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Configuring soapUI to test TIBCO SOAP over JMS

Seshasai Kotipalli

over JMS with


Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services


Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3

Installation ............................................................................................................... 4

Hermes Configuration ............................................................................................. 5

Configuring JMS endpoints in soapUI ................................................................... 8

Correlating SOAP over JMS Responses for Static reply destinations .............. 12

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

1 Introduction
This document explains the procedure to setup Eviware soapUI tool to test SOAP over JMS services exposed by
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks and TIBCO ActiveMatrix service grid.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

2 Installation
Download and install soapUI version that has HermesJMS bundled with it from either www.eviware.com or
www.soapui.org. Generally the exe version has HermesJMS bundled with it. Select HermesJMS option when installing
the product as shown below.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

3 Hermes Configuration
After the installation is complete, start hermes from either <soapUI_HOME>\hermesJMS\bin\hermes.bat or by
clicking HermesJMS from within soapUI tools menu and configure as specified below.
1. Create a new session:
Right click on sessions->New->New Session->type a new session name.
Go to providers section by clicking on Providers tab
Right click on the Classpath Groups and add a group and provide a name
Right click on the Library and select Add JAR(s) and add tibjms.jar and tibjmsadmin,jar from
<EMS_HOME>\lib\ folder.
Click Apply and OK and Save the settings using File->Save Settings.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

2. Edit the session:

Right click on the session created and choose Edit and it will take you to Sessions section
Select the classpathgroup created at step#1 from the dropdown box against Loader and Apply.
Choose com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory as the Connection Factory Class.
Select Tibco EMS from the Plug In dropdown.
Right click on the canvas below Plug In selection add serverURL, username and password properties
with appropriate values as shown below. Also, make sure to add the serverUrl,username and
userPassword at ConnectionFactory settings, otherwise it will always tries to connect to
Click Apply and OK to close the Preferences dialog and save settings using File->Save Settings.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

3. Right click the session and click discover, it should connect to ems server and list the destinations if its
configured correctly.

4. Please make sure the request and reply queues are created prior to running the discover step. If not, create
them now and retry the discover option. Save settings and exit HermesJMS configuration tool. The
HermesJMS configuration is stored typically in c:\.hermes folder. Check the contents of this folder; it should
have hermes-config.xml. This location is needed for configuring soapUI as detailed in next section.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

4 Configuring JMS endpoints in soapUI

1. Adding JMS endpoint to soapUI project
Create or edit a soapUI project based on a concrete wsdl (SOAP over HTTP wsdl is also fine)
Right click on the interface, select Add JMS endpoint and specify Hermes Config location, Session
name, send and receive JMS destination names. The Hermes Config folder is the location where the
settings are saved while configuring the HermesJMS as described in section #3.
If a non-default location is used for Hermes Config specify appropriate folder, the default location on
windows is c:\.hermes.
If right destinations are listed in the drop down for send and receive destinations, make sure those
destination names are created in EMS server and redo the discover as described above. If you would
like to use temp destination for replies, leave the Receive/Subscribe destination value empty.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

2. In the soapUI request editor,

Select JMS endpoint with the format shown in the screenshots below. For static reply destinations,
endpoint should contain both request and reply destinations. The endpoint will be
jms://ems::queue_bw.soap.jms::queue_ for temp destinations. The queue_ value at the end of the string
indicates a temp destination is used for replies. See the screenshot below for both static reply and temp
reply destinations.
Fill in the replyTo destination in JMS Headers tab. This is only required if you have chosen static reply
destination in Receive/Subscribe destination. For temporary reply destinations this step is not required.
Add SOAPAction by clicking on + symbol in JMS Properties tab with appropriate value as shown below.
Trigger soapUI to test it out. SOAPAction is required for both static and temp reply scenarios.

Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services


Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

The following screenshot shows configuration for temp destination format, JMSReplyTo header should not
be set, SOAPAction property is required the same way as static reply case.


Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

5 Correlating SOAP over JMS Responses for Static reply

When temporary destinations are used as reply destinations, there is no need to do additional correlation as the
temp destination names are unique. When static reply destinations are used, correlation is required to make sure a
response is properly matched to the corresponding request. This is especially true when performing load tests.
Response correlation can be done in soapUI as described below.
1. Create a Send Step:
Right click on the soapUI project created in above section, and add a New TestSuite and provide a name.
Right click on the TestSuite and add a New TestCase and provide a name.
Right click on the TestCase and add a step of type Test Request and provide a name. In the following
screen shot, its named JMSSend. Choose the right operation as guided by soapUI.
Click on the endpoint dropdown and add a new endpoint and specify the endpoint URI in the format
shown in the screenshot. It should only request destination. In this example, URI is
jms://ems::queue_bw.soap.jms. Here ems refers to the session created in Hermes and bw.soap.jms is the
destination name that the actual service request destination.
Click the JMS Headers tab and add JMSReplyTo destination value.
Click on JMS Properties and add SOAPAction with appropriate value by clicking on the + sign.
Remove/disable any assertions by clicking on Assertions button


Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services


Using soapUI for testing SOAP over JMS services

2. Create a Receive Step:

Add a new test step of type Test Request and name it JMSReceive and select the same operation
that was selected for JMSSend step.
Delete the request content as this step is only used to receive the response.
Click on the endpoint drop down list and add a new endpoint and specify the endpoint URI as
jms://ems::-::queue_bw.soap.jms.reply. Here ems refers to the hermes session name and
bw.soap.reply is the reply destination. Do not use edit endpoint option as it will change the endpoint
for JMSSend also.
Click on the JMS headers and add a Message Selector as
The SOAP over JMS response from both BW and AMSG will have the MessageID of request sent
back as correlationID, so the request and response are matched with the above selector
Remove/disable any assertions.

2. Test the scenario by executing the test case, instead of each step.


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