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Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors.

Offensive language is not

Alert: Welcome to Beit Yacov Hebraic Congregation! This is a G rated room, We DO NOT TOLORATE
PROFANITY and arguments, This is your only warning. Enoy and have fun!
RipVan: we got a lot of snow last night - not sure what the
agenda will be today
servant_60: that's understandable rip
RipVan: yes, around a foot
servant_60: same here, we had alot of snow
RipVan: Pitrones also lost power
servant_60: oh wow!! that ain't good
servant_60: sure hope they have a wood burning stove
keepsdigging: whats a pitrone?
servant_60: Mark Pitrone
RipVan: Mark & his family
keepsdigging: oh lol
keepsdigging: <<<feels dumb now
RipVan: Eddie may still do something when he gets up - we'll see
servant_60: sounds good to me rip
keepsdigging: anyone else been getting emails about israel prepping for war?
servant_60: i haven't ---yet
RipVan: not surprising, what with Iran starting a "Space Program"
ok servant
no rip i wasnt surprised at all ... i was a bit surprised i wasnt
getting them sooner
RipVan: if ya'all want some music you can open "leshas shabbat
music and fellowship" room
servant_60: thanks rip, I ok for now
RipVan: you can have more than one PalTalk room open at once
servant_60: I'm ok for now
keepsdigging: servant u dont get beast watch emails?
keepsdigging: u really should
servant_60: I haven't subscribe to them
keepsdigging: lots of news there
keepsdigging: about israel also
servant_60: bb in a few
Broha356: Do you know when they start
jonah_68:what is happening...no sound and no postings
RipVan: usually at 10:45 EST, but we're all snowed in today
RipVan: not sure what the agenda will be
Broha356: how much snow
RipVan: a foot
servant_60:(((Joelly)))Shabbat Shalom sis
RipVan: ahh, there's Beit
Broha356: where isare you located
kol_tov: shalom Beit!!
RipVan: is that Eddie or Phil?
kol_tov: (shovelled your way to the Computer today??)
RipVan: NE Ohio, Broha356
jonah_68:got sound .... grat
servant_60: sound is grat
Broha356: really I am in Mich it must have missed us
joelly_1:Shabbat Shalom (((Servant))) sis
RipVan: I heard they may get 30 inches in DC
servant_60: how are you Joelly?
Beit Yacov: sound?
Beit Yacov: Sound?
Beit Yacov: Sound?
kol_tov: question...does anyone know if I can burn Real Recorder
files to a CD?? can't figure out the hoops to jump through
RipVan: grat
Beit Yacov: Sound?
servant_60: beit sound is grat
kol_tov: 111111
Broha356: I heard they were going to get alot
jonah_68: grat
kol_tov: good, maybe no legislating for a couple of days
aaronyah2_1: How long before the 5 minute update?
servant_60: will there be a 5 min update?
Beit Yacov: Banner
aaronyah2_1: By the Way, Shabbot Shalom to all.
RipVan: see the banner
kol_tov: cool...in more ways than one!!
RipVan: times are EST, aaronyah2_1
aaronyah2_1: Thanks Rip, I keep forgetting to look at the top of the
RipVan: Beit just now updated it
jonah_68: Shabbat Shalom to all my brothers and sisters \0/
Broha356: lost volume again
RipVan:love this song
jonah_68:sound is still grat
aaronyah2_1: It's shabbot morning and my brain doesn't like to
figure the difference in the time.LOL
aaronyah2_1: To many numbers during the week to worry about.
keepsdigging: 2?
2 here too
aaronyah2_1: Thought I had gone deaf for a second.
keepsdigging: 1
keepsdigging: ty kol
jonah_68: sound is back and grat
keepsdigging: with paltalk one never knows
keepsdigging: haha
The Nazarenes Way: Shabbat Shalom everyone
servant_60:Shabbat Shalom way
The Nazarenes Way: SS Servant
DelaYah: shabbat shalom everyone!
The Nazarenes Way: SS DelaYah
keepsdigging: shabbat shalom dela
never done learning: Shabbat Shalom - can I ask a question
The Nazarenes Way: please do
DelaYah: The only dumb question is the one that is not asked
Does anyone else have the problem of the room
never done learning:
running fine and sound is good but when Eddie comes on
everything cuts in and out and sound is delayed and things
just go hay wire???
DelaYah: Sing unto YHWH
The Nazarenes Way: Not usually never
DelaYah: never done, Not normally.. it may just be your connection.
The Nazarenes Way: Sounds like a lotta lag.
DelaYah: If it happens, try to shut down paltalk, then reopen it.
DelaYah: Sometimes that works when I have issues with audio
but why does everything run smooth like now
never done learning:
but changes and I've pretty much timed it, when Eddie comes
on it happens
The Nazarenes Way: Can't tell ya
hmmm, could be because when he comes on it lags more due to so
many people being connected.. In which case, it would be a possible
combination of a connection issue you and the paltalk servers are having.
I've opened and closed the room so many times
never done learning:
that hasn't helped, I've updated pal talk, and done everything I
know to do - Just wondering if anyone else is having the same
The Nazarenes Way: Once HHMI got the new router about a year ago, the
audio has been pretty good for the most part.
DelaYah: ONce in a while, the audio stops for me. but restarting fixes it.
lfree: Shabbat Shalom room.
DelaYah: shabbat shalom lfree
SS lfree
The Nazarenes Way:
I end up logging off and going to way to zion
never done learning:
later and listen later. I just miss being in the room
lfree: Hey Naz!
The Nazarenes Way: How ya doin' sis?
faithfulfatherof9: Sabbath howdy to all
DelaYah: never done, what kind of connection do you have ?
lfree: Good, joyful in our Savior of the whole world, of ALL men. and you?
DelaYah: shabbat howdy faithful
The Nazarenes Way: faithful, I like that!
never done learning: satallite
faithfulfatherof9: ty
My socks have been blessed off knowing the Yeshua is
The Nazarenes Way:
the Savior of ALL MANKIND!!!
lfree: Me too.
yahya_67: me three
lfree: Shalom Yahya.
The Nazarenes Way: do we have a fourth?
lfree: lol.

DelaYah: Me 4th! \
servant_60: me fourth
yahya_67: shalom Ifree
servant_60: lol dela
The Nazarenes Way: Ah ha!
servant_60: me five
RipVan: satellite connections are subject to weather

DelaYah: LOL Shabbat shalom servant

The Nazarenes Way: I see a trend!
lfree: who ra.
The Nazarenes Way: What a great day to be alive in Messiah Yeshua!
lfree: Everyday is a
great day, this is the day that Yeshua made. All days.
DelaYah: Next week Bill Cloud is going to be here at a fellowship I haven't
visited yet. House of Israel here in Las Vegas..
I heard Monte's message, very interesting
I understand the weather issue but it happens
never done learning:
when it is sunny and beautiful out. That is why I was
wondering - I'm really puzzled at this
lfree: Wow, you have a church called the House of Israel? How cool is that.
lfree: What sort of church is it?
Let me throw this out there, it blessed my mightily. It's
The Nazarenes Way:
an article that describes THE LAKE OF FIRE. It's not what you think it
The Nazarenes Way: http://www.tentmaker.org/articles/savior-of-the-world/TheLakeOfFire-
RipVan: probab'y affected by solar flares and passing airplanes
DelaYah: lfree, it's a messianic congregation
the weather really is an issue, but what happens if the
satelite go array? and we are without each other, then we will
have to depend on our Creator for answers
lfree: OH! I want to visit there.
never done learning: I never thought of that Rip...
servant_60: satelites
lfree:We have nothing like that there. Read the Lake of Fire article. It's so
tekiah: I'm thinking about getting a hand held transeiver
DelaYah:I have heard of them, but not visited yet. I live all the way across
the valley from them, about 25 miles. I hate driving on shabbat.. let alone a
long way.. I drive around for a living fixing a/c's -- so I really hate driving on

sabbath.. lol
It really helps to define the 'charactor' of YHWH.
The Nazarenes Way:
Lrhema2000-2: servant what did Monte speak about??
tekiah: it will get MURS alerts and can talk to others who have one
lfree: Can you post the article address again Naz?
RipVan:me too, Dela - I repair Dell computers weekdays
The Nazarenes Way: Sure
The Nazarenes Way: http://www.tentmaker.org/articles/savior-of-the-world/TheLakeOfFire-
RipVan: hate all the driving
Yovel: Shabbat Shalom all
DelaYah: cool Rip.. so you know what it feels like getting behind the wheel on

sabbath... ugh
lfree: Shabbat Shalom Yovel.
RipVan: yep
DelaYah: shabbat shalom tekiah, lrHema, Rip, Yovel
tekiah: the internet will b cut off when revolution starts
RipVan: I pit 2500 miles on the car in one month
Lrhema2000-2: Shabbat Shalom Dela
tekiah: Shabbot Shalom!!!
lfree: Who sings this? I love it.
DelaYah: that sounds about right for me too
keepsdigging: have yall heard about the un calling for ppl to get a license for
the net?
towards the end, he spoke about Iran and ships being
in the gulf, he also spoke about the media not reporting things
like that
tekiah: 1 keeps
Lrhema2000-2: yes keeps\
DelaYah: Yes keeps, heard something about that.
keepsdigging: policing everything, everywhere
DelaYah: Was bill gates involved in that also?
The Nazarenes Way: Through THE LAKE OF FIRE Yeshua restores His people
to 'obedient behavior' i.e. Torah Observance. In the end ALL MANKIND
Lrhema2000-2: a ''drivers license?
servant_60: no keeps i haven't
keepsdigging: yeah lr something like that
DelaYah: Yeah, a license to surf the net.
keepsdigging: servant u really should get beast watch
lfree: Our El is a REFINING FIRE.
The Nazarenes Way: Amein lfree!
Lrhema2000-2: yes servant...go beast watch
tekiah: naz, those who choose the mark are not
keepsdigging: also anyone else who doesnt have it
RipVan: they're running out of things to tax
zapha333: Shabbat shalom, beloved Mishpacha!
keepsdigging: lots of
news everyday
lfree: He will refine
and purify everyone until they bow their knee to him and
confess him as the Almighty El.
Lrhema2000-2: waiting for them to tax our words
The Nazarenes Way: Actually they will not inherit the kingdom at this time.
The Nazarenes Way: Their day will come later.
Broha356: what news
servant_60: i am suprise they havn't taxed the very air we breath
DelaYah: They tried to tax our breath.. with cap and trade..
servant_60: i don't doubt that dela
Lrhema2000-2: hah// right Dela\
keepsdigging: its getting ugly out there for sure
keepsdigging: so many refuse to see it
Everyone aware of BHO going to Israel this May to confirm the
covenant with many?
keepsdigging: my husband included
servant_60: yes z333
keepsdigging: no zaph
Lrhema2000-2: what Zap?
tekiah: zapha really
keepsdigging: hadnt heard that
The Lake of Fire article link that I posted is a
The Nazarenes Way:
fascinating read that will challenge your thinking. I highly recommend
DelaYah: Yes.. Carbon emmissions.. It was part of the cap and trade thing..
Broha356: what is BHO
DelaYah: It's not totally dead yet either.
zapha333:According to Danielstimeline, this is right on time....
RipVan: Shalom, graber
lindapalmtree:yes Zaph, Monte mentioned it last night. It was not supposed
to leak out
lfree: I recommend the article on Lake of Fire too. Read it read it read it.
EretzIsrael: Shalomie Rip...
DelaYah: They were making a big deal about cows farting.. As if that really

EretzIsrael: need any snow?
servant_60: yes, monte mentioned it last night also
keepsdigging: lol dela
Ephraims-arrow: can u post the link again
zapha333: this is the year of the great awakening...aka the first of the
final 7....
keepsdigging: thats just tooooooo funny
RipVan: got a foot here
keepsdigging: if they have their way we will all be dead so the earth can
servant_60: cows have been doing that on a thousand hills
DelaYah: lol, seriously.
keepsdigging: haha
keepsdigging: ignorant ppl
zapha333: how does it feel to be at the beginning of the final 7?????????
RipVan: ((Jossy))
keepsdigging: awesome zaph
EretzIsrael: SS jocelin
DelaYah: Yes.. The wicked shall be no more.. (soon)
JocelinOhio: (((Ripvan)))
lfree: Amazing zapha, surreal. What is the source of this info?
zapha333: I'll be real happy to see Sukkot, 2016!
lindapalmtree: Dancing
servant_60: I'll be just happy if I am allowed to live that long
JocelinOhio: SS Eretz
keepsdigging: <<<will be happy to see Yeshua
me too Servant
it's really anywhere you want to look, lfree, Arutz7,
worldnetdaily, drudge, steve quayle, etc...
tekiah: very happy zapha!
keepsdigging: actually happy is a great understatement
lfree: wow!
RipVan: ya'all hear Pitrone's lost power?
lfree: I hadn't heard this yet! I'm blown away.
keepsdigging: not me rip
RipVan:snowed in AND without electricity
zapha333: me too, lfree...it is dumbfounding....
last i heard obama had said he wasnt able to do anything about
peace in mideast
JocelinOhio: oh no!
DelaYah:The fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom. Perfect love casts
out fear. HalleluYAH!
daughterofjudah: in Hebrew gematria the yr 5770(2010) spells out" House of
zapha333: pray for Mark to get power from on HIGH!!
JocelinOhio: we've got 14"+
JocelinOhio: of snow here
JocelinOhio: how about you both, Rip and Eretz?
DelaYah: wow!
RipVan:about a foot here
zapha333: bless you Joce!
tekiah:zapha will u email me that link when u come across it again, plz? at
ur leisure?
The Nazarenes Way:snowing here in Nebraska too
EretzIsrael:havent been outside yet to measure
RipVan: mom says 13" there
JocelinOhio: actually that should have been 16"+
lfree: Beautiful here in Oregon, sunny and warm. Don't know why.
cant get out of our drive
zapha333: the first of the final will be remembered for the weird weather
that's hitting now...
zapha333: 7
I've listen to steve quayle also but a lot of what
never done learning:
he says has not happened???? any comments -
DelaYah: ugh.. I pray you guys are all well.
JocelinOhio: no fun, eretz...that's half the fun knowing how much
you got!
The Nazarenes Way: Send it my way lfree!!! Please...
JocelinOhio: we've got plenty to make snow cream
EretzIsrael: maybe later on this afternoon
SHEMAGirl: `°•. `°•. `°•. `°•. SHEMÁ ISRAEL `°•. `°•. `°•.
JocelinOhio: anyone want to come here for some, come on over
EretzIsrael: yes...for all paltalk
EretzIsrael: and then some
lfree: huffing and puffin' right now Naz! Turning purple too.
RipVan:I hear DC may get 30"
The Nazarenes Way: lol...
zapha333: steve doesn't keep torah, so he's missing alot, but he's got the
backside info.....lol
never done, alot of it is happening, just not in news, but also
remember he still believes traditions
Zapha2: never done, unfortunately, steve quayle is not Torah
RipVan: it's that evil Global Warming at work
DelaYah: This guy is a great singer.. What is his name?
lfree: So family, what do we do once BHO does this?
zapha333: we stay ready to go!
servant_60: I read that HAARP is able to control the weather.
lindapalmtree: watch and see what Yah does
JocelinOhio: eretz, is this David?
EretzIsrael: this song? its joseph green
never done learning: Zapha very true so I think we have to take that
at face value... I know he has sources but I think people need
to be careful because you could easily begin to fall asleep - like
crying wolf syndrome
Lrhema2000-2: read about Haarp wow!!
zapha333: This may also be the year of the appearing of the two
tekiah: get ur go bag ready and sleep in ur shoes this Pesach
DelaYah: ok, thanks Eretz and Joc
zapha333: true never done
JocelinOhio: oh, well I thought it sounded like David and Katie
JocelinOhio: I learned something
JocelinOhio: afk brb
zapha333: dont' go to sleep, tekiah, keep watch all night....its an all
SHEMAGirl: Moses' love for ISR@EL takes my breath away ....the

land is Jewish
tekiah: k zaph
others have said the same thing too....
zapha333: this conversation in Parsha Yitro is for you and I! don't go
near the Mount until we a called!!!!!!!!!
zapha333: re
lindapalmtree: amein Zapha
zapha333: the next 7 Pesachs must be kept with all due diligence!
The Nazarenes Way: Although I don't think we'll be leaving this Passover, I
definitely do think we should abandon the 'traditional' Passover Seder
and begin to keep the Passover in expectation and preparedness.
CrystalInNc: amein
Lrhema2000-2: Brad Scott and Bill Cloud to do a tour to Israel May 5
thro 18 ...hope we get to go on that!!!
zapha333: afk to chekc on dog
SHEMAGirl: ,,,ö.ö,,, FLYING MY BLUE and WHITE FL@GS on
keepsdigging: brad scott is going to be here in the city i live in tuesday
keepsdigging: im excited
beowulf44: Shabbat shalom israelites
Broha356: where are we leaving to
servant_60: Shabbat Shalom beo
DelaYah: Keeps, are you in Missouri?
keepsdigging: no tx
DelaYah: shabbat shalom beo
DelaYah: oh ok.. I am going to see him next sabbath here in vegas.
The Nazarenes Way: One day sometime soon we'll be leaving for Israel
keepsdigging: ive seen rico , bill but not brad yet
keepsdigging: and hes probably my favorite human teacher
Yovel: Shabbat Shlom Beo
DelaYah: I have not met Bill yet.

Tshuvah: Shabbat shalom, Tekiah, Eddie, all

and Eddie and Monte are doing an Isreal tour in
SHEMAGirl: <<<blesses the name of the land........ISRAEL4EVER
beowulf44: good to see yawl. any caught in that big snowstorm?
keepsdigging: <<would do an israel tour any month
Lrhema2000-2: when in Nove?
lfree: Wow, to be a part of this generation. What an honor and blessing.
tekiah: Shabbot shalom Tshuvah!!
Lrhema2000-2: may have the may one cancelled if enough do not
sign up
CrystalInNc:amein lfree
servant_60: Shabbat Shalom tekiah

JocelinOhio: nov 7-17 I think
DelaYah: True lfree. Thank You Father!
Lrhema2000-2: good to know if we miss the May one
tekiah: Shabbot Shalom Servant!!!
Beit Yacov: Monte and I will be going to Israel in November
JocelinOhio: check www.lionlamb.net
Beit Yacov: Hope others can come
richardbetty: yes
JocelinOhio: for details on that trip
Lrhema2000-2: ty!!!
keepsdigging: ive never been but always hope to go
DeliYah, my son is in Vegas, which congregation will
Brad be at?
DelaYah: that would be awesome to go
DelaYah: House of Israel
Lrhema2000-2: this will be our first time...if we get togo
keepsdigging: yeah dela
Lrhema2000-2: will check it out Joce
DelaYah: on Pecos. Have him call me and I can chat with him, maybe we can
fellowship. We have a small gathering here on the west side of town.
Joyful41: HalleluYah
Joyful41: This is a new room
beowulf44: monte gave a startling message last night...war approaching fast
in the middle east, maybe within the next 2 or 3 months
Joyful41: 1
lfree: 1
servant_60: grat
EretzIsrael: grat
zapha333: Anyone up for a romp across the oceans this pesach?
JocelinOhio: 1
torah learner: 1
dumb-rod: 1
Zapha2: 1
Masters144000: 1
Tshuvah: 1
lindapalmtree: 1
zapha333: 1
DelaYah: shabbat shalom Eddie Grat
tekiah: grat
watchman_42: 1
JocelinOhio: grat
maryann_7: 1
zapha333: grat
graceguy: A-OK
Lrhema2000-2: grat
beowulf44: grat
sherryr:fantastic, I'll let him know, that's the one on Sandhill?
RipVan: 1 grat
Zapha2: I was recording the music

Joyful41: Shabbat shalom ALL

DelaYah: Yes.. Thanks sherryr
Joyful41: Jeff?
gabby152: sound is great....shabbat shalom!!!
dumb-rod: YAY
JocelinOhio: yeah!
DelaYah: My # is 300 4625
Lrhema2000-2: yes yes yes
servant_60: that is right beo
graceguy: 5 mintes Eddie time?
servant_60: it was interesting
dumb-rod: dead midrash?
servant_60: lol
tekiah: gbu

Joyful41: Eddy!!
DelaYah: Gesundheit
Zapha2: bless you!
beowulf44: bless you
lfree: bless you.
Lrhema2000-2: Yah bless you!!!
Joyful41: Bless you Eddy.
dumb-rod: glad he covered his mouth. hate to get a virus
The Nazarenes Way: AWOL midrash
tekiah: lol

servant_60:dr your funny
The Nazarenes Way: Very possible!
DelaYah: Help us to be faithful Father
graceguy: hmm a tribulation tour of Israel... thats a bonus

Tshuvah: Maybe before NOvember

Tshuvah: YAH knows

Cookie6: is the trip during the feast?
tekiah: This is what I've looked for all my life!! These times!!!
mrscondee: Hahaha! Yer funneee, graceguy!

Tshuvah: yes graceguy - you only need a one way ticked

Joyful41: Shalom.....from Sante Fe NM
JocelinOhio: PO Box 81, Strausburg, OH 44680
Tshuvah: *ticket
Simcha25: do you have the info on a website?
CrystalInNc: Shalom Joy
dumb-rod: body scan free?
Joyful41: Thank you, Crystal...wow
Zapha2: if there is a dollar at that time
servant_60: lol
Cookie6: Why November? and what is the purpose of the tour?
cmfs58: Monte will be in Kerrville, TX on 8 Feb. Monday, 7 PM.
kol_tov: ahhh the Tripulation Tour!!!!
servant_60: free body scan????
dumb-rod: coming to an airport near u!
Cookie6: Thanks!
graceguy: if the tribulation begins, just sell your house to pay for the trip
Tshuvah: Shabbat shalom JOCELIN _ WarReport here _ this is my main nic _ i
haven"t added it to facebook yet though
Lrhema2000-2: leaving from where?\
keepsdigging: wonders why they dont just add the full body mri along with the
scans at the airport and save us some cash
keepsdigging: lol
Cookie6: if you can sell your house
DelaYah: HalleluYAH
JocelinOhio: Shabbat shalom, Tshuvah!
Joyful41: HOw long has this room been open?

SHEMAGirl:.......Who said ISRAEL?

zapha333: will there be glass bottom boats and carriage rides?
graceguy: cookie -lol
,,,ö.ö,,, FLYING MY BLUE and WHITE FL@GS on
dumb-rod: they could just combine doctors & airports
tekiah: long time joyful
Tshuvah: remember to join eddie"s site on facebook guys< so we can network
Joyful41: This is a new room Yes?
keepsdigging: lol dr yes
Yovel: Tour after the Ezekiel War.
tekiah: nope
Beit Yacov:Been here for 5 years
Joyful41:Oh dear, a long time? Where have I been..sheesh
zapha333: thru the valley of har-megiddio?
Cookie6: 3 hr tour?
RipVan: years, joyfull
keepsdigging: have a dr there to pass out shots and one to write scripts
lfree: cool, Eddie is on facebook!
mrscondee: What do you mean, joyful41?
keepsdigging: haha
Tshuvah: nope what tekiah lol
graceguy: Yovel - we could go during the Ezekiel war and join the IDF
Joyful41: Well, i've only been on paltalk for 5 months
zapha333: Please remember to pack your burying gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joyful41: I have never seen this room...
tekiah: nope not a new room
RipVan: welcome
keepsdigging: why mess with drs at all, hire roblts
Tshuvah: tekiah _ have you joined eddie"s site on facebook yet?
mrscondee: Ohhhhh, well, nope...it's not a new room, joyful.
Cookie6: take your bug out packs
Joyful41: I just added it to my favorites
DelaYah: welcome joyful41
keepsdigging: robots*
servant_60: burying gear z333???
tekiah: not yet
mrscondee: We're glad to have you join us, joyful!
Joyful41: Thank you, Ripvan and DelaYah
Tshuvah: K
tekiah: whats it under
servant_60:do i need to bring a shovel?
zapha333: remember Ezekiel 38 & 39??????????????????

Joyful41: Blessings, mrscondee

keepsdigging: lol servant only if u live on earth
servant_60: and body bags?
DelaYah: lol servant.
Beit Yacov: Servant ... How much snow in IL?
CAN'T REMEMber what it is called right now - way to zion i think? -
someone will say...
Zapha2: hope gog magog is over by November
beowulf44: dig A BATHROOM?
mrscondee: Where are you, joyful? we're from all over
servant_60: about 5"
Tshuvah: all time record snow in DC - city shut down
zapha333: they may be hiring those who willl cleanse the land!
Lrhema2000-2:where do you usually go to Joyful?\
Cookie6: Eddie, are you working with any outher groups/teachers
on presenting the tour? going to traditional sites?
keepsdigging: beo what does a bathroom have to do wit?h med treatment
lfree: Didn't find Eddie on FB using his name. What is he using there to ID
beowulf44: lol
servant_60: that is on top of ice beit
mrscondee: good ? lrhema!
keepsdigging: haha
LOOKING forward to Celebrate ALL FEASTS with our LORD
Y’SHUA in NEW Jerusalem
SHEMAGirl: Fear Not….Al Tira Israel ........ This war’gal
salutz u _ö/
mrscondee: lfree, it's hhmi beit yacov
graceguy: beo- shabbat shalom nyuk nyuk
DelaYah: True Truwah. Can't wait..
Joyful41: Shalom beowulf!!! =)
Tshuvah: hold on let me look ifree - i think it is beit yacov
lfree: thanks.
Tshuvah: 1 there you go
Hebrew roots tour don't visit the tradition (evangelical)
Beit Yacov:
Christian sites
beowulf44: hey g, gtsy, Shabbat shalom. nyuk nyuk
beowulf44: gg
RipVan: IM Jocelin about the FaceBook address
truwah: amein DelaYah
Cookie6: is there a list of potential sites?
Ethos_Dacapo: Shabbat Shalom ya'll
isculptu: hello mrscondee
foleycrew: Shabbat shalom all
mrscondee: okay, i will ripvan
LOL, cookies
zapha333: 3
DelaYah: grat
Joyful41: Shalom Eddy
mrscondee: hieeee, isculptu!
mrscondee: i love youuuu!
zapha333: Fire it up Eddie! this should be a real barn burner!
graceguy: oh boy what a week
Masters144000: shalom from Arle/Beau
JocelinOhio: cookies, it will be a joint tour lead by Eddie and Monte
EretzIsrael: current events form future trends...
truwah: Shalom Shalom Eddie Blessing
Cookie6: thank you for the 5 Min!!!
Joyful41: Its been a blessed, week for me
isculptu: love u 2

jeremiah3133: shabbat shalom everyone

just remember the GOV sees everything you type on f.b. - other
than that - it is a great way to network
Cookie6: thanks joys
servant_60: i wish i could go on tour with them
Joyful41: Shabbat shalom...JEREMIAH!!!
Embrace_The_ Torah: shabbat shalom jeremiah
JocelinOhio: Shabbat shalom Beau and Momma Arle

Tshuvah: of course, i'm sure they see everthing here too

love4torah: Shabbat Shalom everyone!
JocelinOhio: we're at 16"+ of snow
keepsdigging: oops tsh i guess i just gave them their next plan
keepsdigging: haha
sword of elohim: GOV sees everything you type on here also
Tshuvah: we have about 55 or so here in colorado
graceguy: judgement of the goyim
JocelinOhio: on the FB group, go to Facebook and search Beit
beowulf44: the govt ses all, hears all. big borther is watching

Tshuvah: 1 keeps
beowulf44: brother
Tshuvah: lol
Joyful41: Goodness..Jocelin...we got 10 inches of snow this last
zapha333: guvment
keepsdigging: lol
zapha333: or gubment
cactus8 8 08: Shabbat Shalom All
lfree: Can't find Eddie on FB yet...
Tshuvah: over 30" and falling in DC - all time record
Tshuvah: look for beit yacov ifree
sword of elohim: do not worry about the gov or anyone else, they can do no
more than allowed by HaShem
lfree: I did.
Tshuvah: "beit yacov" group
JocelinOhio: where are you Joyful?
lfree: I'll look for groups then.
Joyful41: Sante Fe NM..
graceguy:Israel to destroy Damascus and the world will blame Israel and all
christians and Jews for the fall-out
beowulf44: broke the last record set about 60 or 70 years ago?
zapha333: Join Eddie and Monte's Gog Magog Clean up Tour!
thewanderingjew2010: APP. VA. SOOOO MUCH SNOW/ EDDIE I WILL GO
JocelinOhio: yes, its a group lfree
Joyful41: Iv'e moved from California

Tshuvah: ...that's
why they're vgiven a sword, sword
keepsdigging: one
good thing about it, the sick ppl will stop flying when they
are given body scans with med checkups lest they get tossed aside for
imminent death
Zapha2: shalom Margie!
MalachiYosef: Shabbat shalom - from One in Messiah Congregation - 'Iran will
deliver telling blow to global powers on Feb. 11', they say...
Tshuvah: 1 ifree
Yovel: lol Zapha
sword of elohim: lol
Tshuvah: beit Yacov - group - on f.b.
graceguy: Iran is full of hot air
Joyful41: Do you all go to the same congregation?
Tshuvah: we are from all over the world joyful41
Lrhema2000-2: what would Iran mean about Feb 11
zapha333: we are one assembly, Joyful!
keepsdigging: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
JocelinOhio: many of the admins go in-person
Tshuvah: several from Eddie's group-Congregation are in there though
Joyful41: Yes, I figured that, but I thought maybe a good part of
this group was from the same assembly
JocelinOhio: but the rest are scattered all over the world
truwah: Shalom Shalom Angelo Blessings

Joyful41: Yeah, zapha we are the Remnant

Tshuvah: most not, many yes

SHEMAGirl: truwalk.......Good Shabbos

keepsdigging: will this update be replayed later today?

Joyful41: Ok, Tshuvah ty

mrscondee: Not at all, joyful...i've never been there...but we're all related in
DelaYah:I fellowship here in Las Vegas. THe folks here are scattered all over
the world. THe group HHMI is in Ohio.
graceguy: Lrhema - we will find out what Iran means this week
if not, it will be on www.waytozion.org
Lrhema2000-2: pls no ideas?
SHEMAGirl: The famous palistin -state…..is CUSSED BEFORE


keepsdigging: lr i missed your question
Dela, I moved from Las Vegas 3 yrs ago....I could only
handle 6 months of Vegas...lol
Lrhema2000-2: what could Iran mean by their threats?
mrscondee: 10 inches of snow in NM, joyful??? WHOA! That's what we're
expecting possibly here in MO on Monday...and that's a LOT for US!
graceguy: Lrhema - maybe Iran will put a mullah on the moon
sword of elohim: it is coming family, we are close
RipVan: lol
beowulf44:if i was in vegas, i`d think strongly about gettin outta sin city.
right after i hit the jackpot
Lrhema2000-2: Feb 11 and also with their sending a sat up recently
Joyful41:Mrscondee..the sun has melted alot of this snow..
zapha333: Hine ma tov
RipVan: nah, just cans of worms
Tshuvah: news is saying now, war between iran, syria, hamas, hezbulla and
israel and usa could break out any second now!
tekiah: its possible they r talking about cyber attack or bio

Joyful41: It gets warm quickly here in the high desert

DelaYah: I constantly move away and come back.. My Mom lives here so I

need to check up on her every so often. Plus, there are folks here who
are repenting. HalleluYAH
Do most of you only chat on Saturday?
thought maybe the mouse, two turtles and worms
meant something
tekiah: we meet for Shabbot

Joyful41: Aww...understand, Dela

keepsdigging: im on and off throughout the week joy
Tshuvah: yes, this is mostly only Sat. - sometimes openSunday i think on
mrscondee: That's good, joyful. We expect several days below freezing after

that so I'm grateful for 4wheel drive!

sherryr: yes DelaYah, there are good congregations in Vegas
DelaYah: sherry, I will message you.
SHEMAGirl: PA.........With a 2state solution there will be isolated
Palestinian enclaves …do u want that?*… u-will never be linked
with the world……1 ENCLAVE is like a cuss
Joyful41: I never thought I'd love the snow coming from California,
but I love it.
graceguy: Joyful - youre welcome!
Joyful41: keepsdigging...I'm here to during the week..
tekiah: T'shuvah r u drinking corn silk still?? don't forget to
mrscondee: Meeee, tooooo, joyful!
Yovel:The Pali's will never sign because Israel can not give them
sherryr: let me add you DelaYah
DelaYah: Sherry, Can you add me to your pal list?

DelaYah: ok thanks
Joyful41: I'm just looking for Torah believers to chat with during
the week from time to tom
Tshuvah: Joslyn - how many memebers are on F.B. now?
keepsdigging: u can add me if u like joy
JocelinOhio: 50+
Joyful41: I can?
sherryr: added
Joyful41: Ok
Tshuvah: great

graceguy: the "piece" process - divide the land into pieces
keepsdigging: sure
Tshuvah: hey - Shabbat shalom Ketz!
mrscondee: 68, Tshuvah
Ketzelah: Todah - you too!
Tshuvah: great mrscondee
Joyful41: Let me find your nick in the line up..lol
B FORTORAH: I just sent a facebook request as well
zapha333: We are entering the 63rd year of the final 70 years of Daniel 9!
Broha356: they should give nothing

SHEMAGirl: GRACE G-d forbids

kol_tov:mouse--that roared...2 turtles...slow, but thinking they
are safe...(usa and Israel?)...can of worms...well...analysis, Iran
looks small but about to roar, watch out, you who think you
are covered...a can of worms has been launched
JocelinOhio: b are you brian?
beowulf44: i added both of ya, joy and keeps
B FORTORAH: yes maam
keepsdigging: k beo
JocelinOhio: your approved
Joyful41: thank you, beowulf :0
B FORTORAH: thanks
JocelinOhio: yw
mrscondee: Hi, Jocelin! Hugs to you, sweetie!
B FORTORAH: I'm sending one for my wife as well
JocelinOhio: ty, mrs...hugs to you as well
JocelinOhio: k
Yovel: I the War starts before Shavuot we will know we are in
the last 7 years for sure
Embrace_The_ Torah: i missed eddie's first comments, what about
tekiah: on fb what do i look for waytozion??
graceguy: What do the Italians know?
Lrhema2000-2: that is good kol...
Tshuvah: no - beit yacov - group Tekiah
tekiah: k ty
Joyful41: This Italian knows very litte...graceguy..lol
Tshuvah: yw
graceguy: Joy - they know how to make a mena pizza!
Yovel, this will be the beginning of the 63rd years since 1947,
the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and establish Isreal as a nation...
B FORTORAH: my wife Tiffany just requested membership
lol and pasta dishes..
SHEMAGirl: PA...............Define what the terms of yur 2state
solution actually means…. More division and bloodshed to
swallow ISRAELº
Broha356: and the catholic church will be guardian
Yovel: Yes, that is right
Tshuvah:i think i'll go though my friend list, and send invites to Beit-Yacov
on F.B. for those who'd benifit - like minded - not that i think about it
zapha333: no one has ever been here b4.....
graceguy: joyful - they make a spicy mneeetball!
Tshuvah: *now that i think....
tekiah: send me on bill
beowulf44: yeah the italians know how to makes some spicy meatballas
Tshuvah: k
tekiah: one invite
beowulf44: meakea some spicy meat balla
Joyful41: well, now your just making me hungry, Graceguy..lol
Yovel: acually 1948 1947 was a proclumation year
graceguy: beo nyuk nyuk
JocelinOhio: sounds good tshuvah
zapha333: BHO will issue a letter of guaranty, aka confirmation of this
peach treaty/covenant within two months...
JocelinOhio: b, got her
JocelinOhio: yw
zapha333: true yovel
graceguy: beo - Iran aint nothing to nyuk about
sent you both a friend request
zapha333: this is profound....
Masters144000: who?
beowulf44: nope, the middle east is gettin dead serious
servant_60:I wonder why the media isn't reporting these things?
graceguy, whats...nyuk
zapha333: you got it right beo, dead.....
B FORTORAH: ty checking now
keepsdigging: servant they do what they're told
keepsdigging: i think
graceguy: Iran = the King of the Medes desires to destory Babylon (Jer 51)
beowulf44: curly of the 3 stooges, nyuk, nyuk
kol_tov:media of world IS...just not so much in USA Media
servant_60: you could be right keeps
zapha333: Join Eddie & Monte's Gog & Magog Cleanup Tour!
sfcjoe: JocelinOhio is Eddie on Ustream?
sword of elohim: BHO is not the one everyone is looking for
Embrace_The_ Torah:Israel must take control of the Gaza before
striking anyone else
JocelinOhio: not yet...
keepsdigging: glc reports it
Yovel: The US is even sending more troops and ships near Iran
graceguy: Iran wont hit the USA directly. They will use terrorists so we wont
know how to retailate
Tshuvah: hey Josyln - i don't see a recommend to friends button on Beit-
JocelinOhio:why sfc?
zapha333: I don't want to discourage anyone from going on this tour, it
will be one for a lifetime!
Embrace_The_ Torah: zapha, i must of missed something early, what
tekiah: i cant find fb beit yacov
JocelinOhio: hmmm...let me check...
Joyful41: lol, your finally added, keeps
Tshuvah: the Tribulation tour Embrace
Tshuvah: k
zapha333: look at lionlamb.net embrace
keepsdigging: k joy
keepsdigging: i added u also
servant_60:there is tension with the US and China
Embrace_The_ Torah:
kol_tov: November Tour...Eddie and Monte
Yovel: My wife and and I plan on going on the Cleanup Tour
sfcjoe: JocelinOhio is Eddie on Ustream?
keepsdigging: and u too beo
zapha333: they are haveing a tour in NOvember
sword of elohim: yes monte will be here tuesday
mrscondee: lfree, i sent you a link to eddie's FB site
Embrace_The_ Torah: ty Tshuvah
beowulf44: ty keeps
JocelinOhio: tekiah pm me
Tshuvah: yw - that's just what some are calling it
zapha333: lol Yovel, it will be most memorable!
keepsdigging: welcome
Yovel: yep
keepsdigging: with bho in office the only thing united states is prepared to do
is bow
Yovel: She is not afraid of work
Joyful41: Welcome to all that just joined the room
Tshuvah: i think you might have the recommend button untoggled or
something - there is a global share - but not recommend friends button
keepsdigging: he bows to every other nation
graceguy: The USA armed forces will retaliate with all of our openly
homosexual soldiers!
Tshuvah: like i see on other pages
tekiah: i cant see you here joice
zapha333: amein, Yovel
zapha333: sad but true graceguy
mrscondee: joyful, are you going to join Beit Yacov on FB?
graceguy: zapha - tragic. YHVH will not bless our armed forces
keepsdigging: yeah grace ...
Yovel: But I won't let her shovel snow to slick
zapha333: afk brb
cactus8 8 08: Anyone here close to St. George Utah?
Lrhema2000-2: maybe they are using the homosexuals to get rid of
mkleberte: Nashville, TN
Tshuvah: yes grace guy,
but let's still keep them in prayer for protect - i have
a son in law and nephew that are deployed
kol_tov: s idaho
Lrhema - nice try. the homosexuals will be given preferential
treatment eventually. They'll have a hissy fit if they arent

Tshuvah: graceguy - we can put them on the front line

graceguy: Tshuvah - YHVH protects His children. dont worry
keepsdigging: grace we all try to do what we are best at
but they use those less desirable sometimes as in
times past
keepsdigging: haha
Tshuvah: 1 graceguy
keepsdigging: hissy fits are their talent
graceguy: keeps - lol
keepsdigging: hissy fits and blame shifting
mkleberte: RE: Tshuvah - YHVH protects His children. dont worry
graceguy: they are good at sissy fits too
keepsdigging: haha

Tshuvah: they can tofu them to death - lol - sorry

Back at Sukkot in 2006 Michael Rood was wearing a 'T'
The Nazarenes Way:
shirt that proclaimed this message, "Damascus, A Ruinous Heep 2010"
keepsdigging: lol tsh
janice64: shabbat shalom l'kol
keepsdigging: too funny
mrscondee: shame on ya'll!
mrscondee: tsk tsk
keepsdigging: sorry mrs
Tshuvah: ok kish lol
Tshuvah: *or kish...
beowulf44: hezbollah has rearmed. restocked their missile supplies
Lrhema2000-2: interesting about Michaels tee
graceguy: Dont buy real estate in Damascus
mrscondee: awww, it's okay, kd! Hugs!
keepsdigging: im with u beit
Yovel: This war wil go nuclear
Tshuvah: yes, it looks like the MIddle East will blow up at any time! - All the
news sources are reporting it on both sides now
keepsdigging: exactly
The Nazarenes Way: lol... bad investment graceguy!
love4torah: LOL graceguy
servant_60: the USA media cannot keep this quiet for very long
Tshuvah: 1 Biblically, i think you are right Yovel - only YHVH knows for sure
I pray, I'm in the right place when it gets worse in the
day s to come
beowulf44: peace or war?
graceguy: Yovel - it will have to go nuclear. Israel doesnt have the response
time or depth to defend in a protracted conflict
keepsdigging: servant as long as american idol tops the charts they can
hezbollah has at least 5 groups of terrorist
Embrace_The_ Torah:
teams ready to enter into Israel to take over the golan heights
and parts of Tiberias
Lrhema2000-2: pray for the whole house of Israel to be saved
Yovel: true graceguy
servant_60: are you serious keeps???

mrscondee: don't we all, joyful! don't we allll!

keepsdigging: lol servant
servant_60:your funny keeps
Yochanan ben Singer: Does anyone know how Michael Rood gets 2010
for the destruction of Damascus?
Tshuvah: it will - Syria has thousands of chemical and bio missiles aimed at
Israel - they even boast about it
keepsdigging: thanks servant
yeah, mrscondee..but I wanted to go underground...like
keepsdigging: love to make ya smile
Lrhema2000-2: found a wmd in Iraq recently too
keepsdigging: we all need to smile these days

servant_60: keeps
graceguy: Syria is very stubborn. Doesnt Assad mean ass in arabic?
Monte mentioned last night that BHO is planning to go to
Israel in May, could he be going with Bill Cloud and Brad Scotts
tour? Hmmmm
Tshuvah: then... damascus destroyed, then ... it get's even worse
The Nazarenes Way: Don't know Yochanan, but I did see him wearing the
Yovel: Rood probably got it from Daniel's Timeline
servant_60: what??? guy?
Embrace_The_ Torah: yes keeps
Ruchamah: olol zapjha
Ruchamah: lolol
mrscondee: that might help, joyful...you got one o those?

keepsdigging: embrace
JocelinOhio: ok...I e-mailed myself an invite to the Beit Yacov group
on FB
Broha356: who's Daniels timeline
Lrhema2000-2: I hope you are kidding aobut Brad , Bill and BHO
JocelinOhio: and got it to generate a link
JocelinOhio: try this
JocelinOhio: http://www.facebook.com/p.php?
graceguy: I live in a cave
keepsdigging: grace can i come?
Simcha25: who is BHO?
Zapha2: they are all planning on going at about the same time
mrscondee: BHO?????
Embrace_The_ Torah: broha356, you can see the whole teaching with charts if
you go to way to zion net
beowulf44: kennedy seat, held since adam and eve
The Nazarenes Way: A lot of people think I live in a cave!!!
Tshuvah: great - thanks Jocelin - do you have the referr button toggled off ?
WeBringtheWoo: Assad means "Lion" in Arabic
tekiah: Got it TY
keepsdigging: bho= barry sortoro
beowulf44: i may eaggerate on that a tad
Yovel: Barach Husein Obama
Broha356: teaching by who
DelaYah: YHWH saw fit to have additional mercy on us. Thank You FATHER!
graceguy: keeps - yes, come in and join me
Yovel: BO for short
keepsdigging: thanks grace
Ruchamah: Can i post daniel timeline link pls?

keepsdigging: good answer

The Nazarenes Way: I'm just glad to have a good internet connection in my
keepsdigging: lol
mrscondee: The link works, Jocelin!
Broha356: yes please
as I know Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon all
massed forces at Israel’s border in order to “push the Jews
into the sea.....but the tactic is fallin
graceguy: We - Assad means lion? ohhhh scary
Ruchamah: www.danielstimeline.com
the stock market has steadly declined since the election
in massachuttes
WeBringtheWoo: Yes
DeborahM: I was away from keyboard; did Eddie say there is going
to be war this year maybe?
spitfiremkv: MRood had a vision and then studied Ezekiel and
Shavuot which resulted in his estimate of 2010
beowulf44: that ping can be traced to your cave
DelaYah: shabbat shalom RUch
JocelinOhio: yes, ruch
JocelinOhio: great mrs
WeBringtheWoo: Assad means lion - the word for "ass" is "Hamar"
Ruchamah: Shabbat shalom all
JocelinOhio: i'm trying to figure out how to turn that one, t
keepsdigging: yeah deb
Tshuvah: K folks: use scrollup and use Jocelin's link to sign up to F.B. Beit-
Yacov group
beowulf44: good Sabbath ruch
graceguy: beo - no, Im robbing my neighbors wireless signal

Tshuvah: k jocelin - might just be a temp problem? - or not

DelaYah: graceguy, you mean borrowing?

beowulf44: tappin in?
Ruchamah: beo =) check my blog bro
Broha356: whose website is that
bmiller: the signal is in your space...

DelaYah: yeah, tapping in. That's like getting a drink.

DeborahM: keeps, thy; I'm sorry you know me, but I forgot who I
am talking to? Darla, Maggie?
janice64: question is is a tofu the same thing as a snafu..lol
graceguy: Dela - no, I mean robbing
Embrace_The_ Torah: did anyone notice
that Brown's swearing in was not
televised, the demos are not happy with his victory in Massechusets

mrscondee: Ohhhhhhh! Hahaha! Thanks Yovel! No way would BHO be

going with them, then!
keepsdigging: darla
graceguy: Dela - we cavemen are hackers
DelaYah: graceguy. ugh. LOL
DeborahM: ty, are you coming Tues nite?
keepsdigging: yes
SHEMAGirl:damascus will vaporized like a prostitute
DeborahM: k
Tshuvah: that is this group, on F.B. - for those who missed the eearlier
Ruchamah: beo let me get you the link
sword of elohim: seems like that would be theft to me
russ feingold is in troble also
patty murray, barbara boxer even could be
keepsdigging: its same place bill was, right?
Embrace_The_ Torah: its also time for crazy nancy from california to head home.
bye bye nancy pelosi
tekiah: im in fb beit yacov
beowulf44: kk, ruch
graceguy: Embrace - we dont want her here

Tshuvah: 1 Tekiah
janice64: i don't know if someone is being insulting or giving a
janice64: lol
keepsdigging: deb, @ fairgrounds?
if there is a war...will there be martial law put in
place here?
Embrace_The_ Torah: graceguy, she is a disgrace to california
zapha333: pelosi can return just in time to ride california into the sea....
tekiah: had to hide my relatives, what sadness to see their lives...Yah have
Embrace_The_ Torah: lol zapha
Tshuvah: post probally - since we'd be involved too.... lrhema
Lrhema2000-2: if so would there be any elections taking place"\
graceguy: Embrace - yes she is. She has a really bad facelift
Tshuvah: 1 tekiah
Ruchamah: beo my blog...talks about the altar, the Temple, etc.....JOCELIN
Can I post the link?
janice64: the election in massachuttes has definitely upset things
Galute: isn't nancy p. on the seal of cali ?
ears2shema: have yall noticed how bad Hillary is looking! Big old
bags under the eyes...........
servant_60: why would obama go to war with his own kind?
Embrace_The_ Torah: graceguy, no kidding
Tshuvah: yes, the toilet seat of calif
B FORTORAH: I would love to see your blog Ruch
lindapalmtree: no elections if there is war. Marshall Law could also be
declared and enforced.
LadyTexana: not true,look what they did to bush
kol_tov: false flag purposes
keepsdigging: servant he is a master of deception
Yovel: Pelosi can parachute out of the house
Ruchamah: Jocelin?
JocelinOhio: yes, ruch
keepsdigging: muslims are not concerned about killing their own
Ruchamah: ty sis!\
someone suggested he wanted courts to try the
terrorists so he doesn't have to sign the death warrents..
servant, let us all remember what obama said before he
Embrace_The_ Torah:
became president, that is things got worse, he would side with islam and
their agenda remember?
LadyTexana: obama has the congree to back him for war
JocelinOhio: yw
Embrace_The_ Torah: that if things got worse
LadyTexana: he just cant send them himself
zapha333: good point embrace
Ruchamah: http://wp.me/L2tJ Ruchamah's BLOG

I wanna digg a whole and go under

The Nazarenes Way: Buckle your seatbelt folks, it could be a bumpy ride!
Embrace_The_ Torah:obama has always been for islam, he is a closet muslim.
but he is not fooling anyone is he?
Tshuvah: Obama said at the national prayer breakfast - they need to embrase
homosexuality by expanding their dogma - can you imagine?!!!
beowulf44: thanks ruch, got it
mark ur calendar for 2-11 and lets see if ImANutJob
really does anything or if he is just boasting again.........
Ruchamah: lol expand your dogma
janice64: i'm just not feeling the fear
Ruchamah: yw beo!
Lrhema2000-2: Baalims curse...get believers to do the wrong thing
Embrace_The_ Torah:Tshuvah, obama wants to be re-elected and he must
support thoses groups that got him elected the first time.
keepsdigging: me either janice
janice64: shabbat shalom beo
keepsdigging: awesome isnt it?
zapha333: "I beheld satan as barak obama from heaven"...
beowulf44: Shabbat shalom janice
I'm not afraid, but if the government has dug bunkers
they know somethings going to happen..
keepsdigging: barak=lightening
everyone is arrogant because they know martial law
will be put in place I think
1 Tsh...it just gets worse what they r promoting in the schools. Thank
Yah schools will not receive funding enough to open soon
Yapha1: ty, Ruch, bookmarked it
JocelinOhio: kewl, ruch.
JocelinOhio: you and I both blog
keepsdigging: there is a barak in power in the east and one in the west
sword of elohim: I do not think BHO is the anti
keepsdigging: remember what HE said
Tshuvah: 1 tekiah
i'm not looking for man to deliver me i'm look to G-d and
Ruchamah: hey Yapha, Shalom
JocelinOhio: my blog is www.inhashemshand.blogspot.com
Ruchamah: Link Joc elin?
Yapha1: shalom, Sis
keepsdigging: as lightening flashes from the east to the west so shall the
coming of the SON of man be
Ruchamah: got it sis
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, he is not the anti, but he will play a major role in
bringing it forth in the last days
Ruchamah: Actually I have two
tekiah: ty jocelin
sword of elohim: possibly
keepsdigging: again, barak=lightening
janice64: i am living in a house, i have food and clothing
sword of elohim: anti is alive and waiting
Joyful41:This room is only open on Saturdays?
JocelinOhio: we'll have to put it where we are blogging friends too
JocelinOhio: you do?
Ruchamah: One deals with RCC and Islam...the other deals with the Temple
JocelinOhio: yw tekiah
spitfiremkv: start a nuclear war to save a presidency?....we truly
are in the hands of children...
JocelinOhio: awwww
LadyTexana: barak means peace in arbic
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, bho supports islam and the spirit that leads
it>>>the spirit of antichrist
janice64: G-d is providing my needs
WeBringtheWoo: Barak means blessed in Arabic actually
keepsdigging: he may not be the anti himself but he is one of his prophets
WeBringtheWoo: Like the word "Baruch" in Hebrew
Yapha1: ty, jocelin
Yapha1: got it
LadyTexana: ty webring...knew it one or the other
thisis what obama does....lowers the bar, then is able
to pass expectations thus creating positive spin
keepsdigging: food for thought
beowulf44: brakkah? barak?
keepsdigging: do with it whatever u will

WeBringtheWoo: Lady Texas

B FORTORAH: I just became a follower of your blog Jocelin
Joyful41: I could us some food now
JocelinOhio: great!
phylk: just sent a join request for
kol_tov: the Hebrew word "barak", though, is lightning
tekiah: BHO name denotes a sign to muslims that he is their hope
janice64: ruchamah, i doubt most catholics know wot catholicism
LadyTexana: yw keeps
keepsdigging: ill stick with hebrew
phylk: lol, for facebook...sent request
keepsdigging: im welcome for what lady?
tekiah: hussein the one thery look 4 b4 their mahdi comes
Embrace_The_ Torah: barak is not a blessing to anyone, he got
elected by
deception and manipulation and seduction
keepsdigging: im not too worried what it means in arabic
keepsdigging: ill stick with hebrew
Ruchamah: janice...well shame on em for not knowing history!
Yovel: nuke em
LadyTexana: barak =blessing ,not lighting
keepsdigging: lol lady
Ruchamah: Jocelin I will get u on my blog roll!
Tshuvah: well... i think barak specifically means
bless in arabic, like baruch
does in Hebrew, peace i think is sallem in arabic i think
keepsdigging: no
Yovel: let their desert turn to glass
keepsdigging: as i said , ill stick with hebrew
Joyful41: Goodness its hard working two rooms at once..
everyone in this room that has come out of organized
Embrace_The_ Torah:
religion and denominational error came out ONLY after we began to desire
the truth from YHWH not man

phylk: Jocelyn, sent a facebook request

keepsdigging: yeah joy lol
EretzIsrael:that would really endanger obama with his base
janice64: i dunno if the president is being humble or what..not use
to people bowing
Joyful41: keeps...I have the volume on in this room and looking on

te other..
JocelinOhio: great...I just approved a batch
janice64: bowing is a sign of submission
Embrace_The_ Torah: bye bye harry reid
JocelinOhio: and sent everyone a personal friend request
Joyful41: And feel more connected with this room
keepsdigging: oops somehow shut down this room
Ruchamah: wait...for FB jocelin?
Yovel: BO is and idiot, no other president bows to others
Yovel: an

Tshuvah: great jocelin

Embrace_The_ Torah: Yovel,
let us remember he was a community organizer,
never president material
kol_tov:Strong's concordance : H1300 baraq bä·räk' lightning,
glittering, bright, glitter, glittering sword
JocelinOhio: just the one's that I approved, ruch

Tshuvah: this is one of last good rooms on p.t.

beowulf44: iran will try to throttle the straits of hormuz in retaliation
shamarfarm: His name is Barry not Barak--Barak Hussan Oboma-- is his
Stepdad who is burrried in Africa
tekiah: is this gog magog ez 37 38?
zapha333: this is the most serious time in the history of our civilization!
janice64:ruchamah is your webpage regarding the teachings of
islam and catholicism?
Yovel: That is True Embrace
Tshuvah: i believe so tekiah - YAH knows
beowulf44: the usa must keep the straits open, oil flowing to the world
zapha333: ty kol tov
Ruchamah: ok..i missed a part of the convo i think lol
Tshuvah: 1 zapha
spitfiremkv: only regional?
Chaviva7: jocelin Ruh I think
JocelinOhio: lol...that's ok ruch
WeBringtheWoo: Tshuvah you are correct "salim" means peace in Arabic (like
Shalom in Hebrew).
Tshuvah: as in the days of Lot, as it was in the days of Noah...
Tshuvah: 1 we
Ruchamah: it will hafta be ok Joce! i am NOT scrolling back lol
Chaviva7: was asking about posting beit HHMI site from fb
WeBringtheWoo: All this political intrigue is giving me a headache.
babylon...confusion of tongues...muddies the waters to
this day
graceguy: crazy chineese
keepsdigging: yes kol
beowulf44: and avigdor liebermann
was a prphet, assad and syria will lose
and the assad family name wiped out from syrian leadership
JocelinOhio: sure, chav
tekiah: kol tov have u cut a cd yet
Ruchamah: FEAR GOD is the bottom line, WEBRING
JocelinOhio: http://www.facebook.com/p.php?
JocelinOhio: that's the link
keepsdigging: amen ruch
JocelinOhio: for the Beit FB group
B FORTORAH: amen Ruch
Ruchamah: http://wp.me/L2tJ Ruch's Blog
spitfiremkv:this is a chess move..we're going to get suckered into
this and lose big
kol_tov: prolly better do it soonre than later!!! (not yet)
graceguy: USA, Israel, UK, Australia... fightin Esau
zapha333: with much tribulation, we enter the kingdom...
Ruchamah: http://www.inhashemshand.blogspot.com/ vv Jocelin blog
servant_60: correct beit
keepsdigging: spit bho is a good checker player but is lost in the game of
Yovel: I am moving to Israel
Joyful41: OH dear...china? I'm really going underground!
keepsdigging: lol joy
boy, are we going to have people are connected by the
end of today!
janice64: barak in hebrew = vb. kneel, bless - Qal 1. kneel down.
baraq in hebrew = lightening
Galute: Yovel WHEN?
China owns us...they don't want us in war and arent'
their soldiers here too?\
Joyful41: lol
keepsdigging: yeah janice
beowulf44: i am moving to Israel, too, when Messiah comes. dunno about
before that
tekiah: great work jocelin praise Yah!!
servant_60: that tic-ed china off
keepsdigging: thanks for the clarification

keepsdigging: and the second witness

graceguy: Lrhema - true, not yet. If the
world economy collapses, then China
will have nothing to lose by going to war aganst the USA
JocelinOhio: ty, tekiah
Tshuvah: 1 great Jocelin
Ruchamah: need cawfee....brb
janice64: caph is transliterated as k and a cuph is transliterated
as a q
WeBringtheWoo: Right janice
keepsdigging: things are getting very interesting in this world
Joyful41: Goodness...USA! for pete's sake!
keepsdigging: joy i guess it was all a dream for us
keepsdigging: for awhile
Lrhema2000-2: won't China just take over our assets?
spitfiremkv: the question is: will China occupy north america?
Joyful41: Ya' think...lol
keepsdigging: china owns us , dont they?
Masters144000: edghikjh
tekiah: coffee sounds good brb
janice64: ðøê ðø÷
B FORTORAH: Every countries debt is connected
graceguy: LrHema - China would love California.
We do they sell arms to their potential
cloud8_1: yeshua said he would send the angels to gather us. no need to
beowulf44: the is slappin china right in the face with sending weapons to
taiwan, and then having the gall to meet with the dali lama, insulting china
further. take that china, and don`t sass
beowulf44: the usa
B FORTORAH: China calls in their debt, and someone will call in China's debt
keepsdigging: just trust in HIM and all will be well with u
graceguy: beo - yeah. take that China. Now read your fortune cookie
keepsdigging: lol grace
beowulf44: nyuk nyuk
graceguy: wo woo woo
Joyful41: China loves the ports of california
beowulf44: don`t forget north korea
Lrhema2000-2: dont they own some of them too?
Yovel: that is Bo for you, he has no idea of what he is doing and
his cabinet is no help
janice64: imo revelation 12 gives some indication that israel will
fleeing to the wilderness and be provided for during the
graceguy: Joy - yeah. California does make some nice red ports
Joyful41: To bring in all their troops and to shake hands with all
the Americans...I'll be underground!
Embrace_The_ Torah: folks, washington over the years has brought america to
the point of being sold to the highest foreign bidder. we have been sold
out because of greed and ungodly leadership
B FORTORAH: exactly embrace
keepsdigging: grrrr
servant_60: that is another thing that tic-ed china off, the visiting
of lhama
Yovel: What a dope
spitfiremkv: remember "Bo" means go forth....could be good for us
janice64: i dunno if it means those physically living in israel or
israel all over the world
graceguy: is the Dolly Llama a new toy?
I would not want to face China troops..
Masters144000: lol
keepsdigging: right joy
keepsdigging: but we may have to
keepsdigging: so start prepping
tekiah: we have shipped all our grainout as payment (my theory) to china 4
bad derivatives. I'm playing heck trying to find a place to buy 50lbs of
keepsdigging: mentally
keepsdigging: spiritually
Lrhema2000-2: Id rather face China than Sharia law
1 that is something the media isn't talking about tekiah - the global
food shortage = grains, and etc....

Joyful41: Yeah, keeps...I'm preparing a bunker under ground

B FORTORAH: the muslims are using politics to gain control
keepsdigging: joy can i come?
keepsdigging: haha
Masters144000: Sharia Mortgages coming to Canada & US
Ruchamah: if i found a place that will ship u 50lbs of barley...for 4.95...would
that be a good deal?
lol grace, he works under the leading of the spirit of
Embrace_The_ Torah:
antichrist, thoses who call him> his most holy one<< will be judged for
doing this. the same will go for thoses who bow to the pope and his
antichrist agenda
Joyful41: Digging a whole like a gofer
kol_tov: a created shortage, as far as our grain reserves
keepsdigging: lol
tekiah: i have some,5 lbs to plant, but need to store and cant find it unless i
pay to ship from maine
beowulf44: china and sharia law clash at armageddon? who else is gonna be
Joyful41: Yes!!!! PLEASE come and help me digg..heheh
Simcha25: Ruchamah - I'll take that offer :- )
keepsdigging: love to
sword of elohim: do not be like our ancestors beforeus that were in fear of the
land becasue the people seemed fearce and were large in stature, with
HaShem on our side we CANNOT lose
Embrace_The_ Torah: yes B, islam wants america and they have been planning
a take over for years.
keepsdigging: amen sword
Ruchamah: there is a place that will ship you ANY amount...500lbs of
grain...for 4.95
Tshuvah: we have co-ops out here, where you can buy all that stuff
graceguy: embrace - people are calling a doll the "holy one"? is this like an
servant_60: sabor rattling
Tshuvah: tekiah
tekiah: where ruch?/
keepsdigging: chinese arent really large in stature , just cruelty
Simcha25: where?
Ruchamah: lemme try to remember name of it...bought all mine ther
Ruchamah: Mormons
sword of elohim: link ruch
Tshuvah: colorado
Embrace_The_ Torah: yes graceguy, many think he is annointed, yuke
tekiah: cant find co-op in n al
lindapalmtree: stay huddled on your mattresses and He will gather us. Amos
janice64: wots the going price for barley
keepsdigging: u know how some men compensate... they probably carry big
Ruchamah: trying to think of it,..I gave it to u in the past Jer!
Chaviva7: best thing to get are seeds too
keeps, they have not regard or emotion when it comes
to war
Ruchamah: i have it
Tshuvah: 1 i know - don't know if they have those out there tekiah
Ruchamah: hang on
keepsdigging: right joy
graceguy: Embrace - wow, an annionted little dolly. neato
Chaviva7: the heirloom kinds
tekiah: im seeing lowest at 50 cents a pound
Tshuvah: in the west they do
Joyful41: They are ruthless!!
one thing ya gotta hand to the mormons, they are ready for about
3 1/2 years in the food dept
Is Obama a Shia or Sunni Muslim? ...being a Sunni or
Shia will affect how he deals with the Middle East and spacial
keepsdigging: and america is giving its enemies miranda rights
Chaviva7: handofhelp.com
JocelinOhio: www.handofhelp.com
Ihave a great idea, lets offer the US to the Palestinians if
they will give up their claim to Israel's land...I'll gladly give
them this cursed land and we can all go over there!
Embrace_The_ Torah: let us remember all these nations that hate America
worship false gods. therefore, they are led by the spirit of antichrist
tekiah: GREAT IDEA!!
sword of elohim: Chaviva... shabbat shalom sis, are you going to see monte
tuesday night?
Tshuvah: you can even buy animal antibiotics without a perscription (same as
human) at the co-ops - and it is legal everywhere to do so in the west, but
calif i think
Chaviva7: hey there sword shabbat Shalom
truwah: Shabbat Shalom All
Tshuvah: ...and those animal antibiotics are cheap
Chaviva7: yes will you be there bro?
tekiah: i have 3 feed stores looking 4 barley for us
Chaviva7: I am going
graceguy: good dimitri
sword of elohim: that is good
janice64: its 40 and raining here
Embrace_The_ Torah: good question SHEMA, one way to check is to see what
side his father sided with
beowulf44: Shabbat shalom chav, truwah
Chaviva7: I need to get a map to find out how to get there
Chaviva7: hey beowulf shabbat shalom
Ruchamah: Chav what is name of that place I gacve u
Chaviva7: nice to see ya beo
beowulf44: you too sis
Ruchamah: I gave it to u and WG..I think u both bought from them?
sword of elohim: up by westpark toll and beltway i think
Chaviva7: ummm for what sis
Chaviva7: honeywell something I think
Ruchamah: the grain?
Embrace_The_ Torah: remember obama idolized his muslim father
Chaviva7: but let me look sis
Chaviva7: hang on
Ruchamah: HONEYVILLE.com?
Chaviva7: yes
Chaviva7: that sounds right
Simcha25: todah both of you
keepsdigging: yeah embrace but now it is he, himself he idolizes
Embrace_The_ Torah: obama loved his muslim father so much he denounced his
white mother and spoke against her in one of his books
tekiah: k..ty sooooo much (((hugs)))
Embrace_The_ Torah: true keeps
keepsdigging: grrr
i can't believe we've have such a mild winter when so
many are having record cold and snow
beowulf44: wow, janice, where are ya?
Lrhema2000-2: research Haarp weather system
Chaviva7: where are you janice?
Ruchamah: http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/ ALL SHIPPING regardless of amount of
pounds: 4.49
janice64: east tenn beo
true, but Shema had a good point, it will determine how
Embrace_The_ Torah:
he handles the middle east
Zapha2: 1984 = 26 years ago
Chaviva7:Houston is having some really cold wet weather not as cold but its
been cold
Ruchamah: http://store.honeyvillegrain.com/ ALL SHIPPING regardless of
amount of pounds: 4.49
Embrace_The_ Torah: gee, what happened to GLOBAL WARMING
torah......Is Obama a Shia or Sunni Muslim? ...being a
Sunni or Shia will affect how he deals with the Middle East and
special iran
beowulf44: didn`t it snow in houston earlier?
Embrace_The_ Torah: yes beo
beowulf44: like nov or early dec?
Ruchamah: twice right?
tekiah: great will check that out tonite, ruch u r a blessing
janice64: sounds like a good deal to me ruchamah..
LadyTexana: ruchamah you can buy flour and other needs threw them???
Ruchamah: tekiah they are GREAT site...honest and ON TIME...and NO
problems..have used em for years
LadyTexana: or just feed for animals
SHEMAGirl: <<flushes 0bama
sword of elohim: great site ruch
Ruchamah: Lady yes
Ruchamah: they sell it ALLL
LadyTexana: ty
Ruchamah: 50lb sacks of grain and rice and etc etc etc They also do freeze
dried to some exrtent...and just great peeps
ruchamah have you planted the seeds before or is this
the first year you bought them
flower will not keep as long as the whole grains, but with the
sword of elohim:
grains you have to grind into flour
janice64: i.e. did you have a good crop
sword of elohim: whole grain wheat can keep for a long time
Ruchamah: janice....i I dunno about sdeeds...i buy all my grain etc, potatos,
rice, powdered stuff etc
Embrace_The_ Torah: all these states and cities promote perversion and sodomy
archangel263: shabbat shalom
Ruchamah: lol they grow it, not me lol
MalachiYosef: churches never knew Him
Tshuvah: if you put a half-dollars size of dry-ice in the grain bucket on a piece
of a sack - after you close the lid, it replaces the oxygen and makes it store
Joyful41: Don't go to the churches!
Ruchamah: Tshuvah U can use the o2 packs...really cheap and far erasier
sword of elohim: i disagree with not going to the churches
Tshuvah: don't put a bigger piece than that though
Tshuvah: 1 ruch

Joyful41: naaa..I believe this..sword.

Ruchamah:Hubby and I have puts up hundreds and hundreds of #'s of
grains etc
Joyful41: I love home Torah study groups
LadyTexana: half dollar of silver? or this stuff now days
sword of elohim: i
just attended a sabbath at a CHRISTIAN church last night
that is turning to torah because the people within it DID NOT LEAVE
Embrace_The_ Torah: once i was shown the error of denominations and
organized religion, my desire to attend there was taken from me. the only
way i would go back is to warn not join their man made religion

Joyful41: I'm talking about Christain churches..sword

Chaviva7: Jeremy .. I would hope some churches believe they are grafted into
the Olive tree and are Israel .. many still dont
Ruchamah: hey sword How is that going?
sword of elohim: this is a christian church, calvary christian fellowship
Tshuvah: some say a bay-leaf too - and wouldn't hurt to put silicone packs
too to obsorb the moisture - no 1/2 dollar size of DRY ICE LadyTexana
keepsdigging: ALL true prophets first message in scripture is REPENT
Ruchamah: sorry I missed if u already talked about it
sword of elohim: it is Awesome ruch
Janie55: can anyone tell me that web site again. In regard of what he is
LadyTexana: ty tshuvah
beowulf44: amen, keeps, repent and return to Torah
Chaviva7: I recently spoke to a friend and they dont see themselves as Israel
because they still see Israel = Jews (unsaved)
EretzIsrael: handofhelp.org? or .com
Ruchamah:there are GREAT grtain packaging videos on utube...and bayleaf is
kinda an old wives tale, if i remember correctly
kol_tov: handofhelp.com
Janie55: ty
cloud8_1: amen keep !!!
beowulf44: if a prophet doesn`t utter Torah, or a return to the
Commandments, that might be a false prophet
Embrace_The_ Torah: folks, if any organized church teaches you can follow and
obey Torah and then stay in their religious agenda, its wrong. its called
mixing Holy with the unholy things. its called compromise

Tshuvah: ...yes, some say it is - but couldn't hurt ruch lol

keepsdigging: handofhelp janice
JocelinOhio: .com
Ruchamah: jeremy well received?
sword of elohim: extremely well recieved
Ruchamah: well that will last a few weeks
Ruchamah: they respooind well at first...then the novelty wears of lol
Ruchamah: off
Embrace_The_ Torah: beowulf, your correct that is a false prophet and there
are many in today's churches speaking false prophecies and error
Ruchamah: lol
wbhart_1: We know this is junk
keepsdigging: www.handofhelp.com janice
Ruchamah: who knows Sword, but that yer there to snatch a few from the
cloud8_1: duduman was the prophet yeshua choose for all those in USA
mrscondee: Jer 15: ??
LadyTexana: did he say Rev 14 or 19
sword of elohim: it is much more than you may think
mrscondee: Rev?
kol_tov: type them out...
Embrace_The_ Torah: beowulf, this can also identify the hirlings who speak
against Torah
Joyful41: America burning? Yeah, I'm really going underground..
Tshuvah:i saw an 1800's commentary that said: ...the not mixing of cloth and
crops, was to teach Israel that as Grace and Law/works are both necessary,
we are forbidden to mix them for your Justification - by Grace we are Saved,
THEN by words we are Sanctified
Ruchamah: I am happy u are doing this Sword
LadyTexana: jer 51 8:8-15
The Nazarenes Way: Jer. 51 Zech 14 Rev 18
Tshuvah: ...*works we are Sanctified....
8Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her;
take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed.
Chaviva7: Jeremy are they doing Heyasod?
9We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed:
forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for
her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to
the skies.

Tshuvah:Without being Justified, you cannot be Sanctified - the Just shall live
by Faith
10The LORD hath brought forth our righteousness: come,
and let us declare in Zion the work of the LORD our God.
sword of elohim: they are and have 80+ people signed up
Tshuvah: *1st being Justified....
Ruchamah: wow wonderful!
11Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the LORD
hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his
device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the
vengeance of the LORD, the vengeance of his temple.

Ruchamah: and u go to this class with them?

RipVan:12Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make
the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the
ambushes: for the LORD hath both devised and done that
which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.
RipVan: 13O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in
treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy
14The LORD of hosts hath sworn by himself, saying,
Surely I will fill thee with men, as with caterpillers; and they
shall lift up a shout against thee.
15He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established
the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by
his understanding.

sword of elohim: i probably will not yet anyway, it is monday nights and about
and hour drive through rush hour
sword of elohim: but who knows
Tshuvah: ...so in conclusion: ...It is not the Torah that changes when we come
to Messiah, it is our relationship to it - Shomer - from a "keep" to a "guard"
- Shomer means both in Hebrew
sword of elohim: they are doin much more, they are changing the church, the
very way they do everything
Ruchamah: well maybe HaSHem will make a way for u to make it...would HELP
Embrace_The_ Torah: yes Tshuvah
tekiah: will have to listen to this one twice
Chaviva7: really sword?
Chaviva7: like what ?
DelaYah: vengence begins when Yahshua returns.
Ruchamah: well just support whoever those leaders are bro...they will need it!
keepsdigging: feb 11 should be interesting
SHEMAGirl: great stuff
keepsdigging: to say the least
9We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed:
forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country: for
her judgment reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to
the skies.
they are changing the sunday scholl to a discipleship
sword of elohim:
program, teaching Torah, i think the Pastor has hinted and wanting help
with this
Embrace_The_ Torah: organized church and its roman sun god worship has to be
denounced if the body of believers inside the churches desire to come to
the whole truth. there cannot be a mixing of error and truth, it only leads
to deception and confusion. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE AND BE YE
Joyful41: I"ll be 42 the 12th of this month.
keepsdigging: happy birthday joy
Tshuvah: ...many buddists 'keep'the Torah by default - vegitarian, won't kill
a bug - but it doesn't do anything for them - it is like drowning 100 yards

from shore instead of 1 mile - you still drown - need to get in the boat

Tshuvah: k, that's all i have to say on that
sword of elohim: pastor already eats kosher, keeps shabbat, and is fully torah
Joyful41: ty, and I won't be celebrating it...lol
zapha333: We must FLEE BABYLON!
Ruchamah: well Jeremy...you two go for it...help them all u can...
keepsdigging: lol yw
Chaviva7: wow Jeremy
Chaviva7: wow that is awesome
CrystalInNc: amein zapha
DelaYah: Rom 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give
place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the
sword of elohim: the congregation is at varying degrees, some alot some not
much at all yet
Chaviva7: Baruch HaShem
beowulf44: too kel, sword
beowulf44: kewl
Ruchamah: well he will get the boot then lol
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, then to know he is serious, he must change sun
worship sunday to sabbath worship on the 7th day or he is still mixing error
with truth
Chaviva7: he will Ruh?
Tshuvah: lol
CrystalInNc: amein embrace
Joyful41: I just love the Torah..goodness, its wonderful.
CrystalInNc: amein
Ruchamah: well...either they will boot him...or he and the like-minded others
will voluntarily walk
2For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle;
and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the
women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into
captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off
from the city.
Ruchamah: cantdo BOTH
RipVan:12And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will
smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and
their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue
shall consume away in their mouth.

tekiah: Torah is the oil in your lamp

Embrace_The_ Torah: yes tekiah \0/
Tshuvah: Lately, i've been noting: We need to love ALL Of YAH's Word equal -
and the words of men always 2nd!
sword of elohim: Pastore told his congregation that this is the direction he was
goin, torah and if they were not on board he would kick the dust form his
feet , and they wanted him to stay and teach
zapha333: AMIEN EDDIE!
Torah is supposed to be written on our heats in the new covenant,
meaning we love Torah
zapha333: Amein!
Chaviva7: well only time can tell and it would sure be the leading of the
keepsdigging: amen tsh
beowulf44: hearts
Chaviva7: so no man can judge
Ruchamah: well...support em all the way jer! ANd good on u!
tekiah: 1 Tsh
sword, like i said, he will know who is with him only when
Embrace_The_ Torah:
he denounced sun-day worship
SHEMAGirl: Joyful41.........trees of blessings with many Blessed
Jews behind with presents......Happy Bday
Chaviva7: excellent Jer
Tshuvah: ...sometimes
people get hung up with: This part of God's Word is
more important that that part - I don't think that pleases YAH that we
compartmentalise His Word as such
Joyful41: ty, SheMagirl
viking_150: Why would YHVH send an angel to visit a non torah observant
keepsdigging: amen tsh
Ruchamah: Balam?
sword of elohim: ther eis
nothing wrong with meeting ANY day of the week, as
long as you are sanctifing Sabbath per command
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, remember the Sabbath is a sign to the nations
Ruchamah: amen sword
beowulf44: to get him to change to becoming Torah observant?
tekiah: viking, then why would Yah send a talking donkey>
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, once again, compromise is not a word in the Torah,
only obedience
LadyTexana: a warning maybe viking?
keepsdigging: perhaps he had the ear of many

tekiah: He can do as He wishes
zapha333: YHVH spoke thru an ass, viking....
viking_150: ok thx
keepsdigging: amen zaph
DeborahM: what verse was that?
JocelinOhio: zapha, please watch your language
Ruchamah: lol
Torah Reader: Embrace can you IM me, please
sword of elohim: there is no
compromise, sunday is not sabbath and is not
treated as such, it is a day of gathering, WITHOUT violating the sabbath by
driving etc
keepsdigging: lol
beowulf44: lol
Tshuvah: 1 eddie!
DelaYah: Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in
the Lord: walk as children of light: Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with
the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
archangel263: lol
sword, until we come into understanding that the
Embrace_The_ Torah:
Sabbath was set apart and called holy, we will make excuses for people's
error and compromise
Donkey is better to say
Masters144000: donkey

SHEMAGirl: Wake up Yidden! .arm yurselfs.. G-d doesn’t

appreciate people dividing His land
zapha333: Dimitri bore in his body the mars for the sufering of the gospel
of Yashua Ha Moshiach..
Ruchamah: Torah police are JUST as bad as non-observance
Tshuvah: Zepheniah - a short book in Tanakh, but i believe speaks to
EXACTLY where we are in the End-Times
DelaYah: If you go to church on sun-day, you should be reprooving those who
are not setting apart sabbath.
tekiah: lol
mrscondee: Dmiti Dunamin? Is that right? is there a website?
sword of elohim: that is typical, you disagree so assume I have no
understanding of the sabbath lol
tekiah: 1 Tsh
Ruchamah: lol
Embrace_The_ Torah: speaking truth always hurts the flesh
Joyful41: This room is only open on Saturdays?
keepsdigging: amen embrace
joelly_1:Mrs. it is hand of help ministries
RipVan: handsofhelp.com
JocelinOhio: www.handofhelp.com, mrs
zapha333: Jocelin, ass is in the Torh and is what Balim beat, his own ass...
JocelinOhio: yes, joyful
Joyful41: short chubby man
RipVan: handsofhelp.com

finewhitelinen: the angel carried weapons and binoculars

DelaYah: sword, If you go to church on sun-day, you should be reprooving
those who are not setting apart sabbath. Brigning light to darkness should
be the only reason you're there, right?

Joyful41: Ok, thank you Jocelin..

mrscondee: Thank you, rip and jocelin!
tekiah: yes, zapha, but some think it be bad word even tho Abraham went
and sat on his a** as well
that's KJV zapha and a word that is often used in a
wrong way...we need to avoid all appearance of evil...and I ask
that you not use that word in this room...ty
Embrace_The_ Torah: yes DelaYah
Joyful41: Did he give the location?
Joyful41: Hummm
mrscondee: joyful41...I've added you to my pal list...i'll im you, ok?
archangel263: amen
Masters144000: army angels!
Ruchamah: so...we are to be listtening to a non torah observant so called
prophet who talked with an angel?
sword of elohim: I ahve seen what HaShem has done in this church first hand,
what this pastor is doing, what are YOU doing to bring out the masses, to
make disciples?
DeborahM: http://www.handofhelp.com/index.php
joelly_1: 1
zapha333: oy vew
Joyful41: Oh yes.. thank you mrscondee
zapha333: oy vey
Ruchamah: men Jer'
Ruchamah: Amen'
Chaviva7: amein Jeremy
mrscondee: yw, sweetie!
Chaviva7: go to all the nations
Chaviva7: preaching the gospel

Joyful41: I"ll add you too!

DelaYah: We are not to "eat" and "drink" with the drunken.. THat would cover
listening to false teachers with the blind. SO I would not go to sun-day
mass without delivering the message.. and don't listen to their false
Chaviva7: which is restoration of the Lost House of the Sheep of Israel
sword of elohim: Yeshua ate and drank with the drunken and all manner of
sinners, you sound like the pharisees that come against Messiah
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, we have been speaking truth and providing a
place for thoses who desire to know the truth and come out of
denominational error for over 7 years. so whats your point?
Chaviva7: that is going even to churches who will hear this gospel
archangel263: amen delayah
JocelinOhio: joyful, i've added you as a pal...you do the same?
Ruchamah: oy...u ALL were sitting in a congregation of sunday keepers at one
point and Adonai was merciful to YOU....CMON!
DelaYah: no.. THat's not true.. You're twisting a scripture there. Let me give
you an example of the scripture I am referring to.
keepsdigging: amen ruch
JocelinOhio: amein, ruch!
keepsdigging: AMEN
Embrace_The_ Torah: sword, your flesh is offended, so now your on the
offense. shame on you
Chaviva7: right Ruh
Tshuvah: "I have heard the reproach of Moab, And the revilings/(insults) of
the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached My people, And
magnified-themselves/(made arrogant threats against) their border/
(territory). Therefore, as I live, saith YHVH of hosts, the Elohim of Israel,
Surely Moab shall be like Sodom, and the children of Ammon like Gomorrah,
macheesta_64: Vancougar, Vancouver BC?
Tshuvah: even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual
desolation: the residue of My people shall spoil/(plunder) them, and the
remnant of My people shall possess them. This they shall have for their
pride, because they have reproached and magnified-themselves/(made
arrogant threats against) the people of YHVH of hosts.
sword of elohim: lol i am not offended
tekiah: that will have to wait until Euphrates dries up won't it??

Joyful41: Yes, Jocelin thank you

sword, I to came out of the church. But it is a process and time is
runing short.
Tshuvah: YHVH will be terrible unto them: for He will famish/(reduce to
nothing) all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship Him, every one
from his place, even all the isles of the nations. ~ Zep.2:8-11
littlechildren: was the death of 6 million Jews a sign to the world?
keepsdigging: tek it can dry up in a minute if HIS hand is behind it
Embrace_The_ Torah: unless a person has a circumcised heart, they will
continue to promote the ways of man over the ways of YHWH.
keepsdigging: even a second

Masters.................army angels
SHEMAGirl: .....durin the last
conflit 3 IDF guys swear they saw the angel of Death upon
gaza one nite.....fightin the enemy……G-d was and is with
understand but just because it is hard and time is short we
sword of elohim:
dont give up on them
Ruchamah: Embrace you are so wrong...u dont know Sword... and you are
condemning HIM for having compassion for those sitting in darkness!
tekiah: yep, and seems I read something about that happening last yr??
vancougar_1: Washington
Masters144000: TY, i knew that story
Chaviva7: Embrace ... it is going to all the nations
Chaviva7: as Yeshua said to do
Tshuvah: ...That is just ONE example of how Zep. speaks of where we are at! -
note hte dispute then borders/territory of Israel - children of Amman -
children of Amman are specifically Palestinians - they are Jordanians - so,
not Amman, but her children!
littlechildren: was the death of 6 million Jews a sign to the world?
Embrace_The_ Torah: ruchamah, you can say what you think. but this fact
remains. fence riders do not enter thru the gate
lincoln_8: very true sword
littlechildren: America will burn when YHWH commands it!
Chaviva7: how can you judge mens hearts
Chaviva7: who you dont know embrace
mrscondee: Hos 4:6-9, Hos 6:1-3
sword of elohim: lol i am a fence rider?
Joyful41: I repent
Ruchamah: embrace neither do those who measure their righteousness in
degrees of intolerance
tekiah: i have 2 save room today...too much 2 keep up
mrscondee: amen, joyful!
JocelinOhio: lol, tekiah!
littlechildren: REPENT! 666 IS HERE!

mrscondee: me, too! \

Tshuvah: ...i think that
hitler was an attempt by satan to bring about
Revelation early littlechildren
1Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn,
and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
2After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise
us up, and we shall live in his sight.

littlechildren: REPENT! DO NOT RELENT!

ruchamah, defend the errors of organized religion, this is
Embrace_The_ Torah:
your choice. time is short and its no longer an option to speak the truth
and warn, its now required
RipVan:3Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD:
his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come
unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the

sword, you should take a true message to them. You can't save
them all.. Those who are of Yahshua, will respond to a true message.
littlechildren: I think Rev. 13:18 is already here!
keepsdigging: it is a message of a heart
DelaYah: but you can't go there and expect them to think that you are not
"for them" -- eating the fruit of their ways.
Revelation 13:18, "Here is wisdom. Let him that has
UNDERSTANDING count the number of the beast: for it is the
keepsdigging: as HIS WORD, Yeshua ... HIS heart toward us
little.......I beliefve G'd did use the holocaust to keep
his promise to Abraham…. Because of the Holocaust the Jews
were able to go back to the promise
keepsdigging: out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
SHEMAGirl: land
Embrace you are looking ridiculous now. You are saying that I
AND sword are DEFENDING the errors of organized religion. YOU DO NOT
miswah_1: Pro. 28:9
sword of elohim:what more of a true message can we bring? torah is for us all,
sabbath is holy and should be sanctified, etc we cant bring this message
sitting at home at our pc waiting for them to come to us, we HAVE TO GO
Ruchamah: You have lost ALL credibility, embrace..Pride goes before the fall
tekiah: Some transcripts read 616 but i have not studied them to verify it as
Tshuvah: ...yes, and just remember: almost 100& of Messianics were
Christian before Yeshua revealed to us His Hebrew Name and roots -
LOVINGLY - shall we not ourselves lovingly pray for and reach out to our
Christian Brethern - who are now as we were not so long ago!
amein, tshuvah
RipVan: let's stop the arguing, please
ruchamah, you are the one who decided to step in and
Embrace_The_ Torah:
make comments that you do not understand being said. so................
littlechildren: shema, but did they have to die?
Ruchamah: Amen Tshuvah!
Chaviva7: remember we werent the ones
JocelinOhio: now, let's move on to a new topic
Tshuvah: ...It is because I COULD hear Jesus speak - that I heard Him say

Yeshua and Torah !

keepsdigging: amen tsh
Tshuvah: k
Chaviva7: who carried torah 3000 years
keepsdigging: amen tsh
Joyful41: theres arguing here in Paltalk
RipVan: 6My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,
that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten
the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

keepsdigging: lol joy

Embrace_The_ Torah: speaking truth always offends the flesh
RipVan:7As they were increased, so they sinned against me:
therefore will I change their glory into shame.
8They eat up the sin of my people, and they set their heart on
their iniquity.

Chaviva7: and if not for those who died to live it and to carry it
littlechildren:I think it was because of there sins!
Joyful41: heh heh
mrscondee: Whoa...serious scripture
9And there shall be, like people, like priest: and I will
punish them for their ways, and reward them their doings.

Ruchamah: Embrace you can win!

Ruchamah: lol
tekiah: me 2 Tsh...it was Jesus Christ who led me to Festivals & Torah study
SHEMAGirl: little................G’d tests His righteous," (Psalms
11:5)..... .Jews survived Exodus...Holocaust...and Wars
littlechildren: Jesus Christ, King of the Christians!
miswah_1: prov.28;9

Tshuvah: amen tekiah

Embrace_The_ Torah: ruchamah, truth always wins
mrscondee: Haha! Ya think? (littlechildren)
keepsdigging: arent we to love them as HE loved us, into torah?
keepsdigging: i believe so
Galute: Where can I find Eddies latest teaching on the Ten Virgins?
Ruchamah: amen keeps
miswah_1: iF a person will NOt listen to Torah, even his prayer is
an abomination
JocelinOhio: galute, you can find it at www.waytozion.org
RipVan: try waytozion.org
Tshuvah: 1 keeps - we are to gently instruct those who oppose themselves
too Scripture says
keepsdigging: HE did not appoint us to knock anyone AWAY from HIM
sword of elohim: Ruch it is ok, we know how newcomers get puffed up with self
righteouness, it was even so with us at a point was it not?
Galute: THX
jon4yah: after america gets judged
JocelinOhio: yw
LadyTexana: I think it will not only be America but the world.
tekiah: galute. waytozion.org or .com...not sure
Masters144000: Go Eddie!
Chaviva7: think its .org
Ruchamah: sword...it is
going from the ditch on ONE side of the road to the
other diitch..Adonai will be gracious and helop em find the middle
JocelinOhio: both will get you there
DelaYah: the message of Jesus greatly differs from the message of Yahshua.
Although I won't mock those who call The saviour Jesus, I won't use the
word jesus as a substitute for the truth, and I have yet to have someone
say they were offended that I didn't use the name Jesus when I witness to
Tshuvah: ...last point: The N.T. contains a great deal/majority of Torah:
Shema, children obey your parents, etc....
JocelinOhio: I use the .org
not everyone is able mentally or spiritually to transfer
Masters144000: www.waytozion.org
Galute: I found old teaching not the newest of the last month or so
keepsdigging: it is A WHOLE LOT to receive
keepsdigging: i know it blew me away at first
tekiah: Yashua commanded us in NT to love our enemies
JocelinOhio: oh, it's the same message base
keepsdigging: i felt i had been deceived for years
Embrace_The_ Torah: the elderly in america are being
taken down a road of
deception with the so called REVERSE MORGAGE plan. in the end, they
loose all their homes to the government
JocelinOhio: a few new comments possibly
keepsdigging: and had to find the truth
keepsdigging: from the BEGINNING
DelaYah: To love our enemies is to show them how we keep torah.. Show
them our light.
tekiah: Galute it may be under 5 mi update
Galute: Much updated and better teaching
keepsdigging: its not good to be harsh with those who truly love HIM
Galute: I think he was at Monty's
keepsdigging: not good to become their manmade judges
The Nazarenes Way: Thanks Eddie, it's really getting interesting!
tekiah: he preached there 2
Ruchamah: not sure dudeman is who weneed to listen to tho
DelaYah: If you give your enemy a drink
of cold water, (tell him about the
truth) you are doing what Yahshua would have done.
servant_60: thank you so much for letting us know Eddie.
Embrace_The_ Torah: its not good to be silent when truth sets people free.
you can get it from www.lionlamb.net
Joyful41: << needs lots of improvements..
Tshuvah: ...All I know is: I will not now mock the Name of My Lover that I once
knew Him by - For He revealed His Name Yeshua to me, when I then only
knew Him as Jesus
Ruchamah: embrace..let me get u the duct tape
sword of elohim: right Delyah but you need to go out to them .. you cant do it
sitting at home on the pc
keepsdigging: we cant be silent
JocelinOhio: don't know if it is still a free stream on their archives
or if you might need to purchase it from them
keepsdigging: but we also cant be condemning
Joyful41: I need upgrades.
tekiah: its expired there...have 2 purchase mp3
DelaYah: yes, ruch. I agree. SOme things he saidare worthwhile perhaps, but
I believe he mixes truth with some error.
finewhitelinen: hmm what happened to the torah of kindness...
keepsdigging: thanks eddie
DelaYah: SHalom Eddie

Joyful41: Shalom Eddy

Tshuvah: Thanks Eddie
basik3: gd thanxoo
tekiah: TY EDDIE!!!
DiEchad7: Eddie, thank you so much!
jeremiah3133: great word!
JocelinOhio: shalom and ty Eddie
mrscondee: We thank Yah for you, Eddie! Thanks!
Yapha1: yes, a blessing, todah, Eddie
tekiah: Wonderful today!
Masters144000: ty Eddie
DelaYah: Thank you Father! Good delivery Eddie!
Joyful41: May the Abba bless you always and forever!
Galute: Thx Eddie and All
sword of elohim: delayah how can you determine that by a few lines of text?
keepsdigging: love thy NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF
Tonisue: Thank you Eddie
Yovel:ty Eddie
zapha333:Ty, Eddie!
cmfs58: wow! great one, ty!
cactus8 8 08: TY Eddie
commonsenseProphet: number of beast: 666
keepsdigging: HE doesnt say to pick and choose neighbours
archangel263: \0/ eddie
bmiller: 616
maybe you shold call me, I would be most happy to discuss
sword of elohim:
this further with you
commonsenseProphet: mark of beast: Alphanumeric numbers on the
forehead like the Jews had on there chest or forearms in the
Nazi concentration camps and/or a surgical mark left by a chip
implant in the hand!
JocelinOhio: Eddie needs to save this update...give him about 3 min
to get ready for the Q&A
Tshuvah: ...yes, we are in the most serious situation globally i've ever seen!
sword of elohim: i will im you my number if you wish
commonsenseProphet: name of beast: Jesus Christ, King of the
tekiah: thought would have QA
CrystalInNc: Thank-you so much Eddie, great update
DelaYah: 2-6-10 pagan time.
kol_tov: (break bse saving text..marker hereetween update and
Q&A) for t
keepsdigging: common i came to HIM in that name
Tshuvah: ...dung about ready to hit the windmill (KJV speak lol ) I believe, but
YHVH knows!
Joyful41: Wow..165 members in here
tekiah: yep
Ketzelah: Appreciate it, Eddie.
Zapha2: mine is done
JocelinOhio: \0/
tekiah: brb need vitamins
keepsdigging: some are so unkind
beowulf44: small congregation today, only 165? lots snowed in
keepsdigging: without even realizing it
Chaviva7: goodness
mertiemooo: are you going to repeat another 5 min. update
mrscondee: Yes, we often have about 180, joyful

DelaYah: snowball fight for lunch?

keepsdigging: examine your own heart
dew110: no snow in Michigan : (
keepsdigging: before you examine mine
sword of elohim: my offer to speak on teh
phone is for delayah, or anyone else
that would love to talk abotu torah, our Master and any issues related
Chaviva7: how much did washington get?
archangel263: xD
Lrhema2000-2: anyone know how to copy this rooms text?
EretzIsrael: one man operation...
Ketzelah: I believe you're right on, Tshuv!
BishopSalamatKhokhar: we love the snow here in Ohio
Yovel: less than 1?
gabby152: sunshine in Michigan...no snow so far
Janie55: Thanks for being there Eddie
JocelinOhio: do a file
Blogs: Jocelin's Blog: http://www.inhashemshand.blogspot.com/
Ruchamah's Blog: http://wp.me/L2tJ
JocelinOhio: save room text
DelaYah: Sword. Let me add you as a pal. Ok?
JocelinOhio: do as text
beowulf44: 20-30 inches predicted for d.d., chav
beowulf44: d.c.
jon4yah: in the word file, up at the top
HE and HE alone can see our hearts......it is NOT given to man
to see the hearts of others
LostChristians: goto www.cegenglish.com and behold the BEAST
LostChristians: goto www.cegenglish.com and behold the BEAST
LostChristians: goto www.cegenglish.com and behold the BEAST
sword of elohim: sure but nothing gets fulfilled in text
Lrhema2000-2: what happens to the text
JocelinOhio: LostChristians was bounced from the room by JocelinOhio. If you want to learn more about
the rules for this room, read the room rules on the groups page or contact the owner: Beit Yacov
Masters144000: In read?
Tshuvah: Christ means annoint/christen in Greek - same meaning as Mashiach
- Jesus is I for iota for yud, middle the same, and the s ending is masculine
as the ayin would translit into female - it is a transliteration, not Zeus! any
Greek student in the 1st grade could tell you that - those two words dont'
even sound the same, different letters
Masters144000: RED?
JocelinOhio: ok...guys
JocelinOhio: let's stop texting

Tshuvah: k jocelin
and allow those with questions to text their questions
Eddie...are you saying we are to actually flee
Ruchamah: Fleeing is NOT according to the pattern
Masters144000: Amein
jeremiah3133: Lrhema - did you get the room text saved?
JocelinOhio: Amein, Eddie

Tshuvah: red-dot lol - kidding i'm

Lrhema2000-2: yes...on file
jeremiah3133: ok, good
Lrhema2000-2: so I print out later??
beowulf44: lets dance
archangel263: \0/
DelaYah: I had a comment about the words of dudemin .. He said that the
tribulation is the vengence of YHWH, but vengence doesn't seem to occur
until after YHWH returns.. which is the Day of YHWH.
mrscondee: Love this song!
JocelinOhio: Eddie's favorite!
JocelinOhio: :
Chaviva7: I love this song
RipVan: File->Save Room session
jeremiah3133: I was going to offer to send the file to you
CrystalInNc: my fav song
dew110: reading debkafile........sobering
Tshuvah: ...vengence isn't the same as 'the wrath' which is at the end dela -
hope that was on topic lol
jeremiah3133:dew, what is the link for the article?
Lrhema2000-2: I had a page come up to save the file..I think I can
copy it later???
dew110: it is a website
jeremiah3133: yes
beowulf44: been many moons since i visited debka file
jeremiah3133: you can print it later
dew110: isreal intelligence
Lrhema2000-2: THANK YOU!!!! HALLALUYAH
jeremiah3133: just save it in a file for now
dew110: debka.com
Lrhema2000-2: okayyyyyy!
Lrhema2000-2: Yesssss
DelaYah: Wrath is poured out during the trib.
jeremiah3133: dew-what is the article you are reading
Lrhema2000-2: how do you use the mic?
Lrhema2000-2: I have a push to talk butt0n...via this???
jeremiah3133: you push the talk button
JocelinOhio: lrhema, you have to push to talk
DelaYah:Rev 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he
shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy
angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
jeremiah3133: but you need to be sure you have the mic set up
Yovel: You have to have a mic
yes dela - but 'the wrath' is spoken of in the last half end, not the
beginning of the week 'the wrath' occurs during the time of Yakov's
Trouble, the 2nd half
Masters144000: I know how to use the mic!
Lrhema2000-2: okay...so I just talk then or wait to be seen?
jeremiah3133: you raise your hand first
DelaYah: Tshuvah, can you please post the scripture for that?
dew110: the one about egyptian sources: Israel prepares to strike
Irean from
Gulf and N Iraq
Ruchamah: We had SUCH a bad storm yesterday, that we lost MUCH of the
shingles off our roof...one flew OVER my house and broke the window of my
neiogghbors house
JocelinOhio: raise your hand first
JocelinOhio: wow!
jeremiah3133: do you see the hand with the word Raise next to it?
Lrhema2000-2: then talk?? how is one acknowledged?
JocelinOhio: glad you are safe, ruch
beowulf44: wow, ruch
Tshuvah: well... kind of tied up here - do a seach concordance for wrath and
you'll find it
Lrhema2000-2: yse...see the hand
Chaviva7: will your insurance cover that Ruh for them?
Masters144000: OH-NO!
DelaYah:well, I do agree though with this.. 'the wrath' is spoken of in the
last half end, -- YEs, towards the end.
Ruchamah: yeah....tyhey say wind exceeded 100mph
Lrhema2000-2: hand then mic...then talk
JocelinOhio: eddie, will say ok, so and so share your question
Tshuvah: 1 dela
Masters144000: 1....2....3!
JocelinOhio: and release the mic to
Chaviva7: wow Ruh that was hurricane force winds
kol_tov:Question the Altar--how does the current altar and
possible passover sacrifices shed light on the timing of where
we are...plus, please comment on sacrifices on this
altar...some are asking "why ", if Yeshua was the "final
sacrifice" should there be any other sacrifices at all.
jeremiah3133: Lrhema - you push the raise hand button first, then
when it is your turn, you press the Push to talk
Lrhema2000-2: talk into what??
Yochanan ben Singer: Eddie --- Are you familiar with the Daniel’s
Timeline presentation (I think the presenter’s name is Dewey
Brewton) and the recent update in which he lays-out a timeline
of the 2300 days of Daniel 8, and in that, there will be some
kind of agreement around Shavuot 2010? Please comment -
your thoughts about the Daniel's Timeline presentation and
the idea of an agreement around Shavuot this year!
renkablue: ????? How can so many millions return to the small
country of Israel??? Will the desert be made alive for all of
Chaviva7: sacrifices are not for deliverance of sin Kol tov
jeremiah3133: you have to have a mic, you talk into it
jeremiah3133: do you have a mic?
Lrhema2000-2: okay\
sacrifices resume and like before, the smoke rising from the burnt
offeings will be a sweet aroma rising to God, and He will be pleased
Lrhema2000-2: yes
kol_tov: i know...want an answer from Eddie...for the record
graceguy: EDDIE- What is our obligation to those in the "church" in the
coming tribulation?
Tshuvah: ...the altar of Oblation, is not the sacrifical altar - that is a the
testimoney daily of YAH being over the earth
make sure your settings are correct, and that you
have your mic on
keepsdigging: QUESTION: should we donate to the temple construction?
Chaviva7: I would keeps
wbhart_1: In light of the times, should we be stocking up on food?
jon4yah: last weeks temple construction article turned out to be
jon4yah: denied by temple institute
beowulf44:the altar has been built. do they have a red heifer, to get ashes
from to cleanse it?
wbhart - pray first and ask Abba to show you what
you need to do to prepare
Ruchamah: stocking up: www.honeyvillegrain.com No matter HOW many
pounds u order, shipping is ALWAYS 4.49
finewhitelinen: perhaps all the text questions could be text in the same color,
so that it is easy for the speaker to identify them. ADMINS would you
designate a specific color?
Tshuvah: ...unless I'm mistaken, I think the Oblation sacrifice was always
grain and/or incense?
RipVan: let's curtail the comments
JocelinOhio: Only questions and please put them in bright pink
JocelinOhio: no comments from others in "reply" to the questions
JocelinOhio: ty
keepsdigging:i tried to donate but was unacceptable because it was under 25
Tshuvah: Eddie; I can't specifically remember and can't look it up at the
moment, wasn't the Oblation spoken of in Matt. and Daniel, a grain/insence
only daily sacrifice?
Cookie6: Do you think this alter is authentic for YHVH or a
conterfeit, for example there is rumor that the rockefellors are
supporting it. Also, is there a red heifer?
Masters144000: Q: when will they start sacrificing on the alter?
Masters144000: sorry
JocelinOhio: tshuvah, use a darker pink...
JocelinOhio: that light pink is hard to read
Masters144000: oh yeah, i knew that
DiEchad7: Q: Many believe the 144,000 are LEADERS in the Tribulation. What
in Scripture leads to the belief that they are leaders and not the totality of
those sealed?
Tshuvah: K; ...offering I mean, not sacrifce?
Tshuvah: *daily offering
soles of feet is reference to altar, if I am remembering a
study point correctly, also
archangel263: Q:is there anything left of the temple that was mentioned when
yeshua said,"There will not be one stone left upon another"?
beowulf44: herod`s wall? google it. its still standing, but just barely
lincoln_8: Q: how do you tie in the destruction of babylon and the gathering
of Israel to this coming passover?
archangel263: ty
kalamazoo_2: When did Demetris die? I thought he was dead before April
1996 the date of 2nd vision about Hosea verses.
Tshuvah: that was just the outer foundation stones, not the Temple which is
graceguy: Christians teach those things
beowulf44: i seen a pic of herods wall and a story about it. it bulges and
threatens to collpase. if it collapses, that would cause the dome of the rock
to collpase also
JocelinOhio: ok, please stop the comments
JocelinOhio: questions only
keepsdigging: that is a q joce
JocelinOhio: not you, keeps
Tshuvah: 1 Eddie!

BishopSalamatKhokhar: brother Phil sorry my paltalk crashed
renkablue: ????? How can so many millions return to the small
country of Israel??? Will the desert be made alive for all of
DaBenLac: Suggestion: Apply principle of Occam's Razor and
answer directly to the question.
jeremiah3133: archangel, would you please darken your text?
maybe just make it bold?
archangel263: ok
DaBenLac: ... time saver.
Tee_617: Dumitru Duduman died in May 1997
jeremiah3133: archangel- bad color LOL
redrogers: sound?
renkablue, from the river of Egypt to the great river
keepsdigging: 1
redrogers: ty
Tshuvah: 1 eddie, i agree
Lrhema2000-2: pls....copy all this info later on way to zion!!!
questions and all
JocelinOhio: www.waytozion.org - Daniel's timeline presentation
jeremiah3133: you can watch the video in 10-13 min increments on
daughterofjudah:Q: when it is time to leave America will there be leaders here
that will let us know where to meet as a group to Exodus to Israel or should
we leave on our own?
jeremiah3133: daughter - listen for the voice of Yah
jeremiah3133: He will guide you
Michael Yosef: The full Daniel's Timeline is on Google Video
Galute: I do not see Dan Time Line on WTZ
RipVan: please stop the comments - questions only
keepsdigging: its there gal
JocelinOhio:No comments...questions only
Zapha2: 2
jon4yah: it's in the video section about 6 up from the bottom
Yovel: 2
tekiah: 2
Zapha2: static only
jeremiah3133: static
DelaYah: Nothing transmitting
Masters144000: 2
kol_tov: type your Q?
DelaYah: I had a comment.
JocelinOhio: if you have a problem, please pm an admin
DelaYah: Can I share it?
HalleluYahweh: Will Monte Judah have his timeline on his website?
Zapha2: put your hand back up
JocelinOhio: type it, delayah
JocelinOhio: or put your hand up
DelaYah: Well, it was a comment, and admins said, no comments.
DelaYah: ok. I will type it.
viking_150: Eddie how will the Levitical & Malchizetic priesthood operate
simultaneously in the millineal reighn?
Wesleyismyname: will the messiah enforce the borders as they were originally
declared in the torah?
sword of elohim: they will not viking, imo they cant
Joyful41: Shabbat shalom, Wesely
sword of elohim: the levitical has priority on earth
Wesleyismyname: shabbat shalom joyful
mkleberte: What about redeemed Gentiles - should they flee to Israel?
DaBenLac: Q: A good question for EC from viking: how will the
Levitical & Malchizetic priesthood operate simultaneously in
the millineal reign?
JESUS_diedFor_YOU: SHARON promised Pres Hussein that Israel would
NOT take any of the land of Jordan
Tonisue: Will we need a Passport to return to Israel?
graceguy: thanks Eddid
RipVan: during this Q & A, please limit your text to questions
DelaYah: I had a comment about the words of dudemin .. He said that the
tribulation is the vengence of YHWH, but vengence doesn't seem to occur
until after YHWH returns.. which is the Day of YHWH.
DelaYah: The tribulation is Jacov's trouble, a trial for the believers.. The Day
of YHWH seems to be the seventh 1000 year period and is said to be the
time of his wrath. Isa 13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both
with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy
the sinners thereof out of it.
21And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge
the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.

gustav1967: QUESTION: i listened to your 10 Virgin teaching. Not sure I

understand about the guests vs. the bride....do those entering the kingdom
as a guest also have eternal life and recieve a glorified body? When is the
2nd resurrection?
keepsdigging: my question must have been invisible
keepsdigging: again
Q: Eddie, somewhere I read that those preparing
Shepherds Flunky:
for the Temple to be a place of worship for all those of
monotheistic religions: Jews, Christians, Muslims. Have you
read anything along these lines? What is your response,
tekiah: use pink keepsdigging
QUESTION: Do you believe that the
Northwestern Europeans, i.e., British, Dutch, Irish, French, etc.
are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
keepsdigging: i did tek
tekiah: k
In the Greek it says thousands of the 144,000, do you
BishopSalamatKhokhar: There are Lost Tribes in Pakistan and Kashmir as well
mertiemooo: where do the jubilee years fall when entering the land?
keepsdigging: its okay
Janie55: Don't know if anyone asked this already but do you believe the same
as Monte, that we will be going through our own Exodus? ty History
repeating it self
144000-sealed: Yes
beowulf44: aren`t the lost tribes scattered to every gentile nation on the face
of the earth?
cmfs58: his website says, 1997.
Joyful41:I'd love to leave now.
finewhitelinen: So you believe the 144,000 will be following the
Ruchamah: what does the PATTERN of the EXODUS say?
Ruchamah: u STAY in goshen, Egypt UNTIL the deliverer comes
JocelinOhio: please limit text to ONLY questions
JocelinOhio: NO Comments
Ruchamah: opops
mrscondee: Should we get passports now?
Ruchamah: thorry!
DelaYah: Jer 50:33 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The children of Israel and
the children of Judah were oppressed together: and all that took them
captives held them fast; they refused to let them go.
tekiah: 1 mrs
jon4yah: come on
Joyful41: 50:34
sword of elohim: there is a tradition that 300 000 of ephraim left egypt early
and died in the wilderness that is why HaShem took israel out the long way
so they would not see the bones of them and be afraid
Janie55: How are we supposed to go if the economy falls apart money will be
sword of elohim: dont leave early
keepsdigging: amen ruch
Tshuvah: --Gosh folk - Questions in pink - save comments for the end!
batyah_Roth: Should we go early?
I think the Remnant will rise to be leaders
mrscondee: Should we get passports now?
Amanda 1940: if you are not a native born Jew you don't go
shamarfarm: This year are they planning to put the
YES, it is amazing that there is a Messianic movement,
the information is not new, the spirit is
beowulf44: doesn`t Yeshua supercede any passports?
JocelinOhio: NO COMMENTS!
dumb-rod: 1
keepsdigging: 1
tekiah: 1
A Berean: 1
servant_60: 1
lfree: 1
torah learner: 1
Chaviva7: 1
Janie55: 1
JESUS_diedFor_YOU: 1
MENCH18: 1
Masters144000: 1
mrscondee: 1
Moe-Moe33: 1
Cookie6: 1
archangel263: 1
Yovel: 1
iamshoshana: 1
mertiemooo: 1
JocelinOhio: 1
Mischaela: 1
Galute: 1
How can Israel support and care of for foreigners- If
Amanda 1940:
you are not a native born Jew you don't make the trip there
Zapha2: Korahs will be there
Amanda 1940: Michael Yosef, what did you do to get red dotted?
Amanda 1940: Jocelin-- okay ty
Help us Father.. We must unite through Your Holy Spirit, there is no
other way. Help us to stand!?!
The Nazarenes Way: Thank you Eddie, amein.
Masters144000: amayn
Do you think we will walk to the LAND in the assemblies, by paths
that rise up in the seas?
Masters144000: write in pink
Tonisue: Thank You Eddie!!!
mkleberte: Q: Should Gentile Christians flee America to Israel?
Joyful41:Is this a recording now?
archangel263: live
Masters144000: no
JocelinOhio: no, it's live joyful

Joyful41: Oh, I hope he has a large glass of water...

BishopSalamatKhokhar: he doesnt drink water speaking
BishopSalamatKhokhar: lol
Masters144000: no comments please
RipVan: please, questions only
Joyful41: ok
144000-sealed: so does the bride live in the land and the guest live in the
Masters144000: Q's in pink
Ruchamah: Where is the Scripture that says Messiah builds the Temple?

Masters144000:like that
servant_60: question: If there are going to be guests, and the
guests are not going to have glorified bodies, then what can
one do to be a part of the bride and have glorified bodies?
Ruchamah: Where in Scripture does it say that Messiah is present on earth
during the Kingdom?
piperman_2: Can anyone ask eddie to back away from the microphone? He
sounds very distorted.
Masters144000: not to me
Masters144000: 1
CrystalInNc: not to me either
BRENFAM: he sounds fine here
JocelinOhio: he did for a min, but he's fine now...
JocelinOhio: back to questions only plese
Masters144000: check your sound settings
piperman_2: OK will check on my end
Fitz5: Sounds good to me too.
carol4yahshua_1: he sounds distorted here to maybe my speaker?
Masters144000: sorry Jcelin
mertiemooo: thank you
carol4yahshua_1: much better ty
Masters144000: YW
lonerangers: Question, we rely on Yahweh, however, is there a set point to
where we will go when we get to Israel?
katriel_232: do you believe the usa will be destroyed just prior to the great
tribulation at the 3 1/2 year mark, Revelation 14:8, before the mark of the
If Israel's enemies are destroyed during the Ezeliel
38/39 war what is the need of peace plan afterward?
batyah_Roth: Should we leave early?
Tshuvah: QUESTION: Avi had an early-warning pre-bug-out Email list if you
recall some time back, are you planning the same type of thing on F.B. (and
perhaps here too) -
they have invited jews to come there for pesach this year,
havent they?
JocelinOhio: no, tshuvah
sword of elohim: that is a pattern
keepsdigging: rumors of plans to reinstate sacrifices

Tshuvah: ...maybe we should - update of f.b. when it is apparent it's time

to bug? - just a thought
sword of elohim: are we still in no text mode?
RipVan: yes
sword of elohim: K
Is a passport needed for Yashua to take us to the land?
RipVan: please - questions only
doesnt a passport give authority to the government and the
system, did the Children of Israel need passports to leave egypt?
MENCH18: 1
gabby152: sound good
viking_150: Will the land have to reestablish their land sabbaths in order for
the Messiah to return?
Michael Yosef: If I have to get a passport, I am leaning on Babylon
for my exit safety!
KentuckyTorahKeeper: 2
Michael Yosef: 1
dumb-rod: no passport needed for 2nd exodus. Only if u want out of country
CrystalInNc:ty dumb-rod
Michael Yosef: Thanks DR
Fitz5: Is it wise to leave early?
dumb-rod: leave america, probably. to israel, prob not
KentuckyTorahKeeper: CANT HEAR
dumb-rod: 1
CrystalInNc: 1
JocelinOhio: questions only
Masters144000: 1
JocelinOhio: no comments
CrystalInNc: reboot kentucky
Question, what is your opinion on the cherokee indians being a
descendant of one of the tribes of Israel? Dan is possibly one of them.
Do you think America will actually fall in one hour?
Michael Yosef:
Is that in Revelations?
Ruchamah: There are two different words for the BRANCH in scripture...which
one is the Zech passage?
yahudit: isn't Messiah the root...we are the branches?
Ruchamah: (proophetic passgaes, that is, two diff words for BRANCH)
Ruchamah: Rev says that when the LAMB is present there is NO need for a
Temple...yet there is a Temple in the Kingdom.
yogaboy: yeap love the spots on a lady bug
yogaboy: say it be
Ruchamah: Judah is the LAWGIVER
Zapha2: Yahshua came through the tribe of Judah
RipVan: questions only, please
PowerLoveSoundMind: It's sounds fine Eddie
Michael Yosef: 11111
JocelinOhio: your fine eddie
sfcjoe: Is this on Ustream?
jeremiah3133: p's are popping
piperman_2: It IS better now to me
JocelinOhio: no, sfc
sword of elohim: where do you go if you cannot yet go to the land?
beowulf44: seek one of the 144k?
Fitz5: Will someone lead us out so we will know where to go?
katriel_232: Elijah shall come, remember the torah of Moses, when will he be
Fitz5: and when?
HOW DID the Black Israelites get there then?
DeborahM: Question: when Judah opens the doors to us, won't
that door be opened by the rebellion in the W.Bank? and not
through the secular Israeli gov't.? Will "Zion" have the
authority/ability to get us into the country?
beowulf44: Yeshua checkin yer passports? lol
Are you aware that the Sanhedrin are meeting with
a man in Turkey about building their temple? The meeting is
posted on a website.
beowulf44: sorry
Cookie6: Passports are easy and cheap to get, so its prudent to
JESUS_diedFor_YOU: lol
144000-sealed: Question: Will the altar go up on Rosh HaShannah?
144000-sealed: Ezra 3:6From the first day of the seventh month they began to
offer burnt offerings to the Lord, although the foundation of the temple of
the Lord had not been laid.
sword of elohim: good scripture sealed
Cookie6: they had a passing over=passport
Michael Yosef: Do you think the doors will be opened for us to leave
or GET OUT of the US because we do not support the new
renkablue: QQ actually a passport is to be able to return...is that
sword of elohim: right
danielswatch:Question: 2017 as a Jubilee year---- Is 2017 not also
confirmed as a Jubilee by a ... second witness ... in that the
completion of Daniel's 70 Shabuiym beginning from the
commandment of Nov. 1947 also falls in 2017 ??
JESUS_diedFor_YOU: no way!
JESUS_diedFor_YOU: there was a Jubilee about 15 years ago
RipVan: questions only, please
JESUS_diedFor_YOU: sorry
MENCH18: awesome 2nd exodus picture..can I post pls
Ruchamah: if a DAY is 1000yrs...How long is an HOUR?
mertiemooo: will be be allowed to go on a Passover (Feast) fulfilling another

dumb-rod: how long is 5 minutes

JocelinOhio: 41.6666 years, ruch
batyah_Roth: LOL!
Ruchamah: jocelin =)
Masters144000: a day is like a 1000 years dr!
mkleberte: Q: all of mankind is descendants of the 12 tribes - yes?
Ruchamah: so america will fall in ONE HOUR
Beachgolff02: manna
Ruchamah: 2001 + 46 =?
MENCH18: http://community.ou.org/images/content/pagebuilder/11161.jpg

JESUS_diedFor_YOU: sorry Admin

MENCH18: awesome 2nd exodus picture
Zapha2: Excellent job answering these questions...ty so much
CrystalInNc: 2
JocelinOhio: No links without permission
Ruchamah:yes...Messiah building the temple is NOT scripture, it is Jewish
expectation, amen!
SHEMAGirl: Beit Yacov .....Thanks for your wise and inspiring
Masters144000: ((((((((((((((no comments)))))))))))))))))
batyah_Roth: When Israel fled the first time, what did they take with them in
the way of possessions (clothing, food, etc.) and should we do likewise?
katriel_232: chronologically Babylon falls second angel Revelation 14:8,
expanded in Revelation 18, the third angel warns of the mark, which occurs
during the last three and a half years. why is Revelation 14:8 not the
destruction in one hour
Masters144000: Great job Eddie
Masters144000: TY
The manna ceased to fall. In order to perpetuate the memory of
this providence, Aaron was told to put an omer of manna in a vessel and lay
it "before the testimony" (Ex. xvi. 17-35; Josh. v. 10-12).
beowulf44: who can oversee the building of the 3rd temple, but Messiah? who
else? hope not another herod
SoldOutToYHWH: Will there be a 'covenant' signed by the antichrist this year ?
Most Christians expect this?
Lrhema2000-2:Q..Who are the guests...who are those at the
wedding without a wedding garment? Who are those who
wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb
Masters144000: Qs in pink
Where are they planning to set up the Altar this year? The
Temple Mount-Mount Moriah or somewhere else?
Q who are the guests...who are those at the wedding
without the wedding garment...
mertiemooo: would the proper garments be Torah
Fitz5:Who is the bride? The one who keppes the commandments
and hold to the testimony of Yahshuah??
HalleluYahweh: Had you heard about the Sanhedrin meeting in
Turkey with a man there about rebuilding there temple? The
meeting is posted on the internet.
Lrhema2000-2: sorry about the repeat
What are your thoughts on people setting up places in other
countries to help with the exodus from u.s., china, etc...?
TY Eddie
Eddie you often mention references to harps in the
prophetic passages...do you consider the references to be that
there will be literal harps and music/ singers involved in the
instructions and encouragement of people during the days of
the tribulation?
mertiemooo: will we flee at a passover time
Fitz5: Are the 5 wise virgins the bride?
lonerangers: ty Eddie
Question: we were talking last night about going
through the 10 plagues of the exodus BEFORE the final 3.5 yrs;
based on example, we will be involved in first 3 plagues. Do
we know what the plagues are? Are the same as first exodus?
spitfiremkv: does the book Exodus ll, Let My People Go have
anything to do with us?
HalleluYahweh: ty Eddie
Zapha2: If it is Messiah's feet that split the mount of Olives, why
are the people fleeing between his feet?
delfam: are the "dead" and the "dead in Christ" two different people groups?
I was confused on the passage in Rev. 20:5-6 about the "rest of the dead"
that does not come back to life until after the 1,000 years, and then the
Great White Throne judgment (Rev. 20:11) which seems to happen after the
1,000 years where the "dead" are judged.
TikeSisti: what is your opinion on the catholic church suing nations to say
allah instead of G-d? do you see the two dogmas coming together?
Jew4Gentiles: Should I make Aliya now, if I have jewish papers, or it's better to
wait until Efraim goes?
delfam: How does this jive with Rev. 11:18 that talks about the "dead" being
judged, seemingly at Christ's return, before the 1,000 years, and the one
quoted tonight about the "dead in Christ" shall rise first, at Christ's return
(1Thess 4:16). Are there 2 judgments?
katriel_232: is it possible that we are already in the first 3 1/2 years? and we
are not aware of the covenant
Chaviva7: Shalom all ..
shabbat shalom, chaviva
Masters144000: ss
Eddy, in your opinion, is it better and safer to return now, or
wait to be returned with Efraim?
Yovel: Shalom Chaviva
katriel_232: when will Elijah be revealed
jon4yah: what is that scripture tha mandates the ongoing return?
jon4yah: for jews
Ruchamah: The first time He came, religious p[eople were looking for the
Kingdom and missed the Messiah. This time, religious people are looking
for the Messiah and will miss the Kingdom.
beowulf44: just how hard is God tugging at yu to return, jew4? try to make it
for this Passover, maybe you will know more about when
saved4u: Eddy, what is your oppinion on muving out of the cities and into the
delfam: what do you think about fleeing Babylon now, but not necessarily
returning to Israel until later.... to go into a "wilderness" of sorts, until He
brings us to Israel
angelos4YAH: Is this the replay of 5minute update
Ruchamah: the GENTILES said GO
Ruchamah: same with Egypt: the GENTILES said GO!
JocelinOhio: live q&a, angelos
angelos4YAH: thankyou ohio
JocelinOhio: yw
Masters144000: amein
carol4yahshua_1: yes please Eddie
Eddie, when do you plan to make a tour around the US
love4torah: so those living in the country should be ready to receive those
who need to leave the city but have no where to go? I would think so.
Beachgolff02: parousia is 2,000 years or so old
Cookie6:Some of us have been called out, but far from fear, fear
would not put you in a foreign land, its too hard. We are here
to learn.
Desposyni-Now: sorry i have had enough of this
Eddy if we leave babylon, then what will happen to the seed we
have planted? Are we not suppose to reap that harvest?
We have heard that people should "get out of the cities
and away from the coastlands" is this your analysis, and why
or why not.
dumb-rod: ah ah kansas
JocelinOhio: uh oh dr
dumb-rod: our lights should be on during
the darkness
love4torah: so those living in the country
should be ready to receive those
who need to leave the city but have no where to go? I would think so.
Masters144000: Now i want to go to kansas
Masters144000: bad
AdinahGold: LORD have mercy on the Outer Banks of NC.....
Beachgolff02: ubber chicken little...shalom
Masters144000: were in the coastlands!
Fitz5: So living near Atlanta Georgia is bad?
angelos4YAH: Eddie do you live in a city where you abide?
HalleluYahweh: We're 5 hours from the coast
Masters144000: were inCa!
beowulf44: just click your heals and i wanna go to kansasliving near any big
city ould not be good?
love4torah: those living in the country should be ready to receive those who
need to leave the city but have no where to go? I would think so.
beowulf44: oops
gustav1967: what are those top 10?
Michael Yosef:Heart of Texas is not bad!
Zapha2: a bit more than 5 minutes, I think
servant_60: Thank you Eddie

laterthan_u_think: Thanks Eddie

MENCH18: May I now post awesome picture of 2nd exodus..u will
love it!
archangel263: ty eddie!
renkablue: TY TY TY TY
DeborahM: enjoyed much, and thank you, Eddie
dumb-rod: q&a = good
basik3: very god to know
kol_tov: WONDERFULLLL!!!!!
beowulf44: did eddie do great or what? ty eddie
servant_60: I have enjoyed listening
Ephraims-arrow: thank you for your time it was great!!!
Masters144000: we have to Eddie
HalleluYahweh: Thanks!
gustav1967: Thank you and for answering my question
JocelinOhio: yes, mench
DiEchad7: This has been awesome, Eddie! Thank you so much!!!!
MENCH18: TY Eddie
Michael Yosef: TY Eddie
TikeSisti: Thank you
Yapha1: TY Eddie
mertiemooo: thank you
MENCH18: http://community.ou.org/images/content/pagebuilder/11161.jpg
we enjoyed it Eddie
Masters144000: TY TY TY
Lrhema2000-2: Thanks a million times over
watchman_42: Great session Eddie! Thank you.
Zapha2: ty, Eddie! We really enjoyed it
Ruchamah: Excellent ty
Mischaela: Thank you Eddie!
kol_tov: Lets do it again
Tonisue: Thank you Eddie!!!
carol4yahshua_1: thanks so much Eddie
Yapha1: GRAT
Moe-Moe33: Thank you
Yovel: Great Q&A Eddie
Hawleyfolk: Thanks so much Eddie, this has been so informative.
cactus8 8 08: Thank You Eddie!!!!
Masters144000: OOOOOSOME!
Lrhema2000-2: Loved the picture of 2nd Exodus!!!
Tetzaveh: good info and thank you Eddie
JocelinOhio: it's on my desktop
one_tree_1: ty Eddie
slimdp1: thank you Eddie
as my background
servant_60:thank you for answering our questions eddie
HalleluYahweh: Picture of 2nd Exodus is great!
BTW... looked it up, the Oblation was a grain / thanksgiving
type offering - not sacrificial for those who wondered - thought so but had
saved4u: Thank you Eddy
Masters144000: it has
Michael Yosef: My desktop too
laterthan_u_think: 1 thanks eddie
DelaYah: shalom everyone. Have a great Sabbath everyone
beowulf44: i believe the questions and the answers helped draw more closer
to Torah
laterthan_u_think: are you replaying the 5 minute update?
servant_60: it has beo
beowulf44: draw people closer to Torah
HalleluYahweh: 5 min update?
JocelinOhio: give it a minute guys
HalleluYahweh: k thanx
yahudit: toda raba, eddie
sfcjoe: Does anyone remember the date for Montes Q&A next/
Sharemax1: 2/24
HalleluYahweh: when will he talk about his timeline?
Nov 7-18 - Israel Tour with Eddie and Monte
Embrace_The_ Torah: COST?
HalleluYahweh: I am saving for Israel. Don't know if I will have enuff
by then.
mertiemooo: where is your assembly in ohio?
yahudit: sounds wonderful
mertiemooo: is this during the feast of booths
Embrace_The_ Torah:the Feast is earlier
Beit Yacov: hhmi
JocelinOhio: PO Box 81, Strasburg, OH 44680
Beit Yacov: po box 81
Beit Yacov: strasburg. oh 44680
JocelinOhio: mertie, it's in northern oh
mertiemooo: how far from cleveland
Yovel: What is the limit
JocelinOhio:about an hour, mertie
mertiemooo: thanks
renkablue: price per person???
mertiemooo: do you all meet on sat morn
beowulf44: my wife is skeered if i get her
to Israel on a trip, i won`t leave,
and she`ll be stuck in Israel with me before its time
Embrace_The_ Torah: $3,200.00 per person
dumb-rod: everyone always schedules trips during my busy time
Fitz5: Did he say that is not including airfare?
mertiemooo: is this during a feast
kol_tov: what is the name of your Facebook room??
laterthan_u_think: yes, Sat. Shabbat morning here mooo
mertiemooo: what time please
MENCH18: update,update,update..yay
laterthan_u_think: 5 minute update again!
JocelinOhio: Beit Yacov
kol_tov: we can connect to talk there? to each other?
Silence 1977: 5 min update
RoniMomma: 5 min!
Zapha2: 7K
maryann_7: 5 min
lfree: 5 min update
Moe-Moe33: 7,000 yr
batyah_Roth: Q&A
mertiemooo: 5 min
aracanin: 5min
Tee_617: 7k
delfam: 5 min
JocelinOhio: yes, kol tov
walking in the light: 5 min
azGrace: 7000
JocelinOhio: 7k
margaret_8: Q&A
yahudit: 7000
DiEchad7: What about you teaching on this week's Torah Portion??
Masters144000: 1
gustav1967: 700
kol_tov:then 7000 after?
Fitz5:5 hr. update
Masters144000: vote!
walking in the light: 5 min then 7000

laterthan_u_think: lol 5 hour update fitz

Fitz5: YAY!
aracanin: ty

Yapha1: d-r, how long was the update?
dumb-rod: 1hr 20
kol_tov: (should we look for the hanging chad...it was a vote,
after all!!)
Yapha1: ty eddie
Masters144000: lol \o\ lol /o/ lol \o\ lol /o/ lol \o\ lol /o/ lol
Fitz5: I like this one too.

JocelinOhio: lol
lfree: ty Eddie
yahudit: where can one get this song? artist?
Fitz5: It's like Eddie's theme song
JocelinOhio: I'm not sure, yahudit
cactus8 8 08: Bye everyone. Blessings to all
JocelinOhio:shabbat shalom, cactus
Beit Yacov: Halleluyah
Beit Yacov: Milk and Honey
mertiemooo: are you there later than...
mertiemooo: what time are services? I live in mansfield
JocelinOhio: 10:45am
yahudit: Milk and Honey is the artist of this song?
spitfiremkv: SS Jocelin, snowed in huh?
mertiemooo: thanks
Zapha2: Lenny and Varna
JocelinOhio: yes, yahudit
laterthan_u_think: yes, i'm here
laterthan_u_think: mooo
JocelinOhio: yes, we've got 16+"
yahudit: ty, Jocelin
JocelinOhio: how much you have?
JocelinOhio: yw, yahudit
mertiemooo: got my answer later thanks
laterthan_u_think: k
yahudit: i think i'm going to try to find it
spitfiremkv: 1 inch....!!!
JocelinOhio: in fact you can't get out one end of our road
yahudit: i'd love to know the words and interpretation
JocelinOhio: Pitrones are snowed in without power
delfam: 86 degrees in Panama today
JocelinOhio: and the rest of the congregation is snowed in too
spitfiremkv: oh well, it's Shabbat...
yahudit: good song, eddie
JocelinOhio: well, shabbat shalom ya'll!
spitfiremkv: ty
JocelinOhio: spit, 1"?????????????
JocelinOhio: or did you mean 10?
spitfiremkv: no, just one
Masters144000: 1/2 lol
Ephraims-arrow: yahudit...google milk and honey, u should find it
spitfiremkv: I like snow storms
JocelinOhio: wow!
Zapha2: we got supposedly 2" of rain in S. Alabama, but our yard
had at least 4 inches of standing water
JocelinOhio: wow!
JocelinOhio: well, shabbat shalom ttyl
spitfiremkv: Jocelin, did you get the pic of the plane?
Ephraims-arrow: Halleluyah for all tha is and all tha is to come
Zapha2: our rivers are running over!
MENCH18: 60 and sunny in TX.....sorry
jonah_68: sunny and 50 in T.or C.,N.M.
Masters144000: cold and rainy here
jonah_68: where is here
Zapha2: here is where without the 2
Zapha2: lol
HalleluYahweh: I grew up in Texas and New Mexico! i miss it!
HalleluYahweh: 86 in Panama? I would love to visit!
actsman238: glory
HalleluYahweh: We've had a ton of rain in SC too. We have ponds
where there wasn't ponds before!
HalleluYahweh: I've been checking out the blueprints for Noah's ark
saved4u: Shalom Assembly, there is a famlily looking for a Congregation in
the following areas: Abiline, Coleman or Brownwood TX. If there is any one
in any of these places this family wants to learn more about the movement,
Yahshua and two house restoration. Please contact me at
thetafurs@yahoo.com Abba bless you.
DeborahM: Halleluyahweh, where did you grow up in Tx and NM? I
did too, dad in oilfield
Zapha2: Our rivers in S. Alabama and the Panhandle of FL are
flooding from all the rain we've had this winter
HalleluYahweh: I grew up in El Paso, Amarillo, Clovis, Albuquerque,
and Alamogordo. We moved around....alot!
DeborahM: Saved4u, there are study groups in Abilene and in
Brownwood; contact abilenetorahgroup@att.net
HalleluYahweh: We had water standing everywhere yesterday. We
have a bridge we cross, it had water up to the pavement.
Another day and we would need a boat!
HalleluYahweh: That is a great opportunity for those in Abilene! We
have a good one near us....finally!
redrogers: We got 24 in of snow
saved4u: Thanks Deborah! Abba blessyou.
Zapha2: some of our roads are washing away, here. Some paved
and I wouldn't venture down one of the red clay roads here
DeborahM: Halle, we did too, but not those places LOL, Hobbs,
Carlsbad, Las Cruces, Farmington, etc
HalleluYahweh: We had 2 inches of snow...and a pretty good bit of
ice! of course!
HalleluYahweh: I've been in Las Cruces. I had a friend who's mother
attended school there. We use to go to Elephante Butte to fish.
HalleluYahweh: BRB
HalleluYahweh: k, man! We took a quick lunch break, and missed
the beginning of the 5 min update! Now I will have to catch it
on waytozion next week!
Zapha2: you can download it now, it is posted
HalleluYahweh: Thanks! I thought they waited until later!
Zapha2: nope, DR is fast!
HalleluYahweh: He's getting very quick on the draw! Wouldn't want
to have a shoot out with him! LOL!
Zapha2: lol, he's pretty fast with a popgun!
HalleluYahweh: LOL!
Zapha2: of course, he uses only non-GMO popcorn
HalleluYahweh: Talking about all the rain, I went out a gravel
driveway this morning and slid!
Zapha2: I believe it
HalleluYahweh: non_GMO?
Zapha2: he's a farmer...corn and wheat
HalleluYahweh: Oh ok!
HalleluYahweh: He's good with the computer....for a farmer! LOL!
Zapha2: lol, he's pretty smart for a dumb-rod! lol
HalleluYahweh: LOL! He's probably done this stuff so much, he can
literally do it with his eyes closed!
Zapha2: he must be afk or he'd have some funny comment
HalleluYahweh: I was just wondering if he knew we were talking
about him! LOL!
Zapha2: I'm sending him a file...huge file, he must be afk
HalleluYahweh: I don't see his name in the list. His ears must be
Zapha2: I IM'd him that we were talking about him
HalleluYahweh: He may reappear in a moment then. You going to
Zapha2: not any time soon
Zapha2: would love to, just don't have the funds
HalleluYahweh: I have an idea for jewelry I am going to try to make
and sell. If Abba allows, hopefully, I will make enough to make
the trip. It will take a miracle for me though. They had a
hearing for my disability in January.
Zapha2: don't get caught doing that if you want to get disability
HalleluYahweh: I probably won't be able to do enough to make a
living at it. I can't stand to sit for very long. I've had 4 back
surgeries. It's hard for me emotionally. I am only 48 and I have
worked since I was 15. I had a great job. They won't even let
me walk in the door now.
HalleluYahweh: Disability isn't something I was planning for. I was
planning on a great retirement.
Zapha2: neither did I
Zapha2: I get a pretty good "retirement" now from my military
pension, VA disability and SSD
HalleluYahweh: I have to pray a lot and stay in the Word to keep
from being depressed. You just feel useless. I have to run.
Hubby is calling. I will have to catch all of you later.
HalleluYahweh: Well, that's good! I am glad they are taking care of
Zapha2: shabbat shalom sis
HalleluYahweh: Shabbat Shalom everyone!
Zapha2: Shabbat nap time...shavuah Tov everyone!
actsman238: can you post demitri's full name for spelling
pourposes, i would like to goggle his other writings
Jay Scher: http://www.handofhelp.com/index.php
seeking yah_1: Dumitru Duduman
Tee_617: Dumitru Duduman
actsman238: TYVM
jon4yah: 2
jon4yah: 1
Joyful41: Is this a recording now?
laterthan_u_think: 1
Tonisue: are there slides with this teaching?

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