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Philosophy of Idealism in

Updated on December 27, 2012

Source: http://gimp-savvy.com/cgi-bin/img.cgi?noaaqqnRVbWb...

Idealism plays a very large part in the philosophical thought of todays Western world. Many people
think that idealism has died out, but in reality it still strongly exists. Idealism bases itself on the
premise that ideas are most important in life and that people should focus their thoughts on ideas,
which are perfect. Reality, in essence, is spiritual or non-material Ideas play a large role in idealism.
The word idea comes from the Greek language and used to mean, A shape, form, or image. Idea
has now developed to mean, A prototype as a real entity, creative thought, or notion, a concept.
Idealism is one of the oldest of the traditional philosophies. It dates back to the days of Plato, around
400 B.C. Plato is said to be the founder of idealism. He has been called the greatest of all Greek
philosophers. Originally, Plato had been a follower and student of Socrates, but after the death of
Socrates, Plato branched off with some of his own ideas. In 387 B.C., Plato started his own school,
which was called a university for the first time. This school existed for almost one thousand years.
Plato's philosophic thought had a large impact on the rest of the world. Idealism has influenced many
key people and organizations including American public schools and the Christian church throughout
the Middle Ages.
Froebel had a definate idealistic view of education. He wrote, All the child is ever to be and become,
lies, however slightly indicated, in the child, and can be attained only through development from

within outward. Rousseau popularized the idealistic idea that children overall are good. They are
born with a good nature, so they naturally want to do good things. Many recent influential people
have also taken up idealistic thought. W.T Harris was a superintendent of a public school, and the
national commissioner of education in the United States for many years. John Dewey was another
educational figure who was largely influenced by idealism.
Idealism, as with every other major philosophy, has several key concepts. To the idealist, the only
ultimate reality is mental and spiritual thought. The universe, as people see it, is not actual reality.
Everything they see is only a concept in their minds. All things in the world exist in the mind. This
world of ideas is perfect, orderly, eternal, and unchangeable. Ideas became absolute.
Idealists imply that everything is connected to each other. If they can grasp the concept behind one
thing, it will inevitably lead them to eventually understand everything. This is best represented in this
poem of Tennysons:
Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.
In education, the mind was emphasized above all else. Idealists believed factual information was
important; however, facts were not enough. Reasoning within one's own mind was an important
process in idealistic education. Learned facts must be taken and reasoned with to come up with the
real meaning. Idealists look at reality in one of two ways. First, macrocosm states that an original
cause, possibly God, is the main existence. Everything else in existence is a lesser form. The other
version of reality is microcosm. Microcosm explains reality as a small part of the whole picture. It
submits that a student is a small spiritual being that is a part of a spiritual universe of which
everything is comprised. However, all idealists would believe that all that exists is within the
universe. Each person is an individual reality, part of the larger being.
If one were to ask the idealist teacher what knowledge was, he would say that knowledge is ideas. If
one were to ask the teacher what schooling was, he would reply, School is a social agency where
students seek to discover and pursue truth. The idealist teacher also believes that only the brightest
students should be educated. The more intelligence a student has, the easier it is for him to
understand concepts. Of course, these concepts and ideas comprise the truth that idealists seek.
The idealistic teacher must always strive to get academic excellence out of his student. The teacher
forces his student to think for himself.

Several things stand out when considering the educational practice of idealism. The focus of
idealistic education is on the teaching rather than on the learning. The teacher tells the student
precisely how to believe and how to think. The student knows exactly where he should stand. The
idealist teacher holds up the importance of each student making a difference, because each student
is different. The teacher attempts to use the students personality to develop a unique person with an
individual will. Personal guidance by the authority is stressed.
Idealistic teachers tend to have a particular style of teaching. All teachers are a type of role model;
however, the designated function of an idealistic teacher is to be a role model. Women were the
majority of schoolteachers, especially in the elementary school. The reason for having women teach
school is that the teacher was the moral example. Women were often more moral than men,
particularly years ago. Idealistic teachers have a distinct way to discipline students. These teachers
do not have certain rules. They believe that a good, prepared teacher will not have any problems
with classroom control. These teachers prefer to use positive examples in class to encourage other
students. They would rather take a student aside and reason with him to try to make him behave.
George Kneller does a satisfactory job of describing idealisms disciplinary technique. He said,
When a pupil becomes a disciplinary problem, the idealist teacher tries to show him the effect of his
misconduct on the rest of the class. The teacher asks the wrongdoer what would happen if everyone
behaved as he does. Is he setting a good example for his classmates to follow?
Idealists stress memory and recitation as the primary way to learn. Teachers do not have an exact
method of teaching. They would rather adjust and conform to the circumstances in the classroom as
they teach. Because idealists believe that the best way to learn is in a one-to-one situation, they
avoid group learning situations. Idealists love books, and they function as a large part in their
educational practice. Their curriculum is fairly normal with a heavy emphasis on subjects such as
history and literature. When an idealist teacher tests, he prefers subjective testing. A teacher rarely
gives tests; he would rather find out a students ideas and thoughts on a subject.


In modern schools of philosophy idealism is the perhaps the oldest one and began with the dawn of
civilization, when human beings could systemize their ideas. But as a branch of philosophy it began with
Socrates in the western part of the world. If we study the history of philosophy of the western part of the
world, we will find many brilliant philosophers studying and perfecting this system (Dash, 1994).
The word Idealism is derived from two distinct sources, one comes from the word idea and the other
from ideal. The words idea, ideal and ideology all come into the vocabulary of philosophy from the Greek
word idein, meaning to see (Dash, 1994).
Idealists believe that ideas are the only true reality. It is not that all idealist reject matter (the material
world), but rather they hold that the material world is characterized by change, instability and uncertainty,
while some idea are enduring (Shahid, 2000).
Fundamental Principle of Idealism
Idea is Real

It is a system of philosophy which believes that what is real is the idea of the object which is at the
conscious level of our mind and not the object that we see which is a mere shadow of that idea. It thus
tries to explain physical objects also in terms of mind and consciousness.
The idealists believe that material of the physical universe is not a complete expression of reality. To them
the physical world is the manifestation of some great spirit behind it. While the physical and material world
is destructible and changeable, the spirit behind it is indestructible and unchangeable (Shahid, 2000).
Human beings are a Supreme Creation
According to idealism, human beings being Spiritual are a supreme creation of God. They believe that
they have spirit or mind and through this spirit or mind they control the environment. They are not simply
animals; they can therefore create values and their aim is to realize the ultimate values of life.
God is the source of all Knowledge
The idealists say that although human beings are a supreme creation of God and that they can create
values yet they cannot find knowledge of ultimate reality from anyone elsewhere expect God.
The knowledge of the ultimate reality is not possible through the methods of observation,
experimentation, reasoning, etc., which are true guides to the knowledge of the physical universe.
Idealists advocate the use of intuition for knowing the ultimate (Shahid, 2000).
Values are absolute
Idealism believes in three spiritual values. They are the Truth, the Beauty and the Goodness. The truth is
an intellectual value, the beauty an aesthetic value and the good a moral value. Together they constitute
the Good. For Plato, these three values are identical to each other (Shahid, 2000).
Idealism and the aim of Education
According to idealists the following are the major aims of education:
Idealists believe that man/woman being spiritual is a supreme creation of God. Hence the human
Personality is the noblest.. So idealists assume that the foremost aim of education is to exalt personality.
This exaltation of human personality means self-realization.
Preservation of culture
Idealists give much importance to the spiritual and cultural possessions of the individual and of the real.
Development of Moral Sense
The aim of education according to idealism is to develop the childs moral sense so that she/he can
distinguish between right and wrong.
Development of Creative Powers
Human beings have thinking and reasoning powers and through this creative ability can be developed
(Shahid, 2000).
Simple living and High Thinking
It is only these persons who practice this ideal, can pursue great ideals of life.
This philosophy emerged as a movement in philosophy against the extreme idealist view of the world.
Many significant aspects of realism are as old as philosophic thoughts. As a deliberate and complete
philosophy it did not emerge until the nineteenth century provided it a new status in the philosophic world.
John Locke and his contemporaries affirmed that the world is a real world and not a world of fantasy. It is
not based on perception but is an objective reality (Shahid, 2000).

Chief exponent
Aristotle is the pioneer of the philosophy. He was against the ideas of Plato who was interested in
abstraction and generalities. Aristotle was interested in particular facts of life. Saint Thomas Aquinas is
also a great contributor; he infused the realist spirit in religion (Shahid, 2000).
Basic Philosophical Principles of Realism
i. Realism and Nature of Reality

According to realists the world around is a reality. It is a world of objects and not ideas. Realism is a
philosophy away from the world of ideas and is concerned with the study of the world we live in.
As reality is outside the mind and as the world around is an objective reality, knowledge of the
surrounding world is the most desirable knowledge. The best method to acquire knowledge is the
experimental or the scientific method. Realists believe that the real world is the world of nature. Realists
believe that everything that exists in the universe is matter or energy or matter in motion (Shahid, 2000).
ii. Law of Nature and Realism
Realists believe that the physical universe is operated by natural laws.
iii. Realism and Science
Realist try to discover truth with the help of scientific methods. Such a discovery of truth helps to control
the environment.

iv. Realism and Religion

There is no absolute antagonism between realism and religion, though many realists hold the view that
religion is merely made by human beings and there is no God.
v. Realism and values
Most of the realists share the belief that a thing has an aesthetic value to the extent it harmonises with the
beauty of nature. Many realists think that behavior is what is socially and rationally acceptable (Shahid,
Realism and Aims of Education
It is hard to mention what the aims of education are according to realism because realists do not believe
in general or common aims of education.
Aims are specific to each individual and her/his perspectives. The pupil, teacher, parent, administrator
political leader, etc have different perspectives; how can there be a general aim suited to all persons?
To state the aims of education in a concrete way and more comprehensible. The following are important
Equipping students with knowledge and skills needed to understand and master their physical
Enabling students to adjust themselves to the realities of the physical world and to adjust with adult
approved behaviour (Shahid, 2000).


Idealism is a very old philosophical thought and it has exercised a potent
influence on the mind of man throughout the ages. Even in modern times when
people are not inclined towards accepting any dogmatic creed or philosophy,
idealism has certain attractions which appeal to the human mind and thereby
exercise a great influence on human thinking. In education the influence of idealism
has gone a long way to restrict some of the radical thinking and establish the worth
of the eternal ideals and values of life.
The word idealism is derived from two distinct sources-the idea and the
ideal. Idea means true and testified knowledge. The word ideal stands for the
perfected form of an idea or ideas. An idealist does not have considerations for
material values of life. A thinker who idolizes Mind and Self is an idealist. Idealism
is one of the oldest schools of philosophy.



It is the one type which has found its way into educational philosophy. This
lays down that the heart of reality is to be found in thought or reason. Reason is
absolute; in fact it is the absolute. Being absolute, it is also one i.e., monistic.
Everything, thus, is interrelated and all contradictions reconciled. Furthermore the
complete cause of any single occurrence involves the whole of reality. The cosmos is
great thought process, and the absolute is god thinking. Everything happens as a
result of the self-willed idea i. e. absolute. The absolute is already complete, and
self-realized. Nature is the medium through which the absolute progressively
reveals itself in external form. Mind of man however, is a part of the absolute whole.
The absolute being the whole and education being a part thereof, it may be that
study of the fragment may reveal important facts of the totality.
The centralistic approach to idealism on the whole has committed this
educational philosophy to the prominent importance of consciousness. Mind is
ultimately spiritual, not materialistic. Human nature is to be viewed, as more than a
behaving organism, responding to the stimuli of its environment. Man is too
atomistic. Idealism stresses certain wholeness. Nothing happens in any part of the
system that does not affect the rest.
On religious and moral education, the definition of the absolute is
unmistakably of theistic characteristics. Since the aim of education is the increasing
realization of the absolute, all education appears tinged with religious significance.
This includes moral education. Reason being the absolute, the universe is one of law
and order. So too there is a oral law in the universe backed by the authority of the
absolute. Thus lays an inescapable moral imperative on education.
It has given a different tune to educational philosophy. In this concept
idealism more to do this idea as metal state. n this idealism might be called a
philosophy of idealism. The `I` of idealism being interested for euphony. The
knowledge one has of his environment is idea of it. The environment in itself cannot
be known through intermediate idea of it. The environments in itself cannot be

known directly. It can only be known through intermediate idea of human knower.
From which the learners knowledge takes, therefore, is bound to be in part the
product of his human way of apprehending it. Such concepts are supplied by the
mind of human learning.
The fundamental principles of idealism are:
Idealism believes in two forms of the world- Spiritual world and Material
world, Idealists gives more importance to spiritual world in comparison to the
material world. They believe that spiritual world is real and the ultimate truth
whereas the material world is transitory and moral. According to Horne- Idealism
holds that the order of the world is due to the manifestation in space and time of an
eternal and spiritual reality.
According to Idealists, knowledge of mind and soul can be obtained through
ideas only. Hence, they have given more importance to ideas over the objects and
material or later. In the words of Plato Ideas are of the ultimate cosmic significance.
They are rather the essences or archetypes which give form to cosmos. These ideas
are eternal and unchanging.
To Idealists, man is more important than material nature. It is because man
can think and experience about material objects and material phenomena. Hence,
the thinker or the one who experiences is more important than the object or the
phenomena experienced. Man is endowed with intelligence and a sense of
discrimination. Thus, he is not a slave of the environment as animals are but the
moulds and transforms the environment for his own good and welfare of the society.
In short, he creates his own world of virtue and his creativity achieves higher and
higher levels of art in many areas.
According to Idealists, prime aim of life is to achieve spiritual values-Truth,
beauty and goodness. These spiritual values are undying and permanent. The
realization of these values is the realization of god. In the pursuit of these absolute
values man rises higher and higher in the moral plane till he attains divinity. For the
achievement of these spiritual values all the capacities of man are to be harnessed
to the full. These capacities are- knowing, feeling and willing.
Idealists give much importance to the self of the individual. Hence they
insist upon the fullest development of the personality of an individual. According to
them the development of personality means achievement of perfection. Plato
rightly speaks that each individual has an ideal self. He tries to develop that ideal

self more and more. This self-realization is the true sense of the term. It may be
noted that self-realization means knowledge of the self or soul. This self-realization
can only be achieved in society. Hence, development of social qualities is very
essential for self-realization as it expresses itself in the form of love, sympathy,
fellow-feeling and co-operation for the good of all and discrimination among human
beings on any basis of caste, creed, sex, race or status etc. It clears the fact that
Idealism advocates the concept of universal education. In short Idealism believes in
the welfare of whole human community.
Idealists give full support to the principle of Unity in Diversity. They believe
that is of spiritual nature. This may be called Universal Consciousness or Divinity.
This underlying divine force maintains the existence and working of all entities.
Idealists call this power as God, the Supreme Force which is omnipotent and
Idealism prescribes certain fundamental aims of education which are directly
influenced by the aims and principles of life. In this context Ross puts forth the view,
The function of education is to help us in our exploration of the ultimate universal
values so that truth of the universe may become our truth and give power to our
life. Some of the important aims of education as laid down by idealists are given
According to idealism man is the most beautiful creation of god-His
grandest work. It lays great stress on the exaltation of human personality it is selfrealization The aim of education is to develop the self of the individuals higher
till self-realization is achieved It is in fact making actual or real the highest
potentialities of the self.
Education according to idealism should be universal in nature. The
universe is regarded as a thought process. Education should be based on the
teaching of Universal truth from the stand-point of rationality of the Universe
Idealists give greater importance to spiritual values in comparison with
material attainments. According to Rusk, Education must enable Mankind through
its culture to enter more and more fully into the spiritual realm, and also enter more
and more fully into the spiritual realm, and also enlarge the boundaries of spiritual

enrichment and transmission of culture, Education must contribute to the
development of culture .It should help in enlarging the boundaries of spiritual
According to idealism, man is essentially a moral being. Therefore,
moral, intellectual and aesthetic aspects of his personality should be promoted.
According to Dr.Prem Nath The process of education must lead to the deepest
spiritual insight and to the highest moral and spiritual insight and to
the highest moral and spiritual insight and to the highest moral and spiritual
conduct .
Idealism prepares an individual for a holy life. Froebel says.The object of
education is the realization of a faithful, pure, inviolable and hence holy life.
Idealism wishes that education should develop the mind fully. It makes a
person rational as well. Only the highly developed mind can understand the all
The idealists believe that
education must help in the full evolution of mind , the
emancipation of spirit, self realization and the realization of higher values
of life and
man completely and fully for manhood and not some part of man.
While developing curriculum, idealists give more importance to thought,
feelings, ideals and values than to the child and his activities. They firmly
hold that curriculum should be concerned with the whole humanity and its
experiences. It must consist of humanities.
The curriculum should give good mental experience of all types.
So cognition (knowing) affecting (feeling) and conation (striving) should find d
ue place. Sciences and art should be taught as fully integrated. Since
the main aim of
education according to
the philosophy of idealism is
to preserve and advance the culture of human race ,so subjects like Religio
Literature etc,
should be provided in the curriculum. Healthy mind is found
in healthy baby only. So health, hygiene, games and sports should find an
important place in the curriculum.
Idealism has not prescribed specific methods of teaching. According to idealism,
class-room is a temple of spiritual learning, a meeting place of human minds- a
place for self education. For this no particular method has been suggested.However,
the following methods have been advocated by different idealists:

Learning through reading

Learning through lecturing

Learning through discussion

Learning through imitation

Descrates employed the device of simple to complex


Naturalism provides unrestricted freedom to the child whereas
Idealism wants to keep the child under discipline. Idealists believe that there can be
no spiritual development of the child without discipline. This leads to inner
discipline. The discipline is not to be imposed on pupils. The teacher has only to
help them to develop self discipline and through that self knowledge
Self-insight and self analysis are the main disciplinary factors. The main
task of education is the cultivation of higher values of life through moral and
religious education. It requires the teacher to present a good example and exercise
lasting impact upon the pupils mind. A teacher is an ideal person to be emulated by
this pupil.
Idealism assigns a special role to the teacher. It considers teacher as a
spiritual guide for the child. The teacher serves as a living model for the student. He
sets the environment in which education takes place. He carries the child from
darkness to light. He is to guide the student towards utmost possible perfection
Idealism regards the teacher as the priest of mans spiritual heritage. He is a
co-worker with God in perfecting man. An idealist teacher is a philosopher, friend
and guide. According to Gentle- A teacher is a spiritual symbol of right conduct.
He is thus, an indispensable necessity.
According to Froebel, the school is a garden, the teacher is a cautious
gardener and the child is a tender plant. The plant can grow, no doubt, without help
but the good gardener sees that the plant grows to the finest possible perfection.
Through teachers guidance the child can make his natural development into a
process leading to perfection and beauty.
Idealistic philosophy in education emphasizes the exaltation of personality,
which is the result of self-realization, achieved by spiritual knowledge, self-discipline
and dignified teacher. Idealism assigns a very important place to the teacher who is
respected as a guide, and philosopher. They emphasize the importance of moral
and spiritual education and points out the values of humanities, social sciences, art
and literature. It emphasizes mans perfection in various facets of life-physical,
spiritual, intellectual, moral, esthetic and social.

(1)The common criticism regarding Idealism is that it is an abstract and vague
doctrine. It avoids the present realities and prepares the child for the next world.
(2) Idealism is concerned with the ultimate end of life. It avoids the real problems
day to day living. Education should be such as to make individuals capable to solve
the problems that confront them from time to time able to lead a happy and
contented life.
(3) Idealism lays more emphasis on thinking and mental activities. This increases
the importance of intellectualism unnecessarily.
(4) Idealistic education gives more importance to teacher in relation to the child.
Modern psychology emphasizes the prime and central importance of child.
(5) Idealistic methods of teaching emphasize cramming and rote memory. In
modern education, these methods are given little importance.
Idealism may be considered to be outmoded in the prevailing scientific world
view. Idealistic concepts like spirit, mind, soul, and the cosmos have little
relevance in the class-room teaching. There is too much emphasis on good manners
and modesty which may be mistaken. It neglects childs psychological nature.
Idealism does not contribute to methods of teaching. It sets unobtainable goals.
Idealistic scheme of education, by and large, pays attention to physical, industrial,
social and electronic environment of today. It neglects social aspects of life. It over
emphasizes humanity and under rates science and technology. In all, we can say
that idealistic approach to education has its own merits and shortcomings. It should,
therefore, be supplemented by other philosophy or philosophies of education.

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