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Abbe Sieyes
Member of Directory
Wrote, What Is the Third Estate?
Proposed a new constitution in which he wanted an executive body
independent of electoral politics, a government based on the principle
of confidence from below, power from above
Formed a coup detat w/ Napoleon (after Directory is disbanded)
dividing executive authority into three consuls
Napoleon became the First Consul, establishing himself as the single
ruler of France
Battle of Abukir (1798)
Napoleons fleet is destroyed (by British Admiral Horatio Nelson in
Egypt), this cuts his army off from France
One of the factors that made Napoleons invasion of Egypt to hurt
Britain unsuccessful
The Second Coalition forms to defeat France in Italy & Switzerland &
threatens to invade France
Ruins Napoleons plan of destroying Britain through its trade system
Battle of Austerlitz (1805)
Napoleon defeated the combined Austrian and Russian forces at
Austria concedes under Treaty of Pressburg and withdraws from Italy
Leaves Napoleon in control of everything north of Rome & he is
recognized as king of Italy
Battle of Trafalgar (1805)
British Admiral Lord Nelson destroyed the combined French and
Spanish fleets in this battle off the Spanish coast (but then dies)
Britain does not lose any ships
Signified the end of all French hope of invading Britain and guaranteed
British control of the sea for the rest of the war.
Fought by the Third Coalition against France

Napoleon Bonaparte
French general who rose to power as Emperor of France following the
First modern political figure to use the rhetoric of revolution and
nationalism, to back it with military force, and to combine these elements
into a mighty weapon of imperial expansion in the service of his own
Overthrew the French Directory (coup detat of 1799)
Issued Constitution of the year VII (8)
o System of Checks and Balances
o 3 established consuls in which executive authority was to be divided
(Napoleon declared himself 1st consul making him the most
powerful man in France)
Established a concordat (deal) w/ Roman Catholic Church
Created Napoleonic Code
Became emperor of France
Lead a series of military victories against various coalitions
Expanded French territory
Organized the Confederation of the Rhine
Established the Continental System against Britain
Failed to defeat Britain & abdicated (resigned) in 1814
Returned to power in 1815 but was quickly defeated & died in exile
Civil Code of 1804 (Napoleonic Code)
Napoleons reformations to French law
Napoleons bargain w/ middle class that reasserted (stated) equality of all
male citizens before the law & absolute security of wealth & private
Forbade privileges based on birth
Allowed freedom of religion
Specified that government jobs were only for trained & qualified people
Conservative attitude towards women remained
Workers organizations still banned
Father are the dominant figure in the household & had control over
children & wives
Primogeniture (right that firstborn inherited everything) remained
abolished so property was to be distributed among all children
Workers had fewer rights than their employers
Divorce was more difficult for women than men
Napoleonic Code was universal, abolishing the regional laws from before
the code

Established the following:

1. All privileges based on birth abolished, primogeniture remains
2. Effectively granted legal equality to the middle class & thus
institutionalized the revolutionary principal of equality
3. Also institutionalized womens secondary status
Concordat of 1801
Deal between Napoleon & Pope Pius VII
Gave freedom of worship to Catholics in France
The agreement required both the refractory (uncontrollable) clergy and
those who had accepted the revolution to resign
They were replaced by clergy whose title the pope confirmed but the
state would name bishops & pay their salaries as well as on priest in
each district
The state named and paid bishops, and in return the church gave up its
claims to its confiscated property
It declared Catholicism is the religion of the great majority of French
citizens, denying the pope religious dominance for Catholicism
Clergy had to swear an oath of loyalty to the state
Made possible bc Pius had written that Christianity was compatible w/
ideas of equality & democracy
Reaffirmed that the Roman Catholic Church was the majority church of
France & restored some of its civil status

Important Notes

Napoleon has been characterized as a son of the Enlightenment

because the Civil Code of 1804 granted legal equality to the middle
All of the following conditions enabled the British economy to survive
the continental System of Napoleon
o Britain had access to the markets of the eastern Mediterranean,
North America, and South America
o Britain still controlled the seas
o Continental members were resentful of the economic advantages
of the system for France
o They engaged in smuggling whenever possible.
After the Battle of Lodi (1796) Napoleon established the Cisalpine
Republic in Northern Italy, with the Capital in Milan.
Napoleons invasion of Egypt in 1798 resulted in the following:
o The Directory saw him as useful in the change it was planning
o Deciphering of hieroglyphs (Rosetta Stone)
o Russian forces overran northern Italy
The Treaty of Campo Formio (1797) ended the war w/ Austria & allowed
France to dominate all of Italy & Switzerland
Part of Napoleons 1801 Concordant w/ the Catholic Church required
the government to pay the salaries for some of the clergy
One of the keys to Napoleons success as a general was that he
harnessed French nationalism to raise the morale of his soldiers
The Peace of Amiens (1802) was an accord/truce between France &
Great Britain that was basically ignored by the French, which resulted
in the Britain declaring war on France again in 1803
Napoleons use of his relatives to govern states within the French
Empire is an example of nepotism (favoritism); this policy was highly
criticized by Napoleons opponents
The Napoleonic Code established the following:
1. All privileges based on birth abolished, primogeniture remains
2. Effectively granted legal equality to the middle class & thus
institutionalized the revolutionary principal of equality
3. Also institutionalized womens secondary status
The 3rd coalition consisted of Britain, Austria, & Russia
The 2nd coalition consisted of Russian, Austria. Ottoman Empire, and


Napoleons Concordat w/ the Catholic Church accomplished all of

the following EXCEPT:
e. established Roman Catholicism as the only legitimate
religion of France

The Continental System was designed to

c. cut off British trade w/ the rest of Europe

With the Napoleonic Code of 1804, all of the following were true
under French law except:
e. primogeniture was established

Which statement best describes Napoleons treatment of relatives

he placed in control of European kingdoms?
c. he gave them orders & expected them to be carried out

Which of the following would NOT be associated w/ the reforms of

the Napoleonic Code as it affected France & much of Europe?
c. class distinctions were reinforced
In the years before Napoleon declared himself emperor, he did all of
the following EXCEPT:
d. promoted Jacobin leaders

As a result of the Treaty of Tilsit (1807), which of the following

became an ally of Napoleon?
b. Prussia

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