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Primary Curriculum Version 2.

1 May 2013
Liturgical time

Direct aims
Indirect aim


History of the People of God 2

Salvation History 4, History of the people of God 1
Scripture, CCC
Any time
CCC 763 The Church "is the Reign of Christ already present in
CCC 764 The seed and beginning of the Kingdom are the "little
flock" of those whom Jesus came to gather around him, the flock
whose shepherd he is.
To understand that we are Gods chosen people and called to
participate in His plan.
To consider concrete ways to help build Gods Kingdom.
3 A3 civilisation cards: Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans (refer
template below) with 3 picture cards.
4 A3 cards for People of God and accompanying picture and word
cards. (refer template below)
Slide 2
Opening Prayer Pater Noster Our Father in Latin
Slide 3-4
The Angelus
Slide 5
Gospel : Mk 16 : 15-20
Today were going to think about the History of the People of God.

What do we already know about the People of God?

(response) Weve heard about the Jewish people and how
God called them a long time ago.
Remember that the word history already has the word story
hidden in it. When we talk about history it just doesnt mean
whats already happened in the past, but includes what is
happening now. It also includes what will happen tomorrow, even
right up to the time that Gods plan reaches its completion or

So now we are going to look at some videos to see what part

people have played in the development of Gods plan.
Slide 6
In the video we will hear the word B.C B.C stands for - Before
Christ, In some videos or books we can hear or see the word A.D
A.D stands for Anno Domini
Which is Latin for In the year of the Lord
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Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore 549102
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


Primary Curriculum Version 2.1 May 2013

Slide 7 EGYPTIANS (Show the video) Ancient Egypt National
Geographic (3.08)
Slide 8 Ancient Egyptians (Show picture)
Question and Answers session
1) What is the name of the river (The Nile River)
2) The history of the Egyptians begins around (3000 BC)
3) What did the Egyptians invented that we still used today
(365 Days Calender and Hieroglyphics it is a form of
writing (it is because of writing that archaeologists today
can find out how the ancient people lived)
4) Egyptians decline around (1167 BC)
Slide 9 ROMANS (Show the video) Rome : The Beginning (4.21)
Slide 10 Ancient Romans (Show picture)
Question and Answers session
1) According to legend who founded Roma (By twin Romulus
and Remus)
2) Who raised them (They were raised by She-wolf)
3) What was the name of the river they grew up on (Tiber
4) Rome was founded on how many hills (Seven hills)
5) The Romans decline around (234 AD)
Slide 11 BABYLONIANS (Show the video) The Babylonian
Civilisation (13.30)
Slide 12 Ancient Babyloniana (Show picture)
Question and Answers session
1) What is the meaning of Babylon (The Gate of the GOD)
2) How many bronze gates are there (Eight)
3) The Ishtar Gate was built in honour of (The Babylonian
Goddess of Love and Battle)
4) What is the Hebrew name for Babylon (Babel)
5) Babyloniana decline around (634 BC)
They each invented something special, and even as their group
began to decline, even when those people faded from notice,
what they had invented, they left to us - it was their gift to us.
Their histories go up and down - they last a certain amount of
time and then decline. But whatever those civilisations learned
and discovered didnt disappear when the people declined, they
got passed on to others. So what they left behind has become an
inheritance for everyone for all ages and we have experienced

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Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore 549102
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


Primary Curriculum Version 2.1 May 2013

great things from these peoples.
But now we want to look at another special people and their
history. Among the many people that were around about
1800BC, 1800 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, one nation
stands out from the rest. Its not the greatest, its not the
strongest nation, not the one with the most soldiers, its not the
most powerful. This nation Im thinking about is very unique and
rather tiny.

Do you know which nation Im taking about? (Israel)

The reason this particular people stands out is because God
called them. God chose this people to be His own people. And He
wanted to give them His particular love, He wanted to give them
a task to do. So He waited for this people to respond to His call
and to love Him back. This people that God first called we know
as the people of Israel.
Slide 13 ISRAEL (Show the video) Jerusalem 4000 Years in 5
Minutes (5.15)
Slide 14 Show the picture (Map of Israel)
1) Who build the first temple in Jerusalem (King Solaman)
2) The Jews are the people to whom God reveals Gods self as
3) And with God, they live a relationship which we call (The
4) Their history does not decline because theirs is the history
of (The People of God)
So the history of the people of God 1 are the Jews then who will
then be the history of the people of God 2
(Slide 15 and 16)
The History of the People of God 2 (click)
Jesus Birth (click)
From the womb of the Hebrew people is born (click)
Jesus (click)
Since the coming of Jesus, the people of God have
been formed by two branches : (click)
The Christians who recognize Jesus as the Messiah,
Son of God. (click)
And the Jews, for whom Jesus is a great prophet and
teacher in Israel. (click)

(Slide 17)
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Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore 549102
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


Primary Curriculum Version 2.1 May 2013

The History of the People of God Today 3 (click)
Picture of the church (click)
In the times in which we live, the Jews and the
Christians along with the Muslims..(click)
Transmit to the world the light of the One God.
The Christians also proclaim the message of the..
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
(Slide 18 and 19)
The History of all People 4
Who knows the name of this picture..
Parousia (click)
Throughout history the relationships between
people are always.. (click)
Growing and deepening (click)
In spite of disagreements and divisions among the
people there is a growing exchange of.. (click)
Goods, works, ideas and also of religious
experiences (click)
And thus the plan of God comes bit by bit to be
realized, which is (click)
To create communion among all things and all
people with God (click)
Until (click)

The original People of God were the Jews, who are the
People of God today? (us, Christians)

From the beginning of time, God has had a plan for a covenant
relationship between God and mankind. And this plan has been
working itself out throughout all of history, and one day this plan
will reach completion, to unite all people with all things and all
people with God s own self.
We are waiting for this day when God will be all in all, in all
creation that is in all people and all things. Everything will be
transformed and filled to overflowing with Gods love. At that
time, all that is good will stay, and all war, all hatred, all lack of
love will cease.
So today, Christ is continuing to build that bridge between
heaven and earth and between each other. When we listen to His
words, Jesus is with us, we hear His voice. When we receive the

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Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore 549102
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


Primary Curriculum Version 2.1 May 2013

Sacraments, Jesus is with us, He transforms us, strengthens us,
forgives us and heals us. Even in todays Gospel that we have
read he said they will pick up snakes, and if they drink anything
poisonous they will be unharmed.

I wonder how we can respond to this great plan of Gods

to bring all people together and to Himself? (response)
What decisions and choices can we make that could
contribute to Gods plan? (response)

We can respond to Jesus love and presence within us through

our love, through our prayers, through our daily work and
through the commitment of our whole life. When we give
ourselves totally to God for Him to do in us and through us
whatever He wants, His kingdom comes.



Theres a song we can sing that reminds us that as Gods people,

we are called to help build Gods Kingdom of love on earth. Sing:
See Ye First or any other Kingdom song
I wonder how we can respond to this great plan of Gods to
bring all people together and to Himself?
What decisions and choices can we make that could
contribute to Gods plan?
Seek Ye First
Journal on which way is easiest/hardest for them to respond to
Gods plan and how in each area they can contribute:
through love, prayer, daily work, the commitment of our whole


Picture of

The history of the Egyptians begins around


It reaches its greatest splendour around

2345-2183 BC

Then it declines around

The Egyptians leave their inheritance to the

Persian Empire

Picture of

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ancient 549102
Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


Primary Curriculum Version 2.1 May 2013


The history of the Romans begins around


It reaches its greatest splendour around


Then it declines around

The Romans leave their inheritance to the

Byzantine Empire

Picture of

The history of the Babylonias begins around


It reaches its greatest splendour around

1792- 1750 BC

Then it declines around

The Babylonians leave their inheritance to

The History of the People of God 1

The history of the Jews begins around

Etruscan Empire

Picture of Hebrew
word for Yahweh
1800 BC

They are the people to whom God reveals Gods self



And with God, they live a relationship which we call

The Covenant

Their history does not decline because theirs is the

history of

The People of God

The History of the People of God 2

From the womb of the Hebrew people is born,

Picture of
Since the coming of Jesus, the people of God have been formed
birth by two branches:
The Christians who
The History recognize
of the People
theToday 3

and the Jews, for whom Jesus is

Messiah, Son of God,

In the times in which we live, the Jews and the
Christians along with the Muslims

the Church

of and teacher in
a great

The Christians also proclaim the message of the

Conclusion: The History of All Peoples 4

transmit to the world
the light of the One

Page 6
Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore 549102
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


Primary Curriculum Version 2.1 May 2013

Throughout history the relationships between people
are always

growing and deepening.

In spite of disagreements and divisions among the

people there is a growing exchange of

goods, works, ideas and

also of religious

And thus the plan of God comes bit by bit to be

realized, which is

to create
among all


things and
all people
with God

Page 7
Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre (CAEC) 2 Highland Road, #02-02 Singapore 549102
Main: (65)68583011 Fax: (65)68582011 Email: admin@catholicspi.org


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