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Thank you for purchasing the Vermillion After Effects CS3 Project File.

Below you
will find information to help you customize the project file to suit your needs.
Workflow tips:
This project is created at 1920 x 1080 and uses many effects and layers. The
performance of your computer will play a big role in how easily you can navigate
around the project. To make your life easier and get your work done faster I
recommend lowering the preview resolution to something more comfortable (this can
be done using the drop down menu at the bottom of the viewer/preview panel. Motion
blur can also slow down your system so feel free to uncheck the global switch for
motion blur (at the top of the timeline) while youre making changes.
Project Organisation:
In the Project Pannel you can find all the comps, elements and placeholders that make
up the sequence. Within the Comps folder you will find a composition for each
scene. Each of these scenes has been arranged within the Main comp to make up the
full sequence and this is the composition you will render to create the final output.
Within the Comps folder some of the scenes have the word Media in their name.
This simply lets you know that there is a media place holder within that composition
that you can insert your own media into.
The Elements folder contains all the place holder comps for the sequence (both for
media and logos) as well as a wave effect comp that makes up a design element used
within the project.
You will notice that some of the layers are coloured yellow, this means that a layer is
a master layer and that something is parented to it. This is done to keep the fully
opaque layers and their reflections together. If you move the yellow layer its
reflection will move with it.
Editing Text:
To edit text, simply locate it within the composition (on the timeline) and double click
the layer. In the viewer panel you will see it become highlighted. Simply type your
own text to replace it. Please note that the text layers have reflection layers that are
parented to them (see above about yellow layers). You will also need to change the
reflection text so it matches the master text layer. Tip: The Scene comps have
transparent backgrounds and the low opacity setting of the reflection text layers can
make them hard to see. You can select the layer, press the T key to bring up the
opacity and temporarily change the opacity setting to a high value so you can easily
see the text and then reset the opacity setting to the original setting after you have
made your changes. Note: Some of the text layers have opacity key frames so I
suggest that if you are momentarily increasing the opacity value do so on the last key
frame and then change it back to its original value, or change the setting in a place
thats distinctly different from where the key frames are (as changing the setting will
create a new key frame) and then simply delete the new key frame when you are

Replacing Place Holders:

There are place holders within the project for you to substitute your own media for.
This can be done in a number of ways.
To place your media inside a place holder:
1. The aspect ratio of the place holders is 16:9 and as such makes them ideal for
holding video etc. You can opt to place your media inside the place holders
instead of replacing them and using the boundaries of the place holder
composition to either house and/or crop your media.
2. Import your media (File > Import)
3. Open up the relevant place holder. Inside you will find a background layer and
some text. Delete these layers, or switch off their eye icon in the timeline to
make them invisible.
4. Drop your media inside the place holders timeline and resize as needed (press
the s key with the layer selected to get to the Scale property or resize the
layer in the viewer by moving the points on the outer edge of the layer. Hold
Shift to constrain the layers proportions)

You can easily scale a piece of media to match the width (or height) of a place
holder by right clicking the layer, once its in position, and selection
Transform > Fit to Comp Width/Height.
Follow the same steps to place your logo within its place holder.

Changing Colours:

The background floor layer can be changed by adjusting the Ramp effect
applied to the layer.
The text layers can have their colour changed via the Character window. Note
that each character can have its own colour on the same text layer (e.g. at the
default level Vermillion has a black word and a red word on the same layer).
Simply highlight the text you want and pick a colour.
The shape layers can have their colour changed via the shape properties tab at
the top of the composition panel whenever a shape layer is selected. Note:
remember to change the reflection layers to suit any changes you make.

Adding Extra Media Scenes:

Vermillion has been design to allow you to add extra media scenes so you can show
off as many media pieces as you like. Follow these steps to add a new media scene:
1. Extend the Main composition by going to Composition > Composition
Settings and extending the time parameter.
2. Select Scene_08 and 09 and move them across out of your way (you will line
them back up once your new scene is in.

3. You will notice that the position of elements within the media scenes
alternates between each scene (e.g. media on the left and text on the right and
then visa versa).
4. Duplicate a Media_Scene that fits the configuration that comes next (the
opposite of the last scene). To duplicate the scene select it in the Project Panel
and press Ctrl/Cmd+ D or choose Edit > Duplicate.
5. Drag the new scene into the Timeline and position it at the end of the last
media scene (you may want to overlap it a bit to give a more punchy effect).
6. Go into the new media scene (Alt/Option Double-Click) as you will have to
create a new place holder (as currently it will contain the place holder from the
scene you duplicated).
7. Go into the Elements folder in the Project Panel and duplicate the place holder
from the scene you originally duplicated (e.g. if you duplicated
Media_Scene_04 to create a new media scene now duplicate place_holder).
8. Go back to your new media scene and select both place holder layers (the
master and reflection layers).
9. With the place holder layers selected in the timeline drag your duplicate place
holder from the Project Panel (Note: because of the numbering system, your
new place holder should have the next numerical value, e.g. place_holder5)
and hover over the selected layers in the timeline. With the Alt/Option key
held down let go of the mouse button and you will see the place holder layers
update to your new place holder (e.g. place_holder becomes
10. Go into your new place holder and update it with new media (follow the
relevant section above).
11. Once you have place all your extra media scenes remember to drag both
Scene_08 and 09 back into place at the end of your last place holder.
12. The background layer is now probably not long enough to accommodate the
new extended clip. Move your CTI (current time indicator) to the point in time
where the camera is flying through your logo and the logo fills the screen (to
get a precise result you can move frame by frame with the page up and down
13. Once you have found that spot drag the end of the background layer (the white
and grey gradient) to that point (or select the background layer and press Alt +
] to extend the layer to the position of the CTI). Now everything will appear to
turn off once the camera flies through the logo give a nice impactfull ending
to the sequence.

Once you have made all the changes you would like it is time to render your project.
Ensure you are in the Main comp and choose Composition (from the top of the AE
window) > Add to Render Queue from the menu. Once your comp is in the Render
Queue choose your output settings by clicking the yellow link, as well as the location
for your render to be saved. Once all settings are finalized simply press the render
buttonand then go have a drink a snack or something while you wait.

Extra Notes:
Music plays a big role in the success of the visuals. Get creative and include some
killer music and sound effects to really make the scene pop and engage your audience.
Audio Jungle has some great tracks and effects that will serve your productions well.
Thanks for purchasing and best of luck. Feel free to contract me through my Video
Hive page if you have any questions or to show me how you have used this template,
Id love to see your work.
Best regards,

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