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Alumnus Posts

The Alchemist
v. 4
Development credits to:
The Supreme Court, slydingdoor, Something Else,
Flame112, Bigup DJ,
Captain Indigo.
Inspired by Pirate World.
Uses Pirate Worlds hireling rules and Inverse Worlds Mount rules.
Maximilian, Gergel, Elric, Paolo, Qutub, Santiago, Alfonso, Hawkins, Amelia, Celsus, Abu,
Wynn, Seth, Jabir.
Blinded eye, Dreamy eyes, Strange eyes, or Goggles
Scarred body, Huge body, Burned body, or Thin body
Potion belt, Hip flask, Herb collection, or Valves and Tubes
Lab coat, Robes, Apron, or Fancy hat

What drives you to practice your art? Choose one:
For Science! Test your alchemy on a guinea pig, willing or otherwise.
Chrysopoeia Strive to perfect yourself through alchemy.
Wealth and Taste Leverage your alchemy for your own personal profit.

Choose any race, then choose the style of alchemy you practice:
When you
Spout Lore, on a 7+,
the DM will also tell you something about a potion
ingredient related to your subject. Add What here would make a powerful potion? to the list of
questions you may ask when you Discern Realities.
When you
harvest ingredients from the corpse of a monster,
you may use one of its monster tags in the potion you make using that ingredient,
e.g. magical, terrifying, amorphous, intelligent.
The consequences of brewing
potions are left as an exercise for the DM and player.
When you
extol your potions virtues to a potential customer,
theyll believe the
potion will do whatever you say it will - at least until they have reason to believe otherwise. You
can always offer a batch of your potions as leverage in a Parley.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Record your stats here: 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16.

I bet I could give __________ a potion or two.
__________ once helped me find some extraordinary ingredients.
I got on __________s bad side the last time I brewed some potions.
Im teaching __________ a few things about potion-making.

Potions, Ingredients, and Tags

Like a mage's spells, an artificer's gadgets, or a fighter's signature weapon,
what makes an Alchemist an Alchemist. One potion is an abstract unit, similar to one use of
adventuring gear or a bag of books it could mean anything from a tiny vial of potent mutagen, to
a sack full of explosive flasks, to a keg full of fizzing dwarven brew. You've used all of a potion
once you cross it off.
An alchemist is nothing, of course, without
to brew their potions with. An
ingredient is any sort of loot with that particular
je ne sais quoi
that makes it perfect for
potion-making: things like dragon hearts, rare herbs, magical alloys, or dangerous chemicals. You
always need at least one ingredient to brew a potion.
Potions always take on the
of their ingredients. A potion made with essence of
mind-flayer and preserved demon blood is likely to be good for dominating minds, terrifying
lesser beings, and imbuing something with the characteristics of the Lower Planes. Contrariwise,
a potion brewed with salamander skin and the heart of a fire elemental isn't going to be encasing
anybody in solid ice but it might be good if you want to belch gouts of fire or walk through a
burning inn.
are how you describe your potions: just like a weapon might have the tags
reach, thrown,
you give your potions
that describe their nature and the effects they have on
the world. Some moves change a potion's tags or add new ones. Be creative with your tags! Heres
some examples to start you off:
adhesive, crystallizing, corrosive, effervescent, flaming, freezing,
fulminating, glutinous, invigorating, mutagenic, restorative, soporific,
toxic, voltaic, volatile.


Starting moves:
Potions Master
You have a sack of alchemy ingredients
(5 uses, 2 weight)
, which you use to store the most
important ingredients in your concoctions, as well as an array of catalysts, mordants, adjuvants,
and other fiddly bits to brew them with. When you
come across a useful source of potion
you are always able to harvest at least 1-use of it to add to your sack, although
actually doing so may involve varying amounts of time, risk, or effort.
When you
brew up a batch of potions from your stock of ingredients,
roll +INT and expend
1-use of your alchemy ingredients. Describe what you make and how you make it, and add it to
your inventory. Potions you brew have one or two tags; three if you brew with magical, rare, or
fantastic ingredients.
If you brew your potions hastily or sloppily, or without the proper
either take -1 or add the
tag to the finished product.
On a 7-9,
also choose one:
Expend an extra use of your alchemy ingredients.
You endanger yourself and/or others somehow - the DM will tell you what happens.
You contaminated your brewing equipment: take -1 ongoing to this move until you can clean it.
On a 6-,
you still get
, but it might not be a potion. The DM will tell you what went
wrong, and what you get.
Down the Hatch
you or an ally consumes one of your potions,
you describe what it's supposed to do and
they roll +CON.
On a 10+,
it goes down smooth.
On a 7-9,
choose one:
The effect is weakened.
The effect is short-lived.
That was your last dose of that potion. Cross it off until you can brew more.
On a 6-,
the effect is harmful.
When an NPC consumes something you've made,
Defy Danger to get the effect you want.

--------------Choose one of these moves as a starting move. You can take the other move as an advance.
When you
swill back a potion and then belch it forth,
roll +CON. Describe what sort of effect
your belch produces -- for instance, a gout of flames, a cloud of smoke, a wad of sticky mucus, or a
wall of ice.
On a 7+,
choose one:
Deal your damage to one target at
Cause a debilitating effect on something or someone within
of you.
Produce a useful effect on the environment
to you.
On a 7-9,
also choose one:
You place yourself in danger, the DM will say how.
Your belch damaged something important, endangered an ally, or both.
You've got indigestion; take -1 forward to Belch.
That was your last dose of that potion. Cross it off until you can brew more.
Your potions are a weapon with the tags
thrown, reach, near
and as much ammo as you have
When you hurl your potions at a foe,
roll +DEX and describe what your potion is
supposed to do to them.
On a 7+,
deal your damage.
On a 7-9,
also choose one:
You have to take what you can get: deal your damage -1d6.
Your potions effects put somebody in a bad spot.
You used up the last of that potion. Cross it off until you can brew more.
On a 10+,
choose none of the 7-9 choices and instead choose one:
The potion applies a debilitating effect to your target.
The terrain around your target becomes dangerous to traverse.

Your Load is 10+STR. You start with alchemical tools and apparatus
(1 weight)
, a full sack of
alchemy ingredients
(5 uses, 2 weight)
, scurvy rations
(4 uses, 1 weight)
and two batches of
(0 weight, 2 tags each)
Record your sacks contents here:
Record your potions here:
--------------Choose your weapon:
fishing spear (reach, thrown, near, 1 weight)
chefs knife (hand, 0 weight)
mace (close, forceful, 1 weight)
--------------Choose two supplies:
adventuring gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
an extra batch of potions (0 weight, 2 tags)
protective clothing (1 armor, 1 weight)
20 coin, and a membership card to an organization of your choice
antitoxin (0 weight)
bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight)


Advanced moves
When you gain a level from 2-5,
choose from these moves.
Mystery Brew
When you
mix all your ingredients together to see what happens when you do,
erase them all from your
inventory and gain 1-use of Mystery Brew. You need at least 3-ingredients on hand to make Mystery Brew.
When you down the Mystery Brew,
expend 1-use of it and roll +CON.
On a hit,
describe how the concoction transforms you and hold 3 Warp. Spend 1 Warp to make a move taking
advantage of your altered form -- no rolls necessary. When you run out of Warp, you revert to your normal form.
On a 7-9,
hold 2 Warp instead. The DM can introduce a complication to your transformation.
On a miss,
you still hold 1 Warp, but the DM will tell you how your transformation goes horribly wrong.
Eructate -
requires Belch
You can choose between
close, reach,
for your Belchs range of effect, no matter what the choice says.
requires Flaskslinger
Maybe youve got big muscly arms, maybe you've perfected a certain wrist-flick, or maybe your potion bottles
are just really aerodynamic. Either way, your potions now have the
tag when thrown.
Internal Alchemy
Your body works as a fully stocked chemical laboratory. When you
devour two raw ingredients

a 7+,
the ingredients combine instantly in the chemical furnace of your gut and you can vomit up a fresh batch of
potions, as with Alchemistry.
On a 7-9,
you suffer an unfortunate side-effect relating to the nature of the potion.
You have crafted an alchemical familiar. Give it a name and
choose its nature:
imp, cryptid, construct, anachronism, aberration, elemental.
If your homunculus is killed or otherwise put out of commission, you can revive or recreate them
the next time you have a few days of downtime and appropriate materials. Also
choose its skill:
Assistant: Your homunculus can act as your personal assistant. When you
let your homunculus help you
brew potions,
take +1 to Alchemistry. But,
on a 7-9,
describe how their help backfired and replace a tag with
one of these tags:
rancid, sulfurous, noxious, nauseating.
Bodyguard: Your homunculus is handy to have around in a fight. When
you send your homunculus into
harm's way,
take +1 forward to Defend or Hack and Slash. If your move results in any consequences (like a
counter-attack), your homunculus will take the brunt of it.
Pharmacopoeia: Your homunculus is a source of alchemical ingredients; describe what they are and how you
get to them.
When you have access to your homunculus,
you may harvest ingredients from it. Theres no
guarantee your homunculus will be willing or enthusiastic about the process.
Scout: Your homunculus is good at skulking about and getting into places others might not wish you to go.
It can take a job when you Undertake a Perilous Journey, and can also Take Watch in your stead.
When you
take a few moments to taste-test a foreign concoction,
ask the DM two of the following questions. The DM must answer truthfully.

Where was this made, and by who?

What would this do if I consumed it?
What could I do to improve on this?
What ingredients went into making this?
Solve et Coagula
When you
have at least 1-potion and 1-ingredient on hand,
you may expend 1-ingredient to either add one tag to one of your potions, or change one tag to another tag.
You Activated My Trap Card!
When you
leave a potion behind as part of an unexpected surprise,
describe how you set things up and what
you want to happen, and cross off one of your potions.
When somebody stumbles across your surprise,
the DM will tell you what happens to them.
Extracurricular Studies
Choose one move from another playbook. Treat your level as one lower for choosing this move.
I Got Just What You Need
another players character comes to you for help,
take +1 forward to brew them a potion that will
solve their problem. Mark XP if your potion actually
solve their problem.
Trusty Hip Flask
You always keep a spare or two laying around, just in case. When
a move tells you to cross off a potion,
put an X next to it instead. The next time a move tells you to cross off that potion, actually do so.

----------------------------When you gain a level from 6-10,

choose from these moves or the level 1-5 moves.
Magnum Opus
When you
have lots of fancy potion-brewing equipment, and the time and safety to use it,
you can brew up a single potion with a truly extraordinary effect, e.g.
revive the dead
transmute lead to gold.
This will always be possible, but the DM will tell you one to four of the following caveats:
First you must ____.
Youll need help from ____.
It will require a lot of money.
Its going to take days/weeks/months.
The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited.
A powerful entity or institution will be angered by your actions.
Youll have to use something irreplaceable or grossly unethical as an ingredient.
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
another players character helps you brew potions,
you get +bond to the Alchemistry roll to make it,
they get a use of the potion you make, and they can make any of your moves with that potion just like you can.
Miracle Brew
requires Mystery Brew
Whenever you
brew some Mystery Brew,
also choose one of these:

If you give this brew to somebody else, they can roll for Mystery Brew just like you can.
You can imitate this brews effects with an ordinary potion, as long as you use some of the same ingredients.
The effects go above and beyond what you were hoping for.
When you drink this Miracle Brew,
hold one
more Warp, even on a 6-.
When you
next drink a potion,
it will transform you permanently. You retain a single power of your choice
related to that potion, which you can use at any time (Acid blood, smoke screen, petrifying breath, etc.). The DM
will tell you about any other benefits and drawbacks of your new body.
requires Homunculus
Your homunculus has matured in power and skill.
Choose a second specialization for it from this list or from the 2-5 list:
Archive: Your homunculus is a treasure trove of alchemical knowledge.
When you consult it,
the DM will tell you what it knows about a particular subject.
Firebringer: Your homunculus has gained the spark of true sentience, and is now considered a hireling loyal to
you. Work with the DM to give it moves, stats, and an appropriate Cost.
Conveyance: Your homunculus is now capable of carrying you and as much of your goods as you can fit on it.
When your ride your homunculus,
you now treat it as a Mount. Work with your DM to give it appropriate tags,
moves, and a Control statistic.
Renaissance Man
Choose a second move from another playbook. Treat your level as one lower for choosing this move.
The Oroboros -
requires Solve et Coagula
Any time you have a few moments of time and safety,
you may freely exchange a pair of tags between any
two of your potions.
Example: You have a
freezing, fulminating
potion and a
fortifying, toxic
potion. When you have a little downtime,
you could instead have a
freezing, fortifying
potion and a
toxic, fulminating
The Elixir Field
When you
harvest alchemical ingredients from your own flesh,
you can take 1d4 damage (ignoring armor)
to produce 1-use of ingredients; describe what they are and how you harvested them.
You also no longer need to eat or drink. Any time a move tells you to mark off a ration, just ignore it.
Transmutation Circle
When you
have an enemy at your mercy,
you may perform a ritual over them to transform them into an item.
The DM will tell you what you get.


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