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> From East to West

Squence 2-AN01


Cned Acadmie en ligne

Chapitre 1

> Civilisation et culture

Chapitre 2

> Texte 1: The Encounter

Chapitre 3

> Prononciation et vocabulaire

Chapitre 4

> Grammaire

Chapitre 5

> Mthodologie : expression crite

Chapitre 6

> Prsentation orale du texte

Chapitre 7

> Civilisation: the native Americans

Chapitre 8

> Texte 2 : Talking God

Chapitre 9

> Commentaire oral: Talking God


















Squence 2-AN01



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ontenu de la squence 2
The Myth of the West

ette seconde squence continue lenseignement culturel de la classe de Terminale par ltude dun
mythe dterminant pour la formation de lesprit amricain : la conqute de lOuest.

Alors que sur la cte est, les Pres Fondateurs des Etats-Unis, runis Philadelphie, sefforcent
de construire les fondations dmocratiques du nouvel tat, les immigrants quittent la cte est pour
sengager vers lOuest.
Louest du Mississippi, pays sauvage, peupl dIndiens, de trappeurs et de hors-la-loi, voit arriver des
colons qui transforment les vastes plaines bisons en levages de btail, repoussant toujours plus
loin la frontire entre sauvagerie et civilisation , tandis que les Indiens meurent et que les bisons

Civilisation et culture

From East to West Western expansion

The Native Americans

Comprhension orale

The Oregon Trail

Comprhension crite

The Encounter
Talking God

Expression orale

Prsenter un document iconographique

An Encounter : prsentation orale
Talking God : prsentation orale
Prononciation en groupes de souffle

Expression crite

crire un rcit dun autre point de vue


Comment utiliser le dictionnaire

Comptence linguistique

Traduction de could, as
Le plus-que-parfait
Auxiliaires modaux

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Civilisation and culture

On the East Coast: the ideals of 1789
 Read the information and study the documents

1789 in America: George Washington was elected the first US President.

In the year of the French Revolution, Washington proved to be a man of his time, representing its ideas
of freedom and justice.
In 1787, he had been one of Americas Founding Fathers who drafted the First Worlds first written
constitution in Philadelphia.
The Founding Fathers firmly believed in democracy.
The foundation of the United States is built on 3 written documents: the Declaration of Independence
of 1776, the Constitution of the United States in 1787 followed by the amendments of 1789, known
as The Bill of Rights.
Read some extracts below to begin to understand what drives the Americans.

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The Constitution
of the United States, 1787

We the People of the United States, in

order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America

The Bill of Rights, 1789

Dclaration des droits

de lhomme et du citoyen,
26 August 1789
by the French Assemble

Amendment I

Article premier

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or

prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press

Les hommes naissent et demeurent

libres et gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales ne peuvent tre fondes
que sur lutilit commune.

Amendment II
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.

Article 2
Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels
et imprescriptibles de lhomme. Ces
droits sont la libert, la proprit, la
sret et la rsistance loppression.

La Dclaration des Droits de LHomme et du Citoyen was inspired from the American Declaration of
Independence and the philosophers of the 18th century.

Mount Rushmore

The four figures carved in stone on Mount Rushmore represent the first 150 years of American history.
They are the faces of four popular American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore
Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States (1801-1809) was
one of the Founding Fathers. It was he who drafted and signed the Declaration
of Independence. He was close to the French, having once lived in Paris in
1785 as minister to France where he succeeded Benjamin Franklin. He is said
to have helped draft the Dclaration des Droits de lHomme, influenced by
American, French and European revolutionary ideas of the time.
Portrait de Thomas
Jefferson (1743-1826)
Bouch Photo RMN Daniel Arnaudet


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When the Constitution of the United States was announced he declared that
it was a standing monument and a permanent example for other peoples. He
wrote: It is impossible not to sense that we are acting for all mankind .

 Answer the following questions

a) Compare the American Declaration of Independence and the French Dclaration des Droits de
lHomme et du Citoyen on page 84. Underline the words that have the same meaning in French
and in English. Underline the important element that belongs to the American document and not
to the French one.
b) Studying the Amendments to the Constitution would you say that in the United States the State is
separated from religion?
c) American people today believe they have a right to own firearms. How do they justify this?

Western expansion from1803: the Manifest Destiny
 Read the information and study the illustrations



















In 1803, Jefferson was quite pleased when Napolon, in a surprise move, offered the whole Louisiana
territory to the Americans for 15 million dollars. Overnight, the United States territory was doubled,
growing by about one million square miles, from Mississippi to the Rockies and from the Gulf of Mexico
to Canada.

The Manifest Destiny was a belief that started shortly after the purchase of Louisiana and grew strongly
during the war against Mexico (1846-1848). It was believed that the United States were inevitably fated
to extend their border to the Pacific Ocean and to expand both north and south as well. It was by divine
providence that the destiny of the new country was to be a model of civilisation and democracy for the
rest of the world to follow. The war of the democratic United States against the ex-Spanish colony of
Mexico, which was always claiming land and creating conflicts on the border, was therefore justified.
The USA were victorious and Mexico stayed within its present border. Mexico gave up Nevada, Utah
and part of Colorado, the former Mexican territories of Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, to the
United States.
Meanwhile the immigrants kept flooding in as gold was discovered in California in 1848. Between
California and the East Coast remained an awful lot of land.
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 Fill in the blanks and answer the question

a) Find and underline the English for the following words:
croyance :........................................... lachat :...................................... destin : ..............................
frontire : ..................... stendre :............................ arriver en masse : ....................................
b) Quote the sentence which may explain why some Americans believe their society is an
example for the rest of the world.

Check your answers.

The dream of land made real
 Read the information


Vancouver mission





Ft. Boise


Ft. Hall


Ft. Laramie


Ft. Bridger
Ft. Kearny






100 200 Miles


Between 1840 and 1865, more than half a million people went west, the Oregon Trail was one of their routes.

The fourth president of the United States: Abraham Lincoln (elected in 1860)
was responsible for various Land Acts. Lincoln saw that the Union was fragile.
He wanted improvement and expansion. In Squence 3 we will study his
involvement against slavery in the United States.

Portrait de Abraham Lincoln



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He also believed that the survival of his nation was westward expansion.
While the towns of the East Coast were becoming increasingly crowded and
industrialised, Lincoln ensured that settlers would go west and become farmers. Land acts were made to avoid land speculation and ensure settlement.
The Homestead Act of 1862 gave 160 acres of land to any settler willing to
farm western land for a five-year minimum.
Meanwhile, the Transcontinental railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific was
completed in 1864, settlers could now move west in six days.

 Answer the question

From what you have read so far give three reasons why the west attracted the American people.
Underline the corresponding passages in the short text. Quote the text.

Check your answers.

Pioneers versus Native Americans
 Read the information and complete the texts with one of the following

(For the text about buffalo): grazing, estimated, food, clothing, bred, zoologist, explorers, areas.
(For the text about Indians): friendly, westward, reservations, Red Skins, extermination, invasion, butchered, defeated, massacres.

Affiche du film The Oregon Trail (1936) AKG-images.

The Western has ensured our vision of the Indians as savages in search of scalps and tortures around

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Indian hunting buffalos wood cut, coloured, after a painting by George Catlin (1796-1872) AKG-images

Buffalo once roamed from Canada to Mexico, .............................. the great plains and the mountain
...................... Their number was so great that early ........................... described them as number-numberless and the country was one black robe and the plains were black and appeared as if in motion.
Their number was ............................... as 60 million.
Buffalo were life for the Native Americans providing them with .............................., shelter, ....................
and spiritual inspiration.
By 1893, a ..............................estimated their number at around 300.
Today they are ..............................for wildlife parks or for meat. They are some 150,000 bisons.
They have been called .............................. or Indians. When the Europeans came there were probably
10 million Indians north of present-day Mexico. At first they were .............................. but as the Whites
became more and more numerous they were pushed ............................... European diseases, alcohol,
the ..............................of the buffalo which was their food supply, the .............................. of their land,
their .............................. through constant fights with soldiers and settlers soon saw their complete
Although the Indians fought back and ..............................the American troops (Lilttle Big Horn in 1876).,
after the .............................. of 1890 at Wounded Knee where 300 children, woman and men were
.............................., they accepted their fate realizing their near extermination. They ended in Indian
.............................. created by the Federal Government.

Check your work now.

Whats on the Internet?

Nous vous conseillons vivement de voir et revoir quelques westerns, ainsi que le film de Kevin Costner :
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Voici quelques westerns rests clbres et les noms de leurs ralisateurs :
Rio Grande, 1950, John Ford
High Noon, 1952, Fred Zinnemann
Rio Bravo, 1959, Howard Hawks
How the West Was Won, 1962, John Ford
A Fistful of Dollars, 1964, Sergio Leone
Jeremiah Johnson, 1972, Sidney Pollack

Squence 2-AN01

Cned Acadmie en ligne

Listening comprehension
The Oregon Trail, frequently asked questions
Enr. 10

Enr. 11

Vocabulary help

Lisez et surlignez les expressions qui, selon vous, seront dans lenregistrement, ce sont des mots porteurs de sens.
Trail*, streets, roads, the way*, well-worn paths*, shortcuts*, a wrong turn*, guide, pioneers, settlers, a
claim*, frontier, farmland, forests, towns and cities, crowded places, acres, trade*, disease*, alcoholism,
gold, reservation, fur* traders, trappers, missionaries, by wagon, to spare the oxen*, horses, cars, on
foot, cold, cholera, smallpox*, measles*.

Trail = la route, la piste, le sentier, le chemin ; the way = le chemin, la direction ; paths = sentiers ; shortcuts
= raccourcis ; a wrong turn = un mauvais tournant ; a claim = une concession, un droit la proprit ;
trade = faire du commerce ; disease = maladie ; fur = fourrure ; trappers = trappeurs ; to spare the oxen
= afin dpargner les bufs ; smallpox = la petite vrole ; measles = la rougeole

Imaginez-vous donc au centre des visiteurs de lOregon Trail et mlez-vous la foule dAmricains
venus l pour comprendre.

General Comprehension
Enr. 12

Sum up the content of the recording in about three lines. Remember to always think of answering these
questions: What? Who? Where? When? Why? How?
You may look at the map of the USA (Task ) while you listen.

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 Detailed comprehension
Part 1
a) What is the Oregon Trail?
b) How long was the trail?
c) Who used it?(three answers)
d) How long did it take the settlers to reach the end?
Part 2
e) Why did people want to go there?
Tick the correct statements:
1. The frontier was a fixed line guarded by soldiers. 
2. The frontier was just an imaginary line. 
3. The frontier meant a hazy area between civilisation and barbary. 
4. The frontier kept receeding to the east. 
5. In 1840, the last frontier was Oregon. 
f) Complete the text:
Oregon had a reputation not only for having good ....................................... and vast ...............................,
but also for being free of ............................. This made the Oregon Country even more attractive since
....................................... were common in the east, which had become industrialized and crowded.
And little was known about the causes of ........................................
Part 3
g) What was the reaction of the Indians?
1. Most Indians from Oregon Country welcomed white settlers. 
2. Tribes which traded with whites became rich and powerful compared with their neighbours. 
3. Indians often guided settlers. 
4. Indians refused to sell tribal lands. 
5. The traders and settlers also brought new diseases to the Indians. 
6. The Nez Perc were decimated by disease and alcoholism. 
7. They continued to trade with the settlers. 
8. The Nez Perc were sent on a reservation. 
9. Gold had been discovered on their land. 
Part 4
h) What was the trip like?
1. Write the five adjectives describing the trip.
2. What was the biggest danger on the way?
3. What did the travellers fear most?

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4. Why was the Oregon Trail no longer used after 1870?

5. How many people have used the Trail?

Enrich your vocabulary
Relevez les mots nouveaux classs dans diffrents domaines. Donnez une traduction franaise ou un
quivalent anglais.
Domaine du chemin

Domaine de la violence

Domaine de la maladie

Domaine des idaux




















A belief








Wrong turn





To draft

Squence 2-AN01


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Texte 1 : The Encounter

Ce travail est faire par tous.

Looking at the title, the subtitle, the date of the events, the title of the novel, the date of publication and
the first sentence of the text: what do you expect to find in the text?

Check your work.

Texte Bac pour
toutes les sries

The Encounter
John Dunbar, a young cavalry lieutenant finds himself alone in an isolated outpost at the edge of the
American frontier with Indian territory in the year 1863. He has just found a wounded Indian woman
and he now takes her back to her village.

Flash bac
Ne lisez pas mot mot,
ne vous attachez pas
lire des lments sans
Vous navez pas besoin 5
de comprendre tous
les mots dun texte
pour en comprendre
le sens, la comprhension crite value
seulement la comprhension du sens.
Visualisez la scne

The woman screamed as she let go of the water she was *hauling, *scooped up her children, and broke
for the village, crying, White soldier, white soldier, at the top of her *lungs. Scores of Indian dogs went
off like *firecrackers, women shrieked for their children, and horses stampeded around the lodges, neighing
wildly. It was full-scale pandemonium.
The entire *band thought it was under attack.
As he drew closer to the village Lieutenant Dunbar could see men running everywhere. Those who had got
hold of weapons were going for their horses with a whooping that reminded him of game birds in a panic.
The village in upheaval was just as *otherwordly as the village in repose. It was like a great nest of *hornet
people into which a stick had been poked.

The men who had reached their horses were swarming into a force that would momentarily race out to meet
him, perhaps to kill him. He had not expected to create such a stir, nor had he expected these people to be
so primitive. But there was something else that weighed on him as he moved close to the village, something
that blotted out all else. For the first time in his life Lieutenant Dunbar knew what it felt to be an invader. It
was a feeling he didnt like, and it had to do with the action he took next. The last thing he wanted was to
15 be regarded as an intruder, and when he reached the bare ground of a clearing at the mouth of the village,
when he was close enough to see through the curtain of dust that had been raised by the clamor and into
the eyes of the people inside, he squeezed the reins once more and came to a stop.
Then he dismounted, taking the woman into his arms, and walked a pace or two in front of his horse. There
he stood still, his eyes closed, holding the wounded girl like some strange traveler bearing a strange gift.
20 The lieutenant listened hard as the village, in stages that lasted only a few seconds each, grew oddly quiet.

The dusty curtain began to settle, and Dunbar perceived with his ears that the mass of humanity that had
raised such a fearful howling only moments before was now creeping toward him. In the eerie quiet he

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could hear the occasional clank of some *item of gear, the rustling of footsteps, the snort of a horse as it
pawed and jostled impatiently.
25 He opened his eyes to see that the whole band had gathered at the village entrance, warriors and young

men in front, women and children behind them. It was a dream of wild people, clothed in skins and colored
fabric, a whole separate race of humans watching him breathlessly not a hundred yards away. []
With an inward *sigh of relief Lieutenant Dunbar saw Wind in His Hair leap off the pony and start across
the clearing, a stone war *club swinging loosely in his hand. He was coming over, and if the warrior had
30 any fear at all it was well masked, for his face was ungiving and uncaring, set, it seemed, on *doling out
a punishment.
The assembly fell silent as the space between the immobile Lieutenant Dunbar and the fast-striding Wind
In His Hair shrank steadily to nothing. It was too late to stop whatever was going to happen. Everyone
stood still and watched. []
35 When Wind in His Hair was within a few feet and slowing his pace, the lieutenant said in a clear, strong

voice : Shes hurt.

He shifted his *load a little as the warrior stared into the womans face, and Dunbar could see that he
recognized her. In fact, Wind in His Hairs shock was so plain that, for a moment, the awful idea that she
might have died flashed through his head. The lieutenant looked down at her, too.
40 And as he did, she was *torn from his arms. In one strong, sure motion shed been *ripped from his *grasp,

and before Dunbar knew it, the warrior was walking back toward the village *hauling Stands with A Fist
roughly along, like a dog would a pup. As he went he called something out that prompted a collective
exclamation of surprise from the Comanches. They rushed forward to meet him.
The lieutenant stood motionless in front of his horse, and as the village swirled around Wind In His Hair, he felt
45 the spirit run out of him. These were not his people. He would never know them. He might as well have been

a thousand miles away. He wanted to be small, small enough to *crawl into the smallest, darkest hole.
What had he expected of these people? He must have thought they would run out and throw their arms
around him, speak his language, have him to supper, share his *jokes, without so much as a how-do-youdo. How lonely he must be
Michael Blake, Dances with Wolves (1988) Michael Blake, Penguin, 1991

Vocabulary help

lungs = poumons
haul = porter
scoop up = rassembler
firecrackers = ptards
band = communaut
otherworldly = impressionnant
haul along = traner
hornet = frelon
item of gear = harnais
club = massue

sigh of relief = soupir de soulagement

dole out = distribuer, infliger
load = charge
tear = arracher
tear = arracher
rip = arracher, enlever
grasp = bras
haul along = traner
crawl = ramper
joke = plaisanterie

Enr. 13
The following words and expressions may cause problems. Listen to the CD and repeat them out loud
in the spaces provided several times.

Dunbar, Lieutenant, Comanches, screamed, hauling, scooped, shrieked, stampeded, neighing, whooping,
weighed, squeezed, dismounted, creeping, eerie, rustling, pawed, jostled, clothed, breathlessly, sigh of
relief, fast-striding, roughly, swirled
Squence 2-AN01


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Read the text.

Understanding the text.
Do the following work WITHOUT USING A DICTIONARY.

 Structure of the text

Skim the text (parcourez rapidement le texte) to put the following events into their correct order:
1. A threatening arrival
2. An Indian warriors initiative
3. Both sides waiting
4. Dunbars feeling of solitude
5. Commotion in the village

Check your answers right now.

 A summary
Sum up the text in one sentence.

Check your answers right now.

 The characters
Find the names of the white soldier, of the Indian warrior and of the wounded woman.
Judging from their names, what might the personality of these two last Indian characters be?

 Part one from the beginning to line 5

a) Complete the grid.
People or animals

Their noises

The woman
went off like firecrackers
The horses


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Their movements

b) Find the sentence which sums up the events occuring in this part.
c) Find the sentence which expresses the Indians fear.

 Part two from line 6 to line 19

a) Dunbar made some strategic movements in this passage, which ones? Justify by quoting
from the text.
b) The Indians made four defensive movements. Put them into the correct sequence.
1. They picked up their weapons.
2.They formed a group to attack Dunbar.
3. They ran for their horses.
4. They mounted their horses.
c) Find the English for the following words and expressions
hurlement : ......................................... ;
branle-bas : .................................... ;
nid : ................................. ;
bton : .......................... ;
sagglutiner : .................................... ;
peser sur lui : ................................. ;
effacer tout le reste : .................................. ;
le sol nu : ................................. ;
une tendue dserte : ............................................. ;
le rideau de poussire : .......................................... ;
Il tira sur les rnes : .......................................................;
d) Right or wrong? Justify your answers by quoting from the text.
1. Dunbar was expecting such a welcome. Yes  No 
2. Dunbar had hoped the Indians would feel he was like them. Yes  No 
3. Dunbar wanted the Indians to regard him as a friend and he took the decision to reassure them.
Yes  No 
4. He closed his eyes because he saw death coming towards him. Yes  No 

 Part three from line 20 to line 28

a) Find synonyms in this passage for the following words or expressions:
in steps: ...............................................................................
strangely silent: ....................................................................
awesome: .............................................................................
come slowly closer: ..............................................................
worrying silence: ..................................................................
dressed in: ............................................................................
keep back ones breathing: ...................................................

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b) Pick out three verbal expressions showing that Dunbar, who had closed his eyes, could
only hear the Indians.
c) Find, line 24, three words expressing noises: ...........................................................................

 Part four from line 29 to line 44

a) Find words or expressions in this passage showing that the atmosphere was tense.
b) What does the pronoun he refer line 43: As he went... ...................................................
c) Find words and expressions indicating that Wind In His Hair treated the wounded woman
d) Right or wrong? Justify by quoting from the text.
1. Wind In His Hair seemed fearless. Yes  No 
2. Dunbar was scared and spoke in a shaken voice. Yes  No 
3. The Comanches knew that the woman had been hurt. Yes  No 

Part five from line 45 to the end

a) What sentences show that Dunbar felt a complete stranger among the Indians.
b) What sentence shows he had failed to communicate with his fellowmen?

Check your answers now.

Analysing the text
Cet exercice est fortement conseill pour les lves de L, ES, S (LV1) se prsentant lcrit et pour les
lves de ES LV2 se prsentant loral.
Les lves se prparant loral doivent faire cet exercice lcrit en rpondant sous forme de notes puis
oralement en faisant des phrases compltes et senregistrer mme si aucun correcteur ne les valuera
cette pratique est essentielle pour sentraner.

 The point of view of a narration

What point of view is expressed in this passage? Justify in your own words.

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 The atmosphere and the suspense

a) Describe the atmosphere in the village created by Dunbars arrival.
b) At lines 10 and 11 what element of suspense is mentioned so that the reader fears for
Dunbars safety.
c) What actions does Dunbar undertake to calm the situation and lessen the suspense? (from
lines 17 to 19)
d) At line 34 quote the sentence which shows once more that the inevitable may happen.
Explain in your own words the new suspense and the atmosphere at that point in the
e) Wind In His Hair did not kill Dunbar, why?

 The characters and their feelings

a) Explain Dunbars surprise in part 2. Support your answers with quotes from the text.
b) Explain why Dunbar felt to be an invader (line 13). What was his reaction towards this
c) What is the symbolism of the curtain of dust , line 16?
d) Why do you think Wind In His Hair took the woman so roughly from Dunbars arms?
(lines 41 to 44)
e) Why do you think Dunbar felt like crawling into the smallest, darkest hole at the end of
the passage? Does the point of view chosen by the narrator add to this?

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f) Tick the adjectives which best describe Dunbars personality:
















g) Do you relate to this story and if so, why? Why do you think Dances with Wolves (either
the novel or the film) was so successful? (80 words)

Check your answers right now.


Squence 2-AN01

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Pronunciation and vocabulary

faire par toutes les sries

Langlais, a ne scrit pas comme a se prononce et a ne se prononce pas comme a

scrit !

 Rptition des mots difficiles du texte

Rptez nouveau quelques mots difficiles du texte.

coutez le CD et rptez dans les blancs :

Enr. 14

Screamed, hauling, scooped, shrieked, stampeded, neighing, whooping, reached, swarming, weighed,
squeezed, dismounted, creeping, eerie, rustling, pawed, jostled, clothed, breathlessly, sigh of relief,
fast-striding, roughly, swirled.

 Lecture expressive : lecture dun passage du texte

coutez les instructions sur le CD.
Enr. 15

a) coutez un passage du texte, surlignez les mots accentus qui se dtachent du texte : le
lecteur les accentue car ils sont porteurs de sens.
The men who had reached their horses were swarming into a force that would momentarily race out
to meet him, perhaps to kill him. He had not expected to create such a stir, nor had he expected these
people to be so primitive. But there was something else that weighed on him as he moved close to the
village, something that blotted out all else. For the first in his life Lieutenant Dunbar knew what it felt
to be an invader. It was a feeling he didnt like, and it had to do with the action he took next. The last
thing he wanted was to be regarded as an intruder, and when he reached the bare ground of a clearing
at the mouth of the village, when he was close enough to see through the curtain of dust that had been
raised by the clamor and into the eyes of the people inside, he squeezed the reins once more and came
to a stop.
b) De plus, lintrieur du mot, prtez attention laccent de mot. Un accent tonique mal
plac rend un mot incomprhensible pour celui qui vous entend.
Dans les mots suivants soulignez la syllabe accentue : momentarily, expected, primitive, village,
invader, regarded, intruder

Vrifiez vos rponses et coutez le CD.

Enr. 16
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c) Les groupes de souffle

Sparez les phrases longues en groupe de souffle. Indiquez les pauses dans le texte par des barres
obliques (/ ou //).

Vrifiez vos rponses dans les model answers.

Rptez le passage du texte. Respirez entre les groupes de souffle et accentuez les temps forts.
Enr. 17
Enregistrez-vous et coutez-vous.

Enrich your vocabulary


Ce travail est faire par les lves dans toutes les sries au baccalaurat.

Deux domaines de vocabulaire se rencontrent dans cette squence jusqu prsent :

les mouvements et les bruits.

Relevez les mots du texte que vous ne connaissiez pas et classez-les selon les techniques apprises dans
la premire squence.
Compltez les bulles suivantes. Vous pourriez par exemple faire des sous-bulles pour dautres animaux tels
les mouvements et bruits des chiens et des oiseaux. Mais nallez pas plus loin.

Of people

Let go
Scoop up
Break for
Draw closer
Get hold of
Go for
Race out


Squence 2-AN01

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Of animals


Horses stampede

 Comment utiliser le dictionnaire

Pour comprendre les mots dun texte nouvrez pas le dictionnaire avant davoir fait les exercices de
comprhension. Ce nest que sil reste des mots dont vous voulez apprendre le sens exact que vous
pouvez, aprs la comprhension, vous servir du dictionnaire.
Encore faut-il savoir se servir du dictionnaire !
Exemple : The men were swarming into a force
Vous avez dcid de chercher le sens exact de swarming dans le dictionnaire.
Dterminez sa nature : utilis aprs un sujet : the men, dans une forme en be+-ing, il sagit dun
Recherchez donc le sens du verbe swarm.
Voici lentre de swarm dans le dictionnaire Collins Robert.
La premire entre porte : 1 n [bees, flying insects] essaim (Elle ne nous concerne pas puisque n
indiquait un nom.)
La seconde entre porte : 2 vi (a) [bees] essaimer. (Il sagit dun verbe intransitif mais lexplication
ne nous concerne pas puisquelle indique laction des abeilles (bees).
La troisime entre porte : (b) [crawling insects] fourmiller, pulluler, grouiller, [people] to in/out
etc en masse ; they ed round or over or through the palace ils ont envahi le palais en masse ; the
children ed round his car les enfants sagglutinaient autour de sa voiture.
Nous rencontrons ici le second sens du verbe, celui qui concerne ce qui suit [people] nous intresse.
Remarquons que suivi de prpositions telles round, over, through, le verbe sapplique des mouvements de personnes.
Dans notre texte, la prposition est into : swarm into a force. Il faut garder en tte le sens de into : en,
dedans, lintrieur. Dcidons de traduire swarm into a force par sagglutiner en une force.

The men who had reached their horses were swarming into a force that would momentarily race out to
meet him = Les hommes qui avaient atteint leurs chevaux sagglutinaient en une force qui slancerait
bientt sa rencontre.

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Enjoy your grammar

Le plus-que-parfait ou past perfect ou pluperfect

Ce premier point grammatical est faire par tous les candidats au baccalaurat.
a) Compltez le tableau avec les verbes prlevs dans les phrases suivantes :
As he drew closer to the village Lieutenant Dunbar could see men running everywhere. Those who had
got hold of weapons were going for their horses with a whooping that reminded him of game birds in
a panic. The village was like a great nest of hornet people into which a stick had been poked.
The men who had reached their horses were swarming into a force that would momentarily race out
to meet him, perhaps to kill him. He had not expected to create such a stir, nor had he expected these
people to be so primitive.
What had he expected of these people? He must have thought they would run out and throw their
arms around him

prtrit en be +-ing



plus-que parfait
la voix passive


had got
would race out

Corrigez vos rponses

b) Emploi du plus-que-parfait (pluperfect ou past perfect en anglais)

Those who had got hold of weapons were going for their horses
Ceux qui avaient mis la main sur leurs armes couraient leurs chevaux


Ces deux actions se droulent dans un rcit pass.

Le moment de parole de lnoniateur est le pass.
La premire action (mettre la main) est antrieure la seconde (courir).
La premire action est dcale dun cran vers le pass.



Dans un rcit au pass, une action antrieure une autre est au plus-que-parfait, que
ce soit en franais ou en anglais.
Le plus-que-parfait situe lvnement dans un pass antrieur au pass du rcit.


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c) Formation du past perfect

auxiliaire have au prtrit + participe pass du verbe conjugu
Souvenez-vous que le prtrit de have, HAD, reste le mme toutes les personnes.
La forme contracte est d+ participe pass : hed reached
Compltez le tableau suivant :
Past perfect

la forme ngative

la forme interrogative

la forme interro-ngative

He had expected
They had not reached
Had not the band gathered?

Corrigez vos rponses.

d) Le past perfect en be + -ing
Souvenez-vous quil sagit dun mme temps que le past perfect simple mais laction est envisage par
lnonciateur sous un autre aspect.

When he stared into the womans face he realized that Dunbar had been holding a wounded Indian
all that time.
Quand il regarda le visage de la femme, il se rendit compte que pendant tout ce temps Dunbar avait
port une Indienne blesse.
He had been holding est une activit passe, qui avait dbut plus tt quune autre activit passe
(realized) et qui se poursuivait encore ce moment l.
Le narrateur fait le bilan comment dune activit passe antrieure une autre action passe, laspect
qui commente le past perfect, marquant la surprise du guerrier.
e) Le past perfect la voix passive
Observez : A nest in which a stick had been poked.
Un nid dans lequel un bton avait t enfonc.
Souvenez-vous de la formation du passif : be + participe pass.
Au past perfect : be est conjugu au past perfect : had been
On lui ajoute le participe pass ncessaire au passif : poked
Comme tous les emplois de la forme passive, le sujet passif est mis en valeur en dbut dnonc,
ici : a stick.
f) Mettez les verbes au temps appropri.
1. He hoped they wouldnt believe that he (hurt) ............................................ the woman.
2. Once they (see) ........................... the girl, they understood why he (come) .................................
3. It wasnt the first time they (been attacked) ..................................................... by soldiers.
4. The woman (been bleeding) ........................................................ for a while when he found her.
5. After many attempts, he (give up) .......................................................... hope of reviving her.
g) Mettez les verbes du texte suivant au prtrit, simple ou en be+-ing, ou au pluperfect,
simple ou en be + -ing, la voix active ou passive.
1. All throughout his months of solitude, Dunbar (often think) ........................................ that it (be
time) ..................................................... to make the acquaintance of the tribe.
2. Previously, when he (live) ..................................... in the barracks, Dunbar (hear) .......................
.............................. tales of soldiers describing the cruelty and bravery of the Indians but now he
(walk) ........................................ on without fear.
3. So far, Dunbar (always live) ..................................................... by his own law and nobody (guess)
............................................. how much he (long for) ................................ human contacts.

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4. When Dunbar (arrive) ................................ in the Indian village carrying a wounded woman, he
(think) ................................ that he would be welcome. He (not believe) ....................................
...................................... they (be savages) ...................................................
5. This time he (think) ............................................... hard before starting and he (dare) ....................
................................. to approach the village because he (carry) .....................................................
a wounded girl.

Check your work.

Might, must

 Rvision des auxiliaires modaux
Cette partie est particulirement recommande aux candidats inscrits en sries L, ES, S (LV1)
a) Observez et surlignez les auxiliaires modaux :
the awful idea that she might have died flashed through his head.
He might as well have been a thousand miles away.
He must have thought they would run out and throw their arms around him

Vrifier vos rponses dans les Models answers.

b) Le possible au pass : MIGHT + have + participe pass
Observez la diffrence entre :
a) the awful idea that she might have died flashed through his head.
lhorrible ide quelle aurait pu mourir lui traversa lesprit.
et b) the awful idea that she could have died flashed through his head.
et c) the awful idea that she may have died flashed through his head.
Entre a) He might as well have been a thousand miles away.
Il aurait pu tout aussi bien se trouver mille miles de l.
et b) He could as well have been a thousand miles away.
et c) He may as well have been a thousand miles away.
Dans les deux exemples, might, may et could sont possibles mais avec might lnonciateur est plus
hsitant quavec may. Avec could est plus prs du constat.
Les modaux COULD, MAY et MIGHT + have + participe pass, indiquent que quelque chose aurait
pu se produire dans le pass.
Ils sont pratiquement interchangeables, selon le degr de probabilit.
c) Le quasi-certain au pass : MUST + have + participe pass
Observez :
What had he expected of these people? He must have thought they would run out and throw their
arms around him
Quavait-il espr de ces gens? Il avait d penser quils accourraient pour ltreindre
Cet nonc se situe dans un pass antrieur au moment de la prise de parole puisquil sagit des
penses de Dunbar avant sa rencontre avec les Indiens. Nous le voyons avec le past perfect : What had
he expected
Lnonciateur est quasiment certain que Dunbar avait rv dun accueil chaleureux de la part des Indiens :
he must have thought = il avait d penser.
Avec must, lnonciateur est quasiment certain de ce quil dduit. Avec may, might et could,
ce quil avance est simplement une ventualit, une possibilit.


Squence 2-AN01

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d) La formation dun modal au pass

Comparez le past perfect dune affirmation :
He had been a thousand miles away.
had + participe pass du verbe conjugu, ici tre,
avec le modal might au pass :
He might have been a thousand miles away.
might+ have+ participe pass du verbe conjugu.
Ici, cest le verbe et non le modal qui porte la marque du pass.

a) Compltez ces phrases en utilisant un modal.
1. You never know, he (succeed) .............................................. and become accepted by the tribe.
2. Its a pity they didnt welcome him, he (bring) ..................................................... them a lot.
3. She said she would be back soon, she (have) ............................................................ an accident.
4. Impossible! He (not become) .................................................. one of them, he was too different.
5. They (misunderstand)...................................................................... his intentions.
b) Rcrivez la phrase en utilisant un modal au pass.
Exemple : It was impossible for them to welcome him. He was a white soldier.

They couldnt have welcome him because he was a white soldier.

1. Perhaps the warrior thought he had killed her.
2. It was necessary for him to bring her back to the village.
3. We can suppose that he paid a lot for his solitude.
4. I am sure they didnt do that intentionally.
c) Traduisez en franais les phrases suivantes :
1. He must have thought people would consider him like a saviour.
2. There might have been a massacre.
3. Dunbar must have hesitated a lot before making a decision.
4. In the village, he could have been killed.
5. Dunbar and Wind In His Hair might have exchanged greetings.
d) Traduisez en anglais en utilisant des modaux.
1. Il aurait pu russir, mais il prenait de gros risques.
2. Il se pouvait que John ft trop naf.
3. Il avait d penser quils seraient surpris de le voir.
4. Il aurait pu tout aussi bien tre un Extra-Terrestre.
1. Il aurait pu gagner leur confiance mais ctait trop tt.

Corrigez votre travail maintenant.

Squence 2-AN01


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Mthodologie : expression crite

Ce chapitre est plus spcialement destin aux candidats aux preuves crites.

Vous allez vous entraner en crivant un devoir dont lintitul est :

Imagine the same scene of the extract Encounter related from the point of view of the Indians.
(250 words)
Devant toute rdaction avez-vous les bonnes ractions ? Faites le test suivant, entourez la bonne
rponse. Ensuite faites le devoir du mieux possible mme si personne ne vous corrige ce sera un bon
entranement. Un exemple de rponse est propos dans les Model Answers.

Test (Compltez le texte suivant ou entourez la bonne rponse.)

Je repre la nature de lcrit et le niveau de langue. Ici, il sagit dcrire un ............................
Je fais un brainstorming sur le vocabulaire, les structures les ...........................................................
Les ides me viennent en crivant mon ................................................. Je minspire du texte The
Encounter pour dcrire ce qui sest pass mais comme la camra est maintenant dans les mains des
Indiens et non dans celles de Dunbar je ne vois videmment pas les vnements de la mme faon,
jen vois dautres quil na pas remarqu ou je vois les mmes.
Je fais un ................. dtaill en classant le produit de mon brainstorming.
Je ne rdige pas dintroduction ni de conclusion mais entre tout de suite dans le sujet. Par contre je fais
des ..................................... bien visibles.
Pour intresser le lecteur jutilise des lments de ........................ afin que le lecteur ait peur pour les
personnages et veuille continuer lire. Certains passages narratifs incluent beaucoup dadjectifs. Je
peux me servir de certains adjectifs rencontrs dans le texte tudi et surtout montrer que jen connais
Je sais que le temps du rcit est le .................................. Une action antrieure une action passe est
au ............................................................ Je nhsite pas mettre des structures de supposition (must
+ pass, might, etc. puisque je connais ces formes grammaticales assez sophistiques, je men sers.
Je relis mon brouillon, je le recopie proprement, je me relis encore.



Jindique le nombre approximatif de mots (je sais que jcris 10 mots par ligne, je ne perds pas mon
temps compter mes mots toutes les cinq minutes, jcris 20 lignes).
Je me relis encore, je vrifie si jai bien utilis les divers temps du pass.

Rdigez votre production

Un exemple de rdaction se trouve dans les Model answers.


Squence 2-AN01

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Prsentation orale du texte :

The Encounter
Ce travail est recommand seulement pour les candidats aux preuves orales.

Enregistrez votre expos. Il ny a pas de corrig.

Vous vous tes entran lire au moins une partie du texte haute voix en arrtant le CD aprs chaque
phrase ou lment de phrase et rpter.

 Prparation de lexpos
Compltez la grille de travail ci-dessous. Remarquez que lexpos oral du cours porte sur une analyse
de lhistoire qui est raconte en cinq parties. chaque fois le suspense est mis en avant. Ensuite lintrt du texte doit occuper une bonne partie de votre temps de parole car vous devez faire vos propres
rflexions sur cet instant magique du roman.
La grille ne comporte que quelques rubriques. Cest vous de la remplir laide dlments du cours ou
issus de votre rflexion. Vous pouvez ladapter vos besoins. Surlignez les citations sur le texte mme.
crivez vos notes sur votre propre papier.

Je dtermine la nature du document et son origine. Je le situe dans le temps et


Je prsente brivement la situation initiale de Dunbar daprs le sous-titre.

Je noublie pas de dcrire limage brivement (la description de document iconographique du cours maide).

Je donne le sujet, jexplique le titre. Ceci me donnant la possibilit de rsumer le


Je rdige les deux ou trois premires phrases pour me mettre en confiance ensuite
je ne mets que des notes.

This is an extract from a novel by ......... written by ..................... A film was made
from it by ......................

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Jen arrive la plus grande partie de mon expos qui rend compte des diverses
tapes du rcit en dcrivant une srie de scnes. Jannonce mon plan. Je maide des
rponses lexercice de comprhension crite.

I will now give you my commentary. First, Ill relate the story which may be divided
into 5 parts.

Part one goes from the beginning to line ............, we can call it: a threatening arrival.

Je continue expliquer les vnements du dbut. Jinsiste sur latmosphre chaotique, je cite des exemples.

Part two goes ...........

Je procde de la mme faon pour chaque partie en clairant mon expos sous
langle du suspense. Jinsiste sur le fait que le point de vue est celui de Dunbar et
tous les vnements sont vus comme sil tenait une camra entre ses mains.

Je termine en parlant du film ventuellement si je lai vu pour expliquer ce qui se

passe ensuite.

Jlargis le sujet par exemple : la rencontre entre deux mondes entrane-t-elle

ncessairement un conflit. Je trouve dautres sujets aborder dans les rponses
aux questions de comprhension.

Janticipe les questions que pourrait poser un examinateur et les prpare, par
exemple : lhistoire des Indiens dAmrique, les Westerns, la situation des Indians
aujourdhui etc.


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The Native Americans
Ce travail de lecture est rserv aux candidats dans les sries L, ES, S et ES LV2. Lisez les informations
suivantes concernant lauteur Tony Hillerman et son uvre dont vous tudierez un extrait au prochain
Tony Hillerman and the Navajos
Tony Hillerman is a best-selling mystery writer who has brought the landscape of the Southwest and
the Navajo culture into mainstream Americas reading.
Born in the heart of the United States, in Oklahoma, in 1925, he attended school at Sacred Heart together
with Native American children. He was one of several farm boys who enrolled there. The school was
near a mission to the Potowatomie Tribe. Later he went to the University of Oklahoma and graduated
in journalism.
In 1943, he joined the U.S. army and served in combat in World War I.
In August 1945, back home, he witnessed a Navajo ceremonial curing. He was deeply marked by this
event. This curing ceremony, called The Enemy Way, was performed by elders onto some Indian marines
who had been wounded or affected by the war. It helped them become reconciled with the harmony
of the world around them.
In the early sixties Hillerman became a university teacher at the University of New Mexico. In 1970 his
first detective novel comes out: The Blessing Way, translated into French by La Voie de lEnnemi. He
has won several literary awards. His books are studied in schools including those of Native Indians.
Mysteries among the Mesas
Hillerman has created stories of unpredictable intrigues and characters of remarkable depth. The same
two detectives return in each book: Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn. They have special talents and sensitivities necessary for exceptional detective work. You may find that you wish to read more of the Hillerman
books in order to see the characters develop and change over time.
The two detectives are Navajos and work for the Navajo Tribal Police. The stories are set in Hopi and
Zuni pueblos as well as in the hogans of the wide Navajo territory.

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Texte 2 : Talking God

Ce travail est un entranement la comprhension crite des sries du baccalaurat
crit. Il sert aussi de texte prsenter par les candidats loral.

Looking at the title, the subtitle, the title of the novel, the date of publication and the first sentence of
the text: what do you expect to find in the text?




Inspector Jim Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police starts an investigation on Henry Highhawk, a white man
turned Indian, who is accused of desecrating white peoples graves.
From behind him in the medicine *hogan, Officer Jim Chee could hear the chanting of the First Dancers as
they put on their ceremonial paint. Chee was interested. He had *picked a spot from which he could see
through the hogan doorway and watch the personifiers preparing themselves. They were eight middle-aged
men from around the Naschitti Chapter House in New Mexico [] they had painted their right hands first,
5 then their faces from the forehead downward, and then their bodies, making themselves ready to represent
the Holy People of Navajo mythology, the yei, the powerful spirits.
This Night Chant ceremonial was one that Chee hoped to learn himself someday. Yeibachi, his people called
it, naming it for Talking God, the maternal grandfather of all the spirits. The performance was nine days long
and involved five complicated sand paintings and *scores of songs. Learning it would take a long, long time,
10 as would finding a hataalii willing to take him on as a student. When the time came for that, he would have
to take leave from the Navajo Tribal Police. But that was somewhere in the distant future. Now his job was
watching for the *Flaky Man from Washington. Henry Highhawk was the name on the federal *warrant.
Henry Highhawk, Captain Largo had said, handing him the *folder. Usually when they decide to turn
Indian and call themselves something like Whitecloud or Squatting Bear, or Highhawk, they decide they are
15 going Cherokees. Or some dignified tribe that everybody knows about. But this *jerk had to pick Navajo.
Chee was reading the folder. Flight across state lines to avoid *prosecution, he said. Prosecution for
*Desecration of graves, Largo said. He laughed, shook his head, genuinely amused by the irony. Now
aint that just the ideal criminal occupation for a man who decides to declare himself a Navajo?
20 Chee had noticed something that seemed to be even more ironic than a white grave robber declaring him-

self to be a Navajo- a tribe which happened to have a fierce religious aversion to corpses and everything
associated with death.
Is he a pot hunter? Chee asked. Is the FBI actually trying to catch a pot hunter? *Digging up graves to
steal pre-Columbian pottery for the collectors market had been both a federal crime and big business on

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25 the Colorado plateau for generations, and the FBIs apathy about it had been both unshakable and widely

known. Chee stood in front of Largos desk trying to imagine what would have stirred the federals from
such historic and monolithic inertia.
He wasnt hunting pots, Largo said. Hes a politician. He was digging up belagaana skeletons back East.
Largo explained what Highhawk had done with the skeletons. So not only were they white skeletons, they
30 were Very Important People belagaana skeletons.
Oh, Chee said.
Anyway, all you need to know about it is that [] you find out where they are holding this Yiebaichi. []
If he is there, bring him in. And if he is not there yet, then *stick around and wait for him.
Tony Hillerman, Talking god, 1989, Happertorch, D.R.

Vocabulary help

the hogan = the hut, the cabin

to pick a spot = choisir un endroit
scores of = a lot of
the flaky man = le drle de type
to dig up = dterrer
desecration of graves = profanation de tombes

a jerk = un abruti
a warrant = un mandat darrt
the folder = le dossier
prosecution = poursuite judicire
to stick around = rester dans le coin

Read the whole text.

 General comprehension
a) Read the text again without stopping at details and fill in the grid.
Identify the Indian people: ...................................................................................................................
Identify the white people turned Indian:
Who is the main character? ...................................................................................................
Whats his job? Justify from the text.

Who is the narrator? Whose point of view is given?

When and where?
Three different moments are referred to. Explain briefly their content.
Now (from lines 1 to 6) ........................................................................................................................

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In the future (from line 7 to line 11):

In the past (from line 12 to the end):
What is the main characters mission?
b) The local colour
1. The yei are the spirits 
the singers 
2. Yeibichai means grandfather 
Talking God 
3. An hataalii is a wise man who transmits traditions 
an Indian school 
4. Belagaana means Very Important People 
white people 
c) Why do you think the writer is using Indian words? What effect does it have on the

Check your work now.

 Detailed comprehension
a) Read again the first two paragraphs and do the following work:
1. The detective has chosen a good strategic point. Which one and why?
2. Explain in your own words what is a Night Chant Ceremonial describing it step by step.
3. Why do you think it has been described in so many details?
4. Quote the passage when we see Jim returning to the present.
b) Read down to line 22 and do the following work.
1. Explain when they decide to turn Indian. Who does the pronoun they refer to?
2. The reader learns the situation at the same time as Jim Chee. Give two examples of this.
3. What is Highhawk being accused of?

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4. Why does Largo find the situation ironical? Why does Jim find the situation even more ironical?
Who is the most astute of the two policemen?
c) Read from line 23 to line 30.
1. What is Chees opinion of the FBI? What does this imply as to his own character?
2. What is strange in this particular case?
d) Read the last three lines.
1. What does Jims interjection Oh! imply?
2. What do we learn about detective work in this last part?
3. Tick the adjectives that best describe Jim Chees personality.







e) Do you think reading detective stories set in the Navajo Territory makes us more understanding of the Native Americans? What are the advantages of the genre and of the setting? (80 words)

Check your work now.

Relevez dans le texte le vocabulaire que vous ne connaissiez pas, ne relevez pas les mots en langue
navajo bien videmment.
Crez une nouvelle catgorie de vocabulaire concernant le monde du roman policier. En voici le dbut :
folder, to call oneself, flight, prosecution, desecration, robber, a pot hunter, steal, a federal crime.
Relevez dans le dictionnaire tous les sens du mot anglais crime.

Mmorisez ce travail

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Traduction mthodologie
Ce travail concerne surtout les candidats se prsentant lpreuve crite.
Souvenez-vous des conseils donns prcdemment : pas de blancs (car vous utilisez vos capacits de
dduction) et pas de mot mot systmatique (langlais ne se dtecte pas sous votre traduction : vous
tes devenu un crivain franais).
Observez quelques techniques de traduction de phrases extraites de Yeibachi ou The Encounter.

 La traduction de could
Observez les deux traductions et choisissez la meilleure.

He could hear the chanting of the First Dancers.

Il pouvait entendre le chant des Premiers Danseurs. 
Il entendait le chant des Premiers Danseurs. 
Si vous avez choisi la seconde option, vous avez eu raison. Utilis devant les verbes de perception (see,
hear) ou devant les verbes remember, imagine, could ne se traduit gnralement pas.

 La traduction de as
Traduisez les phrases anglaises. Choisissez la meilleure traduction pour as en choisissant parmi ces
alternatives :
1. comme, en qualit de, en tant que (prposition)
2. aussique (adverbe)
3. comme, tant donn que (conjonction de subordination)
4. au moment o, tandis que, alors que, au fur et mesure que (conjonction de coordination)
a) The woman screamed as she let go of the water.
b) The last thing he wanted was to be regarded as an invader.

Pour viter le calque : La dernire chose quil voulait , faites une transposition.
Le groupe nominal The last thing est transpos en groupe verbal : Il ne voulait surtout
pas . De plus attention au faux-ami regarded.
c) And as he looked down she was torn from his arms.
d) He was as tall as Jim.
e) Learning it would take a long, long time as would finding a hataalii willing to take him
on as a student.

Corrigez votre travail.

 Pratique de la traduction
Traduisez le premier paragraphe de Talking God.
Corrigez votre travail.

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Commentaire oral: Talking God

Ce travail ne concerne que les candidats loral.

Prparez votre expos sous forme de notes puis enregistrez-vous.

Je dtermine la nature du document et son origine. Je donne quelques informations
sur lauteur. Je situe le texte dans le temps et gographiquement.

Je prsente brivement la situation initiale de Jim Chee daprs le sous-titre.

Je noublie pas de dcrire brivement les illustrations.

Je donne le sujet, jexplique le titre. Ceci me donne la possibilit de rsumer le


Jen arrive la plus grande partie de mon expos qui rend compte des trois diverses
tapes du rcit en dcrivant une scne : le premier paragraphe, une projection vers
lavenir : le second paragraphe et un flash-back : le reste du texte. Jannonce mon
plan. Je maide des rponses lexercice de comprhension crite.
Jclaire mon expos sous deux angles : la personnalit de Jim Chee et la vie des
Indiens. Je noublie pas de citer des exemples de couleur locale.

Jlargis le sujet par exemple : la rencontre entre deux mondes entrane-t-elle ncessairement lexploitation des coloniss. Les Blancs ont-ils le droit de spolier les restes
humains dautres cultures ? Je peux parler aussi du roman policier comme outil de
connaissance dun monde tranger au lecteur.

Janticipe les questions que pourrait poser un examinateur et les prpare, par exemple : lhistoire des Indiens dAmrique, les Westerns etc.

Squence 2-AN01


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