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18 Section A JANUARY 2008 The Woodside News


sary to grow into an adult. Many believe further research will cialized cells in the lab. When
Stem Cells The embryo’s stem cells are reveal how to stimulate adult stem implanted they are often tumorgenic
the cells which will develop cells to develop into various special- (form tumors) and are prone to rejec-
C ures for heart disease
and cancer? For spinal
cord injuries? For Parkinson’s
into all the specialized cells
of the baby. This consists of
ized cells. tion like organ transplants.
Advantages of Adult Stem Cells
and Alzheimer’s? For dia- about 30 cells in the middle PROBLEMS WITH EMBRYONIC There are no ethical concerns
betes? Researchers claim of the ball of cells. STEM CELLS about use of adult stem cells.
embryonic stem cells can Extracting these stem cells Many people oppose research and use Harvesting does not destroy humans.
resolve these problems. How destroys the embryo. of embryonic stem cells – not because Adult stem cells have already been
could anyone be opposed to WILLIAMPH.D. T. PELLETIER
Embryonic stem cells they object to their potential therapeu- used to treat over 70 diseases including
such research? are totipotent, meaning they tic uses, but because they object to leukemia, bone cancer, breast cancer,
Embryonic stem cell can develop into all types of their source. Harvesting embryonic heart disease, and Lou Gehrig’s dis-
research (ESCR) is highly controver- human cells. stem cells destroys human embryos, ease. Recent studies have shown adult
sial. It’s debated in the halls of Adult stem cells are stem cells
Congress, throughout the media, and found in post-birth tissues in babies,
at the water cooler. State ballot pro- children, and adults. They do not have
posals pass and fail. From actors to the full specialization potential of
politicians to preachers to scientists, embryonic ones, but they can regener-
determined advocates champion both ate tissues.
sides of the issue—often motivated by Adult stem cells are multipotent,
hidden agendas. meaning that a particular adult stem
cell can develop into multiple types of
WHAT ARE STEM CELLS ? human cells, but not necessarily all
Stem cells are starter cells that can types – although this has not been
grow into different kinds of adult tis- definitely settled.
sue such as nerve, muscle, heart, skin,
and blood. Stem cells can repair or SOURCES O F STEM CELLS
replace damaged tissue and potential- The main source of embryonic stem
ly provide cures for many degenerative cells is in vitro fertilization (IVF) in
diseases. which fertilization of a human egg
takes place in a lab outside the human
Adult stem cells have been found

After 20 years of research, no successful treatments

with embryonic stem cells have yet occurred.
stem cells help repair spinal cord

injuries and help with memory prob-

Scientists call them stem cells lems resulting from brain and spinal
because a stem is the main stalk of a disease. Animal experiments have
plant from which the plant branches yielded success with diabetes and
out. Similarly, stem cells are the main blindness.
stalk from which cells differentiate Embryonic stem cells have yielded
(branch out) into all the 220 special- no successful treatments in 20 years of
ized cell types of the body. research.
Human bodies constantly regen- Adult stem cells are not tumor-
erate blood and skin tissue. Stem cells genic like embryonic stem cells.
start this process. When you cut your- A patient’s own adult stem cells
self, stem cells help repair the damage. can be used for his treatment. This
Without stem cells to regenerate avoids the problems of immune
blood and tissue, you would die. response causing tissue rejection and
All tissues do not have stem cells. the need for powerful immune-sup-
Nerve, heart, and muscle tissues lack pressing drugs which result from using
stem cells. Non-functional scar tissue embryonic stem cells.
repairs tissue without stem cells.
Stem cells were first discovered WHAT IS SCNT?
through regeneration experiments Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. The
with bone marrow transplants in the Harvesting and banking adult stem cells nucleus is removed from a human egg
1950s. Since an embryo develops all and replaced with the nucleus from a
types of cells, scientists looked for in bone marrow, blood, skin, intes- killing human beings. donor’s somatic cell (any body cell
“cell generators” (stem cells) in tines, nose, and brain. They have been It is clear from Scripture that the except sperm or egg). The somatic
embryos. Embryonic stem cells were found in teeth, kidneys, hair follicles, unborn are human beings because nucleus has a complete set of chromo-
extracted for mice in the 1980s and placenta, and umbilical cords. Scripture treats them as human. somes.
for humans in 1998. Research on blood stem cells of adult Examples include references in the This is cloning. The genetically
mice has produced liver, muscle, and womb to Jacob and Esau, Perez and engineered embryo is genetically
T YP ES O F STEM CELLS skin cells. Adult stem cells from bone Zerah, Samson, Job, David, Jeremiah, almost identical with the donor of the
There are two types of stem cells— marrow have produced red and white John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul. somatic nucleus. (The embryo’s mito-
embryonic and adult. blood cells, platelets, bone cells, carti- Embryonic stem cell research funda- chondrial DNA from the egg may dif-
Embryonic stem cells come from lage cells, and fat cells. mentally devalues human life and is fer from that of the nucleus donor.)
embryos (fertilized human eggs) that Multipotent stem cells from therefore contrary to Scripture. Embryonic stem cells are extracted
are about 5 days old – still a ball of umbilical cord blood can be harvested Use of embryonic stem cells also from the genetically engineered
cells, but fully human with its own after birth and stored for later use has practical problems. Embryonic embryo, killing it in the process. The
distinct DNA and everything neces- with no harm to mother or baby. stem cells are differentiated into spe-
SCIENCE continued on page 19
The Woodside News JANUARY 2008 Section A 19

SCIENCE continued from page 18

advantage of these embryonic stem cells
is that they won’t cause tissue rejection
if used with the somatic nucleus donor,
but it does cause the death of the
donor’s genetically engineered clone.
This kind of cloning is usually
called therapeutic cloning to distin-
guish it from reproductive cloning in
which the genetically engineered
embryo is implanted into a woman’s
womb to continue development.
No one has yet succeeded with
therapeutic or reproductive human
cloning. Most agree that the latter is
wrong, but both use the same tech-
nique (SCNT) to produce a human
embryo. The only difference between
therapeutic and reproductive cloning is
what would be done with the cloned
embryo – destroyed for its stem cells or
implanted in a womb.
Another problem with SCNT is
the harvesting of the human eggs.
Hormone-induced hyper-ovulation
has been linked to increased risk of
ovarian cancer and kidney disease. It
also impairs female fertility through
harvesting a large number of irreplace-
able eggs at once.


One motivation is the hope that
embryonic stem cells can be used to
cure degenerative diseases, but this
hope has not yet been realized.
The other motivation is its connec-
tion to abortion. If embryonic stem cell
research is restricted because of the value body’s own cells should be superior to tested for genetic stability to verify research because extraction of stem
placed on the embryo, then it’s only log- surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. they are not tumorgenic. cells destroys the embryo, thereby
ical to apply the same thinking to abor- Tissue rejection will not be a problem. Other delivery mechanisms for the destroying a fellow human being.
tion. Many support embryonic stem cell This is a significant scientific 4 re-programming genes may need to Christians should support adult stem
research because they want to preserve breakthrough. These stem cells come be developed, since the FDA may not cell research, including iPS cells.
the right to abort unborn babies. directly from skin cells without pro- approve use of viruses for therapies. These techniques have amazing pos-
ducing and killing human embryos. Retroviruses are used to insert genes sibilities for therapeutic treatment of
STEM CELLS FROM SKIN No human eggs are used and no into chromosomes at random. At many diseases.
In June 2007 scientists at Kyoto cloning is done. This shows that pro- times this turns normal cells into
University announced the conversion ductive science can be Biblically ethical cancer cells. One of the genes first Email Dr. Pelletier at
of mouse skin cells to stem cells. while exploring God’s creation. used by the Japanese team was actually BibleScienceGuy@woodsidenews.org.
Subsequently in November two teams These initial results are promising, a cancer gene. Read the Bible-Science Guy blog at
of scientists from Kyoto University and but more research is needed. The This discovery should make blog.woodside.tv/blog/Bill_Pelletier for
the University of Wisconsin totipotent properties need to be con- embryonic stem cell research obsolete. more pictures, links, and info. New
announced the same result for humans. firmed. The new stem cells need to be However, supporters of using human material posted twice weekly.
The technique involves using embryos and cloning to produce ©2008 William T. Pelletier
viruses to add 4 specific genes to stem cells are resisting. They argue
the skin cells. The inserted genes iPS cells are a cancer risk and have
are master regulator genes that unproven therapeutic value. They
activate or deactivate other genes. insist on harvesting human eggs
These re-programmed skin cells, for cloning and destroying human
called induced pluripotent stem embryos for their stem cells.
(iPS) cells, appear to have the However, in December the
same properties as embryonic Japanese team produced iPS cells
stem cells. without using the cancer gene.
Prof Ian Wilmut of Scientists at MIT and the
Edinburgh University, who led University of Alabama
the team that cloned Dolly the (Birmingham) announced success-
sheep in 1996, announced last ful treatment of sickle cell anemia
November that he was abandon- in mice with iPS cells, demonstrat-
ing therapeutic cloning. His ing their therapeutic potential.
decision is not for ethical reasons, These scientists had failed to pro-
but rather because he thinks the duce stem cells to treat sickle cell
new technique for producing anemia through therapeutic
stem cells from skin is more cloning, but said the iPS cell tech-
promising than SCNT. nique was “amazingly efficient.”
There are no ethical issues
with developing stem cells from CONCLUSION
skin cells. Moreover, treating Christians should strongly
degenerative diseases with the oppose embryonic stem cell

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