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Spiritual Leadership In Times Like These

Article by Apostle Robin D. Harris

This writing is in lieu of recent catastrophic atrocities that have impacted our world:
Police brutality, violent issues, and any and all things that deny human rights on any level.
Moreover, this writing is a clarion call for Spiritual leaders to examine their definition of
unity so that there can be a strong force built locally and globally that will liberate souls so
all can live in peace and harmony.
As I said, I would like for Leaders of churches, mosques, synagogues, Temples, Ministries
or whatever you have oversight of to consider some things. Unity. This is a word that is
often used in religious circles. A quick definition: The state of being united or joined as a
whole. This is a wonderful thing. However, sometimes the uniting or joining together in
church circles are only desired with those that look, think, talk, worship like those that are
attempting to endorse unity. So what we have is cloned country clubs that exist and really
offer nothing more than lifeless joint meetings. I dont wont to linger too long on this but I
do want to provoke thought. In times like these we are going to have to go beyond our own
barriers and unite with those that we may initially be uncomfortable with. We may even
need to humble ourselves and come together with individuals, sects, denominations that
interrupt theological mindsets. This is a call for us to put aside differences, attitudes, agendas
etc and build a force that will protect our young people and all people in general. In my
opening statement I listed a few things that are haunting us as a nationethnos, society. We
can no longer allow negative schisms to separate.
The separation that I sometimes observe in the name of God must end. Because at the
end of the day we ALL could become prey to various forms of violence, denial of human
rights, poverty, homelessness etc. Let me say this, If you attend or worship anywhere that is
teaching in an old paradigm that tells you NOT to fellowship with others, always in
judgmentRETHINK where you attend . Learn to think for yourself. In times like these, we
must leave our comfort zones, zip codes and come together. No accomplishment will be
made if agreement can only be found amongst those in your immediate circle(s).
The Gospel (God kind of spell) that must be heralded in this hour can not be one that
causes division. It can not masquerade itself in fear. To hell with request for jets and planes,
but you turn your nose up at request for offering(s) for the poor and needy whether it be for
a local or international cause.
To hell with racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic messages that are rallied from
pulpits that swell with greed, pride, and arrogance-The real sins of Sodom and Gomorrah.

These attitudes and messages have and continue to promote lack of unity in our society.
Erroneous teaching such as these cause misplaced anger and unnecessary divisiveness. We
need not be at war with one another. We must recognize whats before us and come
together. All means ALL! Beloved, in this hour of time those who are igniting the fires of
momentum may not look like you-think like you-worship like you.
The global units that are forming now are tapping into solidarity. Those that dare to be
different. Those that decided that a sanitized sermon wont get the job done. Those that
refuse to be boxed in are aligning with true freedom and unity to combat against the many
tiers that have built to deny human rights to all.
Leaders please look for God in other places than your books, bibles, buildings, and songs.
He/She is not in there. We can not continue to create God in indoctrinated image, or an
American image. God was never American or a Christian. Stretch yourselves BEYOND its
normal capacity. People all over the world are tapping in the God in others no matter what it
looks like. If that offends you, thats probably a God(good) thing. Make an effort to unify
with those that have been considered and placed at the bottom of the barrel. The first is
becoming last, because the last is BECOMING first.
God has no problem identifying with the poor, single-mother, prostitute, or drunk. Its all
good and God. It may not be the imagery that you have held in your mind-but there must be
a revolution in your thinking. We cant leave anyone out based on our belief systems. You
cant prefer someone over the other because of what you believe to be right or wrong.
Therefore, until Clergy in the U.S. rectifies with the LGBTQA your message of unification is not
complete. However, it will not stop the force. Many global exploits are being led by many of
this community. God does not favor the message of hate and separation.
The trumpet of Solidarity is blowing. Will you answer the call? Will you lay aside your
bias? Will you step outside your empire and see whats on the other side? In times like these
we need a Savior. Not a Savior in the sky. But those that have the salve of the savior
deposited on the inside. In times like these.we need you.

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