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"Yeah, you're missing the point. There's no throne.

There is no version of t
his where you come out on top. And maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much
for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth you can be d
amn well sure we'll avenge it."
?Tony Stark to Loki[src]
The Avengers are a team of powerful superheroes assembled by Nick Fury and S.H.I
.E.L.D. through the Avengers Initiative as a team that could fight the battles t
hat they could never handle alone. After saving the world in the battle of New Y
ork, they gained world-wide recognition, being referred to as the Heroes of New
York by many. They oversaw the return of Loki to Asgard, and then dissolved.
After S.H.I.E.L.D. became a defunct agency, Stark Industries remodeled Stark Tow
er into Avengers Tower and the team joined the fight against HYDRA. After they f
inished the war, Tony Stark built Ultron hoping that the AI would be able to def
end the world from any threats necessary. The plan back fired and Ultron started
a war against humanity, ending with Ultron's defeat. When Ultron was defeated,
the team gained new recruits and relocated to the New Avengers Facility.
Starting the Initiative
The Avengers are the result of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury's Avengers Initia
tive. Fury realized that a group of extraordinary individuals would be needed to
the battle the growing forces that conventional military forces would not be ab
le to handle alone, much less defeat. The founding members are Captain America,
the world's first superhero, the invincible armored Iron Man, the Asgardian warr
ior prince: Thor, the rage monster known only as the Hulk, and two of S.H.I.E.L.
D.'s most skilled operatives, Hawkeye, an archer with perfect aim, and Black Wid
ow, a master assassin with a huge skill-set.
Recruiting Tony Stark
Nick Fury introduces himself to Tony Stark
After revealing to the world that he is Iron Man, Tony Stark returned home to fi
nd Nick Fury waiting for him. Fury consulted with Stark regarding the Avengers I
nitiative, telling him that he's not the only superhero in the world. Stark decl
ined but Fury still kept his eye on him in the meantime.[1]
Rejecting Tony Stark
"I told you I don't want to join your super-secret boy band."
?Tony Stark to Nick Fury[src]
Six months after revealing to the world that he was Iron Man, Tony Stark helped
to stabilize peace between East and West relations. However, he discovered that
the very thing keeping him alive, the Palladium Arc Reactor, was slowly killing
him. Beginning to do questionable things such as donating a large number of his
personal things and giving Pepper Potts control of Stark Industries, Nick Fury b
egan to intervene, sending in his top agent Natasha Romanoff, in the guise of St
ark's new assistant Natalie Rushman, to keep an eye on him.
Fury keeping tabs on Stark
Following a number of altercations, including an attack on Stark by Ivan Vanko a
nd a fight with his friend James Rhodes during a drunken stupor, Fury meet with

Stark to discuss his condition and help him get back on the path to save himself
and back to work. After finding a new element that stabilized his health and en
ding a large scale attack by Vanko, however, Romanoff wrote a report on Stark an
d stated that while the armor would benefit the Avengers Initiative, Stark himse
lf was deemed unsuitable and was instead given a position as consultant, which h
e accepted on the condition that he and Rhodes would be given medals for their h
eroics, personally awarded by Senator Stern.[2]

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