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Fico Cientfica em Lngua Inglesa
1 semestre de 2014
Prof. Andr Cardoso [andrecac@id.uff.br]
Descrio do curso:
O objetivo deste curso fornecer uma introduo fico cientfica escrita em lngua
inglesa. Seu foco ser no conto, no s para possibilitar o contato com uma variedade maior de
temas, autores e pocas, mas tambm porque o conto sempre foi um meio de expresso importante
para a fico cientfica. Alm disso, trabalharemos tambm com alguns filmes. O cinema um dos
principais fatores de popularizao da fico cientfica atualmente, e nos oferece a oportunidade de
examinar como os mundos alternativos propostos por ela encontram sua traduo atravs de sons e
imagens. Dado o enorme corpus desse gnero literrio, no se pretende aqui fazer uma explorao
exaustiva de sua produo, mas sim dar uma ideia geral do campo, estudando alguns autores e obras
j considerados clssicos, alm de exemplos da produo mais recente. Os textos foram organizados
em tpicos de acordo com alguns dos temas mais salientes explorados pela fico cientfica ao
longo do tempo.
Plano de curso:
18 Apresentao do curso e orientao.
20 Ursula Le Guin: Introduction (The Norton Book of Science Fiction) (trecho).
Viagem no tempo
25 Ray Bradbury, A Sound of Thunder (1952) (The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories);
Clifford D. Simak, Over the River and Through the Woods (1965) (The Norton Book of Science
27 Blink (Doctor Who, temporada 3, episdio 10); Adam Roberts, Shall I Tell You the Problem
with Time Travel?.
04 Recesso de Carnaval.
06 Recesso de Carnaval.
11 Judith Merril, That Only a Mother (1948) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction); Richard
Matheson, Born of Man and Woman (1950) (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame).
13 Bixby, Jerome, Its a Good Life (1953) (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame).
O fim do mundo e depois

18 Theodore Sturgeon, Thunder and Roses (1947) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction);
Octavia Butler, Speech Sounds (1983) (The Norton Book of Science Fiction).
20 Isaac Asimov, Nightfall (1941) (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame).
Ns e os outros
25 C. L. Moore, Shambleau (1933) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction); Roger
Zelazny, A Rose for Ecclesiastes (1963) (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame).
27 R. A. Lafferty, Nine Hundred Grandmothers (1966) (The Norton Book of Science Fiction);
01 Ray Bradbury, Mars Is Heaven! (1948) (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame); Michael
Swanwick, A Midwinters Tale (1988) (The Norton Book of Science Fiction).
03 Adam Roberts, Anhedonia (The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF) (2009); Arthur C.
Clarke, The Sentinel (1951) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).
Avaliao 1: Trabalho escrito sobre as primeiras unidades do curso (10 pontos), a ser entregue no
dia 10 de abril.
08 Ted Chiang, Exhalation (2008) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction); Ken Macleod, Jesus
Christ, Reanimator (2007) (Starship Sofa Stories. Disponvel em www.starshipsofa.com).
10 Filme: Stanley Kubrick (dir.), 2001: A Space Odissey (2001: uma odisseia no espao) (1968).
15 Filme: 2001: A Space Odissey; Arthur C. Clarke, The Nine Billion Names of God (1953)
(The Science Fiction Hall of Fame).
17 Feriado Pscoa.
Realidades estremecidas
22 Philip K. Dick, Frozen Journey (1980) (The Norton Book of Science Fiction) e The Electric Ant
(1969) (The Eye of the Sibyl and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick).
Eu, rob
24 Isaac Asimov, Reason (1941) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction); Brian Aldiss, SuperToys Last All Summer Long (1969) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).
29 Alfred Bester, Fondly Fahrenheit (1954) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).
01 Feriado Dia do Trabalho.

06 Filme: Ridley Scott (dir.), Blade Runner (1982).

08 Discusso do filme Blade Runner; Paolo Bacigalupi, The Fluted Girl (2003) (Disponvel em
13 Cordwainer Smith, Scanners Live in Vain (1948) (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame).
15 Filme: Andrew Niccol (dir.), Gattaca (1997).
20 Bruce Sterling, Homo Sapiens Declared Extinct (Nature, vol. 402, 11 November 1999. Disponvel
em http://www.concatenation.org/futures/homo_lo.pdf); Charles Stross, Rogue Farm (2003) (The
Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).
22 William Gibson, Burning Chrome (1982) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction); Pat
Cadigan, Pretty Boy Crossover (1986) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).
Utopia e distopia
27 Filme: Franois Truffaut (dir.), Fahrenheit 451 (1966).
29 Discusso do filme Fahrenheit 451; Cory Doctorow, The Things that Make Me Weak and
03 Ursula Le Guin, Those Who Walk away from Omelas (1973) (The Winds Twelve Quarters);
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21279/21279-h/21279-h.htm); Joanna Russ, When It Changed
(1972) (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).
Questes atuais
05 J. G. Ballard, The Subliminal Man (1962) (The Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard); Jonathan
Lethem, Access Fantasy (1996) (The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye).
10 Greg Egan, Worthless (1992) (disponvel em Infinity Plus); Ian McDonald, Sanjeev and
Robotwallah (2007) (The Years Best Science Fiction Twenty-Fifth Annual Collection).
12 Recesso Jogo do Brasil.
17 Recesso Jogo do Brasil.
19 Feriado: Corpus Christi.
24 No haver aula.
26 No haver aula.

Avaliao 2: Trabalho escrito sobre as ltimas unidades do curso (10 pontos), a ser entregue no
dia 03 de junho.
ASHLEY, Mike (org.). The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF. Londres: Constable & Robinson;
Filadlfia: Running Press, 2009.
BALLARD, J. G. The Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard. 1978. Nova York: Picador, 1995.
BRADBURY, Ray. The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories. Nova York: Avon Books,
DICK, Philip K. The Eye of the Sibyl and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick. Nova York:
Kensington, 1992.
DOZOIS, Gardner (org.). The Years Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Fifth Annual Collection. Nova
York: St. Martins Griffin, 2008.
EVANS, Arthur B. et al. (orgs.). The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT.:
Wesleyan UP, 2010.
LE GUIN, Ursula. The Winds Twelve Quarters. 1975. Nova York: Harper Perennial, 2004.
LE GUIN, Ursula e ATTEBERY, Brian (orgs.). The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North
American Science Fiction, 1960-1990. Nova York e Londres: W. W. Norton, 1993.
LETHEM, Jonathan. The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye. 1996. Londres: Faber and Faber,
SILVERBERG, Robert (org.). The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, vol. 1: 1929-1964. 1970. Nova
York: Orb, 1998.
WHATES, Ian. Solaris Rising: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction. Oxford: Solaris, 2011.
Obras tericas de interesse:
ANGENOT, Marc. The Absent Paradigm: An Introduction to the Semiotics of Science Fiction. In:
Science Fiction Studies, v. 6, n. 1, mar. 1979, pp. 9-19.
BOULD, Mark et al. (orgs.). The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. Londres e Nova York:
Routledge, 2009.
CSICSERY-RONAY, JR., Istvan. The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT.:
Wesleyan UP, 2008.
_______. Some Things We Know about Aliens. In: The Yearbook of English Studies, v. 37, n. 2,
Science Fiction (2007), pp. 1-23.
DELANY, Samuel R. About 5,750 Words. In: The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes on the Language of
Science Fiction. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan UP, 2009, pp. 1-15.
FREEDMAN, Carl. Science Fiction and Critical Theory. In: Science Fiction Studies, v. 14, n. 2,
Critical Approaches to Science Fiction:Retrospects & Prospects, jul. 1987, pp. 180-200.
JAMES, Edward e MENDLESOHN, Farah (orgs.). The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction.
2003. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2009.
JAMESON, Fredric. Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science
Fictions. 2005. Londres e Nova York: Verso, 2007.
KLEIN, Grard. From the Images of Science to Science Fiction. In: PARRINDER, Patrick (org.).
Learning from Other Worlds: Estrangement, Cognition, and the Politics of Science Fiction and
Utopia. Durham: Duke UP, 2001, pp. 119-126.
MALMGREM, Carl D. Self and Other in SF: Alien Encounters. In: Science Fiction Studies, v. 20, v. 1,
mar. 1993, pp. 15-33. (pdf)
MILNER, Andrew; SAVAGE, Robert. Pulped Dreams: Utopia and American Pulp Science Fiction. In:
Science Fiction Studies, v. 35, v. 1, Mar. 2008), pp. 31-47. (pdf)

PARRINDER, Patrick (org.). Learning from Other Worlds: Estrangement, Cognition, and the
Politics of Science Fiction and Utopia. Durham: Duke UP, 2001.
RIEDER, John. Embracing the Alien: Science Fiction in Mass Culture. In: Science Fiction Studies, v. 9,
n. 1, mar. 1982, pp. 26-37. (pdf)
SCHULZ, H. J. Science Fiction and Ideology: Some Problems of Approach. In: Science Fiction
Studies, v. 14, v. 2, Critical Approaches to Science Fiction: Retrospects & Prospects, jul. 1987, pp.
165-179. (pdf)
SUVIN, Darko. Defined by a Hollow: Essays on Utopia, Science Fiction and Political
Epistemology. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.
Infinity Plus (http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/)
Free Speculative Fiction Online (http://www.freesfonline.de/Authors.html)
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/home.htm)
Earth and Other Unlikely Worlds (http://unlikelyworlds.blogspot.com/) (blog do autor de fico
cientfica britnico Paul McAuley)
Terry Bisson of the Universe (http://www.terrybisson.com/index.html)
Michael Swanwick Online (http://www.michaelswanwick.com/)
http://www.adamroberts.com/ (homepage do autor Adam Roberts)
Charlies Diary (http://www.antipope.org/charlie/) (blog do autor Charles Stross)
http://www.williamgibsonbooks.com/ (website official do autor William Gibson)
http://www.patcadigan.com/books.php (website oficial da autora Pat Cadigan)
Cory Doctorows Craphound.com (http://craphound.com/)
http://www.ursulakleguin.com/ (website oficial da autora Ursula Le Guin)
http://www.jonathanlethem.com/index.html (website do autor Jonathan Lethem)
http://gregegan.customer.netspace.net.au/ (Home Page do autor Greg Egan)

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