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08.45 Barberton, SA

This report was written in Web Layout, and is best read in that viewing format.
Let's start with some interesting and important astrological dates in your life. It is not
the dates themselves but the months surrounding them.
First Sun Progression (to Aquarius) - 6 November 2005. There is no bigger
watershed. Your next (to Pisces) will not be until 2035!
Saturn Return - 13 October 2010. The big self-examination regarding one's life so far.
Progressed Moon Return - 20 May 2008 Feelings come under the spotlight.
Year of Water Monkey - 4 Feb 1992 until Jan 22, 1993 Your first monkey year returns
Year of Wood Monkey - 22 Jan 2004 until Feb 8, 2005 Your next monkey year
There are other dates of significance but none bigger than those above.
This Western Astrology report mainly refers to 3 different charts.
Your Natal Chart.(birth chart) It stays with you. Whatever your other charts say, your
Natal Chart is your number one and our main focus here.
Your Progressed Chart. This is not 'real' but attempts to project your Natal Chart into
the future to see where you are now or where you will be. It's an inner chart.
The planets haven't really moved but we imagine if they did ... very slowly.
Astrologers have been doing imaginary charts for thousands of years. The Chinese
love imaginary stars and planets. Why do they do this? Are they mad? No. If
something works ... keep doing it. ;-)
Your Transit to Natal Chart. This is two charts joined together. Your Natal Chart v
The Sky at any given moment. e.g. today. These are real planetery movements that
are measured each day. On December 26th 1980, Pluto was in Libra. This is why your
birthchart shows this! Now Pluto is in Capricorn. It takes 250 years to travel round the
zodiac (the sun takes just one year) Since your birth, pluto has only moved just over 2
signs. In those 31 years, the sun has been through all 12 signs ... 31 times!! This is
real movement. Not imaginary.
To make a Transit chart we choose any date. Let's say, Dec 26, 2001(your 21st
birthday) We see where the planets were on that day. Then we take your Natal Chart
and compare both sky 'pictures', 1980 and 2001. This becomes your Transit chart for
Dec 26, 2001. You can do this for any day in your life. It's an outer chart. It shows
how the planets affect your natal chart ... how the planets affect you each day with
their movements.
In your natal chart, sun and mercury are conjunct. A strong aspect. Looking at the sun
today ( 25th Oct ) it is at 02 scorpio 09. Your natal mercury was at 01 Cap43.
Therefore the sun today sextiles your natal mercury. That is a transit aspect, which
will soon pass. Your natal sun conjunct mercury stays with you forever.
There are other charts that could be drawn up. Two are worth mentioning:
Your Relocation Chart. This would be exactly the same as your natal chart for signs
and aspects. But the house positions would change. As the first house is also your
ascendent, your rising sign changes too. But the relocation chart does not replace the
natal chart. It only modifies it.

Your Transit to Progressed Chart. Your progressed chart v the Sky at any given
moment. e.g. today. Same 'idea' as your transit to natal chart.
I have devised my own system of analysis, which I also did for rk and Pishi. Both
often ask me about something from it, and feel free do likewise at any time.
1. The Essential You. Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon Aquarius Rising Metal
Just on these four features alone, you are one in 103,680 people. Pretty unique. 12 x
12 x 12 x 60. Then there's the rest of your chart. By the time we finish looking at
it/you, it is one person in many millions that you become. One in a billion even. That's
how unique we are, and how unique our natal chart is.
2a. Natal Chart (birth chart)Elements
Aries, leo, sagitarius = red = fire Taurus, virgo, capricorn = earth = yellow
gemini, libra, aquarius = green = air cancer, scorpio, pisces = blue = water
Of your 5 personal planets, 4 are in Earth element. That is significant. This is your
sun, mercury and mars all in capricorn, with moon in virgo.
The exception is your venus in sagittarius. Your two inter-personal planets, Jupiter
and saturn, are in an Air sign, libra.
When someone has alot of Earth in their natal chart it suggests qualities such as
dependability, loyalty, determination, productivity, practicality, objectivity, patience,
security, ambition, organisation, reputation. An Earth Element person is physical and
concerned with the 5 Senses. If we can smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it and see it,
then it exists as real. Earth people need to experience things 'firsthand'. They need
to have material proof through the senses. While others talk about it, Earth gets on
and does it. It deals with materials not abstracts. Substance and sustinence! If the
above makes sense to you, Cre8ing, then you are true to your Earth influence and
element. If you look at 6.Planets in Signs, you will see that it's capricorn and virgo
which make you this 'Earth' person.
Your sagittarius venus and leo north node adds Fire to the Earth equation, and might
bring enthusiasm, vision and inspiration to your Earth. Fire and Earth don't go
together naturally, but if it works ... it really works!! You have some Air in the form of
jupiter and saturn, and aquarius ascendent which should bring ideas and
communicative skills to the above.
Your element most missing is Water. Feelings, compassion, psychic, sensitivity,
caring, emotion, fantasy, self-indulgence and controlling tendencies are some of
Water's traits. Your chart suggests that you are lacking in these. There are many
theories about what lack of Water might mean. There could be difficulty in showing
feelings or in understanding the emotions of others.
The most interesting theory is the all or nothing one. Bill Clinton has no water at all in
his chart, yet he is one of the most sensitive and compassionate presidents ever.
Womanising aside, politically, he really did care about the people with his heart and
soul. Unusual in a world leader. So, in his case, it appears that lack of Water made him
the exact opposite. As if something drove him on, subconsciously, to compensate for
that which he wasn't born with. Of course, it can also work the other way, where lack
of Water might make emotional, sentimental people difficult for one to cope with.

Another theory is that the sign opposite to the one we are can be just as true of us.
Therefore, though you are capricorn sun, mercury and mars, it may be that you
connect just as much to cancer ... and cancer is a Water sign! Similarly, though your
moon is in virgo, you may have kindred feelings to virgo's polarity sign, pisces ...and
pisces is also a water sign. Alot to consider there. Astrologically, Water and Earth do
go together.
2b.Progressed Chart elements
Your progressed chart is completely different to your natal chart.. Earth has slightly
given way to Air. More specifically, Aquarius has partly taken over from Capricorn.
This is a natural development from natal to progressed. The sign after our natal one is
the one we need to experience.
Libra influences are stronger too. Suddenly, communication and ideas are as
important as the 'earthly' values above. Friendships and relationships come more into
focus. An even stronger sense of justice and equality. Your Natal Aquarius ascendent
shows that the communicative 'Air' side of you was always there, but now your
progressed chart shows more emphasis on it.
3. Hemisphere Influence: Look at your chart. All the planets are in the top half of
your chart. The bottom half is empty.
This means that you are ambitious (not everyone is) and are probably careerorientated. Like to work with others and active in society. This half of the chart is
about people and others rather than self. What others think of you matters alot and
you tend to be in control of your own destiny because you are resourceful and
5. Aspects: Look for important aspects.
Your sun and mercury are close together in capricorn. We call that sun conjunct
mercury. Conjunction means two planets combining energies. It gives you much
mental energy and self-belief. A tendency to be subjective rather than objective.
Probably the strongest part of you. Not only are you a capricorn (e.g the sun is there)
but you think as a capricorn. For capricorn read 'earth' as previously described.
Reputation, honesty, responsibility is important to you. What others think of you
matters. By contrast, I am a leo but think as virgo. I would therefore have less strength
of purpose than you have and be less single-minded.
You also have a very close conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. These two
planets are less influential on a personal level than sun and mercury are. However,
with their being so closely conjunct in your natal chart (almost exact!) this is
significant. This indicates there may be heavy responsibilities in your life and certain
challenging hurdles. Delays or disappointments possibly requiring patience! This
arises because jupiter has great plans and hopes, whereas saturn is more realistic and
restraining. The two planets energies do not blend easily. The conjunction is in libra.
You will certainly have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and also be an idealist.
Co-operating with others should be strong in you with diplomacy and consideration.
You may feel unloved at times and question the very fairness in life that you believe
in. As you read this refer to 8.Transits section and your 2 year transit where pluto
squares it.

Your venus in sagittarius ( you recall your important fire influence) is in very close
sextile aspect to your jupiter/saturn conjunction. Venus in sagittarius gives you a
love of personal freedom, which goes slightly against the grain of your capricorn sun,
mercury and mars and also your virgo moon. These put responsibility and
commitment before freedom. Your venus side would value open minded people who
share your sense of freedom. This free spirit includes relationships, which could cause
problems with partners or close friends who are more possessive than you are.
However, the sextile to jupiter/saturn is likely to channel your sagittarius venus'
freedom positively. Making you a generous, sympathetic and responsible person in
keeping with those Earth values.
Your other main aspects involve your sun/mercury conjunction and your virgo moon.
Whereas your venus is in 'tune' with jupiter/saturn ( 2 signs apart harmony ) your
capricorn sun/mercury is square( discordant ) your libra jupiter/saturn. This is
because these 2 conjunctions are 3 signs apart. The suggestion is that you are very
ambitious and take on more than you should, expecting too much of yourself and
maybe of others. All being well, moderation comes with maturity. As before,
indications point to heavy responsibilities again and setbacks to be overcome. But it
should be an advantage having your sun and mercury working together in focus.
Sun/mercury also trines your moon. Will and mentality in tune with feelings and
emotions, particularly in your relationships with, and feelings towards others. This is
capricorn and virgo seeing 'eye to eye' on most things. Your Earth elements in
harmony with each other. This is a nice aspect to have and should be a major strength
for you. It is your relaxed, happy side where people respond easily and readily to you
and you to them.
Your moon is less harmonious towards uranus because they square each other. It is
perhaps your most difficult challenge. Uranus is the planet of the sudden and the
unexpected. With moon being the planet of feelings and emotions, you can guess the
problem! Upsets, changes in circumstances and moods, and a great surprise to those
close to you sometimes. Definetely in contrast to the aforementioned aspects, and
something for you to consider. It could be a very volatile side of you that undoes
much of the good you do. Come back to me on this if you wish.
The other difficult aspect, and relating to the one above is your mars square pluto.
Both are powerful, active planets which urge us to act and take the initiative,
transforming situations. Having them squaring each other at your birth will cause
similar problems to the moon/uranus ones. The challenge for you is to control and rechannel moments of aggression. Ultimately, pluto is there to transform us for our
better good, and develop our higher self.
Pause ... you'll notice I rarely if ever talk to anyone in the Room about negative
aspects in charts. I have no wish to. This being a report, I have to spell out what a
chart shows or the reading becomes pointless. ;-)
6. Planet in Sign Only note the planets in signs up to Saturn.( see table below ) This
is because uranus, neptune and pluto are generational planets. They last so long in a
sign that everyone born in a ten year period has the same sign! You were born in the
Neptune in Sagittarius generation. It started in 1971 and continued till 1984. So for 13

years, everyone had neptune in sagittarius! What is important is what house they are
in and the aspects they make. Yours is in house 10.
Also note Chiron, which is our wounded healer. Yours is in Taurus. More of your
chiron next time.
Also note True Node. Yours is in Leo. Might be your true path in life, your soul's
path. and that of your soul. To be a leader and to inspire others is one of the goals. To
teach others about the joys of life and to be spontaneous in your response to them.
This is not a natural capricornian feeling. If it is natural to you already, then you are
already on that path!
Go to this wonderful website http://www.romantic-ideas-for-life.com/leo-sign.html to
learn about your Leo North Node.
So ... its only sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, chiron, true node
and which signs/ houses they are in. For uranus, neptune and pluto it's the
houses that matter and any important aspects.
Heres your full natal list table with meanings. It's a great table to learn from! You can
learn to interpret from it yourself by using key words from table.
e.g. moon in virgo in house 7 = feelings might be analytical regarding close
relationships or your heart[moon] is in serving[virgo] others[house 7]
or venus in sagittarius in house 10 = might be desiring[venus] a career[house 10] in
travel or religion[sagittarius] or wanting a vocation in higher learning
You have to work at it, but this is what astrologers do! Trying to combine planet / sign
/ house meanings into some coherancy.


Cap = Serious, patient,


in house 11
in house 7
=service,analytical,health, (partnerships,
Cap = Serious, patient,
in house 11
Sag = idealism, travel,
in house 10
( values/desires/creati religion, culture
(vocation/ reputation/
Cap = Serious, patient,
in house 12 (solitude,
(energy/enterprise/act conservative
spirituality, secrets)
Libra = justice, balance,
in house 8 (occult,
( vision/expansion/ide partnership
death, regeneration,
Libra = justice, balance,
in house 8 (occult,
(discipline/limitations) partnership
death, regeneration,
in house 10
(vocation/ reputation/
in house 11
in house 9 (travel/
higher learning/
True Node (path in
leo =
in house 6 ( service/

chiron (healer of self
tauru and others)
s 47



ascendent ( personality, aquarius = progressive,

self )
humane, eccentric

health/ work)
in house 3
learning/ siblings)

starts house 1
( personality, physical

Here is a brief analysis of your planets in their signs, expanding from the above table.
Very important to understand that one planetery interpretation might contradict the
other!! This is because each is a separate entity. Your task(or the astrologer's) is to
integrate these parts into the whole you, and it's not easy. Which planet is right about
you? They cannot all be right! You must decide, not me. I am but the messenger. Also,
understand that some of these planets are in aspect to each other ... refer back to those
aspects. An aspect is where two planets relate to each other through their positions in
the sky at our birth. So the usual description of that planet in sign might not fully
apply because the other planet changes it! Example, your jupiter will modify your
saturn and vice versa. A better example would be your capricorn sun squaring
jupiter/saturn. So their planet in sign descriptions will be affected. Nevertheless, here
are the usual planet in sign descriptions, pure interpretations without consideration of
any aspects.
sun in capricorn - old when young but young when old! Serious, patient, conservative,
materialistic, plans life in orderly, defined way. Very determined.
moon in virgo - emotionally reserved, analyses feelings, very health conscious, loves
job, might be workaholic, extremely tidy or extremely untidy!
mercury in capricorn - logical, orderly mind. Determined and persevering. Common
sense, clear thinking and focuses on the present.
venus in sagittarius - Freedom is very important. Idealistic and expansive. Enjoys
sports/games. Loves travel, new cultures and higher learning. Might be religious.
mars in capricorn - strive hard to achieve success and status. Reputation important.
Workaholic potential. Disciplined, determined. Much self-control.
jupiter in libra - Idealistic, high morals, fair-minded. Social life important, as are
relationships. Accomodating and trusting towards partners and friends.
saturn in libra = can be unlucky in love or have to wait years for a satisfying
relationship. Cooperative, diplomatic and fair-minded.
north node in leo - see above the table
aquarius ascendent - independent, progressive, detached yet humane and caring,
eccentric, rebellious, original, reformer, intellectual, free-spirit
Chiron in Taurus - I have gone into some length for Chiron, our wounded healer,
because it is lesser known and unusual. Astrologers are increasingly considering
Chiron in our charts. It is actually an asteroid not planet, but recent research suggests
that it holds one or two keys to understanding who we are. There are no major aspects
to your chiron except that it squares your north node in leo (path in life) and therefore
your south node too. So its important to deal with any chiron issues in order to
progress on the life path.
Taurus covers possessions, values, self-worth and self-esteem, physical and artistic
pleasures of life, comfort, money, security, fertility, sensuality.

chiron is where our wounds are that need healing, but also where we can heal others.
Your chiron is also in house 3 ... communication, thinking, speaking, siblings,
Of the many interpretations of chiron in taurus, here's an interesting one:
A wound of feeling that you have never been given enough-materially, emotionally,
mentally or spiritually. Ultimately, your Heart feels neglected and undernourished.
Suggestion: Make a list of what you have received in your life, The Gift: The
acknowledgement of the abundance of Love that lies within your Heart the universe
provides. I would add that chiron often makes us help and heal others in the very
things that have wounded us.
Here's an interesting interpretation of chiron in house 3:
There could be problems with making oneself understood. In some cases, this could
indicate that one wasn't listened to as a child. That could trigger a lifelong quest to
"make others listen to me." However, no matter how much they do, there is frequently
a feeling that "they are still not listening." The problem is that no matter how much
they listen to you now, it doesn't get rid of the pain you felt in childhood when they
7. Houses and Planets in Houses.
If your Time of Birth is out by one hour or more, the planets may have moved to the
next house. So your jupiter/saturn conjunction at 7.45 am is in house 9. By your given
birthtime of 8.45 am, they have moved to house 8. By 9.45 am they are still in house
8(just) So, it takes a planet 2 hours to move through a house. But if it is at the end of a
house, even 15 mins out on your birthtime will cause it to move house. Your sun is at
the beginning of house 11 at 7.45 and is still just in house 11 at 9.45. So it depends
where in your house it was at your birth to allow for slight errors in birth times.
Notice the busy houses. Your busiest one is house 11 (friends, social groups) This area
of life seems important to you. Notice your empty houses. You have several empty
houses 1(self), 2( possessions),3(Communications & Siblings),4(Home & Roots)and
5(Joy and Children), which are our personal houses. These areas of life may be less
important to you at first but may become important later in life. Or perhaps, they are
for another lifetime.
In your Progressed Chart, these first 5 houses remain empty. House 7 (Marriage &
Partnerships) now has moon, jupiter and saturn in it. Jupiter/saturn entered your 7th
house about 2004, which suggests that this was the time when you put more emphasis
on relationships/marriage matters. They remain in libra.
Your ascendant/rising sign has progressed to pisces from its natal aquarius. It's a bit
confusing but our rising sign is actually our first house, or to be more precise, it's the
sign over and influencing our first house. Your ascendent progressed to pisces in
1990. Our ascendent is thought to give us our personality and physical appearance.
Both your 'real' ascendent, Aquarius, and your proigressed ascendent, Pisces, are very
caring energies. Aquarius cares for friends and humanity generally. It uses its
reasoning and mind. Pisces cares for our soul and has compassion. It uses its heart and
feelings. You remain aquarius rising, but some of your progressed pisces rising should
have been influencing you since you were ten.

I won't go through your planets in houses, as I did planets in signs, but see if you can
work out interpretations from the table I made. ;-)
e.g sun in house 11. Any sun there, be it capricorn or aries, will be more interested in
friends and society than others might be. What I would add is that yours being a
capricorn sun, it might make you more circumspect or cautious than a leo or aquarius
sun in house 11.
8. Transits - For now just the long-term transits and the houses they affect.
This section is more complicated than the others. Please ask me what you don't
understand. Remember, your birth chart is called your natal chart.
Every day, year, the sky changes. As this happens, your empty houses become busy.
This is called Transits ( planets moving about) Our natal chart remains with us. Our
progressed chart shows our psychological and spiritual development.
Our Transit chart changes from day to day. All the time planets have been passing
through ALL of your houses. The moon spends just 2 days in a house, while the sun
spends a month in a house. Pluto can stay in a house for up to 20 years!
Some of your empty houses have had important planets in them for some time in
your Transit Chart.
Uranus is the ruler of your chart as both your highest planet, and as ruler of your
aquarius ascendent. Not surprisingly therefore, Uranus, now in pisces, is currently
overhauling those empty houses of your natal chart. It is now in your 2nd House and
has been there since early 2008. It spends about 7 years in a house, so will be there
until 2015. Uranus awakens us, sometimes suddenly. It could mean that your values
have been undergoing a change from practical to spiritual. Finance may be less certain
than before and less important. Perhaps, thinking uranus and pisces, you have found
different ways of earning income.
Uranus spent 2001-2008, awakening your first house ... the house of identity. This
should have led to some breaking away from the past towards more freedom of
expression, and certainly looking strongly to the future. Confidence, spontaneity, even
a rebellious spirit can arise from this transit. I mentioned earlier about the progression
of your capricorn planets to aquarius. This is the same thing. Your sun progressed to
aquarius during this period, in Nov 2005.
After 2015, Uranus will transit your 3rd house (communications) for the next 7 years.
A period where your mental pursuits should be heightened with new concepts and
opportunities arising. Whether in writing or speech, continuing to break away from
old routines or habits. Your sun will remain progressed to aquarius throughtout this
period, and during uranus's transit of your 4th house 2022-29.
Neptune is currently in your first house. It's been there since 2008 - arriving just after
uranus left - and stays until 2022. This transit should tune you in to higher energies,
rather than mundane practical ones. There should be a real spiritual purpose about you
since then. The mystical you! Before 2008, Neptune was transitting your 12th house,
which is pisces natural house and neptune's favourite one. It should have enriched
your dream life during those 14 years since 1994, and made you very aware of the

unseen and deeper meanings of life. Now that it's moved to your first, you should
identify even more with these mystical, spiritual feelings, and give them real form.
So, you can see that those empty personal houses at birth, are well awakened now
through neptune and uranus' transits there. Since you were 14 and for the rest of your
life, your empty houses will have long-term visitors there. Also, every other planet,
except for pluto, has passed through these same houses since you were born - some
several times.
The other long term 'transitter' is pluto. It started in your 9th house (natal) and has
moved to your 11th.(Friends) It arrived there in 2008, and will be there until 2019.
You might find yourself strongly attracted to a group or even cult during this transit.
Also friendships might change significantly with the outgrowing of old friendships
and the beginning of important new ones. Circa 2018, pluto moves to your 12th
house, where you might be asked to deal with issues that you thought you had already
sorted out, but which were always just below the surface. Like saturn, pluto urges us
to confront matters which we may have put aside. Cross reference with pluto square
jupiter/saturn, which follows shortly.
All these house transits are affected by aspects between planets. In fact, when we look
at our weekly and monthly horoscopes, it is these transit aspects that are the basis of
the astrologers' predictions.
For instance, today, November 27, 2011, venus is square uranus. So this aspect is
there for 7 billion people, and will affect each differently. Any child born during this
aspect will have it in their natal chart. It started about nov 22 and dies out about dec
1st. During this period one is advised to avoid impulsive[uranus] attractions or
purchases[venus] particularly during the middle of the aspect - nov 26. Just as one
should be careful with plans and journeys during the current 3 week mercury
retrograde period. However, if we have mercury retrograde in our natal chart, it
should help us through this period. Similarly, if we have venus square uranus natally,
it will affect us differently too. Also, venus' position or uranus' position - taken
seperately - might affect some of our natal planets too. In your case, the current venus
conjuncts your natal sun/mercury, and trines your natal moon, but only for a day or
However, some transit aspects can last for months, even years, if it's a slow moving
planet such as the 3 outer planets. Example: pluto is currently at 6 degrees of
Capricorn, nearly within transit range of your natal jupiter/saturn conjunction at 9
degrees of libra. Pluto needs to reach 7 or 8 degrees to start squaring your natal
jupiter/saturn. Once it has passed to 10 or 11 degrees, the effect is over.
By dec 22, pluto reaches 7 degrees and is within range. So the transit aspect starts, but
the full effect of it shouldn't be felt until pluto reaches 8 degrees or even 9 degrees. It
reaches 8 degrees on Jan 19, 2012. From Feb 24 it becomes exact at 9 degrees, and is
at the height of its influence. This exact period is for a week or two, and then it slowly
moves away but still a strong effect. Suddenly, pluto goes retrograde and starts
moving back towards the exact aspect (9 degrees) Not until Feb 2013 does the aspect
truly move out of orb[range] But then in April it moves retrograde again and works its
way back to the exact aspect at 9 degrees during august! Its not until 2014 that the
aspect is fully gone.
So pluto square jupiter/saturn is a transit aspect that lasts from Jan 19, 2012 until into
2014. It may involve a tense power struggle within you where pluto wants you to

evolve in a way that is different to the intentions of your idealistic natal jupiter/saturn
conjunction. Refer back to 5.Aspects and the meaning of your jupiter/saturn
conjunction in libra. Also refer back to pluto transitting your 11th house of Friendship
and Groups. Whatever the issues are, relationships and friends seem to be at the heart
of it.
9. Chinese Energies : Metal Monkey born in the hour of the Dragon.
You were born in the year of the metal monkey. Some chinese regard the metal part as
more important in defining you than the monkey part. So I begin there.
Metal People Note that Monkey itself is actually a metal sign. Therefore you are
double metal and the following may be particularly apt ... or not.
Attributes are considered to be firmness, rigidity, persistence, self-reliance, strength
and determination. They are ambitious, forceful and set in their ways as metal is very
strong; and they are self-reliant and prefer to handle their problems alone. The metal
person is also materialistic, business oriented and good at organization and stability.
Appreciates luxury and enjoy the good things in life.
Just as metal can conduct electricity, the Metal person has strong impulses and
generative powers and can bring about changes and transformations for those who
come into contact with them. They are unwavering in their efforts to achieve their
objectives and are undeterred by setbacks, failures or hardships. This persistence can,
however, work against them if they refuse to let go of situations that are no longer
feasible. They dislike it when others try to interfere in their affairs. They have a
deeply sensitive to any kind of personal tragedy. Failure to a Metal person qualifies as
a personal tragedy. Consequently, Metal people are prone to be very dramatic in their
expressions of grief.
Earth people and water people are metal's favourites. Fire and Wood people their least
Monkey in general Note that monkey is also a metal sign. So some of the following
should relate to the above.
Monkeys are very similar to leos, warm, glowing, at times dramatic, and definetly a
feeling of royalty. Leo is the monarch of western astrology, monkey sees itself as the
monarch of chinese astrology. Some chinese astrologers call leo month: the month of
the monkey. They tend to be successful at most things they try. They have charm,
great intelligence, curiosity, quick-wittedness and love a challenge. They are also
crafty, competitive, envious, michievous with a flexible character (their element is
metal but they are bendy metal) Although they are inherently intellectual and creative,
they may have trouble showing these qualities and seem confused. Maybe their metal
sometimes loses its flexibility. They prefer urban life to rural, and their favorite
pastime is people-watching.

They enjoy testing others to see how they react, keeping people on their toes. They
very rarely feel ill because they love the flow of life and a day's sickness is a waste of
a day. Very adapatable when it comes to work and vocation. Changing environments
are easy for them, and they are quick thinkers and workers. Good careers include
accounting, banking, scientist, engineer, stock market trader, air traffic controller,
dealer, film director, jeweler and sales representatives.
Monkeys arent quick to settle down in relationships with a tendency towards
promiscuousness. Probably has to do with Monkeys being easily bored. They will end
this type of behavior once they pair up with the perfect partner. In fact, more often
than not, theyll commit to that person in every way for life.
Dragons and Rats are Monkey's most harmonious signs. Tigers their least.
Metal Monkey Here is what should be the closest fit to you.
Metal Monkeys are determined, ambitious and usually successful. Although theyre
considered warm-hearted and very likeable, their preference in life is to be alone to to
work on own initiative, rather than be helped by others. Good financial acumen. They
are loyal to both their employers(often they are the boss) and lovers. Passionate,
demonstrative, persuasive, strong, sophisticated and independent with a need for
financial security. High aspirations and may appear status-seeking or over dramatic.
Monkey born during Dragon Hour
Dragon adds even more ambition and determination to Monkey. Dragon drives
Monkey forward, and if not careful, he may take on more than he can deliver. Dragon
will also add even more impact and presence to Monkey. Such a person will be
I must add my favourite monkey word to all the above ... unsinkable! Also I must add
that I have met more significant monkeys in my own life than any other sign. Much of
the above information hass beren gleamed from various sources, but I can say from
first-hand knowledge that what has been written is spot-on.
I remind you that the interpretations in this report do not describe you. They describe
the individual energies that Astrology believes to be within you. I have attempted to
blend them rather than just list them. I know these energies and what they entail, but I
do not know you. It is for this reason that you must be the one to try to build it all into
a whole. I have the advantage of knowing astrology ... you have the advantage of
knowing you. It is also why the rich and famous e.g. the late Princess Diana, have
their own personal astrologers rather than read reports like this. Through personal
consultation, both the astrologer and the client get to know exactly what is going on.
That said, this report can help you to know yourself better, and confirm or go against
what you already know. "This is me" or "This is not me!" should be buzzing around
as you read it.
I hope the report is fascinating for you, and not only answer questions you may have
had but pose other questions.

All the best


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