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“Quando in tua domo

nigri corvi parturient
albas columbas,
tunc vocaberis sapiens”


Date of Birth 19 November 1977

Place of Birth Isola del Liri (FR) – Italie -
Nationality Italian
Address for correspondence 27 rue des Boulangers, 75005 Paris
E-mail faustofraisopi@free.fr

Phenomenology, transcendental Philosophy, Ontology, Cognitive Sciences.

History of philoophy, Philosohy and history of logic, formal ontology and logic of complexity,
philosophy and history of religions.

I am currently holding a post-doc research
1. the Archives Husserl de Paris (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Département de Philosophie,
CNRS UMR 8547) and the University of Paris IV “La Sorbonne” (EA 3552,
Métaphysique: histoires, tranformations, actualité), working with Prof. Jean-François
Courtine and Prof. Jocelyn Benoist.
2. the Equipe de Recherche CIM (Complexité et information morphologique) de l’Ecole
Normale Supérieure, working with Prof. Giuseppe Longo.
Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 1
My research project is on phenomenology and ontology (with a particular respect to the
problems of meta-ontology and complexity), with the objectives of evaluating the cognitive
advantage of treating the problems of complexity in the field of phenomenology and
formal/regional ontology ans semantics. 


- Partnership (editing, articles and reviews) with www.giornaledifilosofia.it

- Member of Italian Society of Kantian Studies
- Research and Collaboration with “Istituto Matteo Ricci per le relazioni con l’Oriente”
[Matteo Ricci Institut for the relations with East]


(2006/2008)  Visiting Post-doc at the Université de Paris « La Sorbonne » (Paris IV) and
Archives Husserl de Paris (Ecole Normale Supérieure, CNRS, UMR 8547)
Research topic : The phenomenological concept of horizon and sensory field
Supervisors : Prof. J.-F. Courtine and Prof. J. Benoist

(2006/2008) Teaching and research for the Department of Philosophy and Human Sciences of
the University of Macerata (Italy)

(2006) Ph. D. in ‘Philosophy’, XVIII cycle, obtained at the University of Macerata.

Title of the thesis: “La ‘schematische Darstellung’ in Kant. Dalla teoria dello
schema al linguaggio” (The schematic presentation by Kant. From the Schema-
theory to the language)
Supervisor: Prof. Mirella Capozzi [History of Logic], University of Rome ‘La

(2001) Degree in Philosophy obtained at the University of Rome, ‘La Sapienza’ with the
grade of 110/110 cum laude.
Title of the thesis: Facoltà di giudizio e analogia. Il problema della terza critica
kantiana (“Capacity to judge and Analogy. The Problem of the third kantian
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Maria Olivetti (Philosophy of Religion, University of Rome
« La Sapienza »).

(1996) Diploma in Classical Studies (‘Maturità Classica’) at the Classical High School
« F.Stelluti » of Fabriano.


(2009-2010) Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (University of Freiburg i.B. – Husserl-Archiv)

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 2

(2006-2007) Post-doc Scholarship from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Research Topic on Husserl’s Concept of Horizon and Theory of subjectivity

(2002-2005) Scholarship from the University of Macerata (Italy).

Research Topic on Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant’s Theory of Mind.

(2001-2002) Scholarship from the Istituto Italiano di Studi Storici « B. Croce».
Research Topic on Kant’s Theory of space-time.

Lectureship: Introduction in History of Ideas I, University of Versailles, Wintersemester
Introduction in History of Ideas II, University of Versailles, Wintersemester


1. Lectio Magistralis at the International Congress “The Light and the Shadow. European
Year of Creativity”, Senigallia, Italy, 25-30 October 2009

2. Lecture for Archives Husserl de Paris (Avril, 13-15 2009): La quasi-ontologie de l’An
sich dans la Wissenschaftslehre de Bernard Bolzano

3. Lecture for Archives Husserl de Paris (Avril, 14 2008) : « Le rôle de la

«  représentation vide » dans la genèse du concept phénoménologique d’horizon  ».
(The empty representation and the genesys of the concept of Horizon by Husserl)

4. « Discussant » at the Congress : « Mandelbrot e la geometria frattale quantant’anni

dopo », [Mandelbrot at Fractal Geometry 40 years after] Messina, (Avril 21-23, 2007).

5. Lecture for Archives Husserl de Paris (November 17, 2006) : Les deux faces du 
chez Husserl : du couple expression/signification au couple signification/syntaxe (A
propos des Leçons du 1902/1903 sur la Logique). Modifications et niveaux méta-
syntaxiques. [The two Faces of the  by Husserl. From the coupled
expression/meaning to the coupled meaning/syntax (On Lectures of Logic 1902/3)]

6. Lecture for the workshop « Y a t--il une logique de l’imagination ? » (December 15,
2006) at University of Paris IV, « La Sorbonne »: « La doctrine kantienne du
schématisme est-elle une logique de l’imagination ? » [Is it Kant’s Theory of
Schematism a logic of imagination ? ]

7. Invited to the I Cycle of Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica [High School for
Philosophical Education] Turin (November 11/17, 2006). Visiting Professor : Jean-Luc
Marion, University of Paris IV « La Sorbonne », Université de Chicago.

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 3

8. Invited talk from the University of Genova, the 25 Avril 2006 : “L’Analogia in Kant”
[The Analogy by Kant].

9. XV Convegno Nazionale dei Dottorati in Filosofia, Istituto Banfi, Reggio Emilia, Italy,
December 13-16, 2004: “Darstellung e immaginazione in Kant. Problemi storici e
speculativi” [Kant’s Concept of Darstellung and Imagination. Historical and theorical

International Prize “Fondazione Valitutti”, Salerno, Italy, for the Best First Work 2006.



1. Fausto Fraisopi, Kant et l’ouverture de la vision. La «  phénoménologie implicite » de

la Darstellung, 468 p., G. Olms, Hildesheim − Zurich − New-York, 2009.

2. Fausto Fraisopi, BESINNUNG. Scienza, complessità, fenomenologia [Besinnung.

Science, complexity, phenomenology], Roma, Aracne, 2009.

3. Fausto Fraisopi, . Il soggetto kantiano e la complessità del suo esperire

[theoria. The kantian subject and the complexity of experience], 175 p.,
Quodlibet/EUM, Macerata, 2009.

4. Fausto Fraisopi, Adamo sulla sponda del Rubicone. Analogia e dimensione speculativa
in Kant, Roma, Armando Editore, 2005 (400 pp.). *International Prize “Fondazione
Valitutti” For the Best First Work 2006.

Fausto Fraisopi (ed.), G. W. LEIBNIZ, Scritti sulla Cina, [Writings on China] Quodlibet,
Macerata, 2009.



- Fausto Fraisopi, Orizzonte del sacro e analogia subjecti, Archivio di filosofia, 3, 2008,
pp. 193-201

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 4

- Fausto Fraisopi, The quasi-ontology of “an sich” in Bernard Bolzano’s Theory of
Science, submitted toAxiomathes, 2009

- Fausto Fraisopi, « COMMERCIA DOCTRINAE ET MUTUAE LUCIS » : Leibniz tra dialogo

culturale e filosofia speculativa [“Commercia doctrinae et mutuae lucis”: Leibniz
between cultural Dialogue and speculative Philosophy], in G.W. LEIBNIZ, Scritti sulla
Cina, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2009, pp. 1-150.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Expérience et horizon chez Husserl. Contextualité et synthèse à partir

du concept de « représentation vide », in Michel Henry’s Radical Phenomenology
(Studia Phaenomenologica, IX, 2009), pp. 322-357.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Genèse et transcendantalisation du concept d’horizon chez Husserl

(Phänomenologische Forschungen, 2008, pp. 43-70)
- Fausto Fraisopi Les deux faces du logos chez Husserl: Du couple
expression/signification au couple signification/syntaxe, in Bulletin d’analyse
phénoménologique, IV, 1, 2008, pp. 1-47.

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on-line), La funzione antropologica dell’immaginazione in Kant.
Dalla verità intemporale al mondo storico I : www.giornaledifilosofia.net (Journal of
Philosophy, ISSN 1827-5834)
- Fausto Fraisopi, (on-line), La funzione antropologica dell’immaginazione in Kant.
Dalla verità intemporale al mondo storico II : www.giornaledifilosofia.net
- Fausto Fraisopi, (on-line), La funzione antropologica dell’immaginazione in Kant.
Dalla verità intemporale al mondo storico, III : www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Padre Matteo Ricci, L’Europa alla corte dei Ming, Roma
palazzo del Vittoriano. www.giornaledifilosofia.it

- Fausto Fraisopi, Riflessioni sul concetto di « cognitio analogica» in Kant,  Il
cannocchiale, 2, 2003, pp. 70-112.

Invited chapters

- Fausto Fraisopi, Interview with J.-L. Marion on the « phénoménologie de la
donation », in AA. VV., Play-Rec. Interviste della filosofia, Rome, Homo Legens,
2007, p. 35-44 .

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 5

- Fausto Fraisopi, Guelfo e l’Überwindung dell’estetica metafisica, in Guelfo, Milano,
Mondadori, pp. 34-45.


- Fausto Fraisopi, Review to O. Proietti, Agnostos theos. Il Carteggio
Spinoza-Oldenburg, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2007, in Rivista di Storia della
filosofia, 3, 2008.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Review to G. Giordano, Da Einstein a Morin, Soveria

Mannelli, Rubbettino,2005, in www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, Review to AA.VV, La sfida della complessità, Milano,

Bruno Mondadori, 2007, in www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to G. Peano − L. Couturat, Carteggio
1896-1914, Firenze, Leo Olschki, 2005. www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to Jean-Luc Marion, Il visibile e il

rivelato, in www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, Review to O. Proietti, Uriel da Costa e l’Exemplar
Humanae Vitae, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2005, «Nouvelles de la République
des Lettres», 2, 2005.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Review to Isaac La Peyrère I preadamiti [Preadamitae],

Quodlibet, Macerata, 2004, «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres», 2,

- Fausto Fraisopi, Review to Jarig Jelles, Professione della fede universale e

cristiana [Belydenisse des algemeenen en chistelychen Geloofs], Quodlibet,
Macerata, 2004, «Nouvelles de la République des Lettres», 2, 2005.

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to Angela Taraborelli, Cosmopolitismo.
Saggio su Kant, Asterios, Roma, 2004, www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to P. Manganaro, L’antropologia di Kant,
Napoli, Guida, 1983, www.giornaledifilosofia.net

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 6
- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to E. Cassirer, Vita e dottrina di Kant,
Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 2002, www.giornaledifilosofia.net

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to I. Kant, Antropologia pragmatica, tr.

it. a cura di G. Vidari, riveduta da A. Guerra, Roma, Bari 1969.

- Fausto Fraisopi, (on line), Review to I. Kant, Bemerkungen. Note per un

diario filosofico, a cura di K. Tenenbaum, Biblioteca Meltemi Roma 2001,

Works in progress


- Fausto Fraisopi, Meta-ontologia. Tra Husserl e Quine [Meta-ontology. Husserl and

Quine] in Fausto Fraisopi (Ed.), Ontologia (Ontology), e-book for
www.giornaledifilosofia.net, January 2009

- Fausto Fraisopi, Husserl et le concept d’ontologie régionale. La phénoménologie et la

pensée de la complexité

- Fausto Fraisopi, La nature phénoménologique et intentionnelle du « questionnement ».

A propos du deuxième chapitre des Analyses sur la synthèse passive.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Leibniz, la characteristica universalis e i simboli di Fo-hi (Leibniz,

the characteristica universalis and the Fo-hi symbolism), in Rivista di storia della

- Fausto Fraisopi, Philosophie et demande : métathéorie et méta-ontologie du point de
vue phénoménologique.

- Fausto Fraisopi, Le concept phénoménologique d’ « horizon » et le statut de la


[Supervisors of research : Prof. J.-F. Courtine (Université de Paris IV, Archives Husserl de Paris), J.-
L. Marion (Université de Paris IV, Université de Chicago), J. Benoist (Université de Paris I
« Panthéon Sorbonne », Archives Husserl de Paris)].

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 7

- Fausto Fraisopi (Ed.), Ontologia (Ontology and languages), e-book for
www.giornaledifilosofia.net, January 2009


Collaborations with www.giornaledifilosofia.it (Redaction)


Italian mother tongue.

Good written and spoken German, English and French.

Passive knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese.

Latin and ancient Greek.

Familiar with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point

Oil- and watercolour painting, incision. Cooking.

Fausto Fraisopi- Curriculum Vitae 8

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