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Judaism rejects the state of Israel

Posted by: Abdul-Rahman Ali02/06/2015

A leading Israeli news site, Haaretz recently published an article stating that
the worlds oldest complete copy of the Ten Commandments is going on
rare display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem which was part of the Dead
Sea scroll discoveries from years gone by.[1]
The Ten Commandments of course appear in the Old Testament of the
Christian Bible and also in the Jewish scriptures. Jewish people call them the
Ten Sayings. Most synagogues have these clearly written, in Hebrew, on a
wall plaque. Usually just the first part of each saying is written and often
the first five and second five sayings are shown in two lists. This reminds
Jews that Moses (alayhi al-Salm) received the Ten Sayings on two stone
tablets, on Mount Sinai.
The 10 Commandments are as follows:
1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Respect your father and mother.
6. You must not kill.

7. You must not commit adultery.

8. You must not steal.
9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
10.You must not be envious of your neighbours goods. You shall not be

envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your

The purpose of this article is to only explore those commandments from the
above list that are relevant as regards the formation of the State of Israel
and scrutinise and ascertain whether Israel has any legitimacy in Judaism.
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God
One of the most used explanations you will hear from Zionists and those
who hold extreme Jewish views to justify why they believe they are
permitted to occupy another peoples land is that, allegedly, the Jewish
people are Gods chosen people and the Torah (the Old Testament) grants
that piece of land (Palestine) based on the following verse:
I will establish My covenant between Me and you (Abraham)
and your descendants after you throughout their generations
for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your
descendants after you. And I will give to you and to your
descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the
land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession.[2]
The belief in Judaism has always been that the Temple and former Jewish
State was lost physically because of the Jewish peoples failure to live up to
their spiritual obligations to God. The Torah foretold that if the children of
Israel should fail in their spiritual task, they would be banished from the
land and sent into exile. This exilic punishment according to Jewish belief
was to last until the Lord, in His mercy, saw fit to end it by ushering in the
Messianic era. This utopian future according to Jewish beliefs will feature
the worship of God by all mankind, centred in the Holy Land and the city of
Quds (Jerusalem).
In the Additional Service recited on every major Jewish holiday, we find the
following prayer,
And because of our sins we were exiled from our land and
removed from our soil and we cannot now go up and appear
and prostrate ourselves before You.[3]
Jewish sages believed that God imposed three vows when He sent them
into the wilderness/exile:
(1) that the children of Israel shall never seek to re-establish their nation by

(2) that they never be disloyal to the nations which have given them
(3) that these nations shall not oppress them excessively.
Neturei Karta (Guardians of the City) are a Jewish religious group, formally
created in Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine, in 1938. They oppose
Zionism and call for a peaceful dismantling of the State of Israel.[4] They
state that the belief of the Jews is that it is forbidden to have their own
state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah. They state that the Talmud,
which is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the second most
authoritative book after the Torah for Jews, provides that because of their
sins the Jewish people were made to go into exile from the land of Israel
and that any form of forceful recapture of the land of Israel is a violation of
divine will i.e. it is forbidden. They believe nonetheless that the land of
Palestine will be restored to the Jewish people but that the restoration
should only happen with the coming of the awaited Messiah, not by selfdetermination as has been the case with the state of Israel.
The belief in Judaism that establishing the Jewish state without the coming
of the Messiah is well established. The Maharal of Prague, who was a
Czechoslovakian Rabbi and pivotal medieval Jewish leader between 15251609, wrote that a Jewish person should rather give up his life than attempt
to end exile by conquering the Holy Land.[5]
In addition, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, who was a German Jewish leader
between 1808-1888 stated:
During the reign of Hadrian when the uprising led by Bar
Kochba proved a disastrous error, it became essential that the
Jewish people be reminded for all times of an important
essential fact, namely that [the people of] Israel must
never again attempt to restore its national independence by
its own power; it was to entrust its future as a nation solely to
Divine Providence:[5]
Again Rabbi Hirsch writes,
We mourn over that which brought about that destruction [of
the Temple] we take to heart the harshness we have
encountered in our years of wandering as the chastisement of
a father, imposed on us for our improvement, and we mourn
the lack of observance of Torah which that ruin has brought
about. . . This destruction obliges us to allow our longing for
the far away land to express itself only in mourning, in wishing
and hoping; and only through the honest fulfilment of all
Jewish duties to await the realisation of this hope. But it
forbids us to strive for the reunion or possession of the land by

any but spiritual means.[5]

It is clear that the overwhelming belief within Judaism for hundreds of years
was that it is forbidden for them to even consider conquering Quds until
their Messiah descended this was a popular held belief throughout the
ages and the reason why the majority of Jewish people always resided in
countries other than in Palestine. It was only in the 19th Century that the
taking of the land of Palestine was made part of the belief within Judaism
which consisted of misquoting and re-interpreting the scripture to suit
wicked, evil, and political goals by Zionists. Thus, it is evident that the
Zionists and those extremist Jewish people who sign up to the message of
Zionism, have misused the name of their Lord in direct contravention of
the third commandment noted above and therefore has no legitimacy to be
a Jewish State.
You must not kill
On July 22, 1946, Zionist terrorists dressed as Arabs blew up the King David
Hotel in Palestine, killing 91 and injuring 45 [6]. The perpetrators were
Menachem Begins Irgun extremist group; the very same Menachem Begin
who would go on to win the Nobel Peace prize some 32 years later, as
Prime Minister of the illegal Zionist state. This false-flag style, in which
stage-managed attacks are blamed on innocent Palestinians for political
ends, was to be a cornerstone of Israels acts of state terrorism and was to
be frequently employed over the following decades including the 21st
century for political motivated reasons. It is apparent therefore that Israel
was founded right from its inception on killing, destruction and deception.
Daringly, in July 2006, Israeli right-wingers, including the current Prime
Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu held a two-day seminar to celebrate the 60th
anniversary of the King David bombing as a slap in the face of the British
state who made the Zionist state a possibility this was an open
celebration of terrorism.[7]
If Israel is indeed a Jewish state, and the premise for its existence is based
on scripture, then surely other instructions granted by the scripture should
also be upheld? It is an open secret that Israel is the only nuclear power in
the Middle East.[8] And yet, according to the Torah, a Jewish state is not
supposed to even have a standing army let alone being a nuclear power.
Jewish rulers were forbidden from amassing large numbers of weapons and
horses i.e. military resources,[9] and it is the belief within Judaism that God
stipulated that Israel should remain militarily weak so they would learn to
trust Him for protection only. In fact, militarising as a Jewish state is frowned
upon to such extent in the Torah that it is likened to apostasy, witchcraft
and idolatry.[10] This explains why, despite thousands of years in exile,
frequent exclusion and persecution, the Jewish people never suggested that
the Holy Land could or should be retaken by force of arms as this goes
against their own beliefs whilst not going against Zionist beliefs.

Of course, the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians has been a common

feature of the state of Israel. Since its formation, hundreds of thousands of
Palestinians have been killed and continue to be killed,[11] and therefore
once again, we see a gross violation by Israel of the sixth commandment
that you must not kill and therefore Israel has no legitimacy to be a
Jewish State.
You must not give false evidence against your neighbour AND
You must not be envious of your neighbours goods. You shall not be
envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your
The above two commandments are further qualified in various verses within
the Torah for example, we find:
When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not
do him wrong. The stranger who resides with you shall be to
you as the native among you, and you shall love him as
yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the
Lord your God.[12]
Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were
foreigners in Egypt.[13]
Despite these instructions in the Torah, there are today approximately
721,000-771,000 settlers (though it should not be forgotten that the entire
Israeli population are considered as settlers).[14]It is not enough for the
state of Israel to have already stolen more than three quarters of the land
of the Palestine; we know that they also seek to steal the remaining quarter
through the formation of illegal settlements in areas which are supposed to
be marked as belonging to Palestinians. In fact, I recall from my own visit to
Jerusalem some years ago being shocked at witnessing a house belonging
to Palestinians having an extremist Jewish family squatting and residing in
the same house a make shift curtain has been put up as a barrier within
the home to divide the two families. What is worse is that the Palestinian
family informed me that they had reached a stage that they were willing to
share the house with these criminal squatters but that this was not enough,
the squatters are now seeking to claim the whole home through the courts.
I wonder if these extremists have read the above passages from the Torah
about the rights of neighbours?
Instead of adhering to the instructions in the Torah, the Israelis have
proved to be the most treacherous and blood thirsty neighbours to the

Points to Note
As stated above, Israels claim to the land of Palestine is based on one
verse in their scripture (noted above) whilst it is clear that this claim comes
at the expense of an open violation of other verses and in particular, the
obligations enshrined within the 10 commandments and from the views of
Jewish sages for over a thousand years. The state of Israel cannot pick and
choose which parts of the scripture apply to them. If Israel is not bound to
the obligations of the commandments, then how can they be entitled to the
verse about the covenant you cannot have one without the other.
When assessing Israels claim, we should ask whether we would stand for
any other nation on earth forcing people off of the land that has been in
their familys possession for generations on end on the claim of scripture
from thousands of years ago of which the original source no longer exists
today? Would we allow them to lay claim to a land based on their residing
and ruling of the land for a period of only 500 years in comparison to a
people who had owned it for over 1400 years? Would we stand for any
other nation inviting people from various parts of the earth to come and
build illegal settlements on land that we all accept belongs to another
people? Would we stand for them restricting freedom of movement,
arresting young children, closing their ports and airspace, bulldozing their
homes and olive trees,[15] and killing thousands of people? The answer
inevitably is that we most certainly would not. But many of the nations
around the world which follow an evangelical brand of Christianity such as
America turn a blind eye to all of this because Israel in their eyes is
promised to the Jewish people. It is a shame that they do not consider
Israels claim further which would prove the fallacy of such a contention and
would show that those who hold extremist positions within Judaism and the
Zionists have no regard for the message within their own scripture.
And finally, scrutinising the covenant itself a little further, it is clear that the
Zionists believe that the covenant applies to the offspring of Abraham
(alayhi al-Salm). However, it should not be forgotten that the larger
portion of Abrahams (alayhi al-Salm) offspring and lineage have adopted
Islm as their faith and became Muslims. These Palestinian Muslims have
for more than a thousand years protected the land, ploughed its soil and
watered its trees trees that the Israelis have of course made a habit of
uprooting and replacing with the blood of innocent people. So even if we
accept that entitlement to the land is based on the covenant in question,
then I would say that such a covenant is most likely applicable to the
Palestinians who are the offspring of Abraham and to say otherwise is a
misapplication of the covenant.

Source: www.islam21c.com
[1] http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/1.655098
[2] Torah: Genesis 17:7-8
[3] http://www.nkusa.org/
[4] http://www.jewsforjesus.org/publications/newsletter/august2000/whatdoyousaywhen
[5] http://www.twf.org/News/Y2002/0401-NetureiKarta.html
[6] Encyclopaedia of Terrorism, Harvey W. Kushner, Sage, 2003
[7] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/1524552/Israel-celebrates-Irgun-hotelbombers.html
[8] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/15/truth-israels-secretnuclear-arsenal
[9] Torah: Deuteronomy 17:16-17
[10] Torah: Micah 5
[11] http://www.war-memorial.net/wars_all.asp
[12] Torah: Leviticus 19:33-34
[13] Torah: Exodus 22:21
[14] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/jul/26/jewish-population-westbank-up
[15] http://electronicintifada.net/content/heritage-uprooted/7126
Posted by Thavam

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