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Personal information

Date of birth
Marital status
Rada Varga

29. 06. 1983

Curriculum vitae

Education and training

1. 1st October 2006-present - PhD student, Ancient History and Archaeology Chair, Department of History and
Philosophy, Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
Proposed PhD thesis: Peregrinii n Dacia roman (106-212) (The peregrini of Roman Dacia (106-212)).
2. 2006-2007 - Master of Arts, Classical Antiquity Program, Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
MA thesis: Propaganda familial Iulio-Claudian. Mausoleul lui Augustus (The Julio-Claudian family
propaganda. The Mausoleum of Augustus).
Posted on-line at http://www.tesionline.com/intl/thesis.jsp?idt=26174.
3. 2002-2006 - Bachelor of Arts, Ancient History and Archaeology Chair, Department of History and
Philosophy Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
July 2006 - Graduated as the first of my promotion, with a general grade of 9,82.
BA Thesis: Manifestri arhitecturale ale cultului imperial roman n provinciile latine (Architectural
manifestations of the Roman Imperial cult in the Latin provinces).
4. 1998-2002 - Highschool graduate, tefan cel Mare Highschool, Suceava, modern languages section.
Work experience
1. 1st October 2008-present - Museologist I, Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Transilvaniei (The National History
Museum of Transylvania).
Responsibilities: Member of the editorial staff of Acta Musei Napocensis, editing other publications of the
Museum, archaeological research
2. 1st January 2008-present - Research assistant, Centrul de Studii Romane, Universitatea Babe-Bolyai (The
Centre for Roman Studies, Babe-Bolyai University).
3. 1st October-31st December 2007 - Museologist II, Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Transilvaniei (The National
History Museum of Transylvania).
Responsibilities: Touristic guide.
Scientific activity
Articles published in journals

Rada Varga








Epigrafie marginal. Autoreprezentarea claselor socio-juridice inferioare n Imperiul Roman

(Marginal epigraphy. Self-representations of the lower classes in the Roman Empire), Chronos. Revist
de Istorie, VIII, 1 (14), Iai, 2010.
Statutului juridic al peregrinilor. Prezentare general (The juridic status of the peregrini. General
overview), in Chronos. Revist de Istorie, VII, 1-2 (12-13), Iai, 2009, p. 22-26.
The peregrine names from Dacia, in Acta Musei Napocensis (ISSN 1454-1521), 43-44/I, Cluj-Napoca,
2006-2007 (2008), p. 233-246. - http://ubbcluj.academia.edu/RadaVarga/Papers.
Consideraii privind istoriografia peregrinilor din Dacia roman (Considerations regarding the
historiography of the peregrine from Roman Dacia), in Chronos. Revist de Istorie, an VI, nr. 1 (10), Iai,
2008, p. 16-19. - http://revistachronos.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/10.pdf.
Legitimarea puterii ImperialeDivaele i Domus Divina (Legitimating the imperial power the Divae
and the Domus Divina), in Chronos. Revist de Istorie, an IV, nr. 1 (6), Iai, 2006, p. 11-14. http://revistachronos.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/6-72.pdf.
Locuri de cult ale zeilor taumaturgi n Dacia roman (Sanctuaries of the gods of health in Roman Dacia),
in Chronos. Revist de Istorie, an III, nr. 1 (4), Iai, 2005, p. 5-8.
Mistica efului n Roma republican - sec. III II a. Chr. (The chiefs mystique in Republican Rome
the 3rd-2nd centuries B. C.) , in Chronos. Revist de Istorie, an II, nr. 2, Iai, 2004, p. 7-11. http://revistachronos.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/33.pdf.
Credin i vindecare. De la Grecia homeric la nceputurile cretinismului (Faith and healing. From
Homers Greece to the beginnings of Christianity), in Charta studiorum, nr. 34, ClujNapoca, 2003, p.

Edited volumes
1. Studia archaeologica et historica in honorem magistri Dorin Alicu, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Argonaut, 2009
(mpreun cu V. Rusu-Bolinde, T. Slgean).
Redacted volumes
1. Die Rmischen Provinzen. Begriff und Grndung, ed. Ioan Piso, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2008, 398 p.,
ISBN 978-973-1868-81-3.
2. Acta Musei Napocensis, 4344/I, 20062007 (2008), Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2008, 286 p., ISSN 14541521.
Participation at conferences
Papers presented at international conferences

Incinte funerare romane. Incinta de la Sarmizegetusa - Necropola de Est (Roman funerary preceints. The
preceint from Sarmizegetusa the Eastern Necropolis), Simpozionul internaional Constantin Daicoviciu,
Hadrian Daicoviciu, Marian Gum-in memoriam, Caransebe, 19-21 octombrie 2007.
2. Mistica efului n Roma republican (The chiefs mystique in Republican Rome), Sesiunea
Internaional de Comunicri a Studenilor Romni n Istorie i tiine Socio-Umane Repere cultural
Istorice europene, Iai, 15 mai 2004.
Papers presented at national conferences
1. Peregrinii din Dacia (The peregrines of Roman Dacia), Simpozionul Naional Bucovina file de istorie,
Suceava, 27-28 noiembrie 2009.
2. Mediul peregrin al auxilia Dacicae (The peregrine environment of the auxilia Dacicae), Sesiunea de
Comunicri tiintifice a Doctoranzilor n Istorie, Cluj-Napoca, 18-19 iunie 2009.
3. Inscripiile votive de la Alburnus Maior-aspecte ale religiozitii i realiti sociale (The votive
inscriptions from Alburnus Maior aspects of religiosity and social realities), Colocviul Dies Traiani,
Sarmizegetusa, 18-19 septembrie 2008.

Rada Varga



Ideologie imperial la nceputul perioadei Antonine (The imperial ideology in the Antonine period),
Simpozionul Dacia Roman, Sarmizegetusa, 2123 septembrie 2007.
Deus fieri vult-Caracterul sacru al mpratului roman (Deus fieri vult The sacred nature of the Roman
emperor), Sesiunea Naional de Comunicri tiinifice a Studenilor de la Istorie, ClujNapoca, 20 mai
Sanctuare ale zeilor salutiferi n Dacia roman (Sanctuaries of the healing gods in Roman Dacia) ,
Sesiunea de Comunicri tiinifice a Studenilor de la Istorie, ClujNapoca, 8 aprilie 2005.
Locuri de cult ale zeilor taumaturgi n Dacia roman (Cult places of the healing gods in Roman Dacia),
Sesiunea Naional a Cercurilor tiinifice Studeneti, AlbaIulia, 27 noiembrie 2003.

1. BD_401/2008 - Peregrinii n Dacia roman (The peregrines in Roman Dacia); scholarship accorded by
CNCSIS; duration: April 2008 September 2010.
Research grants
Individual projects
1. MD_28/2008 Peregrinii n Dacia roman (The peregrines in Roman Dacia); individual grant accorded
by CNCSIS, as part of the programme PN II - Resurse umane - Mobiliti doctorale; duration: 1 st 30
September 2008.
Team projects
1. 91-033 D9/18.09.2007 Harta geofizic a siturilor romane de pe teritoriul Daciei (The geo-physical map
of the Roman sites from the territory of Dacia); collective grant awarded by CNMP; project manager: Ioan
Piso; duration: October 2007 October 2009.
1. 2CEx 06-8-67/26.07.2006 - Integrarea spaiului actual al Romniei n civilizaia roman antic
(Integrating the territory of todays Romania in the ancient Roman civilization); collective grant awarded
by ANCS, as part of the Ceres program; project manager: Ioan Piso; duration: October 2006 October
2008. - http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro/hiphi/Studii_romane/home_ro.html.
Archaeological excavations
Excavations abroad
1. Petronell-Carnuntum (AU) excavations coordinated by Mag. F. Hummer; June 2008.
2. Petronell-Carnuntum (AU) excavations coordinated by Mag. F. Hummer; July 2005.
Excavation in Romania
1. Cluj Napoca archaeological surveillance; October 2009.
2. Alba Iulia excavation coordinated by Dr. V. Rusu-Bolinde; September 2009.
3. Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa - excavations coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ioan Piso; July August 2008.
4. Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa - excavations coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ioan Piso; July August 2007.
5. ClujNapoca, Floreti rescue excavation cordinated by Dr. D. Alicu; September 2006 april 2007.
6. Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa - excavations coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ioan Piso; July August 2006.
7. Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa - excavations coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ioan Piso; participation as a student, at
the excavations from 2003 2005.
8. Grditea de Munte - - excavations coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ioan Glodariu; participation as a student in
August 2003.
Archaeological excavation reports
1. CCA, 2008, Sarmizegetusa, com. Sarmizegetusa, jud. Hunedoara (Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa), puncte:
Forum Novum, Capitoliu; colectiv: Ioan Piso responsabil, Felix Marcu, Dorin Alicu (MNIT), Ovidiu
entea (MNIR), Gic Betean, Marius Barbu (MCDR Deva), George Cupcea, Marius Opria, Petru
Ureche, Rada Varga (UBB Cluj).

Rada Varga



CCA, 2006, Sarmizegetusa, com. Sarmizegetusa, jud. Hunedoara (Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa), punct: La
Cire (Necropola estic); colectiv: Gic Betean (MCDR Deva), Felix Marcu (MNIT), Ovidiu entea
(MNIR), Ioni Peti, Codrua Plia, Rada Varga, Petric Ureche (UBB Cluj).
CCA, 2005, Sarmizegetusa, com. Sarmizegetusa, jud. Hunedoara (Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa), punct: La
Cire (Necropola estic); colectiv: Ioan Piso responsabil, Felix Marcu (MNIT), Gic Betean, Ctlin
Delinescu (MCDR Deva), Ovidiu entea (MNIR),Codrua Plia, Rada Varga, George Cupcea, Vlad

Member of scientific, cultural and professional societies and collectives


October 2008-present member of the redaction collective of the journal Acta Musei Napocensis, ClujNapoca.
January 2008-present Member of the editorial collective of the journal Chronos. Revist de Istorie, Iai http://revistachronos.wordpress.com/echipa/.
December 2007-present registered in Registrul Arheologilor din Romnia (Register of Romanian
Archaeologists), as beginner archaeologist.
20032004 coordinator of the department of cultural, artistic and sport activities of the Petru Maior
Students Society, Cluj-Napoca.

Participation at the organizing of scientific events

1. Participating in organizing the XIV th National Conference of the Ancient History and Archaeology Chair,
Army and arms in pre-Roman and Roman Dacia, 14 - 16 November 2008.
2. Participating in organizing the National Conference Dies Traiani, Sarmizegetusa, 18 - 19 September 2008.
3. Participating in organizing the National Conference Dacia Roman, Sarmizegetusa, 2123 September
4. P Participating in organizing the International Conference Constantin Daicoviciu, Hadrian Daicoviciu,
Marian Gum - in memoriam, Caransebe, 19 - 21 October 2007.
Museum exhibitions
1. Participating from MNIT at organizing the exhibition From the first writings to multimedia. A short history
of communications and more, Institutul Multimedia Romno-Elveian, Muzeul Civilizaiei Dacice i
Romane, Deva, January - February 2010.
2. Participating from MNIT at organizing the exhibition Piese egiptene n muzeele transilvnene,(Egyptian
exhibits in Transylvanian museums), Muzeul Civilizaiei Dacice i Romane, Deva, October 2009
February 2010.
3. Participating at organizing the exhibition Polus - istorie pierdut, istorie regsit (Polus lost history,
found history), MNIT, February - April 2008.
Language skills
Mother language: Romna
Foreign languages
Advanced English (Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, acquired in 2005).
Spanish (advanced), French (medium level), German (beginner).

Other activities and skills

1. Recording and processing the Roman archaeological material from the excavation from ClujNapoca,
Floreti, Polus Center (May - June 2007).

Rada Varga


PC knowledge: Windows, Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Corel Draw.

Driving licence, B, acquired in May 2009.

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