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Written by sharad badge

Change IP, Gateway, Hostname and DNS Information (We need this changing
client-server communication in LAB)
- File containing IP, Gateway and DNS Information: /etc/sysconfig/networkscripts/ifcfg-eth0
- File containing Hostname Information: /etc/sysconfig/network
LAB Practice:
01. From Terminal
- Change IP, Gateway, DNS Information
# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
DNS1= -----------------------> introduced in RHEL6
- Change Hostname Information
# vim /etc/sysconfig/network
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Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

- Restart the network service to make each of the above information
effective. Need to reboot
machine for hostname change
# service network restart (or # /etc/init.d/network restart)
- Check the changes took effect
# ifconfig (for IP Information)
# route -n (for Gateway Information)
# hostname (for hostname information)
# ping server1.example.com (checking your dns is resolving other computers'
# dig server1.example.com (check the dns records )
02. Graphical Way:
Open "Network Configuration Window" from System->Administration->Network or
by typing
following in terminal
# system-config-network
Edit Information from "Devices"
GNOME Graphical Desktop and Editing File with gedit:

- GNOME is the graphical desktop environment which adds menus, icons,panels

provided by
the X windows system
- It includes integrated applications - gedit, Nautilus File Manager,
Graphical Administration Tool
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Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

- gedit for file editing

LAB Practice:
- edit file with gedit. /etc/issue (To change the starting message);
/etc/grub.conf (Changing the
First boot OS in dual/multipel booting machine)
- edit the same file with vi/vim
# vim /etc/issue
# vim /etc/grub.conf
Change the Default = 0 or 1 to select your starting OS
- Linux File Hierarchy Concepts:
* Files and directories are organized into a single-rooted inverted tree
* Filesystem begins at the root directory, represented by a lone / (forward
slash) character
* Names are case-sensetive
* Paths are delimited by /
* .. refers to the parent directory of any particular directory - one level
up in the file hierarchy
* . refres to the current directory
- Some important directories:
* Home Directories: /root, /home/username
* User Executable (binary file): /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin (bin =
* System Executatble (system binary file): /sbin, /usr/sbin,
/usr/local/sbin (sbin = system binary)
* Other Mountpoings: /media, /mnt
* Configuration: /etc
* Temporary: /tmp
* Kernels and Bootloader: /boot
* Server Data: /var, /srv
* System information: /proc, /sys (proc -> process information pseudofilesystem
* Shared Library: /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib
- Absolute Pathnames:
* Begin with a forward slash
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Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

* Complete "road map" to file location

* can be used anytime you wish to specify a file name
- Relative Pathnames:
* Do not begin with a slash
* Specify location relative to our current workding directory
* Can be used as a shorter way to specify a directory or filename
Relative pathnames of a specific file /usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html relative
to particular
Current Directory ---------------------------------------- Relative Path to
/usr/share/doc/HTML ---------------> index.html
/usr/share/doc ----------------> HTML/index.html
/usr/share ----------------> doc/HTML/index.html
/ -----------------> usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html
/usr/share/doc/HTML/en ------------> ../index.html
/usr/share/doc/nautilus-2.1.91 ------------> ../HTML/index.html
/etc --------------> ../usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html
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