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Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Question 1
Which is correct regarding adaptation?
a) It is a genetic change in the population in response to the environment
b) It is a physiological response due to environment in ones lifetime
c) It is a genetic change due to environment in ones lifetime
d) Physical traits which develop due to the environment in one's lifetime
e) It is a physiological response due to environment
Question 2
Which pattern of inheritance is this most likely to be?
a) Autosomal dominant
b) X-linked recessive
c) Autosomal recessive
d) Mitochondrial
e) X-linked dominant

Q3) Which of the following are characteristic of a blood film in beta thalassaemia:
a) Decreased MCV
b) Decreased ferritin
c) Decreased serum iron
d) Decreased RCC
e) Increased MCV

Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Question 4.
It was the QMP one; about smokers/nonsmokers and who in those groups got lung cancer.
Was this a case-control, RCT or cohort study? We also needed to use odds-ratios etc. It was
a case-control study as the answer but there were 2 options for that and I didn't know out
of those two.
Doll and Hill Study QMP question
- it was a case control and you used an odds ratio, I think comparing smokers who got lung
cancer to those who did not
Question 5.
Which of the following is the best indicator of low iron in the body?
a) Low Hb
b) Low MCV
c) Low serum iron
d) Low ferritin
e) Low transferrin saturation
Ferritin is the storage form of iron in the body; therefore if there is a low level of ferritin, the
patient is deficient of iron (high specificity). Hb and MCV are not directly related. Low serum
iron and low transferrin saturation are not as accurate indicators as low ferritin.
Question 6.
Which if the following is most untrue regarding stress:
a) Stress is like an 'alarm' for the body
b) A healthy person is a person with no stress in their life
c) Stress can be healthy
d) Stress can help you solve problems

Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Question 8.
Sam is fallen off a tree and has a laceration on his forearm and has had his tetanus
immunisations and boosters. Which of the following is MOST CORRECT about the
subsequent immune response?
A) The antigen is carried to the lymph nodes via the efferent lymphatic vessels.
B) The antigen is presented to CD4 T cells on MHC Class 1.
C) T cells migrate from the bloodstream to the interstitium then to the lymphatics.
D) B cells proliferate in germinal centres in axillary lymph nodes
E) B cells differentiate into plasma cells, then travel in lymphatics to become lodged in the
A is wrong because it'd be carried by the afferent, not efferent.
B is wrong because it's MHC Class 2 that presents to CD4.
D is wrong as B cells proliferate wherever they get presented with antigen
E is wrong as plasma cells lodge in bone marrow, not spleen

Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Question 10:
What is the treatment for non-specific diarrhoea?
A) Loperamide
B) Ciprofloxacin
c) Mesalanine
d) Infliximab
E) Mupiricin
Question 11
Which pathogen cannot be transmitted via placenta?
a) Rubella virus
b) Chlamydia trachomatis
c) Treponema pallidium
d) Listeria monocytogenes
e) Toxoplasma gondii
ActA is required for crossing of the fetoplacental barrier by Listeria...
Failure of Chlamydia trachomatis to pass transplacentally to ...
Question 12:
Which of the following in regards to complementary alternative medicines (CAMs), is
a) It can be taken in conjunction with other medications
b) The majority of people use it
c) It has to be registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to ensure Good
Manufacturing practice (GMP)
d) It includes vitamin supplements, homeopathic and ayurvedic medicine
e) Some are efficacious by multiple mechanisms

Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Question 13
Which of the following regarding private health insurance is MOST CORRECT?
a) It provides the majority of funds for public hospitals.
b) It covers the entire Australian population.
c) It cannot be used by patients in public hospitals.
d) It is heavily subsidised by the Federal government.
e) It is funded predominantly by the State government.
Question 14
q14: for which drug do you have to test HLA antigen before prescribing?
a) Carbamazepine
b) Warfarin
c) Abacavir
d) Irinotecan
e) Allopurinol
See Lecture 48. Personalised medicine
Question 15
Regarding the topical administration of drugs, which of the following is INCORRECT?
a) The stratum spinosum is the rate limiting barrier for absorption of compounds
b) compounds topically migrate through the skin by their concentration gradients
c) there are regional variations in the barrier properties ...of the skin
d) the efficacy of a topically applied drug depends on its potency and ability to penetrate the
e) topical drugs generally have a very slow rate of absorption

Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Question 16
Which of the following statements in regards to inflammatory bowel disease is MOST
a. UC causes transmural inflammation - WRONG,
b. diagnosis of CD must include detection of granulomas at colon biopsy - WRONG,
c. CD causes transmural inflammation and formation of fistulas.
d. UC is characteristics of skip lesions of the colon.
e. the risk of adenocarcinoma of the colon is higher in CD than in UC
UC affects mucosa and submucosa
granulomas do occur in CD, but are not necessary for diagnosis
CD is characteristic of skip lesions, UC is diffuse and continuous
colon cancer risk is higher in UC, i think?
Q17. In regards to epithelial tissue, which of the following is correct:
a) The vagina is lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium.
b) the oesophagus is lined by simple squamous epithelium
c) The tubules of the kidney are lined by statified cuboidal epithelium.
d) The skin is lined by stratified squamous keratinising epithelium.
e) the trachea is lined by stratified columar epithelium with goblet cells
vagina lined by stratified squamous non-keratinising. Only stomach --> colon lined by simple
columnar. Rest (mouth, oseophagus, rectum and anus) lined by stratified squaous nonkeratinising. Kidney tubules lied by simple cuboidal, not stratified. BV and lymphatics lined
by simple squamous
Question 18.
Which microscopic feature is most characteristic of chronic inflammation?
a) Dilated and congested blood vessels
b) Simultaneous tissue repair and regeneration
c) Neutrophillic influx
d) Dilated lymphatics
e) Macrophages, new blood vessels, fibrin

Thanks to everyone who remembered and sent me the hundreds of questions

Collated by George She Med III 2010

Q19) Regarding Primary Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma, which of the following is the best
prognostic indicator?
ANS: Depth of Invasion

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