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Saussurea (ISSN.


Vol. 3 (2). PP:768-771

The Role of Religion in Iran's Oil Nationalization

Mohammad Abolfathi, Majid bargh afcan
Department of political science, Razi University, Iran

Received: March 2015 & Published: May 2015

Abstract: The purpose of this article, with regard to the importance of the national movement in this important
historical event of oil industry in Iran and highlighted the role of nationalists in the movement in recent history. We
want the role of religious groups in this great movement of anti-colonial, various sources indicate that the role of
religious groups and within and between different factions, each with their role, effective role and in fact, have an
essential role in of this movement.
Keywords: religion, religious groups, the National Iranian Oil
superpower after World War II, one way or another
were involved in of this story. England tried to
maintain dominance over of this vital resource.
Soviet Union was seeking an opportunity to own it
and Iranian patriots were looking for a way to escape
from the clutches of the great powers. between the
superpowers and their supporters was a conflict
which also was in floor of the House and in designs
and promises of oil and eventually, led to a contract
as name Gs- Glshaieyan (as the accession agreement1993).These conflicts and negotiations finally
reached a point where the Iranians were in the path of
movement for the nationalization of oil.
In of this regard, the first partnership was formed
nationalists and the clergy in sixteenth parliamentary
elections that the minority has succeeded and was
prevented of Ad passage of the bill. In order to solve
of oil problem has been proposed that the
commission of oil was formed. This Commission
proposed the nationalization of oil (Salehi
Syavshany; 2: 2013).
Finally, with the support of the people and political
and religious leader Ayatollah Kashani and the
efforts of the minority representatives of Assembly
Nationalization of the oil industry was presented to
the National Assembly on 24 March 1329 and the
Senate approved on 29 Esfand. (Mohammadi, 1:

1. Introduction
Oil nationalization movement in Iran is one of the
most important developments in recent Iranian
history, in the last century and during the Shah's
regime. In most of the resources in this area, this
Movement, whether are the purposes and in the
leadership and at the beginning and the nationalist
movement was been proposed aspect.
While People and Shiite clerics in the movement had
a strong and effective role, but in particular, the role
of religion and religious forces in this movement has
received little attention and hence its religious color
has faded. Accordingly, it is necessary that a study
that analyzed the role of religious groups in
In this paper discusses the various factions and
religious groups have been investigated. In reviewing
the performance of Clergy, there are four lines of
thought in of this period: Including political parties,
the revolution, and the intellectuals and traditional.
First, we look at the oil nationalization movement,
after an overview of this policies described in terms
of four religious groups.
1. The religious Political factions: Ayatollah
2. The religious revolutionary factions: Devotees of
3. The religious Traditional factions: Ayatollah
Boroujerdi and Seminary
4. The national Religious factions: intellectuals,
Islamic Associations

2.1. Ayatollah Kashani and the nationalization of

the oil industry
Abol-Ghasem Kashani was born in Tehran in 1881,
after getting the sentencing Ejtehad at age 25, he
became famous for opposing the invasion of
Mesopotamia by the English, among ulama and
public. One of the characteristics Kashani was the

1.1. National Movement of Oil

Oil nationalization movement was a process after
World War II and the allied invasion Iran. Oil case in
the years following World War II was another
passion, and the milestone reached
that each

Saussurea (ISSN. 0373-2525)

Vol. 3 (2). PP:768-771

transnational fight despotism and colonialism. Being

as Leader at revolution in Iraq and defend of
Palestine was as evidence of this issue.
Ayatollah Kashani and his entourage, in many their
speeches were raised the slogan "Iranian oil, for
He basically because of the statement, which was
issued in this case, was exiled to Lebanon. Ayatollah
Kashani after exile in Lebanon by sending a letter
again was insisting on the slogan "Iranian oil, for the
Iranians"; Also, after returning to Iran which was
greeted with great people, in the first speech
delivered, once again, with more serious and strong
resolve than before, brought about the nationalization
of the oil industry.
Furthermore, in his first statement which was read
out by a doctor Mossadegh in Assembly to increased
emphasis on issue of oil nationalization and being
illegitimate the Gs- Glshayyan contract? The role of
Ayatollah Kashani as mobilizing leadership during
the nationalization of oil was particular importance.
He, by using his religious status as Shiite priest
involved the current changes of oil. In his statement
invited to gather people for the nationalization of oil
in December in the mosque (Imam Khomeini). With
continuing movement and activity of oil, led by
Ayatollah Kashani, He invited people gathered in
Parliament Square on December eight. According to
agents of authoritarian rule in that day, the people of
Iran were waiting for orders Ayatollah Kashani to
what he said, to act with their heart and soul (Aghigh
Bakhshaeishei, 49: 1995).
On the other hand, according to the position of
Ayatollah Kashani, that he was very popular among
scholars, the scholars of other cities have linked with
the movement and movement became more and more
national and global.
According to many, Kashani is the main leader of
this movement. Night of oil nationalization was
approved in Assembly in London 1950. Someone
attacked Kashani as He was the main cause of these
events. Even, Mossadegh himself confirmed this
issue in a telegram to Kashani that he had the first
role in this movement." Confirm and courageous
actions of you were always been fundamental to the
success of the people of Iran, in this historical
struggle (Raja News, 3, 2011). In general it can be
said, If Ayatollah Kashani and his statements and
declarations, negotiations, and all his threats such as
threatened Britain to issue a fatwa for Jihad,
threatening the king and the court directed the
struggle and so did, Maybe soon doctor Mossadegh
and other his companions under foreign pressure,
opposition political parties, the courts and others
were retreating pulled of Nationalization of the oil.
(Fars News Agency, 9: 2012)

2. The religious revolutionary factions: Devotees

of Islam
Devotees of Islam was reputation for penetrating
words of its leader, Nawab Safavi and their highprofile assassinations and important in the history of
modern Iran. It was a revolutionary religious
affiliation; with over a decade of serious political
activities (1947-1965) influenced on Iranian
religious. This movement after a period of intense
religious repression began during Reza Khan. With
the aim of creating an Islamic state and enforcement
of Islamic law, by specific method, Devotees grew
rapidly; Slogan and the implementation of Shariah
Laws of practice that can save Iran. It also claimed
the reform of Reza Khan and its affiliates to be a
mirage to reformist intellectuals and Clergymen. The
reception area was a popular religious abounds.
Nawab had established close relations with Ayatollah
Kashani and when, in December 1946 demonstration
calling for the Palestinian Ayatollah Kashani was set
up. Nawab gave an impassioned speech in the
community can be said that the Palestinian issue was
one of the basic sensitivities of Ayatollah Kashani
and Nawab Safavi.
What is known about the Devotees of Islam that this
group was a revolutionary act by killing Hajir and
sending Lawyers people to Parliament and the second
act of revolutionary to assassinate Razm Ara
nationalized the oil? (Salehi Syavshany, 4: 2013).
The role of Devotees of Islam in the nationalization
of the oil industry has played to assassination Razm
Ara in 1950.
When Nationalist forces were elected to
Parliament, with the support and efforts of religious
groups, and the oil industry was nationalized by Jihad
and supports them, Devotees of Islam which called
for the implementation of Islamic laws and one of
them was the warrants struggle against colonialism.
After the enormous efforts deceased Ayatollah
Kashani to oil nationalization became a national
demand, of the minority of Perelman was in the
hands nationalists. They Suggested that the
nationalization of the oil.
With Imagine colonial powers to prevent this
action, Razmara, became prime minister who had
come only to prevent the nationalization of the oil
industrial. Gen. Razmara that was a dictator and
support the interests of England, with great effort he
tried to approved a contract adjoint [Gass Glshlyyan]. He explicitly in Assembly insulted to the
people of Iran and claimed that managing large oil
industry by Iranian was impossible (Sarvani, 4:2013).
At of this time there was no doubt; Razmara was the
most important obstacle to the nationalization of oil
and coherence of demands of national. Devotees of

Saussurea (ISSN. 0373-2525)

Vol. 3 (2). PP:768-771

UK for the nationalization of the oil industry and
formed a united front against the Barbarian " This
was a new position and his strong opposition to scare
off domestic and foreign oil nationalization (Rahim
Bakhsh, 28: 2003)

Islam were so determined to assassinate him. In this,

they met with leaders of the National Front, then they
asked if Razmara removed, Islamic law will be
implemented or not. They confirmed this, in practice
and agreed with the opinion of Devotees of Islam. On
1950, when Razmara was entering the obit Ayatollah
Faizi was assassinated by Khalil Tahmasebi.
It is very clear, Devotees who seeking their own
religious-national goals. It should be mentioned that
before Ayatollah Kashani to permit the assassination
of Razmara and He was given a death fatwa. In
addition, the National Front politicians agree with
this action, they thought that existence Razmara was
as a major prevented to the development of their jobs.
By using chance of the assassination of Razmara, Oil
of Iran was nationalized. Sheibani was young at that
time said "If Razmara was not assassination,
Mossadegh government does not come on at all, and
was not the national oil industry." One of the
services of Nawab and his followers was it.

4. National Religious factions: Intellectuals and

Islamic Forums
In against Devotees of Islam, Islamic associations
were formed in the early 1320. This was reflected of
the needs and concerns of the middle class religious
groups. The main purpose of them to provide
educational issues in Islam as this religion are
compatible with modernity and science and
rationality and free from the shackles of those things
that the members knew it superstition.
The origin of This Forum was a Department of
Association called Kanon Islam (Mokhber, 298:
1996). Mehdi Bazargan, who was layman but deeply
religious and a cleric person named Mahmoud
Taleghani who was imprisoned for criticizing the
government in final years of the reign of Reza Shah
were the greatest figure of the group. Both of them
were in most passionate supporters of doctor
The first was appointed the Chairman of the
expropriation by Mossadegh and did his duty with
sincerity and honesty and in later years, he was
regarded Mossadegh as a model of political
campaigns. Second while the other advocates of
cleric, he abandoned in the final months of
Mossadegh rule but he maintained his loyalty. After
Mordad 1953, he continued to fight despotism.
Islamic associations led by Bazargan and Taleghani
in the 20 decades, and next decades , had been more
attention and focused on cultural activities such as
holding lectures to aims to overcome the alienation of
many educated non-of Islam religious beliefs and in
This way gained considerable success.

3. Traditional religious factions (Ayatollah

Boroujerdi and Qom Seminary)
Ayatollah Boroujerdi was born in the month of
Safar 1292 AH in Boroujerd. He belonged to the
famous family Tabatabai (to Emam Hassan AS).
This family was one of the famous and influential
Shiite families in the west of Iran (Rooh,bakhash,
Although a large number of young Clergymen had
a large presence in this fighting for the
nationalization of the oil industry by Following the
presence and role of Ayatollah Kashani. In other
words, the traditional range of Ayatollah Boroujerdi
and his fellows in this movement were more or less;
by issuing declarations and other ways to confirm
this movement.
Therefore, the role this important can considered to
be a positive role. But, this fact should not be
ignored. At First, Ayatollah Boroujerdi as above and
take the cautious policies of its own political and
implicitly to confirm this movement. Ayatollah
Boroujerdi such remembers:
I'm not to enter in cases that I do not know and
cannot predict, the start and end of it. I do not know,
case of oil nationalization, what will be, and who will
be in the future. The clergy should not oppose with
this movement. If they disagree with this national
movement and this movement was failed, recorded in
history that it was due to the failure because of the
clergy. "
So he wrote to Mr. Behbehani and other ulama of
Tehran that they not opposed with it. America's
ambassador quoted: "Ayatollah Boroujerdi, sent a
representative to the king and to him was given the
message "All should be united against threats to the

4. Discussion
In general it can be said that with the support of
the people and the role of each religious forces that
mentioned above, including political and religious
leader Ayatollah Kashani, Devotees of revolutionary
action to assassination of Razmara, cooperation of
authority and traditional group like Ayatollah
Boroujerdi and the role of Islamic associations in
support of the doctor Mossadegh, all have indicated
the role of religious groups in the oil nationalization
role and the role were an effective and fundamental


Saussurea (ISSN. 0373-2525)






Vol. 3 (2). PP:768-771


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