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Black Collared Magic

postflaviana.org /black-collared-magic/
Richard Stanley
I came across a curious and anonymous, unabashedly Catholic diatribe, The Union Jack (1970), which
proclaims to its purportedly broader ecumenical Christian audience that the British-Israel movement is the
primary, if not sole, cause of the modern worlds major problems. British-Israel, now almost forgotten, was
the interesting conceit that the British Commonwealth, the Americans, and most of the rest of Europe
comprise the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. While one might be tempted to see all this as a rather obscure and
dated attack on an equally obscure religious and political phenomenon originating in the 19th century, one
might better consider that in the first half of the 20th century almost half of the British global population
had accepted the tenets of British-Israel across all sectarian boundaries excepting Roman Catholicism,
where it would have been a non-starter, based upon their long standing, well foundational theological
and cultural enmity with respect to Judaism.
The Union Jack presents a fascinating view into economic, political, and religious false dialectics, and how
they fuel the engine of Western civilizations endemic religious and cultural angst, distracting us from what
is really important. In my view, what is really important in this regard can be boiled down to one primary
dialectic issue, or perhaps the master key if you will. This key has been hidden in plain sight for several
hundred years, but is perhaps only a fractal outgrowth of a much older issue as I discussed in my prior
post, Peoples of the Flavian Book. Differing here from the anonymous author, I will try to separately identify
what that primary false dialectic is and why both sides of these bogus distractionary arguments want us to
look either right or left, but not directly ahead.
In this regard my task is not too difficult, as the author has done a reasonably good job of explaining how
these contrived controversies work; only here I will assert that the author is either being disingenuous or
allowing his faith driven confirmation bias to blinker his reasoning. In other words, he is telling a half truth,
a half truth that leaves half of the story untold and thus veiling the hidden dialectic, by magically distracting
us with the half-truth(s).
As such, in the excerpt below that I will be deriving my argument from, the author lists a wealth of artificial
political and economic dialectics, or false dichotomies, that the whole world is said to have been burdened
with since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. This in the presumed aim of wrestling the political power and
wealth of Catholic States away to that of the British Empire, which the author advises the reader, if they did
not already know, is secretly of a varigated Atheistic Judeo-Communist, Illuminati-Masonic, MaterioRationalist, Satanic and Pagan nature. Quite a mouthful, however this is simply the illuminated pot calling
the illuminated kettle black. This laundry list of heretical aspects, from the Catholic perspective, could be
added to but this would help give the magic game away, as I will do so further on.
So here the anonymous author proclaimed:

British Israel always divides issues between two myths of its own creation one to
represent bad and one to represent good. Some recognizable examples of this double
dealing are materialism versus the kingdom of God; separation of church and state versus
the theocratic state; God is dead versus crypto-Christianity; paganism versus Millennialism,
Americanism versus communism, Republicanism versus Democracy, communism versus
the free world, National Socialism versus Communism, Heathenism versus Western

Civilization, superstition versus religion, white Christian versus Negro, paganism versus
Christian Civilization, totalitarian Communism versus the world under Gods law and
Godless atheism versus Judeo-Christianity. One can change ideologies and still be under
the spiritual-political control of British Israel.
To enlarge upon the spiritual aspects of international intrigue we see clearly that the aim of
Jew-British Pax Brittanica is the removal of Pax Romanum as a spiritual force in the world.
Since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the British Empire has sought to wrest the political
power and wealth of Catholic States through Machiavellian politics. The Empire has
extended its control under many names and fronts from National Socialism to Communism
to Republicanism and many times it has maneuvered these ideologies against itself and
against each other to advance its cause. Its ace front is the Christian State and it is the
ideology of the kingdom of God which has advanced the spiritual attacks of the Empire upon
the Catholic Church both from without and from within. In this context it has been able to
permeate its propaganda into the church and infiltrate the leadership almost completely
undetected by the vast majority of Catholicism.
(Source: Chapter Five, The Union Jack)

With respect to the last sentence, fortunately for us there was at least one astute individual in the temporal
world of Catholicism. I suspect, however, that there are a few more than one.
More importantly, we are already confronted with the mirrored conceit that the power and wealth of
Catholic States is anything other than the crass accretion of material wealth by an immoral institution
whose deceptive means justify its stated global ambitions. By institution, I mean the distributed network of
the Churchs corporate diocese and the even wider historical network of elite families that have profited by
sponsoring it and filling its curious Curia. These families, a faux nobility, have ever enriched themselves by
coerced religious tithing of the masses and via undue access to material wealth seized during their earlier
appellations as warlords, imperial colonizers, Caesars, Czars, and such.
While I do not question the view that all of the Union Jack dialectics are indeed either myths or human
contrivances, however it does seem rather unlikely that the British Empire, as the superficially apparent
promulgator of the British-Israel concept, is the solitary cause of all of this widespread conflict or that the
always woeful Catholic Church and its adherents are its sole, or real, target. Fortunately, the anonymous
author has bravely done us the favor of not hiding his romantic spiritual and political inclinations, if not his
name and office. (The Union Jack was distributed by Helen M. Peters, a Christian newsletter
publisher who could easily have been mistaken for the author, at least by the uninitiated.) We dont need to
do much reading between the lines to detect that the author has the ubiquitous religious flair for one-sided
screeds that seem likely to inflame the paranoiac passions of the faithful, who always trust that they have
been provided all the truth they need by respected authority, even when anonymous. Here, I detect a
similarity to the notorious and anonymous Protocols of the Elders of Zion, where the most
sophisticated analysis rests authorship upon Machiavellian Jesuits. Its brazen title only serves to point out
just how dim (or unenlightened as those same ever Luciferian Jesuits might say with their knowing smile)
the target audience was, at least when it comes to Machiavellian thinking.
Thinking about the diatribe, I realized that a Libertarian construct (originally from David Nolan) could help
parse its erroneous analysis. It seems to help explain several reasons for the Communist hot button for
denizens of the hard right in general, but particularly with Catholic reactionaries. It also helps explain the
dynamics of both the Vatican and Britain vis-a-vis Russia (in all its byzantine forms).
The political terms Left and Right were first coined during the French Revolution, when

they represented a stark binary simplicity: the nobility, clergy and other supporters of the King seated on
the Right, and their opponents, the revolutionaries, seated ironically on the uhmm Republican Left.
This original bifurcation was remarkably similar to our Postflavian view: that the most fundamental political
and economic struggle is that of the common people against the tiny fraction of society that rule over the
rest. This was the case recorded for the Greek oligarchs and plutocrats, and then again with the Roman
aristocrats against land reforms (whose leaders, the Gracchi brothers were assassinated) going against
their interests. And more recently witnessed by the bloody Spanish Civil War (again those revolutionary,
leftist Republicans) and brutal repressions of social and land reforms in Latin America. The common
element between the Classical Period and the 18th century being the Catholic Church under which
feudalism long reigned. With this example we find the likes of Hitler, Mussolini, and Saint Escriva, the
founder of Catholic order Opus Dei, doing Gods Work in coming to the aid of fellow defender of the Faith,
Generalissimo Franco, in brutally suppressing the evil aspirations of the res publicans and the anarchic
peasants who could barely feed themselves under the Spanish ancien regime.
Since 1789, we have seen a long struggle to obfuscate this simple class-based analysis, in conjunction
with the elites never-ending quest to control the masses, and infiltrate and subvert their
emergent leadership, using whatever means necessary. During the 20th century, Left largely came to
denote a socialist or communist economic viewpoint, whereas Right denoted a capitalist or free-market
orientation; while the monarchists, nobility & clergy had become merely a ghostly presence, forgotten and
ostensibly insignificant. Or at least thats what they want us to believe. The simple binary division
developed into a linear scale, with various political parties arranged according to the intensity of their points
of view.
David Nolans innovation was a further variation on
this one dimensional, Right vs. Left scale of political
analysis. He suggested that it would be more
descriptive to use a two-dimensional graph, assigning
one axis to the standard left-to-right economic scale,
but with the second axis and
domain being that of social issues. In this way one
could more accurately place people like populists or
religious socialists, etc. that could not be placed on the
old scale.
Other commentators, looking at the Nolan chart,
realized that the chart can also be used to define a
new, circular political spectrum. So if one starts
near the top of the circle (which would be the center of
the old line), as an economic and social libertarian or
anarchist, then going left one eventually gets to
gradations of socialism, and going right one becomes
increasingly capitalistic. The interesting thing is, when using the circle paradigm, is that continuing on in
either direction gets you to the same point.
Over time, I for instance, have moved about 90 degrees counterclockwise on the circular scale from
initially being a moderate right libertarian, through minarchism and anarchism, to becoming an upper left
centrist (having abandoned contemporary and absolutist libertarianism as hopelessly Utopian and
impractical.) In other words, a Classical Liberal, or what most of the American Founding Fathers claimed
they were, with the pragmatic exception that I do not subscribe to didactic right / left givens. One uses a
hammer where one needs to and a sledge hammer when the former is insufficient.

Also, in terms of the original (French Revolutionary) definition of the Left and Right dichotomy, the old Left
is generally found towards the top of the Nolan
chart, where we find various forms of economic and
social liberalism, libertarianism, left anarchism, and
right anarchism; while the old Right is found at the
bottom of the chart, where Communists, Nazis,
Fascists and Neocons cluster together with the
ghostly presence of the ancient Royalists; and the
Republican and Democratic Parties and other hack
political creations (forms of populism, usually driven
by demagogues like Rudi Guiliani and his putative
ancestor, Julius Caesar) take up their inconsistent
positions as per the modern convention, where
pseudo-left and pseudo-right parties trade insults,
peddle absurdities, and seek to divide the people
equally into warring camps of confusion. Dialectics
re-coined as wedge issues.
So, the take home lesson is that extreme capitalism
and communism are pretty much the same thing,
functionally. Practically the only thing
that might change is the puppet faces of who are in
charge. Here is the big secret that the anonymous
author(s) of The Union Jack and the Flavian
Vatican doesnt want us to figure out. From understanding this master key to false dialectics we can then
unravel the otherwise seeming rats nest of motivations for the subordinate false dialectics.
By blaming the current Anglo-British system for the invention of Communism, the Union Jack diatribe has
gotten too cute by half. For if one wants to describe the roots of the British system as having come out of
traditional feudalism, then, Hell Yes, this is indeed Communism at least, in the sense that the British
(and European) feudal system was at the bottom of the circular Nolan chart, (infinitesimally) to the right
of the Communists that is, if Communism is defined as the Soviets did, as a system in which a few elite
people are placed in centralized control over the essentially enslaved and immobile masses. After all, that
is what the original Church of Christ Caesar gave us. But they gave it to us from a Right perspective, so
thus it is Godly and good.
It is from this perspective that such as liberal (both Republican and Democratic) Americans, and
Americanization are apostate and Satanic from the traditionalist, ultramontane Catholic perspective, and
this includes American Catholics, who are, significantly, mostly of the Jesuit flavor. But at the end of the
day, globalized sheep are sheep, no matter What The Flock (WTF).
With the rise of, first Mercantilism, and then the Industrial Revolution (and the Enlightenment), the Church
elites started to see the possibility of losing their monopoly grip. By default, the serfs were necessarily
leaving the estates of the crypto-communist nobility, and going to work for wages in the new factories of
the cities. But because most every profit seeking capitalist seeks to reduce his expenses to the greatest
degree possible, so as to maximize his now godly return, he will attempt to drive wages as low as possible.
With a seemingly endless supply of available labor this resulted in very low wages for the workers. Thus,
in a metaphorical Satanic reaction, came the concepts of labor unions and socialism.
Seeing all this nightmare unfolding before their very feudal eyes, the godly decided to fight fire with fire. If
they want socialism, lets give it to them. As Wolfang Waldner explained in his online essay Marx and

Engels: who were they really (source in German, translated with the help of Google Translate):

In the 19th century, a fierce resistance to the impoverishment of the masses by the
capitalist industrialization developed. Autocrats, government officials, industrialists and
bankers were afraid because of strikes and violent resistance to the attacks of the
anarchists. But when Marx and Engels took over the communists ideological leadership,
the revolutionaries became peaceful, with value-form analysis employed instead of

As further explained in the online introduction to Waldners book, Karl Marx, Prussian government agent:

The famous Socialist theorist was the brother-in-law of the Prussian Minister of the Interior,
Ferdinand von Westphalen
It was and is no secret to those skilled in the study of political agents: even without the
Prussian Minister of the Interior as his brother, Marxs curriculum vitae would lead to this
conclusion at first glance. For a private citizen, Marx had a remarkable number of contacts
with important contemporary political figures. Towards his fellow dissidents, Marx displayed
a sustained commitment to personal hatred and self-righteousness. From the ruling circles,
Marx was praised for his deeply thought-out critique of capitalism. Starting out his spying
career as the closest friend of theologian Bruno Bauer, Marx suddenly became the editorial
director of the Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne, funded by the prime minister Ludolf
Camphausen, who later promoted him to work in his ministry. Marxs theories were directed
against well-known targets among the early socialists. Marx and his cronies began by
infiltrating Weitlings Confederation of Craftsmen, and later undermined the First
International. Spokesmen of the labor movement found his theories useless, and only
Bismarcks adoption of the Socialist Law allowed Marx to win influence over the social
democracy. Upon his arrival in England, Karl Marx joined a partnership with David
Urquhart, an agent of the British crown, and they became involved in agitation against
Russia, which was threatening the global interests of the British.

In an analysis of Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto, Waldner argues that Marxs scientific socialism
is based in the absurd proposition that economic conditions under capitalism would inevitably decline until
nearly everyone would become part of the proletariat, suffering under starvation wages and terrible
working conditions, until finally the workers would rise and rebel. However, as many observers have since
pointed out, such a monotonous decline was hardly inevitable; and furthermore, Waldner argues, the
insistence on inevitability was a sabotage to any attempts to improve the workers conditions in the short

Imagine if Abraham Lincoln had announced in the US that first the system of slavery would
abound more and more, until almost all citizens of the United States had become slaves;
until at last sometime the overwhelming number of slaves would overthrow their slave
owners and justify a slave state. Until then, no one could do anything, because this
development would be historically-materialistic inevitable and scientifically proven. Human
intervention in the specified course of history would not be possible or would even hinder
progress on its inevitable way. To live according to the teachings of Marx and Engels, was

to reject any concrete and practical resistance of the workers and citizens against the
interests of big business.

As Marx & Engels themselves wrote in the Communist Manifesto:

In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of

society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have
patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guildmasters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate
Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has
simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two
great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other Bourgeoisie and
From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns.
From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.

As Waldner says, the position is historically complete nonsense, as the bourgeoisie did not spring from
the serfs, but rather from a complex mix of commercial tradesmen, banking interests, early educational
institutions (largely priestly and monastic in character) and the nobility. Furthermore, all of the complicated
arrangements described by Marx as relics of an earlier age, were reflected in social structures which were
still very much powerfully prevalent in the 19th century, just as they continue today.
As to Waldners claim that Marx served as a spy for the elite, Richard Wurmbrands Marx and Satan (p.
33) mentions:

The German newspaper Reichsruf (January 9, 1960) published the fact that the Austrian
chancellor Raabe donated to Nikita Khrushchev, then director of Soviet Russia, an original
letter of Karl Marx. Khrushchev did not enjoy it, because it was proof that Marx had been a
paid informer of the Austrian police, spying on revolutionaries.
The letter had been found accidentally in a secret archive. It indicated that Marx, as an
informer, reported on his comrades during his exile in London. He received $25 for each bit
of information he turned up. His notes were about the revolutionary exiles in London, Paris,
and Switzerland.

Wurmbrands book goes on to demonstrate that Marxist-Leninism in the Soviet Union often resorted to
Satanist imagery in patriotic songs, poetry and propaganda. As to Marx himself, Satanism may have been
only a momentary youthful indiscretion, exhibited in several poems he wrote as a teenager, perhaps in
imitation of Goethes Faust.
Marxs status as an ethnic Jew is unmistakeable, with many rabbis in his pedigree, and he may be
descended through his maternal grandmother from the same Barent-Cohen family that married into the
Rothschild clan, thus making Marx a distant cousin of the Rothschild banking family (that is, if David
Barent-Cohen and Barend Berman Salomon Zelig Cohen, born in Amersfoort, NL around 1700, were

either the same person, or closely related). Marx also had a very close relationship with Moses Hess, a
founder of the Labor Zionist movement, and reportedly the source of some of Marxs pithiest slogans. Yet
Marxs father had become a Lutheran (if only to save his career as an attorney in Prussia), and Marx
proclaimed himself an atheist, and wrote a pamphlet On the Jewish Question as if from the vantage point
of an outsider, indeed characterizing Judaism as the essence of capitalism:

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly
religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Remember here, that Marx later stated that he was not a Marxist complaining (cynically perhaps?) that
his ideas about historical materialism had been further bowdlerized by his followers into a
rigid determinism, if not nihilism. He was also not a Marxist in the sense that Marxism came to be
synonymous with socialism'; and yet, Marxs brand of socialism was fatally flawed by its insistence on
scientific central planning and control of the means of production by a few central planners; while earlier
forms of socialism were based on worker-owned cooperatives.
At Postflaviana, we support a Georgist, liberal capitalist / socialist, hybrid framework where land and
natural resources (not private factories or institutions) were to be managed by the .. community. And
possibly even more important, the practice of rent being paid to landlords would be significantly altered
and thus end possibly the worst mechanism of destabilizing disproportionate wealth concentration. Our
societys use of the term Lord being derived from the landed aristocrats (a faux and undeserved warlord
nobility) comes directly via this practice from the earliest of historical times. And thus, Lord Jesus, a fictive
euphemism for our amalgamated, earthly faux nobility, is due his rent or tithe, just as occurred in the
prior Caananite Baal and YHVH [sic] real estate rental and tax farming systems.

As with Marxs obfuscating co-optation, this is the way social reforms, in general, work (or, rather, fail to
work .. on purpose). Legitimate reforms are frequently, if not almost always, co-opted by the powerful
interests that stand to lose. And in performing a proper co-optation, it is best to steal the name of the
original movement, so as to enhance ones faux legitimacy.
A cogent example of such co-optation is with the Libertarian Party, which was early on taken over by the
Koch Brothers and the Cato Institute. The former, as American oligarchs, with a supposedly archconservative Roman Catholic familial persuasion insinuated themselves into a polity that should otherwise
be seen as an heretical anathema to their religious values. How does a political party that embraces
individual freedom (for all) and the res publica reconcile itself to such an association with supposedly
devout members of a religion that actually insists upon the monarchical prerogatives of the ancien regime?
Perhaps the Koch brothers are merely contextually ignorant and confused, as so many are, but if not, then
what do we make of their penchant for subversive (to American democracy) political activities? The
Libertarian Party, itself, promotes such confusion via their mantra of there being no class war in America.
This would be commendable if this was merely the goal, however, this has never been the American reality
(for the majority).
Another similar example is the first-hand claim of Otto Strasser in his Hitler and I: that Hitler, a good
Austrian Catholic schoolboy, infiltrated the National Socialist Party (the NSDAP); and once having
ascended to power, betrayed the workers cause in favor of the German oligarchs, as well as all those
American and other corporations that helped rebuild the now fascist Germany. Much more can be said on
this matter in future posts.
This all is epitomized in the cleverly obfuscating diatribe of The Union Jack, where we have the inane

case of the (Catholic Pol) Pots calling the (British Commie) Kettles Black. The reason that even a hint of
socialism draws such a strong reaction from conservatives, is that Marxs controlled opposition
formulation of socialism (as Communism) plays upon the central fear and reward (addiction) nerve
complexes in the Reactionary brain. Because Marxs formulation integrated his pseudo-scientific
economics with those of Darwins evolution ideas, this became a perfect Church foil to rant against
intentionally conflated Godless Science and Collectivism, i.e. Communism. Going against God
neurologically induces the hysterical fear response (or paralysis) literally, seeing Red and Solomonic
Red Shields. When the fear center of the brain activates, it precludes the conscious portion of the brain
from engaging in rational thought processes, hence knee jerk reactionaries. And all this while
simultaneously threatening Gods neurologically based, addictive cocaine reward system of maximal profit
for the Elect princes and corporate oligarchs of the Church. For both its British and Roman branches
grafted onto the Root of Jesse (Romans 11).
There is a lot more that can profitably commented on, in The Union Jack, besides this look at false
dialectics of Communism against Capitalism. For one, the 1970 authorship date is interesting in terms of
the zeitgeist context of its terminology which in todays respective mainstream cultural environment might
be uncomfortable for some to read. With such as the use of the term Jew as in Jew-Masonic instead of
the slightly less accusatory sounding Jewish-Masonic one might get the feeling that the anonymous
author was not yet ready to make ecumenically nice by that time, only a few years after Vatican II. And
apparently to brazenly demonstrate the British Empires Jew-Masonic chutzpah bona fides, these BritishIsraelites are also the ubiquitous authors of the numerous listed Jew Baiting screeds and similar
practices. No doubt to fool all of us, that they, the British-Israelites, arent Jews or their illuminated and
duped agents, except the ever alert and all seeing Union Jack author(s) that is.
This only serves to demonstrate the inanity of the authors complementary argument, namely
that Catholics, in contrast, only engage in sincere Jew accusations and not Jew Baiting when
they point out that British-Israel is indeed a Jew-Masonic conspiracy. This is otherwise known as hoisting
oneself on ones own petard. But this is frequently a problem in the entire Abramic religious milieu, in not
being able to recognize ones own solipsism and hypocrisy. Until very recently, Roman Catholicism has
defined itself, in both the canons and by all its major theologians, in stark opposition to the Jews, as the
rejecters and killers of the alleged Christ, one who came to fulfill the Law, whatever that hermeneutically
was, as Bill Clinton might say. The sardonic, core circular logic here, once again, is that the alleged killing
of the alleged Christ is what actually gave us Christianity, ignoring that allegedly Jewish Paul guy, that is.
Gee thanks, Paul and the Christ Killers.
So in this regard, perhaps we might ask ourselves if the author has left at least one other, upper
level, dialectic off the table for his audience not to consider? In this case, and in the now Union Jack
illuminated light of sham oppositions and shields, that perhaps Cardinal Wolseys policy of pitting learning
against learning included a serious bit of contemporaneous Machiavellian thinking of his own in making
the entire English Reformation a sham opposition to Pax Romanum? Perhaps this is what the Mother
Church is so worried about that it needed to specifically mention on the 12/28/2014 episode (re-aired from
4/10/2011) of 60 Minutes that out of the millions of documents that it has archived, that it had all the love
letters of Henry VIII to Ann Boleyn; and that it had obtained them due to the (wink, wink) efforts of a sly
contemporaneous Roman priest. No doubt that Henry, prior to the elaborately staged divorce, having been
just recently named Defender of the (Roman Catholic) Faith, for his actions against the other faux and
controlled Reformation(s), had confessed his affair (as with all the other paramours including Anns sister)
to his Jesuit. Sigh, if only God had deigned to give Catherine a surviving boy child.
That episode of 60 Minutes was preceded by a long paean to the new Jesuit white pope, Francis, who
has been wowing everyone with lots of liberal talk and no action, to anyone that might care. This all
brought to you by the allegedly Zionist controlled American media who is allegedly allied against the

Roman Church.
In future posts we will be able to view other instances of Roman and British post-English Reformation
collaboration which belie the hypocritical and casuistic (aka Jesuitic) message of The Union Jack. For now,
my favorite one is the failed Macnamara Concession of 1846 which promised to divvy up California real
estate between the British Empire created Mormons (see Webster Tarpleys Just Too Weird) and the
Jesuits Irish immigrants. If this plot had been successful and Governor Pio Picos insanely generous offer
of land had been successfully granted, then the Union may likely have lost the Civil War (from the loss of
the California gold shipments, and cogently here, aid from the Russian Tsar) and the slaves would not
have been freed, among other things. Perhaps this, and similar perks of imperium, is leading to what the
bravely anonymous Catholic author is really alluding to by what has been lost by the Pax Romanum? And
in the specific case of California, what was also lost by Romes covert sham opposition, the British Empire.
After all, surely the brave, anonymous author is proud of the biblically justified heritage of slavery as
reformulated from the utopian serfing paradise of European feudalism run by the combined efforts of the
papacy and the aristocratic (landed) nobility and royalty, the first and last all slathered in their rancid holy
annointing chrism oil ala le faux Christ. To be fair to the monarchists though, one can find them complaining
that under the relative liberalism of the new capitalist regimes of the Mercantile and Industrial ages that
their serfs had been better clothed and fed that the capitalists were doing. Is this what the Apostle Paul
meant when he told Christian slaveowners to be kind to their Christian slaves and for the slave to obey his
Not to digress, also to be considered is that British-Israel was indeed the ideological, gentile framework to
justify British and other support for the then nascent drive to restore Zionist Israel, witnessed by such as
the Balfour Declaration. Remarkably, this new state was purposely coined Israel and not Judea. The dark
irony here, in terms of the stated Jew-Masonic and other related usual suspect subtexts, is that
according to the OT historical narrative, the members of the alleged Lost Tribes of Israel hated the
Judean kings, Solomon and David. It was King Solomon that is recorded as dabbling in the pagan
esoteric arts, as did the earlier reputed magicians Moses and Aaron. But then, so did the hero of
Catholicism, Jesus (of the line of David and thus Solomon). Or, as the illuminated Jesuits and Masons
correctly know him by, Lucifer.

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root
and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. KJV Rev 22:16

Yes, I am hinting that the magic here, specifically intended to be missed by the readers of the Union Jack,
is that the Catholic Church is just as much an Illuminati-Masonic creation as its supposed nemesis. A great
place to confirm this is by making a trip to the Vatican and look at all the Masonic related iconography,
such as the great pillars of Jachin and Boaz. Jesuits, who understand, like their Masonic dupes, that when
Black need be White or vice versa and if it profits the (Virgilian 4th Eclogue) global real estate cause of the
Predestined Elect, then so be it. So please dont tell us, sheepish Catholic apologists, that the Vatican has
lately been infiltrated by the Masons and the Illuminati. This happened prior to Constantine when Flavian
Christianity was formulated by amalgamating all the then extant mystery cults and the Imperial Cult into
one corrupt vessel of mind and body slavery.
A further irony is that the Roman Catholic Church has somewhat quietly embraced the claimed rational
Science of its own mythic Illuminati since at least the late 19th century, while letting its other Useful Idiots,
the various hysterical cultic sects of Low Church evangelicals and Pentecostals, maintain its profitable
false dialectic.

In the cases of the Classic Greeks, the Romans, the creation of European Feudalism, and the creation of
Latin American slave colonialism, one can not find a trace of Anglo culpability, but rather it is that All
Roads Lead to Rome. However, to be fair and balanced, it is with the late 18th century, at least, that one
begins to find a tag team collaboration between London, Rome, and New York City.
Is this what might be profitably mined by examining the Catholic and/or Jesuit associations and hidden
agendas of Napoleon, Marx, Stalin, Franco, Mussolini, Hitler, Castro, etc., etc.? And find that
Anglo/American and Vatican veiled elite interests overlap much more than diverge?
This is the essence of pure (or occulted) Black Collared Magic.
Discuss in Forum!

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