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March 2001

Draft RG-169

Abrasive Blast Cleaning

Air Permits Division

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recycled paper


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Table of Contents
Overview of Technical Guidance Package for Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . 1
Obtaining Authorization to Operate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Review of an Air Quality Permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Emission Rate Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Impacts Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Applicable Rules and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Appendix A - Abrasive Blasting of Water Storage Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Draft Page i

Overview of Technical Guidance Package for Dry Abrasive Blast


This package discusses the different types of authorizations to construct and operate dry
abrasive blast cleaning facilities as well as provides technical information necessary for
completing an air permit application. In addition, a list of potentially applicable state and federal
rules are listed.

This package does not:


... address dry abrasive blast cleaning of water storage tanks. We have a specific
regulation for this type of operation under Abrasive Blasting of Water Storage
Tanks Performed by Portable Operations (30 TAC 111.131-111.139). Contact
our Engineering Services Division at (512) 239-1051 for more information.


... include Wet Blast Cleaning or Water Slurry Blast Cleaning. These operations can
generally be exempt from permitting.


... include technical guidance for spray painting facilities. Please request a copy of the
Technical Guidance Package for Surface Coating Facilities from our
administrative section of the New Source Review Permits Division at (512) 239-1250
for a copy of this package.


... address questions of an administrative nature, application forms, registration forms,

and general publications. Contact our administrative section of the New Source Review
Permits Division at (512) 239-1250 for more information.

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Obtaining Authorization to Operate

TCEQ has three ways to obtain authorization to construct and operate your abrasive blast
cleaning facility:

Grandfathered from Permitting

Grandfathered facilities are those that were in operation prior to September 1, 1971 and
have not undergone modification to their operation. If grandfathered, no authorization is

Exempt from Permitting

A facility may be exempt from the requirement to obtain an air permit if the emissions are
insignificant. The following is a list of exemptions that are applicable to abrasive blast

Wet Blast Cleaning (30 TAC 106.451)

Dry Abrasive Cleaning (30 TAC 106.452)

To qualify, the conditions of each exemption must be met exactly. In addition,

registration may be required as well.

Required to have a Permit

If your facility is not grandfathered and cannot meet the conditions of an exemption,
then you must obtain an air quality permit. We have the following types of air quality

Permit to Construct (30 TAC 116.116 Subchapter B)

Standard Permits (30 TAC 116.116 Subchapter F)

Flexible Permits (30 TAC 116.116 Subchapter G)

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However, most abrasive blast cleaning facilities that require an air quality permit only
require a Permit to Construct.

Review of an Air Quality Permit

The three basic parts of the technical review of an air permit application are:

(1) Review of any proposed source reduction or proposed add-on control methods.
This is known as the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) review.

(2) Calculation of estimated hourly and annual emission rates accounting for any
controls proposed for the BACT review.

(3) Estimation and evaluation of off-property concentrations of each

chemical/compound that may be emitted.

Note: Even though we may accept a BACT proposal, the resulting off-property
concentrations may still be too high. In this case, additional levels of control above the
BACT proposal may be required to reduce the off-property concentrations.

Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Review

For dry abrasive blast cleaning facilities, our current BACT Guidelines for Dry Abrasive Blast
Cleaning Operations do not require process controls or add-on controls.

Emission Rate Calculations

Hourly and annual emission calculations of particulate matter are necessary for the off-property
impacts review. In addition, these emission rates are used to determine the applicability of
other rules and regulations. The emissions are separated into two categories: total suspended
particulate matter (PM) and particulate matter less than or equal ten microns in size (PM10).

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Enclosed Operations
If you will be operating an enclosed blast cleaning operation, you will most likely be able to be
exempt from permitting under Dry Abrasive Cleaning (30 TAC 106.452).

The following equation can be used to calculate hourly and annual PM and PM10 emission


Usage is the blast media usage,

Emission Factor is selected from the following:

Particle Size

Silica Sand

Coal Slag


0.00590 lb PM/lb usage

0.00286 lb PM/lb usage


0.00140 lb PM10/lb usage

0.00034 lb PM10/lb usage

NOTE: For other types of blast media, please consult the manufacturer for this

Removal Efficiency is the manufacturers average weight arrestance efficiency for

fabric filters. For baghouses or cartridge filters, a 95% average weight arrestance
efficiency may be used if the outlet grain loading is less than or equal to 0.01 grains
per dry standard cubic foot.

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The following is an example of calculating hourly PM and PM10 emissions of coal slag:

example usage rate = 1000 pounds per hour

example control device is a baghouse with a 0.002 gr/dscf outlet grain loading
select PM Emission Factor of 0.00286 for coal slag
select PM10 Emission Factor of 0.00034 for coal slag

NOTE: An enclosure, building, or room is considered to be enclosed if it can maintain

a face velocity of at least 100 feet per minute (fpm) as follows:

Non-enclosed Operations
These equations are for calculating emission from facilities that operate outdoors or cannot
achieve a 100-fpm face velocity. The following equation can be used to calculate hourly
and annual emission PM and PM10 emission rates:


Usage is the blast media usage rate,

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Emission Factor is selected from the following:

Particle Size

Silica Sand

Coal Slag


0.00590 lb PM/lb usage

0.00286 lb PM/lb usage


0.00140 lb PM10/lb usage

0.00034 lb PM10/lb usage

NOTE: For other types of blast media, please consult the manufacturer for
this data.

The following is an example of calculating hourly PM and PM10 emissions of silica sand:

example usage rate = 4000 pounds per hour

select PM Emission Factor of 0.0059 for silica sand
select PM10 Emission Factor of 0.0014 for silica sand

Impacts Review
For facilities under permit review, we evaluate the predicted off-property concentrations of
particulate matter that may be emitted. Computerized air dispersion models are used for this
analysis (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Screen or EPA ISCST3).

Since these analyses are specific to each facility and the density of the blast media used, it is not
feasible to provide general guidance for the impacts review. Also, there are specific rules

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regarding marine vessel maintenance and repair facilities. Please request a copy of our Air
Quality Modeling Guidelines or contact the Coatings Section at (512) 239-1250 for more

For small businesses, we will normally perform the air dispersion modeling for you.

Applicable Rules and Regulations

Even if you can operate as grandfathered, exempt, or permitted, there are several other regulations
that directly apply to dry abrasive blast cleaning facilities.

State Regulations
Abrasive Blasting of Water Storge Tanks (30 TAC Chapter 111, Division 3). See
Appendix A.

Ground Level Concentrations (30 TAC 111.155)

The off-property concentrations of PM cannot exceed 400 g/m3 for any

one-hour period and cannot exceed 200 g/m3 for any three-hour period.

Federal Regulations
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Lead and PM 10

NAAQS for Lead (if removing lead-based paint): The off-property

concentrations of lead cannot exceed 1.5 g/m3 over any three-month

NAAQS for PM10: The off-property concentrations of PM10 cannot

exceed 150 g/m3 over any 24-hour period and cannot exceed 50
g/m3 PM10 over any 12-month period.
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Depending on the specific operation of your facility, other regulations may also apply. See our
web site at www.tceq.state.tx.us/nav/permits/air_permits.html to obtain the entire list of
regulations or contact the Coatings Section at (512) 239-1250.

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Appendix A
Abrasive Blasting of Water Storage Tanks

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Technical Notes for Abrasive Blasting of Water Storage Tanks

TCEQ Air Quality Rules

No controls are required for blasting < 1% lead

TCEQ does NOT require an air quality permit to perform

concentration if there are no private residences or public

this type of maintenance activity. However, the TCEQ

areas within 500 feet or within ten times the height of

Office of Air Quality has specific rules in Regulation I

storage tank.

(30 TAC Chapter 111) which apply to maintenance

operations using abrasive blasting to remove coatings from

Exemptions, Rule 111.139

water storage tanks.







above-mentioned rules not required for the following:

Testing Requirements, Rule 111.133
Before removal, the concentration of lead in the coating
must be determined (given in :g/g). This concentration
must be made available to TCEQ staff at blasting site for
the duration of the blasting job.

abrasive blasting of the interior of the water storage

tank if there are no visible emissions
abrasive blasting using less than 500 pounds per
day of abrasive media
alternate control method approved by TCEQ
executive director

Control Requirements, Rules 111.135 & 111.137

If lead concentration $ 1% (10,000 :g/g), or if lead

Nuisance, Rule 101.4 of TCEQ General Rules

concentration < 1% (10,000 :g/g) and nearest residence

The operation may not create a nuisance condition. This

is < 500 feet away or less than ten times the height of the

means additional controls may be needed even if applicable

water tower away, any one of the following controls are

control requirements or exemption conditions are met. The


TCEQ regional office determines whether a nuisance

condition exists.

vacuum blasting or
shrouded wet abrasive blasting or

TCEQ Waste Disposal Guidelines

shrouded dry abrasive blasting (if $ 500 feet or

The TCEQ does not specifically regulate the generation or

10 times the height of the water tower away from

disposal of non-hazardous, non-industrial waste. Waste

nearest residence or public area and blasting

generated during abrasive blasting of a water tank at a

$ 1% lead concentration) or

non-industrial facility is not regulated unless it is hazardous.

shrouded hydro blasting or

For regulated waste (hazardous/industrial), the Waste

equivalent method approved in advance by TCEQ

Evaluation Section of the TCEQ Office of Waste

Management provides information, forms, registration
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numbers, and waste codes to help facilities classify and

dispose their waste.

non-hazardous, non-industrial waste.

Determination of Hazardous

Waste is considered hazardous if it is listed in 40 CFR
Part 261 or if it exhibits one or more hazardous waste
characteristics listed in 40 CFR Part 261. To make a
assume waste is hazardous or
perform a toxic characteristics leaching procedure
(TCLP) on the waste and compare to 40 CFR
Part 61 or
use process knowledge such as MSDS or data
sheets and compare to 40 CFR Part 61

Disposing of Hazardous Waste

EPA regulates all hazardous waste. Hazardous waste must
be disposed at a permitted hazardous waste facility:
request a one-time waste disposal form
(Form 0757) and state registration and EPA
identification numbers from the TCEQ Waste
Evaluation Section
complete the form and send back to the TCEQ
Waste Evaluation Section
TCEQ will evaluate the information and assign state
registration and EPA identification numbers
(disposal sites will require these)

Disposing of Non-Hazardous Waste

Neither TCEQ nor EPA regulates non-hazardous waste
from non-industrial operations.

Check with the local

government agency that has jurisdiction over disposal of

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