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Dwinanda Fadhil P.
M. Yudha A. : You have mentioned some actualization of your issues related.
Does it effective? I think you need 3th point of view.
Ryan Devri :why I cant found any related books or resources that adressed by
international organization? Or perhaps is there any conferences resolutons that
had been done to discussed this topic? I think its quite necessary, just to bring
more neutral-point of view than only bases on piblications or authors.
: why you didnt put any reports from another WTO
conferences before bali? I think you have to put some because as we know a
resolution couldnt be reached if there is no turning point before. At least you can
put some basic resource which talking about what is food security and WHY
Indonesia in this case, have to make it pass. Just for more deep understanding.
: I dont know why you put almost all of your annatoted
resources based on ONLY IKCEPA reports? Because first, i think if you do that it
means your thesis will be review-ing the results of every IKCEPA meetings,
moreover, if you want to review-ing, i think you should put some actual reports
based on each countries Korea or Indonesia, regarding how impactfull the latest
IKCEPA meetings for their countries. Then again, i cant see any important issues
in ur thesis.
Anggraeni Silvi
: I have seen that you put some paragraph which talking
about Russias view regarding this oil dispute and regulation. But how about
Kazakhstan, or Ukraine view? I cannot see one specific journals/books which
talking about them. And when we talk about Oil, i thin you should put resorces
from oil coorporation. Just to help you and the readers to acknowladge actual
Anugrah Dien
: You talk about the failure of Indonesian goverment for
passing the CPO resolution at the latest APEC meeting. To further acknowledge, i
think you should put some international rules&guidences books (in your case
talking about oil) which that makes Indonesian motion fails.
: I think you should put some journal/books from MAOC(N) as
publisher (some kind like reportations, or datas) so it can halp you to describe
your issues more (since you put MAOC(N) as your primary subject)
: I think you need journal/books which specifically talking about
COMCEC or any COMCEC members, regarding Indonesian potentials. Because as
has been mentioned before, we need to more look up the position of indonesia
itself in COMCEC or members perspection.

: You put journal which talking about china respons between US and
Taiwan Military partnership. How US react tegarding this respons from china?
: you put some comparasion to your issues. Does it appliable
in your case? I mean every issues have their own charaterisric right? And also
there are many options to solve this kind of issues.
Rizky Oktaviana
: Is there any reports or statement from Central Africas
Goverment regarding this issue?
AndI d.
: I think you need third-person perception to give comments
based on ur issue. since your thesis critizing WHO performence in facing Ebola
virus. We need to know wether its sucsess eficience or not.
Ronny W.
: You put lots of books/journals which talking about US and thirdperson preception. Why you didnt put from Mexico (or at least one country in
Latin Americas) to find out what they think about this FDI?
: I think you should put some refugees guidence whisvh
talking about International perception about what is refugees and so on, so the
readers could know whats really happens in colombia? And whats put colombias
refugees wrong?
M. Burhan : You put lots of journal which talking about US position in pakistans
nuclear. It is real partnership or merely a intervention? I mean you realy
headlining the US role in pakistans baside pakistan efforts to conquer their
nuclear problem by themself.
M. Ilham F. : Why switzerland become most popular country in EU for imagrant?
You need a specific journal which talking about this background issues.
Astrid P.
: I dont see any actualization in your issues. Why? First, the issues
itself happened in 2011 which it is an old case. Second, theres no implication
from your case to nowdays activity.

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