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polynomials A polynomial is an expression of the form P(x) = a0xn + a1 xn-1+ + a

n-1 x + an.
The integer n is called the degree of the polynomial, and the numbers ai are cal
its coefficients. The fundamental theorem of algebra that is proved in Chapter 1
asserts that P(x) = 0 has n roots that may be either real or complex, though som
of them may be repeated. (a0 = 0 is assumed.)
Notation for ordinar y and partial derivatives
If f(x) is an n times differentiable function then f(n)(x) will, on occasion, be
to signify dn f/dxn, so that
f(n)(x) = dn f
dxn .
If f(x, y) is a suitably differentiable function of x and y, a concise notation
used to
suffix notation for signify partial differentiation involves using suffixes, so
partial derivatives
fx = ? f
, fyx = ( fy)x = ?
?x ?yf  = ??y2?fx , fyy = ??2y2f, . . . ,
with similar results when f is a function of more than two independent variables
Inver se trigonometric functions
The periodicity of the real variable trigonometric sine, cosine, and tangent fun
means that the corresponding general inverse trigonometric functions are many va
lued. So, for example, if y = sin x and we ask for what values of x is y = 1/v2,
find this is true for x = p/4 2np and x = 3p/4 2np for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . To o
vercome this ambiguity, we introduce the single valued inverses, denoted respect
by x = Arcsin y, x = Arccos y, and x = Arctan y by restricting the domain and
range of the sine, cosine, and tangent functions to one where they are either st
increasing or strictly decreasing functions, because then one value of x corresp
to one value of y and, conversely, one value of y corresponds to one value of x.
In the case of the function y = sin x, by restricting the argument x to the inte
rval -p/2 = x = p/2 the function becomes a strictly increasing function of x. Th
corresponding single valued inverse function is denoted by x = Arcsin y, where y
a number in the domain of definition [-1, 1] of the Arcsine function and x is a
number in its range [-p/2, p/2]. Similarly, when considering the function y = co
s x, the
argument is restricted to 0 = x = p to make cos x a strictly decreasing function
of x.
The corresponding single valued inverse function is denoted by x = Arccos y, whe
y is a number in the domain of definition [-1, 1] of the Arccosine function and
x is
a number in its range [0, p]. Finally, in the case of the function y = tan x, re
Section 1.1 Real Numbers, Mathematical Induction, and Mathematical Conventions 9
the argument to the interval -p/2 < x < p/2 makes the tangent function a strictl

increasing function of x. The corresponding single valued inverse function is de
noted by x = Arctan y where y is a number in the domain of definition (-8, 8)
of the Arctangent function and x is a number in its range (-p/2, p/2).
As the inverse trigonometric functions are important in their own right, the
variables x and y in the preceding definitions are interchanged to allow conside
ration of the inverse functions y = Arcsin x, y = Arccos x, and y = Arctan x, so
now x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable.
With this interchange of variables the expression y = arcsin x will be used to
refer to any single valued inverse function with the same domain of definition a
Arcsin x, but with a different range. Similar definitions apply to the functions
y =
arccos x and y = arctan x.
Double summations
An expression involving a double summation like
8 m=1
8 n=1
mn sin mx sin ny,
means sum the terms a
double summation mn sin mx sin ny over all possible values of m and n, so that
8 m=1
8 n=1
mn sin mx sin ny = a11 sin x sin y + a12 sin x sin 2y
+ a21 sin 2x sin y + a22 sin 2x sin 2y + .
A more concise notation also in use involves

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