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Q433065 - XPO caching and distributed cache | DevExpress Support Center

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XPO caching and distributed cache


Tags: .NET, Frameworks (XAF & XPO), eXpress Persistent Objects

Created O n :
9/20/2012 7:07:40 PM

Mo dified O n :
10/9/2012 12:04:05 PM

Simon de Kraa 3 years ago

B u ild:
v2011 vo l 2.11 / 6-Ap r-2012

We have enabled XPO cache and are looking for a way to use it with a distributed cache.
We are thinking about using Microsoft AppFabric/Azure caching for this. AppFabric cache for on-premise installations and Azure cache for Windows Azure

Related Questions

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/gg618003.aspx for an example to access the Azure cache.

Ho w to create a data cach in g service

th at h elp s imp ro ve p erfo rman ce in
distrib u ted ap p licatio n s

Does DevExpress have information available if this will work?

Distrib u ted cach in g

Timesp an in XPO W CF data
distrib u tio n service

Dan (DevExpress) 3 years ago

Please p ardo n su ch a lo n g delay in o u r resp o n se. W e've b een very b u sy fo r th e last few days. W e are w o rkin g o n a so lu tio n fo r yo u r scen ario .

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Ho w to u se
ICach eTo Cach eCo mmu n icatio n Co re
in ap p licatio n
Distrib u ted Cach e

1 Solution

Sh o w Mo re

Dan (DevExpress) 3 years ago

Thank you for contacting us.

We don't have documentation that describes XPO and Windows Azure Shared Caching.
However, I have investigated these products and found that they cannot be used together: both these products are designed to solve the same task and
cannot be combined.

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Dennis (DevExpress Support) 3 years ago

Th an ks fo r th e feedb ack. Also , feel free to in vite yo u r devs directly in to th is th read so th at w e co u ld p ro gress faster.

Cristian Inceu 3 years ago

Hello , I w ill p ick u p th is th read again b y lettin g yo u kn o w th at w e've imp lemen ted all su ggested ideas fro m th is discu ssio n . In th e attach ed
samp le w e h ave su ccesfu lly ru n ed th e MS imp lemen tatio n fo r SQLDep en den cy, w h ich w o rks in a reso n ab le man n er (w e saw a small delay,
seco n ds, b etw een mu ltip le ro o ts syn cro n izatio n ).
Dep lo yin g it to Azu re seems to b e th e en d o f th e ro ad fo r th is o p tio n sin ce ServiceB ro ker is n o t su p p o rted b y SQL Azu re
(h ttp ://msdn .micro so ft.co m/en -u s/lib rary/w in do w sazu re/ee336241.asp x - Featu res an d Typ es).
Do yo u h ave an y o th er su ggestio n so w e can co ver th is scen ario o n Azu re, w h ere w e h ave 2 differen t servers, each ru n n in g th e ap p licatio n
an d service cach e (so , actu ally 2 cach e ro o ts)?
MSCach edSo lu tio n _Fo rDX.zip

Dennis (DevExpress Support) 3 years ago

Hello Simo n ,
I am glad to h ear o f yo u r p ro gress.
If SQLDep en den cy o p tio n do es n o t w o rk fo r yo u , yo u can imp lemen t th e first o p tio n I su ggested ab o ve: a sin gle DataCach eRo o t w ith
mu ltip le n o des (th ey can b e lo cated o n differen t servers) co n n ected to it. Let me kn o w if yo u exp erien ce an y difficu lties w ith th is o p tio n .

Cristian Inceu 3 years ago

Th an ks fo r rep ly Den n is. Actu ally w e can n o t h ave a sin gle DataCach eRo o t sin ce w e dep lo y W CF service to mu ltip le servers in an Azu re
en viro n men t. I h ave attach ed a samp le so lu tio n w h ich co n tain s:
- 2 XAF w eb ap p licatio n s
- 2 W CF services fo r DataCach eRo o t
It h as mu ltip le startu p p ro jects to simu late o u r p ro du ctio n en viro n men t.
If yo u ru n th e so lu tio n (F5) yo u w ill n o tice:
First XAF ap p licatio n starts o n p o rt 2060 an d alw ays co n n ects to th e W CF service started o n p o rt 55000 (th is w ill b e th e Azu re in stan ce n o .1).
Seco n d XAF ap p licatio n starts o n p o rt 2070 an d alw ays co n n ects to th e W CF service started o n p o rt 55002 (th is w ill b e th e Azu re in stan ce
n o .2).
Fu rth er, if yo u create a reco rd in Prin ter screen o f th e first ap p licatio n (2060), yo u w ill n o tice th at p ressin g Refresh o n th e Prin ter grid fro m
th e seco n d ap p licatio n (2070) yo u w ill n o t get th e n ew reco rd. O b vio u sly, th e tw o DataCach eRo o t are n o t in syn c.
Can w e make an y step fo rw ard o r it lo o ks like th e cach e w ill n o t w o rk if th ere are mo re th an o n e DataCach eRo o t?
Du o Cach edSo lu tio n _Fo rDX.zip

Dennis (DevExpress Support) 3 years ago

Th an k yo u fo r th e feedb ack, gu ys.
I h ave created a sep arate ticket fo r yo u r last p ro b lem (Q288480), n o t to mix everyth in g w ith in a sin gle th read.

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