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Acupressure Points for Relieving Arthritis.

Working on these points can help you get better

quicker. You do not have to use all of these
points. Using just one or two of them whenever
you have a free hand can be effective.
Points (A) -- Crooked Pond
Location: On the upper edge of the elbow
crease. Benefits: Relieves arthritic pain,
especially in the elbow and shoulder.
Points (B) -- Outer Gate
Location: Two and one-half finger widths above
the wrist crease on the outer forearm midway
between the two bones of the arm. Benefits:
Relieves rheumatism, tendonitis, wrist pain, and
shoulder pain.
Points (C) -- Joining the Valley
Caution: This point is forbidden for pregnant
women until labor because its stimulation can
cause premature contractions in the uterus.
Location: In the webbing between the thumb
and index finger at the highest spot of the
muscle when the thumb and index finger are
brought close together.
Benefits: Relieves pain and inflammation in the
hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, and neck.
Points (D) -- Three Mile Point
Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap,
one finger width to the outside of the leg.
Benefits: Strengthens the body, benefits the
joints, and relieves the fatigue that often results
from the drain of dealing with arthritic pain.
Points (E) -- Gates of Consciousness
Location: Below the base of the skull, in the
hollow between the two large, vertical neck
muscles, two to three inches apart depending on
the size of the head.
Benefits: Relieves arthritis, as well as the
following common complaints that often
accompany arthritic pain: headaches, insomnia,
stiff neck, neck pain, fatigue, and general

The acupuncture points used will depend on the type of arthritis and where the symptoms are felt. Here are some
examples. (Note: Acupuncture should be performed by an experienced and qualified therapist. Do not do this
treatment yourself.)
If the arthritis is in the shoulder joints, points called the Large Intestine 15 and Triple Heater 14 might be used.
(You can find this point by the little "dimples" that appear on the shoulder when you raise your arms straight out
from the side of your body. )
If the arthritis afflicts the elbows, Large Intestine 11 (by the bend in the elbow) may be used. The Large Intestine
4, or "Joining of the Valleys" point on the hand may also be used. (To find this point, push your thumb against your
forefinger. As you do, you'll notice a small mound of flesh popping up at the base of your thumb. The highest area
on the mound is the point.)
If the arthritis is in the hip, Gall Bladder 30 (in the buttocks) may be used.
If the problem is in the knees, the "Eyes of the Knee" points are used. (If you put your fingers on the bottom of
your kneecaps and slide them off, they'll fall into a little indentation right below the kneecap. The acupuncturist will
place the needle there and direct it under the knee cap.)
If the arthritis is in the foot, the acupuncture point located on the spot where the toes meet the feet will be used.
For any arthritic problems with the face or head, Large Intestine 4 (the Joining of the Valleys point) is useful.
In cases of arthritis at the ankle, spine and jaw, local points beside the problem areas are used.\

Acupuncture Points
For arthritis of jaw:
ST 7, SI 19, TW 17, LI 4
For arthritis of vertebrae:
M-BW-35 (yiayi) corresponding to area of pain, UB 51, UB 40, GV 26
For arthritis of shoulder:
LI 15, TW 14, M-VE-48 (yianneiling), SI 11, TW 3, GB 34
For arthritis of elbow:
LI 11, TW 10, LI 4
For arthritis of wrist and metacarpal fingers:
TW 5, 11 10, 11 5, TW 4
For arthritis of lumbosacral:
GV 3, M-BW-25 (Shigizhuixia), UB 30, UB 26, UB 40, UB 60
For arthritis of sacroiliac:
UB 27, UB 28, local sore points
For arthritis of hip:
GB 29, GB 30, GB 34, GB 39
For arthritis of knee:
M-LE-27 (heding), M-LE-15 (xixia), ST 35, ST 34, ST 36, GB 34, SP 9
For arthritis of ankle:
ST 41, GB 40, GB 41, K 3, UB 60, GB 35, K 8
For arthritis of metatarsophalangeal:
M-LE-41 (shangbafeng), SP 4, UB 65, GB 38, SP 5

Ear points: Sympathetic Neurogate

Points of tenderness corresponding to region of pain in body.

Frequency of Treatment:
Daily treatment is required if you are suffering from acute arthritis.
For chronic problems, treatment may be given every other day.

Stiff, achy joints can be relieved with daily acupressure treatments. Acupressure improves blood circulation for
rheumatic conditions. To soothe discomfort in the neck and lessen the general irritability that arthritis pain can
cause, use your thumbs to press both GB 20 points. These points are situated below the base of the skull, two
inches out from the middle of your neck. Press for one minute. Work on these points regularly, several times each
day, in combination with other therapies. The GB 20 point is a good overall pain-relieving point and is one of the
several anti-inflammatory points. (other points are given below.)
Acupressure Points
For elbow and wrist pain:
LU 5, PC 3, HT 7, PC 7, LU 9, TW 10, LI 11, LI 5, TW 4
For ankle pain:
SP 5, KI 3, ST 41, UB 60

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Note: Although we list several points that are beneficial, you do not have to use all these points; use l or 2 at your
1. (Li 4, Adjoining Valley) Li 4 helps relieve pain and inflammation in the hand, wrist, elbow. shoulder. and neck.
Caution: Pregnant women should not press this point. as it can stimulate uterine contractions.
2. (Lv 2, Moving Between) This point is located in the web margin between the big toe and second toe. Use
medium pressure with your index fingers, pressing on both feet at the same time if that is comfortable, otherwise
one at a time.

3. (Gb 41, Falling Tears) This point is on the top of the foot, in the channel between the little toe and the 4th toe,
slightly less than halfway between the ankle bone and the web margin between the toes ( closer to the toes). The
pain and discomfort of rheumatoid arthritis, and the emotional response to that pain, can constrict the circulation

of chi. This point is effective in restoring the flow. Press with your index or middle finger, using firm pressure. Start
with light pressure, build up, hold, and gradually release.
4. (Gb 34, Yang Hill Spring) At the lower border of the kneecap, slide your finger off the shinbone toward the
outside (little toe side). Two bones come together here. Press in the soft tissue area between them, using your
index or index and middle fingers together. This is a major point in Acupuncture and Acupressure for nourishing
the tendons and joints. It also has a strong effect on promoting the smooth flow of chi throughout the body.
Obstruction to the smooth flow of chi causes pain and discomfort.
The following points on the palm of your hand are excellent for joint pain in general, and are also specific for
rheumatoid arthritis.
On your palm, locate the area about one thumb width above the wrist crease and about one finger width on either
side of the midline of the palm. Find the points in this area that are the most tender. Press with the thumb or the
knuckles of the opposite hand. Use strong pressure. If the pain is worse on the left side of your body, use the
points on the right hand for relief, and vice versa.

Note: Although we list several points that are beneficial, you do not have to use all these points; use l or 2 at your

1. (Li 4, Adjoining Valley) This is one of the most important points in Acupuncture and Acupressure. It is useful in
relieving pain and circulating the chi.
Caution: Pregnant women should not press this point.
2. (St 36, Three Mile Foot).
3. (Kd 3, Supreme Stream) Disorders of the bone and cartilage are related to the Kidney energy in traditional
Chinese medicine. That's why, for osteoarthritis (which is a degenerative condition), it is beneficial to strengthen
the Kidney energy. Kd 3 is considered the source point of the Kidney meridian.
4. (B 23, Associated point of Kidney) This point in combination with Kd 3 greatly strengthens Kidney chi.

Traditional Oriental Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Oriental medicine uses a multidimensional approach in treating arthritis. The steps involve:
1. Determine the "type" of arthritis. Oriental doctors use terms such as Xing Bi and Tong Bi to classify different
types of arthritis.
2. Treat with herbs and spices, diet, acupuncture, "ear acupuncture" and other therapies, as necessary depending
on the type of arthritis and the symptoms.

Types of Arthritis from Oriental Medicine Perspective


Xing Bi. With this "migratory" arthritis, the pain moves around the body. It's caused by wind, dampness and
cold invading and obstructing the chi (energy) and blood circulation. The patient is often thin, dislikes wind
and has a white coating to the tongue.
Tong Bi. In this "painful" type of arthritis, severe pain stays in place at one or more joints. It's caused by
excessive cold, which slows the circulation of chi and blood. It's made worse by cold and lack of movement,
but feels better with heat. There is typically no inflammation or redness at the afflicted joint.
Zuo Bi. This is a "fixed" type of arthritis characterized by dampness and internal stagnation, in which the
afflicted parts of the body become heavy and numb. The tongue typically has a greasy white coating, and the
pain is worse on rainy and cloudy days.
Re Bi. Caused by the conversion of pre-existing problems into heat, this "hot" arthritis produces swelling,
tenderness and sharp pain in one or more joints. The patient's tongue is typically covered with a dry yellow
coating, and the pulse is "slippery" and fast.

After determining the "type" of arthritis, the Oriental medicine practitioner tries to relieve the symptoms and to
strengthen the body. A combination of herbs and spices, diet, acupuncture, "ear acupuncture" and other
therapies, are used, as necessary.
Herbs and Spices
A variety of herbs and spices are used. The actual herb used and the quantity and frequency will depend upon the
condition of the person being treated. Dried ginger is a popular herb in oriental medicine. It is a hot substance that
warms the intestines while toning the stomach, lungs and spleen.
Very often combinations of herbs are used. Some of the herbal formulas that are useful to treat arthritis include:
Chen Pu Hu Chien Wan
Feng Shih Hsiao Tung Wan
Guan Jie Yan Wan
Herbal Formula for those with a robust constitution (strong, loud voice, and thick tongue coating):
4 parts chaparral leaf
2 parts devil's claw root
2 parts sassafras root bark
2 parts dried gingerroot
1 part black cohosh root
1 part burdock root
1 part prickly ash bark
Herbal Formula For Individuals who are weaker and more deficient (frail, pale, little or no tongue coating,
introverted personality):
4 parts suma root
4 parts motherwort
4 pans prickly ash bark
4 parts oshaaigusticum root
2 parts angelica root
11/2 parts Siberian ginseng
11/2 parts cinnamon bark
The following foods are useful for arthritis:
Black soybean - increases blood circulation. Useful for rheumatoid arthritis.
Cherry - useful to treat rheumatism.

Grape - Increases energy while strengthening the lungs, spleen and kidneys.
Papaya - Useful for rheumatoid arthritis
Royal jelly - Useful for rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Relief with Acupressure

This is the web page that will focus on arthritis. This page will include
background, research, articles, how to start using the points, blogs,
facebook, twitter connections and all other networking information. This
page will be open only to people who are part of the acupressure study
program and are allowing us to assist them to get the best personal
results possible and to track their progress.
The link to the points for relief of arthritis are found below. In general you
should include the points for arthritis along with the specific points for the
part of the body or type of arthritis that you are working with.
The Washington Acupuncture Center treated over 10,000 with acupuncture with
80% having very significant improvement. Below are their comments when
considering this condition.
Acupuncture will not change bony abnormalities or restore completely atrophied
tissues, but it is useful for relieving pain, stiffness, and swelling of muscles and
joint structures.
The term arthritis means inflammation of the joints, and usually involves pain,
stiffness, and limitation of function. Rheumatism is another name for it. Although
arthritis occurs in a number of different forms, there are essentially two major
types: (1) inflammatory, which may be exudative, proliferative, or a combination of
both; and (2) degenerative, which may result from injury, malnutrition, and limited
capacity of the articular cartilaginous surface to repair itself. The first group
includes the types of arthritis associated with infective agents, rheumatoid
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and connective arthitissue disorders. The second
group comprises degenerative joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis and
hypertrophic arthritis.
Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by increased blood uric acid and is
basically a metabolic disorder. In cases of persistent gouty arthritis, acupuncture
can be given along with any prescribed medication to relieve the unpleasant
symptoms. Most types of arthritis tend to be relentlessly progressive, with
increasing joint destruction, pain, and limitation of motion. Until the disease
becomes severe, many people relieve their symptoms with non-prescription drugs
containing aspirin (acetylsalysilic acid). Unfortunately, this tends to cause stomach
ulcers and a generalized bleeding tendency. Phenylbutazone and indomethacin
may also give temporary relief, but their use is associated with a large number of
toxic, and sometimes fatal, side effects. For arthritis that does not respond to the
above drugs, some physicians prescribe such toxic substances as gold salts,

antimalarial agents, corticosteroids, and immu-nosuppressive therapy with cytoxan

and imuran. The harm these chemicals do to a patients general health outweighs
their temporary advantages.
Megavitamin therapy with high doses of Vitamin C and Pantothenate is helpful in
reducing arthritis symptoms and the bleeding induced by many antiarthritis drugs.
These vitamins help restore the function of adrenal glands suppressed by cortisone
and its derivatives.They should be instituted promptly and continued after
acupuncture. Corticoid drugs must be reduced very slowly to avoid serious withdrawal symptoms, but most other antiarthritis drugs can be discontinued as soon
as pain is relieved by acupuncture.
The Washington Acupuncture Center has treated over 10,000 patients for various
forms of arthritis and more than 80 % of them have had significant improvement.
Most patients have their pain, swelling, and stiffness significantly relieved by the
time they have had six to ten acupuncture treatments. Some of them have
remained free from these symptoms for more than five years after their first
course oftreatments. Others have had a recurrence of pain after a year or
sixmonths, but the pain was relieved again after another course of treatment.
Some people with severe rheumatoid arthritis have been able to stay almost
symptom-free by having maintenance treatments once a week or less often. They
have been able to discontinue the corticoids, phenylbutazone, gold salts, and other
dangerous drugs they have been taking and have a normal life. Acupuncture will
not change bony deformities, of course, but it is remarkable how well a person can
function in spite of these if he is free from pain and stiffness.
Some serious connective tissue disorders include arthritis symptoms and are,
therefore, thought to be related to arthritis. Like arthritis,they have an obscure
etiology which may be similar to that of arthritis.Those which may be helped by
acupuncture include lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, Sjgrens syndrome, and
Reiters syndrome.
Lupus erythematosus may be cutaneous or systemic, the latter being much more
serious. It may afflict young people, especially women, and progress from the skin
to connective tissues throughout the body. The typical skin lesions are
circumscribed macules and plaques with erythema, follicular plugging, scales,
telangiectasis and atrophy. Sunlight exacerbates the skin lesions. The main
medications given to treat lupus are cortisone derivatives and antimalaria
drugs.These medications bring only temporary relief of symptoms and may cause
other problems. Selection of acupuncture points to treat lupus depends on the
Polymyositis is simultaneous inflammation of many muscles. It is a painful and
disabling condition which may respond to acupuncturefor relief of pain in the
afflicted areas.
Reiters syndrome is urethritis, conjunctivitis, and polyarthritis. Because of the
similarity of its symptoms to gonorrheal arthritis, a course of antibiotics should be
given before acupuncture. The arthritic manifestations of Reiters syndrome should
be treated with acupuncture points similar to those for treating other types of

Sjogrens syndrome is a symptom complex that includes polyarthritis, enlargement

of the parotid gland, and drying of the conjunctiva, mucous membranes of the
mouth, nasopharynx, and bronchial tree. No medications have been found helpful
for treatment of this disorder.

General Acupressure Points to Stay Fit

With the research based on the available literature, we could fairly establish that by checking and activating the
following eight points daily, one can stay healthy.

These eight points are:

1. LI-4 Situated in the web of the thumb and index finger. (Fig.
3. P-6 Situated at three
19.)You can get this point at the centre of the mount which forms
fingers from the wrist
when you press your thumb close to index finger.
joint at the centre. (Fig.
2. TW-5 Situated at four fingers from the wrist crease.( Fig. 19)
4. St-36 Situated at four fingers
5. Liv-3 Situated just at the end of the cavity between the thumb
from the knee joint at the centre. and the second toe approximately one and half inch
(Fig. 21)
from the web. (Fig. 22)
6. K-3 Situated just one finger from the protruding
8. GV-20 Situated at the crossing point of the
ankle bone towards the heel. (Fig. 23)
line drawn from the centre of the ears and the
mid-line of the skull. (Fig. 23a)

7. Sp-6 Situated three fingers from the protruding

ankle bone towards the calf muscles.( Fig. 23)

Asthma / Bronchitis

Severe difficulty in breathing due to allergies, emotional stress and a number of other factors

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus



The inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes

Caused by bacterial or viral infection

Lowered body resistance

Complication from frequent cold




LU-1,5,9 & Li-4

P-9 & K-2
St-40 & TW-3
CV-17,22 & GV14
B-13,14 & Li-4

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus
Lung Reflexus
Adrenal Gland
Lymphatic System

LU-1,5,9 & Li-4

P-9 & K-2
St-40 & TW-3
CV-17,22 & GV-14
B-13,14 & Li-4


Causes for HeadAche

Food Allergies and poor diet

Tension in neck and shoulder muscles

Vision problems

Emotional Stress

Excessive noise and light

Toxic reactions of drugs and alcohol

Causes for Migraine

Not well known

Disturbances in blood circulation in the brain

Stress and exhaustion

Glandular imbalances
Allergies and High Blood Pressure

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus


Large Intestine
Arms and Shoulders



Causes for Back-ache

Poor Posture
Pinched Nerves

Muscle Strain



Causes for Neck-Pain

Reflex Points

Often from stress and tension

Holding the head in improper position for a long time

Acupressure points

Solar Plexus
Arms and shoulder

Spine Reflexes

Rotation of ankle,Knee,leg

Thumb Rotation

Toe Rotation

7th Cervical

Rotation of wrist,elbow,arm


Back-pain in Lower and Middle region


Poor posture
Stress and Tension

Improper lifting

Standing or sitting for a long periods of time

Due to prostate problem for men

During menstrual time and pregnency for women

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus



Hip,Thigh and Leg
Sciatic Nerve

GB-30,GV 1 and 2

Causes for Common Cold

Infection due to wide variety of viruses


Nasal Congestion

Running nose and tears in eyes

Muscular pain


Occasional Fever


Inflammation of the mucous membrane along the line of



Exposure to pollutants

Exposure to extreme temperature

Upper respiratory tract infection

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points





Acidity, Indigestion and Flatulence


Burning sensation in the chest after taking food

Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach and in the intestine due to excess


Improper Food

Improper timings

Consuming oily, spicy or sour food stuff

Eating acid-forming, gas-causing food

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Gall Bladder




Difficult or sluggish movement of bowels accompained by gas or abdominal discomfort



Improper Diet
Lack of fibrous diet


Absence of convenient toilet facilities


Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus
Gall Bladder



High Blood Pressure

Heart is forced to pump harder to perform proper circulatory functions


Hereditary predisposition


Kidney disorders

Disturbances in the function of the glands (Pituitary, Thyroid and


Disease of Heart

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus
Thyroid and Parathyroid

K-2,3 & P-6,7
Li-4 & St-2,10


Adrenal Gland

Relaxation Desserts

Number One Feathering touch

Number Two Side to Side

Number Three Hook in ankles

Number Four Spinal Twist

Number Five Ankle Rotation

Number Six Lung Press

Number Seven Toe Rotation

Number Eight Spinal rub

Number Nine Shoulder rub

Shavasana (a must) 15 min. daily



Inability to burn up sugars

Insufficient production of insulin


Frequent urination
Loss of weight

Degeneration of small vessels (Eyes and Kidneys)

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points





Inflammation of one or more joints in the body



Stress related tension

Reflex Points

Acupressure Points

Solar Plexus
Thyroid and Parathyroid
Arms and Shoulder
Hip,Thigh and Leg


Acupressure Points of the Hand

CAUTION: DO NOT use LI-4 if you are pregnant
Click on a black dot on each hand diagram below in order to go to a detailed description of its associated
acupressure point.


Click on a black dot to go to more information about a point...



TH Triple Heater (Warmer) Meridian

(Note: TH-1, TH-2 and TH-3 are used for same conditions, TH-3 most
often used)
Location: .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the ulnar side of
the ring finger.
TCM acupressure: ear problems of any origin such as excess tinnitus.
Distal point for temporal headaches, shoulder pain or upper back pain,
pain or inflammation in the throat. Eye diseases with GB 37 (lower leg).



Location: (.5 cun) proximal to the margin of the web between the ring and the little fingers, in a depression when
fist is clenched at the border of the red and white skin.
TCM acupressure: Similar to TH-1.

Location: With fist clenched on dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones in a depression
proximal to the 4th Metacarpalphalangeal joint.
TCM acupressure: Similar to TH-1 and TH-2. TH-3 is most often used.

Location: On transverse crease of dorsum of wrist in a depression on the ulnar side of the extensor digitorum
communis tendon.
TCM acupressure: Used for wrist issues such as strains, sprains or subluxations. Regulates water metabolism,
used for wasting & thirsting disorders, and alleviates dry mouth or thirst.

(or TW-5)
Location: 2 cun above TH 4 between the radius and the ulna on the TH 4 - TH 10 line
TCM acupressure: Decrease finger, wrist, arm and headache pain.
Used to relieve arm fatigue during fencing and stiffness of the shoulder muscles during swimming


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