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The headline is the saying that gets the readers attention, arouses their interest by providing a
benefit, and leads them to read the rest of the ad.
More than 80% of the people who look at a print ad just read the headlines.
A headline provides a benefit to the reader
Writing Effective Headlines & Slogans
Most are brief many people cannot take in more than seven words at a time.
Every headline/slogan should have a single focus or main idea.
Techniques you can use when writing headlines:
o Alliteration (repeating initial consonant sounds) -- Win with Wireless (Samsung)
o Paradox (a seeming contradiction that could be true) Its an environmental movement all
by itself. (Honda Insight)
o Rhyme Bounty. The Quicker Picker-Upper
o Pun ( a humorous use of a word that suggests two or more of its meanings or the meaning
of another work similar in sound --Beauty and the Beef (Ball Park Franks)
o Play on Words For Soft Babies and Baby Soft Hands
It is insight into human nature that is the key to a communicators skill. For whereas the
writer is concerned with what he puts into his writing, the communicator is concerned not just
with what he puts into a piece of writing but with what the reader gets out of it. He therefore
becomes a student of how people read or listen. - William Benrbach- a creative giant US Advertising
The copy is the selling message in a written advertisement.
It expands on the information in the headline or the product shown in the illustration.
It should be simple and direct
It should appeal to the senses
Tell the who, what, when, why, where, and how of your product
Key words used in copy, such as compare, introducing, now, price, save, easy, and new, establish
immediate contact with the reader.
It should provide a call to action to shoppers
Copy was considered as the advertising dynamo that sets off consumer action, copy consists of words
expertly and skillfully blended into language that creates images in the mind of the buyer.
Copy is the text of an advertisement which presents, in the most appropriate words, the message of the
advertiser in a clear and persuasive manner.
Copy is not intended to attract attention.
Copy has task of securing interest, building desire, establishing conviction and impelling
action. It creates an image of the product and its benefits before the buyers. It creates this
image by the use of words or verbal symbols words that create vivid pictures and
impressions in the mind, words that tell the buyer the desirable qualities of the product,
words that relate these characteristics to the buyers needs and desires.
Note: Attention getting is the task of both the headline and the illustration. The headline, as a
rule is set in large type and place on upper portion of the layout.
2. Empathy
3. Unique selling proposition
BRAND IMAGE - seeks to give the product a total personality that exudes elegance and prestige.
EMPATHY the capacity for participation in anothers feeling or ideas, the ability to put oneself in the
costumers shoes.
UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION it must be able to make claim for a product which the competing
products cannot and do not offer. It must be unique. USP or HARD SELL philosophy of advertising
presenting a unique and backing it with repetitive, hard hitting copy.

Fast! Fast! Fast relief!

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1. Descriptive copy
2. Narrative Copy
3. Expository Copy
DESCRIPTIVE COPY describes the physical features and characteristics of the product or service
advertised, as well as the satisfaction the reader can derive from acquiring it. Is often used by mail-order
houses, produces of beauty preparations, expensive furniture, cars and appliances, fine clothes and other
costly commodities.
NARRATIVE COPY copy introduces action through the use of narration. There is a sequence a sequence
of events in the copy, with portions of product descriptions and feature woven into the narration.
EXPOSITORY COPY the emphasis is on why the product or service offered is desirable. The copy may
explain how a product is used or operated, and how it benefits the user.
1. According to emphasis copy may be emotional or reason-why types. Emotional-types copy is
addressed chiefly to the readers emotions or feeling, while reason-why copy is addressed mainly to
the readers sense of reason. Heart and mind appeals.
2. According style copy may be comic strip, which is lighthearted or humorous; conversational or
dialogue, monologue one character assumes the task giving his views. Story form story about
the product featured.
A highly specialized form of copy is testimonial copy
Generally, copywriters follow these steps:
1. Research
2. Definition of objective of goal
3. Identification of the audience
4. Analysis of media
5. Preparation of the outline
1. Lead sentence
Just try it on you feel the sensation of your life Chances are you will not know for sure
until a physician examines you.
2. Transition Filipino easily motivated by advertising copy which is subtle rather the blunt. Ze
soup is the best soup in town is direct and emphatic. Youll love the cleaning power of
Ze soup is less direct and can be more appealing to us
3. Product exposition
4. Proof of verification
5. Ask for action No other soup can promise you so much Promise youll try it soon!
1. Written from the consumers point of view
2. Specific and concrete
3. Understandable
4. Interesting
5. Informative
6. Truthful
7. Impact
The photograph or drawing used in a print advertisement.
Its primary function is to attract attention
It should transmit a total message that would be hard to communicate just with words. (A picture
is worth a 1,000 words)
Illustrations may show the product, how the product works, and its features.
No advertisement is complete without naming its sponsor.

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The signature, or logotype (logo), is the distinctive identification symbol for a business.
Well-designed signatures get instant recognition for a business.

May support a firms signature
A slogan is often added to the four main elements of a print ad
Is a catch phrase or small group of words that are combined tin a special way to identify a
product or company

Developing Print Advertising Layouts

An ad layout is a sketch that shows the general arrangement and appearance of a

finished ad.
It clearly indicates the position of the:

Components of Effective Ad Layouts

Ad layouts should be prepared in exactly the same size as the final advertisement.
The illustrations should grab attention through size, humor, or dramatic content.
Ads that feature large visuals (60 to 70 percent of the total ad) are the best attention-getters.
The best ads contain a focal point and lines of force that guide the viewer through the copy.
One technique is to create a Z layout. The readers eye will follow the path of the Z.
Using Color in Print Advertisements
A color ad is usually more realistic and visually appealing and commands the readers attention
more than a black-and-white ad does.
Although color ads are more expensive than two-color (usually black and another color)
ads, studies have also shown that color ads are usually more cost-effective than twocolor ads because of their increased response rates.
Selecting Typefaces and Type Sizes for Print Advertisements
The look and appearance of the type is called the typeface.
A complete set of letters in a specific size and typeface is called a font.
Selecting Typefaces and Type Sizes for Print Advertisements
A serif font has short cross lines at the upper and lower ends of the letters
o Times Roman, Garamond and Palatino are commonly used serif fonts
Sans serif fonts do not have cross lines.
o Arial, Helvetica, and Albertus are common sans serif fonts.
The appearance of the typeface affects the entire character of an advertisement.
It is important that the font is large enough to read.
Checking Advertising Proofs
When advertisements are first created, an advertising proof is developed.
It shows exactly how an ad will appear in print.
To evaluate a proof, an advertiser will consider these criteria:
o The ad should be bold enough to stand out next to other ads.
o The layout should look clean and uncluttered and should guide the reader through
the copy.
Ad Proof
Checking Advertising Proofs
o The font needs to be easy to read and help to emphasize the companys message.
o The signature should be apparent and distinctive.
o The intended message and image projected must be appropriate for the target

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