1980) 476-481.
COULON (1932) = M. Coulon, La posie Priapique dans lantiquit et au moyen ge, Pars, 1932.
GOLDBERG (1992) = Ch. Goldberg, Carmina Priapea. Einleitung, bersetzung, Interpretation und
Kommentar, Heidelberg, 1992.
GUIDO (1976) = G. Guido, Note ai Carmina Priapea, Sileno, 2 (1976) 258-264.
HALLET (1978b) = Id., Something in Excess? Priapea 50, 2, Mnemosyne, 31 (1978) 203-206.
HALLET (1996)
HELM (1954) = R. Helm, Priapea, RE, 22, 1 (1954) 1908-1913.
HERRMANN (1963) = L. Herrmann, Martial et les Priapes, Latomus, 22 (1963) 31-55.
HOUSMAN (1931)
JACKSON-MURGIA (1996) = Howard M. Jackson & Charles E. Murgia, Notes on problems in the text of
Carmina Priapea, MD, 37 (1996) 245-270.
KLOSS (1998b) = Id., Kristisches und Exegetisches zu den Carmina Priapea, Gttinger Forum fr



LAPINI (2001) = W. Lapini, Carmina Priapea 45, 6-7 e 54, 1, Aufidus, 45 (2001) 23-32.
MONTERO (1981) = Id., Introduccin (priapeos), en Priapeos. Grafitos amatorios pompeyanos. La velada
de la fiesta de Venus. Reposiano, El concbito de Marte y Venus. Ausonio, Centn nupcial, Madrid,
1981, pp. 15-40.
OCONNOR (B-1982) = Eugene M. OConnor, A note on fici suavitas in Priapea 69, Mnemosyne, 35
(1982) 340-342.
OCONNOR (B-1984) = Id., Dominant Themes in Greco-Roman Priapic poetry, Ann Arbor, 1984.
PIZARRO (1999) = J. Pizarro Snchez, La anfibologa en Marcial y el Corpus Priapeorum, en A. M Aldama
et al. (eds.), La Filologa Latina hoy. Actualizacin y perspectivas, Madrid, 1999, vol. I, pp. 225-235.
RANKIN (1966) = H. D. Rankin, Petronius, Priapus, and Priapeum LXVIII, C&M, 27 (1966) 225-242.
SALANITRO (1973) = Id., Teletusa e le danze di Cadice, Helikon, 13-14 (1973-74) 492-498.
SCHNBERGER (A-1940) = J. K. Schnberger, Zur Sprache der Priapeen, Glotta, 28 (1940) 88-99.
THOMASON (1931) = R. F. Thomason, The Priapea and Ovid. A Study of the Language of the Poems,
Nashville, 1931.
VERDIRE (1982) = Id., Notes sur les Priapea, Latomus, 41 (1982) 620-646.
WILLENBERG (1973) = K. Willenberg, Die Priapeen Martials, Hermes, 101 (1973) 320-351.

8.3.48. 8.3.48. Cratino.

BETA (1992) = S. Beta, Il linguaggio erotico di Cratino, QUCC, 40 (1992) 95-108.

8.3.49. 8.3.49. Cringoras.

WEINREICH (1941) = Id., Zwei Epigramme: Dioskorides V, 138 und Krinagoras IX, 429, WS, 49 (1941)

8.3.50. 8.3.50. Demcrito.

LPEZ (B-1982)
8.3.51. 8.3.51. Demstenes.
BORTHWICK (1993) = Id., and in Demosthenes and Aristophanes, LCM, 18 (1993)
BROWN (C-1977) = D. Brown, Demosthenes on love, QS, 6 (1977) 79-97.
CAREY (1992) = Ch. Carey, Apollodoros Against Neaira: [Demosthenes] 59, Warminster, 1992.
COHEN (C-1984)
KAPPARIS (1999) = Id., Apollodoros: Against Neaira [D 59], Berln, 1999.
LENNEP (1961) = D. F. W. van Lennep, Atheense Nozems, Hermeneus, 33 (1962) 186-197.

MINER (2003) = J. Miner, Courtesan, Concubine, Whore: Apollodorus Deliberate Use of Terms for
Prostitutes, AJPh, 124 (2003) 19-37.

8.3.52. 8.3.52. Diodoro de Sicilia.

LENS (1999) = J. Lens Tuero, El eufemismo en la Biblioteca de Diodoro de Sicilia, en DE MARTINOSOMMERSTEIN (1999), pp. 393-430.

8.3.53. 8.3.53. Digenes de Sinope.

KRGER (2000) = D. Krger, El desvergonzado y la sociedad. La impudicia de Digenes en la cultura
romana imperial, en R. Bracht Branham M.-O. Goulet-Caz (eds.), Los cnicos. El movimiento
cnico en la Antigedad y su legado, Barcelona, 2000, pp. 291-314.

8.3.54. 8.3.54. Din de Prusa.

HOUSER (1998)

8.3.55. 8.3.55. Dioscrides (epigramtico).

BALDWIN (1980) = Id., More love with Doris, Mnemosyne, 33 (1980) 357-359.
CRESCI (1977) = L. R. Cresci, Studi sugli epigrammi erotici di Dioscoride, Sileno, 3 (1977) 255-268.
DI CASTRI (1997) = Maria B. Di Castri, Tra sfoggio erudito e fantasia descrittiva: un profilo letterario e
stilistico di Dioscoride epigrammatista. 3 Epigrammi erotici e scoptici, A&R, 42 (1997) 1-8 y 5173.
HARVEY (A-1979) = A. Harvey, An epigram of Dioscorides: A. P. 7, 31, Eranos, 77 (1979) 168-170.
SCHRIER (1979) = O. J. Schrier, Love with Doris: Dioscorides, Anth. Pal. V 55 (= 1483-1490 Gow-Page),
Mnemosyne, 32 (1979) 307-326.
SCHRIER (1982) = Id., Doriss love again, Mnemosyne, 35 (1982) 146-148.
WHITE (1998b) = Id., Notes on Hellenistic Texts, Myrtia, 13 (1998) 89-101.

8.3.56. 8.3.56. Domicio Marso.

PANGALLO (1976) = A. Pangallo, Domizio Marso contro Bavio, Maia, 28 (1976) 29-33.

8.3.57. 8.3.57. foro.

KOEHL (1997)

8.3.58. 8.3.58. Elio Aristides.

ANDERSSON-ROOS (1997) = P. Andersson & B.-A. Roos, On the psychology of Aelius Aristides,
Eranos, 95 (1997) 26-38.

8.3.59. 8.3.59. Empdocles.

DE LEY (1978) = H. De Ley, Empedocles sexual theory: a note on Fragment B 63, AC, 47 (1978) 153.

8.3.60. 8.3.60. Epicteto.

STEPHENS (1996) = W. O. Stephens, Epictetus on How the Stoic Sage Loves, OSAPh, 14 (1996) 193-210.

8.3.61. 8.3.61. Epicuro.

BRENNAN (1996) = T. C. Brennan, Epicurus on sex, marriage and children, CPh, 91 (1996) 346-352.
JUFRESA (1994) = M. Jufresa, Love in Epicureism, en A. Garzya (ed.), Storia poesia e pensiero nel
mondo antico. Studi in onore di M. Gigante, Npoles, 1994, pp. 299-311.
LANDOLFI (1982) = L. Landolfi, Lucrezio e letologia erotica epicurea, GIF, 34 (1982) 113-119.
REHN (1993) = R. Rehn, R., Lust und Glckseligkeit bei Epikur, en BINDER-EFFE, B. (1993), pp. 189201.
SERIO (1993)

8.3.62. 8.3.62. Epigraphica.

Epigrafa griega.

BAIN (1978)
BAIN (1983b)
BAIN (1994)
BAIN (1997)
BRONGERSMA (1990) = E. Brongersma, The Thera-Inscriptions: Ritual or Slander?, Journal of
Homosexuality, 20 (1990) 31-40.
CASTNER (1982) = C. J. Castner, Epicurean hetairai as dedicants to helping deities?, GRBS, 23 (1982) 5157.
COULIE (1998) = A. Coulie, Nouvelles inscriptions rotiques Thasos, BCH, 122 (1998) 445-453.
CUMONT (1940)
DANIEL (1985)
DAVIES (B-1982) = Mark I. Davies, The tickle and sneeze of love, AJA, 86 (1982) 115-118.
DILLON (B-1999)
DREW (1984)

FARAONE (1996)
FERRI (1938)
FOUNTOULAKIS (2000) = A. Fountoulakis, The Artists of Aphrodite, AC, 69 (2000) 133-147.
GRAHAM (1998)
HORDERN (1999) = J. Hordern, An erotic inscription from Marisa, Judaea (I. U. Powell, Collectanea
Alexandrina 184), ZPE, 126 (1999) 81-82.
HBNER (1997) = U. Hbner, Bemerkungen zum Pfandrecht: das judische Ostrakon von Mesad
Hasavyahu, alttestamentliches und griechisches Pfandrecht sowie ein Graffito aus Marissa, UF, 29
(1997) 215-225.
JORDAN (1996)
KILMER (1994)
KRITZAS (1986)
LANG (1961) = M. Lang, Epigraphical note, AJA, 65 (1961) 62.
LAZZARINI (1973) = M. L. Lazzarini, Uniscrizione vascolare arcaica della Sicilia, RAL, 28 (1973) 695698.
NAFISSI (1998)
OIKONOMIDES (1985) = A. N. Oikonomides, The bread-stick of Mantios, Horos, 3 (1985) 130-131.
PSARRAS (1985) = S. E. Psarras, An archaic erotic inscription from the island of Naxos (en gr., con
resumen en ingl.), Horos, 3 (1985) 11-17.
SHAPIRO (1987)
SOLIN (1984) = H. Solin, Ergsse eines Lebemannes, Glotta, 62 (1984) 167-174.
TAGLIENTE-LOMBARDO (1985) = M. Tagliente & M. Lombardo, Nuovi documenti su Pisticci in et
arcaica, PP, 40 (1985) 284-307.
VEYNE (1985) = Id., Une inscription dionysiaque peu commune, BCH, 109 (1985) 621-624.
VOX (1977b)
WACHTER (1998) = R. Wachter, Ein schwieriges rhodisches Graffito, ZPE, 121 (1998) 90-93.

Epigrafa latina.

ADAMS (B-1982c)
ADAMS (B-1982e) = Id., CIL 4.8898: A Correction, LCM, 7 (1982) 150.
BALDWIN (1981d) = Id., CIL IV 6892, Emerita, 49 (1981) 145-148.

COPLEY (1939) = Frank O. Kopley, A paraclausithyron from Pompeii: a study of C.I.L. IV, Suppl. 5296,
AJPh, 60 (1939) 333-349.
GALLO (A-1994) = I. Gallo, Eros nell'antica Pompei, RSS, 22 (1994) 205-210.
GIORDANO-CASALE (1993) = C. Giordano A. Casale, Lamore nei graffiti pompeiani, Pompeya, 1993.
HALLET (1977) = Id., Perusinae Glandes and the Changing Image of Augustus, AJAH, 2 (1977) 151-171.
HALLET (1977b) = Id., Puppy Love. Martial I, 83 and CIL IV 8898, Hermes, 105 (1977) 252-253.
HOUSMAN (1931)
JOCELYN (1980b)
JOCELYN (1981b) = Id., Latin popular song and a Pompeian graffito, LCM, 6 (1981) 145-148.
KLEIJWEGT (1994) = M. Kleijwegt, Schola iuvenum seu caplatorum, Epigraphica, 56 (1994) 29-40.
LEBEK (1982)
LEBEK (1985) = Id., Liebe zu dritt: CIL IV 9848, ZPE, 60 (1985) 61-62.
LE ROUX (1983) = P. Le Roux, Larme romaine au quotidien. Deux graffiti lgionnaires de Pompi et
Rome, Epigraphica, 45 (1983) 65-77.
MONTERO (1981b) = Id., Introduccin (grafitos amatorios pompeyanos), en Priapeos. Grafitos amatorios
pompeyanos. La velada de la fiesta de Venus. Reposiano, El concbito de Marte y Venus. Ausonio,
Centn nupcial, Madrid, 1981, pp. 75-96.
NEDELJKOVIC (1994) = V. Nedeljkovic, An obscene word play in Pompeii, ZAnt, 44 (1994) 125-126.
PINTO (1946) = M. Pinto Colombo, Lepigrama amoroso della necropoli di Marissa, Epigraphica, 8 (1946)
SIRONEN (1984)
SPEIDEL (1991) = Michael A. Speidel, Habui tremorem, Pro Vindonissa, 1991, 81-84.
THRY (1980) = Gnther E. Thry, Amo te sucure. Bemerkungen zu einer Augster Fibelinschrift, en
Jahresbericht aus Augst & Kaiseraugst I, Liestal, 1980, pp. 97-98.
THRY (1994) = Id., Mehrdeutige erotische Kleininschriften, BVBl, 59 (1994) 85-95.
VARONE (1993)

8.3.63. 8.3.63. Erina.

ARTHUR (A-1980) = Id., The Tortoise and the Mirror: Erinna, PSI 1090, CW, 74 (1980) 53-65.
NERI (1994) = C. Neri, Erinna in Eronda, Eikasmos, 5 (1994) 221-232.

8.3.64. 8.3.64. Eroticorum fragmenta papyracea.

LUPPE (2000) = Id., Die Liebes-Elegie P.Oxy 2885 fr. 1, 1-20 (SH 964), ZPE, 131 (2000) 19-21.

8.3.65. 8.3.65. Esctino de Teos.

MURGATROYD (2000) = Id., A.P. 12.232.5, Mnemosyne, 53 (2000) 346.

8.3.66. 8.3.66. Esquilo.

GANTZ (1978) = T. Gantz, Love and death in the Suppliants of Aischylos, Phoenix, 32 (1978) 279-287.
GOLDHILL (1984) = S. Goldhill, Language, Sexuality, Narrative, the Oresteia, Cambridge, 1984.
KRAUS (1983) = W. Kraus, Aischylos als Erotiker betrachtet, WS, 17 (1983) 5-22.
LEVY (1985) = Id., Inceste, mariage et sexualit dans les Suppliantes dEschyle, en VRILHAC (1985),
pp. 29-45.
MOLES (1979) = J. Moles, A neglected aspect of Agamemnon 1389-1392, LCM, 4 (1979) 179-189.
PULLEYN (1997) = S. Pulleyn, Erotic undertones in the language of Clytemnestra, CQ, 47 (1997) 565567.
SALVIAT (1964) = F. Salviat, Les thogamies attiques, Zeus Tlios et lAgamemnon dEschyle, BCH, 88
(1964) 647-654.
SERRA (2002) = Jos P. Serra, Presenas de eros em squilo, Humanitas, 54 (2002) 35-48.
SLENDERS (1992) = W. Slenders, Intentional Ambiguity in Aeschilean Satyr Plays?, Mnemosyne, 45
(1992) 145-158.
TYRRELL (1980)
ZEITLIN (1992) = Id., The Politics of Eros in the Danaid Trilogy of Aeschylus, en R. Hexter D. Selden
(eds.), Innovations of Antiquity, Nueva York-Londres, 1992, pp. 203-252.

8.3.67. 8.3.67. Esquines.

SISSA (1999) = Id., Sexual bodybuilding: Aeschines against Timarchus, en PORTER (A-1999), pp. 147168.

8.3.68. 8.3.68. Estacio.

HERSHKOWITZ (1994) = D. Hershkowitz, Sexuality and madness in Statius Thebaid, MD, 33 (1994)
POMEROY (A-1986) = A. J. Pomeroy, Somnus and Amor: the play of Statius, Silvae 5, 4, QUCC, 53
(1986) 91-97.
STURT (1982) = N. J. H. Sturt, Four sexual similes in Statius, Latomus, 41 (1982) 833-840.

8.3.69. 8.3.69. Estrabn.

WRBEL (1984) = M. Wrbel, Fabula de puella cineraria primo a Strabone enarrata (en pol., con resumen
en lat.), Meander, 39 (1984) 161-168.

8.3.70. 8.3.70. Estratn de Sardes.

CAMERON (1982) = Id., Strato and Rufinus, CQ, 32 (1982) 162-173.
CLARKE (B-1978) = W. M. Clarke, Problems in Stratons , AJPh, 99 (1978) 433-441.
CLARKE (B-1994) = Id., Phallic Vocabulary in Straton, Mnemosyne, 47 (1994) 466-472.
EBERT (1965) = J. Ebert, , Philologus, 109 (1965) 152-156.
GONZLEZ (B-1994) = M. Gonzlez Rincn, La punta ertico-astrolgica de A.P. 12.199 (Estratn),
Habis, 25 (1994) 173-177.
GONZLEZ (B-1996) = Id., Estratn de Sardes. Epigramas, Sevilla, 1996.
LIVIABELLA (1987) = Id., Omofilia e androcrazia nella societ maschile di Stratone di Sardi, Euphrosyne,
15 (1987) 217-226.
MAXWELL (1972) = P. G. Maxwell-Stuart, Strato and the Musa Puerilis, Hermes, 100 (1972) 215-240.
MAXWELL (1975) = Id., Further Notes on Stratos Musa Puerilis, Hermes, 103 (1975) 379-382.
MURGATROYD (1985) = Id., Strato, A.P. 12, 252, Hermes, 113 (1985) 253-255.

8.3.71. 8.3.71. Eunapio de Sardes.

MILAZZO (1997) = Antonino M. Milazzo, Fra racconto erotico e fictio retorica: la storia di Sosipatra in
Eunapio (VS 6, 9-17 Giangr.), Cassiodorus, 3 (1997) 215-226.

8.3.72. 8.3.72. Eurpides.

AMBROSE (1995)
BREMER (1975) = J. M. Bremer, The meadow of love and two passages in Euripides Hippolytus,
Mnemosyne, 28 (1975) 268-280.
BRENK (1986) = Id., Phaidras risky horsemanship. Euripides Hippolytos 232-238, Mnemosyne, 39 (1986)
CALERO (1983) = I. Calero Secall, Las relaciones de afectividad en las imgenes euripideas, Sodalitas, 3
(1983) 47-66.
CRAIK (1998) = Elizabeth M. Craik, Language of Sexuality and Sexual Inversion in Euripides Hippolytos,
AClass, 41 (1998) 29-44.
DUNN (A-1990) = Francis M. Dunn, The Battle of the Sexes in Euripides Ion, Ramus, 19 (1990) 130-42.
GENTILI (1972) = Id., Il letto insaziato di Medea e il tema delladikia a livello amoroso nei lirici (Saffo,
Teognide) e nella Medea di Euripide, SCO, 21 (1972) 60-72. [= Amore e giustizia nella Medea di
Euripide, en CALAME (1988), pp. 159-170 y 293-295]
GLENN (1976) = Id., The phantasies of Phaedra. A psychoanalytic reading, CW, 69 (1976) 435-442.
KERR (1997) = E. Kerr, Euripides Erotodidaskalos?, CPh, 92 (1997) 363-367.

LARUE (1968) = I. A. Larue, Prurience uncovered. The psychology of Euripides Pentheus, CJ, 63 (1968)
LPEZ (B-1989) = J. A. Lpez Frez, Eros en Eurpides. Funcin dramtica, en Actas del VII Congreso
Espaol de Estudios Clsicos, vol. II, Madrid, 1989, pp. 245-251.
MONTANARI (1973) = F. Montanari, Eros venerato ed Eros non venerato, ASNP, 111 (1973) 43-47.
MLLER (B-1980)
NAPOLI (1999) = Juan T. Napoli, Los celos de Hermone en Andrmaca y la cuestin del amor en
Eurpides, Synthesis, 6 (1999) 35-77.
PADUANO (1984) = G. Paduano, Ippolito: la rivelazione delleros, MD, 13 (1984) 45-66.
POOLE (1990)
POWELL (1990)
RABINOWITZ (B-1986) = Nancy S. Rabinowitz, Female Speech and Female Sexuality: Euripides
Hippolytos as Model, Helios, 13.2 (1986) 12-40.
RODRGUEZ (A-1990) = Id., Las tragedias erticas de Eurpides, Revista de Occidente, 107 (1990) 5-32
(reed. en su libro Del teatro griego al teatro de hoy, Madrid, 1999, pp. 205-229).
DE ROMILLY (1976) = J. de Romilly, Lexcuse de linvincible amour dans la tragdie grecque, en J. M.
Bremer S. L. Radt C. J. Ruijgh (eds.), Miscellanea tragica in honorem J. C. Kamerbeek,
Amsterdam, 1976, pp. 309-321.
SALE (1972) = Id., The psychoanalysis of Pentheus in the Bacchae of Euripides, YClS, 22 (1972) 63-82.
SCODEL (1998) = Id., The Captives Dilemma: Sexual Acquiescence in Euripides Hecuba and Troades,
HSPh, 98 (1998) 137-154.
SEAFORD (1987) = R. Seaford, Silenus erectus. Euripides, Cyclops 227, LCM, 12 (1987) 142-143.
SEGAL (A-1978) = Ch. Segal, The Menace of Dionysus: Sex Roles and Reversals in Euripides Bacchae,
Arethusa, 11 (1978) 185-202.
SMOOT (1976) = J. J. Smoot, Hippolytus as Narcissus, an amplification, Arethusa, 9 (1976) 35-51.
SUSANETTI (2002) = D. Susanetti, Il letto di Zeus: mimesi, tradizione e scrittura in alcune scene di Euripide,
Prometheus, 28 (2002) 119-138.
ZEITLIN (1985) = Id., The Power of Aphrodite: Eros and the Boundaries of the Self in the Hippolytus, en
P. Burian (ed.), Directions in Euripidean Criticism, Durham, 1985, pp. 52-111.

8.3.73. 8.3.73. Evagrio Pntico.

BRGLER (1997) = B. Brgler, Porneia: die geistliche Lehre des Evagrios Pontikos von der Unzucht und
ihre Bedeutung fr heute, tesis, Innsbruck, 1997.

8.3.74. 8.3.74. Fanocles.

VILLARRUBIA (2002) = Id., Notas sobre algunos poemas de las pocas helenstica e imperial, Habis, 33
(2002) 95-119.

8.3.75. 8.3.75. Favorino.

MASON (A-1979) = H. J.. Mason, Favorinus Disorder: Reifensteins syndrome in antiquity, Janus, 65
(1979) 1-13.

8.3.76. 8.3.76. Fedro.

HIELSCHER (1999) = K. Hielscher, Geschlechterbilder in den Fabeln des Phdrus, AU, 42 (1999) 44-48.
RANK (1982) = L. P. Rank, Duo loci Phaedriani emendati, en J. den Boeft A. H. M. Kessels (eds.), Actus.
Studies in honour of H. L. W. Nelson, Utrecht, 1982, pp. 337-341.

8.3.77. 8.3.77. Fescennini versus.

CBE (1961) = J. P. Cbe, La satura dramatique et le divertissement fescennin, RBPh, 39 (1961) 26-34.
COURTNEY (1998) = Id., Fescennini versus, NP, 4 (1998) 483.

8.3.78. 8.3.78. Filnide.

ALFONSI (1974) = Id., Da Filenide a Properzio, Aegyptus, 54 (1974) 176-178.
BALDWIN (1990) = Id., Philaenis, the doyenne of ancient sexology, CL, 6 (1990) 1-7.
CATAUDELLA (1973) = Id., Recupero di unantica scrittrice greca, GIF, 25 (1973) 253-263.
CATAUDELLA (1974) = Id., Initiamenta amoris, Latomus, 33 (1974) 847-857.
DEGANI (1976) = Id., Note di letture: Esichio, Filenide, Meleagro, Aristofane, QUCC, 21 (1976) 134-144.
HERRERO-MONTERO (1990) = Iid., Filnide en la literatura grecolatina, Euphrosyne, 18 (1990) 265-274.
LUPPE (1974) = W. Luppe, Nochmals zu Philaenis, Pap. Oxy. 2891, ZPE, 13 (1974) 281-282.
MAAS (1938) = P. Maas, Philainis, RE, 19, 2 (1938) 2122.
MARCOVICH (1975) = Id., How to flatter women: P. Oxy. 2891, CPh, 70 (1975) 123-124.
MARZULLO (1975) = B. Marzullo, Philaenis, P. Oxy. 2891, fr. 3, MCr, 10-12 (1975-77) 173-175.
PARKER (A-1989) = Holt N. Parker, Another Go at the Text of Philainis (P. Oxy. 2891), ZPE, 79 (1989)
THOMSON (B-1976) = D. W. Thomson Vessey, Philaenis, RBPh, 54 (1976) 78-83.
TSANTSANOGLOU (1973) = K. Tsantsanoglou, The Memoirs of a Lady from Samos, ZPE, 12 (1973)
WHITEHORNE (1990) = Id., Filthy Philainis (P. Oxy. XXXIX 2891): A Real Lady?, en M. Capasso G.
Messeri Savorelli R. Pintaudi (eds.), Miscellanea philologica in occasione del bicentenario
delledizione della Charta Borgiana, Florencia, 1990, vol. 2, pp. 529-542.

8.3.79. 8.3.79. Filetas de Cos.

ALFONSI (1943) = L. Alfonsi, La poesia amorosa di Fileta, Aegyptus, 22 (1943) 160-168.
DANGELO (1949) = P. DAngelo Capra, Fileta poeta damore?, AFLC, 16 (1949) 81-143.

8.3.80. 8.3.80. Filodemo.

COHEN (F-1981)
FALIVENE (1983) = M. R. Falivene, Per linterpretazione di A.P. 10, 21 (Filodemo): storia (parziale) di una
metafora, QUCC, 42 (1983) 129-142.
LA PENNA (1997)
ROSSI (C-1981) = M. Rossi, Un motivo arcaico in Filodemo ep. V G.-P. (A. P. V 107), Vichiana, 10 (1981)
SIDER (1987) = D. Sider, The love poetry of Philodemus, AJPh, 108 (1987) 310-324.
WHITE (1997)

8.3.81. 8.3.81. Filn de Alejandra.

BAER (1970) = R. A. Baer, Philos Use of the Categories Male and Female, Leiden, 1970.
GACA (1996) = Kathy L. Gaca, Philos Principles of sexual Conduct and their Influence on Christian
Platonist sexual Principles, StudPhilon, 8 (1996) 21-39.
HECHT (1984)
MAZZANTI (1985) = A. M. Mazzanti, Motivazioni protologiche nellantropologia di Filone di Alessandria,
con riferimento al tema della distinzione dei sessi, en U. Bianchi (cur.), La tradizione
dellenkrateia. Motivazioni ontologiche e protologiche. Atti del Colloquio internazionale, Milano,
20-23 aprile 1982, Roma, 1985, pp. 541-559.

8.3.82. 8.3.82. Filstrato.

SUREZ (A-1991)
WALKER (1992) = A. Walker, Eros and the eye in the love-letters of Philostratus, PCPhS, 38 (1992) 132148.

8.3.83. 8.3.83. Galeno.

PREUS (1977)

8.3.84. 8.3.84. Gnostica.

EDWARDS (C-1991)
GARCA (A-1995)
SAELID (1983) = Gilhus I. Saelid, Male and female symbolism in the Gnostic Apocryphon of John,
Temenos, 19 (1983) 33-43.
SCHENKE (1985) = H. M. Schenke, Radikale Sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit als hellenistich-jdisches
Vollkommenheitsideal im Thomas-Buch (NHC II 7), en U. Bianchi (cur.), La tradizione
dellenkrateia. Motivazioni ontologiche e protologiche. Atti del Colloquio internazionale, Milano,
20-23 aprile 1982, Roma, 1985, pp. 263-291.
TORRENS (1980) = Jos M. Torrens, El universo masculino de los naasenos, Faventia, 2.1 (1980) 7-13.

WILSON (D-1985) = R. McL. Wilson, Alimentary and sexual encratism in the Nag Hammadi tractates, en
U. Bianchi (cur.), La tradizione dellenkrateia. Motivazioni ontologiche e protologiche. Atti del
Colloquio internazionale, Milano, 20-23 aprile 1982, Roma, 1985, pp. 317-332.

8.3.85. 8.3.85. Gregorio de Nacianzo.

BRTNES (2000) = J. Brtnes, Eros transformed: same-sex love and divine desire. Reflections on the
erotic vocabulary in St. Gregory of Nazianzus speech on St. Basil the great, en T. Hgg P.
Rousseau (eds.), Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity, Los ngeles-Londres, 2000,
pp. ? (completar referencia; ya clasificado)

8.3.86. 8.3.86. Heliodoro.

LAPLACE (1992) = M. Laplace, Les thiopiques dHliodore, ou la gense dun pangyrique de lamour,
REA, 94 (1992) 199-230.
YATROMANOLAKIS (1988) = Y. Yatromanolakis, Baskanos Eros: Love and evil-eye in Heliodorus
Aethiopica, en R. Beaton (ed.), The Greek Novel AD 1-1985, Londres-Nueva York-Sidney, 1988,
pp. 194-204.

8.3.87. 8.3.87. Herodas.

GERBER (1978b) = Id., Herodas 5.1, HSPh, 82 (1978) 161-165.
DI GREGORIO (1995) = L. di Gregorio, La figura di Metriche nel primo mimiambo di Eronda, en Studia
Classica Io. Tarditi oblata, a cura di L. Belloni G. Milanese A. Porro, Miln, 1995, pp. 675-694.
LAWALL (1976) = G. Lawall, Herodas 6 and 7 reconsidered, CPh, 71 (1976) 165-169.
NERI (1994)
REDONDO (1994) = E. Redondo Moyano, Btaro, un pornobosks ante los tribunales (Mimo II de
Herodas), en Actas del VIII Congr. Espaol de Estudios Clsicos. Vol. IV, Madrid, 1994, pp. 361367.
RIST (A-1993)
STERN (1979) = J. Stern, Herodas Mimiamb 6, GRBS, 20 (1979) 247-254.

8.3.88. 8.3.88. Herdoto.

BICHLER (1999) = R. Bichler, Herodots Frauenbild und seine Vorstellung ber die Sexualsitten der
Vlker, en ROLLINGER-ULF (1999), pp. 13-56.
GLENN (1972) = J. Glenn, The dream of Hippias, RSC, 20 (1972) 5-7.
GRIFFITH (B-1994) = R. D. Griffith, Hippias missing tooth (Hdt. 6.107), AHB, 8 (1994) 121-122.
HOBEN (1997)
HOLT (1998) = Id., Sex, Tiranny, and Hippias Incest Dream (Herodotos 6.107), GRBS, 39 (1998) 221-242.

WALCOT (1978)

8.3.89. 8.3.89. Hesodo.

BROWN (A-1997)
DAGRADI (1999) = S. Dagradi, La problematizzazione della sessualit nelle opere di Esiodo, A&R, 44
(1999) 121-129.
HOFFMANN (A-1986) = G. Hoffmann, Pandora, la jarre e lespoir, QS, 24 (1986) 55-89.
HOFINGER (1978) = M. Hofinger, . propos dun vieux tabou hsiodique, AC, 47 (1978)
JOCELYN (1993)
MASON (B-1987)
RAMNOUX (1987)
SUSSMAN (B-1978b) = Id., The Birth of the Gods: Sexuality, Conflict and Cosmic Structure in Hesiods
Theogony, Ramus, 7 (1978) 61-77.
VERNANT (1990)
VOX (1980)
WATKINS (1978)

8.3.90. 8.3.90. Himnos homricos.

BAUDY (1989) = D. Baudy, Das Keuschlamm-Wunder des Hermes (Hom. h. Merc. 409-413). Ein
mglicher Schlssel zum Verstndnis kultischer Fesselung?, GB, 16 (1989) 1-28.
BICKERMAN (1976) = Id., Love story in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, Athenaeum, 54 (1976) 229254.
PARRY (1986) = H. Parry, The Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite. Erotic Ananke, Phoenix, 40 (1986) 253-264.

8.3.91. 8.3.91. Hiponacte.

DEGANI (1998) = Id., Marginalia Hipponactea, Eikasmos, 9 (1998) 11-15.
LENNARTZ (1998) = K. Lennartz, Zu Hipponax 51 W., Mnemosyne, 51 (1998) 711-712.
LFFLER (1999) = D. Lffler, Zu Hipponax Fragment 78.14 Degani (78.14 West), Prometheus, 25 (1999)
VOX (1977) = O. Vox, Ipponatte fr. 41 West, una parodia oscena, QUCC, 26 (1977) 87-89.

8.3.92. 8.3.92. Historia Augusta.

BALDWIN (1981b) = Id., Aquatic sex, LCM, 6 (1981) 25.
KRENKEL (1980)

MASTELLONE (1990) = E. Mastellone, Un esempio della licentia del princeps. Da Tacito allHistoria
Augusta, BStudLat, 20 (1990) 365-374.
PFLAUM (1978) = H.-G. Pflaum, Les amours des empereurs dans lHistoire Auguste, en J. Straub (ed.),
Bonner Historia Augusta-Colloquium 1975/76, Bonn, 1978, pp. 157-166.
RODRGUEZ (B-1994) = M. J. Rodrguez Gervs, La vida de los emperadores infames Cmodo y
Heliogbalo: a propsito de la Historia Augusta, en ALVAR-BLNQUEZ-WAGNER (1994), pp.
WOODS (1998) = D. Woods, On the Death of the Empress Fausta, G&R, 45 (1998) 70-86.

8.3.93. 8.3.93. Historia de Apolonio.

CHIARINI (1983) = G. Chiarini, Esogamia e incesto nella Historia Apollonii regis Tyri, MD, 10-11 (1983)

8.3.94. 8.3.94. Homero.

ADKINS (1963)
BARRET (1981) = D. S. Barret, The friendship of Achilles and Patroclus, CB, 57 (1981) 87-93.
CAMPBELL (A-1949) = J. M. Campbell, Homer and Chastity, PhQ, 28 (1949) 343-359.
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HENDRY (1997b)
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MAURITSCH (1992) = P. Mauritsch, Sexualitt im frhen Griechenland. Untersuchungen zu Norm und
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8.3.95. 8.3.95. Horacio.

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8.3.96. 8.3.96. bico.

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TRUMPF (1969)
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8.3.97. 8.3.97. Isidoro de Sevilla.

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8.3.98. 8.3.98. Janto de Lidia.


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Jenofonte de feso.

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Jernimo de Estridn.

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Juan Crisstomo.

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Justino (gnstico).

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NADEAU (1984)
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Lenidas de Tarento.

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HARVEY (A-1986)
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Licinio Calvo.




ISETTA (1977)

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CIANI (1979)
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WHITE (1997)



Lucilio (epigramtico).

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GOAR (1971) = Robert J. Goar, On the end of Lucretius fourth book, CB, 47 (1971) 75-77.
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PIGEAUD (1982)
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BALDWIN (1981b)
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MCCLURE (2003)




ADAMS (B-1982c)
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BALDWIN (1981b)
BARRET (1984)
BOEHRER (1998)
BOOTH (A-1980)
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COLTON (1965)
DEGANI (1962)
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GARRIDO (B-1981)
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HALLET (1977)
HALLET (1977b)

HALLET (1996)
HICKSON (1998)
HOUSMAN (1930)
HOUSMAN (1931)
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MARTINA (B-1993)
MERLI (2002) = E. Merli, Zu Martial 5, 35, 4, Philologus, 146 (2002) 379-382.
MERRIAM (1991) = Carol U. Merriam, The Other Sulpicia, CW, 84 (1991) 303-305.
MONTERO (1976) = Id., Censura y transmisin textual en Marcial, ECls, XX (1976) 343-352.
MONTERO (1991b) = Id., Recursos lxicos en el epigrama ertico de Marcial, en Mnemosynum C.
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NADEAU (1984)
OBERMAYER (1998) = Hans P. Obermayer, Martial und der Diskurs ber mnnliche Homosexualitt in
der Literatur der frhen Kaiserzeit, Tubinga, 1998.
OCONNOR (B-1990) = Id., Mamurianus and Martials Revenge (Epigrams I 92), CB, 66 (1990) 93-95.
OCONNOR (B-1998) = Id., Martial the moral jester: priapic motifs and the restoration of order in the
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PARKER (A-1992b) = Id., Other Remarks on the Other Sulpicia, CW, 86 (1992) 89-95.
PITCHER (1993) = Id., The mollis vir in Martial, en K. Lee Ch. Mackie H. Tarrant (eds.), Multarum
artium scientia. A Chose for R. G. Tanner, Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, 1993, pp. 59-67.
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Modern University, vol. I, Macquarie Univ., 1998, pp. 309-315.
PIZARRO (1999)
PRINZ (1912)
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RICHLIN (1981b)
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RODRIQUEZ (1981) = M. T. Rodriquez, Il linguaggio erotico di Marziale, Vichiana, 10 (1981) 91-117.
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SAGESSE (1995) = Id., Nota a Mart. VIII 46 e XI 99, 5-6), Maia, 47 (1995) 45-56.
SALGADO (1995)
SCHMIDT (B-1989)

SCHNBERGER (B-1995) = O. Schnberger, Oppositio in imitando. Zu Martial 6, 34, Gymnasium, 102

(1995) 501-507.
SHACKLETON (1978) = David R. Shackleton Bailey, Corrections and Explanations of Martial, CPh, 73
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Marco Argentario.

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Mximo de Tiro.

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KISTRUP (1963)
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Plinio el Joven.


Plinio el Viejo.

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VERNANT (1990)




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Polstrato (epigramtico).



BUFFIRE (1977)


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Posidipo de Pela.

BUFFIRE (1977)
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Remio Palemn.

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Riano de Creta.

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MARTYN (1990) = John R. C. Martyn, Sappho and Aphrodite, Euphrosyne, 18 (1990) 201-212.
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PRIVITERA (1967) = G. A. Privitera, Su una nuova interpretazione di Saffo fr. 16 LP, QUCC, 4 (1967)
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RSLER (1992)

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SKINNER (1991) = Id., Aphrodite Garlanded: Eros and Poetic Creativity in Sappho and Nossis, en F. De
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posie de Sappho, QS, 19 (1984) 57-79.
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WEST (1970) = Martin L. West, Burning Sappho, Maia, 22 (1970) 307-330.




BOYD (1987) = Barbara W. Boyd, Virtus Effeminatata and Sallusts Sempronia, TAPhA, 117 (1987) 183201.
PAUL (1985) = G. Paul, Sallust, Catiline 14.2, Phoenix, 39 (1985) 158-161.




MARTELLI (1979) = F. Martelli, Morale e potere nel mondo tardoantico, Antiqua, 4 (1979) 24-32.




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donne, QUCC, 32 (1979) 29-43.




BANNERT (1977)
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Ramus, 12 (1983) 61-76.
HOUSMAN (1931)

LPEZ (D-1980b)
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WALTERS (1998b)




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BROWN (B-1991)
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GIANGRANDE (1969) = G. Giangrande, Simonides und Eros, AC, 38 (1969) 147-149.
MACE (1996) = S. Mace, Utopian and erotic fusion in a new elegy by Simonides (22 West 2), ZPE, 113
(1996) 233-247.




CAVALLINI (1980) = Id., Soph. Ai. 1119 ss., MCr, 15-17 (1980-82) 55-56.
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ERBSE (1991) = H. Erbse, Haimons Liebe zu Antigone, RhM, 134 (1991) 253-261.
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[trad. ital. en CALAME (1988) 171-192
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FARAONE (1994)
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HOLT (1981) = P. Holt, Disease, desire, and Deianira. A note on the symbolism of the Trachiniae, Helios,
8.2 (1981) 63-73.
LASSO (1989) = Id., El himno al Amor de Sfocles, en Martn S. Ruiprez (ed.), De la Grecia arcaica a la
Roma imperial, Madrid, 1990, pp. 55-79.
MARTNEZ (B-2000b) = M. Martnez Hernndez, (I). Aspectos erticos en la vida y obra
de Sfocles, en A. Garzya (cur.), Idee e forme nel teatro greco. Atti del Convegno italo-spagnolo,
Napoli 14-16 ottobre 1999, Npoles, 2000, pp. 321-332.
PUCCI (1979) = P. Pucci, On the Eye and the Phallus and Other Permutabilities, in Oedipus Rex, en G.
W. Bowersock W. Burkert M. C. J. Putnam (eds.), Arktouros. Hellenic Studies presented to
Bernard M. W. Knox on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Berln-Nueva York, 1979, pp. 130-133.

WENDER (1974) = Id., The Will of the Beast: Sexual Imagery in the Trachiniae, Ramus, 3 (1974) 1-17.




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Sorano de feso.

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PINAULT (1992)






Stades de Maronea.



OHARA (1996)

WHITE (2000)

BALDWIN (1981b)
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