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Pulchripes Care Sheet

Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula

Albert Abarquez

This is a Care Sheet dedicated to the Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula, a medium-large
sized specie from Argentina, Paraguay & Uraguay. This is also a Standard Care Sheet
applicable to most Terrestrial Tarantula Species.
This Care Sheet is based on books, articles and information that I have gathered and my personal
opinion, observations and experiences dealing with this specie. Some information may be incorrect or
insufficient. This care sheet is, and will always be a work in progress. If the reader finds any
misinformation and have any corrections or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment so I may
address your concerns.

Grammostola Pulchripes Care Sheet

(Chaco Golden Knee)
This species is one of the best species suitable for any beginner tarantula owner. The reason for this
statement is because G. Pulchripes (formerly G. Aureostriata) has a very pleasing demeanour. They
have a docile, calm and hardy nature which are essential characteristics for a starter tarantula.
Chaco Golden Knee Tarantulas can easily be identified by the striking golden stripes on each knee.
They can grow leg spans up to 8 inches measured diagonally, which makes them more desirable for
beginners. They also are the fastest growing of the Grammostola genus and have a lifespan of over 5
years for males and over 15 years for females. And unlike most beginner tarantula species which has
very little activity, this specie will keep itself busy. These little critters are mini-bulldozers.
Choosing your tarantula:

It is advisable for 1st time tarantula keepers to talk to someone who owns tarantulas before getting one.
Research about the tarantula you want and never hesitate to ask questions.
Keeping of this species is fairly easy. Spiderlings, or often referred to as "Slings" are more suitable for
beginners, because slings will almost never bite, the mere size of your hand is enough to intimidate
them. By the time your tarantula is juvenile-sized, you will already have an idea of its personality.
If you are getting adult specimen then a female is recommended since they live longer and grow larger
than the males. Males, after reaching maturity will have the tendencies to turn aggressive and
defensive, this is because mature males aim on securing a mate. Males will also have about a year or

It is also wise to check the health and temperament of a potential tarantula. Adult tarantulas should
have abdomens bigger than its carapace or cephalothorax. How it stands or walks will also give you an
idea of the tarantulas health; healthy tarantulas should stand and walk on the tips of their toes like
ballerinas, their abdomens shouldnt be dragged on the substrate (ground) when they walk. Looking at
the back of the abdomen will also tell you about their temperaments. Hair-flickers will have bald spots
on their abdomens. This specie rarely flicks. A tarantulas temperament can be checked by gently
touching the back of its abdomen or hind legs with a paintbrush/stick, if it simply walks away, then it can
be handled, if it runs away, then it might be a little nervous or skittish so exercise caution if you want to

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