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Public Messages
1st January, 1997
OUR LORD: "My sweet children, My Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary and I, with
Saint Joseph, have determined that these entire sets of Messages shall have one theme,
dictated by Myself. Since the entire public Messages shall be distributed as one
document assembled for easy distribution. This document shall report as clearly and
simply stated as possible, the scope of knowledge previously reported in these and other
Messages that Heaven wishes you to know on one theme. That one theme is:

The Great Warning

It is appropriate My Messages given to My daughter shall include this information, as
she is the Precursor of the Warning. As Precursor she has, through these Messages
and in her public talks, given information as directed by Heaven to alert you to this great
event. Yet few understand the magnitude of the event, nor the upheaval such an event
shall bring about in their lives.
We have tried by many means, through many Messages, to help you understand its
significance. We have inspired people to write on this subject for others to understand
what will take place. We have suggested to you for years and years that the Great
Warning is approaching, yet are met with only partial understanding and little
This is no easy task for so much could be stated. So much has been stated, but I wish
you all to know as completely as possible what My Eternal Father proposes to let take
place during the Great Warning. I wish to begin by stating that it is not easy for My
Eternal Father to let such a great event take place, for He knows - as I and all of Heaven
know - the great world-wide crisis which will result. We saw what the consequences were
in Noahs day with the great flood, and recognize also the total devastation of Sodom and
Gomorrah. We saw the effect of meteors hitting the Earth in another era. We saw the ice
age which resulted.
We - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost - determined that if it were
again necessary to cause, or permit, such devastation, it would also be permitted that
there would be an opportunity for people to learn from the experience - and thus not all
peoples would die, or become totally incapacitated during the event.

That said, I want to caution you all that though We will permit life to continue, even by
some who are Our enemies that its influence and the effect of this Great Warning will be
of such magnitude that many will want to die.
The world has now reached such limits of sin and sinning that My Eternal Father has
lowered His Hand permitting all arranged with the Heavens - with the Angels and all of
the Heavenly personages - to now take place. We only await the sequence of events to
take place which instigates/starts the whole of the end days events. Now I wish to
describe the great, beginning, event in the series of events which constitute the end
days events.
Yes, the Holy Father must flee the Vatican.
Yes, he will be protected.
Yes, the Anti-Pope will be elected.
Yes, the Seat of Peter will be moved to Jerusalem.
Yes, the Antichrists world domination will occur.
Yes, the war will begin.
Yes, the economy will collapse.
All this will occur simultaneously with the approach and fulfillment of those events
which constitute the Great Warning. I say, "simultaneously and during", to show you
that many things will be happening in all parts of the world at the same time. It is
important for you all to recognize that the problems, written about as one type of
concern or another, will all occur at the same time, or nearly all together. Yet all these
events are not the end, for that is yet a few years away. That is, this set of events
is not to be confused with the "three days of darkness", because that takes place at the
end of the years of crises. The three days of darkness is the nuclear war and world-wide
conflict by all countries having nuclear missiles. Everyone will be shooting missiles at
other countries, in retaliation. This war will be the mastermind of the Antichrist to
destroy the permanent images left at the time of the "Miracle" - The Great Miracle - to
occur just before the last three days of darkness or the absolute end of this era as you
know it.
Now, My children, I speak plainly and directly, but you will need to read all carefully
several times to learn all I am teaching you. There are many, many, reasons why
the Great Warning comes near the beginning of these events. My Fathers Plan includes
a means for all peoples to change their lives and to understand the truth. God exists!

God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity did become man; did suffer, die and rise
again. The Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is
whole and entirely present in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus Christ has been much maligned
by Communion in the hand. Jesus Christ wishes His Holy Presence to be kept in a
Tabernacle within the Sanctuary where Mass is said.
Also during the Great Warning all shall recognize how they have and do offend God;
what Grace they have lost or gained; the Truth of the origin of the Catholic Faith and its
supremacy among Faiths. All persons of all ages who have sinned will see the Justice of
God in their punishment for their sins -and then and there experience the suffering and
punishment. Each person will come to understand that God is God and no other shall be
set before Him. God is and can be only in the Most Exalted and Holy Trinity Father,
Son and Holy Ghost. There is no other God. There is only one God. Yes, all persons shall
recognize this and declare it. All evil spirits shall declare it. All Heavenly personages
shall declare it. There is but one God in the Blessed Trinity. All, all persons who have
sinned shall declare they have sinned. Each person shall know their sins and declare
that God is justified in their punishment and, if they died at that moment, their eternal
destiny. Yes, all shall see their eternal home Heaven or Hell if they died at that
moment and they shall feel the enormous burden to be carried for eternity as a
consequence of their sins.
My sweet children: knowledge of your sins shall be brought to you by the Blessed Virgin
Mary Who shall come on that day as the "Morning Star" and lay down a blanket of white
so that none shall move from under it - nor will you be able to function for some time.
All will stop. All machines will stop; all peoples, wherever they are, will stop. My Mother
is "Our Lady of Mercy", and by Her Tears and prayers, said over many centuries, has won
for you the opportunity to beg forgiveness for your sins and to prepare for this time.
It has been reported by some, and restated by others, that this period of time will last a
short time. I say: "No!" What was shown to the girls at Garabandal was of short duration
so they could express it to others. The reality of the time/length of the Great
Warning has been best expressed by My Eternal Father when He said: "It will take as
long as needed for all to state God exists and ask for forgiveness. This could last a short
time for some, but much longer for others. The experience could take a week for some
people. Indeed Maitreya has stated this is his warning, and so if his people continue to
offer him homage, their time to linger in the pain of sin shall exceed others.
All people shall linger in the pain of their sins as long as required. Those who have
confessed completely, done reparation, offered Purgatorial suffering, and have prepared,
will experience less severity, yet all will recognize what they have done, what sins they
have committed and recognize their share in the Crucifixion; the pain and suffering I
experienced for them each and every one on the Cross of Salvation. Then each will

know how, due to their lifes sins, they have Crucified Me again and again. In addition,
every Grace used well - and all used or unused during each persons life - will be shown
If you perceive this as a mighty examination of conscience, yes, it is intended to be such.
That is why the lines at Confession at the first opportunity will be so tremendous. That
is why all of you are called to have a good knowledge of your Faith so you can teach the
many who will greatly desire to join the Catholic Faith. You are called to be Disciples of
the Faith during that time. That is why I have so earnestly taught you the Faith in these
Messages. Please read your lessons again, to be prepared.
Now, knowledge of your sins, confessing to God that you have sinned, is but one and the first great - occurrence which shall occur during the Great Warning. There
are many, many, more events to occur during the Great Warning. That is why it shall be
so difficult. This difficulty has been planned by God, so that in all your senses, in all
your events of life, in all the ways you currently function, you will feel a disruption, a
change, some pain and suffering. These sufferings are to account for sin in all its forms.
This suffering will occur in every aspect of your life. There is no aspect of your life which
will not suffer. Why? To account for the disrespect for life; to offer you a means of
reparation; to have you understand that you must suffer your Cross. You Crucified Me
by your sins. My Eternal Father asks you to suffer for the pain you have caused Me,
especially the blasphemy against life, moral and spiritual blasphemy against God as well
as to suffer for those who have, and do, offend God so greatly in the Holy Eucharist

Prophetic Messages Volume I

2nd January, 1997
OUR LORD: "My dear children, as I have begun this series of lessons on the Great
Warning, I will continue on this theme describing to you other events to occur during
these days of the Great Warning. By now I have sensitized you to the personal struggle
each person will have to confess the sins of their lives and to seek ways to overcome their
faults. This will cause a great, deep, impression on each person and cause many to
become desperate, fall into despair, and lose Holy Hope. Many will take their own lives,
while others will see ways to die. Some will die of the natural elements caused by the
fires, earthquakes, floods and other disasters which shall come upon the Earth. It is this
series of events I wish to describe in this volume and the next.
At the same time that the while cloud shall descend to cover the whole Earth, a meteor
shall strike the Earth, first with its tail touching parts of the Earth, and then the full
impact of the meteor will touch down in an area in the Western Hemisphere of the

planet. Those of you familiar with the result of a meteor hitting the Earth will recognize
the effects I describe.
First, the effect shall be a cloud of dust so great that it will block the sun and all the
Earth shall become as night. The dust from the meteor shower shall bathe the Earth,
leaving dirt everywhere and burn the land and the skin, if you are outside. The
vegetation shall die and those caught outside will die of these burns. Animals shall
suffer illnesses and need to be destroyed. People who must go outside, which
is not recommended, shall need to take extreme precautions against the dust and
chemicals released by the clouds of meteor debris. No one, it is recommended, should go
outside, and all windows need to be covered so the dust does not enter your homes. This
covering shall be for many purposes. This is only one reason.
What you can then expect will be most dangerous. Due to the extremely flammable
nature of this dust cloud and its dangerous toxic gases, many homes shall catch fire and
be destroyed. And yet this is only the beginning, for more dramatic events will occur.
Due to the extreme impact of the meteor on your planet, there will be produced the
greatest of all earthquakes spoken of in the seventh bowl in the Book of St Johns
Apocalypse. It states this bowl is the most powerful earth-shaking earthquake. Indeed I
have reported earlier that the entire top layer of your planets surface shall shake for up
to 20 minutes in some areas, causing all homes which are not holy and prayerful homes
to be destroyed, or severely damaged. This earthquake shall produce great fissures in the
planets top layer, producing large cracks and sinkholes into which whole cities shall
disappear. The earthquake shall range from 8.5 to 10 on the Richter scale in various
areas, which are near or far from the impact site of the meteor.
All earthquakes of any magnitude cause disruptions in gas mains, in electrical lines, in
telephone service and other services, while highways shall be destroyed and buildings
crumbled. It shall appear as though the Earth has been destroyed, but it is not the end,
only the beginning!
In addition to the meteor and the great earthquakes destroying cities, homes, services,
vegetation and making all appear as night, there is yet another event to come - more
horrible than these two events - and that is the appearance of animals of a variety, from
small flies, ants, lice, beetles, grasshoppers, and rodents, which will infect your homes,
persons, food supply, and make your life a continual watch. Continual cleaning will be
necessary. These animals will come out of the earth during the earthquake and begin
the series of plagues you shall encounter, as prophesied in the Scriptures. Homes will
need to be checked, clothing washed, while you encounter the elements. I cannot
emphasize too earnestly that the full effect of this great event has phenomenal influence
upon every aspect of your life. This is the decree of My Eternal Father.

Many asked if these events shall have a pre-occurrence. Will we know it is coming? Yes,
indeed. You will all know through your media that the comet will be coming. You will also
feel, interiorly, advance knowledge that something Spiritual is about to take place. You
will recognize the signs and hear reports that the Great Warning is imminent. So, yes,
you will know it will occur.
Pray very hard, My children, and make your homes holy, for your world will literally stop
rotating; your sun shall be blocked from your view; your days of turmoil shall last what
shall appear to some to be interminably long, but only about a week. Of course the aftereffects of these great events will be horrendous. Some may never live again as they now
do. Many shall be homeless. The loss of life shall be staggering, as over one-fourth of the
worlds population shall die during these events. And yet there is more to come both
during these events and afterwards. Many people will not know of these events and will
have not prepared.
Some people have dangerous, toxic, agents and nuclear plants near them. There will be
disruptions in these chemical plants - and nuclear fallouts over vast areas, can be
expected. Though the nuclear missiles will not be deployed at this time, some may
explode themselves due to shock waves from the earthquakes. Thus many people will
receive nuclear burns and suffer diseases from nuclear fallout. Control of these toxic
elements will not be possible unless the plants are closed down or shut off completely.
Many people shall suffer from falling debris and a shower of acid rain. The great cold
shall begin sending the temperatures to plummet to 80 degrees below zero. This is an
effect of a meteor hitting the Earth. It shall occur just following the time of the Great
Warning, in a matter of months, but over those months you will notice the temperature
decreasing, even though the weather should be getting warmer due to the season. The
great cold shall last 7 15 weeks.
It is hard to imagine yourselves in these conditions, but I have been telling you about
them for many years. My Mother once said that you need to look at Bosnia the former
Yugoslavia and the other war-torn countries, to appreciate what your world will be like.
Here, with the Great Warning, you have conditions which are similar to war, but not the
same, for the war is yet to come upon you. Now I will tell you about the evil spirits.

Prophetic Messages Volume II

3rd January, 1997
OUR LORD: "Sweet children, I will continue describing to you the nature of the Great
Warning. This volume will describe what the evil spirits - Hells demons and the

Antichrist, Lucifer - will be doing and where they will be going. I am speaking plainly to
you so there are few questions. Indeed, My daughter has already asked Me to clarify a
few statements. These were: "How long shall all remain unmoved when the white cloud
descends?" The answer is: "Until all feel the sense of sin. Inanimate objects shall remain
unmoved for some time, that is, until the comet hits and earthquakes begin."
Now, My children, the reason given you to have covered your windows when you feel all is
beginning was to avoid seeing the evil spirits which will be given permission at that time
to show themselves to you. This reason would be sufficient, I believe, yet there are other
reasons as well, including your need to secure yourselves against falling glass from
broken windows, to secure your homes against infestation of insects, to avoid seeing the
Wrath of God, and maintain some peace in your hearts that God will provide you some
security against those who will be wandering about the streets in a state of shock, or
who have become crazy with grief, despair, or who have been possessed by the demons.
In all charity to your families, you will want to cover your windows. For those intent on
helping others at this time I suggest you wait, for if you venture out you will be killed by
the acid dust and not able to help anyone. Wait until the crisis has passed, the dust
settled, and quiet has returned. I assure you there will be many left to help.
Now during these hours the howling of the evil spirits will be heard at your windows.
Some voices will be of your family members imitated by the evil spirits to make you open
your doors. Do not do so, because if a person is outside, whether family or not, they will
die, so you know for certain the voices are false and only evil spirits trying to get into
your homes. If you do open a door, you will see these evil spirits and you will need much
holy water and prayer to fight them off, and not have them enter. The evil spirits from
that time will be given permission to show themselves to you to dissuade you from your
prayers and try your patience to sin. These encounters are designed to persecute you
and cause you to forsake God. You must be strong and pray to Saint Michael to help you
with his Warrior Angels, daily.
These days are nearing the end of the time when Lucifer shall be allowed to roam the
Earth. He knows his time remaining is limited and thus he is making a last stand to
obtain souls. Souls are his strength; he feels the more he can obtain for Hell the more
powerful he is before God, the Father. He will declare how great he is before God the
Father because he has achieved so much so many souls. Instead God the Father shall
crush him into Hell. Oh, no, he shall not ascend to Heaven as is his intent rather he
shall descend to Hell like a fly swatted with a fly swatter. He has no privileges in Heaven.
His place for eternity is Hell. There he shall rule for eternity. Hell is that great abyss of
hatred; of fire; of torment; of evil; of demons. Yes, that is his place to rule in his pride.
Lucifer speaks to those he controls - by their free will - that he rules in his kingdom.
Well, yes, but it is and shall always be one of torments, of hatred, of foul smelling, sulfur,

seas. The Eternal Father will also demand of all souls in Hell recognition that He is god
yes, even at the Warning but particularly at the General Judgment. All those in Hell
will come forth and be judged in body and soul. God the Father shall be justified. Thus,
for all eternity, they shall know of what they have missed, why they suffer and what they
could have enjoyed.
It is to Hell that the demons will try to pull souls. They hate God in the Most Blessed
Trinity. They hate all those who love the Eternal Father and live their lives in Sanctifying
Grace. They, therefore, will pour out their venom in words and physical abuse upon
souls marked by the Cross. If they themselves do not do so, they will inspire others to do
so - and the persecution of the faithful shall become a daily occurrence for all.
I have been asked if those of other Faiths will suffer more than Catholics. My Catholic
friends, there are many Protestants who live the virtues of the Scriptures with great
earnestness. These will be given the Light and Gift of Faith in the Catholic Faith. They
will, however, suffer to the extent of their sins, as will all peoples of all Faiths. All
Catholics have more to suffer than others, for they have received special Sanctifying
Grace through the Sacraments.
I have also been asked if children will suffer. All children who have sinned will suffer in
proportion to their sins, just as all adults will suffer in proportion to their unconfessed
Let Me now speak of adults and children unbaptized. All children and adults who are not
baptized shall feel the full impact of Hells true suffering. They will know it is caused by
not being baptized. Immediately following the Great Warning many will harass them
greatly, as they do not want to lose these souls to God the Father. Pray for them to follow
their consciences, and be baptized. Of those who do not become baptized, they will have
made their decision and shall go to Hell then, or later during the three days of
darkness, for only those prepared will enter the Reign of Peace. All others will die. That
is, all those who live by Satans rules will perish. It is for this reason I can truly say
"only one-fourth of the known population" today, if that many shall remain alive to
enter the Reign of Peace. During these days of the Warning, they will be forewarned. If
they choose not to become baptized or give themselves to Satan that they do of their own
free will. God is justified.
The very elderly and persons who are very ill will be shown Mercy, either through
suspended sleep or taken ahead of time in Rapture. All people who are prayerful, holy,
virtuous; who truly try to lead good and holy lives, will be given a special Grace. All will
know their sins and punishment, yes, but special Grace will be given to these to
overcome their fears quickly, and be relieved of extended personal suffering. This is just,
as these are truly trying. Jesus."

Prophetic Messages Volume III

4th January, 1997
OUR LORD: "My children: it is in this Volume I wish to speak of those conditions which
have been spoken of in many Messages, yet you may not clearly understand where they
will fit into this Plan of God. Just as My daughter has asked how, when, how long, some
things may take, I will try to anticipate your questions.
One of the first questions asked by a member of My daughters Rosary Group when she
read these Messages to them was: "Will the miracle still come within a year from the time
of the Warning, or has that changed?" The answer is: "No, the timing of the Miracle is
still to be within one year of the Warning by it may be within a day or two of the end of
the end of the years time." The Miracle is another story, My children, and not to be
confused with the Great Warning nor other prophesied little warnings, tribulations,
persecutions, trials, plagues, wars and other devastations.
Since the time of the three days of darkness follows "closely" after the Miracle, many
people may perceive the word "closely" to be within a few days. No, My children, "closely"
could mean six months to a year after the Miracle, but I assure you from Heavens view,
and yours, it will occur close behind the Miracle.
I wish to give you the benefit of arithmetic. If the Warning occurred one year,
the Miracle could occur the next, and the three days of darkness by the next year.
Since all shall occur before the end of this century, and there are three years left before
the end of this century, you can count what must take place. It is pure arithmetic. Now
some events may occur within the years rather than at the end of a years time or things
could happen in such a way that to occur all within a years time, for if
the Warning occurred one day, the Miracle could happen in six months (that is within a
years time), and the three days of darkness within another six months.
So you see it is not wise to speculate on exact days, just be prepared at every moment.
You can see what must take place and the events to plan for. Just be prepared. No one
knows the exact date except My Father in Heaven. This is still true, but many on Earth,
as in Heaven, know the approximate time. This is so My Father - with My Mother - can
decide the most advantageous time. My Mother is using every second to gain more souls
for Heaven and for God.
Do not desire all this to occur. Prepare yourselves with the building-up of Grace and
Sanctifying Grace, for the time of persecution shall exhaust your sensibilities and you
will have need of every Grace you can earn.

Another question you may ask is whether it will be safer in areas of safety during these
days. Of course, because the Angels will offer greater protection; but I assure you; you
will not be immune to the earthquakes, the comets effects or the sufferings from fallout.
You will be more protected from the evil spirits and the pestilence. Your areas will not be
destroyed by the fires. Your land will be green - and vegetation, animals and homes will
be preserved, unless there are sinful people, places and events in these areas. They will
feel the total effects of these devastations. That is why, even in safe areas or homes, you
need to cover your windows. However, the Angels will help you greatly.
You do know these safe homes and areas will be taken into the Reign of Peace. These
places will then receive special help and protection and be better off than other areas.
My children, you will also want to know about the ways you can deal with family
members who do not return to the Church or confess before the Warning. These persons
will receive special Grace, due to your prayers, but each will need to respond to this
Grace after the Warning, individually. You cant save another who remains obstinate to
Gods Call, but continue to pray that sometime they will respond, even moments before
they may be taken. Remember, perseverance in prayer for souls is rewarded by Heaven,
whether they are alive or deceased. Those in Hell cannot be helped, but prayers offered
for them can be used for others, and the Grace won through prayer will be offered to you
to be consoled and understand the Justice of God.
My children: I wish now to speak of the beginning of the Great Warning. For some days
you will know that natural events on your planet have changed. For some days you will
recognize that there will be a Spiritual event about to occur, for already you will feel an
awakening to your sins. The tremendous explosion spoken of in prophecy, followed by
the white cloud descending upon all, shall come about when the sun has several
implosions. These implosions are the sign that the Blessed Mother is coming as
the "Morning Star" to cover the Earth with Her Mantle, a thick cloud of white; a thick
layer. She shall begin from the International date-time zone and proceed East to cover
the Earth. That morning you shall all see the sun rise at the same time due to these
implosions. Close your doors, cover up your windows, begin to pray. Do not look out.
Next the comet will strike the Earth, which has stopped its rotation - and the white
cloud will hold all in place. The Earth shall continue to rotate again after the effects of
mans sins have been felt by all, and the events of nature proceed. The white cloud shall
dissipate after all feel the effects of sin.
The shaking of the Earth shall first be caused by all things stopping and then by the
tremendous impact of the comet, then by explosions and then by earthquakes. The
covering of the moon and the sun shall be caused by the dust caused by the comet. This
will last all during the Great Warning, so you will be in darkness for some time. You will

need blessed candles so they will stay lit during these days and also for some warmth.
Homes and cities will be washed away in the earthquakes and floods. Various stars will
fall from their positions.
The next great occurrence, but of no harm, will be the great thunder which will be heard
24 hours a day for all the week of the Warning. In fact, it is when you no longer hear the
great thunder that you recognize it is all over.
There will initially be deadly silence, but then great thunder shall rattle homes and
windows, doors and all your goods. Fire, heat and lightning shall be in the atmosphere
produced by the cosmic dust, the comets tail and dust from its impact. These are the
effects, impact, from the comet hitting the Earth. Fire and lightning will cause damage even in closed homes - where sinners live. These are homes in sin.
Oh My children, is this not better than a deluge? Is this not better than all to be wiped
out in a single thunderbolt? At least you have a chance to live; to amend your lives; to
confess your sins. Yes, though severe, this is better.
Now, as a result of these crises world-wide, the Anti-Pope and Antichrist shall come
forth and declare many ways to rebuild the Church and the world. Woe to those who
follow their heresies and lies. This time is when the Remnant Church shall exist. This
will be the time the Apostles and Disciples of the Blessed Virgin Mary shall provide you
Holy Hope and Faith. Jesus."

Prophetic Messages Volume IV

5th January, 1997
OUR LORD: "My sweet children: I will continue to advise you regarding the Great
Warning. Remember, My children that the time and circumstance of the Great
Warning is a gift of Love from the Eternal Father, made possible by the prayers and
Grace won for you by the Blessed Virgin Mary. You have Her to thank, for She has won
this gift of Love for you.
Now, do not offer criticism regarding such a gift of Love for you do not recognize the real,
possible, effect. It will help all mankind to understand that God forgives them and wants
them in Heaven with Him for all eternity. This is an opportunity for even the hardened
sinners to receive the Gift of salvation if only they confess their sins and amend their
lives on Earth. That is all. Confess their sins, and turn away from their sins and evil.
My sweet children: We do not want all of you lost to Us forever in Hell. We want Our
children in Heaven with Us. We have made homes for you to live with Us. We have
prepared a place for all of you. All you must do is to return to Us, believe in God; confess

your sins and try to live holy lives. This is the time when many who are last shall be first
because they have confessed their sins and returned to God their souls for Eternal Life
in Heaven.
I want you all with Me. My Mother and I ponder how many will answer Our call to
holiness. Please, My faithful children: you answer Our call now, also. Do not presume on
your merits. To those who have been given much, much is expected.
Now, My dear children, I want to share some more facts on the situation: the worlds
climate and social concerns for a part of the Great Warning is the world-wide upheaval
to follow it.
I have told you that there would be a world-wide food shortage due to the destruction of
vegetation, and have asked you to have a food stock on hand at home also water and
Blessed Grapes.
I have told you that there would be an economic collapse and this will occur due to the
Worlds Bank meeting to help so many countries.
I have told you that Maitreya with the Anti-Pope shall lead and deceive you during this
time for they will take advantage of the world-wide tragedies to bring forth their plan to
rule the world.
I have told you that war between all nations would begin at the instigation of the evil
leadership in some countries who will want to take advantage of the time when larger
nations are very vulnerable and weak, due to these crises.
I have told you that to gain authority and power, the Antichrist shall cause the death of
many leaders of the world and then be able to take over their countries leadership. I
assure you people will want him as their leader.
I have told you that food would be rationed and through the Mark of the Beast all
people would receive a share.
I have told you never to accept the Mark of the Beast for it is the sign of 666 and with it
you are destined for Hell.
I have told you that Saint Joseph with the Apostles and Disciples of My Most Holy
Mother shall begin and maintain the True Catholic Faith within the Remnant Church
because of the schism the Anti-Pope shall foster, due to his heresies. Saint Joseph has
gathered people together to pray. He will continue to assist all of you who wish to be
faithful to the Dogma and Traditions of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Faith to
join together, to have the Sacraments, and Priestly counsel from Holy, Marian, Priests.
That is why I have asked and asked you to seek out Holy Priests who would serve the

True Church in the days before and after the Warning, and on to the three days of
I have told you to make your homes holy, to pray each day together in your homes.
I have asked you to obtain images of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred
Heart of Jesus for each room.
I have asked you to put crucifixes and Saint Benedict medals on all windows and doors.
I have asked you to obtain and keep blessed candles for light and warmth.
I have asked you to obtain images of the Saints, Angels and maintain your homes free
of evil by the frequent use of Holy water sprinkled throughout your homes.
I have asked you to keep extra Rosaries and prayer books on hand.
I have asked you to obtain warm clothing and blankets for the cold.
I have asked you to prepare; to wash, clean and store your goods against bug
I have asked you to store goods for the days when you cannot obtain them. Go out to
buy them, or obtain money to purchase them.
All these things and more We have asked you to do; alerted you to what you will need and now you truly see why I and My Mother with all the Heavenly Hosts have been so
Your physical, mental and Spiritual preparation is vital to your security; to your peace of
mind. But, My children, your Spiritual preparation will pull you through the most
difficult of days. Therefore you must prepare yourselves today, Spiritually. Please do not
delay further.
I have told you that there would be persecution of Catholics. There will be imprisonment
of Priests and Christians, as in the days when Jewish peoples were imprisoned. They will
destroy your Churches; desecrate your holy images and the Holy Eucharist.
Now, some may ask who "they" are. I will tell you. "They" are all those who have
"declared" for the Antichrist, Maitreya. These people he will force to do his bidding, to
help him accomplish his goals to destroy Christianity, and especially Catholicism.

I wish to state clearly here: it is impossible to declare an alliance with Maitreya and still
remain a practicing Catholic. My children, he is the personification of Satan. He is
against God and the Catholic Church. You cannot serve God and Satan, My children.
Some of My children do not believe there is a problem with this. Oh, My children, wake
up. He is the Antichrist. Be aware that a declaration for Maitreya is a vote for Satan. Put
your distance as far as possible from him. Oh, My children, you see how easily you are
swayed: his talk convinces, his intent is deadly. Oh, beware, My children; beware!
I Love you all. Jesus"

Prophetic Messages Volume V

6th January, 1997
OUR LORD: "Now, My sweet children, I need to speak to you about what you should do
during the Great Warning. Since you will receive some notice ahead and know also
something is about to take place, you will be able to think a little about your available
stock of food and water, and bringing inside what you need from the barn or shed or
closet. Yet this time shall be short, so do so as soon as you can, if you have room.
Since also the Sun implosions shall come at dawn in a month in which the sun does not
rise early, later you will hear and see the dramatic beginning to that day and know what
is coming next. Immediately find the coverings for your windows and get out the candles
and matches to be lit. Sprinkle your home with Holy Water and clean up everywhere,
quickly, so all can assemble to pray. Children need to be dressed as well as adults. Try to
pull together (sic). [Have] all your Rosaries, and if your statues are not in the place where
you will pray, bring them to the room.
Now you await the white cloud which will cover all. Pray until it arrives and try to pray
throughout these days. Remind yourself and everyone that God Loves them, forgives
them for their sins and you will help them when they begin to experience any pain or
I have asked you, previously, to try to help those elderly who are living alone to come
earlier to stay until all is over. Some may refuse, saying they wish to be at home - so if
you try, that is all I ask. If they are willing, make room for them to pray, to stay, to eat, to
sleep as they are able.
All shall experience the call of God to confess their sins and feel the interior heat of
suffering for sin, and in reparation. I have promised you who are prepared, have made a
good general confession and prayed to have an intense, yet shorter understanding of
your sins, so you may help others. I promise you this. Therefore, your role will be to help

all in your family cope with their feelings, their sorrow, and to pray. Next you will have to
advise them what is taking place outside with the elements, the comet, and the various
plaques. They will now listen to you, for you will be calm and direct in your voice tone
and all will understand how much you know is the truth.
No one should be permitted to look out or go outside, as I have explained. This will be
very difficult, but tell them exactly why and ask Jesus and Mary to help you speak of
these events in an authoritative manner.
It would be good to bring animals into your house, but if you cannot, put a Saint
Benedict medal around their necks. Some animals will be protected in safe areas. Other
places the animals may be injured or become ill, as I have explained.
It would be good to think now about what food you could give fast to those who are
hungry - and how you will cook it, or if you will serve it cold. Have cups ready, and water.
Consider that water may not be in the pipes so alternate sewage waste disposal should
be planned using plastic bags and large covered tubs.
If you have had a prayerful home, a holy home, you will receive an extra degree of safety.
Pray that the Angels will protect you against fire or storms. Now begin to pray; read
stories to the children, and help them to keep busy. Try to arrange ahead of time extra
games and books. Remember very young babies and children will be placed in
suspended sleep so do not be concerned. Let them sleep right through it all, even several
days. It is the other children and adults who need to be kept busy and awake for prayer.

Your whole thoughts now need to be directed to prayer. Pray that the Warning ends
quickly. Pray for souls, who may despair, that they understand the Mercy of God and
repent. Pray also for yourselves and in reparation for your sins. Pray that the Remnant
Church may become available for you. Ask Saint Joseph to help you. Pray that the
peoples of the world will say "Yes" to God and "No" to Satan. Pray, pray, pray many

Keep a watch throughout this time. Have someone awake to keep guard against
intruders or vandals, especially in areas where flooding and earthquakes cause great
turmoil and destruction. Pray also that you as a family survive. Pray for other families,
for your relatives and others. Abandon yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, and plead for their intercession on your behalf and on behalf
of all mankind. Pray also for those who declare for Satan, to receive from God the
wisdom to know their errors.

Pray that the world may confess that God exists and seek the forgiveness of their sins.
Please pray for all these things, yes, but especially pray that your faith will hold and that
you will have the courage and Grace to persevere.

Oh My child, I have offered you a format to follow during the time of the Great Warning.
You may include other things, but I would not take away any I have suggested, for these
are very basic to your survival. These days you will struggle to survive as the economy
becomes more volatile and food is scarcer. Pray you have enough and ask Me to
replenish your supply. I can do that with your trust and faith.

After you read these Messages, try to pray a Rosary that you will hold on; you will cope.
Life as you know it shall never be the same again. Try to help your family to understand

My sweet children: We of Heaven shall help you if you call upon Us. We will come to your
aid. Give Me your lips to speak through well and effectively. Ask My Mother for Grace for
your family, for this is the time for them to believe you and prepare.

Remember, My children: We will never abandon you, yet you must go through
the Warning, as the Eternal Father has decreed this.

I Love you. Jesus".

Prophetic Messages Volume VI

7th January, 1997
OUR LORD: "Sweet children: the only topics which I wish to speak about in this final
descriptive essay/lesson for February on the Great Warning are the advance signs that it
is coming and what to do after it is over. My Mother has advised you that many signs will
appear in the Heavens and on Earth to forewarn you that the Great Warning is

imminent. She stated that a large white cross would appear in the sky and all will
marvel at its size and the duration it is visible. It shall be visible for 24 hours during the
week prior to the Warning. Another advance sign is the exiting of all the birds, squirrels,
rabbits and other small animals in nature. They will leave and not be seen again for
many months. Many will die.

Of course the most critical of all signs shall be news that the Holy Father has left the
Vatican and cannot be found. This news will be followed by the news that the Bishops
and those Cardinals still alive, or able to vote, will elect a new Pontiff. They will then
have a "fake" funeral for Pope John Paul II who will be very much alive, but in hiding.
Due to the war-like conditions in Italy and Rome, the Vatican officials shall declare the
Vatican is moving to Jerusalem where a Judeo-Christian alliance will be signed
supporting the new Pontiff. The new Pontiff will declare his support for Maitreya as the
ruler, teacher and prophet for the next millennium. In so doing there is established the
two-headed beast described in the Book of Revelations Saint Johns Apocalypse. My
sweet children: some of this shall occur behind the scene, but much shall be given great
media attention. If all these signs are not enough you will have even more.

During the week before the Warning, My daughter, the Secretary - shall with many
friends - make phone calls to all parts of the globe to tell you. Believe Me, you may not
need such a call for all shall be so obvious to you. But We shall do this.

Interiorly you will also start to feel the influence of your sins. Yes, even before the
Warning. As well, many will begin to see images of evil spirits, as well as spontaneous
Visions of Angels and Saints, for where there are evil spirits, We provide also good

You will also notice a great bottoming-out in the stock market and a real financial panic.
The ups and downs of the financial community will be evident. At the same time talk of
wars and retaliation shall be in the news. A much larger media story will be the
approach of the comet and speculation on how big it is, where it will hit the Earth and
the problems caused due to its collision with the Earth.

That then describes as complete a series of signs that Heaven desires you to have. They
are multiple. If you miss one sign, you have another as backup. We want you all very
aware that this great event will take place, and its purpose. Knowledge of the event will
help save souls and the desired result of this event more achievable.
Now let Us discuss what you will do following the Great Warning. The way I see it there
shall be massive loss of homes, property and lives. People will be clamoring to find a
Church, a Priest and Catholics to teach them the faith. There shall be many with no
homes or possessions; many who are sick and suffering illnesses - some new and
unexplained - and some caused by nuclear fallout. There will be vast areas which have
fallen into earthquake fissures or sinkholes, and while the news is on the airways, all the
talk is about hospitals, Red Cross, government support to rebuild. This is typical in
disasters, but there will be an exception to the usual plan. The exception will be that
there are few people to help, and the Insurance Companies will not have the funds to
help rebuild homes.
There will be discussions of bug infestations and loss of crops, high prices of food and
lack of good water - but in every way people will be helping each other in charity,
because the news media will be is forecasting a great cold which is the aftermath of the
comet. You and your family will need to regroup, to assess the damage and determine
where you stand:
Is there work to return to?
Will the schools reopen?
Is anyone ill?
Has the house been damaged?
Do you still have a car or gas? [gasoline?]
Do you have enough food, and where can you find some?
These and other questions shall occupy your time. Of all these questions and problems,
you also will want to visit a Church, to seek Confession; try to help with new converts.
You will need to see if you can get there. Do you have a bike or horse? Can you hire
these? Are you prepared for the next event?
Now is the time to pray that you will hold on to your faith and not be led to evil ways due
to the difficulties of the times. You will be under extreme pressure - and little things like
stealing food or hoarding food, lying or cheating, may creep into your lives. These are
sins remember! You must try to avoid sinning as you felt the severity of the punishment
due to sin during the Warning.

My children: I shall help keep you in food if you, in charity, share a little with your
neighbors. Do not give a lot that is not needed but you must share in charity in order
that I can help you in charity.
Now will be the time for you to share the spare clothing I asked you to put aside, and the
blankets also. In charity you help others and I will never abandon you. Oh, My sweet
children: these times shall be different, difficult - and most of you have never
experienced anything like them. You have never experienced war-like conditions. This
will be like the times of war; of disasters; of tragedy.
Yet as you know this is only the first of the great events. Next comes the plagues of
insects and the great cold period. Then comes the war - a nuclear war; a retaliatory war;
a war of bitterness, as well as the installation of the world leader, Maitreya, the
persecution of Catholics and then the Great Miracle.
I shall describe more on the Great Miracle, yet another Seer shall speak of the date of
that event. The Seer of Garabandal shall announce the date of the Great Miracle, which
shall come within the year following the Great Warning.
We of Heaven await these events and pray for you all to have courage and persevere in
the faith. We Love you all. I hope you have found these lessons helpful.
Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity God."

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